The Right Way to Wake Daddy

Story by Blackstone on SoFurry

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#11 of Three Masters

After almost a yearlong wait, we hope that you enjoy this latest chapter!

Written by: avatar?user=259&character=0&clevel=2 Teiran

Story by: avatar?user=259&character=0&clevel=2 Teiran and avatar?user=390204&character=0&clevel=2 Blackfire> Editing assistance by: avatar?user=214892&character=0&clevel=2 Slothdog

Edwin woke up slowly, his mind in a pleasant fog. It felt like he'd slept better than he ever had in his life, and he drifted for a while in the haze of being half asleep. His body ached a little, but in a good way, and the soft sheets surrounding him made him warm and content. He didn't need to wake up, there were no alarms blaring to force him out of the slow boot up process most people go through when waking up. That soft edged time where you're awake but nothing matters because your brain hasn't caught up to reality. So he kept his eyes closed, because he couldn't imagine a reason why he shouldn't just lay here for a while longer. No alarms meant it was Saturday, and he didn't have any classes to go to, there wasn't... the young wolf's brain started to come out of his dreamless sleep, and he caught a flash of pink in his vision as his eyes half opened, which didn't make any sense. His dorm didn't have...

Edwin opened his eyes fully, sat up, and as the room spun slightly around him, he wondered if he'd woken up at all. There were stuffed toys, pink wall paper, and a child's toys all around him. This had to be a dream...

A chill ran down Edwin's spine as memory came rushing back like a wave, threatening to drown him. The darkness of his dorm room as those two men kidnapped him. The pain and humiliation he'd felt at the Training Facility, and the leer of the big brown bear who was now his 'Daddy'. Edwin relived the fear of his master promising to make him into the perfect woman and never let him cum again. A man who owned him and kept him in perpetual, aching sexual frustration, always hard, but never able to cum...

The wolf looked down at himself in surprise. He wasn't hard. There was no teasing chastity device on his cock. He wasn't naked either though. Edwin blushed at the red silk panties he was wearing. They were all he had on. There was no cock cage keeping his dick soft, and more importantly, no hightech chastity belt designed to edge him constantly, keeping him hard all the time but never allowing him to reach orgasm. He was just wearing silk panties.

Deep red, lace silk panties that felt good against his sheathe.

Heat flushed Edwin's face as he looked away from the stretched red silk. Damn it, he was not going to start enjoying this. He did not like the feel of silk on his balls. This was not what he wanted.

Edwin sat there for a moment, staring blankly at the room. How had his life gotten to this point? Last night, Daddy had fucked him in front of an entire theater of people as Edwin came all over the stage. He could almost feel it now; the way Master Daon's arms had hugged his waist, both of those big paws jerking him off in the most amazing orgasm of his life. It had felt... perfect. Even the bear's huge dick buried inside had felt great as his over-abused dick and balls were finally, *finally* allowed to cum again. the young wolf shuddered, disgusted by his own reaction to what he'd done. How could he have enjoyed that? Being humiliated and used for the pleasure of the man who had to be at least partially responsible for enslaving him? But he had. That release had been so amazing he'd basically passed out right there on the stage in front of all those people. Daddy had actually carried him off the stage and back to the limo.

The ride home had been a blur of shadows and strong arms as he snuggled against the bear, falling asleep with his head on Daddy's chest. It had felt so good, so romantic. 'Or it would be if I wasn't his slave in a dress with false breasts strapped to me,' Edwin thought bitterly.

The nineteen year old wolf sat there on the edge of the bed, blushing and fuming at the humiliating, but arousing memory, as the silence of the house pressed down on him. What was he supposed to do? How the fuck had he ended up in a place like this, with someone like Daon? But... the perverted bear was his Master. What could he have possibly done to stop it? Edwin blinked, and had to cover his muzzle as he nearly screamed in anger and frustration. He'd actually thought of the man as his master! How, how could he think that way? After everything Daddy had done to him! How?

'You know how,' Edwin thought, anger and shame making his face burn. 'Because of the way he looks at you sometimes. when he's not being gruff and hard, and his eyes look so soft. Like he's awed by the fact you're there.' Edwin's stomach twisted, and his chest felt tight. He didn't... he wasn't having feelings for the bear was he?

That's when the tightness of his silk panties distracted him. He'd gotten so turned on remembering the bear fucking him he'd made a wet spot in the red silk. Well, at least the bear had apparently decided not to put his chastity belt back on. that made Edwin feel a lot better. It was stupid, he was still trapped here, still a prisoner, but his cock wasn't in a cage. The damn thing was uncomfortable to sleep in, even if it wasn't actively edging his cock, and sleeping without it after cumming so hard had been blissful.

Edwin shook his head and tried to banish thoughts of last night. He doubted he would be able to resist jerking off, and he didn't want to think about what Master Daon would do if he came without permission. The bear would certainly never forget to put the chastity belt back on again. Edwin glanced up, his ears flicking backwards as he stared at the plates of black glass in the ceiling of 'his' room. And the bear would find out if he did, wouldn't he?

Edwin looked up at the ceiling of his room, at the sloping roof of the big estate house, and the three dark panels of black glass that concealed cameras. There were even more on the walls, so that the hidden cameras covered all possible angles of the room. most of them probably focused on the bed to record all the times the bear had raped him in here. Would the people behind those cameras even let him finish jerking off? Was there anyone watching him right now? There was no way to tell, but someone would watch the tape, and Daddy would find out. He couldn't do anything in his room without it being public knowledge.

'And god, what a room,' Edwin thought as he stood up and wandered aimlessly around it. He hadn't exactly had much time to spend in it by himself, and for once in the two weeks he had been here, but no one seemed to be coming to wake him up this morning so maybe he should. There might be something in here that could help him escape, assuming that was even possile.

In the corner by the bed, there were dozens of soft, stuffed animals stacked up in a big pile, the most prominent among them a large stuffed bear that doubled as a bean bag chair. It even looked a little bit like Master Daon, though it lacked his prodigious Pride, as the bear referred to his ten inch cock. 'Well, that's one toy I'm not going to cuddle with,' Edwin thought. Besides, there was a big, comfortable looking easy chair if he wanted to sit somewhere. It was pink of course, but that was better than the bear. The bookshelf next to the chair was filled with novels, which to Edwin's dismay turned out to be all romance and fantasy books for young girls. A small desk covered in fashion magazines was the only other furniture in the room.

Well, except for the bed of course. The heart shaped monstrosity dominated the whole center of the room. It was somewhere between a king and a queen size, owing to the odd shape of the mattress. The big comforter was a soft pink, hiding the deep red silks sheets.

The comforter was the same pink as the walls in fact. Pink wallpaper with white stripes that framed cartoonish outlines of stars, unicorns and rainbows. Who in their right mind would pick out a pattern like that? It offended every sensibility he had as a gay man. "Not that I get to be a 'man' anymore," Edwin muttered, and for a moment wondered if the microphones in the walls would hear that. There had to be audio recorders in the room. His old trainer Tom had mentioned listening to him begging Daon to let him cum.

Edwin stood there in the center of his room, at the point of the heart shaped bed, and just stared in numb shock at the pink, frilly surroundings. 'Well,' Edwin thought bitterly, 'if a forty something man tried to design the perfect room for his teenage bride, this would be what it would look like. All that was missing was the posters of teen heartthrobs on the walls.' And that's what it is, Edwin realized with shock. The room actually was was a twisted version of a honeymoon suite, with its cameras, the D-rings built into the bed for bondage play and the... hole.

Edwin's fur itched, and he glanced at the one place in the room he had unconsciously avoided looking at, the one wall of the room with no furniture in it, and quickly turned his head away, blushing with shame. That was the worst part of this nightmarish honeymoon suite. The glory hole.

