South Pacific Fantasy: Princess and the Pauper

Story by hyenafur on SoFurry

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#2 of South Pacific Fantasy

And now, something straight out of Penthouse Fantasies (or Playfur, I suppose) Take one bored, home-sick Navy hyena named Karl, add a seductive, sultry island princess sea otter named Lelani, and mix them both into the tropical splendor and paradise of Tahiti for a little late-night, hot and wet fun. What do you get? Well, you get the following...

Story and Lei Lani by Lei-Lani

Karl Kratt took a long look across the blue Pacific, clutching the railing of the deck as the USS Coronado cut through the churning waves, making her way for a speck of land approximately a mile out. He inhaled the sea air, enjoying the fine mist coming up every so often to cool his fur. The on-again-off-again trek through the Indonesian waters had been brutal, with temperatures going triple-digits. If one wasn't prepared for the heat, he likely spent a lot of time in sick bay with a cold compress to his head.

The many weeks on board the littoral combat ship had convinced the spotted hyena the best place to be was on the deck, where every so often the vessel would knock through a large wave and give him much-needed relief. Now, here in the South Seas, bound for the island of Tahiti, the temperatures had dropped significantly, and while Karl still loved the ocean splash, it was nonetheless chilling.

He cinched up his Navy jacket around him and covered his arms as the chill of the waters finally settled into his bones. He was soon joined by one of the other crew members, a large golden lion, who grinned and punched his shoulder.

"Cold enough for ya?" he chuckled, getting Karl to smile brightly. Less than 48 hours ago, as they were moving east through the rest of Indonesia, he'd said pretty much the opposite.

"Ahh, stow it, Rick. It sure beats the Philippines anyway." Karl continued watching the water intently. "So, Tahiti...I wonder what the royal family there is like. Must be an important occasion to take us away from our routine."

Rick Mason shrugged. He'd heard that about a hundred times from him and the rest of the crew. It had been a strange turn of events. One moment, they were safely docked in Manila awaiting a spot-check and some maintenance, and the next they were headed east through the South Pacific, into the heart of the French Polynesian islands almost full speed ahead, making fifteen, sometimes twenty knots an hour. The only communiqué had been brief and to the point - they were selected to act as a patrol to watch over the royal entourage sailing from Tahiti to Singapore on some sort of diplomatic mission.

He spat over the side. "I'm tryin' not to think about it. But they're sending us without air support, so it's obviously not gonna get confrontational in there."

Karl looked up at the cloudless blue sky and sighed, suddenly wishing he was up there, flying his Beech Bonanza and looking down at the azure sea and the little dots of browns and greens making up the French territory. A wave of home-sicknessness came over him just then, and he thought about being back in the States, in Washington, exploring the rocky coastline with his adopted daughter, Sala. "So if it's not any kind of military exercise, what the hell? Why send us? We're a combat vessel."

"Maybe we were closest?" came the reply, "Hey, you're just a traffic controller. They're probably not gonna even need you, so at least you get to enjoy the tropical climate with a bevy of Tahitian beauties. Me, I'm maintenance. I'll probably be stuck on board below-deck for the duration, doing God knows what..."

They both watched as the tiny island in the distance grew larger and both felt the engines starting to slow as the vessel approached a massive display of reefs poking from the surface. "I'd better get to my post," Rick muttered and pushed away from the railing. "They're gonna swing up to Port Vairao in about thirty minutes or so."

Karl smiled, "I'll send your regards to the king and queen."

Rick snorted. "And the princess..."

"They have a daughter? I didn't know that."

"Yeah," Rick called over his shoulder as he went inside. "Supposed to be a real brat too..."

Karl nodded and continued watching the tranquil island of Tahiti looming closer as the landing ship made a hard swing starboard, past another section of rocky reefs, and churned for the golden shore line.


The Coronado dropped anchor in Vairao at approximately 1130 hours and by noon the entire crew of fifty hyenas, lions and tigers were gathered on the deck, shuffling their feet nervously, and stealing glances towards the beautiful town spread out before them, dotted here and there with palms and bamboo. Karl and Rick stood shoulder to shoulder at attention, listening quietly as Captain John Kelly stood on the upper deck with a megaphone in his paws.

"Men," the captain cleared his throat a few times, and then paused, looking sternly at the group before him. "As you know, we have an important mission that has been given to us. Its success is vital and can be construed as necessary to be conducted in the most urgent sense possible..."

