A new Master - Chapter 2

Story by sica_kitty on SoFurry

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#2 of A new Master

Second chapter of my fetish story in english, with some action. Hope you all like it :3

Comments and contructive critics very appreciated.

A new Master - Chapitre 2

by Sicarus

Sica might have finally succeeded to sleep in his bonds, after getting tired of squirming and trying to get out. Getting more claw scratches over his wrists than the cuffs, the strong taste and smell just overwhelming. He passed out a few hours, only to wake up at the ticklish feeling of claws rubbing his footpaws, wriggling them and squeaks.

" Wakey wakey little kitty..."

The tickling claws didn't stop, making Sica trashes and whines in the bonds, and laughs in the gag, quickly panting and whimpering. Until the claws stopped. But as the poor feline was catching his breath, the other male walked to his head, and grabbed one of his wrists.

" What's that now kitten? Scratching those brand news straps? And trying to go when I said to not move hmm? Bad, bad kitty..."

The cat whimpers some, ears folded over his head. But soons he feels the bar holding his legs spread lifts up, with his feet, moving over his head, forcing him to curl on himself, before they get bound there. The cat was now folded on himself, feet over his head, black furred rump lifted and exposed nicely.

" And you know what bad kittens get hmm?"

As he wriggled and whimpered, a large hand landed firmly on his upturned rump, making him squeak and whimper, wriggling his rump and toes.

" Yes, they get spanked..."

The hand lands again, and again, making some loud slap sounds on that sensitive rump, making the kitty whine, squirms, and trashes in his bonds. But the hand just kept spanking and slapping this tender rump, leaving red marks. The poor Sica was in pain, whining and sobbing in the gag and blindfold, soaking it in tears as his ass was just stinging and trembling, his toes curled tight in pain.

" Shhh, it's for your own good, don't disobey..."

Harder slaps landed on his poor sore rump, making him whimpers and trembles more.

" And next time, it's the cane, am I clear?"

All the feline could do was nodding, just wanting it to stop. But then the hand slaps a last time, harder.

" Good...I'm sure you'll learn to be a good kitty."

The hand fondled, and groped the warm stinging rump, making the cat shivers and wriggles, until the finger rubs over the exposed pucker, making the bound cat jump a bit in surprise, then shakes his head and whimper as the finger keeps rubbing, teasingly probing on the tight hole.

" Oh? Kitty's a virgin? Even better..."

The male chuckles, pouring some cold lube on the cat's rump, and pushes his finger inside that hole, making Sica tenses and whimpers.

" Hmmmfff!!!"

" Shhhh Just relax, and try to enjoy it..."

The finger move back and forth, slowly, making the kitty whimper, and squirm, clenching and tensing when he teases the prostate, making the kitty begins to drips in his chastity.

" That's it, it can feel good too doesn't it?"

The cat tenses again when a second finger get pushed in his tight hole, grunting a bit in the gag as it get stretched more.

" So tight...We'll work on that too my little pet."

Sica whimpers again at the word, the fingers moving slowly, stretching and relaxing his hole. The whimpers began to be replaced by pants, precum dripping on the cat's crotch as it drips off the chastity.

Soon, the fingers stop, and pulls out, making the kitty whimpers a bit.

" Such a drippy girl..."

The male chuckles, rubbing the cat's dripping chastity a bit, before climbing on the bed, kneeling in front of the cat, and rubs his shaft on that lubed hole. Letting the cat whimper and shakes his head.

" Here we go kitty. Time to make you mine for real..."

With a groan, he pushes his warm pointy tip inside the tight hole, making the small kitty tense and whimper as it stretches wider and deeper, panting loudly. It was definitely a canine shaft, and a thick one. The male pushes all the way in, in a slow, but firm push, letting the cat feel the already growing knot, before beginning to pulls out. Moving back and forth slowly, letting the kitty get used to the side and relax, panting and groaning in his muzzle. Before the wolf grabs his legs firmly, and begins to thrusts faster, and harder, making the feline whines and humps on the bed, curling his toes and clenching his hole tight, chastity dripping more over his belly.

The thrusting just kept going for a long time, grunts and whimpers filled the room, both panting loudly. The knot was growing thicker and thicker at every thrusts, pushing more on the cat's hole, threatening to rip inside at any moment. The strong male was holding the cat's paws in his hands, as handles, swaying and pulling on them, tickling now and them, making the tight hole clench even tighter, and the cat whimper and squirm.

