Federation Aside - Initiation

Story by Squirrel on SoFurry

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#9 of Redwing - Relaunch

"Aboard the Federation heavy cruiser Infineon, the chief of security must find a way to get information from an intruding shape-shifter."

I originally posted this as part of its own series, as a pilot. But, in retrospect, considering how my writing output goes anymore (a story every other month, on average), I'm not sure it's the best idea to start an entirely new series when I have such a solid foundation for Redwing pretty much laid down. I don't want to post a single episode and leave it hanging.

However, I'd like the freedom to take a peek into the Federation side of things mine now and then, just because I've largely stayed away from it to this point and there's a lot of interesting things to explore there, politically. So, when I do get those inklings, it'll just be a 'Federation Aside' within the Redwing universe. Happening concurrently, just in a different setting. Perhaps, eventually, the Federation elements will converge with the High Command and Uncharted Territories elements. But I don't want to get too far ahead of myself ...

It must be noted, as well, though I think I've mentioned it before, that where my 'Luminous - Relaunch' was more romantic and idealized (even in moment of extreme drama), the 'Redwing - Relaunch' continues to be a bit darker, a bit grittier. It's just a necessary contrast to keep things thematically engaging.

Anyway, hope everyone continues to enjoy the sci-fi universe I have going here. I hope to keep adding to it. Real life just slows me down, anymore!

"He's not talking. The drugs are having no effect." A swish of ringtail. "I don't know what else to do."

The lieutenant commander nodded, crossing her arms. "Everything has a weakness." He was a shape-shifter. Caught last night in a restricted area near the main computer core. Potential sabotage? Or just reconnaissance? It was hard to tell. She'd never encountered one before. Getting information out of him so far had been difficult. "Did you feel that?" she suddenly asked, tilting her head. Her whiskers stiffened.


"I think we just increased our speed."

"You can feel that through the deck plating?"

She pointed to her tall, slender ears. "They're sensitive to changes in pitch. The engines just got louder."

"If you say so ... "

They were deep in the drive section of the heavy cruiser Infineon, a Federation ship, which was currently on its way to a mid-range member world. The said planet was undergoing a second straight year of extreme drought and required aid. They needed help building irrigation and aqueducts, as well as drilling for underground reservoirs of water.

"Our 'friend' also turned into an octopus and tried to strangle me," her deputy continued, getting back on topic. He was a raccoon. Went by the name of Eryx.

"I saw." The rabbit barely held back her amusement. She was a mountain cottontail. Tall ears, rounded at the tip and seemingly dipped in black. Faded brown fur, much darker brown on the back of her neck and head. And that fluff-tail, of course. That teardrop that drew such attention to her plush rump. It was grey above and pure white beneath.

"Thanks for intervening, by the way!"

"I was just about to when you freed yourself," she assured. "Lowered the force-field for you, didn't I? Checked your pulse?"

Eryx rolled his eyes, scrunching his bandit-masked face. "Maybe we should hand him over to Federation security. Someone at the next outpost. They'll have more resources at their disposal."

"No," she decreed, expression becoming steely. Fob this problem off to someone else? Absolutely not. "I'm chief tactical officer on this ship. He's my problem." She didn't add that she was gunning for a promotion. Commander Ida. Maybe even Captain? Had a nice ring to it. Capturing and successfully interrogating a prisoner like this would look very good on her record. And she was formulating an idea that was sure to be foolproof.

The raccoon frowned, rubbing his nose. Ida was a bit single-minded, sometimes. He'd even say she bordered on selfish. Not that he entirely blamed her. She was prey working in a predators' field. Predators still occupied most positions of power in the Federation, even after the Civil War and snow rabbit conflict, not to mention the wasp ordeal. Prey had gained some ground, of course. But things still weren't equal. She wanted to impress her superiors enough to rise through the ranks. And she couldn't show weakness.

Of course, prey had reached high positions on merit before. That squirrel captain on Luminous? But his ship had been quite small. Nothing with heavy firepower. He'd also been exiled. So, maybe that was a bad example. But rumor had it he was doing very well in the snow rabbit High Command. Eryx sometimes wondered, if Ida really wanted to advance that badly, why she didn't just defect to the snow rabbits. They were similar enough species. But he suspected she liked butting heads with furs. Liked uphill climbs and challenges. Liked shoving it in furs' faces when she succeeded. You couldn't do that when everyone was on your side.

"So, what do you plan on doing?" Eryx finally asked her.

She inspected the claws on both her paws. "We still have that matter-containment field?"

"For use on bio-matter? It's a work in progress. Bourdais insists it's only experimental," he said, of the chief engineer, an ocelot.

"Screw him. He's too finicky." Not to mention they didn't get along. But that was a story for another time. "I say it'll work."

