Tales of Jasper IX (The Final Chapter)

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#9 of Tales of Jasper

Thanks to everyone who read this series. This is the last piece in the series, and I apologize in advance for the possibly slightly rushed ending. However, I needed to finish this one up to get onto new works. I hope you enjoy! Take it easy everyone.

Jasper and Naila had learned every part of each other, learning the likes and dislikes, the virtues and flaws, the good and the bad, their love deepening beyond that of even some of the closest lovers. They loved each other more than life itself and vowed to get off that island one day to start a family together. Little did they know that they were already on their way there. It had been a couple of years and they had routine visits from Felicia, only to be used and abused as little play toys. The dragoness was getting meaner and meaner as Naila and Jasper were getting older.

Finally, things were about to change... for better or for worse. Jasper and Naila were both tough kids, and could easily pick a fight with an adult and win with their sharpened fighting skills. They had been forced to survive on the island, learning how to fend for themselves, talk out their troubles, even silly little things like moving the stupid rock in front of the cave. All Jasper and Naila had was each other and a dragoness they both loathed. It was about that time when she would be making a round...

"Jazzy... I have been feeling kind of sick in the mornings," Naila said softly, holding her belly as she looked to him, waking on a fine island day.

"Mmm... is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Does it stay for long?" he asked her softly and he nuzzled down against her.

They had arranged the cave to have a bed of leaves and they had read all of the books they had been given. They were easily a few grades ahead of where they should be, having started college level literature and math reading. Science wasn't a strong point since they didn't really have access to science books, but that was alright. They had made the best they could out of the cave. Jasper sat next to his lover and he held her paw in his, his tail patting the ground gently.

"It started after my heat cycle stopped..." she said blushing to him and she licked over his paw.

"Has it happened in the past?" he asked her softly.

"No... this is the first time," she said looking up to him and suddenly there was a sound in the distance.

It didn't sound like a dragon... it sounded sort of mechanical... The sound drew Naila and Jasper's attention and Naila rose from the bed, feeling rather ill, but excited to see what was making the noise. They scurried out of the cave as the sound drew closer and the best sight of their entire lives appeared before them. It was a helicopter. Jasper and Naila ran out toward it and started waving their arms, though Naila buckled over after a moment, tossing her cookies.

However, the amazing sight was cut short as the dragoness sideswiped the helicopter, knocking it from the sky and diving for Jasper. The chopper went down, and crashed a short distance away, luckily not that badly damaged. However, Jasper was lifted into the air. With a sudden reversal of fate the dragoness started plummeting. All Jasper remembered what a flash of light, hot, and a whole lotta blood. Jasper screamed as he saw his life flash before his eyes and fell toward the ground. His grade school teacher's body slamming into the ground. Jasper had no idea what had happened in those moments and blacked out.

Jasper woke with his head in Naila's lap and she was gently rubbing over his ears. Her eyes were glazed over with tears and there was the sound of a roaring engine. Jasper smiled up to her and he sat up slowly, leaning into Naila. He looked around seeing a few men with guns. They looked like soldiers and they certainly had foul mouths. Either way, Jasper was just happy that they were getting off that horrible island. A buff human gentleman looked over to Jasper offering a handshake, and gazing to him with deep blue eyes. He noticed after a moment that he and Naila were wearing hospital scrubs, and no longer in their birthday suits.

"Welcome back, son," the man said to Jasper and gave him a handshake, "I am surprised that you and the lady survived this long, especially with what that dragon was doing to you."

Jasper was speechless, unsure of what to say and he cuddled back into Naila, feeling out of place. He was excited, he was scared, he did not know what to expect when they got back to their normal society. They were not cut out for that sort of thing anymore. They had been on an island all alone with nothing more than each other for too long. Jasper sighed and closed his eyes, purring against Naila. He couldn't be happier with what was happening.

"We are going to perform some medical checkups on you when we get back to the main ship. We are going to be out at sea for about three weeks... so bear with us," the man from before said as the helicopter lined up to land on the boat beneath them, "I apologize for not taking you out to the ship but we are running on fumes at it is... the crazy dragoness damaged one of our fuel tanks."

"Thank you for getting us off that island," Naila said, pulling Jasper into her lap to cuddle him closer.

Naila had grown quite a bit over those couple of years... she was tall for her age, around five and a half feet, probably. Jasper on the other hand was still quite short, and he fit into her lap very well. She snuggled him close, nuzzling the top of his head. Jasper's purring was always music to her ears and she felt it rumbling through his form as he leaned back into her.

