Chapter 7

Story by deltroon1986 on SoFurry

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#7 of Silk, Lust and Memories

Here's the long awaited finale, please enjoy.

I looked up at her then glanced over at my alarm clock I didn't realize it was that late. "Page, my love I'm all for it but, we need to get some sleep just look at the clock." I stated. She looked to the left and saw how late it was then agreed to postpone our intimacy. From there she pulled our sexes free, rolled onto her side and nuzzled my chin. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I held her close against me.

As the late morning hours gave way to the sun, I awoke feeling drained and grumpy. Luckily a cold shower woke me right up then after getting dressed and had a hot meal. Made me feel a lot better while, Page was still fast asleep in our shared bedroom. Before I left for work I made a nice breakfast for her and placed it close by. From there I left the room, grabbed my things and headed down to the store.

Once out front I pulled out my keys, unlocked the door and finally went inside. I wasted no time getting the lights on, the floors vacuumed and the shelves restocked. About an hour later I unlocked the front door and switched the sign in the window. From there I did little things around the store to occupy my mind until lunch time. By that time Page came down to have lunch and helped around the store.

The place wasn't as busy as it has been in the past but, we had a good stream of business. Around closing time the last of our customers purchased what they needed and left. From their we cleaned the place up, locked the doors and went out for dinner. We went to a nice three star restaurant towards the center of town. Sadly when we arrived the place was packed to the brim so we calmly left.

Luckily Harriet's place always had a space open for friends so we went there instead. The moment we walked in the door Harriet rushed over hugged us both tightly. She escorted us to a private dining room, where we could eat our meal in peace. Handing us each a menu she walked away to bring us something to drink. I was a little leery about what she was going to be bring us to drink with our dinner.

A few minutes later she returned with two glasses in hand and a small bottle of wine. She assured us that it was non-alcoholic wine, so we ordered something that would compliment it. After writing our orders down she excused herself and headed for the kitchen. I reached over and took Page's hand into mine then smiled. "Page, there's something I want to know but, I'm not sure how to ask it." I said.

"Derrick, just speak your mind I'll let you know if the subject in question is touchy." She replied. I gave her hand a gentle squeeze as I slowly formed the words in my mouth. Before I could speak Harriet returned with our meals in tow. She placed them down then asked if we needed anything else before she left. We thanked her as she excused herself and left us to enjoy our food.

We took a few bites of our meal before I decided to resume our conversation. "Page, as you know I'm still a virgin, despite all the sex I've had in the past few weeks. Maybe all the interruptions we've experienced recently are some form of message. Not that I want to deny you every inch of my...large fun stick." I pointed out pausing briefly. Page's mind was hard at work processing what I just shared with her.

"True, so you'd like to wait until things have settled down?" She wondered tilting her head. I let out a strong sigh and nodded yes in response to her question. "Alright, hun I see no harm with it when you feel the timing is right just let me know." She smiled. At that moment I felt a strong weight lift from my chest and enjoy our dinner. When Harriet came by a short time later, Page was interested.

So Harriet went to get a dessert menu from downstairs and came right back with it. Page looked it over and found something on the menu we could share together. Harriet wrote the order down then went to go give it to her kitchen staff. About five minutes later she returned to take our dinner plates away to be washed. The next time she came around she gave us a pair of spoons then placed dessert onto the table.

Dessert was fantastic when we finished scarfing it down and Harriet returned with the bill. "You can pay that downstairs whenever you're ready to go, okay." Harriet smiled walking away. With that we grabbed our things and the bill then went downstairs. Jodie was working the register when we arrived so I paid our bill and said goodbye. From there we took our time heading home then enjoyed a bath together.

As the months passed since that night Page and I have grown much closer to together. Even Kathrine found mister right and is hoping he's in it for the long haul. Last I time we had a good conversation they just moved in together a few days ago. I haven't met him yet but, from she's said about him, he sounds like a great man. With our one year anniversary coming up I'm feeling rather lost.