"If it doesn't, the prisoner will strangle you like he tried to do with me," the raccoon warned. "If he doesn't trample or sting you first." Depending on what form he took. "You just can't anticipate what he'll do. He's getting pretty fed up."

"Let me worry about that." If the shifter didn't want to be inconvenienced, it shouldn't have committed crimes against the Federation.

"Ma'am ... "

"What'd I tell you about calling me that?" she asked, snapping him a look. Her bobtail flickered high.

"Sir. Ma'am. Ida." He threw up his paws. "Whatever," he huffed. "This whole situation makes me nervous."

"Everything makes you nervous. You're like a rodent."

He made a face. "Am not."

"Are, too. Not necessarily an insult," she added. "Rodents can be cute. Just spastic."

"I'm not spastic," he continued.

"News to me."

"You're always right, aren't you?" the raccoon said, sarcastically.

"Glad you're finally realizing that," she said, approaching the invisible force-field. They could see through it. But, from the other side, it was opaque. It was also sound-proof. "He's getting restless. Vulnerable." Her ears twiddled tall. "Get the containment field ready. I want it to fill the cell. That's an order."

Eryx hesitated but padded over to the main computer console. They were in the brig, which was separate from the armory, which was separate from Ida's actual security posting on the bridge. The Infineon was a very large ship. It wasn't the most beautiful starship ever built. Federation technology and design tended to be more utilitarian than the High Command's. But it had character. "I'm surprised the captain didn't want one of his predator cronies heading this."

"Oh, he did," Ida said.


"I convinced him I could handle it." A little bit of muzzle went a long way. The tough-as-nails wolverine had been putty in her paws. There was a reason she, as prey, was chief tactical officer on one of the largest ships in the entire Federation over a host of tigers, wolves, and whatnot. She did what she had to do. She eyed the prisoner, closely. He was currently a ram, trying to batter the force-field with his horns. "Think he'd learn."

"He's just frustrated. Maybe even scared. I don't think he's stupid," Eryx said.

"No," she agreed. "But he's more naïve in the ways of furs than he'd like us to think. It's one thing to physically impersonate something. But to mentally and emotionally do it? He doesn't know what makes us tick." She rolled her neck around. Damn, she was hungry. For an apple, maybe. A real one. The food processors didn't recreate fruit as well as other things. She didn't know why. Maybe it had something to do with sugar content? Rumor had it that the chef in charge of the main mess hall had a stash of actual Crispins. Her favorite. Maybe she could 'persuade' him to give her some ...

"So, how are you going to get him to talk? He has no incentive. You're not going to use violence, are you?" If that was the case, she'd be no better than the captain's aforementioned cronies.

"Nothing so extreme," she answered. Besides, she was willing to bet he had a high pain tolerance. "I just need to get him to change into a more ... " She licked her buckteeth. " ... malleable form."

"What? Why?" Eryx looked up, confusedly.

"Something I can manipulate," she repeated, only half-listening to the coon. "Then, when I have him where I want him, I'll activate the field. Verbally." She pointed at the computer. "Make sure it's set for verbal recognition. My voice only."

"I planned on it." A pause, angular ears cocking atop his head. "How are you going to manipulate him, exactly?" he pressed, nearly finished with the task at paw. He didn't need to wait for her response, though. It suddenly dawned on him. "Oh, no ... "

"It's not against regulations." She smoothed her paws down her uniform. Along the curves of her hips. She was solidly-built. Played on the Home-world volleyball team in the Federation Games. They'd lost to some kangaroo colony on a controversial non-call. "We're furs, after all."

"But he's not!" No matter what he looked like on the outside.

"Then it's time to make him feel like one."

The raccoon shook his head.

Ida just smirked, buckteeth prominently showing.

"Do I get to stay?" he asked, with feigned nonchalance. Say yes, say yes, say ...


Dammit. "Fine." He sighed, tapping some buttons. They beeped sweetly under his touch. "There. Done." He couldn't keep the disappointment out of his voice. "Just tell the computer when you want it activated."

"Thank you."

"I really should stay," he said, again, "in case he goes berserk on you ... "

"You just want to see me naked, Eryx. Stop pulling your punches."

He twitched, jealously, resisting the urge to scream. He hated how she could cut to the core of things so easily. He'd wanted to breed with her since being assigned to her security staff. Now this shape-shifter, who'd done nothing but compromise ship's security, was going to get under her tail without even wanting it? Life wasn't fair.

Ida, not completely insensitive, softened and said, "Don't take it personally, coon. You know I don't fool around with my deputies." Some tactical chiefs did. She never felt comfortable with it. "We're security officers. I can't be getting emotionally attached to furs I may have to order to certain death, someday. It may cause me to hesitate, even for a few seconds. That might be the difference between victory and defeat for the entire ship."