Jasper wondered if he would grow much more height and bulk wise. At least he grew in one area that certainly pleased Naila, almost every day in fact. After those two years together, there was nothing that would tear them apart. Each of them would go through Hell and high water for the other and they had learned far ahead of any one of their peers with all the study time they had on the island. Jasper couldn't help but think that it had happened before, having found remnants of the past on the island and after mulling it over with Naila they concluded they were not the first that such a fate had happened to, the only remaining question being how many others?

"There is no need to thank me, little lady. A close friend of yours hired us to come find you and we apologize that it took so damn long. If I am correct, it has been about six months since the last time Felicia Adams had visited the island. He put a tracer on her a year ago, but the signal stopped in this area. Naturally, we had no idea which small island out here after a while and without the tracer we couldn't be sure if we were going to catch her off guard. She got a little suspicious after that, but we managed to put a GPS transmitter inside of one of her horns, knowing that it would lead us right to the island. Conveniently, we were already scouring the area from island to island and finally she led is right to you during one of our patrols," the human said over the loud roar of the engine, "By the way, my name is Jack Estelle. I apologize, young man, for sending a rocket your way, but I was quite certain that it would bring the dragoness down and not kill you from that height. Any damage to your body will be fixed up real easy by our doc here. I can't even imagine going through the horrible things that you two have gone through. We dug out some research on the woman, and found out she was a little crazy. I would say you two had maybe a year left, and since you are so big, little lady, maybe only a couple more months. She abducts children and takes them to the island using them as her personal pleasure toys, after they get too big to fit inside comfortably she eats them."

Jasper and Naila gasped at the same time a deep shiver running through the both of them. Jaspers tail started swatting Naila's leg nervously, despite the fact that the dragoness was no more. She was in many little pieces and a big pool of blood on the island. He had never expected to get so close to the wire and if Felicia had eaten Naila he would have gone nuts. One thing he hadn't even thought of was hurting her during her play time. After all the dragoness was the only source of information and she did bring candy sometimes.

The helicopter landed safely on the small vessel, a feat that might have been difficult for anyone else, but these guys made it seem pretty easy. It was a craft built for about six people and the helicopter was landed on the back deck and strapped down. It seemed that it was designed for it since the boat didn't flip over with the weight. The group of humans were ex-military, judging on their experience, and the leader took Naila and Jasper into the cabin and ordered the boat to start its course.

The humans seemed to have a bit of disdain for Jasper and Naila, but their leader seemed to be perfectly okay with them. Then again for the right amount of money, anyone could be perfectly alright with anything. He explained the full situation going on in their little town. Jack had bought some bounty hunters after seeing a TV show about it to save his best friends. Mr. Estelle did not disclose how much money he made, but he said it was enough not to worry ever again. His parents were in full support of their child's happiness, and they had nothing better to do with their money than make their kid happy. Apparently, Jack had actually started applying himself in school and become a teen prodigy in math and engineering.

Jasper's mother was admitted to a mental hospital in an agreement to seek psychological counseling for her attraction to her son, as well as to deal with her extreme depression. According to the reports, she was doing much better than when she first got there, but was still trying to find the root cause of her attraction to her son. Naila's mother was recently released on good behavior and was hired by Jack's parents as a Drug and Alcohol Prevention Program manager in the local branch of their bank, and being an anti-drug spokesperson.

Mr. Estelle was not surprised when he heard about Naila and Jasper having sex on a regular and frequent basis, but he did feel sorry for them, having been exposed to such a thing at their young age. They were far too young to be parents, and by the sounds of things... Naila was pregnant. Mr. Estelle was respectful and listened to their troubles, noting that they were worried about being separated and ostracized by the people around them. They were kids after all and they were really just wanting acceptance after a traumatic experience.

"Well, I do know one thing, if you two can make it through something like this together, then you are probably going to have a very prosperous and happy relationship," Mr. Estelle said softly, trying to be encouraging, despite the fact that they were so young.

He knew it was going to be hard for them having a kid when they were twelve and thirteen. That meant that their kid would be going off to school just as they were getting out of high school. It baffled him how the two of them ended up in that situation, and he really hoped that the signs were just a coincidence and that Naila wasn't pregnant. They could go through school like normal teenagers and everything would be much easier for them.

