Chapter 26 - Sing For Your Supper.

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#26 of Alias' Journey

Alex enjoys his evening

Chapter 26 - Sing For Your Supper.

A sigh escapes from my lips. This just isn't fair. No matter how I look at it, there's a world of harsh decisions to be made and each one of them will cause me pain. Though Wyrmripper is right, I do have ten more years than everyone else, barring Lawrence that is. I should pay attention to the things I actually learned then. Granted my meditation techniques and focus had been improved thanks to learning how to quash my inner beast, but I also had the personal experiences. They weren't the best of things to draw on at the moment.

I groan and slide lower into the tub, letting the water cover my mouth and lips so only my nose is out. Breathing gently through it I close my eyes and focus on the same technique I had done time and time again, rest the body, sharpen the mind, heal the spirit.

This time is different though, I could feel a stirring within me and as I relaxed into the regular breathing rhythm, my beast rose up within me. But it wasn't like the beast before, there was no killing instinct, no destruction. This was a welcoming warmth rolling through me, like you had been greeted by a pack of wolves instead of eaten. The thought gives form to the feeling and inside my mind's eye I could picture my beast within me, it seemed almost happy to see me. It prances around me and nudges my side, my hand slides through its fur and I feel the connection between us again. It IS happy to see me, it's part of me and it's happy I do not deny it.

Gently stroking his fur I know that isn't really there but this is the core of my being, it's a new part of my strength and I'm just as happy to see it as it is me. The realisation is a jolt through me and the huge wolf sits in front of me. Just like a dream, I realise that the longer I think about it, the more details I start to see. My wolf's fur is a tinted white, barely grey and there across his eyes the black stripe. His form shifts and he's stood up in his crinos form, towering above me. His arms encircle me and I slide my arms around him too, my wolf within wasn't unhappy to be here.

This is a very human gesture though and I can almost feel my beast's confusion at the action. The close contact of our souls something it seems to understand the need for, but hugging was something human, it was alien to it. I realised I was projecting my need onto it and it wanted to help me so it did what it knew I needed. I look up into those huge eyes filled with an emotion or thoughts I would never comprehend fully and I listen hard, I listen to 'its' need, instead of my own.

Like a switch being thrown, we're looking at each other from the other perspective. Now I'm the wolf, he's me. My eyes have become the amber of the wolf in human form. I can feel he wants to fight the things that hurt me and protect the ones that mean something to me. It has to protect its pack and destroy its enemies. I see Rain, Soothing, Wyrmripper and many other faces and scents, we would protect them. They were ours, we would protect!

I open my eyes as a rush of emotion pulls me from the trance like state. Now I had the power to protect, I had to learn how to use it and protect those I cared about. My feelings towards them all didn't matter if they were dead. I had to sort out the mistake with Soothing before I made a bigger one.

I also need to get out of this bathtub as it's fucking freezing cold!

I hop out in almost record speed, that water was cold as hell. How long had I been meditating for? I shiver and grab a towel, drying myself off swiftly and redressing. Heading out into the room I look over at the clock, it's early evening.

Shit, I need to clean my sabre and shield. Looking around the room I find there's shelves behind the door and some cleaning equipment. I use the cloth to remove the blood from the hilt and the drips along the blade's edge. Taking care not to slice myself open I rub the blade down and then apply the polish, bringing the blade back up to its original sheen. I smile at my handiwork, I haven't forgotten how to take care of my weapons at least.

I raise the shield up and take another look at it. It was shaped like a knight's shield with a flat top and diamond bottom. There was a symbol in the middle I didn't recognise and the whole thing was a reflective steel, inside and out. I set about polishing the whole thing but it doesn't take long as it didn't have much on it. However as I'm polishing it, I run my fingertips over a few areas of the shield and I can feel there's ridges and shallow grooves. This thing has been buffed with a machine or something to take off the edges of the action it had seen. I smile gently as like the blind I read the lines and dints as brail, telling the story of the shield's actions.

My stomach reminds me that I might have neglected to feed myself again.

