Alias' Adventure - Chapter 18

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#18 of Alias' Journey

Two's company, three is a distraction....

Chapter 18 - Run Rabbit Run!

We got seated in the diner. I ordered all the bacon! Alright alright, I ordered a nice portion, Wyrmripper kindly said he was paying and we all ordered coffee too. I sat there listening to those two talk about plans for the place we're going to, but my mind was drifting. I found myself looking in my coffee cup and thinking.

I need to get a job or something here. I'm really low on money and I wouldn't have any if I hadn't stolen that cash from the goon squad. But getting a job is going to be a pain because I don't have any form of ID. My skill set is pretty narrow, I can sing, I'm a paramedic. I think combining the two might be a tad too ridiculous. I know how to run a bar, but I can't exactly use that on my resume considering it was in a totally different world. The references are going to be a nightmare.

Chewing on my bottom lip I frown, seeing my reflection in my coffee. I'm a very different person from the vampire who came through. Lost a lot power I took for granted. My abilities to survive as a human were very different. There was a time when I could just busk and the entire street would be compelled to give me money. Now I'm having to refocus myself every so often just so I don't let myself go four legged and run off into the wood. It's a very tempting idea, I have to admit. The whole thing seems much simpler and I can empathise with those garou who do just that. Yet I'd have to accept that I'd miss technology too much. This is a dangerous thing to grow so complacent on the things you take for granted.

My thoughts aren't helping me at the moment, each time I start thinking, my mind is tugging in the direction of Colt and Leonis. I thought the stint through Erebus was supposed to help? My mind flashes back to what Charyss said, Erebus can't heal you, the pain of that world pushes you to the brink of repentance, you have to save yourself. I no longer felt the burning guilt or shame of my past life as a vampire because I'd accepted my new life. I'd accepted I wanted this chance to be someone new of sorts. She didn't say anything about the feelings I'd have for the people around me. It's kinda self inflicted, especially given that there was nothing to stop me from just saying that the other world was done as far as I'm concerned. I could just bite my tongue and force myself through the feelings until they became the inside scars. Leaving Leonis and Colt for other things and never coming back.

It's a very compelling thought, I have to confess. I came to this world seeking redemption. I've been given it, but there's the truth I don't know if I can face. The redemption came from within and around me, but Colt wasn't part of that. That's where the fear is rolling from, where my thought's keep me chained a little. I desperately want to see Colt and I know it will be to say goodbye, but I want to say goodbye to the man who I'll always love. Not the man who hates me.

So that's the crux of the matter. I want to be able to hold my head up and face Colt one last time. Oh who am I kidding? I want things to go back to the way they were, only now I want to be able to love him properly. The only real problem right now is the fact that is NEVER going to happen. Yet I'm clinging to it like it was a life raft. I'm hiding behind the premises that I just want to say goodbye in the vain hopes I'll come up with some miraculous way to be with him. That's the harsh truth I don't want to accept. Erebus made sure I had forgiven myself and I know that even Colt would be hard pressed not to understand that Alias was gone. There's a concequence to that. He doesn't have to accept that I am the good parts of the man who's now gone. Even if he did, the very laws of garou would mean we have to accept that it could never be. So why do I keep wanting to go back? Because of a small vain hope. Maybe it's time I accept that hope isn't healthy for me. I have responsibilities here now that I should pay more attention to.

I wince as a hand clips me on the back of my head, snapping me out of my revere.

"Welcome back to earth, sorry to interrupt your daydreaming, but I do have something I needed to point out to you." says Wyrmripper.

I rub the back of my head. "Ow, okay..."

"The little act this morning, I'm not great at acting and you'll find out that although I'm alpha, I'm not as beastly as some of the others. No other higher ranking Ahroun would have stood there and let you babble like that, they'd have just punched you. If you're going to say something important, don't explain too much unless asked to, just fucking say the blunt point."

I wince, I knew Colt had always been a tad fast with his fists and gun, but I didn't realise that most of the werewolves were like that. Christ, looks like I might end up with quite a few bruises at this rate.

"So basically I should have just said. Stop acting, we didn't fuck, he kept me safe. I know you two are here in case you need to kill us?"

"Pretty much."


Wyrmripper shrugs. "That's how it goes mate. You've been lucky with your interactions with garou, but soon you'll be joining my pack and there's a whole new ball game to take care of. You won't be able to look to me or Leon here for protection, nor can you protect Rain too much or he'll be looked on as weak."


"I don't claim to like all the rules, but I obey them. Just as I expect you to do the same. If you don't then you better have a fucking good reason or the ability to take on the wyrm itself. Nobody is above the laws. Remember that."

I gulp a little. This is going to be tough.

