Dragonstone Magical Adventures CHAPTER 3 – Sweet lovers love

Story by doomfond on SoFurry

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#4 of Dragonstone Magical Adventures

This story will focus mostly on love-making between two lovers so please enjoy.

Story Devised by Doomfond

Based upon an RP Session between Doomfond, and FireDrake85

Re-edited by FireDrake85

Flame © FireDrake85

Dark Dragon Knight, Rizna, Arakabaki © Doomfond

"Urghhhh... ohhhh... Ri-Ri-Rizna..."

The dragon was quite groggy and not fully awake; his mind was trying its best to recall what it knew before he had blacked out. He groaned softly, feeling sore all over his body; not a lot, just lightly sore in places, while darkness encompassed his vision, making it hard to see anything at all.

"Rizna... Rizna..." he could hear himself mumbling it in his speech, until the name became so prominent in his mind, that his heart made his eyes open, and his body wake completely, as his voice shouted out in great concern and fear, "RIZNA!!!!"

As Flame woke, he found he was in a different place; he did not remember being there before, as the last place had been near his love's home, but there, standing before him, was Knight and with him was his love, Rizna, the dragoness somewhat relieved to see that the dragon was okay. As he smiled to her, he noticed a stone, a rather big stone, whereupon its surface was an ancient language, written all over it, that he could not understand. Seeing that Flame was now awake, Knight approached him.

"Ah, good, you are finally awake," he spoke, the concern for the dragon was genuine and quite burdening in his voice, "I did not know if you were going to make it, what with the injury you sustained, and the taint that had been given to you. I had to bring you to the Dragonstone in the hopes that it would help you to recover. It seems I was right, as it did heal you. Can you move your arms, your legs even?"

Flame checked when asked and found his arms and legs could indeed move though the armor he had been wearing had been removed; Knight had removed it to allow him to be healed. "Yeah... I can, thankfully," he answered, finding that the pain in his leg had gone as well. The wound had healed so well, that not even a scar was left behind to show it had been there. "I... Knight... Thank you," he spoke, smiling warmly to Rizna, his heart greatly relieved to see that she was safe too. Knight smiled, before sighing heavily, and standing back. He still had much to talk of.

"I could not stand to see another loved one, die again," he spoke, watching Flame and Rizna look to him. Flame noted a pained tone in his voice. "Remember when I said I had a dream, and in my dream I saw my love die. Well, to be truthful, I saw yours die, not mine, and it was heart breaking to see it. It reminded me too much, the same pain that I went through when Valeria died, and when I remembered that, I remembered also of the pain I felt when my sons where murdered." He sighed again, the pained tone added to with the weight of sorrow in it, "And that brings me to something, that pains me as I try to say it."

Flame looked to him, noting hesitancy in his voice, "Knight? What's wrong?" He thought for a moment, before remembering, "The attack!!! Knight I remember... the attack... on your castle; your home!!!" He looked worried to Knight, "What.... What happened???"

"It's Vera! She... she's been taken hostage by Arakabaki," he answered, like a distraught father, "During the battle, we were overwhelmed by his evil minions and I couldn't fight all of them, and while I was distracted, a flying demon swooped in, and grabbed Vera, flying away with her..." He sighed again, before continuing, "About then, Kelly returned and she told me about what happened with you; about the dark spark and that your love was in danger. So I flew over to you, and arrived just in time to save your love. But how quick I flew... I... if only I had flown as fast as that when Valeria was in trouble, I... I... maybe could have saved her.... I..." Knight felt overwhelmed with sadness of what he recalled that he stopped speaking.

Flame felt a deep sadness for Knight, sadness for what he was feeling in his heart. The thought of it all, his daughter being in trouble, what he was going through in his mind, it made something stir in the dragon's soul, something brave and strong. "Knight... Don't beat yourself up for this... I'm sure Vera is alright, because..." he spoke, standing before him, "After what you did for me, for us... I won't rest. Not until I bring Vera back to you, and stop this evil from returning." He knelt before him, like a proud, noble warrior, "I swear on this, on my honor, that as long as these lands need it, I will fight to protect them."

"You know," Knight responded, somehow smiling with a bit of pride, "You sound just like me, a long time ago. I think you can, because the Dragonstone did not just only heal your wounds, it also gave you some new powers as well. But what they are..." he smiled, and chuckled a little, stopping the dragon from asking him something he did not know, "is something, you shall have to learn about yourself, and then master them. But before you do that, we will need to rebuild my castle, and locate a new safe place for your love to live in. A place that Arakabaki will not know of," he continued, looking to Rizna.

Flame nodded, in agreement with his words. "I will help in any way I can, to rebuilding the castle with you, Knight," he spoke, "But..." There was an uncertainty in the tone of his voice, "But I do not know of where to take Rizna to. I... I do want to protect her, but I can't think of a place that she would be safe at."

