Burdens - Chapter 53: Morning Dew

Story by Zerink on SoFurry

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#53 of Burdens

Didn't feel right ending it in the middle of a chapter, so it's longer than usual.

Chapter 53: Morning Dew

When Roger woke up, he found that the wolf was already awake. He had his arms wrapped around the fox, having apparently changed positions during the night, he said, "Finally up?"

The fox nodded in response. He checked his watch; it would be another couple of hours before they would depart for the movie. At least he could wash himself before then.

He placed a paw on the wolf's paw, which happened to be on his abdomen. It turned and gripped his paw, and he smiled. He then asked the wolf, "Do you remember much from last night?"

He felt a shrug. "I don't know," the wolf said. "I guess I remember it was too hot and I removed my shirt. That was about it, the rest of the time I was sleeping."

Roger was slightly relieved. "Yeah, have to do something about the heat situation.

He desired to get up and head off to the bathroom to perform his morning rituals, but the position he was in was much more desirable at the moment. He could feel that they were still nude from the waist upward and still pressed against each other, and it made his heart beat with a certain ardor that he did not want to get rid of.

He focused on what he could feel, in a tactile sense, and knew what the morning often would bring. He tried to stem his carnal urges, but the physical manifestation would not dissipate. He blushed. The wolf had been asleep before, but now he was conscious and it would be easy for him to be aware of it.

The paw on his stomach moved a little, rubbing his belly. Often he was ticklish at such points, but with all of the other things he felt, it was only a pleasurable sensation for him. Something about it seemed to fulfill a latent desire.

He grabbed the wolf's paw and squeezed it gently. It stopped its motions and rested. He knew he had to stop the wolf, or else he would not be able to control himself.

With a quick, inconspicuous glance downcast he realized that it was past that point. He blushed furiously and quickly brought the wolf's paw up to his chest and held it tightly. He did not want it to travel any further downward, or his friend would surely find out just how the fox felt about the situation.

He motioned to get up, slowly, and sat there, waiting for the indicators to disappear. The wolf sat up as well and sat next to him, causing him to look away and cover his lap with his tail. He folded his ears and continued blushing.

Hunter rested his muzzle on the fox's shoulder. He asked, "Are you okay?"

Roger nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just, uh... still waking up, that's all," he responded with a nervous laugh. He peered around the room and attempted to locate his shirt. He had managed to toss it in the far corner, but at least it was toward the door so that he could pick it up on his way out.

"I need to, uh, use the bathroom really quick. And then probably take a shower. That alright?" the fox asked.

Hunter nodded. "Yeah. I'll be here."

Judging by his appearance, he seemed a bit sad. Roger disregarded it, attributing it to the short period of absence he would take, and proceeded to retrieve his shirt and a towel. He put on the shirt quickly and made sure it covered his front a bit more than usual, stretching it if he had to. He still had his ears folded and felt embarrassed, not so much anymore from being without a shirt, but from the obvious marker that showed his desires.

He had managed to keep his back at most times to the wolf so that he was not visible from the front. After he obtained what was necessary, he made his way to the bathroom, each step he took relieving him a bit.

When he was in the bathroom, he pulled off his clothes and tossed them to the side. It was there again, that flash of red, but this time he ignored it. He knew the more he hung out with Hunter, the more it would show up, and attempting to satisfy his urges would only act like a reward and cause it to appear more.

Still, he wanted to see the damages. His fur was matted and damp, not all of it from sweat. He felt it, it was slick, and it smelled of musk. He sighed and turned the water on.

He was sure the wolf would have been able to smell it. It was not anything merely faint, but Hunter made no mention of it. Perhaps he was being polite.

He utilized what he needed to: the toilet, the sink, and then lastly he checked to see if the water was warm enough. He decided it was.

He stepped in the shower and let it cleanse him of the filth he felt. The sweating alone had made him feel dirty, and it was refreshing to feel clean again.

Some of that which had appeared in due part to his proximity to the wolf had dried and was difficult to clean off, but he took a bit of time to do so. He used what soap and shampoo he usually used. When he determined that he was fragrant enough, he turned the water off, grabbed a towel, and proceeded to dry himself.

