The last Cerinian

Story by Evalon on SoFurry

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Warning: Krystal belongs to Nintendo/Rare>

The last Cerinian

Krystal's log (Day 0)

I needed a rest. So, along with Team Star Fox, we decided to take an holiday, everyone on his own. I chose Ts'haas as location because of the popularity of the holiday resort. The travel is a long one, it will last about 6 days. Today is the second one and I'm bored. The autopilot drives the ship allowing me to lay back and relax. However, there are not many thing to do to relax on a spaceship.


Krystal went to sleep. She had an alarm set to tell her when to go to sleep because, you know, in space, it's already day as long as there's a star nearby.

The ship travelled quietly into space, when suddenly a minuscule asteroid hit it. The asteroid hit the control device of the autopilot causing it to malfunction. After a couple more hours, Krystal woke up because of the trembling of the ship and understood immediately the situation. The ship just entered the atmosphere of a planet and was now caught in its gravity.

She didn't waste time and reached immediately the navigation console.

"Fuck! It's all shut down!" she said hurriedly, trying her luck at every flip, switch or button in front of her.

She flipped the switch of the power supply. Nothing. Which meant there was no power in the energy cells.

In panic, she began the procedure for emergency landing. She pulled the emergency lever, which caused the opening of a parachute from the rear of the ship. Afterwards, she entered the panic room: a small reinforced room, able to resist even the strongest of impacts.

Seconds passed, the ship still falling. She was breathing deeply, trying to calm down as her body strained against the security belt.

After a couple of minutes the ship landed abruptly.


Krystal got out of the room. She headed for the navigation room while checking for signs of internal damage. Apparently there weren't any, only her alarm clock was shattered to pieces. She sighed with relief when she arrived at the navigation room. Then the young vixen proceeded to analyse the outside atmosphere with the analyser, which luckily didn't need any energy.

Temperature: 29 °C. Air: Breathable. Gravity: 0.99 g. At least I'll weigh less. She thought with a smile, trying to boost her morale.

She went out of the ship opening the manual door with a strong pound, which caused her to lose her balance and fall out into the mud. The ship landed in a muddy lake which seemed to have slowed down the ship enough for it not to destroy.

The soaked woman stood back up and started checking the hull from the outside. Aside from the autopilot control device, there was no sign of significant damage. Some scratches were now carved in the inferior hull but the ship looked fully operational.

Then why did the energy cells die?

Krystal got back in the ship and checked the energy cells: empty. Still perplexed, Krystal began the procedure to recharge them. The process started without errors. Unfortunately, for them to get back to operational, the reaction had to run for at least 1 month.

Krystal began to assess the situation: she was stuck on a foreign planet for at least a month, with food only enough for a couple of weeks.

She got out and looked around. At least food didn't seem to be an issue, being the planet, or at least that zone, covered in thriving forests.

I'll surely find some edible fruits to eat. She thought hopeful.


After a couple of days things weren't getting better. Krystal succeeded in making the computer of the ship work only to discover some worrying things about the planet. It's codename was TX23, but she obviously couldn't care less.

First, it was uninhabited, because it was on the list of the forbidden planets. This was bad not only because she wouldn't have the chance to get rescued by the locals, but also because the forbidden planets are all notorious for being highly dangerous. That was strange because in the previous 2 days she didn't even catch a glimpse of the danger that planet should have had.


Another feature of the planet was that it was surrounded by a strong magnetic field that caused every device which used or store energy to completely discharge if not shielded. This was the cause of the unexpected landing: since Krystal couldn't put up the shields, when the ship passed through the magnetic field, every system shut down and the cells discharged.

This didn't seem much of a threat, but that was because Krystal's ship had shields. Shields were a rather innovative technology which wasn't still mass produced. So, if you're on a ship that doesn't have any shield and land on the planet, you're pretty much stuck on it forever. The magnetic field stopped even communications.

Krystal's only choice was to try to survive until the cells are charged enough to take off. Because of the field, she needed 2 more weeks of charging. It seemed not to be an hard task: many trees produced edible fruits, and there wasn't an actual danger or so it seemed.

Still, waiting for the cells to charge meant she had to spend there her holidays.

Just great...


Krystal's log Day 3

It's my third day on this planet and I still haven't seen any sign of danger. I assume that's because the only danger here is to get stuck, which I won't. No matter what happens, I'll get back to Fox. Luckily for me, this planet has a lot of various trees and plants which produce a high variety of fruits. Thanks to the scanner I can find out which are edible. I've seen a few animals and they're not much different from other planets' fauna. The only creepy thing I've seen is a rat with 6 legs. Eww!

Still, in my misfortune, I have to say I've been kind of lucky.


Krystal was out once again to explore the forest, which seemed to be extending all over the continent. Every time she found something of interest, she noted its approximate location in her log. After an hour of exploring, she sat down on a rock to clean herself from sweat. The climate was very hot and so she decided to wear only her bra and panties.

On an uninhabited planet, I don't see who's going to complain, she thought.

She was looking around trying to catch some breath as she always moved as fast as possible. The planet was deemed 'forbidden' by the intergalactic federation, and even if it didn't seem so dangerous, it's always better not to sleep away from a safe location. Also because, not having weapons with herself, she had to rely on rocks and sticks.

As she admired the landscape from the promontory she was standing on, a quick flash of light caught her attention. She began to stare in that direction, and then the light flashed again twice.

She hurried up and started to run in that direction.

That's a metallic reflection! Maybe someone's here and maybe they can help me get away, she thought hopeful.

After running for about half a kilometre, the forest ended, revealing a small clearing.

Krystal's hopes immediately crumbled.

The clearing was surrounded by the remains of ancient stone houses that were being reclaimed by the forest. There were five of them and only one still had its roof intact, while the others crumbled partially or totally because of the growth of plant beside and inside of them.

