Alias' Adventure - Chapter 14

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#14 of Alias' Journey

An appearance from another world of darkness player brings bad news.

Chapter 14 - Down The Rabbit Hole.

The other three climb into the lorry cab. Rain looks at me suspiciously, I know he wants to ask about what went off, but I shake my head. Now isn't the time or the place to talk about that. Not exactly sure I should tell him what Soothing will do, in fact I really don't think I should. Don't want him worrying needlessly.

Besides, it looks like him and Rin are getting on well. She errr I mean he, keeps touching and grabbing at Rain. It's rather cute. Though I don't think Riyada is all that impressed. He's sat beside me with Rin next to him and Rain on the far side.

I lean towards Riyada and whisper softly, "How much does he know about himself?"

Riyada turns to me "He is aware of his heritage and abilities, although not trained in them yet."

"Same boat as Rain and I then."

Riyada looks at me perplexed, "The younger one I can understand, however you should be aware of your abilities. Though is something to with you being 'un-dead'?"

Rin is looking at me intently now. I sigh softly, then Wyrmripper speaks up.

"You might as well tell them your story Alex. We've got a way to go yet and we're stopping overnight somewhere. Just go easy on the details not concerning you."

I nod and turn to Riyada and for the majority of the journey, I tell them the tale of what has happened so far, fielding questions from everyone until a rather important one comes up.

"Alex, you said you knew what weretigers or Khan smelled like because you had smelled one before. Who did you meet previously?"

"Understand that was back in my world, so they won't be the same person as you might know. His name is Tyr..." I don't get any further than that as both Riyada and Rin look at each other with a gasp.

"Uncle Tyr?!" says Rin.

That gets a raised eyebrow from me. Interesting. "Well, no, it won't be your Tyr. This one has been with my friend Lawrence for a while. Protecting him."

"Is Lawrence a human?" asks Soothing.

I wince again. "No, he's a vampire. One of the Toredor clan. They're pretty swanky types, he's a professional singer dancer, they travel the country with him doing performances."

Riyada huffs, "Disgraceful, protecting something like that. Even you said yourself that they're monstrous creatures."

"I did say something along those lines, however there are exceptions to rules. I thought I was one, but Lawrence is more accurately one than me. He doesn't care about conflict or hurting people. He's quite against it and he feeds on willing people like I did because he enjoys the sex that comes from it. He's over 200 years old now, he's made his un-life making himself fun and staying out of trouble. Tyr was the closest thing to trouble he ever got into and that was kinda my fault."

"How were you responsible for this Khan being enslaved to a vampire?!" Rin says looking pissed at me.

"Calm yourself. At what point did I say enslaved? Tyr protects Lawrence because Lawrence saved his life."

Rin hisses through clentched teeth, obviously not happy.

"Look, here's what happend."

I was out with Lawrence and Leonis. We'd spent the night writing a song and decided to wander around some bars for some fun when Leonis heard and smelled something not right. We followed the scent and discovered that a teenager, about your age Rin, being attacked by 3 vampires in an alley. It wasn't uncommon, but these idiots were making such a racket we knew it wouldn't be long before further attention was attracted. Lawrence wanted to leave. He could do without any problems. I couldn't just leave the kid, so I begged him to do something.

He was reluctant at first, but caved when I promised him a favour and told me and Leonis to make sure no one else interfered. He didn't want us within his sphere of influence because we'd just fuck up his abilities. At least, that's what he said, I'm not 100% sure if he just didn't want us to see what he could do. I didn't care either way, just as long as the lad was saved. Lawrence walked into the alley. A little later he walked back out with the kid and there wasn't a vamp in sight. He told the kid to be grateful and scatter. The lad looked at him then did what he was told. Lawrence told me that I could forget the favour if he could claim the glory for that little stint as apparently they were members of the hated group of vampires we know as the Sabbat. I agreed of course and that was the end of that, I thought.

Five years later, Lawrence turned up on my doorstep with this brick shit house of a bodyguard. The guy looked like he could break Leonis and I if he sneezed too sodding hard. Lawrence looked pleased with himself and introduced me to Tyr, the kid he'd saved 5 years ago had come back to repay him.

"That's how it happened. Over time, Lawrence got more and more attached to Tyr and to my knowledge, got as close as I got to Colt, though minus the carnal part. Unfortunately I have a horrible feeling that Tyr will be the one to kill Lawrence, because with how infatuated Lawrence has become with Tyr, he won't let anyone else harm the tiger. It's difficult as you get older as a vampire a you become bitter with the way things are for you and slowly become crazier too.."

Rin and Riyada both look uncomfortable, they obviously don't like what they just heard but it's another world and something they have no control over. I do sympathise with them, but at the same time I know Lawrence would hate himself forever if he let anything happen to Tyr.

"So what about your uncle Tyr? What's he like?" I ask Rin.

"He's smart and strong. At least, he was."

Erk, I've stepped in it again. "I'm sorry, when did he pass away?"

