Heat 11

Story by sisco on SoFurry

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#20 of Heat

Well here's heat 11 as promised it is focused on Benny and Dale story, although it was supposed to be the end of their story, I think there might be a chapter or two left in these characters. I've proof read it myself a couple of times so hopefully most of the typos are caught. I hope people will enjoy. I'm off to start work on Island Heat 2.

Heat 11

"No, look you need to keep the slices even, otherwise the flavour will be uneven and the texture will be off." Martin said patiently as he handed a nervous brindle furred bunny another root vegetable. "Here give it one more try and don't worry polar vegetables are difficult to work with. They all required cutting in specific ways, or chef Benny gets grumpy."

The young brindled rabbit took the vegetable and nodded seriously as he focussed on what he had been told. His dark brown fur had random streaks of black, in some areas almost stripe like. However on his cheeks and his ears they came off more as little flecks of black hidden amongst the brown. Chef Benny was really just a name to him. The bear had interviewed him and then before he'd really started his job he'd been stabbed. The person he really wanted to keep from being grumpy right now was Martin.

"That's much better Ant, now do four more and get them onto boil. Now we can move on to the Snark steaks." Martin said patting the young male on the shoulder. Anthony had been under his instruction for two weeks now. He knew that Benny would have done it better, hell the bear had taught him it all not so long ago. Looking after the restaurant and teaching a new chef the ropes at the same time wasn't easy. Martin had not been able to visit Benny in weeks, as hospital visiting hours were set and clashed with the restaurant opening hours.

What was worse was that his own bear had taken a job so far away from him. Dillon had been offered a training job with the lapine army. Large areas of Prime were arctic tundra and someone of Dillon's experience was perfect to train new recruits and old veterans how to fight in that environment. The bear had taken the job as a civilian contractor only and had promised that he wouldn't put himself at risk.

Martin knew that the bear wanted to help his adopted world and above all he wanted to contribute to their life together. Once the war was over he promised he would stop and look into finding something more local, to allow the two to be together.

He and Ant worked through the meat preparation, something the young rabbit had picked up remarkably well, compared to his handling of polar vegetables. The young rabbit looked at him. "What's next again?"

"Next you need to put everything together to stew, while you begin to work on the desserts." Came the reply from a strange voice. Ant and Martin both turned to find Benny standing in the doorway of the kitchen with Dale standing behind him.

"Benny!" Martin exclaimed happily running across the kitchen to hug the large bear. The bear looked a little thinner than he remembered but was still the big white sweetheart that he'd come to love like an older brother. "I thought you weren't getting out for another week at least."

The bear smiled returning the hug a little tenderly. "Oh you lapines seriously underestimate the polar capacity to heal. I should have been out last week but they wouldn't let me. That and Dale threatened me with... something a lot scarier than staying in hospital for an extra week."

The black bunny behind him stepped forward and gave the bear a look. "Right you have stopped by the kitchen and seen everyone, the doctor said not to tax yourself."

"Yeah Benny we can do without you for a little longer. Ant's coming along nicely and the new waiters are doing great. Go home and rest." Martin said reassuringly gaining a smile off Dale.

Benny frowned and shook his head "I have lived off hospital food for weeks. I'm not going home until I've raided my fridge and eaten some of my profits."

Martin chuckled and winked at Dale. "Then go have a seat in the restaurant and we'll bring you both something to eat."

"Very well, but I'm going to be back at work soon so don't get too used to being in charge." Benny said giving Martin another hug and a friendly nod to Ant. Then he allowed Dale to drag him into the restaurant. It was long before opening hours and so empty, the two sat at their usual table.

The bear smiled and looked around. "Feels good to be back, I've missed our table."

Dale frowned at his loveable bear. "Don't think just because we're grabbing a bite to eat I've forgotten that we need to talk."

Benny sighed, his shoulders slumping slightly. "I know I've put you through the emotional mincer lately, I'm so sorry."

The rabbit looked up at the bear and as he looked into those warm blue eyes his heart melted. Still he'd been holding a lot back for the last few weeks not wanting to upset or stress out his recovering lover. "I just... I mean I thought I was going to lose you. How could you let her do that? You made me promise to stay away from her, you told me how dangerous she was."

"I know, I should have been more careful. I just... she's my mother and she was upset. I thought... "The bear played with the cutlery on the table nervously as he tried to find the words. "I thought she was softening, that maybe I could get through to her. She... she accepted a hug. You don't know her, it meant something..."

"It meant you dropped your guard so she could kill you!" Dale squeaked his voice getting high pitched as the thought of his lover's brush with death choked him with a whirlwind of emotions.

"I'm sorry. I don't think she planned that." The bear said reaching out a paw and placing it over Dale's. "If she really wanted to kill me... she'd have finished the job."

Dale whimpered softly any words he was thinking of saying evaporated from his mind and he had to blink back tears thinking of what could have happened.

The bear realised his words had not had the comforting effect he was aiming for. He stood up, wincing at the pain in his chest and took a step towards Dale. He pulled the rabbit into a warm embrace, holding him close and nuzzling tenderly. "It's ok, I'm here."

The rabbit buried his face in the bear's neck and began to shake as the emotions he had bottled up for the last few weeks finally overwhelmed him. He sobbed heavily his whole body shaking, unable to speak or even think he just held on tightly to the bear. Benny spied the kitchen door opening and Martin coming through with a plate in each paw. The light brown bunny took one look and stepped smartly back into the kitchen.

Benny knew that all his love needed right now was to know that his bear was there. He squeezed the rabbit lightly in his arms, nuzzling between the rabbit's long ears. He found himself shedding a few tears too. For weeks he had been shut up in hospital with no privacy confined to a bed. They hadn't been able to talk, like they both had badly needed to.

The rabbit trembled and as the tears finally stopped flowing he found himself breathing slowly as he calmed down. Eventually he pulled his face out of the bear's shoulder and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, I guess I've had that building up for a while."