"I know somewhere, where she would be safe," Knight replied, "In Dovahreich. There, she would be one hundred percent safe, from evil. Because over there, their modern, advanced technology is outstanding, then what can be found here in this medieval land, but there is a problem in this. To visit her there, you would have to enter a portal and that would take time to form. Do not worry though," Knight spoke, smiling, "We can figure out something else. It is, after all, your choice."

He thought for a moment about this, what to do, trying to decide on a place that she could be safe, and his mind considered one possibility. "Could she... stay with me... at the castle?" he asked, "At least there... she would be safe, for a while... until I think of somewhere better." He wondered if Knight would allow that.

"Yes, of course she can stay," Knight answered, smiling, before he continued, "But... a lot of my castle was destroyed in the attack. The sleeping quarters, however, were not damaged much, but if Arakabaki attacks again, then there would not be a lot we could do to defend ourselves with. I have though, sent a message to all of the dragons in Dragonstone about the threat, and another message to Dovahreich. They have agreed to help, but Dovahreich needs time to prepare to help us, so they will arrive later through the portal. But when they do, their best warriors will aid us in our need."

Flame nodded, grateful there would be aid when needed, "I understand, Knight." He smiled, hugging Rizna lovingly, as he looked to her face, "I hope you do not mind, Rizna, about this arrangement." She smiled, and shook her head, before he kissed her lovingly, and then looked back to Knight, "Will you need me for anything else, Knight? I am eager to do what is needed for the land, anything that is required."

Knight shook his head, "Right now, there is little we can do. But I suggest that you go out into the wild to train your new skills, while I try to figure out what is Arakabaki's plan and find out where Vera is." As he spoke those final words, Flame, who nodded to them, noticed his right hand curling up into a fist, before he spoke with a fierce, slightly angered tone in his voice, "Damn him if he touches her!!!" He swung it in the air, as if her captor was there.

Flame could sense his anger, and tried his best to support him. "He won't," he responded, "But if he does, I will be the one to make him regret it!!!" He held Rizna against himself tightly, but gently and lovingly, "He will not harm those we love and care for."

When he felt that Knight had calmed down, "Very well, Flame. I am glad I have your support, young dovah," he took Rizna into his arms, before hearing Knight speak again, "I will return to the castle in a moment, so spend some time learning of your new skills, and spend it with your love."

He nodded and looked to his love, "Rizna... hold on tight," he spoke, spreading his wings out, "I don't want to let you out of my sight for today. Not after what you went through."

Rizna agreed, nodding to him, and held on to her love tightly as he instructed, before Flame took to the sky and started to fly away from the Dragonstone and from Knight. "I will see you later, Flame, back at the castle," he called out, before thinking, 'But first, young dovah, I have to do something private.' He hid his thoughts well, smiling while he waved to them as they left him...

Flame flew for a while in the air with her, searching for somewhere, before soon finding them a quiet spot. It was a secluded spot that was safe; a glade within a vast forest, where, upon landing, he set Rizna down gently onto the ground. "I'm glad that you are alright, Rizna," he spoke, smiling to her, with much joy in his heart at those words.

"And I am glad that you are also safe," Rizna responded, hugging him lovingly, "Knight did say that you were badly injured, but that I only suffered from a magic flash, and nothing more." Flame smiled as he was quite relieved she was not harmed at all, while she looked around. "Flame... this place," she spoke to him, "It is quite beautiful here." She knelt down, letting her hand feel the grass, and loved how soft it was before lying down upon it. "Come, Flame, will you join me?" she asked him, patting the grass next to her.

Flame nodded in response, as he lay down next to her. "You're right, Rizna," he spoke, feeling the softness himself, "The grass is soft as you say." As he enjoyed the feel of it, he looked around the glade, admiring it all, "It is beautiful here, Rizna, as you said as well," he continued, "But not as beautiful as you, my love."

Rizna blushed, the dragoness quite flattered by his word, "You know, Flame, you look just as good, even in that armor, when you fought against Arakabaki. It was almost like you were my dream knight." She sighed softly, smiling at the thought of him in his armor.

Flame gazed into her eyes upon hearing that. "Really, Rizna, my love?" he asked, touched by her words, "You think I looked like a knight?"

"Yes I do," Rizna answered, gazing back into his eyes, before they slowly closed in and let their lips touch together. The moment they did, they kissed each other lovingly.

Flame immediately hugged and embraced her, bringing her close to him, as he kissed her fully and deeply upon her lips, enjoying the moment; just as he did before with her when they first met. His tail swirled around him, and entwined with hers. "Oh, Rizna..." he replied, gazing into her eyes once more, "I love you so much... I want to be yours forever..."