As he spoke, Karl, Rick and the others now noticed a throng of Tahitian felines, canines and otters gathering on the dusty town road, dressed in a beautiful, floral splendor of sarongs, saris, and head-dresses of hibiscus blooms and bamboo vines. As they marched in slow procession towards their docked vessel, part of the group broke away, and a much more dignified and dressed entourage of otters padded towards them. Among them, a regal-looking trio of sea otters, dressed in flowing, deep-red and blue sarongs and sporting shining gold bands around their arms and rudder-like tails, waved as the crowd around them cheered loudly.

"Gentlemen!" Captain Kelly barked above the cheers. "We are very honored to have with us on our vessel His Highness and Royal Majesty King Yosef Malia, her Highness Queen Pria, and their lovely daughter Princess Leilani."

Everyone on the deck turned and properly saluted, at full attention, as the three sea otters climbed up the gangplank and bowed deeply to the crew and captain. Karl was immediately fascinated by the much younger girl otter, who looked about 19 years old. She struggled to follow her parents' lead as they walked through the rows of sailors, looking bashfully at everyone. Her deep green eyes caught the hyena's staring at her, and she shyly hugged her thick tail closer to her body as she walked by.

When the trio finally arrived next to the Captain, the hyena grinned and handed the microphone over to King Yosef, who looked at it strangely for a moment before being shown how to operate it. After a loud squeal of feedback, his baritone, regal voice echoed over the deck. "The people of Tahiti welcome you all! We are happy you have arrived. I wish at this time to present my beautiful daughter, Leilani." The girl stepped forward uncertainly and then smiled wanly at everyone. "We will represent our nation at a forthcoming conference in Singapore to discuss future economic developments. We are very pleased and honored that the United States will act as our delegated guardians during our voyage. While we do not expect trouble, we are assured that the Coronado is well designed to handle any threats. We thank you humbly for your services."

The crew applauded and the king waited for it to die down before continuing. "With that in mind, it is important that the chief heir to our throne receive extra close attention and protection, and that the family keep separated in case of disaster. That is why I am delighted to inform you, our daughter Leilani will be accompanying you all on board your vessel."

The crew looked around uncertainly at one another and Rick huffed, shaking his mane. "Oh lovely, we get to babysit the spoiled brat."

Karl chuckled, his eyes still watching the otter. "Still, she's seems easy on the eyes, doesn't she?"

"Ehh, seen one otter, you've seen 'em all, you know? Besides, you forget, I've been to this area before. These Tahitian girls are nothing but trouble. Why do you think I go after the nice guys?" He snickered and punched his shoulder again gently. Rick had sworn off women long ago, and he and Karl had enjoyed a few sexual flings together while stationed state-side. The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy had been in effect for years, but Rick and he still preferred keeping things quiet.

Leilani shyly approached to stand by her father's side and bowed to the crew again, finally offering a warmer, more sincere smile and a wave as he continued speaking. "The conference begins in nine days. So, we have time to welcome the crew of your vessel to join us for a wonderful gathering-feast for the next few days, and we shall then start on our journey. From this point, my people welcome the captain, staff and crew of the vessel USS Coronado, and bid you a pleasant stay! Welcome to Tahiti!"

A loud cheer rose from the large group of Tahitians standing dockside, and several of the children jumped or dove into the water from the dock, swimming up to the landing ship, waving and throwing kisses. The captain gave the dismissal to the crew, and several of the Navy men rushed to the deck to greet the welcoming party. Some tossed down watches and bracelets, and the children below squealed with delight, diving down into the blue to fetch them. Several other island-folk came up the gangplank, their arms filled with pineapples, coconuts and floral lei arrangements.

Rick snickered as one of the women, a lovely dark-brown lioness, slipped a lei around his neck and kissed his cheek softly in greeting before walking away to greet another, more eager lion. "I'd better get the hell below and start on the engine room before I get crushed out here." He noticed Karl intently watching the royal family, who were now mingling with the crew as well, exchanging paw-shakes and warm smiles. "You going ashore?"

Karl nodded absently. "Yeah, I guess, at least for the food." He saw Leilani's sheepish look as one of the crew-members took her paw and kissed the back of it gently. "And...maybe the scenery..."

Rick chuckled. "Yeah, scenery. I hear you. Just stay safe, okay? I know this is your first trip to the South Seas." He noticed his friend was still staring at Leilani and shook his shoulder. "And hey, whatever you're thinking, paws off, man. You do _not_wanna go there. She's royalty. And very young. You even think about doing anything..." He trailed off and gave his arm a pat before headed off, winding his way through the crowd and disappearing below.