He wrapped the towel around himself and retrieved the dirty clothes. He realized that in his attempt to hide his shame, he had forgotten to bring a change of clothes, and he could not use his old ones.

He sighed, and slowly opened the door, peeking out to see if anyone was around. When it was clear, he walked toward his room quickly. Suddenly it was very cold, at least being wet made him feel as such.

When he arrived to his room, he noticed the wolf still sitting on his bed, a book in his paws. He had been attempting to study, it seemed.

Roger quietly began to retrieve some clean clothes, hoping the wolf would not bother to notice him, but to no avail.

Hunter had set down his book and had drawn his attention toward the fox.

He blushed and stammered out a, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't bring any clothes with me, I forgot." He made sure the towel wrapped around his waist was tight.

"I don't mind," the wolf said. "I mean, we've seen each other already, right? And you're my best friend."

Roger nodded slowly, but still turned away. He put on some underwear, which let him get rid of the towel. Before he could put on anything else, though, he was embraced from behind, much to his surprise. He let out a yelp as a reaction, but quickly quieted down.

The wolf laughed and nuzzled into his neck. "You're so jumpy," he said.

The fox felt awkward, standing there in only his underwear, being held by the wolf. He struggled and tried to release himself, but it was no use. He eventually gave up and stood there, feeling his face flush and grow hot, and at the same time feeling his blood rush elsewhere.

He gulped audibly and figured that the wolf would finally find out just what kind of effect he had on him. He closed his eyes and tried to focus on something else, but the grip on him released and instead there was merely only a paw on his shoulder, squeezing it lightly.

Hunter asked, "Do you have a towel I can use?"

The fox quickly nodded and grabbed one, gave it to him, and then proceeded to clothe himself. When he was done, he sat back on his bed, and realized that the wolf was placing his clothes on the desk, having not left for the shower yet.

After the clothes were arranged, he took off the rest of his clothes. For a moment, the fox was shocked at the act performed so nonchalantly, yet he knew he should not be surprised. His eyes wandered to the area automatically that he had not often gotten to see, and then he felt a rush of blood as his heart quickened.

It was only for a moment, however. The wolf wrapped a towel around himself and then headed off to the shower, having not noticed what he had caused. Roger laid back down on his bed and put a paw on his crotch, feeling to see if the situation was recoverable.

He had already seemingly slipped partway out of his sheath and grown a substantial amount past the point of no return. He sighed and figured that at least this gave him time to fix it. He took a dirty article of clothing, and quickly dealt with it.

It was only a minute or so after he had finished that the wolf came back, damp and warm, it seemed. He arrived as he left, naked except for but a towel. Roger looked over out of reaction to movement, but then looked away, blushing. Yet, out of the corner of his eye, he watched as the wolf put on his clothes. He bit his lip and tried to focus on anything else but such a thing.

After the wolf finished, he suddenly flopped onto the fox, knocking the wind out of him. He gave him a hug and squeezed him tightly, wagging his tail behind him.

Roger squirmed out of his grip, and then laid there, against the wall. He breathed heavily, and then noticed that the piece of clothing he had used to cover his tracks was sitting on the bed still, next to the wolf's paw.

Silently, he panicked.

Burdens - Chapter 54: Escape

Chapter 54: Escape Roger quickly pulled the wolf away, toward the top portion of the bed. He attempted to kick away his sullied article of clothing, got it caught on his paw for a moment, but managed to brush it off to the side. His breathing was...

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Burdens - Chapter 52: Midnight

Chapter 52: Midnight It was too warm in the bed for the two. It was the wolf who woke first, but the fox followed suit after a little bit of movement was felt. The wolf had nudged Roger in the side, shaking him softly to wake him, but not...

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Burdens - Chapter 51: Bed

Chapter 51: Bed It had gotten late. The sun had disappeared from the sky and all that was left were the stars. A moonless night. It seemed as if their contact had lasted but only a second and the fox felt that it was hardly enough. Any moment where...

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