"Don't think you have to worry about getting 'emotionally attached,' Ida." It sounded more like an excuse to him.

"Just because I like to have fun doesn't mean I don't have feelings." She did. Passionate ones. She just kept them in check, never leading with them. She was a bit hedonistic. That, more than anything, drove her toward career advancement. Not for the prestige or power on its own. But because those things brought with them more freedoms, more luxuries. More pleasures. Was that so bad?

Like most furs in the fleet, she'd fought in several wars over the past few years. Seen her share of trauma. Death. Blood. Enough for a lifetime. I deserve to enjoy myself while I can.

"Besides," she added, "you just broke up with your last mate a few weeks ago. That giraffe? You don't need to be falling in love with me on the rebound. I'm not a long-term solution."

"I guess." He rubbed his neck, awkwardly. "I really thought it would work out with her." She was assigned to deflector maintenance, down in the lower decks.

"She was over a foot taller than you. It made you feel inferior or less masculine or something silly like that, and you feeling bad made her feel like she was doing something wrong when she wasn't. You were both bad communicators." Again, cutting to the quick. "Confidence. That's the key to wooing and keeping."

Eryx didn't respond, at first. But finally muttered, "I don't take relationship advice from open-breeders."

If she was offended, she didn't show it. "You'll find someone else. It's a big ship. You're too sweet not to."

"I'm sweet?" he echoed.

"That's what I said, isn't it?" Most of her deputies were predators. They'd just as soon take her out as help her. Eryx was always on her side.

He blushed, ring-tail flittering about. "Well ... "

"Come back in an hour," she said, more seriously. Time to get back to business. "And make sure no one bothers me. I'm going to solve our espionage problem."

"Alright. But if something goes wrong, call me ... "

She nodded.

The raccoon looked around for a moment, still wishing she'd change her mind. Then finally left the room.

Ida smoothed at her uniform, again. It was a habit. She then entered a command code, and lowered the force field. It raised as soon as she passed through the entry-point.

The shape-shifter, still a ram, looked up in surprise, eyes seemingly aflame. He was angry. And 'in the fur.' When he'd been caught, he'd been a mouse. Cause no one ever suspected mouses. When changing to bigger forms, however, his uniform had eventually shred. There was no point in giving him a new one. He'd just ooze out of it on his way to becoming something else.

"Hello, there," the rabbit said, casually. She nodded her head, ears twiddling some. The cell looked bigger from the outside than it actually was. But she wasn't intimidated by the shifter's proximity. She'd dealt with worse.

He just snorted, obstinately.

"I'm Ida. You met my deputy. Tried to kill him. You're lucky you didn't. If you had, you'd have been tossed out the nearest airlock." She didn't seem to be joking.

"You should leave," the ram said, quietly.

"I don't think so. You see, I'm in charge of security on this ship. And you violated it. It's on my head for not sniffing you out sooner. I don't like being bested or embarrassed. And since you refuse to placate me, I'm afraid you've left me with no choice but to interrogate you."

He scoffed. "Interrogate? You will have to subdue me first." Hoofed feet scraping up carpet, the ram didn't wait for further taunts or suggestions. He simply launched like a bullet. Head lowered. Throwing his muscular, white-furred mass directly at her.

Ida, with quick reflexes, dove aside. Hit the floor, rolled, and kicked herself upright with her legs. She was well-versed in self-defense. "That the best you can do?" she taunted.

Slamming into the wall, the ram needed a few seconds to recover his breath. His nostrils flared. Eyes glowed. Then his whole body. A brilliant sapphire-blue, shimmering and swirling. He was shifting!

The rabbit watched, rapt, as the prisoner briefly reverted back to his natural state, a gelatinous, rippling goo. She'd never seen anything like it before. It was fascinating. But it only lasted a few seconds. He was soon back to solid form. Still white-furred, but much more menacing. A polar bear. Big, brawny. Thick pelt. Huge paws. "You have no right to hold me!" he growled.

"By Federation law ... by anyone's law," she added, "you were trespassing. Had you tampered with the computer core, you could've disabled the entire ship. Left us adrift, defenseless. Could've taken our life support offline. Who knows what you would've done if we hadn't stopped you."

"I was only observing."

"And I'm supposed to believe that? You have ulterior motives. You can't be working alone. Who sent you?"

"My actions are just."

"By all means," she said, opening her paws. "Enlighten me."

The polar bear clenched his jaw.

"You realize how pointless this is?" she continued. "Even if you get by me, this is one of the biggest ships in the Federation. Twenty-four decks. Nearly eight hundred furs. Where do you think you're going to go? Now that you've been discovered, you'd never make it to the shuttle bay before some bloodthirsty fox or wolf mowed you down with a phase rifle."