"He hasn't, he's just gone missing. He was the only tiger that wouldn't let me get married. He vanished a little while ago and that night my mother died." Rin looks down at his lap, he looks really upset, I've well and truly hit a sore spot.

"I'm sorry kiddo, I didn't mean to bring up bad feelings. Listen, is there anything you like to do to cheer yourself up?"

Rin rubs his eye "Umm, I dunno. I could kick someone's ass, that always cheers me up!" he grins as we all chuckle.

"I'll just bet it does. No beating the tar out of Rain, he's my little bro and I don't want to have to open a can of whoop ass on you. Unless he deserves it, in which case he's on his own."

"HEY!" Rain says indignantly, setting off another round of chuckles.

We ride along with some more light hearted banter, poking fun at each other and keeping our spirits high until we arrive at the motel we're stopping for the night.

Clambering out we group in front of the lorry as Wyrmripper and Riyada go to organise our rooms. I stretch out as the journey has made me a bit stiff, so I start limping and walking around to relieve the cramping.

"ALEX LOOK OUT!" comes a chorus of shouts from my companions.

I whirl around, just in time to see a purple oval in the air and then something flies out of it and hits me with a WHOOMPH! I'm lying flat on my back with something or someone? On top of me! I grab it and start to push it off me when I realise it's a him. A him I know from my world!


"Owww, fuck... Huh? Who the? ALIAS?!" the figure's face above me goes from happy to a growl and very pissed in a millisecond. Oh fuck. Not good.

"Who the fuck are you?!" snarls Soothing as he's moved closer to me and Kyron.

"Everyone chill out, Kyron, calm down please. I know what the Sept ordered you to do in our world, but this is the other world, I need you to get off me slowly please."

Kyron slides off me and stands up, taking a step back and looking around at the other people. We're the only ones in the car park at the moment, how fortunate.

He rubs his head and groans. "Oooh, that fucking smarts. Where the hell have you been Alias? What's going on?"

I smirk softly, I'm about to make his head hurt a bit more. "Well, I came over to the other world where vamps don't exist. These are my friends, Soothing, Rin and Riyada, as well as my little brother Rain."

"Errm, errr, hey.. I'm Kyron, I guess. I'm from the world with vampires and stuff. How did I get here? I just remember walking into a cave and the next thing I know I'm on top of you."

"Pass, I'm gonna have to go with 'wibbly shit' or more aptly, wizards did it."

"Okay... That makes sense, I guess. Erm, I was on a spiritual quest and was about to get set for the night. Anyway! Long time no see I guess. You appear to have got over your death quickly."

I blush and rub my neck "This just gets better and better. Yeah, slight accident with a mage and a black spiral. So yeah, kinda alive again now. Weird though, been dead ten years and being alive again is really strange."

"So I'm guessing you know about the order to kill you in New Orleans?"

I urk gently and Soothing is immediately on guard as is Rain, they move up beside me as I get up. He's looking around and at Soothing and Rain.

"Too bad we're not in New Orleans huh?"

I chuckle softly. "Dude, you really shouldn't wind people up you know. It kinda gives the wrong impression."

"So what's with the gathering then? Or is it a need to know basis?"

"Sorta need to know. Unfortunately we need to know that you're not going to hurt our packmate here." says Soothing.

Kyron raises an eyebrow and starts laughing. "Pack? OH, so you've sharpened your claws huh?"

I roll my eyes, I'd forgotten about Kyron's sense of humour. "Claws, fangs and fur. Whole package." I say.

"Huh, so your comrades are your pack then? Okay... Is there anything you wanna ask me considering I'm figuring this all out myself?"

"I have a world of questions, but we need to set a few things straight or my friends and brother here aren't going to understand you. I'd forgotten your sense of humour can be a tad on the dark and teasing side. Basically I'm garou now and I'm part of their pack. Our alpha should be turning up any minute now. You're in the other world and if you try to kill me, I will fight back. I have things to do here and I can't afford to just roll over and die. Also, my name isn't Alias anymore, it's Alex."

"So what do you want to know?"

"Let's start with the part that's killing me to know. How are Colt and Leonis?"

"They're doing fine. Colt is my pack leader and Leonis is alive.... Technically."

I frown at that. "What do you mean, technically?"


I growl a little. "Kyron, what's happened to Leonis?"

"The Assamites took him."

"I know that, Jaheed said he'd put him somewhere safe!"

Kyron shakes his head. "He didn't put him somewhere safe. He changed him unfortunately. I'm sorry to be the one to tell you."

My knees give way and I fall forward, catching myself just in time so I'm hunched over the floor. Tears streaming from my face. My Leonis, my husband... They turned him, they made him...

"Tell me it straight, is he a vampire, is he an Assamite?"

"Sorry to say, I would be lying if I said no."

I dig my fingers into the ground, gritting my teeth hard. My love, he's gone. They took my love from me! Fucking vampires! They take EVERTYHING! I pound my fists into the floor in rage and sorrow. I'm crying but I'm so angry. How could they?! How could they take my dayfang?!