"I feel the same way, Flame," the dragoness responded, smiling to him, "I hope our love for each other will never end." She allowed Flame to embrace her as much as he wanted to, as she liked his soft, loving kisses very much and how lovingly he embraced her.

He kissed her more, before, slowly, he felt a desire in him, which grew in his heart. His kisses ended, as he looked away, the dragon blushing at the thought of it. "Rizna..." he spoke softly, catching her attention, "I wish our love could go further, but I'm... nervous to ask this..." He felt a stirring within himself; his heart was yearning to show his love, literally, what he was thinking of, but his mind was telling it not to, trying to tell his heart that he had to be ready as much as the dragoness before him was. "Rizna..." he spoke again, blushing once more, as he felt his heart skip a beat.

Rizna smiled, sensing what he meant, as she leant over, bringing her mouth close to his ear and whispering, "I am ready for you my love, so show me how much you love me." His eyes went wide, as she laid herself back upon the grass for him.

"Rizna?" he responded, before looking to her, and seeing her laid out upon her back, his heart skipped another beat, as he gazed upon her wonderful form. He smiled in delight, sighing blissfully, as he looked to her. "My love; I want us... to warm up to this first," he spoke, as he stretched his arms over her body, "I want to make you feel special, to show you what my love for you is truly like." And with those words, his hands slowly began to stroke over her body, rubbing along the sides sensually, while he gave light kisses along her cheek and neck, lovingly massaging her first, while the stirring in his body continued to grow.

Rizna felt a little embarrassed at first, but she quickly let that go away from her mind. She found that it felt good; Flame's kisses and massage were as loving and sensual as he made them to be on her soft skin. They were not too fast or too slow, but were lovely in her heart, making her sigh quietly in bliss, and smile.

Flame smiled at her response, as his eyes soon closed, his hands gently rubbing along her body more, as his fingers stroked gently against her body. He continued kissing along it, before his lips and fingers drew close to her supple breasts. He opened his eyes, as they did, and soon began gazing up to her, as if awaiting permission from her to go ahead, wanting to be certain she would allow it.

Rizna notice how he had stopped for a moment, and upon seeing him looking to her with the need for her approval, she simply laid her own hands upon Flame's and lifted them above hers breasts before she laid them down gently on top of her soft bouncy breasts, before she let Flame take over, loving the feel of his hands upon them.

Flame smiled again in delight, and slowly began rubbing his hands over each one, feeling how soft they were in them. His fingers lightly stroked over the soft scales and teased the sensitive buds upon them. He smiled more, before leaning in, and kissing over each one, layering them in soft, loving kisses, before his tongue slipped out from his mouth, and licked teasingly over them. It slid against them sensually, before it lapped over each nipple, feeling how good they were against his wet flesh. The dragon couldn't hold back his feelings at such enjoyment, and soon he was moaning softly, while he wondered how good he was doing for her.

It didn't take long for an answer. Rizna was finding it quite hard not to gasp and moan in pleasure from all of this, but she couldn't hold it in, and before she knew it, some soft moans escaped from her mouth, all in delight of her lover's gentle handling of her body.

Flame smiled lovingly, when he heard her moans, enjoying the sound of them, as he continued licking over her breasts more. He continued rubbing them with much affection and love from his hands. Before he knew it, one of his hands had slid down her body slowly, rubbing along it sensually, as it glided down across her belly, and soon laid over her crotch, finally resting above the soft folds of her slit, her treasure. His fingers unknowingly, began to rub and tease over her nether-lips, feeling how smooth they were to the touch; the dragon sighed blissfully, before gazing back to her again. Again, his eyes looked to her, as if seeking permission to go further with what he was doing down there.

Rizna had felt the touch to her nether-lips while he had rubbed her breasts, and the touch had forced bigger moans out of hers lips. Rizna gazed back to Flame's eyes, sensing the same need for approval, and nodded giving him the signal to continue.

Flame smiled again in delight, and his hand soon rubbed over her nether-lips once more, rubbing them gently, slowly, before the tips of his fingers slid into them, slowly sliding in slowly. He felt how good it was inside, feeling how aroused she was getting from his loving touches, as his fingers delved in more, going deeper into her treasure, as they rubbed and teased along her inner walls. His position that he laid in, while ideal for kissing her lovingly, was not ideal for him for pleasing her soft folds and vagina as much as he wanted to, and soon made him move around, lying beside her upon his side still while letting his head lay close to her crotch, letting him leaning over it, so that his fingers could continue working within her, exploring within her passage, and giving her more loving pleasure from him.

Rizna did not hide her arousal any longer from him, as she moaned loudly in response, and often, she gasped as well. "Ahhh!! Flame... Don't stop... it feel so good...." She spoke between moans and gasps.