"I can shift into forms small enough to move through the air-vents," he countered.

"Thought you tried that already. We caught you anyway."

The polar bear roared, lumbering toward her, swiping, swinging his paws with abandon.

Again, Ida ducked. Barely, though. She nearly got her head batted off. Her adrenaline surged. She had to get him into a smaller form, somehow. Energy was only going to give her the upper paw for so long. She'd eventually wear out. He wouldn't. As soon as he did, he'd just change bodies and instantly recharge. But she couldn't spring her trap just yet. "If you really wanted to break free, you could've by now. Ram? Polar bear? Brute strength. You're not a violent creature, are you? I know the violent ones. They have a certain look in their eyes. You don't have it."

"I also do not have eyes," he shot back. "Not in my natural state."

"You know what I mean." So, she was dealing with a potential smart-ass. Or maybe shifters' minds worked too literally? "You don't have the swagger of someone who's comfortable with brutality. It makes you uncomfortable."

"I will defend myself," the shifter insisted. "You are threatening my well-being."

"You did that to yourself by sneaking aboard the Infineon."

The polar bear shimmered blue, shrinking, melting into a blue glob. Then reforming. Hard, angular. Glistening. Jet black. A sharp, curved tail, a stinger that practically dripped with poison. A scorpion. An anthro scorpion. She'd never seen one in real life. It was startling. Especially after the recent wasp war, the sight of insects turned her stomach. Ida fought back her gag reflex. Even though she suddenly remembered that scorpions weren't insects. Arachnids, right? Didn't matter. Same effect. "Let me go," the shifter repeated, in the scorpion's dry, raspy tone.

"I can't do that." He was stubborn, wasn't he? Most prisoners would've given her the silent treatment. He kept acting like he was going to escape. Maybe he was in denial that he'd been caught in the first place.

"If you keep me, they will kill me. I can control the dosage of venom," he hissed, scrabbling closer to her. "I can keep you alive. But you will wish otherwise."

She sensed he was about to rant, so she said nothing. Just let him talk.

"My kind is hunted. We are viewed as different and dangerous. Or as specimens to be studied. Your 'Federation'," he spat, quivering with rage, "kidnapped many of my kind. All but dissected them. Wanted to find out how we 'shifted' ... so they could mimic is, synthetically. Or even find a way to become metamorphic themselves." His scythe-like tail dipped in sadness. "I was lucky to escape. We had to move our home colony to a new, secret location. And after we did, I swore I would help curtail your kind's research."

"I had nothing to do with that. Nor did anyone on this ship," Ida said, seriously. Sympathy crept into her tone. This was all news to her. "The Infineon isn't a part of it."

"But your organization is corrupt! You know this. Everyone does."

Annoyed, she couldn't refute that. But it was hard to fix a machine that had become bigger than its parts. "This is the only home I've got. It's not perfect. But no great experiment is." Hundreds of furry species, predators and prey, forming a unified government spanning countless sectors of space? Nothing like that had ever been attempted until the Federation came along. All the other great powers, even if they had some degree of diversity, were ultimately dominated by a single species. The snow rabbit High Command, for instance. "We do the best we can. The quality of life for our citizens is still pretty damn good." Life in the Federation wasn't the nightmare that outside propaganda would have everyone believe.

"And to improve your 'quality of life,' you would brush aside those who resist your control?" The scorpion arched his tail again, poison glistening on the tip. He circled the rabbit, putting her on the defensive.

"I told you, I have no knowledge of the experiments run on your kind." But it didn't surprise her in the least. Similar 'tests' had been run on bats decades ago. Which had led to the formation of rebellious 'rogue' groups who used their telepathic powers without restraint, as means of protection and preservation of identity. Nowadays, bats were integrating back into regular society. Even joining the fleet. But the alienation that'd resulted from the Federation's treatment of them had never quite gone away, so large numbers of 'rogues' remained. "I'm sorry," Ida told the shifter. That was all she could do. Apologize on behalf of her government.

"That is not enough," the shifter replied. "You are too dangerous. We cannot sit idly by when we know what you're capable of."

"But you don't want conflict, do you? You'd rather have privacy. Isolation. Disappear into the night and keep to yourselves, right?" She squinted. "Infiltrating our ships and bases will only draw more attention to your kind, not less."

The shifter hesitated.

"Someone put you up to this. Someone came to you, convinced you to spy on us. You agreed because you think we're the greater threat. Or maybe they made a convincing argument. The question remains: who are you working for? What do they want?"

Bobbing and lurching, the scorpion swung his tail. Swip! Swish!