Honestly I have no idea on how we should properly celebrate such a milestone. I don't have the heart to ask seeing as she's excited about whatever I've got planned. Seeing as I've only got three weeks to come up with something I'm not off to a good start. Granted I could ask my friends for help but, I was told to do so alone. So naturally I'm frying my brain to come up with something I know she'll love.

With only three weeks to find something I was slowly losing hope and time. When the dreaded day came I still hadn't found something Page would love to celebrate our anniversary. So I decided it would be best to tell her the truth and pray she didn't kill me. I waited until after closing up the store before making such an attempt. As I entered our apartment Page was singing a happy tune while cooking dinner.

"Hey, baby I'm home how's everything?" She wondering not bothering to look behind her. I stood there unsure on how to reply to her general sounding question. "You okay babe you're being awful quiet back there, what's wrong hun?" She replied noticing my odd silence. It was now or never so I walked closer to where she stood. "Promise me you won't get mad at what about I'm about to say." I said.

This time around she actually turned to face me but, had this confused look on her face. Though she allowed me to continue with my current train of thought without questioning me. "Page, I couldn't find, make or arrange something special for our one year of being together. Seeing as the instructions you gave really hindered my efforts. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me this time around." I informed.

She was still for a moment then this smile came to her face a second later. Deep in my mind something was screaming it's a trap run for your life while you can. "Derrick, I'm a little shocked to hear that but, I can see that you tried very hard. I also have a small confession to make myself, I couldn't think of anything either. Perhaps there's something we can do together that we know for a fact will be enjoyable." She admitted.

With that she finished cooking dinner while I set the table and got washed up. When I returned she was just placing dinner down onto the dining table. So she serve us a decent helping before we sat down and began eating our meal. Not much was said during dinner except for typical topics that most couples discuss. Even during dinner we were rather quiet for the most part until it got late.

Before I joined her in the bedroom I decided to put the dishes she washed away. Once that was out of the way I calmly made my way back to our bedroom. Where she was eagerly waiting for me to return and to make it more interesting she was butt naked. "I hope you're interested in a early midnight snack?" She wondered teasingly. With that I wasted little time stripping off my clothes and joining her in bed.

As I crawled closer to her, she met me in the middle and pressed her lips to mine. She laid back as we continue caress one another and kiss passionately on the bed. I soon trailed soft kisses, lick and nibbles slowly down her neck and chest. Earning a series of soft moans as I took my time moving back up to her chin. Meanwhile she ran her fingers through the mane on my chest playfully ruffling it.

I kept my hand by her sides to keep myself from crushing her with my body. Until she hooked her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her bare breasts. Taking one of her pert nipples into my mouth, I began to suckle gently upon it. While teasing the other with my left hand earning a strong moan of approval. "OOH, Ba...BY That's SoOo NI...CE, DO MoRE PLeeASE!" She crooned passionately.

Taking her request into consideration I moved my mouth away from her nipple. Replacing it with my other hand while I moved down her stomach nibbling along the way. Page literally lurched up trying to increase the amount of pleasure I was currently giving. As my mouth reached her delicate folds a sharp hiss filled the air. I decided to take my time and kissed all around her very hot wet sex.

Though it was short lived as her legs clamped around my head stopping me cold. One of her hands shot down and grabbed the back of my head a second later. From there she drove my snout right into her dripping wet sex and held me there. Not wanting to disappoint the lady I gave her folds a slow but deep lick. Causing her entire body to shudder as the pleasure crept up her spine like a spider.

Repeating the process several more times earning strong howling moans from her. As time passed I pretty much had her screaming my name as she went over the climatic ledge. For her first orgasm of the night though we both knew she was nowhere near done. By this time my cock was raging hard and begging for attention. When I pulled away, Page knew it was my turn for some sexual delight.

She was more than happy to oblige as I sat back and kicked my legs out to the side. Once I was comfy and wouldn't fall off the bed she crawled up between my legs a second later. Her tongue teased its way from the base of my shaft all the way up to the tip. Causing my body to tremble as she pulled away for another pass along my length. This time around she engulfed a quarter of my cock in her mouth.