The glare of light she had seen earlier came from a metal plate stuck on a pole in the middle of the clearing. On it, a curled snake had been carved and was still visible, even if the carvings had been filled with dirt.

A sort of a symbol, maybe the village's...

The vixen proceeded down the "road" which was paved with stone plates and small bushes were growing from the spaces between the plates.

The village was made of about twenty more houses, some of which were almost impossible to spot inside the vegetation. At the end of the road, there was another building. It was clear that this wasn't an house: it was three times higher than the houses and about five times longer and wider.

All of it was standing on a pedestal of cut rocks, so it had not been ruined as much as the houses by the trees and plants.

Krystal entered the portal to discover that the roof had almost completely crumbled and now the interior of the building was filled with debris.

On the walls, there were paintings which had been ruined by the falling debris, although some of were still visible.

Fascinated, Krystal approached the walls and wiped the dust and dirt off the paintings.

Only a few were still in good conditions, but as much as she understood, the paintings represented a sort of sacrifice. The drawings were poorly made, as if they had made by a child.

It was like a slide show illustrating the procedure of the sacrifice.

In the first one, some anthropomorphic figures were coercing another one ("tied up" she thought noticing how this didn't seem to have arms) to stand on a podium.

In the second one, the figure on the podium witnessed the arrival of a dog-like creature, only this was about three times the size of them. It was interesting how the locals emphasized the sharp teeth and claws the creature. Wait... what if they're not emphasizing them? Not knowing exactly why, she shuddered at the thought.

In the third one, the creature was carrying away the people by holding them with its mouth while the other people looked like they were weeping.

An unwanted offering of lives... what did they exchange those for?

Krystal looked again at the teeth and claws. She gulped and understood immediately.

There was also another one picture, but it was exactly like the second one, except this time there were two of the creatures.

It's late, I'd better get back to the ship, she thought, hurrying up to leave that place as fast as possible.


Another day on this shitty planet, Krystal thought as the sun rose the seventh time since she was there. She prepared for her usual "stroll" in the forest and left.

After about half an hour she arrived at a cliff, which had a tree on the very edge of it. And on the tree there were so many of those fruits she had found in the last few days. According to the analyser, those fruits were like a complete meal by looking at proteins, carbohydrates and fat.

Still, it was dangerous. The cliff was about 5 meters high and falling from there could mean death.

She took it slowly. After putting her backpack on the ground, she started climbing the tree.

The only mistake she made was not to pay attention to the nest a meter away from her. As she was about to grab the first fruit, she was attacked by an eagle-looking bird, which believed the vixen was stealing its eggs.

Because of the attack, Krystal lost balance and fell down the tree. She tried to slow down the fall, but without success. The fox rumbled down the cliff and hit her head on a rock, causing her to lose consciousness.



She woke up breathing heavily and feeling kind of horny. Her left shoulder was aching and when she opened her eyes, the reason became clear. An animal, similar to a feral fox for the exception it was green and twice as big, was pinning her left shoulder and her thighs down with three of his legs. The feral fox was also the reason of her excitement: he was hungrily licking her pussy through her panties, making her shiver and moan in pleasure.

But the thing that scared Krystal was the big fox dick and the huge balls that were hanging in front of her nose. His dick was erect and about 15 centimetres long. It was red and smooth, almost triangular in section and ended with a longer pointed tip on its underside and another one slightly shorter that showed a small opening. Its base was more cylindrical and seemed to be a bit larger.

His round orbs were about twelve centimetres in diameter, making Krystal wonder just how productive he was.

Does he... does he want to fuck me?, she thought.

Scared by the thought, she tried at first to free her limbs with no success. The feral was big about two times a normal fox, so it was too heavy for her to lift.

Feeling some movement, the beast stopped his licking to check what was going on. Having her efforts not succeeded, she tried to throw a punch at him. As she did so, he growled and caught one of her thigh in his mouth but didn't sink his teeth in.

The clear threat scared Krystal and she decided to stop her flailing immediately. Then, the beast looked back, satisfied as he asserted his dominance over her .

I'm not going to let you fuck me. She thought determined.

After this, the beast got back to his licking, much to his (and also her) pleasure.

I've got to get out of this

She was lying in a clearing under the cliff. The young vixen looked around for rocks or sticks she could use to try to knock him out, but she was in no luck. Aside from grass, there was nothing that could have helped her.

She started to weep. There was nothing she could do to stop him. She was completely pinned by him and the only future she could foresee was he having his way with her.

Then an idea came into her mind. It was disgusting but less than the other option.

Maybe if I... satisfy him, he will let me go

Initially she shuddered at the idea, but after a few seconds her right hand reached hesitantly for the dick she was looking straight to.

At the unexpected contact, the beast stopped his licking again and turned his head to check what happened. Their eyes met for a second and then his head turned forward, resuming his licking.

She was grossed out, tears running down her cheeks. She tried not to think about her hand sliding up and down the smooth red shaft.

Ready to blow its load. She thought for a moment and then shook her head off that thought.

Globs of precum were dripping from the cock, sliding on her hand and then running down her arm.

Although she didn't like the situation she was in, the administration of oral sex given by the beast was enjoyable.

This was the first time someone gave her oral sex. Actually, this was the first time she ever had a sexual contact as she was still a virgin. However, she had already seen a naked man when she spied on Fox in the locker rooms back at Star Fox.

Krystal was beginning to feel a warmth between her legs and she noticed her nipples were hard as rock as their outline appeared clearly under the fabric of her bra. This sensation was making her feel like burning, making thinking harder. She didn't even realized how heavily she was breathing or how her tongue was lolling from the side of her snout.

She just didn't care. It was the best feeling she had ever had and she felt she was going to experience even better.

