Oh, You!: Getting Started

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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Getting Started

Jason, a light brown monkey, woke up on the train as it was making it's way over a bridge. Beneath him lay a river, in the middle of a forest. He wasn't sure where he was. Judging by the time, he guessed he had passed out for a half hour after passing Eugene. The trip had been pleasant, he would say it was beautiful, though he slept through most of it. It was still light out, though he could tell the sun was getting nearer to setting. There was also a cat in front of him, just staring at him.

Jason left his home in California to travel abroad, attend a college somewhere new and exciting. The only place he got accepted to outside the sate was a university in a small city in Oregon. It was less than a day's trip away from his native town of Redding. His only consolation was that it was in fact, not in California. It was important to him to leave the state. The cat in front of him was wearing a sweater with large bold letters, "OU" on it. He was male from what Jason could tell, though this cat had the androgynous look about him. Jason sighed, realizing he was wearing the same sweater.

The cat smiled at him and said, "Hey, sleepyhead."

Jason sat up and wiped the drool from his mouth, "Hey, hi."

"Ready for tomorrow?" The cat said, as though talking to a long time friend.

Jason shrugged, "What's tomorrow?"

The cat laughed, "Classes start tomorrow, silly."

Jason raised an eyebrow, "Don't they start up next week?"

The cat shook his head violently, "No, they are tomorrow, on the twenty-sixth"

Jason took his phone from his backpack and looked at the date. His eyes shot open. He looked at the cat, who seemed to notice the stunned expression in Jason's face and giggled. Jason sighed and could only think of one thing to say, "Fuck-nuggets!"

The cat looked seriously at him, "You have a place to stay, right?"

Jason nodded, "Yeah, I was going to check out a place tonight."

"So you have a dorm room on reserve?" The cat asked.

Jason shrugged, "Well.. Not exactly, I talked to a guy on the phone about it. Like.. A month ago."

The cat frowned, "You should call and make sure you still have it. Rooms fill up pretty quick."

Jason nodded and took his phone out, searching his bag for the piece of paper he scribbled the number of the man in charge of dorm rooms. It took a bit of effort before he found it and called. After a few tries, someone finally answered. The man on the other end seemed a little flustered.

Jason said, "Hello, Barny?"

The man on the other end said, "Good afternoon, who is this?"

"This is Jason Holmes, I was going to rent dorm.. Uh.." He looked back down at the paper in his hand, "C320."

There was a small pause and the sounds of fingers typing on a keyboard. A few awkward seconds of the cat staring at Jason and the man on the phone said, "I'm sorry, that room's been filled by one Jamie Masters."

"Oh.." Was all Jason could say.

"I can see if I have anything else open.." More typing before the voice said, "Yeah, I'm sorry, the last rooms I had filled up over the weekend. I can recommend some motels for the time being while you look for somewhere else." He sounded half genuinely sorry and half as though he had been saying the same thing throughout the day.

Jason nodded and sighed, "It's okay, I'll find something. Thanks."

The cat in front of Jason looked concerned and said, "Y'know, if you need a place, I have a friend that is looking for a roomie."

Jason placed his phone back into his bag and said, "You're not his room mate?"

The feline shook his head, "Oh, no, I have my own place, but he wants a room mate and hasn't found on yet."

Jason nodded, "I guess I could check it out. Where does his live?"

"I'll write it down for you!" The cat smiled, taking out a notebook and pencil. He wrote the address and handed the ripped off piece of paper to Jason. The cat smiled and said "His name is Gistino, I wrote his number on the paper." The cat then stood up and smiled, "I'll see you around, I think I'm gonna wander around the train a bit."

Jason nodded, "Uh.. Alright." and he was then left alone. The cat never came back. Jason never asked for his name, either. He was starting to get a bad feeling, though he didn't know of any other option than to see this Gistino guy. It was easier than running around town looking for a place to sleep. He still needed to get ready for his classes, which were the next day. He sighed, slumping over. He couldn't believe he got the wrong week.

He grabbed his phone and decided to call Gistino. He dialed the number on the paper and in a couple seconds, Gistino answered. Jason cleared his throat, "Hello, is this Gistino?"

The man on the other end said, "Yes, are you calling about the ad?"