Benny leaned down and kissed his mate on the lips, letting his warm firm, dark, leathery lips brush the rabbit's pink soft lips. He smiled as reassuringly as he could as he pulled back. "That's ok I know how you feel, if I thought I was going to lose you... I don't know what I would do."

Dale smiled and stood on his tiptoes to kiss the bear on the cheek. "Oh you won't ever lose me, you're stuck with me for life and beyond."

The bear smiled and replied. "Not stuck with, blessed with."

"Oh you charmer you." The rabbit answered with a chuckle as they both sat back down. Their mood suddenly lighter, they knew there would be more talk and probably more tears before they were over what happened. However, for now things were getting back to normal.

A few seconds after they sat down Martin reappeared and served them both some lunch. They thanked him and began to eat, their conversation much lighter and happier. The topic eventually drifted to their wedding plans. Benny wanted to have the ceremony in the restaurant and for him and Martin to do the cooking. Dale wanted to have the ceremony on the beach just outside the city.

The bear folded first, on the condition that after the ceremony they hold the reception dinner at the restaurant and that he be allowed to cook it. Of course they both agreed that they needed to wait until Brian and Daniel return from their trip to Vulpes.

After the meal they stopped by the kitchen once more to bid Martin and Ant a goodbye before returning home. Benny was in a great mood as they arrived home, the bear poked into every room saying that he had missed this and that. He sat down at the comm unit and dealt with the large number of communications he'd received while in hospital. Mostly well wishes from friends and customers. He also had letters from Dillon and Brian. He replied to them all before he told Dale that he was feeling tired and the two retired for an early night.

As they undressed for bed Dale was unaware of the hungry eyes his bear had for his form. The bear glanced over every inch of his lover's lithe body. His gaze following the soft curves of his body, the pert buttocks getting a particularly long stare. The bear slipped under the covers as the rabbit finished undressing and turned off the light.

As Dale got into bed he slipped over and wrapped his arms around the bear. "Mmm I missed this, I haven't slept very well with you gone."

Benny slipped one arm under the rabbit pulling him close. The other slowly stroked up the rabbit's outer thigh, over his buttock and then slowly up his side. "Oh I've missed you too, all day sitting in bed with you so close and yet so untouchable."

Dale moaned deeply as he felt the bear's paw wandering and exploring his body. If he was in any doubt of Benny's intentions then those doubts vanished in short order when he felt a thick and rock hard cock being pressed into his inner thigh. He gasped deeply his body reacting first, his black sheath swelling as his pink cock slipped free. "We...we shouldn't you could ..ahhh!" He moaned deeply as the bear leaned forward and lightly nipped on his ear tips. Sensually running his fangs up and down the sensitive lobes.

"We shouldn't... I don't want to hurt...yoooh!" The rabbit tried again this time the bear's paw hushed him by tweaking his nipple as it caressed his chest.

"Three weeks I've been missing your tight sexy ass. Now that it's within my grasp do you really think I'll let it go un molested?" The bear whispered in a deep husky tone at the same time he gently thrust his cock forcing it between the rabbit's thighs.

"I... we shouldn't, your injury...mmmmm." The bear silenced Dale again, this time with a firm grope to his ass.

Benny leaned forward kissing the rabbit tenderly and the passionately. Dale whimpered under the passionate assault. His doubts and concerns starting to ebb as the bear's tongue forced its way into his mouth, plundering his maw for the rabbit's sweet taste.

The rabbit was almost totally lost to his mate's dominant attentions. As Benny finally broke the kiss he made one more effort. "Please...no... we shoul..." His objections turned into a pleasurable moan as the bear nipped on his neck. Benny knew his mate was deeply aroused by him playing rough and was using that to his full advantage. His teeth grazed and tugged on the rabbit's skin as hard as he dared without breaking the skin.

Benny grabbed Dale's paw and pulled it down to press against his bear cock. "Mmmm see how much it's missed you. Feel how hard you make me." The rabbit did as the bear commanded, squeezing the shaft in his fingers. It was hard as rock and smooth as steel, and yet warm and delicate to the touch. His fingers wandered over the huge black maleness, exploring every last inch. He traced his fingertips over the veins that ran along the hot length. He groaned deeply as he felt it throb in his paw and a thick stream of pre drooled out of the tip.

"Mmm there's a good bunny, now spread that all over, get me nice and slick." Benny ordered and then bit Dale's shoulder lightly his paws slipping onto the rabbit's rear and massaging it firmly.

Dale followed the bear's instructions panting heavily. His body felt like it was on fire and he knew he was going to give in to the bear's needs and his own needs. "A... at least let me go on top, do the work for you." He whispered as he felt a thick bear fingertip starting to tease his puckered entrance.

Benny growled softly, the vibrations and the sound went straight through Dale. The rabbit's inner submissive groaned in unbridled lust to the song of his dominant mate. Benny licked slowly up the rabbit's neck and to his ear where he whispered. "That's not what you want, you want me to hold you down. To take you, to mate you so hard and fast you can barely breath. To fuck you so hard and rough that all you can do is squeal in pleasure." The bear chuckled softly. "Tell me that I'm wrong and I'll stop."

The rabbit struggled with his own lusts for a moment before losing the battle and squeezing the bear's cock spreading more pre over the slick meat. The bear grabbed his paw and pulled it off his cock moving it lower to the bear's furry sack. Dale was always impressed by the sheer size of his lover's equipment. However, they felt much larger and heavier than he remembered, as he rolled, squeezed and tugged on the two large nuts in his paw.

"Roll over and lift that perfect ass of yours." The bear commanded his paws releasing their grip on the rabbit. Dale gasped softly doing as he was bidden, his arousal only greater as the bear made him submit and obey without any need for physical dominance. He rolled onto his stomach and lifted his rump up, pulled a pillow under his chin and waited.