After a minute, the sensation reached its peak and Krystal orgasmed for the first time in her life. It was pure bliss, she didn't care about anything anymore. Her mind was completely blown off as everything she could feel was pure pleasure.

Her pussy twitched and then a spurt of vaginal fluids soaked her panties and dripped on the ground.

The feral was panting heavily while he was trying to lap up all of Krystal's love fluids.

Krystal was still pumping his dick and she was doing it unconsciously hard and effective.

With each pump, the knot at the base of the shaft swelled up a bit more until it reached its full size. Krystal didn't notice, lost in her pleasure world, but it was much bigger than her fist.

After a few more pumps, the beast stopped his licking and threw his head upwards howling loudly.

The female was still lost in her orgasm as she didn't notice the beast lowering his backside to shoot his load on her.

A second later, large spurts of feral semen shot out of the bestial dick and splattered on Krystal's breasts and belly, dirtying her fur.

His grapefruit-sized balls could hold so much cum that he kept shooting semen for many minutes in heavy ropes, soaking Krystal's fur with strains of white, sticky goo that formed a large puddle beside her.

After a couple of minutes, the beast recovered from the blissfulness of the orgasm and got off of the vixen. He then escaped fast into the forest, disappearing almost immediately from sight.

Krystal was still panting and smiling. Her eyes were staring into nothingness and her tongue was lolling out the corner of her mouth as her vision started to blur and she passed out.


The sun was almost setting as Krystal woke up again. She kept lying on the ground as she felt the pain coming from her legs and her arm. The fox's cum had dried up and she felt her fur was a total mess.

But she was too tired to mind about that now. She stood up and started walking back to the ship, not capable of telling which hurt the most, her limbs or her shame.

Once she arrived at the ship, the sun had already set. She was exhausted and thought it'd be a risk to get to the river to clean herself up.

For tonight, this will be my pyjama. She thought sadly, looking at the cum that matted her fur.


Krystal was standing naked in the clearing where she met him. He was there too, about two meters away from her. She was aroused as she felt her pussy starting to get wet. The beast approached her, then started to lick her pussy. This time, she was not trying to shove him away. On the contrary, she lied down on her back and spread her legs to give him better access to her nether regions.

With each lap, vaginal fluids trickled down on the ground forming a little puddle. She was very aroused.

The feral continued lapping up the fluids, while starting to get hard.

His dick poked out of his sheath in a red tip, but it stopped at only half the length it was the last time.

Krystal noticed it and pushed herself in a sitting position. "Poor little boy needs help?" she asked cutely at the fox. He seemed to understand as he stopped his licking as his backside neared Krystal's head.

She immediately started teasing the tip of his cock with one hand while the other was fondling his big balls. She pumped the rod with slow yet tight strokes as it once again began to slide out. Her other hand was playing with his nutsack, lifting one ball, then the other, massaging both of them to prepare for the grand finale. Her manipulations were accompanied by yips of pleasure from the fox, which was panting with his tongue lolling out of his mouth.

She was getting more aroused by this and suddenly stopped pumping.

Krystal got her head close to the canine cock until she was close enough to lick it. And so she did. It tasted wonderfully, it had a strong sweet taste that filled her with an enticing feeling.

She gave him a few more licks before using her hands to line up the bestial shaft with her mouth.

Then she kissed the tip of it, opening her mouth she slid his cock in her mouth in a tentative manner. This made her feel more aroused, her pussy dripping like a broken faucet.

She started bobbing her head back and forth along the length that was shoved in her mouth and throat. With each oscillation, the cock slipped down deeper until Krystal took the knot completely in.

The knot swelled with each pulse until it was impossible for Krystal to take it out.

The animal gave a few thrust into Krystal's mouth before cumming powerfully, groaning loudly as his balls twitched upwards.

Every load filled Krystal's mouth but she was skillfully swallowing it all in large gulps as it went into her mouth.

Only a little bit spilled from the side of her mouth, trailing down her tongue, stimulating each taste bud it met.

His volume was so much if she'd been hungry she'd have been completely sated by it. In fact her stomach was bloating with its new creamy filling.

After a few minutes, the knot deflated enough to let the cock slip out of Krystal's mouth.

Now it was time for something different. Krystal lied down on her back once again and pulled back her legs to offer him a good sight of her pussy. The beast didn't hesitate for a second.

He positioned himself just above her, making his cock rest on her belly.

"Yes, stud, fuck me." she said, heavily panting. She was almost at her limit.

Those few seconds seemed to be in slow motion. The beast taking a step backwards, his big wet cock glistening in the sun. The cock lining up with her pussy, and then, without hesitation, sliding all the way in.

That was when she came... and woke up.

Krystal trembled, tossing and turning in the sheets as the powerful orgasm came upon her. Her pussy was quivering steadily and shooting out spurt after spurt of female juices, adding to the others that soaked the mattress and the sheets.

The wave of pleasure was unbelievable, she thought that if she could have died of pleasure, it'd have been at that exact time.

The tossing and turning was only increasing her feeling because of the sheets rubbing her highly sensitive erected nipples and clit. Because of her sweating, also the dried jizz on her began to release an highly arousing smell.

She was like this for almost a minute, before her body calmed down and she thought about what she had just dreamed.

After a few more minutes, she stood up and looked out. The sun was rising. As soon as she knew that, she grabbed a towel and started walking off to a small lake she had found in her previous explorations.

She thought about nothing the whole time, trying to suffocate the memories of that dream with tons of non-thinking.


After a few hours, Krystal went back to the ship.


Her head hit the top of the door causing her to give a small swear. She went in her room. The place was still reeking of her fluids, which were evaporating from her bedsheets and her mattress.

While she put everything in the laundry she couldn't help but sniff some of it.

"I will not allow myself to get aroused again" she said, as answering to a voice inside her head.