Ida gasped, stumbling back. She had obviously hit a nerve. But she couldn't survive a battle with a scorpion. She had to think fast. "Coward!"

The arachnid screeched. "I am no coward!"

"Fighting a female? In powerful, deadly forms? That's the only way you can defeat me. You're scared of an even playing field, being on my level. As one of me, you know I'd kick your ass. I bet that burns, doesn't it? Knowing that your abilities are just window dressing. You wouldn't last ten seconds as a rabbit."

Shuddering with rage, the scorpion twisted, becoming the shifter's true blue self. And then quickly forming into a male rabbit. Same species as her, too. Mountain cottontail. Naked as day. He didn't wait for anything. No words, no reactions. Just karate-kicked at her with his strong, loping legs. Those large foot-paws.

Ida let herself get hit. She had to play along. It fucking hurt, too. She hit the wall. Then the floor, coughing. The wind knocked out of her. She was gonna feel sore tomorrow morning.

"Looks like I am a better rabbit than you," he crowed.

"Computer," she said, wearing a challenging smile, "activate matter containment field." There was a trill and a thrum. "Oh, I think we'll find out soon enough."

No response from the shifter. Just a sudden look of confusion.

"Something wrong?" she wondered, getting to all fours. Then her knees. Looking up at him, resting her paws on her lap.

Eyes wide, whiskers quivering, he waved his arms wildly for a moment. Then stopped, panting.

"Stuck in that body, maybe?"

He swallowed. He couldn't shift! "What ... what did you do?"

Taking a slow, sassy breath, the female rabbit stood and sauntered about. She didn't answer. She had the upper paw, now. There was no point in indulging him. Yet. "It must be horrible for you. Like suffocating." She let that hang in the air. "You're not claustrophobic, are you?"

"Let ... let me out," he pleaded, desperately.

"Out of where?"

"This body!" he cried. Being permanently trapped in a shape was every shifter's worst fear.

"Aw. Why? It's a nice one," she said, drinking him in. Placing a paw on his bare, soft-furred chest. The fur was lighter, there. Almost white in spots, in contrast to the darker browns and grays everywhere else. She rubbed her paw in a circle. "Very nice." She then glanced down at his big, bare foot-paws. They were big, covered in dense fur. "I must also compliment you on your kicking technique. One would think you've been doing it forever."

"Please," he begged, weakly. On the verge of panic, the male rabbit backed up nervously, bumping into a wall. Looking up, down. Putting a paw over his heart. He felt light and dizzy, like he was going to keel over.

"You're prey, now, too. Feel that adrenaline? That survival instinct? It's right in your gut, isn't it? And you can't get rid of it by changing forms. It's there. Always. Day and night." She followed him. Got in his face.

His ears trembled, nose sniffing up and down.

"Welcome to my world," she breathed, whiskers touching his. She breathed in his scent. It'd been so long since she'd been around a male of her own species, she was almost taken aback.

"Undo whatever you did," he insisted, desperately. Whining it loudly. "I don't want to be stuck! Please, I didn't want to hurt anyone. Let me go!"

She almost felt sorry for him. He was genuinely terrified, wasn't he? But she had a job to do. "Give me a reason to. Tell me what I want to know." She paused for effect. "Who put you up to this?"

He shook his head. He couldn't tell. He doubted his 'allies' would appreciate being revealed.

"I have all day." She crossed her arms, staying close to him. "What's the longest you've stayed in one form without reverting to your natural state? Or changing into another form? Even if it's a long time, well ... knowing you can't, even if you wanted to?" She clicked her tongue. "That must weigh on you, psychologically."

"You are being cruel," he whimpered, weakly. His eyes watered. He touched them with his fingers. What is this? "I am leaking ... "

"They're called tears. Salty things," she informed him, brusquely, defending her actions by explaining, "I'm tasked with protecting the safety of nearly a thousand lives on this ship. You're selling Federation secrets to someone who, I'm willing to bet, wouldn't mind seeing a few of those lives fall by the wayside. I'm sorry that some bastards in my own organization committed heinous acts against your kind. I don't condone that. But I'm protecting my own. Just like you claim to do." She let that sink in before asking, again, "Who are you working for? Who are you protecting? What do they want? It's not the wasps," she said, beginning to narrow down the options. "They're gone." For now. Until they rebuilt with a new Queen. "The High Command is too stable to care what we're up to. It has to be someone new ... " A new threat, yes. Something unknown. That wasn't good. "You're about to force my paw," she told him, quietly. "I hope you know that."

He clenched his jaw, heart hammering in his chest. What was she going to do to him?

"Out of curiosity, why do you always take male forms? I thought shape-shifters were herms or something?" she asked. It was time to make her move. She didn't feel like waiting anymore. This was it.