Karl found himself suddenly caught in a small crowd of women and flushed nervously, allowing them to feed him bits of cooked pineapple laced with coconut, and to spread leis around his neck. He laughed as one of the women kissed his cheek, and shook his head at them, trying to half-heartedly push them away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Leilani and her parents walking towards him, and quickly turned to address them, offering a smart salute.

"Welcome to our island, young hyena," the king said automatically, offering his webbed paw.

As Karl shook it, he grinned. "Thank you, your highness.'s really nice to be here. I've actually never gotten a chance to visit Tahiti yet, so I'm..." he swallowed hard, suddenly realizing Leilani was staring at him. "I'm...happy to, uh, be here too." Up close, the girl was even more beautiful. Though the top of her head was covered with floral wear, she hadn't tied back her hair, and the long, lush tresses streamed down her back, the fluffy ends touching her waist. Around the brown pupils of her sea-green eyes, lighter greens speckled the irises, making them appear to glitter. Her fur was dark chocolate, covered modestly by a knee-length sarong, showing the slightest touch of deep tan-furred cleavage, while allowing strong, shapely calves to show. On her webbed feet, adorned with lei anklets of white hibiscus blooms, she wore open-toed sandals, and each toe claw had been painted bright red.

The princess spoke up quietly, meeting Karl's eyes. "I am sure you will find Tahiti to your liking, sir." Her voice was soft, almost whisper-soft, as if she were afraid to speak too loudly for fear of breaking something, and her smile was hypnotic and infectious.

The hyena nodded, speechless, trying to think of what to say next, but the royal family moved on to the next crew-member, offering their seemingly-endless greetings, and he was left staring after the princess - who favored him with another bright smile as she turned to look over her shoulder.


As promised, the festive gala in the town square of Vairao was as exciting and memorable as the crew had imagined. Karl finally managed to get Rick out of the stuffy confines of the engine room long enough to join him on-shore, and his friend soon started making pleasant conversation with one of the local Tahitian divers, a built, very handsome black tiger named Garu.

As the sun set, the Tahitians gathered the crew around them and made for the sandy beach, building a large bonfire, and started dancing. Many females shook their hips suggestively in tight sarongs and grass skirts while the crew whooped and cheered, and several of the males danced as well, flinging flaming torches around and above them in glowing loops.

The king and queen mingled and amiably chatted with their visitors, explaining the different dances, and how each one represented a different element of Tahiti, from its golden sunlight, to the burning sands, to the breeze that set the palm trees swaying. The princess meanwhile stayed mostly in the background, watching the sailors curiously, and every so often smiling and nodding to something her parents said, trying to be sociable. After a while though, she tired of the noise and retreated farther down the shore to be alone with her thoughts.

An hour later, Karl sat away from most of the dispersing crowd, watching the waves pound the shore before flowing back out to start their endless rhythm anew. As night approached, the waves seemed to calm down some, and the coming moonlight danced across the white-frothed tips, making the water seem to sparkle.

"It is lovely, yes?" A quiet voice spoke up and he turned to see Princess Leilani kneeling next to him in the sand, having changed out of her sarong, and opting for a fetching white, floral string bikini that positively glowed electric.

Karl found his voice, trying not to stare, and tore his gaze back to the sea, trying to get his heart to slow down. "Uh huh. I...I...just really like to watch it sometimes. It's how I got interested in the Navy. But then, once I got there, I really started to love flying and the sky just called to me, you know? So I started getting involved in airplanes and flight, and learning all about the workings of them, and then I got into the traffic end, and learned how to direct and keep an eye on radars and all that..." Her sing-song laughter surprised him and he bit his lip. "Did I say too much? I said too much, didn't I? I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, I don't get to talk to-"

"Shh..." Leilani giggled, touching his shoulder. "It is fine. You at least speak to me. I cannot say the same for a lot of your crew, who seem to have adopted what amounts to a silent treatment towards me." She sighed and frowned, her whiskers drooping, but to Karl, even that expression on her face was lovely to look at.

"Well, you're royalty," Karl turned in the sand to face her. "In fact..." he started looking around nervously, "Um, shouldn't you be with your parents right now?"

Leilani shook her head. "They have gone into their hut to sleep. Doubtless exhausted from the activities tonight."