"Don't be afraid to ask us questions, but be aware that you need to ask the right person. Like if you have a matter regarding battle, you would speak to Martin here or when you meet him, Jack. If you need a dispute solving, you come see me. For spiritual matters, you need to talk to Tanya. Finally if you have any information that will require documenting or noting down and passing to others, speak to Cindy." says Soothing.

"I'm assuming you'll tell Rain all this and that I'll meet these people when we get to the new place?"

"Rain should know this already and yes you will."

I nod and bite my lip again. Relearning your entire life structure, that's going to be an experience and three quarters.

We're interrupted by food though. Perfect. I'm not exactly happy with how bacon is over here, but right now, it's bacon and I'm hungry! I promptly set about devouring the sandwich which looks like a pair of bricks and the mortar is bacon. Not that I care about how much there is at the moment, it's delicious!

I spend some time attacking and devouring my bacon brick breakfast and am just polishing off the last of my coffee when I hear it. Police sirens. Seems like there must be an incident nearby, I can hear a few different sirens getting closer.

I'm more than a little un-nerved when three police cars screech into the motel parking area. A glance at Wyrmripper and Soothing shows they're not happy either. I get up to go have a look, I don't give a shit if I look nosey. I step out of the diner and head around the corner, just in time to see the police go running up to the room Rain and Rin are in and start banging on the door!

"Oh shit." I curse.

"Definately." Says Wyrmripper as he comes up beside me, Soothing on the other side of me.

I scowl and watch as the door opens and the police pour into the room. Fuck! What do I do? I must have started to move forward but I feel my wrists grabbed on either side, Soothing and Wyrmripper pull me back. I frown at the pair of them but I keep watching. What are we going to do? The kids are in there. A moment later, Riyada is led from the room in handcuffs, I feel Soothing and Wyrmripper's grips on my wrists tighten. The police come out of the room and there's a lot of heads being shook before Riyada is bundled into the back of the police car and it drives off. There's four officers left at this point, they talk between themselves for a few minutes before getting into their cars and driving off as well.

The moment they're gone I'm running towards the room, Wyrmripper and Soothing hot on my heels as they haven't actually let me go, but are letting me run towards the room.

"Rain?! Rin?! Where are you?"

The room is empty. All the cupboards have been thrown open and the room has been thoroughly combed through. Soothing and Wyrmripper let me go as I move into the room. I look around, there's no sign of a struggle. I concentrate and shift up into my next form up and start sniffing around the room. I can smell the pair of them, but their scent doesn't leave the room?

"The fuck?"

"What's up Alex?" says Wyrmripper

"I've got their scents, but they don't leave the room, where the hell are they?"

Soothing frowns and then smirks. "I think I know."

He looks around and then picks up something on the floor. It's the small bedside mirror. I frown at him as he looks into it, then my frown vanishes into shock as he walks through the wall.

"What the hell?"

Wyrmripper chuckles "Smart kid, he dived into the umbra."

"The umbra? The spirit world? Oh yeah, I remember Rain telling me about that."

Wyrmripper nods "You should be able to step into it as well, but we'll save that for another time."

Just then a hand appears from where Soothing vanished and Soothing walks back through, holding Rain's hand who's also holding Rin's hand. I run forward and hug Rain tight.

"Thank god, what happened?!"

I notice Rin is sniffling and the beginning of tears in her eyes. I pull her into a hug too. "It's ok, don't panic, we'll sort this."

"The police just banged on the door and said open up. Riyada said that Rin had to hide or escape, so I grabbed Rin and sidestepped. Where's he gone?"

"The police took him. Rin, do you think that whoever is after you might have called the police?"

She shakes her head. "I don't know. Dad told me they were capable of anything, so maybe? Will he be okay? Why didn't we stop them taking him away?"

I look over at Wyrmripper, I was wondering something similar myself and although I want reassure Rin, I can't lie to her.

"Look, we can't do anything right this moment. They've probably arrested him on suspicion of you being abducted by him. They can't hold him forever, they'd have to release him unless they have some evidence on him. If we'd have fought we'd have risked breaching the veil. We need to be calm and take this carefully." says Wyrmripper.

Rin looks pissed. I can't say I blame her, but I can't afford to have her go off half cocked either. Leaning close to her ear as I hug her again. "We need to be careful, we don't want to blow any of our covers, especially yours."

I feel her stiffen against me, then look at me, I smile and nod softly. "One step at a time, alright?"

She gives me the best smile and nod she can manage considering the events. Brave girl.

"Okay, do you have any ideas Wyrmripper?"

He frowns and looks like he's thinking it over. "We can't just go down there and demand he be let free, apart from the fact it won't work, we'll be arrested too and asked about Rin. Judging by what you've said, he'll be held and unless they can put together a case that will stick enough for them to hold him, they'll have to let him go in 24 hours."

"Why can't we just go rescue him?" says Rin.

"Because this isn't the movies hun. Pulling shit like that gets people into more trouble. You need to play the system so that you can be ready to trip it up." I reply.