It looked like a cabinet had been built into the wall at waist height, with little drawers and lights, but he didn't need to see it to know what it looked like again. He'd spent enough time on his knees in front of it, sucking cock after cock to remember ever knot and detail of the wood carving of the cabinet around the metal plate that covered the hole. He knew where all three of the cameras were positioned to capture perfectly what happened there. He'd stared at them, begging whoever was behind them with his eyes to make the endless parade of dicks fucking his mouth stop. Edwin shuddered and turned fully away from the thing, suddenly feeling the need to get dressed.

Edwin went into the bathroom, his fur tingling on the back of his neck and he flicked his tail down over his ass. He could practically feel the men of Master Daon's estate leering at him through the cameras and stroking their cocks. Hopefully walking across the room wasn't enough of a show for one of them to show up looking for a blow job.

The young wolf looked to his right at the big makeup counter with its full body mirrors, and dozens of beauty products, not because he wanted to see them, but because he didn't want to look at what was on the other side of the room. Edwin hurried past the table with all the straps and buckles, where he had been tied down so his cock cage could be removed for cleaning without him being able to jerk off, and pushed open the sliding door to the closet.

Nothing but frilly dresses greeted him, and it took him awhile to find a t-shirt he could wear that wasn't too feminine when paired with a short skirt. there were no shorts or pants at all. His only choice if he wanted to cover himself was a skirt or a full length dress. He tried to pick one that he hoped wasn't too alluring, even though it was bright pink. He dug through the many, many shoes until he found the most masculine pair there was, a pair of shiny black leather boots that came up to his knees. He grimaced as he pulled on the buckled boots and looked at himself in the mirror. He looked like a tomboy ready for high school. It felt so wrong wearing women's clothing, but at least this way he wasn't just wearing red silk panties. He didn't even look at the huge collection of bras and corsets.

A loud thump out in his bedroom made Edwin freeze, and for a horrible moment he thought that the glory hole must have opened. But the lights hadn't flashed, and there was no buzzer, so it couldn't be the glory hole, right?

The wolf's ears twisted backwards, listening, listening for the horrible buzzer to sound, but there was only the beating of his panicked heart. After a full minute, much longer than any man about to get his dick sucked would wait, Edwin's shoulders slumped and he took several deep breaths to calm down. That was spoiled somewhat by another loud bang that made him yelp in fright.

after frowning at how girlish he'd sounded, Edwin's ears tilted forward and he started at the wall. This time, he was sure the sound had come from the room next door. The room his old trainer, Master Tom had occupied. Carefully, the wolf crept back into the bedroom and went to the door connecting their rooms. He carefully turned the handle, surprised to find that it twisted in his paw. A third thump sounded as he eased open the door leading to the adjoining room. Through the crack, the wolf spied what had made the noise, and it made him cringe away from the sight.

Tom's former room was empty now except for a couple bowls on the floor, a large mattress that had been just left on the floor, and the big black dog Feral. The dog was sprawled out on the floor with his new chew toy.

His chew toy was a big one though, or at least attached to something big. Because the dog was chewing on Bitch's balls, and he had the rabbit's nuts clamped between his teeth like a vise.

Edwin watched in horror as the dog repositioned its muzzle and the rabbit's balls were allowed to grow back to their full size for a moment, only to be dramatically compressed again as Feral clamped back down. The shaved orbs of the rabbit's balls were being squeezing hard, but miraculously, the dog seemed to know how hard would be too hard and his teeth never broke the rabbit's shaved skin. Instead the beast was just squeezing and rolling them like a favorite tennis ball, between teeth that could have torn the rabbit's sack away in an instant.

Castration would have been a mercy though, because Bitch was in utter hell. The rabbit was on his back, his legs spread wide to get them away from the dog, his arms wrapped around his chest, covering up the huge tattoo proclaiming his new name for the entire world to see.

If Edwin had ever had any doubts about the rabbit being a mute, they were gone now. Because if Bitch had had any voice left to him, he would have been screaming in pure agony. Tears soaked the rabbit's face as the dog pummeled his balls, and his fist lashed out to thump the floor, which sounded like a gunshot in Edwin's ears. The motion was weak though, like the rabbit had been pounding on the floor for hours, screaming out a silenced cry for help that had never come.

And the worst part? The rabbit was hard as it happened. as the dog chewed on his naked balls, his dick stood up straight, pointing at the ceiling as the stimulating chastity cage he had been placed in vibrated and stroking his dick, forcing him to stay hard, forcing him to enjoy having his balls chewed on.

Edwin retched a little, leaning against the door for support, and he probably would have thrown up for real if he'd had anything in his stomach. He had been asleep next door all night, resting peacefully and unrestrained while this was happening. The door creaked as he leaned against it, and Tom looked up at him with wild, desperate eyes.

The rabbit's body twisted, arms uncurling as he reached out a hand, the mitten fashioned around it turning it into a paw more like Feral's than a real hand. His toothless mouth moved, forming the words 'please, please, god please help me' over and over again, the slobbering of Feral's work and the buzzing stimulation the only sounds as the rabbit's outstretched paw reached for the wolf.

Edwin stared into the other man's desperate eyes, and remembered when his own face had looked like that. Tom had been Edwin's trainer for the three months the youth had spent at the Organization's Training Facility. The rabbit had fucked him in every way that was possible for two men to fuck, and every time Edwin had always come out the loser. Tom was the one who had taught him the slave positions, the commands, the techniques of pleasuring a man with his mouth, and then had beat him when he got them wrong. Tom had humiliated, hurt, and used Edwin every day, training him until the wolf was so submissive he'd given in to Daddy with hardly a word of protest.

'Serves you right, monster,' Edwin thought as he watched the dog clamp down on the rabbit's balls hard and Bitch contorted in pain, begged him for help. 'You've hurt and raped how many other boys like me? How many men did you and the other Trainers break, just so some psycho master could get his rocks off? You're finally getting what you deserve now thanks to Mason.'

But the rabbit's eyes, red rimmed from hours of crying, were full of so much fear and pain. Bitch twisted his torso to face him, paws scrambling at the floor, his immobilized fingers unable to get purchase as Bitch continued begging desperately for help in total silence. Edwin got a good look at his mouth, which had been emptied of teeth in order to ensure the rabbit provided no resistance by biting. It reminded Edwin how much power Daddy and the Organization had, that they could twist someone else's body this way without a thought.

Feral growled and shook his head a bit as the rabbit's thrashing increased. Bitch froze, his back arching with pain, toothless mouth open in a scream that would have been heard through the entire house if his throat still had the ability to make sound. Not that anyone would have come to his aid if he did. Edwin had screamed like that the first time Daddy had taken him, when the bear had forced his entire dick into the young wolf's inexperienced ass and then fucked him for the first time, and no one had come to help Edwin.

'No,' Edwin thought as he felt the silence of the house around him pressed down on him. 'I can't do this. I can't just let him just suffer like that. I'm not like them.' He turned, grabbed something from the small desk, and pulled the door open all the way.

"Feral! Bad dog!" Edwin shouted as he advanced on the dog. As his voice broke the silence of the morning, Feral made a little woof sound and released the rabbit's sack, his head jerking up in what Edwin recognized in his fellow canine as surprise. Edwin locked eyes with the dog, which tilted its head for a moment in confusion. Bitch meanwhile had collapsed back onto the ground in relief as for the first time in probably hours his balls were no longer being crushed.

Feral watched him for a moment, and then as if writing Edwin out of existence, went right back to licking his chew toy. Evidently, the dog wasn't going to pay attention to someone who had once been presented to him as a female to fuck. 'Oh no you don't, no feral dog is going to ignore me,' Edwin thought angrily. 'Everyone else here ignores what I want. Well, not you! '

Edwin walked over to the dog, looked down at the sprawling black form, and weighed what he'd picked up in one paw. Then, using his shiny new black buckled boots, Edwin stomped down hard on the dog's big, black furred balls.