When she was done, she activated the vents to make them suck out the sex-reeking air.

The vixen checked the cells' charge: 16.62%.

After a few minutes of ventilation, Krystal sniffed the room to check whether the smell had gone. Then, the vixen shut off the vents and checked once again the energy cells.

It showed 16.57%.

Damn, I need at least 75% of them to be completely sure I get off of this planet.

The latest events had worried her so much that she was thinking of a way to evade any danger or... him. The one and only way she could do so was to barricade herself in, but she needed to get out to get food since she discovered that the fruits, once collected, only lasted about two days before getting spoiled. In the evening of day 3, she tried eating one of the spoiled fruits she had collected on the first day. It didn't turn out well. She was very sick and passed almost two days sitting on the toilet with a blanket. She didn't want to remember the details. Let's just say... she was not going to do it again.

Making some calculations and checking her dehydrated food levels, she deduced she had to go out for at least 25 more days.

All of this was troubling her as she started scribbling on her journal.


Krystal's log Day 8

Yesterday I had a... different type of encounter with an animal I'd never seen before. It looked very similar to a feral fox except for the size and colour: this one was about twice as big as a normal fox and, instead of red, its fur was a brilliant green. By its behaviour and reasoning abilities, I think it's a highly intelligent animal. I don't think it was the creature I saw in the ruins, because it didn't seem to be hostile or aggressive... well, not in every way at least. Moreover its claws and teeth were long, but not enough to resemble an actual threat.

Those ruins looked like centuries if not millennia old, so I suspect that sort of "dog" could be extinct, if his only source of nourishment were the members of that tribe.

For now, my main issue is about the food. I still have to find a way to get something more durable than the fruits, which spoil almost immediately.

Still, I hope I'll never see it again.


A few days passed without any inconvenient. However Krystal found herself thinking about that dream a couple of times, luckily with no worse outcome than some pussy drops on her panties.

A couple of odd thing she noticed though in the passing days. She thought she had gotten higher, not very much actually, just a couple of centimetres or so and she wasn't really sure because there were no ways of measuring it. Surely she was young but she thought she had already reached her maximum height.

The other thing she noticed was that her B-sized bra felt tighter. It seemed as her boobs had increased half a size. Probably she was still developing even if she was already twenty.

Cerinians like her actually developed at very different ages. There were some that were physically adult already at the age of 8, while others weren't fully grown until the age of 25.

Considering this fact, she decided not to worry about it. She had already so many troubles to prefer not to think also about petty things like appearance.


Food was running low as she remained with nothing but two days worth of dehydrated food. During her explorations, she thought that maybe the rats she continuously spotted would have made a good food source. When she caught one, this thought was confirmed. Still, catching one of them took her almost half a day, leaving her exhausted and hungry.

Only dehydrated food was probably worse, mostly because the rehydrating device on her ship used up a lot of energy, so she only ate it still dehydrated. Equally nourishing but it was like eating a sole.

Now she was in a part of the forest that showed a different type of vegetation than the zones she explored the previous days. Those zones were filled with tall trees meters away one from the other, while in her current zone, the vegetation was much more dense. She had to continuously push branches away from her path. All of this was exhausting as she arrived at a small glade which had a small river. She immediately reached for the water, drinking it in hasty and small gulps. After his thirst was quenched, she decided to rest sitting at the base of a tree as she leaned on it.

Her eyelids felt suddenly heavy and slowly she fell asleep.

She woke up some time later, dizzy and confused. Her limbs were tingling.

What the...? she thought, lifting her hand at eye's height.

Only, her hand lied where it was down her sides. She tried moving it, but it didn't budge. Her limbs were paralysed and she could only move her head and torso.

Scared, her mind began to race, going through every possibility, as suddenly the answer came to her. Probably one of the bushes she had crossed leaked a neurotoxin that caused paralysis.

This was the best reason she could think of.

If that was the case, she only had to wait until her body had processed the neurotoxin allowing her to move freely again. She was in danger, but there was nothing she could do paralysed.

Time passed when suddenly the air filled with a different scent. It was very faint but she could sense it if she concentrated on it enough. She knew it and it was not a good new.

That was the fox's scent. She tried moving but her body was completely deaf to her brain's requests.

After a few minutes, the fox appeared, exiting from the forest. He looked around until he spotted her. He approached her, cautiously as if she was the scary one. When he was a meter away from her, he started sniffing the ground, his snout sliding on the soil and nearing her.

God, not again, she thought, her eyes already watering.

He sniffed her, focusing mainly on her limbs.

He knows

After this, the fox's snout began inspecting the vixen's head. As they were snout to snout, Krystal tried to turned her head backwards away from him and closed her eyes.

She heard some movement around her and after a few seconds, she opened her eyes.

He had climbed the tree with his forelegs, while his hind legs were planted on the ground, on the left and right of Krystal. This way, when Krystal opened her eyes all she could see was his sheath and his dangling balls underneath it, hanging a few centimetres from her snout.

Knowing what he wanted, she looked up at his face with a "No way" look. In reply, the fox licked his lips suggestively.

Tears began to line the vixen's face. She stuck out her tongue, still not believing what she was about to do. She closed her eyes trying not to think about it, as her tongue collided with one of the furry orbs.

She started licking it in long licks starting from the bottom and going then upwards. After a few licks something poked at her snout. The dick was half out of the sheath as she retracted immediately her tongue. The dick grew longer until its tip was halfway the distance that separated her nose from her eyes.

Knowing too well what she had to do, she opened her mouth and engulfed his length in it. The taste was completely different from her dream. It was not sweet, on the contrary it was salty and it smelled the same way he did, except twenty times stronger.

She began to push her head back and forth, making her mouth slide on the beast's cock. From above her, quiet yips of approval were filling her ears. The cock continued to grow until it forced Krystal's tongue to flat on the mouth floor.

