The Helix Ion Part 3

Story by Lukai 9 on SoFurry

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#3 of The Helix Ion

Firstly I would Like to state that any person or event depicted in this story is in no way referring to that person or event in real life. Also I am happy to say that this is my favorite part to date. The third installment of 'The Helix Ion' takes on a more science fiction theme that will likely continue in following parts (but to a lesser degree). We get to meet Charlotte Hudson's father and are introduced to The Helix Ion and its bizarre origins.

Any feedback of any kind at any point is greatly appreciated.


The Helix Ion Part 3

It was pitch black by now, Charlotte had returned home to her suburban house. The rooms were tightly packed and cosy, yet ample enough for its one solitary occupant. After a quick meal of cold flesh she started to watch a film and got half way through. The summer heat fried the wiring and the power to her block went out. In response Charlotte retreated to her bedroom for an early night. Standing in front of the mirror in the on suite she saw a slender wolf with light grey fur and a single blue highlight running from crown to fringe, wearing a night gown. Removing her glasses, Charlotte smiled to herself. The candle light flickered, highlighting her high cheek bones and blunted teeth. Years of stress had led to Charlotte grinding her jaws together, she'd undergone hypnotism to fix the problem but it came back during bad cases, like this one. She couldn't help it, the pressure was too much. Still Charlotte enjoyed smiling, even if she did feel self-conscious about her flat headed canines.

Grabbing a small torch she blew out the candles and slipped into bed. As Charlotte opened her book she sighed comfortably, reading with a torch was an experience she seldom got to enjoy. She felt primal, like her ancestors in the caves or in the forests. It was how wolves had once lived, and a life that many secretly desired. As a result the Amish community had been growing rapidly. There had several cases where the followers of God had crossed paths with the sun worshippers. Violence had followed, not everything could be kept from the media. A civil war may have been closer than perceived at one point, "but 'the bitches' had seen to that. The KGB wolf, the CIA jackal", as Charlotte's dad had always said. He'd seen first-hand the deception of the government agencies. Charlotte's mother often retold the story to her daughter of Carlos's involvement with the element 115 and its discovery. That is what Charlotte dreamt of as she slumbered.

"Your father was a great wolf Charlotte, noble too, that's why they couldn't let him live."

"But why mum."

"Well it all began with the secrets, no one was to know but an elite group, including your father; but Carlos thought that, he knew that the world should know, it had a right to."

"What secrets."

"Do you promise not to tell anyone sweet heart."

"Yes mum, I do."

"Well then I guess it's time I told you anyway. It began a long time ago, when your father was still alive..."

..."and so the Russian geologist F. A. Mednikov __has discovered the meteor Seymchan during a geological survey. The meteor was found in the Magadan district in the dry bed of river Hekandue, a left tributary of river Jasa? __naja. With_ a main mass of around 600 Pounds it is believed to be part of a larger meteorite that broke up in the atmosphere, similar to the Tunguska asteroid that crashed in Russia in 1908.There was no sighting of the meteor as it entered the atmosphere and due to the lack of a crater it is possible that the rock has been there for some time. Another theory is that the object was dragged down the river by its current, hiding the time of descent. Return in half an hour when our Russian correspondent will go into more detail. Now, our top story tonight"_ ...

The monochrome television sent flashes and shadows across the walls; the motionless faces of Carlos and his pregnant wife were illuminated. The phone rang, he answered, knowing who was calling. With only a kiss good bye and a promise of his return Carlos picked up his suit case, left and never came back.

Dr. Carlos Hudson was a scientist who specialized in chemistry and meteorology. He had been called to the peace summit in England to discuss his findings on the meteor that had been 'found' in Russia. In reality the meteor had only just landed and its true origins were being hidden from the media. Mednikov had kindly donated his name for the cover up. A small fragment had landed in the US. Hudson had learnt of Seymchan's chemical and physical properties, and they scared him. The power it held was unmatched, so obviously America wanted more, so did the Russians. Welcome to the cold war. It was a common know fact that the engineers and scientists working on the space programs of both super powers were ex-Nazis. Who's to say those adapted V2 rockets couldn't be used for destruction once more.

