Why Tickling?

Story by Arch on SoFurry

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Imagine, if you will, being held down by a male who is much larger, much stronger than you. He is your physical superior in every way. He can pin you down, man-handle you with the greatest of ease. No matter how hard you fight him, or try to use every ounce of strength in your body, you are absolutely no match for him.Now imagine he reveals to you a rather dark, sadistic fetish he wants to subject you to. You think it's crazy at first, until he starts in on you, and you realize how utterly unbearable the sensation is. It doesn't matter how odd, or how 'silly' you think tickling is. If you are even remotely ticklish, or worse, you are ridiculously sensitive, the sensation of being tickled for any length of time, when you are utterly powerless to stop it, is indescribable. Intolerable. It's an unbelievably strong sensation, one that spikes directly on your nervous system. Your brain screams for you to MOVE, to make him stop, to fight as hard as you possibly can to defend yourself. But you're too weak, and he is too strong. You realize that if he wanted to, he could hold you down and tickle as long as he wants. You are at his mercy. And you laugh. You can't help but not. As strange as it is, the body's reaction to this sensation is to make you laugh. Hard, and uncontrollable. You start making sounds as you scream and roar that you find to be ridiculous, and embarrassing. But you can't stop it. There is no way to brace yourself for this sensation, no way to desensitize yourself. There's no way to block the sensation out, your body truly has no defense in place to protect you from this torture. And you never get used to it, no matter how long he tickles you. It is exactly as strong and unbearable as the first second he started. It never gets better. Even though every second of it is agony, and you feel like you can't STAND another second of it, you are helpless. He is in control. The emotions you're feeling at that moment can vary widely. The most prominent one is rage. To be forced to feel this horrible sensation, and to be unable to stop it, it is utterly undignified. It is absolutely unfair that another person can torture you like this, to force you to endure it, just because he is physically stronger than you. This is when you start to feel true humiliation; a level of embarrassment you didn't think yourself capable of. Because it doesn't matter how angry you get, how proud or dignified you think you are. You will scream, and laugh, and cry, and yes, you will eventually swallow your pride, and beg him to stop. But he doesn't stop. It is humiliating to the N'th degree, this little weakness of your body that you used to think was so childish and silly. And he's not interested in stopping. There's nothing you can offer him, nothing you can say or do to get him to stop. Again, you realize, and start to really understand, that you are at his mercy. Most people think they can't get in a situation like this. That if they tried hard

enough, they would be able to fight back, or get away, to defend themselves. This is foolish. But don't be embarrassed if you are one of these people. It's a very natural thought, and it's important, in order for you to feel relatively safe. Like you can defend yourself, come what may. But even if you are big, and strong, even if you know how to fight and defend yourself, just remember, there is always someone better than you. And everyone can be tied up. Everyone. This is where you experience true helplessness for the first time. When you start to understand what true dominance is, and you are definitely on the wrong side of it.This is where things get interesting. He starts to offer you a way out, a chance to get a break, to stop the tickling, even if it's just temporary. You are absolutely ragged from screaming, laughing, crying, begging. You immediately agree, even though you don't know what it is. At this point, you'd do just about anything to make him stop. But what he wants from you is sexual. He wants you to suck his cock, nice and slow, worshipful. The idea horrifies you. The very last thing you want to do is put this male's penis in your mouth, to suck it for him, to actively give this sadistic male pleasure he doesn't deserve. Just the thought of it is horribly degrading. But what you don't realize is, he does deserve it. He has dominated you. Utterly and completely. It doesn't matter that his position over you right now is entirely based on physical superiority. If you don't obey him, he can keep tickling you. And yeah, depending on how strong-willed you are, you might be able to tell him no. You still might think that you can hold out. But after another hour of screaming, or two, or three, you'll change your tune. You'll suck his dick, because you have no choice. He has made you his bitch. No matter what you thought of yourself before this happened, you have been dominated. And no matter how humiliating, how angry that thought makes you, there's not a damn thing you can do about it. He's already proven he can overpower you, even if you fought with all your heart and soul.So now we get a little bit deeper, a little darker. After tickle torturing you so far beyond your limits, and you're exhausted and humiliated and utterly ruined, what if he decides he doesn't want to let you go? What if he decides to keep you, like a slave? You are in no condition to fight him as he drags you to his dungeon, slaps a collar on you. Slides some cuffs around your wrists and ankles. Binds you, keeps you captive, probably with your arms above your head, so he can come in and tickle your sensitive body whenever he wants. He is strong enough to force you into this bondage. And he is well equipped to feed you, allow you to relieve yourself, everything you need to survive. To stay alive for more sadistic, indescribable tickle torture. And there you will stay, because there is no way to get out. He'll tickle you whenever he wants to, even at the

most inappropriate of times, when you want nothing more than just to relax. You don't get a choice. You are his bitch, his slave, and you will scream for him, like it or not. You don't get to decide when to be ticklish or not. You always are, and always will be, and he will be able to exploit this weakness for as long as he wants. You can only hope and pray for mercy.There are other things he'd like to do. Things that aren't real, and can only be told in a fantasy story. Like potions, or creams, or gas, or injections, that make you a hundred times more ticklish. Make the torture far more intense than you ever dreamed possible. And then there is the concept of immobilization. From experience, I know that being unable to move or struggle intensifies the sensation a great deal. Every thrash and squirm and muscle movement is a way to cope with the unbearable tickling sensation, it really does help. Even screaming and laughing is a form of release, to help your body cope with the insane ticklishness. So if he were to get really, really cruel, he could. He could bind you in such a way that you can't move a muscle, not even an inch. Tie your toes back and spread them out, so he can scrape and tickle to his heart's content, if that is where you are most ticklish. Or better yet, imagine that he's forced you to take that drug, or breathe that gas, that makes you insanely more ticklish than before, and THEN immobilizes you. Maybe the potion is a paralytic, so you can't move your body at all, or even scream and laugh, but you can still feel everything. Now that is your worst nightmare. Now don't panic. Most of these things are fantasy, they are not really possible. But if you are ticklish, you might understand what a horror this could be. Forget about how childish or silly it is, how you used to think about tickling. It is a real, measurable weakness that many of us have. Science is still unable to explain it fully; for example, why you can't tickle yourself. Who knows? All I know is that it is a powerful concept, often overlooked and dismissed as childish. To them I say, you better hope you never get caught by a tickle fetishist. They'll show you how real it can be.

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