That's another thing I'm going to need to take care of. Definitely need to get myself some money somehow. Can't expect the guys to fork out every time. Dammit, I can't even do what I did back on my world. Though I highly doubt the pack would approve of me returning to the life of a porn star. Was fun though, though maybe I could talk Lawrence into a tumble for old times' sake.

Urgh, course I could, you just have to ask him. Though I have to admit, the idea wasn't as appealing as it was a few years ago. Maybe I'm getting old, but I seem to want a bit more attachment to the guys now. That and Lawrence last time went on a bit of a power trip and wanted to take more than just a little control. I don't mind giving up control, but the guy has to actually be dominant to me and I certainly don't view Lawrence that way anymore.

That thought stops me. I frown and think a little more about the feeling. In fact it was more than a little feeling, it must be my beast! The urge to mate is there, under my skin, but my beast won't accept someone it feels is unworthy of its attention. That's the impression I'm feeling. Heh, well well well, looks like my beast bleeds over into other areas. Now I can honestly use the line I'm a bit of an animal in bed. Not that a line like that would EVER work.

I dig through my pockets to see what I still have left and I pull out $5. I still had something left from the money I took from those goons back at the service station. Hrm, maybe I can make better use of this than grabbing myself something to eat. Though it involves me going for a walk and seeing what I can find. I hope the guys don't mind people going out on their own.

Looking in the mirror I sigh. I was far from looking my best, blue jeans, black shoes and a pale blue shirt. Not exactly the height of fashion but at least I wouldn't look conspicuous. Dammit I missed my wardrobe. I had a lovely selection of clothing. Even some items that I had designed myself. Though I suppose I should be grateful I can go without a hat anymore, I never did enjoy wearing those things.

Oh come on Alex, stop procrastinating. You're getting nothing done this way and you certainly aren't some coward. I nod to myself in the mirror and head towards the door. Pulling it open and heading out into the corridor. I look around, there doesn't appear to be anyone nearby, though I should really find someone and let them know I'm going out.

Heading down the corridor towards where I think I was earlier near the breakout room, I glance around. The walls are painted a light blue with the ceiling appearing to be a reddish colour. There's doors down the corridor, each with different numbers. I head around the corner and towards what I hope is the break room. The door looks the same and I push it open, sticking my head in. It is the break room and I phew in relief.

"Haha, worried about getting lost?" says a very familiar and painfully masculine voice.

The guy who offered to feed me is making himself a coffee. Without a shirt on. I feel all the saliva in my mouth dry up at the view. This guy is beyond muscled, each contour of a muscle in his body looks like it's been drawn on. I hadn't seen this kind of definition outside of body building competitions. He was pretty handsome clothed, now standing there in just a pair of jeans I feel like I'm staring at some ancient greek god.

"I err, umm, yeah."

"Tch, stunned by my magnificent body I see. I'm unsurprised." he says with an air of absolute confidence.

That alone is enough to pull me out my stunned state. I don't do well with arrogant bastards, they have a tendency to get up my nose. I cough to cover my change in mood.

"Sorry, I was looking for Wyrmripper or Soothing. I wanted to go out for a little bit."

He raises an eyebrow. "Why and where?"

"Umm, because I need to get out for a bit and I don't know where, no where too far."

He hrmphs and tilts his head. He must be doing that mind speaking thing. Wonder if I'll get that at any point.

"Wyrmripper says its fine, but I will go with you."

Oh yay, this is looking fun.

"Alright, you already know my name, may I have yours please?" a little politeness never hurts.

He grins. "They call me Claw of Colossus, Warlord of this pack. Whilst we're out you may refer to me as Jack."

My eyes widen and then I nod.

"Ah, that makes sense now. You would be the one to talk to about fights."

He grins again and each smile makes me feel uneasy as it was exactly like a wolf looking at his prey.

"Indeed cub. I'll grab a shirt and we'll go. Wait here." and he walks from the room.

Well this isn't going exactly how I'd hoped. But I'd rather not be out alone I have to admit, though having this mountain of a man with me is both a blessing and a curse. I mean, I appreciate eye candy, but when it's got a flavour I'm not a fan of then I'm more than a little put off. I pretty much just pace around a little, wondering what exactly it is that I should try to do whilst I'm out. It's not like I had an idea, I just don't have any ideas as to what to do with myself here. Though I bet I'll find out exactly what tomorrow, tonight I might be able to get some stuff sorted for myself. Might.