The yelp of pain from Feral was so loud it echoed off the bare walls of Bitch's room. Feral dropped Bitch's balls, leapt up, and spun snarling at the girl in the skimpy dress.

"Bad dog!" Edwin shouted as he brought the rolled up magazine he'd grabbed from the desk around in a roundhouse blow. The young wolf put all his anger and frustration from the last few weeks into the blow, and caught the dog hard on the nose with a smack. Feral yelped again. "Bad dog!" Edwin yelled at him in the deepest voice he could manage, using the commanding tone he had once heard his father use to control the family's hunting dogs. Edwin was even growling, and this time instead of attacking Feral, scrambled away from the growling young she-wolf.

Edwin advanced, the magazine raised threateningly. Feral ducked his head, whimpering suddenly as he bounded away from the wolf. Feral's intelligent eyes watched Edwin's face as he circled around to the other side of the prone rabbit. They stayed like that for a moment, but the big dog was clearly confused and frightened of the wolf that he had previously thought was nobody important. On the ground between them, Bitch curled up into a ball, sobbing silently. When the dog made a move to go to him, Edwin shouted "Bad Dog!" again and swung the magazine, catching a glancing blow on Feral's flank as the dog ducked out of the way. "Lay down!" Edwin said forcefully, pointing at the ground near the rabbit. Feral's ears went back, his tail went down, and he whined as he slunk over beside Bitch and lay down. He watched Edwin for a moment, and when it looked like the wolf wasn't going to do anything else, he turned his head and tried to resume his chewing.

"Bad dog!" Edwin shouted again, and this time he grabbed the scruff of the dog's neck and twisted sharply. Feral whined, unsure of what to do, but he didn't struggle as Edwin wrenched his face back to the rabbit balls, and with a forceful, "No!" smacked the dog on the nose again. This time Feral yelped and scrambled away from Bitch, and he went to the corner of the room with the mattress, where he hunkered down, his eyes wary and watchful as Edwin stood protectively over the rabbit. When Edwin was satisfied that the dog wasn't going to try anything, he leaned down to check on his former trainer.

Bitch was curled into a ball, his arms and legs protectively curled around his nut sack and chastity cage. "Hey, hey Tom, look at me." Edwin wondered if the rabbit could even hear him as he forced the man's head to turn and look at his eyes. "Can you hear me Tom?" The rabbit's eyes blinked couple times, and he stared at Edwin in shock. Then the rabbit moved, clinging to the wolf's legs and mouthing two words over and over. 'Thank you,' he seemed to be wailing, but again there was no sound, only tears rolling down the rabbit's white cheek fur. "I know, I know. It's over," Edwin whispered soothingly. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up okay?" the wolf said as he helped get the rabbit to his feet and led him into the other room.

When Feral stood up and made to follow them, Edwin rounded on the dog and said, "No! Stay!" and pointed at the dog's mattress, "Lay down!" Feral's ears flattened as he growled, eyes on Bitch, who seemed to cling to Edwin tighter in the face of the dog's growling. Edwin raised the rolled up magazine again and whacked it against his open palm as a warning, and Feral's ears flattened as he slunk back over to his bed.

Edwin closed the door to the former Tom's room behind him, locking it from the other side to more firmly shut the dog out. If only there were a lock on this side too, Edwin thought as he got Bitch into the bathroom shower.

The next hour or so wasn't something Edwin wanted to remember later. His former trainer was so weak he could barely stand up, and he'd been forced to strip down and take him into the shower to get the rabbit clean. The water from the shower caused Bitch to jump in pain whenever it touched his balls. The rabbit's now hairless balls were a mass of bruises and tiny cuts from Feral's teeth, but his sheath and chastity cage needed to be cleaned since they were matted with cum. At some point in the night, Bitch must have been forced to climax by his chastity cage while servicing the dog. The thought of being forced to ograsm in such pain made Edwin sick.

Edwin cleaned Bitch up as best he could. He had to wash a considerable amount of dog cum out of the rabbit's short fur and from under his tail, which was raw from the dog's fucking. After they got out of the shower he made the rabbit drink some ice water, which seemed to help bring Bitch around some. Once Bitch was dry, Edwin laid the rabbit out on the table with the straps that served as his cock cleaning area, propping Bitch's head up with one of his stuffed toys. Then, Edwin put a bag of ice against the rabbit's battered scrotum. Bitch jumped in surprise at how it felt at first, but he quickly relaxed into bliss at the numbness the ice brought, cupping it against his balls with one paw.

Edwin stood over the rabbit thinking, his arms crossed over his chest. Not two days ago, Edwin would have been the one on this table as Tom stood over him, a gloating master tormenting a helpless slave. Edwin would had been strapped down so solidly that he couldn't move at all while Tom edged his cock. Tom would have even blindfolded him so that when rabbit took the cock cage off, the wolf wouldn't even see his own dick.

Edwin looked down, and fondled himself, just for the novelty. That had been Daddy's promise on the day we met. "Neither of us will ever see your bothersome little boy cock again." That Edwin's last orgasm, which would come at the hands of Mason in that same little interview room, would be the very last one of his life.

That had been Mason's plan, that his hand would be the last thing to bring Edwin to climax. Ever.

Edwin grinned and stroked his dick, looking down at it and allowing himself a moment of pleasure as he remembered his actual last orgasm. He only had to close his eyes to be back there, underneath his Daddy, hollering how much he loved the bear as Daon made him cum like never before. That orgasm, as embarrassing as it was to be fucked in front of a crowd of people while screaming how much he loved being a girl, wasn't even in the same category as the hand job Mason had given him. It was like comparing the sun to a candle. Edwin shivered, his dick getting really hard in his paw as he flicked his ears back and his tail tucked between his legs. God it had felt so good to touch himself again. To be in control of his own penis and not locked away in a chastity cage.

Edwin opened his eyes when a weak paw touched his arm, and he looked down at Bitch. The rabbit finally seemed to be truly aware of his surroundings for the first time since Edwin had gotten the dog off his balls. Bitch stared into his eyes, tears flowing unchecked. 'Thank you' he mouthed weakly, toothless gums making the motion strange to watch. Edwin patted him on the shoulder once, avoiding the shaved area and the tattoo on Bitch's chest. "Well, I guess we're both trapped here now, huh?" Edwin whispered. Bitch just closed his eyes.

The teenager stared down at the rabbit, who tried to say something, but the wolf couldn't make out the words. The young wolf stared at the older rabbit, shocked at how Tom's body had been twisted and broken. His voice had been taken away, making it impossible for him to object to what was being done to him. The rabbit's chest fur was gone forever, removed into the shape of a big dog bone. The word Bitch was tattooed across the now bare skin, like some permanent oversized dog tag. His hands were wrapped in mittens shaped like feral dog paws, and hard as he tried, Edwin couldn't get the things off him. They were locked shut, just like the stimulating chastity cage around the rabbit's dick was. Edwin inspected the thing closely, hoping he'd find some fault in their design that might allow him to escape the one Daddy put on him, but he couldn't find anything. The only way to get it off would be with the key. Around the top of Bitch's ball sack was the metal ring designed to keep his balls hanging low, another chastity device that Edwin knew was a spring loaded death trap, and just thinking about what it would do to the rabbit now furless balls one day when Bitch came made Edwin shudder and turn away. He couldn't look at Bitch anymore. All he could think about was what Daddy might do to his body one day.

Edwin left the rabbit and went back into the shower, taking a long time cleaning himself up. He especially enjoyed washing his own cock and balls. It felt good to be able to wash himself like a normal person with no one watching him. He did, however, douche himself repeatedly in order to ensure he was clean under the tail. Daddy might not have remembered to put his chastity belt back on, but he would not be happy if he turned Edwin over for a quick fuck and found the wolf was anything but clean in what the perverted bear thought of as a 'cunt'.

