space story teaser 7

Story by dbj_rab on SoFurry

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part 7 of space story working on....

Everyone slowly started to wake up from the sexual exertions. Dicheo groaned and muttered to himself as he felt his sore ass ache. "oh gods.. what a night, can't believe took all those dicks up my ass," Dicheo thought to himself and soon went to the river to get some water. His tail flicked and he tried to clench his ass to try to keep the cum from leaking further out of his tail hole.

"Oh good you're up," Harking said behind Dicheo, startling him and he jumped slightly.

"Wow didn't hear you behind me. So what was all that last night?" he asked.

"Well after having taken all of our tribe's semen, you are now a honorary member of our tribe and we will be holding a special dinner to welcome you," Harking replied.

Dicheo nodded and soon stretched his sore muscles. "Oh and there is one other thing we need to do," Harking said.

"Oh? What's that?" Dicheo asked curiously.

"This" was all Harking said, before suddenly grabbing his arm and quickly doing a tribal tattoo onto his fur.

"Ouch. Hey what the hell?" Dicheo exclaimed.

"Oh it doesn't hurt that much you big baby," Harking said jokingly. He soon finished it up quickly and fondles the otter-rabbit teasingly. "There we go. All set," Harking remarked.

Dicheo glanced at the tattoo on his arm and grunted slightly as it stung a bit. "Well guess that's that then. Glad to be inducted with you guys," Dicheo remarked, fondling the elder lion back.

Harking grunted at the fondling to his sheath and balls as he squeezed Dicheo's. They both moaned at sensations and soon stopped. "Well we'll see you later at the dinner," Harking said. Dicheo nodded and decided to get a quick bathe in the river. He sighed to himself as he washed off all the dried cum that was stuck all over his fur, and soon padded into Markian's hut.

He heard Markian grunting and groaning in pleasure as he was fucking a fellow lion in the back. Dicheo blushed slightly at suddenly walking in on him going at it, but quickly got dressed and decided to go exploring a bit around the village area.

His ears flickered as he hopped along a trail and explored the area, making scans at times with his scanner and taking data down. He went ooohh as he found some ores of gold and silver hidden from everyone else by natural means and procured them.

"Gold and silver always good metals to have around," he thought to himself and padded off more. He hopped down a trail near the village and enjoyed the beauty that surrounded the trail. His tail flickered as he heard sounds of people coming down a nearby trail and decided to hide, just incase it was hostiles.

His eyes peered through the bushes leaves, and soon saw some of the female lioness walking by with several tigers tied and bound to a huge stick. They continued on towards their village in the opposite direction of the males. Dicheo breathed a slight sigh of relief as he was glad that was over with for now.

He continued onwards and then decided to pad back as it was starting to get dark. The rabbit-otter's ears flickered as he hopped back to the male's village. He soon yawned and stretched out as he approached the entrance to Markian's hut. He listened for noises of sex first before padding iu. "Hey Markian? You in?" he asked.

"Hey Dicheo. How was your day?" Markian asked as he padded out of his room. "It was well, went around for a walk on the trails. Saw that the female tribe captured the tigers and took them to their village," he replied.

"Sounds like fun. Are you ready for the dinner?" Markian asked, idly scritching his balls.

"Yeah been hungry and can't wait to eat," Dicheo remarked. Markian nodded and they soon went out to the center of the village where a huge table was set with a bunch of various foods and glasses with a strange white liquid that was too thick to be milk. Dicheo sniffed it curiously and smelled a salty tanginess. "Smells interesting. Wonder what it is?" he thought to himself.

Soon everyone gathered around and Dicheo noticed that everyone was naked. The eldest elder soon stood up and made a quick speech of thanks to Dicheo and how they were glad to induct him into their tribe as a honorary member. Dicheo blushed slightly, but nodded his thanks. Soon everyone got the go ahead to eat the festive meal.

Dicheo soon nommed on some of the fish that was baked with a nice herb crust and went "mmmnn" at the taste. He soon gulped down some of the odd white drink. "Say what is this?" he asked.

"Oh well call it the elixir of life. It's good huh?" Markian replied. "Yes. It has a odd taste of saltiness and sweetness," Dicheo remarked.

Harking smirked slightly as he leaned in and whispered to Dicheo, "It's made out of our semen and other secret ingredients."

Dicheo nearly spat out the semen drink when he heard that. "What the? " he glanced around and noticed no one seemed to care that they were drinking the cum that leaked out of his anus earlier. "Guess they do this regularly," he thought to himself.

"Well I see then. It's good," he replied. Markian just chuckled softly and reached over to fondle the otter-rabbit. Dicheo slightly blushed at the sensations and was still getting used to all their promiscuity. Everyone kept eating, and some were fondling their nearby neighbors as well.

After everyone got done eating, they soon moved the table elsewhere and the elders lit a huge bonfire and everyone started to dance around the swaying flames. Dicheo joined in and moaned as several of the lions ground themselves against his bouncing ass. He panted softly as soon felt everyone starting to yiff again like crazy sex starved teenagers. "Oh gods not again," he thought, but panted in sexual excitement anyway.

Some of the flames changed colors as the elders kept tossing herbs and stuff into it. He sniffed the sweetly smelling smoke and felt like he was getting a high and noticed everyone else was getting very hard and drooling pre all over each other as they orgy started to get going.

Soon everyone started to fuck each other and moans and grunts where heard. Dicheo moaned and shuddered as he felt the eldest elder fuck his hole again and grunted as he pushed back against the horny hung lion's thrusting hips. His cock drooled all over the ground. "oh gods.." he grunted out as he enjoyed the sensations.

His anus clenched hard around the hung lion's thrusting in and out cock. He soon panted and felt his own cock swell and start to spurt all over. The elder groaned and soon roared as he suddenly felt his hung dick swell and suddenly flood his twitching hole with hot lion cum and roared as he watched his fellow tribe members spurt into each other's asses as well and admired the hot cum leaking out of tail holes.

The air soon became heavy with the scent of sex, semen, and musk of swety rutting lions writhing around on the ground. Everyone soon switched partners and panted as they fucked their new partners and some double penetrating each other in pleasure. Dicheo soon felt himself having a slight out of body experience as the evening progressed and everything became a blur to everyone fucking his ass and muzzle, as well as his dick being pounced into hot tight lion anuses and eager mouths.

space story teaser 8

The following morning, everyone grunted and groaned from their various hangovers and well used tail holes still twitching and cum soaked bodies wearied. Dicheo cried out in slightly pain at his pounding head from the life drink he had. "Oh gods.. so...

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space story teaser 6

The trio yawned and shortly awakened, the air in the tent still smelling of sex. "Damn that was so good guys," Dicheo remarked. "Is it always like this?" "Well... yes actually. We have sex with each other almost all the time when we're in the mood and...

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space story teaser 5

They soon woke up with the sun's rays shinning against their faces. "unhhh" Dicheo moaned as he slowly woke up, but enjoyed feeling the lion's body snuggled against his and their dicks still twitching together. "morning cutie," Dicheo said as he...

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