As she stimulated it, the penis convulsed shooting little globs of precum which filled her mouth and trickled slowly out of the corner of her mouth.

After a few minutes of this, she could feel her knot growing. It grew like the last time, only this time it wedged in Krystal's snout, filling it completely and causing her jaw to painfully open.

Her weeping went stronger as she felt the sharp pain in her jaw muscles as they stretched even if the pain went continuously fading with time.

When he was sure the knot would not have moved from it's location, the fox humped at her face causing her head to collide painfully with the tree.

She let out a muffled yelp. He immediately stopped and looked down. Puzzled she looked up at him.

Did he... did he stop for me? she thought, sensing worry in the beast's eyes.

The beast turned his head upwards and started grinding his cock in her mouth.

His panting became increasingly heavy as he neared his orgasm.

Suddenly he howled as the orgasm flushed upon him. Krystal thought that the worst part was over. Much to her horror, it was only now beginning.

She saw his balls tensing as a spurt of feral cum filled her mouth and throat completely, unable to get out of the sealed mouth. She didn't expect it, and it caused her to cough, in an effort to breathe. This resulted in a jet of feral cum to be shot strongly out of her nostrils and on the beast's groin.

Her tears ran faster as now every breath reeked of that savage smell. She realised she had to swallow his spunk if she didn't want to cough at every spurt.

She used his twitching balls as a sign of an oncoming load and prepared to swallow another load. This continued for several minutes as Krystal started to feel less and less hungry as the hefty balls kept feeding her. She couldn't look at it but she knew her stomach must have been swelling visibly, while she forced herself to gulp down everything the male would have given her.

When she was really at her limit, the shooting of sperm down her throat stopped. The heaviness she felt in her belly was making her feeling drowsy, and strangely slightly horny, even if she couldn't tell why.

As she fell into a slumber, the fox had now deflated enough to extract his dripping cock from her mouth. An unexpected gush of cum spurted out of it and ended on her snout, hanging from the side of it like honey.

Before running away, the fox stopped to lick away his cum from his dick and from Krystal's face.

After he was done, he gave one last tender lick at Krystal's snout and ran off.


Krystal woke up. Her jaw was sore as her muscles were recovering from their previous stretching. In her mouth, she could still taste the beast's semen, as she involuntarily gulped down the last few drops. Her limbs were still tingling, although the vixen was starting to regain their sensitivity.

She noticed that she was sitting in a puddle of her own juices, scared of what that implied.

Did I like it? she thought, refusing to accept it.

As time passed, she decided to focus on getting back to the ship as fast as possible, before he returned for another "session".

She started dragging herself, her legs still too weak to support her. She followed the way she had come from, avoiding to touch every kind of bush that stood in her way.

When she had covered only a hundred meters, her legs were again functional as she pulled herself up and stood shakily.

Moving increasingly faster she reached her safe home running and barricaded herself in, in fear of him.


She woke up the next day, feeling randy, her nipples hard and her groin lying in a damp stain on the mattress.

What's happening?, she thought, her snout open and wheezing.

She tried to calm down, lying still in the bed, her arms next to her hips. She waited, minutes passing. Instead of fading, her horniness kept increasing, filling her head with disgusting images of the feral fox.

She didn't even notice as her left hand began teasing her swollen clit, stimulating it as much as it could.

As her pussy began leaking steadily, her right hand began rubbing her highly sensitive nipples.

Starting with the right one, she moaned in lust as her left hand stopped rubbing to try to get in her pussy, stopped only by her hymen.

The right hand travelled toward her left breast, caressing it as a lover would do and then lowered to rub her inferior right nipple.

Wait... inferior right nipple?

She stood up in shock, running in the bathroom to use the mirror, her body forgetting about the arousal.

The vixen in the rectangular opening looked a lot like her. The only noticeable difference was the two nipples that pierced her fur a few centimetres below her normal breasts.

She stood in awe as he continued touching her nipples, checking if the mirror worked correctly by looking at equally awed blue figure in it.

What's the meaning of this?

Was she really mutating? And if it was so, what was she mutating into? Another feral fox? Or something different?

Thousands of thoughts filled her mind as she worriedly continued looking at the mirror, still not believing what she was seeing.

This is a nightmare. This HAS TO BE a nightmare.


During the next few days, her new tits grew until they reached almost the same size the upper ones had.

Krystal noticed also other changes. On her fingers and palms, fur was falling as the skin under it was becoming thicker almost callous.

Her feet were becoming more slender and longer, making themselves notice when she wasn't able to put on her boots anymore.

All of this was scaring her, as she was also experiencing some strange episodes of incredible arousal, in which her rational mind became overwhelmed with erotic images and her body satisfied itself as best as it could.

Almost a feral heat...

Every time she felt the heat building in her nether regions, she had to literally lock herself in her ship, because the first time she ran outside completely naked, determined to find and mate the beast until she was satisfied.


Krystal's log Day X

Days ago, I had another meeting with the creature. He... took advantage of me again, coercing me into swallowing his "body fluid". I think it caused a change in my hormones, because I am now experiencing a sort of an animal heat. Actually, I don't know if female Cerinians go into heat, my parents never told me, but I think the two events are connected.

Another thing I noticed is that I am mutating. Not in an absurd way, just some physical changes like my feet that are now longer, or the added pair of breasts I have now. I can't completely be sure that these events are connected with the beast. Other things I think could be the cause of it are the fruits or the rats I recently started to eat. I mean, could he really be the cause of all my misfortunes?

I have to get off this planet as soon as I can.


The episodes of intense arousal became more and more rare as time passed until one day she had none. This condition of self forced captivity robbed her of a lot of her remaining food, as she was left with nothing more than a rat and five bars of dehydrated food.

The next day, Krystal resumed her explorations, still worried about what would happen if she found him.