Then Edwin dried his fur and put back on the woman's clothes he'd been wearing. Bitch was passed out on the table now, icepack held against his balls, and Edwin doubted anything would wake the rabbit up after what he'd been put through last night. Rubbing the last of the water out of the fur under his pink slave collar, Edwin went back into his bedroom, wondering what he should do now.

'What the hell am I going to do?' Edwin thought as he rubbed the thin collar around his neck. This was actually the first time in the last two weeks he'd been without instructions to follow. What was he supposed to do, just, wait here until Daddy got horny or a dick popped though his glory hole? To hell with that, he wasn't going to stay in this twisted marriage suite a moment longer then he had too.

But he couldn't just wander off... Daddy was certain to come looking for him at some point, and Edwin didn't think it was a good idea to start off the first day of his month long attempt to 'earn' an orgasm by being hard to find. That thought caused his sheathe to twitch a little, and he was half hard before he knew it. Getting off once had clearly not compensated for being nineteen and denied the ability to cum for two weeks. Nor would it be a good idea to rub one out, especially in front of the cameras. Not without Daddy's permission anyways. Maybe...

Edwin eyed the door to his room. Hadn't Daddy said that his room was only a few doors down from this one? Maybe he could convince the bear to jerk him off again? He hadn't put the chastity belt back on after all. Besides... he needed to get onto the bear's good side if he was going to use Master Daon to protect him against Master Mason. The boar wasn't going to be happy about last night, oh no, and Mason had already tried to use Edwin against his father once.

His real father, not Daddy, though the two were evidently in business together somehow. Edwin wished he'd paid more attention to his father's business dealings. He might have some clue about where in the world he actually was if he had. 'Father always wanted me to take over things for him, to be his legacy, but I didn't have time for any of that.' Edwin thought, angry at losing his family even though they were still out there somewhere. 'Now, it might be the key to getting me out of here, and I wasted my time taking music and dance lessons.' Edwin thought bitterly, for the first time agreeing with his father about something. Well, none of that mattered right now.

What mattered now was surviving long enough to escape. He had to avoid Mason's trap somehow, and that meant he was going to need Daddy on his side. He had to get the bear to trust him, to protect him, and the only way Edwin could think of doing that was... Edwin shuddered. He was going to have to give the bear what he wanted and act like the perfect little sissy. As much as that thought disgusted the young wolf, he couldn't think of anything else he could do. He would have to act like he loved the bear. the young wolf shuddered, forcing himself to ignore the tightness in his chest as he thought about Doan. He had to get Daddy to protect him so that Mason couldn't ruin his life anymore than he already had.

'Alright, let's do this.' Edwin thought, and went over to the main door to his room. 'Let's see if he locked me in here.'

Much to his surprise, the door opened easily at a touch.

Edwin found the door to his master's bedroom, and stared for a minute at the ornate wooden door, unable to bring himself to open it. 'Stop being stupid,' Edwin thought, 'I need him on my side. Just go in there and give him a kiss good morning and act all girly. He'll like that, the creepy pervert.' Before he could chicken out, he turned the knob and pushed the door open; careful to move the door slowly in case it creaked.

Inside, the room was dark but Edwin could tell bear's room was much bigger than his own. 'Well, this is definitely the master bedroom, ha ha.' Edwin thought darkly, unable to see much detail after the light of the hallway. As his eyes grew accustomed to the shadows, Edwin could see Master Daon was sprawled face up on the huge, four poster bed in the center of the room. He was still deeply asleep, with the covers kicked off at the foot of the bed. Daon was naked of course, and Edwin felt a stirring in the red lace panties he wore while looking at the bear.

The young wolf crept over to one side and climbed onto the bed, trembling slightly. Being so close to Daon terrified him. He felt... like he was actually 'Missy' around him. He was her master, and could do anything to her, and Edwin felt his training press down on his reactions, urging him to submit to the bear's desire for him to be Missy. He felt his ears lower and tail curl between his legs, the sensation of a short skirt under his tail strange. Edwin didn't want to do this. If he woke Daon, he'd have to be Missy again. Missy was the bear's property, a product he'd purchased, and Daon had proven how angry and sadistic he could get. Just look at what had happened to Bitch.

But right now, the bear was the one asleep, powerless so long as Edwin didn't wake him up. Which didn't make his plan of waking up Daddy with a kiss seem like all that good of an idea. Sure, he'd gotten a thrill out of kissing the bear once or twice but... Edwin wouldn't have any control over what happened next. And something always happened next. It felt like he was trying to kiss a landmine.

As he knelt there by Daon's head, watching the bear sleep heavily, Edwin's eyes trailed down the bear's body. The truth was Daon was a good looking man. His body was muscled and his features rugged in a way that made Edwin's face hot. He had the square jaw and broad muzzle that made Edwin's knees weak and his tail droop. Daon even had the slight belly over muscles that turned Edwin on more than any other type of guy did. Even asleep, he exuded masculinity, especially since even while soft his dick was huge. Looking at the muscular bear's body, his thick cock draped over one leg, the teenage wolf's red lace panties were suddenly very tight.

Edwin whined softly, staring at the bear's dick. Soft, Daon was as big as Edwin's cock was hard. No wonder Daon thought so little of the wolf's six and a half inches. It didn't matter that Edwin's cock was average sized... and actually, his was bigger than some of the guys the wolf had fooled around with back at college. Daon's ten inch cock was his Pride. They just didn't compare.

It was stupid, Edwin thought, that he was being forced into having sex with this man. The young wolf would have slept with the bear without a moment of hesitation if Daon had picked him up at the gay clubs he used to go to. Hell, if the bear had hit on him at one of his father's business trips the older wolf had forced him to go on, Edwin wouldn't have hesitated to go back to a hotel room with him. But now that he'd been through the Training Facility, that he was a slave, just touching the bear felt dangerous. But he also couldn't resist it, not anymore. He'd been trained to service men like Master Daon, real men who deserved to be worshiped.

'Come on, get it over with,' Edwin chided himself. 'You don't want to end up actually getting castrated right? Or for him to regret leaving the chastity belt off? Wake him up with a good morning kiss. He'll like that. Right?' Edwin glanced at the bear's cock. 'He'd... he'd probably like me kissing that more. Every time he kisses me, I end up sucking his cock. Why not just... do that first? He'll wake up happier that way... right? Real men have needs, right? Isn't that what the Trainers always said?'

Carefully not to disturb the sleeping bear yet, Edwin leaned over and kissed the bear's cock tip slowly. The flesh was warm and soft, and Edwin let his tongue brush against the sensitive skin. Edwin let one paw slowly brush across the bear's belly, feeling his muscle gut while he breathed in Daon's scent. It was thrilling, getting the chance to actually enjoy being close to the bear for the first time. He let his mouth wrap gently around the bear's penis, savoring the taste of his skin and the feeling of Daon's rough fur under his paws. His fingers rubbed at the bear's broad chest muscles, feeling their springy strength, and he whimpered quietly as he molested the bear in his sleep. It was the closest he'd come to actually enjoying touching Daon, and it made his cock ache in his silk panties, the tight underwear feeling suddenly like a chastity belt.

Daon's already thick penis responded quite quickly to Edwin's warm mouth, and it grew thicker and longer, pushing into the wolf's muzzle automatically. Careful not to put any weight on the bear's body, Edwin put his left paw on the other side of Daon's hips, balancing himself carefully over the bear as he sucked him off. It was an awkward position, and he wished he could readjusted his legs, but he could hardly stop now right? Daddy's Pride was getting very thick, and Edwin didn't even think about pulling off bear's dick. Instinctively putting his own comfort first had been trained out of him. He did wrap one paw around the base, getting his fingers wet and stroking like he'd been taught too, but as it grew and grew, the bear's cock became rock hard and more difficult to handle. The bear's dick jutted straight up towards his head, curving slightly towards Daon's belly. Since Edwin didn't want to pull the bear's dick hard to one side and risk waking Daddy up, the angle of the bear's penis forced Edwin to twist his body to take it properly, which brought Edwin's hips right up against Daon's head. The bear shifted in his sleep, and Edwin would have gasped if his muzzle hadn't been so full of cock.