"We are not herms. We have no gender ... "

"How is that possible?" Her paw was back on his chest, again. Rubbing over his heart. She could feel it beating rapidly. Feel the heat.

"We are different." He looked down. Why was she touching him? And why did it feel strangely soothing?

"But you feel more comfortable as a male? You identify as one on some level? When taking furry form?"

"I suppose ... "

"Nothing wrong with that. I think you made a fine choice," she cooed, teasingly, nuzzling his neck with her twitchy nose. "Do you have a name, by chance?"

"You are trying to befriend me and get my guard down." He bit his lip, craning his neck to accommodate her. Even though he didn't consciously realize it. "You are trying to confuse me ... "

"Well, it's like this ... Humphrey? You look like a Humphrey to me." She rubbed at one of his little male nipples, which was practically buried under his chest-fur. "Unless you go by something else?"

"You ... you would not be able to pronounce it," he said stubbornly, taking a deep breath. The little nipple became hard and sensitive.

"Humphrey it is." She smirked.

"Why are you smiling?"

She waved a paw, dismissively. He didn't get the double-entendre. Oh, well. Made it even better. "Cause we're about to have fun. And I live for fun."


"I'm talking about sex, Humphrey," she whispered, beginning to unzip her uniform-shirt. "Don't shape-shifters have sex? Or something like it?"

"We divide. We ... split ... " Her shirt was off, now. Just like that. And his eyes fell, distractedly, as if pulled by gravity, to her breasts. That's what they were called, right? They were covered with an additional piece of clothing. But barely. It was a see-through fabric.

"Does it feel good?" she asked, of this 'splitting.' Noticing where his gaze was going, she said, "Oh, I didn't wear my sports bra, today. Wore my lacy one. I was feeling frisky ... "

He blinked. He'd been about to reply to something. What was it, again? Oh. Splitting. "It is a satisfying experience."

"But does it feel good?" she repeated, emphasizing her words.

Again, no direct response. "It is just something that happens," he managed. "At certain intervals, every few years. On a biological clock. We cannot control it." He swallowed. How was it that a piece of fabric could make what was beneath so much more enticing?

"Have you split?" she wondered, pressing against him.

"Several times," he whispered, throat becoming dry.

"So, you sorta have children, in a way?" Even though she was 'playing' him, she was genuinely becoming interested. It wasn't often she met life forms that were truly alien.

"It is more complicated than that. They are more like copies of me." In a way, all shifters were the same shifter. Drops from the same ocean. Yet each distinct individuals. It was a bit of a philosophical conundrum. The furs couldn't possibly hope to understand.

"Well, this isn't complicated, Humphrey. This is very simple." Her shoulders rolled, dipping. That bra finally came off. And very easily, too. Her fur-covered mounds dipped a bit with gravity. They then jiggled as she reached down to undo her pants. "We're just two puzzle pieces. We fit ourselves together. And move back and forth, create some friction."

"And then what?" Was there an end result?

"Fireworks," she murred. Her pants dropped. She stepped out of them, daintily. Her foot-paws just as impressive as his. Only wearing panties, now, and not for long. She made a slow show of removing them, opening her thighs just enough to let her pink petals show. She was a fine specimen of rabbit. Supple and assured. "Now, that we're both naked, I guess we can start," she decreed.

"S-start?" Humphrey found himself slowly becoming interested. No. That was too tame a word. Aroused? He didn't know what it was called. Only that it felt very distracting, and it was a feeling that grew inside him like a primal heat. Was this normal? He tried again to change forms, but it was still no use. He was stuck. And swimming in strange sensations.

"Just gotta get you locked and loaded, first." She reached down and fondled his sheath. Meeting no resistance, she slipped a finger inside.

His jaw dropped, tongue peeking out.

"The head's pretty sensitive, yeah," she told him, wriggling that finger against his smooth, pink glans. Until she felt a silky bead of pre leaking from the tip. She spread the lube around, gently. "Not to mention cute. I always want to kiss it."

"It's ... it's ... "

"Getting bigger?" It was crowning, raising up and out. Once it was fully coaxed from his sheath, she grasped it. And stroked. "Feel the blood surging? Making it hard?"

He nodded, eyes glazing. He slumped forward, having to put his paws on her hips to keep from falling over.

"Hmm. Seems you're getting dizzy. Maybe I should stop ... " She pulled her paw away. Her entire body, too. Stepping back, turning and purposely raising her tail, hips swaying as she padded to the other end of the cell.

"I, uh ... no! I mean ... " What did he mean? He could hardly think. He could only ogle her furry, cotton-tailed rump. The sight was glorious.

"I'm sure you're not interested in what happens next, anyway. I mean, you've spent so much time masquerading as furs, you've probably done it hundreds of times. Must be old hat to you."