8 hours later.

"Ladies and gentlemen, may I have your attention for a moment to introduce you to our lead scientist, Dr. Hudson. He is here to talk to you about the meteor Seymchan." Hudson stepped up to the microphone; they were in a stone castle, Kent. The old crumbling walls concealed World War 2 tunnels in which the meeting took place. It was stuffy. The importance of the arrangement had led to hurried flights and subsequently, a large amount of jet lag. Everyone was tired and on a short fuse. The perfect time for a ground breaking and highly technical presentation, thought Carlos to himself. He felt like the bearer of bad news in front of the world's top engineers, translators and, of course their leaders or representative correspondents. Russian, American, Chinese, English, Canadian, Vietnamese etc. they were all there.

He began with butterflies only slightly outweighed by nerves. "Firstly the meteor that landed in Magadan is one part of a meteorite that broke up on entry to the atmosphere. Smaller fragments have landed all over the world. One of which ended up in America a few days ago, I have been studying it intensively and ... well quite simply it consists of elements that do not exist on this planet. From my examination, wolves of the United Nations, I have learnt of the meteor's chemical makeup. Although mostly iron, a large percentage of the meteor's weight consists of the foreign element currently dubbed 'element 115' due to its atomic number. On its own the element would appear to decay very quickly, only having a half-life of about 50 milliseconds. However, this 115 instantly bonded with the nitrogen in the air forming a stable ion form. We have named it 'The Helix Ion' until further notice."

He paused and waited, the crowd hardly appeared amazed in awe; however none of the usual chatter followed. The English correspondent rose and asked slowly, almost patronizingly, "so what's the significance about this 'Helix Ion'. Why should we be concerned about a lump of abnormal rock, is it dangerous?" As she returned to her seat Carlos straightened his long white jacket and placed a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. "Yes it's dangerous, more research is needed to support my findings, but from what I can tell this may be the most valuable asset on the planet." The vice President of the United States dropped his jaw and extended his neck. The general secretary from the USSR, Leonid Brezhnev started to laugh. His country was in control of this thing, whatever it was.

"its uses are many, it is usable as a fuel, nitrogen appears to be the only emission, and it may even run on current generation engines. The Helix Ion also possesses the bizarre ability to rejuvenate dying cells. As well as curing diseases such as cancer, it may additionally be able to reanimate dead cells; in theory possibly an entire bodily system."

The roar from the United Nations was immense, and not very united, suddenly Carlos was very popular indeed. He answered question after question, often repeating himself. Some believed what he said, others did not. The West German President Heinrich Lübke inquired about the rest of the meteorite. "The current situation is that around half is still left to fall to earth, we are still working on the trajectories but it is expected to land mostly as one mass near Central America. Maybe in Columbia or as north as Mexico; possibly in the ocean..."

"What about Vietnam?" Interrupted the Vietnamese translator.

"Again, a possibility." Hudson replied harshly. Leonid Brezhnev had been smiling and joking throughout the whole discussion. The vice president had sat quietly, sulking in the back; his eyes were slits, ears flattened and turned down. Secretly Carlos wished to give the greedy bastards a lesson in morals. His tongue retracted, the skin on his nose folded.

So he did.

The Helix Ion Part 4

**The Helix Ion Part 4** ** ** When silence entered the old tunnels once again, Carlos turned to Leonid Brezhnev. Hailed his attention, and finished the presentation with an ace in the whole; One that would earn Dr Carlos Hudson more than a name for...

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The Helix Ion Part 2

**The Helix Ion Part 2** 1 hour previously, Charlotte's concentration was overpowering, even diminishing the cues of her developed senses of smell and hearing. In truth it took the familiar voice of Harvey Goode to break her focus. As he walked...


The Helix Ion Part 1

**The Helix Ion Part 1** "Gone, all gone", he choked, "My life. Burnt to embers and ash.....DAMN, ITS ALL GONE !!!!" "It's alright just calm down, I'm here for you". The room was lit by hazy filament light that originated from eight bulbs along...

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