Claw or Jack, returns shortly with a pretty nice purple shirt thrown over his magnificent body. I'm not complaining too much as he has the top of it open. He certainly looks like a hunter on the prowl. I'm feeling more and more like I need a new wardrobe.

"Let's go." he says, though it comes out more as a bass rumble and growl. Christ, if this guy can sing then I'm holding up a white flag and calling it a day.

He leads me out through the arcade and I look up and down the street. We're in a part of the city that appears to have a lot of different businesses, I'd put us near what I originally knew as the French quarter. That's strange, I thought that we were travelling miles away? Oh well, I should know my way around somewhat. So I head towards what I remembered to be the more recreational bar and drinking area. Jack seems to follow my lead, looking somewhat bored.

I look around, it's not too dissimilar to what I remember. The bars are pretty full already, the strip starting to become populated with people just out of work and the cliental a combination of smart casual and trendy high end fashion. Lucky for me, that fits in with my very casual attire right now.

We've been walking for about ten minutes when my eye's catch sight of a sign next to a bar that I can hear an announcer saying the competition will start in half an hour, sign ups close in ten minutes. The sign says 'Talent competition, come show your stuff, win $200'. That would help! If I can win it that is. Crap, I didn't think that my skills were up to competing.

However it never hurts to try. I head over to the bar and inside. The place is deceptively large, stretching backwards a considerable size. I actually can't believe just how many tables and chairs there were in here. There was a stage at the back of the room, not huge but certainly big enough for everyone to see. I gulp a little, I'm not sure about this again.

"So, you're looking to make a few bucks at a talent competition?" says Jack.

I turn around and nod gently. "I had money back... where I came from. I need to start on priorities."

He grins wolfishly again, it's really unsettling.

"Well then, you'll need to beat me. The place is mainly ladies, you've no competition against 'my' body." he smirks and puffs out his chest again.

"Ok, you're on." bring it bitch, was all that was actually going in my head. I don't turn down a challenge from an arrogant twat like this.

I'm already heading to the bar and I grab a staff member who hands us both a clipboard and asks us to fill in and pay the $5 entry fee. That's lucky, though it does mean I have to risk it all tonight. Fuck it. Full of ladies this place is indeed. But it's talent competition, unless this guy is planning to get up there and do a striptease as well as take off his shirt, then I'm going to show him how to impress an audience.

We fill in the forms and get comfortable at the side of the room. Jack gets himself a beer and I scan the room, taking note of other entrants, there's quite a few actually. I think I see someone who is a magician, another is a girl wearing far too little clothing to be anything but a dancer. Huh, shoulda brought Lawrence, though I want the money.

The announcer soon takes his position on stage and calls up the magician first. He's not bad, I mean, he's no vegas strip, but he's entertaining enough. The acts start taking their place on stage one after the other, with each apparently being judged on a round of applause, the more people clapping the better it seems. I'm feeling kinda uneasy as there were some pretty good acts in my opinion, until one guy gets up with a guitar and sings the song I wanted to sing. His version of 'Can you feel the love tonight' was rather good and now I'm starting to sweat some, this isn't good. He did it first and unless I'm fucking amazing, it's going to count against me.

Jack's name is called and he grins at me before heading up to the stage. I watch as music starts and he starts losing the top. I was expecting a strip tease, but it looks more like he's doing a bodybuilding pose routine. It's pretty good, well, you can see most of the women in the audience are giving him all their attention and quite a few of the guys. Though I can see that some of the guys are more jealous than impressed. He gets off the stage to a few women standing up and applauding, that's better than most of the people tonight. Ah crap.

When the catcalls and whistles have calmed down, my name is called and I take a deep breath and head towards the stage. My heart is hammering in my chest and I'm nervous as hell, I get to the stage and I'm introduced, my hand takes the microphone and the lights all shut off.