It didn't take too long for the small craft to get to the large ship and dock. A crane lifted the helicopter off the back first thing and several mechanics started work while Jasper, Naila, and the mercenaries boarded the ship. Mr. Estelle led the children to sick bay to get them checked up on by their doctor, hoping that they only had minor injuries and they weren't too messed up from their experience. Psychologically speaking, they had received enough trauma that he didn't think they could ever be repaired, but he did hope that they could become functioning members of society again.

Jasper was awestruck by the large ship. There were two helicopters parked on the deck of the ship and there were several armed guards patrolling the deck. Two of them had Stingers, and the other two had battle rifles. It was exciting for a kid like him and his tail swayed, showing the excitement as he looked around. Naila kept her paw in his, walking close to him and feeling much safer on the ship than she ever did on the island.

The ship was bigger than it looked on the inside and it already looked pretty big. It was like a Naval war vessel, but there were no guns on it other than the weapons the mercenaries were carrying. It didn't take too long to get to sick bay and the doctor on board was nothing short of an Amazon tigress. She was intimidating to look at and her muscles put all of the mercenaries to shame. Jasper naturally stepped back a little behind Naila.

"It's okay, kids. I just want to take some vitals, do some reflex tests, ask some questions and do a physical on each of you. I promise I won't hurt you," the doctor said with a genuine smile and a very feminine voice.

The routine didn't last very long, and Naila's checkup took quite a bit longer than Jasper's had. Jasper had waited with an anxious demeanor. He felt alone when he wasn't with Naila, having spent damn near every waking moment with her, other than the times he had to answer the calls of nature. Other than that they had pretty much been a team on absolutely everything. There were a few times when they were separated by the dragoness, but it hardly lasted very long, and they'd even gone so far as to have sex inside of the dragoness.

Jasper's worry was relieved as soon as he saw Naila come from the examination room and he was immediately glued to her side. She was clearly the dominant one in the relationship, despite the fact they were a team. The doctor had taken down the psychological damage to Jasper as a note and doubted that he would be able to function well in society by himself. He was going to need extreme psychological treatment to even be able to be in a different building than Naila. Naila on the other hand seemed like she would be able to adapt fine back into society, though she was adamant about having Jasper with her.

"Jazzy, I am pregnant," she whispered softly to him and he blushed looking up to her.

"I-I kind of expected it to happen eventually... but I wasn't sure when," he admitted to her looking up to her with a bit of a guilty expression.

"I am happy, Jazzy. I am going to be a momma for real, and you get to be the daddy. We don't have to play house like we used to when we were kids. The doctor suggested that I get a Cesarean section done, and that we start using protection to prevent it from happening again, at least until I am older," Naila said nuzzling the top of his head.

"I love you, Naila. I can't wait to get home and be alone with you," Jasper said nuzzling into her chest, which had grown a little over the past few months.

"Jazzy... all that probing and touching got me excited..." Naila whined a little as she stroked her paws along his back and down the length of his tail.

"Naila... we are on a ship with a lot of people, is it really okay?" he asked her looking up to her with a blush on his cheeks.

Naila turned a little looking down to him, nearly a foot and a half taller than him. Naila grasped his cheeks between her paws and leaned down to press her muzzle to his, tilting her head to the side and pressing her tongue out to his lips. Jasper responded naturally, his large paws sliding around her hips and pulling her body closer as he opened his maw a little and pressed his tongue out to meet hers. Her breath was hot and her tail was lazily swishing from side to side as they kissed deeply in the passageway outside of the examination room.

Naila broke the kiss after a moment, panting heavily, both having a dreamy expression. Jasper released her after a moment and took her paw, recalling a workshop with the lights out. He tugged her along and pulled her into the workshop. He didn't know where the light switch was, but he closed the door behind them. They knew each other well enough that it didn't matter if there was light or not. Jasper wasn't ready for the eager Naila, however and she practically tackled him.

Jasper felt his body hit the ground with a thud and Naila ripped his scrubs right off of him with the help of her claws. Jasper didn't spare her clothes either, eagerly shredding them. Naila was grinning, though Jasper couldn't see it and she was very wet, her cunny already dripping down onto Jasper's belly as she ground her wet slit against him. His paws easily found her hips and he pushed back on them, trying to push her a little lower so he could fill her with his excited cock.

"Jazzy... you are getting all wet," Naila said leaning down and nibbling his ear, causing Jasper to mewl out a little, a strong purr suddenly erupting through his form.

"Naila... you are getting me all wet again. Can I please have some in my mouth?" he asked her and she eagerly shifted her legs over him and turned, her cheek nuzzling his leg as she lowered her pussy right down to his muzzle.