"What the fuck is going off here?!" Wyrmripper's voice.

I can hear Soothing starting to talk to Wyrmripper but I can't think straight. My eyes are filled with tears and I just want to curl up in a ball and die right here, right now. A hand gently tugs at me and I turn to see Rain besides me.

"I'm so sorry big bro." and he leans in and hugs me tight. I can't do this, I can't deal, but if I don't then he will suffer too. I have to be strong. I have to.

"Me too little bro. Let's get settled... I think I need a shower or a bath." I turn and find Kyron talking to Wyrmripper and Soothing.



"I'm sorry for breaking down like that. Would you please come with me, I have more questions that I need answers to."

He nods to me and I turn to Wyrmripper.

"Sorry alpha. I'll try to do better. Which cabin do we get please?"

Wyrmripper throws me a key, "Room 15, I'm in 16, Rin an Riyada are over in 17. If you need anything, just shout."

I nod and walk towards the rooms, searching out number 15. Opening it up I see a pair of double beds with a dividing table between them, a TV and remote as well as a lamp in the corner. It's all very plain and nice to be honest, but right now I don't give a shit. I head to the bathroom, there's a bath. I'm going to enjoy this. I turn the taps on and come back out to Rain and Kyron in the room, Rain is sitting on a bed.

"Okay, so Leonis is dead and Colt is pack leader?"

"Mhmm, yup, pretty much. Sorry to be so blunt."

"It's ok, I should have suspected something. What about Tarquin and Running Claw?"

"Running Claw went off on spiritual quest and Tarquin is alive, haven't really seen him that often since I got my own places up and running."

"Oh? Oh yes, you were supplying me the temps at my attempt at a second business before it all went tits up."

"I do more than that now. I do a lot more than that now."

"Well at least the wolves are better now, I'd glad that someone at least is safer. What's happening with the vampires over there?"

"Erm, to my knowledge they're recently had a heavy blow, that's all I know."

"Any idea what kind of heavy blow?"

"They had a small explosion one day." he chuckles.

I chuckle softly as well. "Well, that would be an interesting development. I hope it wasn't you guys or if it was I hope you made it untraceable."

"It would be untraceable."

I chuckle again. "That I do not miss, the fucking vampires and the backstabbing. I was lucky that I'd been given a second chance at life. I know none of those idiots would take a chance like this."

He chuckles and nods.

"I guess there's not as much news as I was expecting."

"Well, we have a group of wizards from another dimension trying to destroy us."

"That kinda sucks. You haven't lost anyone have you?"

"Not to the wizards."

"That sounds ominous, have you lost someone?"

"Well, apparently this gent called Lawrence knows you personally?"

"Lawrence is with you guys?! How is he and Tyr doing?"

"Lawrence is fine, Tyr is not."

I wince again, this isn't good news. "Oh shit, what happened?"

"Wibbly shit. Lawrence 'was' a vampire."

My eyes widen, no way, this is seriously co-incidental. But the implications are stunning, if Lawrence was merged with Tyr then he'd be a weretiger.

"Whoa... So Lawrence is a weretiger now?"


"What the? How the hell does that work?"

"At the expense of Tyr and wibbly shit."

I flinch, that can't be good. I don't think Lawrence would have sold Tyr out but.

"Can you stop being obtuse and tell me exactly what happened?"

"Basically Lawrence got it into his head that he could stop being a vampire and be a werecreature, the wizards from the other dimension offered him that chance. However they didn't tell him that it would cost Tyr his life. So they did some stuff and now Lawrence is alive as a Nuwisha I think they're called, but is guilty as fuck that Tyr died. So he's trying to do shit to make up for it, pissing in the vampire's pool along the way."

I cringe gently. That had to be harsh on Lawrence, he'd have done it out of what he thought was love only to have the very reason for doing it snatched from him. What a fucker. Though the thought does cross my mind to the fact that he's over two hundred years old, how exactly was he planning on managing becoming human again? Things would have been a whole host of a different world for him then. I thought I had it tough, but not eating or taking a dump for over two hundred years? Ouch.

"So since he's still alive I'm guessing you guys are looking out for him?"

"Yeah, you could say that."

"Jeez. That sucks, that world has lost Tyr, the Tyr in this world has gone missing. I guess it's a balance thing."

"Really? Well I think we might have your Tyr cos one appeared right after we lost ours."

"Really?! That's great news! Rin will be happy to hear that."

Rain pipes up "Hey bro, mind if I go tell him now?"

I nod and smile "Course, just don't be around there too long and bothering Riyada ok?"

Rain grins and nods running out the door.

"So Lawrence is alive too and Tyr is dead as well as Leonis. You have this world's Tyr and the wizards are being arsey. Yet in all this, I have one last question I don't want to ask but I need to know..."

"What's that?" asks Kyron.

"Does Colt hate me?"