The last time she gave him a head, she also gulped down his puppy maker fluid, not that she had much choice anyway. But she was probably safe now. As long as she didn't find herself vulnerable with him around, like the other times, she should have been fine.

She didn't how wrong that thought was, but she was about to realise it.

As she walked along one of the many natural trails in the forest, she caught up a scent. A scent she knew rather well, given the fact that only a few days before, the source of it was humping into her muzzle, eager to ejaculate down her throat.

It's him! she thought, sensing his vicinity. I have to get away from here

A few seconds passed. She was not moving. The vixen was getting scared as her rational mind began to be pushed out of control, the heat coming back. She was standing still, taking in deep breaths of his scent. Each whiff made her mind lose control and her pussy wetter. Some moments later, her body started moving. Only... not to get away, on the contrary she was getting undressed as her body followed his scent on its own, anticipating eagerly what was about to happen. Her mind clouded in arousal, her reason crushed under the urging need signalled by her mound.

Now Krystal's only thought was to find him and to mate him until this burning need was satisfied. She didn't care about anything anymore; not about her transformations, not about the danger he meant.

Suddenly, the forest opened in a large clearing and in the middle of it, the foxy creature was standing.

Krystal dropped on all fours and turned to present her needy pussy to him. Her pussy lips were red and engorged, wet with her arousal. She lowered her chest and lifted upwards her tail so he could fuck her more comfortably. The female was not even thinking anymore, his male musk triggering a reaction that was alien to her body. Driven by her instincts, the only thing she could think of was what she should have done to please him.

Seeing the ready vixen, the male approached her and sniffed teasingly at her sex. This was enough to make her groan in lust, her head turned upside down to look at the beautiful stud that was about to fulfill her needs.

The beast started to give a few licks, diving his tongue in her pussy as much as he could, to which Krystal answered by moaning increasingly loudly.

Her mouth opened in a broad grin as she saw the big prick coming out of the sheath and the huge balls that were dangling under the male's body.

After a few more licks the male stopped and began climbing onto Krystal's back, grabbing her hips.

She planted her arms on the ground to help her body sustain the additional weight.

The canine cock was rubbing her lower belly and her clit, sending waves of pleasure over her body. Once in position, the male bobbed back and forth a few times, trying to get his rod at the vagina's entrance.

After a few tries, the cock wedged itself in her outer lips.

_Finally, _she thought, panting and anticipating.

The male began pushing his cock inside but was blocked by the still intact hymen. The sudden stretching of it was enough to make Krystal yelp in pain. The fox stopped, understanding what had just happened. His cock stopped pushing and receded back enough to just lean on her hymen.

Krystal was disappointed. Was he going to change his mind just because of her yelp?

"Wait, what are y-"

She couldn't end the sentence as the pushing restarted, this time stronger and faster. She couldn't even think about the pain, as his cock ripped her hymen and buried itself deep into her love hole.

The sudden feeling made her orgasm, coating the bestial member inside her in even more juices, as they dripped on the ground, mixed with her own blood.

Her arms felt weaker, as she lost their support and her upper side lied on the ground, her four jugs softening the hard contact.

From that point on, the fox started pounding her as fast and hard as he could, driving inside all of his length, the tip of his cock bumping every time against her cervix.

The feeling was intense and ecstatic as she felt every part of his cock rubbing her insides, fast yet delicate. Her pussy felt like it was on fire, covered in a mix of her juices and the beast's precum. Even her womb was on fire with need.

Luckily there's a fire fighter with a big hose and a lot of water to extinguish it. She thought euphorically as her tongue lolled out of her mouth and lied on the ground making a small puddle of saliva.

Her face was twisted in a comical mask of pleasure, her mind only capable of lewd thinking.

Everything was making her feel enthusiastic: the pounding, the panting and drooling of the male above her, his paws touching and grabbing her sides with each pulsation and the slapping of his huge balls on her thighs and lower belly.

She could have done this forever, no matter how difficult or tiring could that have been, right now this was her only reason to live.

The male hold her tighter as she felt his knot starting to grow. As this happened, the fox's sliding in and out was becoming increasingly harder, until he couldn't put the knot in anymore.

Both disappointed, he stopped humping and instead started pushing against her, trying to wedge his bulb in. The feeling was awkward and pleasurable at the same time. The stretching of her vulva sent her an increasing wave of both discomfort and bliss. She could feel every veiny bump it had on his smooth surface, pulsing with his heartbeat.

Understanding his pushing alone wouldn't have been enough, the vixen started pushing her pussy back, the knot stretching her impossibly wide. Suddenly, it slid all the way in, her outer lips closing and trapping the knot in, tying them together.

He won't get anywhere now, she thought smiling. Come on, give it to me! she shouted greedily, but only in her head.

Instead he continued pumping inside her for many more minutes, causing the knot to swell from the previous ten centimetres up to seventeen.

During this time, Krystal's walls were stretched so much that she orgasmed at least twice more while her eyes wept feeling the painful stretching.

As another orgasm was beginning to reach her mind, she looked back to witness the beast's balls getting closer to the base of the shaft, stopping their slapping. She could see the outline of his cock deforming her insides, making her mound bulge out.

Now.... he really... is... close, her thought fragmented by the blissful feelings.

The fox gave a few more pumps, then buried himself as deep as possible. The longer tip wedged itself in the space between the vagina end and the cervix, while the shorter one, which carried the urethra, punctured the cervix's hole, exposing the womb to it. Her insides fit like a glove against the beast's cock.

She orgasmed again, howling, as she felt the wonderful feeling of the first spurt that went directly to her womb, splashing its walls and extinguishing her needy fire in a creamy flood.

The beast climbed down of the vixen, still shaking in her orgasm, and turned backwards until they were rump to rump.

This was how the beast mated, very similar to a common fox.

