Alias' Adventure - Chapter 17

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#17 of Alias' Journey

Being normal sometime is underrated....

Chapter 17 - Is This The Way To Amarillo?

Sunlight, I can feel it warming my face and my eyes. A bolt of fear runs through me and it's enough to force me back to waking. I'm in the motel room still. Fighting to control my heart rate, I let out a soft long breath. There's an arm wrapped around my waist. I remember last night and I feel safer. I know Soothing is behind me. I lean into him again, blushing a little as I realise that he's not wearing anything but his boxers like me and that it's morning. Another point for something I missed whilst a vampire. The first thing in a morning problem. Yet... I have to keep my hands to myself as tempting as it is. There's much more to consider than the rule prohibiting us doing anything.

You break the rules the first time and it becomes easier to keep breaking them. If I honestly was to break the rules, it wouldn't be with Soothing. There was only one garou I'm willing to seriously break these rules with and I knew he wouldn't break them. Yet again, that doesn't mean I can't enjoy this as a mortal for once. I'm still a guy next to someone I find horrendously attractive and I'm getting as close as I'm physically allowed. It's like if I was a straight man in bed with a woman and you didn't have to worry about where your hands ended up as long as the pyjamas stayed on. I can't think of a mortal bloke I knew that wouldn't enjoy that kind of role reversal. It's all down to preference, but I definitely think most males are happy to take what they can get sometimes.

There's a click at the door, I close my eyes partially, watching the door through half open eyelids. Willing my body to relax and breathe naturally. I want the drop on whoever the fuck is trying to break in.

The door opens slowly and Wyrmripper steps in. How the fuck did he get the door open and what the hell is he doing? I get my answer swiftly after the thought as he shuts the door behind him and snarls deeply.

"And what the fuck do you two think you are doing?!" he's looking pissed.

I look at him for a few seconds. Then launch my pillow at his face. Perfect shot, he didn't expect that.

"The hell!?" he's making a low growl sound in his throat.

"Knock it off Wyrmripper. We're laid in bed cuddling because I asked him to hold me. Don't try and scare me like that when I know full well there's no way that Soothing would do something like that without either warning you first or trusting you to know he wouldn't break the rules. Granted that's a bit of speculation on my part as although I've come to trust the pair of you, I don't know an awful lot about you both. If you wanted to scare me, all you had to do was tell me you were leaving me behind. So what's with the grandstanding?"

Wyrmripper blinks a few times and then shakes his head. "Fuck, you saw right through that huh?"

"Politics and bluffing is a fucking huge part of vampire culture and I use the term 'culture' loosely there. I'm 90% sure that Soothing here is your second in command and trusts you a fuckton. The pair of you have a combination of abilities that you probably wouldn't find with other garou in your pack yet. You are also probably the most well equipped to deal with any random thing that turns up. Although we owe each other our lives, I'm not naive enough to believe that's the main reason you two are keeping Rain and I close."

Wyrmripper flinches and folds his arms with a growl. "As alpha and second it is our responsibility to keep an eye on all possible threats."

"I'm well aware which is why I'm laid in bed with Soothing and not having a massive blow up right now. I'm in emotional turmoil which you have some idea about and both of you have more experience dealing with your beasts within that I do. Being a vampire has allowed me to use some of the control I learned to curb the rage within but I can still feel it. You and Soothing have to keep an eye on Rain and I because that's your jobs. I'm next to you both because I trust you for more than one reason but just as you've gotten close to me, I've gotten attachments to you two."

At this point I turn and look at Soothing, he's looking a little pained and keeps glancing at Wyrmripper who's scowling at the pair of us. I sigh gently.

"This has been such a short time and I'm scared that I've gotten attached to you two without getting to know you both and trust you. Yet time hasn't allowed me that luxury so I took risks to safeguard Rain and myself. I know just by having me around that you two are taking a risk too. The news last night from Kyron has shook me to the core and you two reached out to me. I can take your hands and I will follow you both, but I won't be stupid enough to ignore the dangers along the way."