Flame nodded to her request, his fingers soon thrusting into her depths, working into her lovingly, gently, but quickly. He smiled in delight at how much he was pleasing her, that he soon leant his head in closer to her slit, and began pulling his fingers away after a little more thrusting into it. He didn't keep her waiting for more, and soon let his tongue out of his mouth again, and lightly lap over her soft folds, moaning softly at how good they felt upon it, while the tip flicked over her treasure lovingly. He kept at it, teasing her crotch lovingly, before finally, he pushed his tongue into her, sliding it into her vagina.

Rizna gasped loudly, as she felt Flame's tongue teasing her crotch as he did, feeling how soft, wet and slippery it was. She liked the feeling of it, before she then felt it penetrate her quickly, making her respond with an even louder loud gasp, as it slid inside her, the gasp soon giving way to more moans.

Flame moaned softly, his tongue pushing and delving in deeper, before soon it was lapping and massaging her walls more, as he continued working on her vagina, letting his tongue feel all around it. "Mmmm...." he moaned softly in delight, as he felt every part of her inner walls against his wet flesh, loving it even more, before his tongue rubbed over a sweet spot within; a nub that his wet, slippery flesh brushed over gently.

Rizna felt an incredible pleasure course through her body, as Flame touched this sweet spot within her, making her close her eyes and gasp out even louder, in delight. "Oh my god!!!" she cried out, smiling blissfully, "What... what was that? Flame... please! Do that again!!"

Flame, upon hearing her request, smiled and did just that. His tongue soon lapped at that sensitive spot again, feeling it as his wet flesh brushed over it again and again. He moaned softly, enjoying this, as he closed his eyes, working his tongue more within her, and soon finding more of her sweet spots within her.

It felt incredible for Rizna, who totally loved her lover's tongue deep inside her, pleasing her. Flame kept going for her, sending waves of pleasure through her body. But as he did, Rizna's arousal was growing bigger and bigger within her. She knew that soon, she would have no choice but to cum, from her lover's slippery, wet love within her inner passage.

Flame moaned more as he kept up his tongue-work within her, feeling her walls soon squeeze around firmly around his tongue, massaging and coaxing it for more, which he willingly obliged, letting it lap more and more against her walls. The dragon was now only interested in giving Rizna so much loving pleasure from him, to make her feel really good from it.

That was what he had done by then, as Rizna was panting and moaning in delight, feeling the pleasure building up inside her to its peak. She couldn't hold her arousal back any longer by then, and soon she started to cum for him. "Ahh!!!!! Flame... I'm cumming!!!!" she cried out, smiling in joyful bliss as it happened.

Her words were true for him, as he felt a flood of her juices soon wash over his tongue quickly, allowing him to taste how good she felt for a moment, before they flowed towards his mouth, coating it a bit, while he moved in close enough to drink them up, moaning loudly in more delight, as he savored how good they were, enjoying how much he had pleased her to have gotten this result from her.

"Mmmm... Rizna..." he moaned out, "You taste so good..." As he lapped up her juices, savoring them more, he had no idea by this time that his own arousal had grown to such a height within him, that it finally revealed itself. His dragonhood had slipped out for its hiding place in his body, his length having grown and become fully erect, and now visible for Rizna to see in all its glory. "Mmm..." he moaned once again, blissfully unaware that he was exposed to her.

"Wow!! That was something... big," she spoke, panting slowly, as she recovered from the afterglow of her climax, before she noticed something before her, "And speaking of something big..." She giggled, as she noticed before her eyes, Flame's erect manly part, standing proud before her. Her eye quickly studied it, from bottom to tip, before she continued, "Well, Flame... I guess you now want to do me, right? To bond and mate with your love?"

As Flame finished with her nether-lips, pulling back, and licking his mouth clean, he heard her words, and looked to her, nodding his answer. "I do, Rizna," he replied, "But..." He smiled to her, seeing her eyes look back to his penis, "I can see someone is admiring it quite well. I guess you've... never seen one before, right?" he asked her.

Rizna giggled, shaking her head to him, "I have, but not this close." She resumed looking at it again, as she admired it once more. She thought to herself, how his dragonhood was actually a fine one, taking in its shape, size and how good it would be within, knowing that would not be long to find out.

As she did, a thought crept through his mind, a desire in fact, that he gulped and blushed out of the awkwardness that he felt. "I guess we should... erm..." his voice trailed off a bit, before he spoke once again though, "Not this close before? Does that mean... erm... you've... erm... never touched one?" He blushed again, feeling embarrassed at having said that. Sure, he had just given her great pleasure across her body and at her most sacred treasure, but that hidden desire within him had just blurted out something he wished he hadn't just said.

"Yes, Flame. I have not touched one in my life. It's because I'm a virgin," she replied, looking to him, "And before you say it, I do not count monsters having sex with me, in my mind. Do you count it in your mind? And being a virgin, I have to avoid all the horny snakes out there, just so my one true love, who is you by the way, can stop me from being a virgin. Many years have I waited for this day, and now, you will do this for me, in the name of love."

