Secret of the Fae, Chapter 3: The Transformation

Story by thelastgasp on SoFurry

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#3 of Secrets of the Fae

The sweetly delicate sounds of that strange music begin to encircle me as I stopped moving. I just started concentrating upon each note as they called out to me. The enchanting sounds as captivating as they are alien to me while I just awkwardly stand there, nude before everyone. I wondered once more if this was some strange dream, exposed to so many as I listened to that ethereal song. Each note making me tremble, visions passing before my eyes as I gasped in the cool air. Tender teases of erotic moments began to make me squirm as they played through my mind along with that magical singing. I breathed deep as the haunting song seemed to dig deeper into my mind, bringing out my primal urges. My cheeks flushed pink as I steadied myself, the warmth in my lap now an aching need. My arousal straining proud and young before everyone as I bit my lip, dazed at the growing feelings that rushed through me. I realized it must be all a dream now, as that music brought out delightfully carnal images in my head of lust, mating, and the enjoyment of others in intimate ways.

I started to turn around, trying to catch sight of any of the singers. All I could see were half formed shapes peeking from the shadows, hints of animals and people and all sorts of mixtures between in every shape and size. A staggering array of differing forms, and each one enchanting and beautiful in its own way. I wondered where the buck was, trying to pick out his voice, hearing hints of that proud and lordly voice despite his youth. Everything seemed so enjoyable in this strange dream. The moonlight bright enough to feel almost like day now in that clearing, each breath I take sweet amid the dew covered field. The water on my toes clean and perfect, the grass incredibly soft beneath me. My heart racing as the singing began to pick up speed and tempo. Growing louder as it swirled around my like a whirlpool, picking out memories and sensations both new and old for me to feel.

A sudden shift in the flow of harmony caught my ear, definitely the buck leading in song as I felt a tremble rush through me. For a moment an image of a slinky, sexy little girl popped in my head. Her eyes a piercing green, with a feral, cat like slit to them that made me shiver. I gave a quiet moan, feeling as much as I saw the plump curve of young breasts capped with bright pink nipples. My arousal aching with lust as I trailed down her trim little belly and it's cute button to the inviting swell of her adolescent sex. Those folds glittering with slick readiness for breeding while I whimpered, the sight suddenly ending as I slumped onto my knees. My body was burning up with dizzying heat as I collapsed to my hands, feeling that urge of lust swell from my lap to fill my body with heat. Closing my eyes sharply as the heat turned to a burning sensation, strangely fulfilling in it's sharpness.

The heat swirled and burned through my head, making me whimper with the strange pain and sensations. Feeling embarrassed at the whining sounds I made compared to that dizzying, beautiful singing all around me. The sounds abruptly reaching a dizzying peak as my ears felt like they were going to boil away. My head was pounding as every part of me seemed to shift within me, pawing at the soft grass for relief from the hot sensations. I pressed my cheek to the cold grass, savoring the coolness as that warmth flowed through me. I opened my eyes slowly, the forest clearing in sharp, more vivid details. The bewildering feelings made the world spin and shift around me. Each voice in that chorus growing even more clear as I tremble under the power of that song's power.

Panting for breath, I started to rise as song changed subtly again, that buck still leading the strangely magical song along. A tingle of lust and pleasure running over my chest as I pant, unable to do much but stare at the ground. The sensations both ticklish and erotic as they make me whimper in need, grasping the grass tight. The feeling growing more and more, making me pant for breath as I bite my lip to try to hold it back. I can feel a bead of slick precum collecting in the foreskin of my arousal, shuddering with pleasure as the feelings seem to gather along my chest. I can feel myself changing, transforming with an strangely painless sensation. Flesh twisting slowly as I groan, eyes lidded as I stare at my chest, watching a pair of young, small breasts budding before my eyes. I felt more elegant, delicate and feminine as I cried out softly with pleasure. And then that warm, erotic tingling suddenly rushed through me, collapsing to the cold grass with a long moan.

The heat burns down my spine, settling like a hot itch within my lap. The sensation full and squirming, making me tense up along my lap. My mind racing with lust and primal needs as I watched my cocktip tense and stiffen more. The bubbling, tingling pleasure of anticipation thick in my loins as I realize with a sudden, erotic delight that I'm going to cum. Images of that sensual girl filling my mind as I imagine the heat of her skin against my own. The plump fullness of her nipples between my lips as I tease out quiet gasps of pleasure from her exotic little body. And then yielding embrace of flesh as we join as one, mating with that primal urge of breeding. It's all too much as I arch my back. Eyes opening wide to watch a gush of sticky, white cum pulse proudly onto the ground below. I call out, joining them in song as I encourage, no, invite all that heat into me with each shudder of orgasm.

The hot jets of pleasure and climax spasm through my body, running up and down my spine as I buck into the air with eager lust. Again and again I feel that hot pulse of climax, smelling the sticky, bitter musk of my seed thick on the air. Sweat dripping down my body as the feelings swell with each shiver and gush of cum. I can't think, just the image of that girl, ready for breeding filling my mind. I collapse onto the sticky puddle with a grunt, beginning to spasm while my whole body disappeared into that pleasure. I can faintly hear myself trying to sing along to the growing climax of the song, lost in the moment as the world seemed to just float away. The hot twitches of my lap soon dry, fully spent but still I continue to cum. Mind spinning with glimpses of the feral and enchanted fairies before me, the grass and clearing of the ring of mushrooms I lie sprawled within. There's a strange feeling of loss amid the pleasure, peering at my lap as my maleness sunk into my lap. While within hips a growing warmth emerges, flicking across my rump with a furry softness. Catching a peek of a fox's tail flicking serenely from my rump.

I only have a moment to contemplete that tail, when there's a sensation of everything receding into me as I cry out along with the song. Then a sudden hot pulse of pleasure flows out once more, the climax peaking once more. I can feel a new twitching jerking my lap as the flesh twists within my body. Another sudden gush of slickness oozing from thighs as my lap spasms, a sweet musk strong in the air. Strangely familiar but the feminine scent is new to my nose as I flop on the ground. I can hear myself panting and moaning out the song as the transformation reaches a peak. My skin is glistening with dew, sweat, and cum as I shudder, eyes wide as the heat of my my body slows with the ending verses of the ritual music.

I give a shudder as the last few notes fade, leaving the coldness of the night to rush through me. Every inch of my body feels exhausted and overused. I can barely to lift my head to gaze at unfamiliar flesh. New, snowy light skin supple and perfect, over the sexy curve of feminine hips and a pert little butt. A pair of silky long fox tails flitting with a strangely new sensation. My eyes widening as I see my lap no longer supports the rough fullness of my maleness. Instead a yielding plushness of folds glisten with the slickness of a girl's climax. I lift myself up for just a moment, long enough to stare at young new breasts, capped with those pretty pink nipples of my dreams. Each small breast barely a handful upon my chest. I can feel the odd flicking of ears newly changed upon my head, every sense honed to a razor edge even in that dazed confusion of my transformation. Finally I slump in tiredness, giving in to that flushed afterglow filling me. The world seems to white out as my changed body lays collapsed in the dew, cum and sweat all over my body. The last memory a wistful sigh as sleep takes me away, knowing somehow that handsome buck was going to take me home in his arms.