Soothing and Wyrmripper are looking thoughtful. Wyrmripper seems to have lost his anger at least.

"Since you both aren't talking, I'll take it that you were both starting to feel the same way and that little show this morning was intent on making me aware of some of the issues I'll end up facing when we finally get to wherever we're going. There will be people who find out about Colt and believe that I was with him when I was a garou and that even though that wasn't the truth it'll be hard to change their minds. The ones who know that I wasn't a garou to begin with won't trust me until I've proved myself to be enough of a garou, but even then, just like you two, they will be wary that there's something else still lingering there that may come back to hurt us all."

Soothing's eyes widen at this point, Wyrmripper nods gently.

"You've got the entire situation pegged down, I have to confess, I'm impressed that you've managed to suss all of this whilst going through what you've gone through." Wyrmripper says.

I shake my head. "Don't be too impressed. It's easier to think about this stuff than it is to think about what I really have to live with and deal with. I've had plenty of time to think over things and I'm used to paying attention to what's the worst problem first that I can deal with."

Wyrmripper nods again. "Fuck, you really are something Alex."

I blush heavily. "No I'm not, I'm just trying to be good. I'm no better than anyone else in our little troupe."

"Well, I was expecting that to take longer, not for you to pull it apart like that. So we might as well get some breakfast."

I nod and smile gently, about to move out of the bed I freeze. Soothing's arm is still around my waist and he leans in and says softly. "I'm sorry that we had to go through all this."

"Me too." I reply, unfortunately I now really can't get out of bed! Goddamn you body! Fucking traitorous bastard hormones.

"Okay, can the gay shit, I don't want him popping another woody or he'll never be able to get outta bed!" says Wyrmripper.

I immediately blush bright red.

"Errr.... Wait a minute, how the hell did you manage to open the door by the way?"

Wyrmripper chuckles. "Was a jewellers a good few years ago. You pick up all sorts of tricks for dealing with locks."

I raise an eyebrow, I didn't realise jewellers did stuff like that. Then a very evil thought crosses my mind and a smile spreads slowly across my face.

"Err, Alex, that's one evil little grin you're getting, dare I ask what you just thought of?" asks Wyrmripper.

"Well you didn't scare me, but I know a cute little couple next door who just slept together....."

"Oh my god that's evil." says Soothing.

I turn and grin at him. "I know, but what are big brothers for?"

Wyrmripper laughs. "That's just wrong, I love it. So you wanna get dressed and we'll go surprise Rain and Rin?"

"Sure, Rain is going to freak, not sure about Rin, she might react violently."

Soothing chuckles and shakes his head.

"You two are evil and I can't believe.... Wait a minute. She?"

I clap my hand across my mouth. All this brilliant mental thought process and I blurt out a secret like that. I'm an idiot. Wyrmripper and Soothing are looking at me, they want me to explain. I groan.

"Okay, I'm guessing you two didn't spot it, but I used to run a gay bar where I'd have trans people come in every night. Some were shite, but some were really good at it, you eventually learn a trick or two to spot them and Rin looks like she's trying to be a he to hide from whoever is chasing them."

Wyrmripper whistles gently and Soothing frowns at me.

"How come you didn't tell us earlier?"

"I figured she was trying to keep it a secret. I didn't want to blow it for her and on top of that, I have had an awful lot on my plate. Details like that were normal for me once, so it didn't occur to me to go broadcasting it."

Wyrmripper is starting to laugh.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Well at least we know Rain and Rin didn't get up to mischief last night. Cos I'm gonna bet that Rain is gonna get one HELL of a shock the first time he cops a feel!"

I put a hand across my mouth and smother a chuckle. I can feel Soothing behind me shaking a little.

"Jeez, that's one way of putting it. I don't think I should be the one to tell him, she needs to do it. But at least now we're all aware, think we can at least try to accommodate where possible? I'll have to let Riyada know that we know though." I say.

Wyrmripper nods "Yeah, now if your little man has gone down, shall we go get breakfast?"

I turn around and reach behind Soothing "Excuse me" I say as I grab his pillow and whirl to aim it as Wyrmripper goes out the door laughing. It shuts as the pillow hits it. Soothing is laughing too as I shake my head.