Jasper gripped Naila's hips tightly, tonguing her cunny with his rough feline tongue. Naila gasped at the feel of Jasper's claws in her hips and that rough tongue sliding up her slit. Her hips naturally pushed harder against his muzzle coating his nose with her juices. She took her lover's cock into her paw, licking and moaning hotly around the shaft. Jasper slurped her juices down, probing her tight passage with his tongue more furiously, grinding his muzzle hard against her. He felt his muzzle slip a little inside of her, a sudden gripping around his muzzle. He stifled a breath through the sides of his muzzle his nose and maw flooded with her juices as the sudden larger penetration made Naila cum.

"Jazzzy~" she whined a little slurping the beads of pre from his tip, her hips pushing down hard against his head and forcing as much of is muzzle as she could fit inside of her while she rode her orgasm out on his face. After a moment Jasper gasped and coughed some of her feminine juices from the surprise. He didn't know he could fit his muzzle in there, and he was a little worried. He was drowning in her pheromones, and wanted nothing more than to stuff her and fill her up with his seed. His purring had not faltered, but he was quiet as he roughly gripped Naila's tail to force her up. She knew what he wanted and let him up.

Naila pressed her arms and chest down, raising her tail and presenting herself to Jasper. Jasper had no idea how sensitive she was at the moment but he was very excited to take her. He rose behind her and slipped his cock to the hilt inside of her, a slapping sound made as she howled in pleasure. She was already close to cumming again and Jasper had barely started moving before she started meeting his thrusts with eager lust. Sloshing splurting noises were made with the amount of nectar that Naila seemed to be making, and after a moment she rose to her paws letting her small chest sway a little while Jasper went to work, her body thrusting back hard against him as she reeled through a second orgasm, her walls tightening up like a vice and milking her mate's cock.

"Nai... la," Jasper panted, almost thrown over the edge after the tightening sensation, but he held out a little longer for her, gripping her tail and slipping a paw around her waist and between her legs to rub her clit while she was orgasming.

Naila felt faint while she was sent to those amazing heights that Jasper had helped her to discover her cunny lightening up a little as she fainted briefly, her body falling forward and spasming a little. Jasper would have been worried had he been able to see the expression on her face. Her eyes had rolled back a little and she was panting heavily in the strong pleasure that overwhelmed her. It didn't last long, and she quickly went back to work. She pulled off of Jasper and forced him to his back again and immediately thrust her cunny onto his cock again, riding him cowgirl.

Jasper's paws found her hips and he was eager to meet his lusty mate's thrusting, mewling with pleasure as he approached his orgasm. With how loud they were, he was surprised that no one had come in to interrupt them. After all it seemed that they weren't exactly pleased with the fact that Jasper and Naila had been mating. Either way that was the last thing on his mind as he dug his claws into Naila's hips, drawing a bit of blood as he tensed up and exploded inside of her. He flooded her womb with his seed, making her moan with each spurt her hips thrusting faster against him, his barbs dragging inside of her and making her scream in extasy. She tensed up and fell over him, kissing him passionately as while milking his cock for all of its hot gooey cum. They both panted into the sloppy kiss hugging and stroking each other. Finally coming down again, Naila was satisfied and pulled off of Jasper.

"Jazzy... you are always amazing..." she whispered and Jasper giggled a little licking her cheek in response, feeling his seed drizzling out of her a pool of fluid beneath them.

"Naila... you are the best," he said softly and they laid on the floor, in the sexy mess of their mating.

It wasn't long until the both of them passed out after their excitement. Of course, when they woke, it came with a good scolding and they had to clean up the mess. It wasn't long until they had reached back to the mainland and were greeted by their family and friends. Naila and Jasper were especially thankful to see Jack again, happy to see that he had become so successful. Jasper's mother was in tears when she saw her son again and he was happy to see her again. Naila's mother was shocked and surprised by the sight of her grown up daughter and she fell to tears as well, happily embracing her.

After the reunion, Jack hosted a party for the return of his friends, coming to find that they had actually learned a lot on the islands, and hadn't fallen behind on their studies. He knew that they were fit for one another, and was just happy to have his friends back. Things had changed so much in only a few years. Jasper and Naila found themselves visiting the psychologist on a weekly schedule for his reassimilation to society. Jack had managed to get a girl of his own, which surprisingly was a human. Jasper's mother found a boyfriend, albeit a quite young one, and Naila's parents adopted Naila and Jasper's baby. At the end of the day, it seemed things were going to work out, but the future is a mystery.