He blushed, feeling joy for her calling him her "true love", as he smiled in response. "No, Rizna, I don't count monsters having sex with you just as much," he answered her question, as he looked to her, "And I would love to take your virginity as well." As he smiled to her, he felt calm once again, before he blushed once more; that desire had surfaced once again. "Erm..." he gulped, unable to stop the words coming out of his mouth, "Would you... like to touch that; that which will take it?" He closed his eyes, thinking to himself as to why he was letting his desire speak for him, believing Rizna wouldn't be interested in doing it; though he couldn't have been any further from the truth.

Rizna blushed upon hearing his suggestion, gasping a bit, that it took a moment for her to answer. "Are you meaning that I can touch it?" she asked, looking to his penis then his face, and then his member again. "Well..." she gave a slight pause, before giggling, "Ok!!!" Rizna got close to Flame's dragonhood and gently brought her hands out to touch it with gentle fingers, feeling it within them, "Hmm... it's quite stiff. Let's do something about that then, hmm?" She giggled as she felt over it with them.

Flame gasped the moment when he felt her fingers upon it, making him open his eyes and look down to her, surprised by this. 'Is she... Is she really doing this to me?' he thought, before finding himself just watching her, as a soft moan of pleasure escaped his mouth, just in the same way as her.

The dragoness rubbed her fingers over his shaft, feeling its shape, from tip to base, before she felt her mouth open and her tongue slip out. She brought it close to his member, before she started to lick the tip of it slowly and teasingly. She noticed that the taste of it was not bad; in fact it was better than bad, it was good, much better than the leech she had been forced to suck before.

Flame moaned softly, as he felt her tongue upon his hard member, feeling it lap upon the tip slowly. He was surprised she was doing this for him at all; he had thought the experience of the sand leech from before, would have dissuaded her from doing so. But no, it hadn't, as he watched her slowly lick over his length, her tongue sliding from the tip, dragging over the shaft to the base, and smiling softly to him, as she enjoyed it. For the dragon himself, the pleasure she was giving in return was just as good, and he felt calm in her loving touch, just watching her do this, as he wondered what else she would do for him, smiling in delight.

Rizna, loving how much he liked the feel of her tongue on his member, now moved even closer to him, slowly placing his shaft between her soft bouncy breasts. Slowly she started to rub his rod between them, while still licking the tip of it, as it poked out of her cleavage.

Flame moaned even louder in pleasure as she did so, closing his eyes, while he felt her soft supple breasts stroking against his hard flesh, feeling the pair of them squeeze against his erect member, and shivering a little as he felt her tongue lap upon the tip. 'Oh... wow!!! Rizna...' he thought, as a blissful smile came over him quickly, '...this is... so wonderful...' He moaned once again, enjoying this moment, as he felt his breathing begin to pick up, "Mmmm... Rizna... oooohhhh..."

"Mmm..." she smiled, pulling her tongue away for a moment, "Thank you... for the compliment, Flame." She giggled at his face, seeing his enjoyment on it, before she resumed licking on the tip some more. After a while, she slid her tongue further along his member, wrapping around his rod while she held it between her breasts, picking up a salty taste upon her wet flesh as she did so. Whatever it was, she liked it; she liked it a lot and began wanting more. As she stroked his penis through a combination of her supple mounds and her tongue, she too began to give out moans of her own with his.

As the dragon moaned more, feeling how good the pleasure from her was becoming, a bead of pre formed at the tip, which her tongue brushed over. He could hear her enjoying it, and soon he found that her tongue licked over it more, hearing her moan in delight, as he opened his eyes to look at her. He watched as he saw her work more upon his member, moaning louder in delightful pleasure, as she lapped up more of his pre. "Mmm... Rizna... it feels so good..." he moaned, smiling to her.

Eventually, after pleasing him for a little longer, she withdrew her tongue and breasts from his member, leaving it needy for more. "Good," she remarked, looking to him for a moment and smiling at her lover, "I'm glad that you like it, but now..." she grasped the base of his dragonhood gently, pointing it towards her mouth, "Let's give this some love." And just like that, her lips opened wide, before she quickly drew it into her mouth. Her lips enclosed on it, as she slowly started to suck his member's tip with gentle care. She suckled on it lovingly, before slowly, she moved it deeper into her mouth, taking Flame's penis almost to the base.

Flame gasped as he felt her do this, "Oooooohhh..." He was amazed at how much she had taken into her mouth, soon moaning loudly in response as she sucked upon it, while he smiled in pure delight, his tongue hanging out like a dog's would, while he let his tail slip round and stroke over her affectionately, complimenting her for this. "Oh, wow... Rizna..." he spoke, enjoying the sensation of her mouth. "Mmm... I love you, so much..." he added, watching her work on him.