"We should get dressed." he says.

"We should." I gulp as I'm pretty sure the room just got a lot warmer.

"Yours gone down yet?" he asks.

Well, here comes that blush again! "No.."

"Mine either." he gets out of bed and I swallow loudly as I take in the sight. He slips his jeans back on over it and starts to put his shirt back on.

I shiver a little and turn, sliding out of bed and pulling my clothes on, my face hot as a furnace as I'm blushing so hard. I manage to get my jeans on and sorta get myself sorted enough so it's not noticeable. I barely manage stop myself checking out if Soothing managed it, but I can't stop myself taking a quick glance.

"Coffee time I think." he smiles. I nod, not trusting myself to speak.

"So you really gonna do that to poor Rain?"

I shake my head, partly to say no, the other part to try and get my mind out of the gutter.

"No, he gets a free pass this time."

Soothing smirks and heads over to the door. "Coming?"

I nod and get up, grabbing the last of my things and heading out the door after him.

Fuuuuuuuuck that sunlight is BRIGHT! I have to shield my eyes a bit with how bright it actually is. I have to admit that although the sun feels great on my skin after all these years, it ain't so kind on the eyes. Ouch! I'm stood there blinking like mad and waiting for my vision to adjust enough to actually figure out which way Soothing and Wyrmripper went.

"You alright there Alex?" I recognise Soothing's voice.

"Light is really bright. I'm still not used to sunlight like this."

"You want to hold my hand?" he says, surprisingly without any teasing in his voice.

"Yes, but I'd better not. Also I just though on something that I meant to ask. I can't keep calling you Soothing in front of mortals, what's your mortal name?"

"Heh, I was wondering when you'd get around to asking. The name is Leon and for reference, Wyrmripper's name is Martin. Don't call him Marty."

"Leon, huh? Well, I guess now I can just about see, there's Wyrmri... Errr I mean, Martin. We'd better go eat."

I walk besides Soothing, smiling softly but with my hand above my eyes to protect me from most of the glare. I get a better look at our surroundings. It's definitely a city edge motel as they have lorry parking areas and a smattering of planted trees around. The whole place is mainly dirt and gravel next to the asphalt road. But there is the most delectable and delicious scent in the air. For a moment my attention is focused solely on that scent, the handsome man besides me forgotten, the awkwardness of the morning gone in a flash. There has to be only one substance that can produce such an effect.

"Mmmmmm Bacon..."

Soothing chuckles besides me. "Hungry?"

"I am now. Haven't had bacon in over 10 years. It's one of the few meats I can get in my mouth in public."

I grin and to my surprise and a little hint of pride, Soothing blushes as he laughs.

"Glad you two could restrain yourselves enough to join me. What's so funny?" asks Wyrmripper.

I grin at him. "Oh nothing much. Just remarking to Leon here how I'm looking forward to getting a mouthful of meat."

Soothing nearly doubles over as his chuckle turns into an onslaught of laughter.

"Oh really, so how come you're joining me for breakfast then? I'm sure it would have been cheaper in the room." grins Wyrmripper.

Dangerous as this teasing honestly was I can't help but feel a surge of happiness at the normality of the situation for me.

"He has a point Leon, why'd we come to him if we wanted a whole mouthful?"

Soothing's eyes widen and he laughs even more. I just manage to duck the swinging hand of Wyrmripper.

"Ya little bitch!"

I stick my tongue out "Sticks and stones may break my bones, so chain me up and bite me."

Wyrmripper chuckles and shakes his head. "Come on, I haven't had enough coffee for smart assed banter."

We trundle towards the smell of bacon, coming from the end of the Motel, it would appear to be a diner of some sort. A smile on my face all the way.

There are some things in life you take for granted, other things happen for a reason. If you get a chance to see a part of your life from a different perspective, you understand just how much you give up when you make certain choices. Right now, I wouldn't choose to be anywhere else. I can't fall 'in love' with these guys, but they're making it hard not to love them.