Page took a moment before she took more of my cock into her mouth and pulled back. She wasted no time bringing me right to the edge after a good while. The pleasure kept growing the faster she went and as she fondled my balls. Let's just say I wasn't going to last for too much longer at this rate and she knew it. "DaMN, WO...mAN I'M Gon....NnA CUMM!" I groaned feeling it creeping ever closer.

With that she took as much of my big cock into her mouth then her tongue peeked out. She flicked it along my knot driving me literally insane with pleasure. As it coursed up along my spine all it would take was one more strong spark. Sure enough she was more than happy to provide me with the spark my body needed. Page gave my balls a gentle squeeze, which sent me spiraling over the edge.

My entire body shudder as my cock erupted heavily into Page's mouth with a fury. To my shock she didn't pull away instead she slowly drank down every drop that I released. Once there was no more she pulled away from my crotch and wiped her mouth. "Despite, being salty it wasn't all that bad but, it might take some getting use to." She informed. I was still turned on but, I wasn't sure if I was still up to the task.

From there she moved back over to the head board on my bed and propped her legs up. As she lay there Page beckoned me to come over to where she was on the bed. I took time my crawling over to her and moving up between her legs. Laying myself down gently upon her nuzzling directly between her lovely breasts. She wrapped her arms around me and held me close against her chest.

Listening to her heartbeat it soft rhythm was soothing me to sleep until something goosed me. As I looked up at her this evil smile came to her face as she squeezed my butt. Her teasing as just enough to get me rock hard for one last round of sex before I was truly spent. So I reached down with one hand and guided my cock towards her sex. When my tip pressed against her entrance a sharp gasp exited her mouth.

"Go, ahead Lover I want every last inch of your cock inside me." She whispered into my ear. So not wanting to disappoint the lady, I buried myself deep into her passage. Earning a strong satisfied groan from her lips as my tip rubbed against her cervix. As her inner walls gripped and milked around my cock I began to slowly withdraw. Naturally her body reacted accordingly doing everything to keep me locked deep within.

Pulling myself about three quarters of the way out then I waited a moment. Before driving myself back into her folds, sending a bolt of pleasure coursing through us. I took my time making sure she was thoroughly pleasured with every thrust. Her moans started off soft but, the more I picked up the pace the louder she got. She rolled and buck her hips doing her best to match my thrusts.

Sadly I was reaching my limit, despite trying my best to hold off for as long as possible. "UMPH, Ey...UH, Ey...UH, Ey...UH, UNYH YESSS, YES, Uhny, Gon...NnA, CUM, BaBY!" She howled passionately. I agreed with her though straining hard to keep myself from cumming. What she said to me was all it took for self control to slip free. With one final thrust my knot pushed inside locking us together.

At that instant her inner walls crunched down around my shaft and with that action. My shaft erupted, spraying my life giving seed into her sex and womb seconds later. We howled in orgasmic unison as our bodies released all of our sexual energy. As my body convulsed and shudder as the last of my seed spurted into her sex. Sadly I couldn't remain where I was as my strength slipped away from me.

Using the very last of my energy I shuffled over to the side and as my head hit the pillow. That would be the last thing I'd recall as sleep hit me like a lead sledge hammer. Page didn't have the heart to say anything so she cuddled close then drifted off to sleep. Our dreams were peaceful and filled with love as the night gave way to the dawn. Meanwhile something new and wonderful began to take form within Page.

As the days turned into weeks Page and I continued our intimacy until one fateful day. Page came home from her doctor's appointment and she was rather excited. Naturally her giddiness was contagious for me and Kathrine so we asked her. She was more than happy to share the good news with the rest of us. Come to find out that in the next seven months, I was going to be a rather proud father.

Yet, again one more chapter of my life slowly comes to a close, while a new is about to begin. Though to be honest I was hoping to be a dad and prayed I could handle it. Granted I wasn't really prepared but, at least I had my friends and family to help me out. So in the meantime I had to prepare myself and our home for our future children. With that my friends I'd like to bid you all a fond farewell and best wishes with your lives.

The End.