"Uh.. No, a friend of yours said to call you. He gave me your address. You are looking for a room mate, right? My name is Jason."

There was a short pause, "Yeah, do you know how to get here?"

Jason looked at the paper, he could barely make out the street name through the chicken scratches that cat had for handwriting. He then said, "No, not really. Do you know how I get there from the train station?"

There was another pause, Jason could have sworn he heard grunting. Ginsto's voice came back, "I can pick you up. It's not too far from here. When will you arrive?"

Jason shrugged, "Probably an hour, and thanks, I appreciate it."

"No problem, give me a call when you are close." with that he hung up. Jason put his phone away and wondered about his new potential room mate. The guy sounded nice enough, offering to pick him up at the train station. Maybe too nice, he thought. He began to worry. What if this man was some kind of mad murderer and the cat is his accomplice, working the trains for new prey. Those grunting sounds he heard could have been Gistino's victim, trying to talk through a gag in his mouth. he shool his head, trying to rid himself of the grim truth of his situation.

It was then that the cat had walked back into the compartment. Jason waved to him, to grab his attention. The cat bounced down to his seat, sitting right down from Jason. he smiled and said, "So, what did my friend say?"

Jason replied, "He said he would pick me up at the station." He paused a moment and then said, "So, what is Gistino like?"

The cat looked around the train, in thought for a few seconds before replying, "I um.. Don't really know." He reached into his pocket and picked up a slip of paper. It was and ad for room mates. It looked a bit shady. This did not help Jason with his nerves.

Jason sighed, "So you don't even know this guy?"

"Not really, I kinda grabbed it and gave it to you as a joke. Why?

Jason swallowed hard, "Don't you think this guy might be a little.. Shady?"

"Well..." The cat frowned, "I really don't think there is anyone dangerous here."

Jason was about to say something when the cat cut back in, "Hey, why would a murderer put his address out in the open for anyone to see? I'm sure there is nothing to worry about."

Jason nodded, "Yeah, I'm sure I'll be fine." Though he wasn't completely sure.

The cat nodded and stood in silence for a second before standing back up, "I'm gonna go.." and then left. Jason sat back in his seat, looking out the window as the city made it's way into view. He sighed, thinking ill things of that cat before begrudgingly calling Gistino about the ride, hoping he was wrong about him.

The train had finally made it to the station and Jason walked onto the platform with his backpack in hand. He had a bag of luggage. All he had now on him was his laptop, clothes, wallet, and some other necessities. He had enough money to buy the things he needed here and for rent for the next few months. He hoped the new place would be cheaper than the one he had tried to get before. He forget to ask for the price, though he wasn't sure there was going to be anywhere else he could go.

The sun was setting as Jason made his way out of the station and into the parking lot. There were other students being picked up and others heading over to the bus stop across the street. After a ten minute wait Jason saw the car. It was a loud, sports car that looked more expensive than the other cars in the lot. He was impressed at whoever owned the car. He got a call and answered it. It was Gistino, "Hey, I'm here, who are you?"

Jason looked around the lot, waving his hand in the air, "I'm the money, orange fur, waving his hand." it was then that the expensive car rolled it's way towards him, stopping right next to him, he could hear loud 80's music coming from it. The door opened and inside was a wolf, wearing a leather jacket and leather pants. He looked over to Jason and said, "Jason, right?"

Jason nodded, "Yeah, that's me. Gistino?"

Gistino nodded then popped the trunk for Jason. Jason packed his things away. He then walked over as got into the stranger's car. Gistino drove out of the parking lot and towards the university. The drove in relative silence. Jason made note as to where the fast food chains and other important places where, especially if there was a business with a help wanted sign out front, knowing that the money he saved wouldn't last him forever.

It was past dusk be the time they pulled into the underground parking of the apartment building. It was across the street from the college. Which relieved Jason. Gistino turned to Jason and said, "Hey, I'll show you the place, then we can eat, okay?"

Jason nodded, "That sounds good to me." He paused, "Um.. We never went over the price?"

"We can sort that over dinner." Gistino then parked and got out of the car. He got Jason's bags out of the trunk and they walked over to the elevator. It was a short trip in the rickety old thing before they got to their floor. It was on the third floor. The building itself looked like a cheap hotel. Gistino opened the door to his dorm. Jason followed Gistino inside, who proceeded to take off his shoes. Jason was stopped by the wolf, who said, "I don't allow shoes inside."