Eyes widening, he shook his head insistently. "No! I never ... no," he stammered.

She looked over her shoulder. Then turned around. "Never?" she asked, feigning surprise. "Why not?"

"I did not wish to be accidentally discovered. None of us do. We simply impersonate. Intimate interaction greatly increases risk of exposure. We ... " Why was he telling her this? He trailed off. Watch yourself. She's up to something.

"You poor thing. I had no idea," she cooed, touching herself suggestively.

"I should ... you should put your clothes back on," he said, lamely. He sniffed the air. She was giving off a stronger scent, now.

"I feel more comfortable without them," was her easy reply. She saw his nose moving. She was getting very wet. "Besides, you've been naked since I came in here. What's good for the goose," she said, trailing off.


"Never mind," she said, with a smile. "If you're gonna spend time in our bodies, you gotta know how they work. Gotta know everything we're capable of doing. Else your imitation will be hollow."

He hesitated. There was a certain logic to that. But, "I, uh ... I ... "

Ida moved toward him, paws resting on his sides. She stroked his pelt. "So handsome. I've not seen a male of my own kind in ... nearly a year?" she said, wistfully. She bumped noses. "In space, you see, the population is more scattered and diverse. It's not like on planets, where species congregate together and you can easily find your own." She slid her paws behind him, combing through his fluff-tail. "Not that it's all bad. I enjoy variety. But, still ... " Her own desire was just as strong as his was, right now. The only difference was that was used to handling it. He wasn't. He was shivering uncontrollably each time she breathed on him. "Kiss me," she whispered.

"How?" he asked, desperately.

"Put your lips on mine. I'm sure you've seen furs do it."

"Yes, but ... isn't it unsanitary?"

She chuckled. "Just do it." Opening wide, she covered his maw with her own, suckling, twisting aside. Using tongue.

"Mm-h!" His eyes fluttered shut, legs wobbling. He sucked on her face in return. Tried to, anyway.

She put her paws on his shoulders and pressed downward, bringing him to his knees. She soon joined him, breaking the kiss to pant on his cheek. To blow in one of his tall, sensitive ears. "Lay down, bunny boy. Lay back ... "

He obeyed without a second thought. Things seemed to be happening on their own, through some strong, invisible force that welled up inside him. Was this that thing called instinct?

"God, look at that cock," she sighed, fondling the rabbit's penis, wagging her thumb over the head again. And giving it a long, luscious look-over. It was about six inches long. Thick, but not comically so. "I can't tell you ... really," she confessed, "how many silly cocks I've had to take from predators on this ship. Always huge. Barbs. Knots. Bells and whistles. It can feel good." She wouldn't deny that. "But I'm often left sore, with scratches. There's nothing as nice as a smooth, simple ... healthy piece o' male rabbit," she slurred. "You look like a perfect fit." She hunched over him and licked at his fuzzy ears.

He mewed, weakly. He only half-comprehended what she was prattling on about, but he didn't want her to stop.

"The prey on this ship? Most of them won't give me the time of day. Not cause I'm an open-breeder. They could overlook that if it benefited them." Which was rather hypocritical, really. "It's because I ingratiate myself to the predators. They think I'm 'on their side.' Lot of bullshit politics I have to deal with." She leaned back up, straddling his hips. Grinding down against him. Her nipples were hard. And she began to rub at her clit. "Oh," she sighed, happily. "What, uh ... what was I saying?" She licked her lips. "Mm, forget it," she finally mumbled, straddling his hips. She'd addled his poor mind enough. Not to mention her own. Time to reap the benefits.

Grinding down against him, against that cock, she felt the shaft parallel to her petals. Time to go perpendicular. Her nipples were so hard. She couldn't stop panting. Grinding, gyrating. And, then, without further ado, she speared herself upon him, pussy swallowing him up, hilting all the way to his thick-furred sac.

"Ah!" Humphrey cried, sharply. It was a shocking sensation! Wet, hot, all around him, sending a pleasured fire through his nerves. How did these furs stand such a thing? It was almost too much!

After savoring the penetration for a moment, she rubbed at him, urging, "Move it back and forth. Work with me. Up, down ... mm, that's it. Back, forth. Yeah. Oh ... " As she rode and slanted her hips, he arched and pushed up against her. They countered each other's movements, tit for tat, developing a rhythm.

"Nn-h," he grunted.

"Oh, before I forget," she added, stroking one of his tall, slender ears. "Who are you working for?" Just when it appeared the interrogation had been forgotten. She had him right where she wanted him. "Mm-h, you can tell me ... tell me, sweet thing," she whispered into his other ear, hunching over, steering his cock around. And around. And then abandoning that in favor of bouncing those hips. Bump, bump, hump! Her bobtail flickered upright atop her plush rump.