"Mmm," she moaned out, as she began to pull back, letting half slip out of her mouth. She held the other half for a moment between her lips, before she started moving her mouth up and down on it, in a rhythm, while adding her tongue in to tease and delight Flame's stiff member even more, swirling it around and along it.

The dragon smiled blissfully, as he watched Rizna continue to work along his length, her mouth bobbing up and down upon it at a steady rhythm, while he moaned louder and louder as he felt her tongue sliding and curling around it within her mouth. "Mmmm... Rizna..." he uttered, as his breathing quickened. He could feel the pleasure beginning to overwhelm him steadily, "Ohhhh.... I'm getting close... so close..." He tilted his head back, closed his eyes and moaned more and more, squirming under her touch as the pleasure continued to increase, his dragonhood twitching and throbbing within her mouth as it leaked more pre for her. He knew that he wouldn't hold out much longer from this.

The dragoness could only just respond with a, "Mmm!!!", as she continued her loving treatment for him. His words were what she wanted to hear, to have him as she wanted him to be; to make Flame cum just as much as she did, and give him as much pleasure just as he did with her.

Flame moaned continually as she pleased him, before finally he felt the pleasure overwhelm him. "Rizna... I'm... I'm... I'm cumming!!!" he cried out, before he groaned loudly in pleasure, as his member finally began shooting a load of his seed into her mouth.

Rizna did her best to try to swallow it all as she felt it fill her mouth, but the sheer volume of what he gave was too much for her to take in. She pulled off his penis, after swallowing a fair bit, before feeling his cum splash all over her body, quite a bit landing on her boobs. By the time he had finished for her, she had begun to lick off some of it from her body, cleaning up the mess on her.

Flame panted heavily, not expecting how much he would give out for her, as he tried to recover in the afterglow. As he looked to her to see what she thought of his cum, he saw how his dragonhood was leaking and dripping some of the remainder of his seed onto the ground, before eventually seeing the mess that Rizna had on her, blushing at the sight of her. "Rizna..." he moaned softly, smiling to her slowly, "Was it... alright?"

She smiled in delight, as she continued cleaning herself. "Wow!! It was totally worth it," she finally answered, her voice was certainly joyful to his ears, "It was really fun to make you feel so much pleasure, and look how much you rewarded me with." She motioned with her hand over her body, before she continued. "You most have like that a lot, Flame," she spoke, "But maybe we should find somewhere to go, where I can clean myself up. I can't lick all this up," those words were true, but she smiled still, "It is too much to clean, but... I do like the salty taste of it. No one told me that it could taste this good. In fact, it is way better than that leech, or anything sex related that I have taste!!" She moaned softly, as she started to lick up some of it on her boobs, her tongue carefully scooping up good amounts of it.

Flame smiled in delight and was glad she liked it, before he stood up and took a look around them. He spotted within the glade, behind a few bushes, a small pool of crystal clear water. "Rizna," he said, offering her his hand, "I see somewhere where you can clean yourself up. And maybe, possibly if you like..." he smiled to her, "... somewhere we can continue to enjoy this moment together." As she stood up, taking his hand, he kissed her cheek lovingly. "When you are clean, my love, will you be ready to be taken?" he asked, gazing into her eyes.

"Of course, my love," she answered, gazing back into his eyes, and returning the kiss to him, deeply on his lips.

Flame smiled, leading her carefully to the pool, which sparkled like a gemstone when it came into view, before stepping in with her, smiling as he helped to clean her, washing off his seed from her body. As he did so, the feel of touching her again with his hands, aroused him once more, and his member slowly regained its hardness. Once she was clean, the dragon kissed her, the two embracing a hug, and teasingly touching the other, her hands lightly rubbing his dragonhood, and his fingers lightly rubbing her nether-lips. "Are you ready, Rizna?" he asked, holding her close to him in the water, before he gently rubbed the tip of his member against her soft folds, making both Flame and Rizna moan softly. Once he was positioned, he gazed into her eyes, awaiting her answer.

"I... I guess so," she replied, blushing somewhat. She was blushing like that, because the same thought from before had entered her mind; how it would it feel having it inside her. But after a second of thinking it, she simply replied further with, "Okay, Flame; I'm ready for you. End my virginity for me, my true love."

When Flame heard these words, he nodded in response, smiling to her, before he slowly pushed the tip into her, moaning softly as he felt it begin to enter her, holding her lovingly to him, as he continued to enter her, pushing in gently, working his entire shaft into her vagina, before he was finally hilted into her. "Mmmm... Rizna... does this feel alright?" he moaned softly, looking to her, while wondering how she felt.

Rizna gasped in delight, the moment he penetrated her, taking a moment to enjoy the feel of his member in her, before she responded to his question, "I'm okay, Flame. Please continue. It feels so good."