Daon's muzzle was rubbing against the front of his panties, pressing against the bulging silk and putting even more pressure on Edwin's hard cock. The wolf whimpered, holding still as the bear breathed deeply in his sleep. He wasn't waking up. So Edwin continued sucking the bear's cock slowly, bobbing his head and using one paw to control the angle of the bear's dick.

The blowjob went on for Edwin didn't know how long. Twenty minutes at least, if the way his jaw began to ache was any judge, but Edwin didn't stop. He'd been trained not to stop, and trained to endure long blowjobs, but importantly, he didn't want it to end. This was his first time sucking Daddy's cock where it was his choice, where he was in control, and he was going to enjoy doing it. He was going to give him the blowjob Edwin would have given him had they simply hooked up somehow.

And Edwin had loved to suck cock. He'd run his tongue along a man's shaft, taking it fully and smelling his balls, drinking in that masculine scent. The scent of real man, Edwin now knew. Edwin had loved to sixty-nine with the guys he was with, sucking them off as their tongues teased his cock and now... the wolf shivered as the bear shifted, nuzzling at his crotch, the silk panties rubbing against his sack and shaft, and when the bear breathed his warm breath washed over the wolf's aching shaft. 'Oh god,' Edwin thought, 'that feels so good.' The wolf couldn't resist rubbing his bulging panties against the bear's face, those rugged features pressed into his sack as he did. The bear was rock hard and leaking thick pre onto his tongue, which Edwin lapped up with soft moans, digging the tip of his tongue into the bear's piss slit to get more, and still Daon did nothing but nuzzle at his crotch.

'Of course,' Edwin thought longingly, 'Normally when I'm sucking dick like this and the other man starts nuzzling my trapped cock, I'd just whip my underwear down and we'd be blowing each other in a perfect sixty nine.' The wolf shuddered at that thought as Daon's face rubbed more firmly into his panties, the bear stirring somewhat, but never waking up.

And once he'd had the thought, Edwin couldn't get it out of his head. Edwin tried to just suck the bear off, but it wouldn't go away. Having Daddy suck his cock right now would feel so, so good... 'Maybe... maybe if I can get Daddy used to me having a penis we could do this regularly.' Edwin thought desperately as the bear's cock slide through his lips and the bear's face ground against his trapped cock, making the young man's thoughts desperate. 'I want him to like my balls, to let me use them right? Maybe... maybe if I can get him used to my scent, to touching my dick while he's asleep he'll start to like it. He sleeps like a rock, right? Maybe if I just let him smell it, rub it on his lips on my tip, and he'll start to like it? God knows that used to drive me wild when I guy did that to me...'

And the bear wasn't going to wake up, was he? Daddy had almost choked Edwin to death falling asleep after a blowjob. He'd been sucking his cock for twenty minutes now and he hadn't done anything more then stir. So, Edwin undid his skirt, letting it drop off the bed. It would only get in the way. Then the wolf carefully shifted his body so that he had one leg on either side of the bear's head, and one paw beside his hips to keep his weight off the bear, and the other wrapped around the base of Daddy's dick to control it. It was the perfect sixty nine position, their bodies fitting together nicely so that Edwin could take Daddy's thick cock easily, while his own lined up with the bear's muzzle as he lay sprawled on his back. 'Oh god, please let him lick me...' Edward thought desperately.

Carefully, Edwin reached down and pulled his panties down a little bit so that his cock stuck out of the top, his pent up shaft hard as a rock and leaking enough that there was a damp spot in his panties. Carefully, Edwin moved his hips so that his cock rubbed gently against the bear's lips, his own muzzle servicing the bear's huge cock. The bear didn't stir; he was completely still, only his dick moving in Edwin's muzzle in little unconscious thrusts. Perfect, Edwin thought, smiling as he focused on sucking that huge dick, basically doing pushups while making sure that as his cock touched Daon's mouth, the sleeping bear was enjoying every moment of it.

A shivered ran through the young wolf's body, his mouth spasming around the huge cock in Edwin's muzzle and his paws clutching at the sheets as he felt soft lips press against the tip of his own penis in a kiss. Daon's lips parted, the bear's breathing still the deep rhythm of someone asleep, but oh god those lips moved. The bear's muzzle opened, and trembling, Edwin pushed his penis in slowly, letting three, maybe four inches of cock slip into the bear's mouth. To Edwin, who was so horny he felt like he might burst right then and there, it was fucking heaven. Somehow he controlled himself. He was being brave enough getting his dick into Daon's mouth, cumming there would be a very bad idea.

But oh god, it felt good to have a warm muzzle around his dick. The pleasure only made the wolf redouble his own efforts on the bear's cock, sucking that huge dick better than he ever had before. He attacked it, lavished it with his tongue and took it to the root easily, gagging only a little. The motion of deep throating the bear made Edwin's cock shift slightly in that warm muzzle, sliding in and out an inch at a time as the wolf moved his body over the bear's, and that pleasure was all the wolf needed to do make taking Daddy's Pride without gagging constantly. So he did it, eagerly and with more passion than anything he'd ever done with the bear, Edwin's moans of pleasure muffled by the bear's huge cock.

Daon wasn't doing much, his breathing had picked up a little, but he wasn't awake. Edwin could feel his tongue moving, pressing up against his length, and his lips tightened around his shaft somewhat, that gentle tightness making it so much more enjoyable.

'He can't really be sucking me off,' Edwin thought his head swimming as he fell into a rhythm, taking the bear to the hilt, his lips a tight ring around the bear's hard dick as he pulled back, his own length shifting back and forth only slightly as he took the bear's dick to the tip, tongue swirling, and then dived back down, his cock shifting back in that inch into the bear's open sleeping mouth. 'I must be imaging the way his tongue is rubbing me. Daddy's lips aren't really sucking me gently. Oh god Daddy's mouth feels so good...'

Edwin closed his eyes and began to just... enjoy sex. For the first time in ages he wasn't being forced, he wasn't being hurt, he was just having sex and it felt good. Felt so good. He felt like he could suck this man's dick all day like this. He let himself go, the pace of his motions increasing slowly, and eventually he felt himself getting close...

Daon's first thought as he rose gently out of sleep was that he hadn't expected to be having such a case of morning wood today. Not after last night, when his beautiful Missy had performed so amazingly. He'd fallen asleep thinking about all the things he could make his girl do as she sought to earn her orgasms, all the ways he could make his little Missy into the perfect sissy girl, but he didn't get very far. He was too wiped out after breeding his precious Missy like that.

Maybe this was a dream; after all he could feel a wonderful muzzle sucking his dick. Daon just floated there, letting the mouth work. No need to move when your dick's being sucked right?

Then, he felt something warm and soft rub against his cheek, and a deep musky smell filled his nose. It was a scent he'd grown familiar with, the scent of his Missy, and it felt like silk rubbing against his cheek.

Was... was Missy waking him up with a blowjob? Daon forced himself to freeze, to keep breathing slowly like he was asleep, and just... revel in the moment. This was what he had wanted, why he'd approached the Organization and bought Missy. He wanted a girl who would service him on her own initiative, who would worship his cock like it deserved to be. Oh, and the little temptress was getting into it too. She was going all the way down so that her lips kissed her Daddy's balls, just the way he liked it. That motion gave Daon the pressure he needed at the base of his cock, which made it really hard to hold still and let Missy lavish her attention on him. That tightness around the base was what he really needed to get off, and the young wolf's lips were doing it just right.