The bear didn't keep him waiting long, in a few seconds he was on top of the rabbit. His large paws grabbing the rabbit's ass, Dale moaned as he felt the bear's thick cocktip rubbing slowly up his taint, leaving a wet trait of pre stained fur in its wake. He squeaked softly as he felt the blunt wide tip pressing to his puckered entrance.

Benny knew that his mate enjoyed the rough play and after years together he had carefully learned his mate's tolerances. So as he thrust forward he knew the exact speed and strength to use to bury his cock deep inside the rabbit without hurting him or seeming gentle. His cock forced its way deep inside, even with his injury the bear had brute strength unmatched by almost all sentient beings.

Dale cried out as the thick cock forced him open, the thrusting maleness driving him along a knife edge between pleasure and pain. He buried his face in the pillow and moaned at the sheer thickness and length of the bear hood lodged inside him. He strapped himself around the wonderful invader massaging the meat as best he could.

The bear leant over his mate, resting his heavy bulk along the rabbit's back. He kissed and nipped at the rabbit's shoulders as he enjoyed the feeling of the rabbit's body held down by his own firm bulk. Dale for his part squirmed under the bear, pushing back against him, loving the feel of the solid warmth above him, holding him in place. As much as he loved the dominance of his mate, he also trusted the bear entirely and he knew that Benny would never do anything too rough or painful.

Thrusting and grinding against the rabbit the bear began to breed him. Rutting into his tight ass faster and faster, his hips slamming hard into the rabbit making him gasp and squeal. Dale bit down onto the pillow to muffle his cries of passion, as the rough thrusting of his mate's large cock sent shockwaves of pleasure through his body. His toes curled and he heard himself begging for Benny to take him harder and faster, his squeals muffled by the pillow.

It seemed like Benny heard him, or maybe he lost control of himself because the bear's thrusting suddenly increased in both speed and strength. The bear's large furry orbs slapping hard into the rabbit's smaller sack with each powerful thrust. The bear's cock slid in and out smoothly but with such force that as the bear's hips crashed into his he found the air forced out of his lungs.

The rabbit's cock was painfully erect and drooling large amounts of pre onto the bedsheets. With each thrust of the bear his cocktip rubbed on the increasingly wet sheets. The mental and physical stimulation was growing too much, however, and the rabbit knew it was only a matter of time. He struggled to hold back his orgasm wanting the pleasure of this moment to last.

Benny growled deeper suddenly biting down on Dale's shoulder tightly. He heard his lover squeal deeply under him and felt the rabbit's ass clasp around his cock squeezing his hot length as the rabbit squirmed and shuddered in pure orgasmic bliss under him. It was all he needed to reach his peak and with a few more rough thrusts his cock began to throb as his balls contracted spraying jet after jet of warm bear fluids deep into his bunny lover.

After a few more rough thrusts Benny pulled out letting the last few jets of cum land over the bunny's buttocks and back. Then he rolled over panting heavily his chest did ache from the exertion, but he wouldn't let Dale know. He was the rabbit's big strong lover bear and that is how he wanted to stay.

Dale's mind was a blur he panted heavily into his pillow, unable to move or think. He felt two strong arms pull him into a warm embrace and his ears heard the bear whisper. "I love you." He closed his eyes and basked in the warmth and love of the moment and fell into a gentle slumber.

It was Benny who woke first and slipped quietly out of bed. He wandered downstairs and began to make some breakfast. He also checked his communications. Dillon hadn't sent a reply to his letter, he guessed his old friend was probably busy with the new recruits. He did have another one from Daniel, who was getting bored sitting on their transport ship. He wished they had gone for the cryo package as after a week of sitting around he had ran out of things to distract him, except for Brian. Apparently he'd checked out over a dozen different news feeds and sent Benny a link to an article he thought the bear would be interested in.

As Benny began to read for a few moments he forgot the breakfast he was making until he smelt something burning. Cursing he dashed back to the stove and tried to rescue his breakfast.

"Whoa burning food? That's not a smell I'm used to since I moved in with you." Dale said as he arrived in the kitchen.

"Yeah I got distracted with a new article Daniel sent me." Benny said as he dumped his food into the bin.

"To distract a polar from his food it must have been one hell of an article." The rabbit said with a chuckle moving over to kiss Benny on the cheek. "I enjoyed last night, are you feeling ok today?"

The bear returned the kiss hugging the rabbit warmly. "I loved last night and yes I'm perfectly fine. I told you us bears heal fast. As for the article, yes it was extremely interesting." The bear let go of the rabbit and started making breakfast again after a few seconds he continued. "It was an article about a proposed change to the sixth proclamation on polar."

"What's the sixth proclamation?" Dale asked sitting on a tall stool on the other side of the bench watching the bear cook.

"The sixth proclamation is the polar law which dictates permissible life termination." Benny replied chopping a few vegetables as he continued. "For example if someone breaks a blood pact or if someone tried to rape you, it is legal to kill that person."

Dale shuddered a little, the polar ideals of blood vengeance were not ones he shared. "So what's the change they are thinking of?"

"There is a proposal to remove homosexuality as a permissible cause." Benny replied as he tossed their breakfast about in the pan. "It would mean it would be illegal to kill someone just for being gay. It's never been proposed before and it's quite controversial. However, due to the increasing influence of the outside world many of my people are re-examining our beliefs. I guess this was an inevitable change, but I'm still surprised to see it so soon."

"Really? The polars are going to legalise homosexuality!" Dale exclaimed happily. "I never thought your people would open their minds."

"Well if you hit our heads hard enough eventually you can get new ideas in there." Benny replied with a chuckle as he scooped their breakfast out of the pan and onto two plates. "Truth is I don't think it'll pass now, thought it just might. However, the fact that someone has proposed it... I mean do you have any idea what that means. Some of the people running my world actually don't agree with what they do to people like me. Maybe someday we could go there, if we have kids maybe we could take them to see their bear father's home."