The dragon nodded, and slowly began to pull out from her, and when his member was halfway out, he started slowly sliding it in and out of her, moaning softly. As he worked his dragonhood into her, he leant in and kissed her deeply, moaning into her mouth, as he felt overwhelmed with joy at finally mating with his love; his true love. "Mmmm..." he moaned softly, hugging and embracing her, as his pace slowly began to increase, while he started to thrust into her depths.

Rizna just hung onto him for the ride, and also began moaning softly of the feelings of the dragon's member sliding in and out of her vagina. She gasped quickly, before smiling in delight. "Ahhh!!! Flame... more!!" she called out to the dragon, returning his kiss.

Flame smiled at her response, nodding, before his thrusts became faster into her, his member acting like a piston, as it moved quickly in and out of her slit, while the dragon moaned loudly as he enjoyed the moment, loving this as much as she was. "Mmm... Rizna!!!" he cried out, as he continued to do so, the water around them rippling with the movement of the pair, as he kept at it, kissing her once more, another full, deep kiss on her lips.

Rizna gasped once again, letting out a big, "Ahhh!!!", as she felt the pleasure spark within her once again. She panted slowly, before she spoke once again, "Oh, Flame... Keep going, please!! Ahhh!!!" By now, the dragoness found that her body had started to follow Flame's rhythm without her knowing. The faster her lover moved his member in and out of her, the louder Rizna's gasps got.

He kept going as she asked for it, his member sliding in and out at a steady rhythm, the dragon moaning and nuzzling her more, as his tail slowly wrapped around them, holding them tightly together as he kept going, the pleasure increasing in both of them. "Oh... Rizna... mmm..." he moaned loudly in delight, as he began bucking faster into her, pumping deep into her passage, while feeling her inner walls squeeze tightly around his length.

Rizna gasped in immense pleasure, the feeling something she was beginning to love as they mated. "This feels so good!!! Ahh!!!" she cried out, feeling the pleasure building to its peak within her once more, "Yeah... oh, Flame... You are great at this!!! Ahh... it's getting closer to... Ahhh!!!"

Flame himself was just the same as her, he could feel himself getting closer to his own release, as he began grunting, slamming his member faster into her while he embraced her tightly. "Mmm... Rizna... I'm so close... I hope... you are... ready for this..." he spoke between his loud moans, which were turning into groans of pleasure, as he felt it reaching its peak in his body.

"Yeah... ahhh... Go for it my love!!" she called out, urging him to bring them what they wanted, "Ahh!!! So close now!!" Flame could not hold it in any longer, her words had pushed him over, and before he knew it....

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he groaned loudly, as he thrust quite hard and deep into her, before his member began to shoot several loads of his creamy seed into her passage and further into her womb, filling it with all that he had for her, as it pumped in more and more, while the dragon moaned in blissful delight, smiling as he kissed the dragoness passionately; she too had climaxed with him, crying out in blissful delight, as she let her juices mix with his seed, while embracing the kiss with him. "Mmmmmmm...." he moaned heavily into the kiss, loving this moment, and sensing it easily that Rizna had as well.

"Mmmm..." she moaned in the kiss as well, before it ended, allowing each to pant in the afterglow of their mating. She smiled, before managing to be able to speak again to him. "Gods... That was wonderful... You are really good Flame. I never had such good sex like that before in my life," she smiled in delight, kissing him lovingly, before she continued, "And now I guess I'm no longer a virgin anymore, thanks to you, my love." She sighed blissfully, before looking around, noting how much the sky had changed over time, "But look!! It's almost dark, and it will difficult to make it back to the castle. I guess we will have to spend the night out here, Flame. It would be best, if we were to get material for a fire and some beds."

Flame nodded, accepting her logical reasoning, as he slowly pulled out from her, his member slowly softening and retreating back into its hiding place, while he moaned softly. He kissed her lovingly on the lips, and slowly led her out of the water. "Hmm... you're quite right, my love," he remarked, seeing how quickly the night sky was fast approaching, as he led her into the center of the glade. "Stay here, my love," he spoke gently, patting the ground, "I will get us what we need."

It took about half an hour, but with his blade, which he had still had with him but had laid upon the ground during their mating, Flame made a campsite for them, using it to gather the needed materials. With stones, he marked out a fire pit, before filling it with wood that would be suitable for a fire. Using his strength, he brought together some small logs to form the boundary of a bed, which wouldn't move easily, if he or Rizna leaned on them, and then filled the inside of the square they formed with soft leaves that he had gathered.

"Well Rizna. What do you think?" he asked her, once he was finished. She hadn't moved much from where she had sat, while he had been about to gather the materials.