That little wrinkle in how Daon's huge cock worked had made getting off with somebody else a lot harder than it had to be over the years, because he had to fuck someone's mouth far deeper than any woman before Missy had been able to handle. Even she didn't do it unless he forced her head down, but that's why he'd gotten himself a slave girl, right? He didn't have to worry about gagging someone anymore.

Daon breathed in slowly, feeling as Missy's paws rubbed his belly and chest and that warm wolf muzzle slid up and down his cock. It was making him so hard Daon was aching to thrust into the girl's warm mouth. But he wanted Missy to keep doing this on her own. He wanted his little sissy girl to initiate things, to lavish his cock all the time because she wanted to, and since she had started things and was doing it right, he let her set the pace.

And it felt so good to feel her body move against his own as she deep throated him. The wolf's body was rubbing across his chest, paws stroking his belly as she took his Pride, and Daon had to bite back the urge to moan and hug her against him. He did take the opportunity to press his muzzle into her panties though, breathing in the deep musky scent he'd come to associate with her. Not even the hard bulge in those red silk panties rubbing against his cheek could ruin the moment for Daddy.

No one could see him rubbing his face against that red silk. He wasn't the one doing it anyways; she was grinding against him while giving him a blowjob. Nothing gay about getting a blowjob. He was the real man here, who cared if his girl had a penis? It didn't matter if he looked, he was looking at a woman.

Daon opened his eyes half way, watching the way that red silk bulged and stretched over Missy's girly penis. It wasn't a real dick, but it was strangely fascinating. He'd never thought any dick but his own could hold any fascination, but his girl's did. He felt the silk rub against his muzzle, even saw the hard length under it shifting as Missy's warm muzzle slide down his cock. The bear felt her lips wrap around the base of his huge dick, stroking up as she pulled back, and the bear pushed his face against her panties as she did, his chin and nose rubbing against the two bulges where her balls were. Best to encourage his girl to do things the right way, after all, and from the way Missy shuddered she liked that a lot. It helped he'd enjoyed doing it too.

Daon had certainly enjoyed rubbing his tongue across the balls that made up her 'clit'. Her scent was so much stronger there than any other woman Daon had been with, and the bear breathed in it deeply, glad that he was faking being asleep. This was a lot of fun, feeling his Missy please him when he hadn't ordered her too.

As Missy's hips shifted back, Daon realized that the red silk stretched taut over her tip had a wet spot leaking through. The bear mentally congratulated himself for getting his little girl so wet her panties were getting soaked, and on impulse Daon licked the wet spot without thinking about it until after his tongue was on the wet spot. He was just licking at Missy's wet pussy, he told himself, and that wasn't gay.

The young wolf gasped and Daon closed his eyes, forcing his breathing to stay slow and even. Daddy didn't want their fun to end after all; he wanted to 'wake up' when his Missy brought him to climax, which wouldn't be too much longer if she kept up that deep throating.

Missy shifted her body, one of her legs moving to the other side of his head, and Daon almost broke the facade of being asleep when he felt soft skin rub against his cheek. Missy had pulled down her panties, and was... was...

She's rubbing her pussy against my face, Daon thought firmly. Nothing about that could be gay. It was just the soft skin of his girl's pussy rubbing against his lips. That's all. Daon focused for a while on the blowjob Missy was giving him, and the lust of having his dick sucked so expertly blotted out the feeling of his face softly rubbing against Missy's bare crotch.

Oh gods, Daon bite his lip as the wolf's muzzle sucked hard on his own shaft; she's a demon in lace panties. Forgetting himself, the bear opened his eyes, and looked again.

It wasn't the first time he'd see Missy hard, and like before it fascinated him. His pretty little girl had a pretty little cock, red and shiny and well... not like a real dick. His was a real dick, thick and proud and long enough to choke someone. Missy's was tiny in comparison. Daddy grinned a little, rejoicing in the way Missy's muzzle felt on his own, real cock as her smaller one hung over his head. She was supposed to be 'average' sized, but no real man was that small. Besides... this couldn't be gay; he was looking at a girl. His girl.

A girl who was giving him one hell of a blow job that made everything else seemed so unimportant. So as the wolf shifted back and forth over him, that amazing muzzle sliding up and down Daon's shaft, the bear just let things happen. He hadn't commanded any of this, after all. He was asleep. It didn't matter what happened besides the blowjob. God she felt so good doing this. He had to have her do it like this more often, she was so good. She was so into it. Daddy couldn't help be let her know how good it felt with a lick.

Of course, when he opened his mouth a little to do so, her little girl dick slipped past his lips some. A moment of panic almost made him push her off, but... but oh god, the way her mouth moved on his dick when his lips surrounded her tip...

Daon felt the shiver that ran through Missy's entire body as it lay on top of his, her whole frame shuddered and her muzzle spasmed so amazingly. It was like she was gagging, which he'd always liked the feeling of, but not. It was like her Daddy's touch made her lose all control of herself and her muzzle spasmed in a way that was so amazing, but she didn't stop sucking his dick like she did when choking. So the bear didn't push her off or spit her out, because she moved with even more passion now. Her muzzle shuddered, her body jumped, and Daddy could feel his Missy moaning in pleasure. Felt it through the vibrations in her chest against his belly and the way her throat sucked at his dick. Missy's false dick slid a couple inches into his mouth, and it didn't taste all that bad, considering. No worse than Missy's clit when he gave her balls their nightly tongue bathing, and that's turned out to be a lot of fun hadn't it?

Besides, he was asleep. None of this counted.

Well, the way Missy's mouth felt counted. Daon's paws clutched at the sheets as his dick throbbed in Missy's mouth, the strange weight of her young body on top of him, the way she moved back and forth, slamming herself down onto his dick, god it felt so good! The bear could feel himself tensing up, and after twenty minutes of having his dick sucked he was so, so ready to cum... his balls were even tightening... and then, a horrible thought hit the bear, breaking Daddy out of the lust induced haze he was in.

Missy was tensing up the same way.

Edwin tried to focus on the blowjob he was giving, because he could tell the sleeping bear was getting close, but the feeling of the bear's mouth on his dick was too much. He began shuddering, his body reaching a peak and...

Daddy's paws moved, grabbing the back of his neck and the base of his tail like handles. Edwin gagged as fear crashed over him, as if someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over him, and the wolf's impending orgasm came crashing to a halt.

The bear twisted, pulling the wolf off his body. Daon's cock slid out of Edwin's throat, and he cowered on the bed as the bear as he loomed over him. Daon knelt on the bed, his chest heaving as he wiped drool off his muzzle with the back of his paw.

"Well, well, well," the bear said with a chortle. "I knew you were a slutty little girl, missy." The bear put his paws on Edwin's chest, rubbing at her chest as if he were fondling breasts, fingers tweaking his nipples. "I leave you out of your chastity cage for one night, and what do I find you doing? Trying to use your little girl dick."

"No Daddy, no," Edwin was gasping, his body rigid with fear as the bear's paws pushed down on his chest, fondling him but also pinning him down. The wolf closed his eyes, whining, his legs and tail curling up as he tried to assume the fetal position. But as Edwin brought his legs up he froze, fear like a block of ice freezing him in place, total panic overcoming him as his legs tried to close. He longed to reach down and cover himself with his paws, but he'd been trained harshly about blocking his master's access to his crotch.

That, and biting, had been the primary focus of his Trainers. 'Never prevent a master from touching you.' That had been drilled into the young wolf's head, so Edwin couldn't, just couldn't, bring himself to defend his groin from anyone. He froze up instead, body trembling in fear, arms crossing over his chest defensively once Daddy's paws had moved. Edwin whimpered, the panic swelling as the bear's paw trailed down his body. Edwin closed his eyes, shaking, and when the bear grabbed his dick, squeezing painfully, he cried out, "Aaah Daddy, no!"