The rabbit smiled enjoying his mate's jubilation as he began to eat the breakfast Benny had prepared. The two ate a happy breakfast together before Dale had to head to work. Benny warned Dale that he was going for a walk through the market and that he would drop by the restaurant. However, he promised not to do any work and to just chat and that if he felt any pain or dizziness he would call Dale immediately.

The rabbit reluctantly agreed not to make too much of a fuss, although he was clearly not happy about the bear being out and about alone. Still when Benny set his mind to something it was almost impossible to get him to change it. The two enjoyed a warm hug and then both headed out.

Benny had a spring in his step, after weeks trapped in a hospital bed it felt good to be outside again. He browsed through the local market chatting to his favourite merchants and sampling a few products. Most of the merchants in the markets knew the friendly polar. Many took a few moments to say how glad they were to see him back to health and that he had been sorely missed.

He ordered some supplies for his restaurant and then bought a few snacks. He took a moment to sit down in the town square and enjoy some food. A couple of the merchants came to sit with him, partly to try and sell him on their future merchandise and partly to spend some time trying to chat up the exotic offworlder.

By the time Benny had finished his food he had made another couple of purchases for the restaurant. He bade his friends farewell and wandered off towards his restaurant. He stopped at almost every shop on his way, catching up on all the gossip and news he had missed in the last few weeks. He also stopped off at a few of the lapine restaurants.

When he'd first opened his restaurant he'd worried that the local competition would harbour ill feeling. Instead he'd found that they were very welcoming, he'd learned a lot from them and taught them a few things too. He made it a habit to stop in to speak to the head chefs of his three competitors once a week to discuss business, share recipes and stories.

By the time he reached his restaurant he was really feeling the strain, after three weeks of barely moving a few hours on his feet was almost too much. He sat down in the corner of the kitchen with a cup of tea and chatted to Martin and when Tina arrived he insisted she sit with him to discuss the new waiting staff as well as catch up on every aspect of her personal life.

It was while the bear was talking to his waitress that Martin noticed Ant staring. He slipped up to the brindled bunny and muttered. "Careful there, he's not on the market."

The young rabbit flushed a little and almost dropped the knife he was using. "I... wasn't staring."

Martin chuckled and patted him on the shoulder, "Yeah you were boy I saw you. Trust me you would be wasting your time."

Too embarrassed to say anything the young rabbit just nodded. Still his staring hadn't gone unnoticed by the bear, Benny knew better than to say anything and embarrass the lad. Still he noted it down for later to discuss with the young bunny when they got some private time together.

Eventually he headed home and checked his comm messages again. He had another one from Daniel, still bored on the transport ship he'd been combing through everything on the polar legal changes. He sent Benny several more links to articles including one he labelled as "Read this now!" The bear opened the article and started to read as he did he was astonished and then angry.

Dale arrived home a few hours later and found him still reading. The rabbit rushed over to hug and kiss him, Benny returned both half heartedly.

"Is everything ok?"

The bear looked at his mate his yes full of hurt and confusion. "Daniel sent me a link to an article... it was an interview with my mother."

"Oh dear." The rabbit hugged the bear tightly. "I'm sorry, please ignore her she doesn't deserve you."

The bear looked at him quizzically, "When I was in hospital did... did she send me any comms?"

The rabbit suddenly froze his heart stopping in his chest, he rested his head on the bear's chest unable to look him in the face. "W... why do you ask?"

"Because in this article she says she has tried to contact me several times but that I haven't responded. I haven't seen any comms, so either she's lying or..." The bear let the end of the sentence go unspoken as he couldn't bring himself to say what he was thinking.

"I... she did send two comms, but I was so mad and I didn't want her upsetting you any more." The rabbit admitted quietly and then his voice trembling he added." She stabbed you, she doesn't deserve you in her life!" his voice was raised slightly and he found himself stepping back from the bear.

"You deleted my personal comms, were you planning on telling me at all?" The bear asked with more than a hint of a snarl in his voice.

"I don't know, I wasn't exactly thinking, the woman who stabbed you sent you a letter saying sorry. Quite frankly I don't think she deserves a chance to say sorry." Dale ranted back, his own anger rising, he was now able to hold the bear's angry gaze. "I did what I had to do to protect you!"

"You don't get to make those decisions for me!" The bear replied punctuating his response with a hard thump on the kitchen bench. "It's my life and I get a say in who is cut out of it."

"You can't let her back in! She'll just hurt you again, this time she might finish what she started!" The rabbit replied his voice becoming more pleading by the minute. "Please, I love you. I can't go through that kind of heart ache again."

"I love you too, but you can't control my life." Benny replied quietly. "I'm going to go for a walk, I need to clear my head. Please read the article and we can talk about this later."

The bear turned and left, Dale couldn't help but notice he didn't get so much as a peck on the cheek from his mate. He sat down trembling a little. He and Benny rarely fought, but when they did he hated it, Benny's temperament was so gently hearing the bear angry was so alien, it felt wrong on every level.

He'd deleted those messages over two weeks ago and then forgotten about it. When he'd deleted them he was angry at the female polar for hurting his mate, angry at Benny for letting her get so close and angry at himself for not being there to stop her. He hadn't even thought about what Benny might want, he'd just done it and then with all the hospital visits, watching the bear come back to health, it slipped his mind.

Eventually he pulled himself together enough to read the article. It was an article in support of the change to the sixth proclamation. In it Benny's mother told of how she had helped kill a young polar, just to hide her own son's sexuality. How she had tried all her life to control who he was and to make sure that he didn't shame her. She told of how she drove him away and that her husband chose the son he loved over his wife. She told of the depths of her despair and how her son had offered her forgiveness, opened his arms to her and in return she'd tried to kill him.