"And they just...let you go off and mingle with scores of hungry, very heterosexual hyenas...?" He chuckled in spite of the rather crazy image in his mind, and was relieved to see Leilani also laugh.

"I think I am quite safe here," she absently caressed a bare foot, and he was drawn to how lovely her toes looked. "Besides, I have a feeling you would protect me." Her green eyes suddenly focused on Karl's, nearly glowing in the full moonlight now.

Karl nodded, gazing into the green pools. "Without a doubt, princess...I would...gladly."

"Oh, you may call me Leilani. And you are?"

"Karl Kratt." His tone became wooden as he instinctively gave his rank, serial number and occupation immediately afterwards. "Um...that means I, you know, keep an eye on the airplanes, and make sure they don't fly into each other or hit a mountain and go boom."

Leilani smiled, gesturing with an arm to the dark range of mountains stretching out miles away, almost a ghostly backdrop of cragged rocks stretching high into the air. "Like those, I imagine. Tahiti has much to offer, Mr. Kratt." The sea otter situated herself in the sand more, now sitting down and crossing shapely legs under herself. A bright white anklet made of puka shells hugging about her footpaw looked nearly phosphoric against her dark fur.

"Um...would you...I mean, I should never ask a princess anything, but...please feel free to call me Karl."

Leilani laughed heartedly, tossing hair away from her shoulders. "Stop being so gentle with me, please. I may be a princess, but I am a woman just like anyone else on this island."

"Of course you are, Leilani. I just...I don't know how to act around someone of your stature, I suppose."

The sea otter nodded and then sighed deeply. "Well, you associate quite often with superiors, do you not?"

Karl had to laugh. "Believe me, you're nothing like them. I can't quite picture you as a naval commander..." He quickly added, "Although I don't doubt everyone would listen to you and follow your every command. Especially someone who probably spends more time in the sea than I ever will."

She laughed softly and curled her legs up against her prettily, and Karl found it impossible not to look at them. Strong, powerful legs with good muscles where they needed to be, yet maintaining generous curves and hollows along her knees and calves. "It seems as though you wish to fly a lot more than swim," she remarked, gathering his attention to focus back to her eyes.

The hyena grinned sheepishly at her. "Well, we all have our dreams." He tried to change the subject. "So, you're going to Singapore. You'll find it's a lovely country. Is it your first time going there?"

"Mmhmm," she replied absently, turning to look out at the water. "Father tells me we probably cannot go swimming there, because the beaches are spoiled and ravaged by the shipping lines. That is one of the reasons we are attending the conference with other leaders - to discuss what to do about the ocean we all share."

Karl sighed, following her gaze. "It's funny. I guess I spend so much time on a boat, going on the water, that I just never really wanted to get into it. I love the sea though, don't get me wrong...I hope that your family can reach an agreement..."

She nodded. "I hope so too." Then she smiled and got up smoothly to her feet, and started to walk down towards the water, looking over her shoulder. "I must swim for a bit, Karl." He watched her bend to the side to adjust the string bikini tied at her hip, before padding on her toes over the sand. "The water keeps my fur clean and my skin moist. But you may join me, if you like."

Karl looked around him at the rest of the crew quite a distance away, laughing, drinking wine, and enjoying the hospitality given to them by the other island folk. "Um..." He felt a slight tug in the short boxers he wore and realized he had a thick arousal going underneath, bulging and quite discernible. "I...don't think...that's a good idea, Leilani. Not...I mean...yeah, I'd love to swim with you, but..."

She stopped, ankle-deep in the water, and looked quizzically back at him, tilting her head. "Is something wrong?"

Karl flustered and got up from the sand, keeping his back to her and pretending to be interested in the party farther up the beach while he inwardly willed his erection to behave. " go on ahead and I'll catch up, alright?" He didn't see her frown and nod, wading delicately into the waves like a fawn, and then disappear into the surf.

Karl turned as he heard the splash of the otter's entry and then started to walk down to the shore, swallowing hard with each step, until the sand turned from dry grains, to wet muck and then finally he was wading into the cold water. When he got out waist-deep, he plunged forward, getting used to the water immediately by surface-diving to the shallow, sandy bottom and opening his eyes. The moonlight cut into the water, penetrating enough where he could easily look around for several feet in any direction. He floated there on the bottom weightless, realizing between his legs, his throbbing erection refused to simmer. Letting a few bubbles from his mouth, he pushed off the bottom and floated to the top where he could stand on his toes in neck-deep water.