She was panting very heavily, her arms trembling with the sensation. Krystal turned her head backwards to look at her back. She saw the beast's hefty balls resting on her butt cheeks.

Rhythmically they contracted, twitching upwards with each spurt of feral semen that painted her insides and sent another wave of bliss to her head. She moaned loudly every time she received another load of feral sperm.

After a few loads, her womb was completely full. The semen had no way of escape since the knot separated tightly her vagina from the outside.

Therefore the following spurts began bloating her belly, filling every nook and cranny inside her and causing her to feel a less pleasurable sensation.

Anyway, lost in her heat, she turned the best she could and started massaging his hefty balls, greedy for more of his miracle juice.

The male kept filling her for half an hour causing her belly to swell out a few centimetres, while she kept trying to empty his balls.

After a few more minutes, the fox's knot deflated enough to allow it to dislodge from Krystal's hot passage. As soon as it popped out, it was immediately followed by a jet of feral sperm, flowing out in a river from the vixen's genitals.

Still affected by the heat, Krystal tried to contract her inner muscles in an effort to keep the wonderful fluid in, but she succeeded in holding only what was in her womb. After the river had become nothing more than a trickle, Krystal's legs collapsed and her lower belly and tail dropped in the puddle of feral semen, still trembling in shocks as her previous orgasms washed over her.

She lied on the ground exhausted, her tongue still in the dirt, her eyes staring into nothingness as the last of her orgasms left her satisfied, her mind blanker than snow, her face iced in a ecstatic expression.

After this, the male approached her backside once again and sniffed her pussy. Satisfied by that, he turned towards Krystal's muzzle to give her a tender lick on her nose, which she didn't even feel.

Then he ran away back into the forest, his cock still dangling out of its sheath, still covered in semen which was dripping on the ground, leaving a trail of white drops.


After dragging herself back to the ship and cleaning herself up, the vixen spent the following two days in her bed, crying all the time never stopping even to eat or sleep.

The... thing she had done with him, how could she even think of doing that? Besides, she discovered that their "encounters" were the cause of her mutations.

In fact, her second pair of breast filled out more, almost matching her normal ones in size, while a third pair of nipples appeared, followed by the growth of a new pair of breasts.

The callous growth on her hands and feet were starting to morph into pads, making it harder to bend her fingers. Besides, her hands and knees continued morphing into paws as the fingers shortened and the feet grew longer.

I'm becoming like him! this was the only thing she could think of while weeping.

When the sun was rising in the third day, hunger broke her out of her sorry state and she stood up.

But a second later, she lost her balance and fell on all fours on the ground. Apparently standing on two legs was now very difficult as her feet were almost completely paws.

This reminded her of her condition, even as her stomach grumbled in protest.

She took out a dehydrated bar of food, tears flowing down slowly but steadily on her cheeks. While she ate, she took out her journal to write her - hopefully not last - entry.

Krystal's log Day XX

I... got into contact with that fox again and I was once again infected. I'm saying infected because I'm now completely sure he is the cause of my transformation. What worries me most is that I probably will completely transform and become another feral fox like him. I think it's a sort of infection, maybe a virus or another vector that alters DNA and causes other organisms to reshape. The thing I'm hoping for right now is that if I somehow make it back, maybe I can be cured.

But... since I don't know if I'll still be capable of speaking, I'm leaving my journal here in the hope someone reads it and understands the situation.

So, please, help me!

She needed double the time she usually needed because of the improved difficulty created by the growing pads on her fingers. When she was done, Krystal took her journal and stuck it in a file holder that was nailed on the navigation console.

Still weeping, she began preparing for her departure. Thinking that she probably wouldn't be able to operate the ship with paws, she programmed it to start itself up, to put up shields and to get back to the Star Fox Team base when the energy cells reached 75%.

She looked at the cells. 34,42%

She calculated rapidly how much time it would take and sighed at the result.

Krystal also anticipated that probably by that time her transformation would be complete.

Her ears drooped and she went back to her bed.


After a few days, Krystal was once again out in search of food. Once used to the four-legged walking, hunting rats was now rather easy and she was beginning to enjoy it. All the tracking, hiding and jumping on a prey were the first not boring thing she could do. Besides, since this was providing her with food, she didn't have to ration and could eat as much as she wanted. She was even getting a little pudgy. She looked at her body.

The changes were now almost over as she paid attention at her three pairs of breasts. The first two were almost identically huge, while the third pair was growing day after day and it was now a half the size of the others.

Her snout had grown a couple of centimetres longer and her teeth had grown in size to fit in her new bigger mouth. Her canines grew longer than the other teeth. Hers looked even longer than the fox's.

Even if she shouldn't have, she liked her changes even if sometimes she missed her hands, which allowed her to manipulate things. With paws, the best she could do was roll things over.

By now, her paws still resembled a bit her hands, but were already unable to grab things and she knew the change would have continued.

Her hind legs were fully formed as they ended in a completely feral leg with paws and pads.

Her vagina was still in the same place, but now she was able to reach it only with her mouth when she needed to clean it.

Actually, sometimes she fantasized about the fox, then stopped and scowled at herself, even as her pussy went wet.


A few days passed. Krystal's thoughts were becoming more and more bestial as she had many dreams about the fox and what she would do with him. Some of those pictures were also romantic as she imagined them both running wildly in the forest, playing with each other.

One day she woke up in the bed wet by not only her love juices. The mattress was stained with three more stains each next to one of her pair of breasts. She was lactating.

Puzzled, she thought for a moment what could that have meant. Rolling from one side to the other she realised it. The previous days she had thought that maybe her swelling belly was not caused by fat, rather than cubs. Now she had the proof of it

The Krystal that landed the first day would have grossed out at the thought, but she wasn't her anymore.