She told of the guilt she had felt afterwards, of how she hated herself and her life. How she'd come to truly despise what she had done and who she was. Then she spoke about considering suicide as the only escape from the guilt she felt. However, she decided that too many before her had taken the easy way out, she had decided to fight instead.

The article ended with an impassioned plea, from Benny's mother, for all polar to support the change to the sixth proclamation saying. "When beliefs lead a mother to try and kill her only son, those beliefs are not worth holding on to. I only hope someday my son will read the letters I have sent him and find it in his heart to forgive his foolish mother."

Dale found himself crying, despite his still strong feelings against her, he had never thought about her side of the story. She'd been raised to this hatred, taught from a young age that it was right, that it was good. He had to wonder, if he had been raised that way would he have been any different? Would he have the courage to stand up and fight for justice? Would he even realise that everything he'd been taught was wrong?

When he finally pulled himself together he realised that the bear had been gone for several hours. A small part of him began to worry that he'd upset his weakened lover and that the bear had done too much too fast and that he'd collapsed somewhere alone. Fighting the rising urge to panic he grabbed his comm device and called the bear.

Benny picked up almost instantly. "Hello."

"Are you ok? Where are you?" The rabbit blurted out as quick as he could.

"I'm fine and I'm sure you can guess where I am." The bear replied with a short chuckle. It was clear to Dale that Benny had headed back to his favourite place on the planet, besides their bed, his restaurant. It also sounded like the bear had calmed down somewhat from their brief heated exchange.

"Ok, stay there I'm coming over. We need to talk." Dale replied and then dashed out of the house, running the distance between their house and the restaurant. He pushed his way through the doors gave a polite nod to Tina before spotting the bear sitting at their table. He dashed over and collapsed into a chair panting.

"Are you ok?" The bear asked quietly as he took his own glass of water and put it in front of the rabbit.

Dale gulped the water gratefully and then panting softly he smiled at the bear. "That was going to be my opener."

"In that case I'm fine, thought I am still upset with you." The bear replied evenly leaning back in his chair and looking at the rabbit expectantly.

Dale took a moment to gather his thoughts and get his breathing under control. "Well first of all I'm sorry I didn't tell you of your mother's letters and I'm really sorry I deleted her letters. I realise that most of your life someone has been telling you what you should think and feel, who you should love." The rabbit smiled weakly. "I'm glad you didn't listen to them by the way."

The bear sat there quietly letting the rabbit continue. "I won't ever do anything like that again. I don't want to control who you are, I just want to be with you. I also read the article and I think I can understand why you might want to contact her again." Dale paused and tried to think how he should phrase what he had to say next. "I... don't want you to see her again, I don't want to risk losing you."

"I wasn't planning on asking her over to dinner you know. I'm the one she tried to kill, believe me I have no wish to go back to that hospital." Benny answered leaning forward and taking the rabbit's paw squeezing gently. "However, I might write to her and let her know that I appreciate what she is trying to do. She's taking a big risk you know, there are plenty on Polar who might kill her for speaking out. I'm not saying we invite her to our wedding or to anything ever. However, I do think that, in a small way, she could become part of our lives."

"If that's what you want, I'll support you." Dale whispered softly squeezing the bear's paw and smiling weakly. He wasn't exactly happy about the decision Benny had made, it'd be safer to keep her out of their lives. Still he would do whatever he could to support his partner.

"I promise nothing more than the odd letter." Benny said comfortingly, he could see how upset the prospect made the rabbit and wanted to reassure him that everything would be ok. "Now how about some food?"

Dale smile broadened as he realised the fight was over. "I could definitely go for something to eat, it's a good thing we are in a restaurant and I know the owner I think I can get some special service."

The bear grinned deeply and leaned across the table to whisper. "Oh I'll make sure you get some 'special service' later."

Dale giggled and flushed deeply at the thought, then he turned his eye to the menu.

The two sat at their table all evening, enjoying a good meal and some wine. When the last of the customers had left they socialised with the staff a little, helping clean up. Dale, Tina and Martin were talking in the restaurant and Benny took the opportunity to slip into the kitchen.

He found Ant scrubbing the benches clean, the rabbit gave him a nervous smile. The bear gave a wide friendly smile in return saying. "We very much enjoyed our meal tonight, you are coming along nicely."

"T... Thank you Sir." The rabbit stammered a little trying to focus on cleaning and not the large bear.

"Ok, my names Benny or when I'm in a really bad mood you can call me Chef. Please, never call me Sir again, it makes me feel old." Benny replied trying to keep his voice friendly as he leaned against one of the kitchen worktops.

"Ok, Si... Benny." Ant replied shyly still not looking up from his work.

"As for fraternisation, I don't mind as long as it doesn't get messy and interfere with your work." The bear said giving the rabbit a wink.

The rabbit dropped his cloth and stared open mouthed at the bear's seemingly random comment. "I... Martin said... I didn't."

Benny reached out to pat the rabbit's shoulder reassuringly. "It's ok I saw you staring, there's no harm in it. However, if you want to do more than just stare you really should."

Ant gulped nervously trembling. "I wasn't staring at you." He whispered the words so quietly that the bear only just heard them.

"I know. You were staring at Tina." The bear said with a chuckle.

Ant practically jumped out of his skin. "No...No! I wasn't, I wasn't. Don't say that so loud!" The rabbit whispered frantically making gestures for the bear to lower his voice.

"Why? There's nothing wrong with looking at an attractive female." The bear asked in a whisper.

Ant looked around cautiously checking to make sure they were still alone before leaning in and whispering. "I don't want the others to know I'm straight."

Benny couldn't stop himself from laughing a little, though he stopped when he saw the hurt feeling on Ant's face. "Sorry it's just that I come from a planet where they kill people for being gay, the idea of someone being ashamed of being straight is just so strange to me."

"It's not natural!" Ant whispered furiously. "I'm supposed to like boys, but I tried... they don't work for me."