As he caught his breath, the surface of the water bubbled a few feet in front of him, and Leilani popped up with a soft gasp, taking in air and wiping water from her face.

"Oh, you finally decided to come in," she giggled, floating closer to him until their bodies were only inches apart.

Karl was beside himself and he worried if the otter had seen the massive erection he was trying in vain to hide with nothing but skivvies. "Well, you did ask me to..."

"I love swimming in the moonlight," she churrred softly, stroking her arms and legs slowly back and forth to tread water. She tried to stand and splashed a little. "Oh Karl, the water is too deep here, wait..." Before he could protest, Leilani had hooked her paws around his shoulders and pulled herself forward, until his strong arms enfolded her sleek, wet body. "There...oh that's perfect, thank you..." Her nose bumped against the hyena's gently and she smiled. "Am I too heavy?" Underneath the surface, her legs wrapped around his, her soft ankles caressing up and down the back of his calves slowly.

"N-no...Leilani...I could...hold you like this...a long time..." He began to wonder if it was at all possible for a canine erection to actually tear through a pair of skivvies, he was that hard now. A new warmth settled against his chest and he realized the otter's bikini-covered breasts were nestled against him. He could feel the tell-tale hint of arousal from her in the form of two budding, firm nipples burrowing against cotton and poking against his chest-fur.

Leilani held very still as the waves buoyed them slowly up and down. Every so often, the warmth of her crotch bumped down atop of his erection, and Karl desperately tried to think of something, anything to take his mind off the wanton desire to rip apart his skivvies, let his throbbing sex out into the water, grab the lovely sea otter by the hips and-

His maddening lust was heightened as Leilani brushed her nose over his again. "This is very nice, Karl." She whispered, and her eyes burned with all the fire of a volcano. "It is quite hard, isn't it...?"

Karl sputtered, nearly dropping her in the water, and tried to explain. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! You are just so lovely and your bikini practically glows, and your eyes are just so mysterious and exotic and...I can't help it, I'm sorry...It's lust. I apologize, princess, I didn't mean..."

Leilani looked at him strangely. "Karl, what is wrong with you? I was trying to is quite hard to keep me in your arms and try to balance us together." She giggled again, nose-rubbing. "But I did like the compliments very much."

The hyena looked ready to burst into flames. "Oh...Oh, that's what you meant, sure." This time he nuzzled her back, bringing out a warm, steady churr from her. "I thought you meant...never mind."

The sea otter slowly pulled away from him, but kept her paws on his shoulders. "Tell me..." Her green eyes narrowed, but the quiet smile never left her face. "I command you..."

Karl looked at her, shocked, and then shook his head hard. "Nono, it's okay, I just misunderstood."

Leilani pursed her full lips, showing a bit of sparkling teeth, then nodded. "I see..." Reaching over her shoulders, she started to untie her top.

"P-Princess?! What are you doing?"

She paused and then brought her paws up to her breasts, before the slinky material could float away and expose her. "Tell me what you meant, or I shall undress in front of you, and parade back to the beach like this..." Then she giggled.

Karl looked at her open-mouthed. "You wouldn't..."

Leilani's expression changed to one of reproach and she flicked at the surface. "I can, and I will, hyena. Now, tell me...please...what you thought I meant..." She floated in front of him, a tempestuous temptation, her long hair trailing over her body like seaweed.

Finally, Karl couldn't take any more of her teasing and pressed up against her, causing her to gasp against his mouth. "I" he whimpered against her, and his erection pushed into the warm, soft curves of the otter's stomach.

Leilani closed her eyes, and leaned her head forward. "And I want you..." The kiss that followed was soft at first, a mere pressing of their mouths together, but all too soon the playing turned to passion, and their tongues eagerly sought out one another's mouths, taking long, deep swallows of saliva between them, breathing heavily through their noses until they both had to pull away for air.

In the midst of kissing, Leilani lost her top in the small waves, and Karl eagerly bent his head down, taking her bare breasts into his paws and fastening his mouth around each aroused nipple, suckling and then biting eagerly. Leilani in turn stole a paw inside his skivvies, her webbed fingers cupping, molding and finally tugging at his raging sex until it was even more aroused. With a secret smile, she pulled his boxers down just enough to let his black organ sway and bob in the water, a full nine inches of flesh, and she gasped at the size of him.