Weak with pleasure, willpower completely gone, the shifter-turned-rabbit cracked and moaned, giving her the information she thought. "S-scalie ... "

"Scalies?" she repeated, breathlessly. She hadn't expected that. Really? "Reptiles?"

"Scalie Solidarity," he panted. "Yes!" It was so good! Her body! It made his feel ... well, like it was going to explode! Should he warn her?

"But they're a minor government," she mumbled, mostly to herself. "Their space is small."

"They are not planning an attack." Not yet. "They simply ... " Her breasts. They were so ... hypnotic. The way they moved. He wanted to grab them. And he did.

"Uh-h." She nodded, approvingly. "Simply w-what ... "

" ... mm-h ... wish to gather all the information. And then attempt to use it against you later. In future." Cold-blooded, they preferred 'cold wars.' They were very fond of ... oh, his face scrunched up! His whiskers going numb. Something was happening! "Subterfuge!" he shouted, randomly.

She nodded, hotly, rubbing her clitoris. That was enough to go on. Enough to please her superiors. "Mm, good boy, Humphrey," she said, riding him hard. "You've been very," she moaned, "cooperative." She lifted her hips as he tried to buck upward. "Think you deserve to let loose." Lord knows she was about to. She hadn't been this aroused in ages. I should role play more when I have sex, she told herself. "You still have something I want ... "

The shifter, not able to control it, gave it to her. A giddy sensation sizzled through him, down his spine. His raging erection tingled beyond belief. And then it began to twitch! He gasped, finding himself too weak to hump. Too sensitive to move. He simply buried deeply inside her and moaned like a feral beast as he came, rabbit seed bursting forth, shooting, spurting. Punches of pleasure being thrown his way. They knocked him through a loop.

Ida, riding him hard, watched his face scrunch up, eyes rolling back. So cute. His first orgasm. And it's all my doing! So hot. So much semen. It was already churning and dripping out of her. And would probably turn back to blue shifter-goo when the force field came down. That was a kinky thought. But it pushed her over the edge. Her walls fluttered, lightly, and then rippled uncontrollably, sex wracked with blissful spasms. "Ah-h. Hah! God!" she cried, hunching over. She clutched at his pelt, burying her muzzle against his neck. Muffling her noises a bit. "Mm-f ... " Her tail raised as high as it could, and her ears twitched. Oh, that she could bottle this feeling and uncork it whenever she wished! Beyond delicious.

Things went quiet and still for a minute. The air in the holding cell was much hotter than before, and their scents hung heavy around them. Their bobtailed bodies were a beautiful mess.

" ... wha ... w-what happened?" the male rabbit eventually whispered, dizzily. He hadn't been completely oblivious to furs' physical activities, of course. But observation hadn't prepared him for the actual experience. "Is this really how your kind recreates?"

"Procreates," she corrected, winking. "Yes. But, today, it was just for recreation. Don't worry about all that. The important thing is that you just passed your initiation," she insisted, kissing his lips. Kiss, kiss. "You know what it's like to be a real fur, now."

He tried to kiss her back. It was a sloppy attempt, but she didn't seem to care. "I had no idea ... "

"Been a while since I took anyone's virginity." Several years, to her recollection. And, damn, it was satisfying. "You make such a handsome rabbit. A shame you'll abandon this form."

He hesitated. "What ... what's going to happen to me, now?"

"Well." Laying her head on his shoulder, she said, taking on a more serious tone, "I'm gonna be honest. I'll try and get you amnesty. I should be able to convince the captain you can be useful to the ship on future missions. On our side."

"So, I will have to stay?"

"I'm afraid so. He's not gonna let you go. Maybe after a few months, when he gets pissy about something else. You'll become less a priority, and you can probably slip free." She raised her head, looking into the male rabbit's eyes. "Until then, though, I'll protect you as best I can."

The shifter thought for a moment. This wasn't the ideal outcome. But, still. Seeing as he had no choice, "Perhaps, during my stay, you can give more lessons on how to be a proper fur?"

Ida just giggled. A single taste of honey, and he was already clamoring for more? He'd made the right choice identifying as a male.

"How many species of rabbits are there?" he wondered.

"Dozens." And she'd only bred with a paw-ful. An eager smile crept upon her muzzle. She traced his slender hip with her fingers. "I like how you think, Humphrey." And after she'd tried him as every kind of rabbit, well, the sky was the limit, right?

She'd solved the case of espionage, had gotten valuable security information for the Federation to investigate. Made peace with the intruder. Gotten laid. And now had the short-term services of a partner who could take on any form he wished. She kissed the male rabbit's chin, idly. Regardless of whether she got that promotion, she'd come out on top, today. In more ways than one.