She was about to become a mother of some beautiful little feral kits. The feeling filled her up with an unknown joy, not as strong as an orgasm, but equally pleasant. She rolled on her back and began rubbing tenderly at her belly, imagining how her life would be.


The number on the gauge showed 74.99%

A second later, it hit 75.00%. As this happened, the ship's systems turned on with a buzzing and flashing that covered all the navigation console. Pre-programmed instructions began to change settings and activate various processes. The outside hatch began closing as the rumbling of the igniting engines filled the air.

The ship lifted itself off the ground a few meters before a thin translucent layer of green began covering it. Once the shield were fully up, the ship turned 180 degrees and started flying towards the sky. It breached the magnetic field and a few seconds later the trembling stopped, signalling the successful take-off. Then it headed towards her destination.


Krystal was about a kilometre away from the ship as she heard the engines starting up. Even if she was going in the opposite direction, the vixen turned and sat down to look at the take off. As the ship flew outside of the planet's atmosphere she felt a relief, hoping her last message would be understood.

Before leaving for the last time the ship, Krystal took her diary and placed it on the ground. Then with the paw she had previously soaked in mud, she stamped its print onto it. Now 4 small oval stains and another bigger one below them were on the paper.

"I'm staying here"

Once the ship was fully out of sight, she resumed her tracking. It was very faint, but her improved sense of smell could still sense it. She was following his scent from the trail he had left after their last encounter.

She began following it again, her now round belly swaying left and right as she walked.


She arrived at the end of it. It was a clearing directly under a cliff which caused for the sun not to show itself. Beside the cliff, a waterfall was endlessly filling a small pond.

Next to the pond there was a cavern. His cavern.

"Hey!" she shouted, a bark echoing in the forest..

After a few seconds, the father of her future pups came out of the cave. She now could read his expression and right now he was smiling, visibly happy at her arrival. He didn't say anything: he just approached her and began rubbing his head and neck over hers affectionately.

"You've chosen to stay" he said smiling.

"Well, I didn't have many choices" she said, hinting at her belly.

"I'm sorry about that but I had to do it, one way or another" he replied, sincere.

"By the way, my name's Rathe. Let me explain."

" Our species is on the edge of extinction. Our species originated millennia ago, after some two-legged aliens imported our ancestors with them. Initially, they couldn't mate with other species, but after many generations, a different race of us showed a peculiar trait which allowed it to mate other creatures, on the premise that this creatures were enough similar to them. This caused the other races to fade under the power of this trait.

Still, the number of Yachtas, that's what our species is called, was really low because of the low number of specimens that were initially imported. Then one day, a Yachta discovered the second trait we had. Something in our body fluids caused the creature that was exposed to them to transform into another Yachta, always on the premise of similarity.

This led to attacks at the two-legged creatures that had established here in an attempt to turn them to our side. There were losses from both parts on each attack. After many years, the two tribes settled in a pact.

The two-legged aliens would surrender one of them to the Yachta every few seasons and in return there wouldn't have been attacks."

The sacrifice. This is why there were two of them in the last frame, to explain that the first sacrifice had been transformed into one of them. she realised, recalling the memories of the temple she had seen.

"Things went well for about 900 seasons, and then suddenly a mysterious illness wiped the two-legged aliens off of the planet's face. When some Yachtas went to their village to understand why there had been no 'payments', they came back infected, spreading the illness."

"Oh my God! I went there!" she said, panicking.

The fox gave her a lick on her snout and leaned his head on her, comforting.

"Don't worry, the illness is long gone, I don't exactly know why but I know. I've been there too many times." she said, trying to calm her down.

"Anyway, the illness destroyed the Yachta too, leaving me as the last one of them. At least, before you came on the planet." he said, looking at her in the eyes.

Krystal looked puzzled, reminding the pitiful state the village had.

"Wait, how long ago did this happen?" she asked.

He rolled his eyes upwards, thinking.

"Hmm... I'd say, about 50 seasons ago, why?"

At his answer, she realised she had no way to understand how much time that was.

"Never mind... how long do er... we... usually live?"

"About 300 seasons, and if you want to know I'm 56 seasons old. A young, healthy stud I'd say, don't you think?" Rathe said, a proud grin on his face.

"And... how old do you think I am?"

"You don't know?" he asked surprised.

"Let's say I can't relate to local time." she replied, her face grumpy. "How old do I look?"

She followed him with her sight as he walked by her tail.

"We develop a particular marking as we age. See?"

He pointed at her tail with a forepaw. She only now noticed a small trail of white fur that starting from the end of her back travelled down her tail, interrupted only by Krystal's decorative tail laces, splitting her blue tail in two symmetrical halves.

"This means you're still rather young. I'd say... 40 or 50 seasons old. Happy?" he said smiling cunningly.


The feral vixen was lying on the pile of hay looking at her beautiful three kits while they were nursing at her swollen breasts.

One of the males was blue and the other a kind of bluish green, while the female was the same green as her father.

Rathe walked up beside her, dropping the bird he had just preyed a meter away from the vixen.

"Look at them, the first step towards the survival of the species." he said, smiling.

She smiled back and shut her eyes.

"Why, do you want to stop already?" she answered him, smiling seductively.

He laughed.

"It's an hard job, but someone's got to do it." he joked back, faking importance.

She hit him with a forepaw, replying to his joke.

"Come here, 'saviour'"

He went behind her and lied to rest, curled up on the back of his lover, his head resting affectionately on her shoulder.

As he looked at his kits, he fell asleep, finally happy to be again with his family after so many seasons.

The vixen looked at him sleeping peacefully on her shoulder. She smiled sighing.

The last of the Cerinians had given her life away to save the last of the Yachtas.

She smiled thoughtfully, until a sharp pain brought her back to reality.

"Ow! Don't bite, Carma!" she growled at the little female.