"You thought you can use that little thing like it was a real man's dick?" The bear laughed nothing but mockery in his tone. "This little toy of yours is nothing but a misshapen cunt, missy." The bear's paw shifted, and he grabbed her balls hard, making Missy yelp again. "And it belongs to me, girl. I let you cum with it once, but don't start thinking you'll ever get to use it on a real man like me! You're going right back into your cock cage after this!"

"No Daddy please, I was just, aaah just doing what you told me to, keeping it hard and dripping, I aaaaah!" Edwin twisted as his balls were squeezed, mouth open as the pain made the world go white. He wondered if this was what being castrated would be like.

The pain only stopped when Daddy pushed Edwin off the bed and onto the floor. The wolf scrambled away from the bed as fast as he could, whimpering when he hit the wall, but he still didn't protect himself with his paws. His training had been too good.

The bear stood up and followed his Missy, chuckling in the darkness. "Here girl, let me show you a real man's cock again, since you seem to have forgotten."

"I'm sorry Daddy, I'm sorry!" Edwin said frantically as he slunk down to the floor, as if trying to hide. "I didn't mean to, I just wanted to wake you up..." The bear ignored his pleading, and grabbed his head in both paws, his huge dick bobbing in the shadowy room. Edwin's paws were free, and he tried to struggle, tried to stop what was going to happen, but all he succeeded at doing was pushing feebly against the bear's thighs as he sat on the floor.

Daddy was not going to be stopped. He lined his dick up with his Missy's mouth, and the big bear just shoved his cock into his Missy's pretty muzzle without ceremony or resistance from the wolf.

Edwin had been trained about this too. He couldn't have kept his mouth closed as the bear put his dick into it anymore, even if he wanted too. As horrible as having ten inches of dick rammed down his throat felt, his trainers had been so much worse. With both paws holding Edwin's head, the bear's dick was rammed down to the hilt, gagging Edwin as Daddy began to roughly fuck his face.

Edwin gagged and choked, paws flailing as his throat spasmed around Daddy's Pride as he fought to breathe, but all he could do was fill his nose with Daddy's thick musk. He couldn't hold the bear back, Daddy's hips hammering his head up against the wall.

This blow job was nothing like the one he'd been giving Daddy on the bed. The rhythm of Daddy's fucking was hard and fast, and Edwin was soon crying. How could something that had been so hot, so amazing turn into something so horrible? Daddy was just using his throat as a warm place to shove his dick. After the first minute or so he stopped struggling, desperately trying to conserve his air by staying still. Daon was going for a real face fucking, his huge dick sliding from tip to hilt through Edwin's lips, and the wolf found he was able to breathe if he did it quickly in between thrusts. But he was in a terrible position, sitting on the ground so that Daon's dick had to be bent down to even get into his mouth, and each time Daddy thrust, the huge thing gagged Edwin horribly, jamming hard against the back of his throat. The bear's upward curving shaft made taking his cock especially hard to take from this angle. No matter what the bear did, he couldn't force the last inch down Edwin's throat, but he tried each time, pushing painfully deep as the tears rolled down Edwin's cheeks.

The wolf's throat was completely blocked off each time Daddy's Pride pushed down his throat. Again and again the big cock pressed roughly against the back of Edwin's throat as it tried to go all the way down. But Daddy's thick cock was fully hard, so it just wasn't able to make that last little bend down his throat because of the curve of the shaft. 'That's why it hurts so much more than before,' Edwin realized. 'His dick curves up too much, and is too hard to bend. Before, when I was on top of him, his shaft curved with my throat. Now he's curved against it. Oh god, I hope he comes soon. I can't take much more of this.'

Daon meanwhile was panting and loving this, but he wasn't enjoying it as much as he had before. The wolf wasn't sucking him like before, wasn't using her tongue like before. He looked down, and saw that Missy was crying. Her cheeks were wet with tears, her eyes red as she looked up at him, her paws struggling weakly against his legs. Those eyes... pulled at him, and Daddy could just make out his little girl crying around his Pride.

The bear's chest ached at that sight of his precious girl in pain, and guilt made Daddy stopped thrusting. He left his cock half inside her muzzle so that most of Missy's slender wolf muzzle was full of cock, but he wasn't making her deepthroat him anymore. "Here honey, hold my hand," Daddy said quietly.

Missy moved sluggishly as she panted through her nose, desperate for air, but she didn't even think about taking her muzzle off his dick. Again, her training made sure that wasn't an option she even considered anymore. Edwin reached up and took the bear's paw, gripping it like a lifeline, and the bear's muzzle broke into a broad smile.

"There we go sweetie," the bear said fondly, squeezing her paw. He started to move his other paw on the back of her head, forcing Missy down much more gently than before. "There, isn't that nice?"

Edwin wondered why the bear was suddenly so gentle and sweet sounding, when it hit him. They were holding hands for the first time.

If they had been walking in a park together, it would have been romantic. Daon's beaming smile was proof he thought it was anyways.

Since Daddy was actually naked and choking Edwin with his dick while he was crumpled on the floor, wearing women's panties, Edwin didn't feel the same way.

Daon's paw on the back of her head began to move, pushing the wolf down onto his cock again, but for once when Edwin began to gag, he backed off, and while he used his paw to control the rhythm he stopped pushing when she began struggling. Relief flooded Edwin, and she breathed desperately, squeezing the bear's hand as if to say thank you.

Daddy rumbled as he felt the wolf's paw squeeze his own, and Missy seemed to put more passion into the blowjob. She was taking about seven or eight inches of his dick now, but not working the base like he needed. The relaxed pace did allow Missy to begin sucking properly again, the steady but not too fast rhythm allowing her to use her lips and tongue again, and that felt good, oh so good. But it wasn't what Daddy needed.

Still, the way she looked up at him was so perfect. "Look at how beautiful you are, missy. You're the prettiest wolf in the world, aren't you?" Daddy said sweetly, the paw on the back of Edwin's head pausing for a moment, fingers caressing his folded ears tenderly.

Missy tried to respond, but Daddy's paw pushed her all the way back down, prompting another series of gags as the bear's dick pushed down her throat. Missy struggled, trying to take it, but the bear was just too big. His dick was too hard and thick to make the curve into his throat easily, and he squeezed Daddy's paw rapidly, trying to let him know she was choking. Instead the bear maintained a steady thrusting motion for about a minute, his dick going all the way in so he felt her lips tugging at his base.

Then, almost miraculously, Daddy let go of Edwin's head, letting him pull back and stop. Edwin almost pulled off the bear, but he froze with just the tip in his mouth. The broad flare of Daddy's Pride rubbed against his tongue, and Edwin panted desperately for air around it. He'd get in trouble if he pulled off completely, he knew that.

Then, Daddy held out his other paw, beckoning for him to take his hand. Edwin put her other paw in Daddy's, and the bear squeezed both, smiling down at him. In his firmest, but somewhat warm, Daddy voice Master Daon said, "Alright missy, Daddy doesn't want to stop yet, babe. You woke me up, so you need to finish what you started. Pretend my hand is still there on the back of your head, and keep going just as deep and just as fast as you were over this last minute, alright?" Edwin whined around the bear's tip, his desperate 'no please, no' garbled by the big dick into just sobbing.

Daddy just squeezed his paws, "If you do well, it'll only take five minutes or so for me to get off. If you do poorly, it could take over thirty minutes, and then I'd be late for work. I'd have to punish you for that babe, and you know that would hurt me more than it would you. Now, get going, sweetie, and just remember to hold onto my hands and to keep looking up at me." The bear smiled sweetly, "That's it, honey, blink those tears away."

Edwin made another choking sob, his words unintelligible. His throat and jaw were aching like never before. He'd already been deep throating the bear for half an hour, if not more! He couldn't take a full hour of this. So, body shaking, he forced himself up so he was kneeling on his knees rather than slumped against the wall.

