What if it was Us? (Prelude)

Story by ArcticRose on SoFurry

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#1 of What if it was Us?

This little introduction was inspired by a very simple question one of my very best friends asked me... who I have a ginormous crush on. "What if we grew up next door to each other?". Anyways here it is, I hope you all get a feel for the characters and their relationships and enjoy it too.

"A.R.!! A.R.!!" floated the excited tenor of my friend's voice. The strange but captivating hybrid was vying for my attention during one of my most hated activities. Shopping. The word even tasted vulgar to my mind.

"Coming Boo." I called back, hoisting myself up from the seating in the waiting area and walking slowly and deliberately over to the dressing area. I approached, listening to the whining of how long I was taking get louder and louder, torturing my best friend in a way akin to ticking him, which always put a small smirk on my face. That was the minor reason I was here with him doing the dreaded task, there were two major reasons though and one of them slammed me in the face as I was rounding the corner of the returns.

He was absolutely stunning. The tuxedo he had on fit him perfectly, the pants were tight enough to see the musculature of his legs without the fear of ripping at any moment and the black dress shirt defined his pecks, further highlighted by the skinny red tie he wore. His long flowing coat spilling lightly over the edges of his clothing like the sands of Egypt would flow out of an hour glass with no cap. If only something could be done about the pondering look on his maw. A smile would be dashing to see.

"Jesus, finally!" I got with an accompanying glare in my direction. Thankfully short lived. "Whada ya think?" Buck inquired as he did his slow pirouette, for maybe the hundredth time that week. "I like it buuuut I donno. It's so constricting. I'm absolutely certain it's tangling my fur into a mess right now too. Oh gods, this is too much. I'm getting the vest again. Hey!" His steely blue eyes bore into me as my paws quickly retreated behind my back and I gave him my most innocent of innocent blue foxy faces. Ears plastered flat, white tips twitching, the corners of my mouth down turned and my deep chocolate eyes welling lightly with tears. Hell, even my tail was curled lightly around my body, foot paws turned in ever so slightly. 7 out of 10.

"What have I said about smacking my ass? That kit face won't work on me mister," he waggled his finger at me tipped with a perfectly manicured nail, "raised 4 cousins on my mom's side. I have experience with that face and I can still say no." He bopped me lightly on the tip of my nose, causing me to break my concentration with a small sneeze. "Bad foxy."

"What? It's not my fault you have a perfectly sculpted ass."

Buck exaggerated a groan, "will you ever stop being a pervert?"

"I don't know will you ever stop having a perfect ass?"

"You always say that. You've always SAID that. Even during my chubby phase."

"You never had a chubby phase."

"I did, remember I had rollie-pollie legs?"

"The only thing rollie-pollie I seem to remember is when my grandmother came to visit at your home. She tripped on a rock and rolled all the way down that hill off power damn road, squawking about the 'roots from Satan'." There was a small absent look that crossed his face, as if conjuring the memory from the depths of his memory banks, and then the smirk started. Slowly giving way to the smile, and ensuing giggle. Mission accomplished.

"I remember that more as a 'head-injury inducing' thing for old G-ma more than anything else." The smile remained resting on his face as the reminiscing of my morbidly obese grandmother crashing into a small sapling snapping it in half and the ensuing struggle to save it from 'old age'. It really was a nice memory after-all and we had a lot of those. Memories.

"There," I broke the silence, "now your out-fit is perfect."

"Whddya mean?" Buck asked as his head tilted ever so slightly. His Afghani dad showing through on his maw.

"A smile Boo. You're getting married, you should be absolutely giddy with happiness." I picked up his paws and lifted them together, looking into his eyes that stood out so brilliantly against his fur, "trust me, as long as you smile you'll be the most gorgeous thing at the wedding."

The smile on Bucks face had settled a bit into a smirk but it was still there, "even more gorgeous than those roses I picked out for the arrangements?"

"Waaaaaay more gorgeous."

"Lord you're cheesy."

"Admit it. It's the reason you love me."

"Who says-" Buck was cut off by the singing of my phone as it belted out some 'Cell Block Tango' making Buck's eyes narrow slightly, "I thought I told you to change that ring tone."

"I have nooooo idea what you're talking about."

"My mother deserves a nicer ringtone. She won't kill my dad so pick something nicer."

"That's funny, I have a pretty clear memory of her trying to throttle your father ooooohhh a week or so ago?" I finished my sentence by sliding open my 'answer' key, "Hello? Mrs. Hoyle?" my voice sung as Buck burned holes in the back of my skull.

"Hey it's Devon."

"Oh! Hey Dev... What's up?"

"I left my phone in Bucky's car and he's not answering. I figured you'd be with him. Can I talk to him?"

"Sure." I turned around to see an obviously confused Afghani-Fennic hybrid. I smiled a bit at him, but it was empty. "It's Devon." I finished by handing him my phone, and a genuine smile crossed his face. Something that was bittersweet for me. I loved seeing him smile, but I wanted to be the source. This was one of those smiles not meant to ever be for me though, only for the rather majestic stag. His fiancé.

Buck took the phone jubilantly and began chatting, while I just watched his face and let the words float around my ears. Not hearing words but sensing tones, the way one does when they are lost in another person. Like a person in love. No, not 'like' at all. I truly loved him. I knew I couldn't have him though, and that knowledge stung. I wonder... Did I even know what it was that made me start loving him? Maybe I could move on if I did. I wouldn't let my love for him cause us both unnecessary pain. When was the first time I realized I was in love with my best friend?

Little Talks Chapter 3

Chapter 3: Creaky Stairs and the Things That Keep Me Awake Nothing ever seems to go my way; especially when it involves my parents. I just can't win, plain and simple, and I'm just sick and tired of it. When I play their game the rules are...

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Little Talks Chapter 2

Little Talks Chapter 2: Just Hold my Hand Silent tears. I've cried a lot of them over the years. Not that normal crying is good. Still I would prefer it over salt ridden books, with no babbling of any kind. It's almost not a natural way to cry,...

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Little Talks

Sooooo its been a while... no promises. I hope I'm not too rusty for ya XD. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 An Old and Empty House Sweet. The soft smell of freshly cut grass was the first...

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