"Leilani..." Karl tried, and the sea otter shushed him again, guiding his paw down under the water and untying her bikini bottom. In another few seconds, they were both naked. Karl's paw wandered further down her hip, alighting across her soft mound, eliciting a husky, louder churring from the mustelid. He rested his digits there, slowly exploring her folds, pushing a digit into her just deep enough to graze across her clit in a few slow strokes.

She moaned again, lifted her body up in the water, holding her feet around his legs for support, and lowered herself down, taking him slowly, and then deeply into her, her mouth hanging open, eyes closing tightly as she worked his member completely into her to hold. Karl gasped; she was so warm in there. Her slick heat clenched and released his throbbing lust in several hard squeezes. She started to rock slowly, keeping her paws around his shoulders, her claws digging into his skin through the wet fur, her breasts popping in and out of the water and splashing. After about a moment, she pulled off of him entirely, letting his hardness bobble wildly in the water, and hugged around him again, kissing him hard, clamping his aching sex between their bodies.

"Mmm..." she whimpered, catching her breath. "That is nice, hyena. So nice..." She took a breath and then plunged underwater, sinking down and taking his member eagerly into her mouth, swishing the sea-water around the thick knob. As she felt him shudder above her, her paws clung eagerly around his bare buttcheeks and she pushed her head forward, deep-throating him. Her lips pressed to his ripe balls and held fast as she shook her head quickly back and forth, teasing his length with an upward stream of bubbles, before pulling back and allowing a few of his inches free from her mouth. Her fingers reached up to clamp around this flesh and tug incessantly on him, like a spoiled child seeking a sweet treat.

On the surface, Karl was losing his senses along with any self-control. The sea otter was good, as good as any of the male lovers he'd had on board, including Rick, who knew how to swallow him whole and actually trap him inside his mouth with the talented way he used his tongue. His paws unconsciously came in front of him to grasp Leilani's head, his fingers tangling into her floating tresses, willing her with soft moans and whimpers to continue.

The sea otter felt him and inwardly smiled, pleased her attentions were meeting with such responses. She wanted to feel him inside of her again. Even slipping a paw down between her thighs to spread her needy folds apart, worming a few digits into her own lust, did nothing save to make her more eager for his hardness. With another hard burst of bubbles, she pulled her mouth off of him, straightening her legs and standing back up, coming to the surface to take in several hard, shaky breaths.

"P-Princess...I was...I was so close..." he moaned, wrapping her up into his arms even as she sank back down onto his flesh, pushing on unyielding canine-sex until she could feel it once again nestled to the hilt. Her legs wrapped around him again, and this time she stayed with him. The two lovers cavorted in the gentle surf, satisfying their lusts over and over with one heaving orgasm after another, dipping their heads under the surface only to cry out in ecstasy so as not to be heard by the others. Karl could feel, with every orgasm, the spunk of his cum spurting relentlessly into her folds, and the drawn legs around him tightened with each release, welcoming his gift.

Their heads slowly bobbed to the surface again, and they panted wildly, looking into each other's eyes, nuzzling and kissing. Karl was first to speak, swallowing hard, "Was...was this supposed happen...?"

Leilani kept her arms locked around him and nodded, smiling toothily. "Yes." She bit her lip as she caressed the back of his neck. "You said you had not experienced Tahiti before, that you had never been here, and I was so excited at the thought of showing you my island." Her gaze dropped down, noticing her legs were still wrapped around him, and then she seemed to flush noticeably. "I just did not expect you to be"

"Hard?" Karl chuckled and bumped noses with her again.

"Oh no, I expected that. I meant eager. " She giggled and returned the affection, realizing that between her legs, the canine's spent sex was still being held firmly. The sea otter looked towards the beach, noticing many of the inhabitants had left, and now only a few sat by the bonfire. "We should go now...before my parents do indeed notice my absence. We will have a few days before we have to leave." She pulled herself slowly from his hesitant grasp and then leaned forward to kiss him again.

"Leilani..." Karl almost moaned, "It'll be hell trying to sleep tonight. I wish I could stay with you in your hut."

Leilani shook her head, gathering her floating bikini and hurriedly putting it on. "Out of the question, Karl. But..." She arranged her breasts under the top and then smiled gleefully. "I wake up early for a swim every morning, even before the sun shines. So...perhaps you will catch me?"

Karl started to laugh. "I make a living out of getting up early, otter. I'll find you..." He clasped her paws inside his own and kissed her softly, before following his lovely companion to shore.