" hmmm, hope you're ready kitten..."

With a loud groan, he grips the kitten's ankles firmly, and give a hard thrust, thrust, forcing the thick knot to stretches and pop in the poor kitten, making him tense and whine, arching his back. The knot pressing on his prostate made him drip some cum out of the cage.

" Here it comes..."

The wolf groans and grunts, humping some with the knot tied deep in the tight feline, and soon releases a warm flow of thick gooey seed.

" That's a good boy..."

He pants, leaning on the bound cat, nibbling his neck with a growl as he keeps pumping seed in that hole, making the cat shivers and whimpers. Claws also begin to strokes along his body, making him shivers and pant.

" You're mine now."

He whispers, making the cat blushes deeply. Soon something close around his neck, tightening a bit before getting strapped, a collar...

" Perfect...Now you'll be a good little kitty, won't you?"

With a deep blush, and a soft whimper, the feline could only give a soft nod, panting, still feeling the thick knot locked inside of him.

" Good boy..."

The muzzle gets unstrapped, and the gag removed soon. But before he could say anything, lips locks with the cat's, and a tongue force inside his maw, making him wriggles startled and pant, but soon begins to pant and purr, feeling that tongue explore quite possessively, hand behind his head holding him.

The French kiss went for some time before the tongue pulls out, leaving the cat panting, still startled by that show of affection. But before he could catch his mind again, the large metal ring gets back in his mouth to keep it open.

" You're to stay bound at all time for the first steps of your training. I don't trust you enough t let you wander around freely."

Of course...The panting feline blushes and whimpered a bit, but soon got distracted by the knot tugging and pulling out, making him arch his back again, and curls his toes, whining as it stretched him again. But it popped out quite lewdly, and the shaft followed. Some seed dripped out, but with his rump lifted that way, most of it stayed in. And soon he would feel something else pushes in his ass, as a rubber butt plug would lock in, to keep the hole filled, and the cum inside.

" Good toys always clean after doing a mess."

The confused cat understand quickly what it means as the cum covered shaft pushes in his open mouth, making him whimpers and squirms at the taste, but was forced to take it all in, brushing his tongue along, catching the thick salty cum, gulping most of it, but some drooled on his chin and chest.

" You'll get used to the taste quickly..."

The man chuckles and soon pulls off, wiping his wet shaft on the muzzle fur, leaving him again with his musk to smell.

" And other tastes from your Master."

This promise was quite frightening for the feline actually, whimpering and folding his ears flat on his head. The claws were stroking along his naked body again, scratching his chest, belly, teasing his caged sheath and balls, stroking and giving teasing slaps on his rump, stroking and tickling his footpaws, turning the kitty in a shuddering, panting and purring state, giggling and squirming when he got tickled, but all the stroking and teasing made him quite relaxed, if felt quite good actually, arching and pushing in the claws to get more scratches.

" That's a good boy, good kitty..."

Sica was blushing, but those words were sinking in his head, deeper, it felt good to be a good boy, scratched and strokes by his Master's hands, licks, even the nibbles in his neck could feel nice.

After a while, the cat was just a limp shuddering ball of fur. His feet and hands got unstrapped, but he was jut too weak to move, and his hands got quickly stuffed in tight padded mitts, forcing him to close them in fists.

" So the kitty won't try to claw on anything again..."

Then his hands god strapped again behind his back, making him blush and wriggle a bit. His feet also got cuffed together, leaving him worm on the bed, drooling from his ring gag.

The claws got back on his chest, scratching his fur, and pinching his nipples, making him just and whimper each time, the large and warm frame of the wolf pressing behind him. He could feel the swollen sheath over his plugged ass, pushing back a bit, blushing as they just lays there, spooned.

" You'll sleep with me tonight, and if you're a good boy, you just could keep sleeping here...else I'll find you a small cage to sleep in..."

He blushes deep again, it felt quite good to be held that way, and stroked, even if his nipples were getting quite sore and sensitive from the rubs and pinches, making him squirm a bit.

" But for now, it's just time to sleep. I'll feed you in the morning, if you're a good kitty of course..."

He whimpers again, getting quite hungry as he hasn't eaten since he had been tied up, but was also quite tired from the fucking, stroking, tickling. He soon passed out in the wolf's arms, shivering and purrring softly.