That change in position would give him a better angle on the bear's dick at least. He pressed his muzzle forward, taking the huge bear's cock until Daddy's big balls were pressed against his chin, trying to keep his throat from spasming, but he still gagged. Edwin clung desperately to Daddy's paws as he choked, and he had to force himself to maintain the rhythm the bear wanted, mouth and body aching as he did.

"Look up at me babe," Daddy whispered, and Edwin forced his eyes open, looking up at the bear towering over him. "That's it babe, that's a good girl," Daddy said, his voice warm, and his eyes so full of love it frightened Edwin down to his toes.

The wolf tucked his tail so far between his legs it hid his dick, his cock now soft and forgotten. 'Just like Daddy wants it,' the wolf thought sobbing, forcing himself to deep throat the bear the way he wanted. If he could just get the bear to climax, if he could just... just...

Edwin didn't know what he could do besides choke on Daddy's dick. His world had been reduced to this man's penis, which he couldn't handle properly, and the doe-eyed look of love on his Daddy's face. There wasn't anything else left for him. It had all been taken away.

Edwin tried not think, tried to just do it, and he got most of the bear's dick down each time. When he closed his eyes, Daddy would brush his cheek with the back of his paw, still holding the young wolf's paws tightly as he did, staring down dreamily at his little girl who was so pretty.

Minutes passed, the bear's manhood hard as an iron bar, and Edwin did everything he could think of to make him cum. He worked the shaft with his lips, brushed the tip with his tongue, and as the minutes stretched by, Edwin began to cry from the pain in his jaws, his knees, and his arms. Even holding Daddy's hands hurt as the minutes dragged on, because holding his arms up like that gave him no support as he bobbed his head.

But he was making progress. Daddy stayed hard, the big bear's breathing growing deeper and deeper, and eventually turning ragged as Edwin sucked the bear's huge dick with everything the young man had. As the bear's passion started to pick up, Edwin felt his own erection spring back to life, his cock aching as he sucked the bear's big dick. It was a huge turn on, sucking cock, and as humiliating as being forced to was, the wolf's dick responded The wolf could feel Daddy's balls draw up, taste the pre leaking everywhere, and when the bear finally, finally began to cum his dick pulsed like a fire hose in his muzzle.

Edwin muzzle didn't stop moving, he knew he wasn't supposed to stop sucking when a master came. He kept bobbing his head as fast as he could as the bear shot his load. Cum began filling Edwin's muzzle and flowing down the sides of his muzzle, tangy and bitter as Daddy moaned out his orgasm above him. Edwin tried to pull back when he was done, but Daddy hugged him close, the bear's belly pressed against his face as he forced Edwin kept his muzzle on the bear's dick. That also forced the young man to swallow the bear's load, which he did, fresh tears running down his cheeks and mingling with the cum leaking from his muzzle.

Eventually the bear went totally soft, the bear's thick cock still six inches of penis in Edwin's muzzle. When Daddy finally shifted his stance and his cock slipped out, the wolf cried out loud as his jaw was finally allowed to close. The ache in his cheeks went to the bone, and he sobbed as he swallowed Daddy's load. Edwin barely felt the bear's big paw rubbing at his head as Daddy mumbled, "Oh missy, missy, missy, you're so good babe..." The bear pulled him forward, and Edwin squeaked, expecting to have to put his muzzle back on him, but Daddy just hugged his girl against him, Edwin's arms feebly clinging to Daon's legs.

Edwin's shoulders shook and he hid his face under the curve of Daon's belly. He'd never felt so awful after giving a blowjob, never, not even at the Training center. Daddy's paw caressed his head gently, petting his ears, which were pressed flat in total humiliation at being so thoroughly used by the bear. Daon had turned something pleasurable into torture, fucking his face without regret or remorse. The worst part was that between his legs, Edwin felt his own erection throbbing, untouched since the bear had woken up. Edwin knew he wasn't going to be allowed to finish, so he didn't bother to even try and pull his paws away from Daon's to jerk off. He just pushed up against the bear's leg and rubbed his cock against it, the bear's fur soft against his ignored cock.

Daddy held his girl's paws, smiling like he was in heaven. He pulled Missy to her feet to kiss her. Seeing that her cheeks were wet with tears, the bear pulled her close, and Daddy's tongue licked away those tears, accidently sweeping up the trails of his own cum too. Edwin shuddered as his red lace panties were pulled back up over his crotch, putting his cock out of sight again.

"This was so sweet of you babe," Daddy mumbled, clearly still basking in his afterglow as he hugged Missy to his chest. "So thoughtful of you to wake me up like that missy, I think that you should wake me up like that every morning from now on." Missy's face fell, anguish crossing her features. She hadn't been looking up at him, and she just... crumpled when he said that. Daon couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt when he tilted her chin up so he could look her in the eyes and saw how red they were from crying. So the bear reached one paw down towards the front of Missy's panties, strong fingers stroking at the wolf's hidden cock. "You want to be a good girl, don't you, sweetie?" He grinned as he saw his little girl squirm and buck, beginning to pant as Daon said, "You want to earn your next little girly orgasm, don't you?"

Edwin's forced himself to nod, blinking away the last of his tears, not trusting himself to speak. That touch on his cock had made his whole body shudder. He had been so god damn close to cumming in Daddy's warm muzzle, and that teasing made him rock hard again. He had to keep doing this if he wanted to cum again. At least if he kept the bear happy, Edwin believed he would actually get to cum.

"Good girl." The bear reached over to grab something from his bedside table, and Edwin tensed, seeing his cock cage resting on the bear's nightstand. 'No, no no no!' Edwin thought, his paws clutching the bear's shoulders, but Daddy just grabbed his phone, which had been sitting next to the little plastic chastity device. Daddy tapped at the little pad, reading some message as he spoke. "Now, I want you to go see how breakfast is coming, darling. Have them make me something with eggs."

Edwin nodded and whispered, "Yes Daddy." Edwin got up off his knees, his legs unsteady as he bent over and reached for his skirt. The paw grabbing his ass shouldn't have surprised him, but Edwin jumped anyways.

"Don't worry about that skirt honey," the bear said gleefully at her girlish yip. Missy met his eyes fearfully, and the bear was grinning proudly. "Nobody will mind you going down in just your pretty panties. In fact..." Daon pulled open the nightstand drawer and grabbed a curved black butt plug and a bottle of lube. "I think the staff would like to see you at your best, don't you?" The bear laughed, and Missy's ears drooped as she obediently turned around and lifted her tail. The thick black plug slid in smoothly, and when the bear adjusted something on it began to vibrate. Edwin bit his lip and moaned, his paws bunching in the sheets as the waves from the plug hit his prostate.

The bear pulled Missy's panties up as she adjusted to the vibrator, and then he kissed the wolf slowly. Edwin's eyes flew open when Daddy's tongue pushed in deep, as if searching. The wolf stared in shock at the bear's closed eyes, his broad thick tongue rubbing against Edwin's for a while before he pushed her away gently towards the door.

Edwin wobbled slightly as he half ran from the room, steps uncertain because of the buzzing butt plug. He touched his lips with his paws, still sticky from the bear's cum. 'That kiss, was Daddy... tasting his own cum?' Edwin wondered, and then shook his head. 'No. Daddy wouldn't do that, would he?'

That particular thought was driven from Edwin's head when he saw the first servant staring at him in just his pink t-shirt and red lace panties, the quietly buzzing butt plug audible in the silent hallway. The otter's eyes locked onto missy's crotch and he licked his lips, and Edwin began blushing hard as the male's hungry eyes followed him down the hallway. Daon hadn't put his cock cage back on like he'd threaten too, so the teenage wolf's cock was lewdly stretching out his skimpy red panties for everyone in the dining hall to see as they ate. The vibrating toy would be audible in the quiet house, and for a moment the wolf almost wished the bear had remembered the belt...