Jason was thrown off a little, though decided not to fight it, it wasn't a huge deal to him. He placed his shoes inside, beside the door. Gistino then showed him the apartment. It was small. It had a small kitchen area, beside that was a small hallway that had a bathroom and a closet. The rest of the apartment was just one room, of which had Gistino's large bed, a large flat screen television and a desk. There was a smaller half of the room that remained empty. Jason assumed this would be his area. He kept himself from groaning at the small size. He then turned to Gistino, who was checking something on his computer. Jason looked around and said, "I take it this will be my area?"

Gistino turned to him and replied, "Yes, put your stuff there and we can get some food." Jason nodded, placing his stuff down. He looked heading toward the door and asked, "So, where are we going?"

Gistino smiled and replied, "This barbecue place, it's great."

"Oh, cool. I love barbecue" said Jason, getting his shoes back on. The two of them headed out, driving to a restaurant riddled with symbols Jason didn't understand. He assumed they were either Chinese or Korean. Inside the restaurant were tables, all fitted with barbecue pits. Jason then realized he wasn't going to be eating what he thought. They sat down and were greeted by the staff. They all seemed to know Gistino. They sat down and Gistino ordered for the two of them. Jason had never been to a place where he would be cooking his own food. It was something new to him. The food itself, once Gistino had cooked it was decent. As they ate, Gistino said, "So, the rent is four hundred a month for you, plus utilities."

Jason nodded, "Alright, anything else I should know about?" The deal was a little too good to be true.

"No smoking, no pets and you'll have to find your own bed and furniture. You can share my bed with me tonight if you really need to." replied Gistino.

Jason then said, "Oh right, any chance you can show me where to get a bed tomorrow?"

Gistino nodded, "Sure, I'll show you around town tomorrow, after class."

It hit Jason again that he had classes the next day and hadn't looked up exactly where they were. He grinned, "Alright, I guess it's a deal. Roomie." The shook hands and the deal was made. Jason didn't really know who else would have room the night before classes started. He did worry about Gistino, though he seemed like a nice enough guy, and the apartment was clean. Sure there was little privacy, but he didn't think it would be the biggest problem. At least, he didn't think so until they had gotten back to the apartment.

It was getting late, Gistino had showed him around a little bit after they ate, just the important stuff, like grocery stores, the department store on the other side of town. Jason wished he had a car. With the rent as cheap as it was living with Gistino, he figured he could get one sooner than he had hoped.

As the stepped back into the apartment, Jason remembering to take his shoes off, Gistino started to undress. As Jason was getting his bags in order, taking out his laptop, plugging it in to check his classes. He looked back to see the wolf at his computer, completely nude, drawing what looked to be gratuitous amounts of porn. Jason felt himself blush. He thought to himself, "What did I get myself into." He then started to notice things around the apartment. There was a large canine dildo beside the bed, a bottle of lube and an opened condom wrapper. He hadn't noticed it before, though it had been there all day. Gistino didn't hide anything. He was not at all a private person. Jason's heart sank. The grunting he heard earlier, on the phone. Then the doorbell rang.

Gistino opened the door and let a couple men in. They were a canine and a stag. It wasn't long before they were all undressed and started making out on the bed. The three of them were in the throws of passion. Jason tried not to look, focusing on his computer. They acted like Jason wasn't even there. At some point Gistino called to Jason and said, "You know, you are welcome to join us if you want."

Jason blushed hard and shook his head, "No, it's alright, I have some stuff I need to do anyway." he lied. Part of him wanted to join, though he was far too shy and nervous to do it. He was gay, yes, but he had never had a sexual experience and certainly didn't want to start like this.

After he had been staring at his computer desktop for an hour, the three on the bed has stopped romping and drifted off to sleep. He had found double, triple and quadruple checked his list of classes and their times. Jason was wound up and flustered now that there were far too many people on the bed. He didn't want to sleep in a bed with one naked person, let alone three. So, he decided to take a hot shower and sit in the most comfortable corner of his less than half of the apartment. He sighed, the first day here and nothing had gone to plan. He made a mental list of the things he needed to do in the next week before he fell asleep.