Wyrmripper and Soothing both nod.

"Right now, I do have an idea, but I don't think anyone will like it." I say.

"Well, let's hear it and I'll decide how many walls I gotta put you through." Wyrmripper replies.

"The police didn't look like they hung around, meaning this place is probably being watched. We need to get Rin out of here and somewhere safe. I think we should split up. Wyrmripper, you should take Rain and Rin back to the pack. They'll be a lot safer there. Soothing and I can stay here and attempt to find out anything we can about where Riyada has been taken and if there's anything we can actually do."

Wyrmripper raises and eyebrow and looks at Soothing. Rin immediately starts growling. "No! I can't just leave him like that!"

I fix her with my harshest stare, which actually makes her step back a bit. "Your father is risking his neck to keep you safe and you're willing to throw that all away just because you want to act like a child?! You're coming into your own and into your own power, do not make light of his attempts by being so goddamn foolish!"

Rin steps back a little and Rain actually starts to move in front of her and he cops another glare from me.

"You wanna protect him, fine. Do as your told and stay by his side. This could be more serious than we originally anticipated, but I'm going to bet that whoever is after you wasn't expecting garou to help you. Especially with the warm welcome I got from Riyada. So although it may not be the last place to look for you, it gives us more time to actually help you as opposed to attempting to fumble our way through." I address the pair of them.

"Alex makes a good point. One I have to confess that I see as the best course of action right now." Soothing says as Wyrmripper nods gently.

"Rain, I'm counting on you to keep up that quick thinking alright?" I look at Rain, he looks at me and nods firmly. There's a resolve in his face I haven't seen yet, I know he's gonna do his damndest for Rin. It's cute and a tad hallmark, but eh, after the stunning successes of my romances, I'm hardly able to throw stones.

"Slip back into the umbra, I'm sure Wyrmripper wouldn't mind picking you up halfway down the road or something just to be safe?" I say.

"Go out of the gate, turn left. Head down the road about 10 mins and you'll see a junction. Cross it and you'll see another truck stop. I'll pick you up from in there, ok?" Rin and Rain both nod at Wyrmripper before Rain holds out his hand and leads Rin through the wall again.

"Well fuck. I'm so sorry Wyrmripper. I realise that you've got a lot on your plate already, I didn't mean to add all this."

"Unlike the other alpha's, I'm a little more easy going until it really matters Alex. They're kids and need guidance. Plus I know that Khan's are a rarity as it is. The war of rage took a toll on the world and personally I feel it's a debt we need to repay. Naturally I won't say shit about this to the other alphas, I'll be too busy saying that we've found another asset."

I flinch a little. Its kinda unpleasant to realise just how harsh a garou society is considering it's not particularly monstrous population. Even vampires are more forgiving for mistakes, well some branches anyway. It does make you wonder just how the hell they keep going with such harsh moves towards ones who make minor mistakes in one person's eyes, yet cataclysmic in another's. It's almost like the difference between an educated mind and a supremely religious mind seeing a gay couple expressing their love. One might think it was a little tactless if anything, the other is praying for the holy fires of heaven to cleanse them from the earth.

"You get going, we'll see what we can do. If anything...." I sigh and start following Wyrmripper out the door.

"Alright, well we're going to meet up at." says Wyrmripper.

"Hold it." I say. He frowns at me.

"Don't tell us. We got found somehow and I'm not happy about that. If you don't tell us where you're going, there's no way we can accidently reveal it. You said Soothing can talk to you mind to mind, so let's just do that when we're ready to head back, that ok?"

Wyrmripper nods "Paranoid, but I like it. I'm not gonna complain at adding another security level. Catch you guys later." he gives a mock salute and trundles onto the lorry. We watch him drive off and I sigh gently.

"We might need to book another night here. I'm gonna need to see about getting a job or something at this rate, I'm skint."

Soothing chuckles and nods. "No worries about tonight, I'll take care of it. But yeah, getting you a job should be interesting. Considering you technically don't exist."

I smirk back at him. "Yeah, pretty much what I was thinking."

"Well, that's another thing to tackle when we get back. For now, we need to figure a plan out on how to find Riyada." he says walking towards the door of the room, glancing back over his shoulder as he opens it.

I nod back and stretch with a sigh. "Yeah. Not sure how to even...."

"ALEX LOOK OUT!" Shouts Soothing and I make another 'whoomph' sound, as something lands on top of me.

"Shit! Goddammit! Grrrr, oh hell! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to drop in like that." says a voice which sounds familiar to me, but I can't quite place it.

"It's fine if you get off me!" I growl out. I feel the weight shift off my back and I roll over to the apologetic person. My jaw hits the floor again.

"Holyfuck Lawrence??!"

"Why yes do I... Fuck me! Alias?!?"