Benny raised his eyebrow and then silently went to the fridge he opened it and found what he was looking for and pulled out a large cheesecake. He placed it on the worktop and gave a fork to Ant. "Please try a bite."

The rabbit looked at the fork, the cheesecake and then back up at the bear in confusion. Eventually he took a small forkful of the cheesecake, moaning softly at the wonderful sweet taste. The bear grinned at him and asked. "How's it taste?"

"Really good." The rabbit replied still confused.

"The cheese I use comes from a creature called a cow on Earth. The base is made of polar flour and lapine sugar. It is flavoured with some spices from lutrai and kodia. The frosting is made from dust sugar off vulpes and milk from a polar walrus." The bear said and then helped himself to a large forkful. "Many would say that this dish should never exist because nature would not allow the ingredients to ever be brought together, it is a wholly unnatural cheesecake. Now the question is... do you want another bite?"

Ant laughed despite himself partly from nervousness and mostly from surprise at the joke. "I do!"

Benny replied, "Then help yourself and don't worry about it being unnatural as long as you enjoy it."

"Thank you." Ant replied and helped himself to another delicious bite of cake. "Martin said you were a great boss, he was right."

"Hey, my ass wasn't made for kissing...well not kissing by you anyway." The bear replied with a chuckle and a wink. "As far as I know Tina hasn't had a girlfriend in a long time. It doesn't hurt to ask if you want. Oh and if anyone gives you a hard time about being straight let them know that you know a seven foot tall bear who doesn't stand for intolerant asses. Or just point me in their direction and I'll sort them out."

"Thanks Benny." Ant said and then looked around the kitchen. "Now I'd better finish cleaning up before you fire my ass for not doing my job."

"I'll get out of your way." Benny said with a laugh, he paused in the kitchen doorway and turned to say. "Oh and I never got the chance to say, but welcome aboard."

Dale and Benny stayed behind after the others left sharing a bottle of wine and some hugs. After they finished their bottle of wine Dale headed into the kitchen to find another. The bear followed him with a predatory grin on his face, his eyes firmly locked on the rabbit's pert tail.

As Dale grabbed the bottle and turned around he found himself nose to nose with a horny bear. Benny didn't give him a chance to speak pressing his muzzle close for a passionate kiss. The bear took the bottle out of the stunned rabbit's paws as his tongue began to invade the rabbit's muzzle hungrily. His paws wandered over the rabbit's body exploring roughly.

Dale moaned and gasped against the bear's lips, he suckled on the invading bear tongue hungrily, teasing it with his own. He moaned loudly as the bear's paws groped his ass and crotch at the same time. His cock becoming fully and painfully erect, he gasped deeply as he felt the bar unfastening his pants. He broke the passionate kiss and panted, "Here?"

The bear spun him around lifting him and placing him onto the worktop, the metal surface cool against his exposed cheeks. "Right here, right now!" The bear growled lustfully pressing forward for another kiss, his hungry tongue delving into the sweet rabbit maw again. His fingertips traced up and down the hot bunny length, his clawtips lightly stroking the tender flesh. The sensations of Benny's claws sending thrills of pleasure from his cock through his body.

Benny broke the kiss and began to kiss and nip his way passionately down the rabbit's neck. Dale could do nothing but gasp and moan in pure arousal. His cock was leaking pre as the bear worked the tender meat expertly. Benny put his paw down onto the worktop for support and felt something cold and squishy squashing through his fingers.

He looked down in surprise to find his paw sunk deep into the cheesecake he had forgotton to return to the fridge. As he looked at it he could see the rabbits erect and drooling cock and he got a rather kinky idea, something they had never tried before. He moved his cheesecake covered paw and grasped it around the hot rabbit cock.

Dale squealed as he felt something cold and thick being spread onto his cock he looked down and the up at the bear with shock. Benny shrugged and said. "It's ruined anyway, I may as well see if there is anything in this world that can make my rabbit sweeter." With that he began the squeeze and jerk Dale's hard cock, massaging the creamy cake into the hot rabbit flesh.

Dale moaned deeply the sensation new and exciting, the cake was so much thicker than lube. He gasped and moaned bucking his hips into the bear's wonderful paw. Benny watched the cake covered paw and cock licking his lips hungry for both cock and cake. He leant down and licked over the tip, gasping at the flavour that coated his tongue. The sweet cake mixed with the musky pre perfectly to make a wonderful mouthful.

The bear began to lap hungrily on the length, continuing to jerk it at the same time, with each motion his paw spread the cheesecake back over the cocktip. Dale gasped and moaned as the powerful licking and jerking on his cock filled his body with wonderful sensations. He grasped onto the bear's ears tugging and moaning, his hips thrusting desperate to feel more of the thick ursine tongue.

Benny suddenly let go of the hard shaft with his paw and drove his muzzle full length down the hard bunny shaft. His muzzle was filled with cheesecake and hard pulsing rabbit cock. He held himself back not wanting to swallow just yet, he began to bob his mouth furiously on the hard drooling shaft. The rabbit's cock thrusting into the now warm smooth mouthful of cheesecake.

The rabbit couldn't contain himself he thrust into the warm maw again and again. The wonderful mixture of sensations, creamy cake, warm rough tongue and tight suction was driving him crazy with lust. He closed his eyes fucking into the muzzle as fast as he could his balls smacking off the bear's chin.

Benny moaned happily, it was rare for his rabbit to exert his wishes like this, he held his muzzle firm letting the rabbit use it as he wished. He lapped at the length the best he could his mouth loving the wonderful mixture of rabbit cock, pre and sweet cake. Suddenly the cock began to throb and a forth musky flavour was added to the delicious mixture as the bunny added his own cream to the cake. Benny waited until the rabbit stopped thrusting before slowly pulling off the rabbit's cock. Suckling firmly making sure he didn't leave a crumb on the hot exhausted maleness.