There's a murmur through the crowd as the announcer tells everyone to keep calm, they've got some technical difficulties. Well bastard son of a bitch. All the light there is, is from the candles lit on all the tables, there's no power to the microphone as well and the announcer is having to raise his voice. Looks like my luck isn't holding out tonight.


No! I can use this!

I grin gently and speak as loudly as I can.

"Ladies and gentlemen!". I get their attention alright, even the announcer has turned to me now.

"The power may have a temporary hitch, but this is a talent show. You came here to be entertained. Now you experience the sensation of the night."

There's murmurs in the crowd, but I start to sing regardless.

"Night time sharpens, heightens each sensation

Darkness stirs and wakes imagination

Silently the senses abandon their defences

Slowly, gently night unfurls its splendour

Grasp it, sense it, tremulous and tender

Turn your face away from the garish light of day

Turn your thoughts away from cold unfeeling light

And listen to the music of the night

Close your eyes and surrender to your darkest dreams

Purge your thoughts of the life you knew before

Close your eyes, let your spirit start to soar

And you live as you've never lived before

Softly, deftly, music shall caress you

hear it, feel it, secretly possess you

Open up your mind, let your fantasies unwind

In this darkness that you know you cannot fight

The darkness of the music of the night

Let your mind start a journey to a strange new world

Leave all thoughts of the life you knew before

Let your soul take you where you long to be

Only then can you belong to me

Floating, falling, sweet intoxication

Touch me, trust me, savour each sensation

Let the dream begin, let your darker side give in

To the power of the music that I write

The power of the music of the night

You alone can make my song take flight

Help me make the music of the night."

My voice rings through the room on the final note, I feel pride in me as I feel that was the best I had ever sung in my entire life. Then my thoughts are interrupted by the entire room bursting into applause and cheering. I'm blushing like mad but feeling like I could fly right now. The lights slowly light up the room, they must have left them off whilst I was singing to keep the effect going, it had worked perfectly.

"Ladies and gentlemen! We will be with you shortly to announce the winner!" says the announcer as I make my way off the stage and head back to Jack.

He's scowling at me and has his massive arms crossed in front of him.

"Did you do that on purpose?" he asks.

"Do what? The light stuff? Hell no." I frown.

"Lucky bastard, I'd forgotten how well you sing." he says.

I guess that's the closest I'm going to get to a compliment from him. I don't rightly care at the moment, the adrenaline rush from performing and the applause has me all flustered and I'm feeling more than a little happy about how well I felt I did. Win or lose tonight, I gave it my all and I was proud of that. Just a shame that I had no one to share my feeling with.

About half an hour later of sitting and waiting, the announcer appears on stage and the audience quietens.

"Ladies and gentlemen. I want to thank everyone for taking part tonight as they have provided us all with a great evening of entertainment. Let's hear it for the performers!"

There's a large round of applause from the audience.

"And now, the results. In third place. Lianne Stroud!" there's a round of applause as the dancer lady gets up onto the stage and is handed an envelope, she takes a bow and waves.

"In second place... Jack Claw!" says the announcer.

Jack grins at me and struts to the stage, he gets up and gives another flex before accepting his envelope. I roll my eyes, what a ham.

"Finally, the winner of tonight's talent show is...." there's a drum roll as everyone goes quiet.

"Alex Barium!"

My face must be ruby red with how much I'm blushing. I can't believe it as I make my way to the stage. The announcer shakes my hand as the entire audience goes crazy applauding. I take a bow and say thank you so much to everyone as I'm handed an envelope. I make my way off stage, not sure if I'm walking on the floor or a few inches off it with how happy I am.

Jack's scowl only serves to make me feel that little bit better knowing I'd beaten him. I'm secretly glad he didn't sing or dance cos otherwise I'd have been stuffed.

"Okay, you won, now what?" he huffs.

"I need to eat, I'm starving!" my stomach certainly agrees with the sentiment as it growls at me.

"C'mon, lets head to the food court." I say and he nods. Oh good, it is still here.

We make our way out of the bar and I check the envelope, $200 in bills sat in it with a congratulations card. Celebratory burger anyone?