Benny stood up his mouth still filled with the sweet, musky and creamy mixture. He swallowed it down in one large gulp and then kissed the rabbit tenderly. "Mmm nice, I think I could serve this, well to 'special customers' anyway." Dale chuckled and pulled Benny forward licking his face clean of the mushed up cheesecake.

The rabbit's paws slipped down the bear unfastening his pants and pulling them down to expose the hard, thick and throbbing bear cock that lurked there. He slipped down to his knees taking the length in both paws and blowing on it softly. Letting his warm breath caress down the black length, he licked the tiny drop of pre that was hanging from the tip.

The rabbit reached out and took the bear's huge balls into his paws. Each one was large enough to fill one of his palms. He kissed the throbbing length, loving the feel of the hot bearhood, the warmth against his lips, the hardness and yet the soft give of the muscle. He licked along the thick bear veins as his paws lightly squeezed on the two huge bear orbs in his paws. The bear above him groaned deeply in approval, a thick jet of pre spraying out of the cock and landing on Dale's shirt.

He kissed the thick tip lovingly and letting go of the bear's nuts he caught the next few jets of pre with his fingers, then let the slick digits danced over the hot throbbing length. He squeezed it, wondering at the special hardness with just a little give that only a powerfully erect cock could show. He continued working the meat with both paws until the whole twelve inch monster was dripping in pre cum fluids. He grasped it in both paws, his fingertips only just able to touch each other at the base. The sight of that always amazed him, especially when he though of the number of times he'd taken that full thick length and how much he loved the feeling of it inside him.

Judging the bear's preparation to be completed he stood up pulling his paws off the bear's cock and turned around. Laying his chest across the tabletop reaching behind himself to pull his buttocks apart exposing his experienced pucker. "I'd come up with some sort of culinary double entendre if I could think of a good one. How about you just fuck me until I can barely stand instead?"

"Works for me." The bear replied stepping closer and pressing his slick cocktip against the warm pucker of his mate. He paused for a moment, his large paws caressing the pert buttocks of his mate. He admired the lithe prostrate body of his jet black bunny beneath him. "I do love you more than anything, more than I thought I could ever love anyone." He whispered softly and before the rabbit could reply he thrust his hips forward forcing his thick cock tip inside the rabbit, making Dale squeal in delighted surprise.

The bear slowly worked his length deeper inside his mate, using gentle rolls of his hips to drive his meat deeper and deeper. Once he felt his large furry orbs resting on the bunny's smaller fuzzy nuts he leaned back to enjoy the sight of his cock buried to the hilt inside the sexy black bunny. His ran his paws through the rabbit's lower backfur, enjoying the silky soft fur, lightly tugging it and scratching the rabbit's skin.

Dale moaned and gasped under the bear, he flexed his ass around the thick cock working the meat inside him. He wanted the bear to take him, however, it seemed like Benny was taking his time. He pushed back wantonly trying to get the bear deeper, to get him to start fucking him. He heard Benny's soft chuckle as his paws slipped under his chest and he felt strong claws tweaking his nipples. He squealed in frustrated pleasure, pushing back squirming and bucking on the bear's length desperate to get the large ursine to claim his body.

Benny moaned deeply loving the feelings and sensations the squirming squealing bunny drove into his cock. He loved the way the rabbit's insides massaged his cock, squeezing and teasing it as the rabbit bucked. He had the rabbit pinned so close to the bench that the rabbit couldn't fuck himself on and off the hard bear cock. He knew that his mate wanted to be bred, but he also enjoyed making him wait for it, until the rabbit was squealing and begging for it.

It wasn't long before Dale did just that panting moaning and begging for it endlessly. The bear suddenly began to fuck him hard and fast, his hips driving the rabbit hard into the worktop. His paws on the rabbit's back holding Dale down firmly as Benny drove his cock into the rabbit. His thrusts were deep and long, using his full length to work the rabbit expertly.

There was nothing Dale could do but lay down and take the mating he had begged for, there was nothing he wanted more. His cock was fully hard drooling pre onto the floor. With the bear holding him down against the bench he couldn't get his paw to his cock. It was singing to him, begging him to jerk it as the bear pounded ruthlessly into the rabbit's prostate.

Looking down Benny growled lustfully watching his thick length pulling out and thrusting into the tight massaging depths of his mate. He aimed his thrusts carefully making sure he was stimulating the rabbit's prostate with every thrust. He could see the rabbit squirming trying to get hold of his cock. Grinning widely he continued to thrust harder and faster breeding the rabbit with the surprising speed and strength of a fully aroused male polar bear.

Dale squealed and squirmed furiously his cock was begging him for release. As the bear pounded into his prostate again and again his need to orgasm was screaming in his mind. He clawed and scratched at the worktop as the bear continued to pound into him. The thick ursine hips pounding into his sleek bunny hips, huge bear balls smacking lewdly against his smaller sack.

The rabbit's mind was blank he was squealing begging and cursing at the bear as he bred him uncontrollably. Benny moaned and gasped the squirming bucking male surrounding his cock was driving him right up to the edge of his orgasm. His cock had been spraying pre almost non stop, making for a smooth and quite sloppy fuck.

As he panted gasped and begged Dale felt the bear suddenly pick up the pace. The thrusting hips crashing into him so powerfully he was driven into the worktop so hard his lungs were emptied of air and he struggled to breathe. The sudden increase in pressure was too much for the rabbit and his mind went blank as endorphins flooded his brain, his cock throbbed under him as he sprayed every last drop of the cum, his balls held, onto the kitchen floor.

Benny cried out loud in surprise as the bunny's ass began to squeeze and massage his cock in a way that was very familiar and yet wonderfully unique. He clawed at the bunny's buttocks pulling Dale back into the his thrusting cock. With a loud cry he felt his orgasm take hold. His cock throbbed and pulsed powerfully in the spasming and twitching depths of the rabbit. As he sprayed stream after stream of thick hot bear cum deep inside his lover.

The bear collapsed on top of the rabbit both panting and struggling for breath as their hot sweaty bodies pressed against one another. Neither one could form a coherent thought, all they had was the warm feel of their lover's presence and that was all they needed.

The days passed quickly and relatively happily for the two. Benny wrote to his mother, who wrote back very quickly. She apologised profusely and wrote what Benny felt was a deeply sincere apology letter to Dale as well.

There was one growing darkspot in their lives and that was Dillon, he hadn't written or spoken to any of them in almost a week and a half. Martin was beside himself with worry, but the military would not provide him any information on what he was doing or where he was. The rabbit had resolved to head up to the training camp that Dillon had been working at and Benny planned to go with him

However, on the day before they were due to leave a lapine colonel entered the restaurant. It was shortly before opening and Tina got both of them out of the kitchen for this.

The colonel looked at Benny and said. "General Trot has requested that you attend a debriefing session immediately."

Benny looked confused but motioned for Martin to join them saying. "Ok we'll just..."

"The general said nothing about anyone else." The colonel cut him off sharply.

The bear folder his arms straightening up his back so he towered at his full height above the colonel and snarled a response. "I am a free citizen who has committed no crime, I do Not have to go with you unless I chose to unless you have a warrant. As you have not shown me one I assume you don't have one. Now you have two options; the first is to go back and ask the general to obtain a warrant and tell him that your lack of simple manners has pissed me off to the point I will be attending with a lawyer. The second is to allow my friend to accompany me and then when we get there the general may decide if he may attend the debriefing. Option one also involves me throwing you out of my establishment." The bear leaned forward his shadow blocking out a lot of the lighting. "Believe me little bunny when this bear throws someone out they don't stop bouncing for a long time."

The colonel looked at him and gulped slowly. "I think I'll take option two please Sir."

Benny smiled and nodded. "Good boy, Martin grab your coat tell Ant we'll be back as soon as possible and to keep the place shut until we get back."

With that they left, the colonel was too terrified of Benny to say anything. He drove them to the army barracks outside of the city and escorted them through a maze of corridors. Until they were brought into the office of a dark brown rabbit, who stood up and greeted them. "Ah just the bear I have been looking for. General Trot pleased to meet you."

"Thanks, I'm Benny. What do you want with me, is it about Dillon?" The bear asked cautiously.

"Hmm you mean Captain Teal? Oh no it's got nothing to do with him. Truth be told there is some worrying information coming out of polar space and we thought maybe a native would be able to provide some insights." The general said dismissing the question about Dillon out of hand. "There are signs of a military build up going on above polar. Your people are mustering their fleet and we have signs of polar troops being put onto transports. We are worried they might use the current war as an opportunity to grab some colonies. Or worse, that they have formed a pact with the dragos."

Benny thought hard for a moment and then replied. "While my people are physically violent and confrontational we do not breed fast and we are not currently needing to expand our borders. We have always remained neutral in your interstellar conflicts. However, I can think of no reason why we would be gearing for war. I'm sorry I can offer you no comfort. My people don't arm themselves for without reason, when we get ready for war we are going to war. The only bit of advice I could give is if we do attack you must do everything you can to stop us landing troops." Benny stood up tall and with more than a hint of pride in his voice he said. "The humans and canines might have impressive navies. However, nothing you have on the ground can match the polar army. If we land in number you will lose."

The general nodded. "Of that I am sure, I have seen how Captain Teal handled himself."

Martin could hold his tongue no longer. "Sir, Captain Teal, as you call him, is very dear to me. He hasn't been in communication for almost two weeks now. Could you tell me what's going on, he was training troops up north, for arctic combat?"

The general looked uncomfortable. "I am afraid that Captain Teal gave his life in service two days ago."

Martin felt sick, dizzy and nauseous all at once. He had so many questions he couldn't ask anything his mouth wouldn't work.

"Dillon was a civilian contractor not a member of your army he couldn't give his life in service. Was there an accident?" Benny asked reaching out to Martin and pulling the trembling rabbit into a hug.

"I'm sorry to say that he was killed in action on Prime leading a vital mission against the dragos. I'm afraid I can't give you any more details. However, he did sign up to the Lapine armed forces, I have his papers here in my desk. I was just processing his death certificate." The general replied and pulled a file out opening it up, it held a few papers one of which was a signup form with Dillon's signature on the bottom. Benny noticed a few brown stains and a familiar scent in the air.

The bear growled softly his eyes narrowing. "What blood oath did you swear?"

The general looked startled and then confused. "I... I didn't swear any oath. Captain Teal wanted to serve his adopted planet and he did so, very well I might add. His actions may have helped save the war."

"Sir, Dillon and I were friends for many years, we served together in the military. He is closer to me than a brother would be. We once spent three weeks adrift on an ice berg with nothing but each other to lean on. Do not think you can show me paper with his blood on without me knowing. Your blood is on there too general now tell me what oath did you SWEAR!" The bear's voice had been getting steadily louder and angrier as his speech went on. The thoughts of his dead friend, of never seeing his friendly face again began to fill his mind and right now his heart was ablaze in rage.

The general stood up and stared the enraged bear in the eye. "I don't care what you think you smell. Now get out of my office before I have you arrested and charged."

"I will find out what happened to my friend and believe me if I find out you were in any way complicit with his death... there won't be enough of you left to bury." Benny said as he opened the door and turned to leave.

"That sounds like a threat." The general observed.

With lightening speed Benny jumped back into the office and put his fist through the General's desk exploding it into kindling. "I was stating a fact." The bear growled into the General's face and then turned as the security arrived to drag them off.

The two were firmly escorted offsite. Martin walked in a daze unable to speak or think. As they left the base he finally began to cry, sobbing uncontrollably. Benny hugged him tightly looking for some words of comfort. He could find none as his own feelings of grief began to overwhelm him his tears joined the rabbit's. They sat down on the cold floor laying against one another and weeping.