"Wow!!!" she remarked, quite amazed at how well he had done, "It looks really nice, my love. I mean... all this, for us? Wow!! I... I really love it!!" She hugged him lovingly, much to his surprise, though he enjoyed her compliments, even the next one she gave, "And with you here, I can feel like nothing can harm me here!" She kissed him lovingly, before a yawn escaped her lips, "Let us get some sleep, you and me. Then when it is morning, we can head back to the castle you mentioned before. All those who know you... they must be worried about us right now, right Flame?"

Flame nodded in response, "Indeed, my love, they probably are. Before we sleep, let me get a fire started." As he looked to the fire pit to do so, he felt an odd tingle in his mouth that grew more and more, until, without warning, a shot of fire burst out from his mouth and lit the wood for them. "Whoa!!" he exclaimed, taken by surprise by that, before he looked to the dragoness, "Rizna!! Did you see that?" He pointed to the fire pit.

"Wow!!" she nodded, before looking to him. She was just as surprised as he was, before she continued. "Only true dragons can do that. But how can you be doing that, Flame?"

The dragon thought about this; he had no idea of it, but one came to mind, the words on the tip of his tongue. But before Flame could answer, a very snake-like voice beat him to it. "S-simple!! He has-s been blessed with the power of a dragon from the dragons-stone, my dear dragoness-s!!" it answered.

Flame looked around quickly, cautious, as he stood next to Rizna, holding her close to him. "Who's there?" he called out, holding her tightly against him, while he looked around once more.

"I'm s-surpris-sed that you don't remember my voice... hero!!" it spoke. Flame suddenly had a sinking feeling in his heart about whose voice it was. What they said next, confirmed it, "It's-s me... Arakabaki!! Remember me??"

Flame growled in anger, holding Rizna firmly but gently to him; his heart had become fearful of losing her again when he heard his voice again. "NO!!! You are not having her again, Arakabaki," he called out, trying to remain brave and strong for his love, "Where are you, coward?" He looked around their surroundings once more, trying to determine if he was close by.

"I'm s-somewhere in the dark, hero," he replied, laughing menacingly at them, his laugh echoed around them.

Rizna looked around, nervous, but chose to be brave, believing in what she had said to him. "How long have you been spying on us Arakabaki???" she called out to him.

"Oh, long enough to enjoy the s-show you two gave," he answered, making the pair uneasy, Rizna gasped, trying to cover herself. "You two s-should not be outs-side during the night. Nas-sty creatures-s, very nasty ones... They do like to come out at night. Like perhaps-s... s-some of my minions-s." Rizna gasped again, looking around their surroundings, as much as Flame, who growled loudly. "However... tonight, I feel a little bit tired from earlier, and I'm s-still in s-some pain, which was left from Trinity, so I let things-s pass this-s time out, good hero. But I do hope you can s-see in the dark as much as I can!!" He laughed menacingly, making Flame feel more at unease. "Good luck!!" Arakabaki added, sneering in delight, "You will need it!"

Flame shivered nervously, as the voice finally faded away into the dark. The thought of Arakabaki's words had made him quite fearful of something, and as he settled down by the fire with his love, he held the dragoness close to him, as if not wanting to let go of her that night, or any other night. "Rizna," he spoke, trying to remain calm, though his fear was still noticeable in his voice, "I... I don't want to lose you." He looked to her; his eyes carried a deep sadness in them, "I really don't want to, Rizna." As he looked to her, he listened carefully to the crackling of the fire, as the wood was feasted upon by the flames he had created. "I... I don't think I will be sleeping easy, tonight..." he added, as he looked towards the fire, watching the smoke and embers fly up into the night air.

"Nor me, ether," Rizna responded, shaking her head, as she looked to the fire as well, before continuing, "What if something was to happen when we were asleep?" Before Flame could answer, the pair heard some horrifying screams not far away from them, and some further noises coming from some bushes nearby. The dragoness yelped in fright, and held onto the dragon tightly, shivering nervously against him. "Flame, I'm scared!!" she cried out, closing her eyes tightly.

The dragon hugged her tightly but gently, trying to think of a way to comfort and protect her. "I'm scared too, Rizna," he replied, kissing her gently on the cheek, "But as long as we have each other, we'll be alright." Even with these words he used, he still wanted a way to keep her mind occupied, to not think of the noises they could hear around them. Oddly, one thing came to mind, and as he held her tightly to him, he slipped a hand down along her body, rubbing it gently over her belly, sliding it lower, before his fingers once more touched against her nether-lips. He looked to her, wondering if she was thinking of the same as well.

She did not say anything at first, slightly moaning softly, but neither did she stop him from touching her upon her soft folds. When she did say something, she looked to him, smiling gently a bit, "Are you wondering if I'm aroused or something like that, hmm?"

Flame blushed a bit, before he replied, "I thought that this... might take your mind off the noises we heard, Rizna..." He looked to her calmly, his hand still rubbing lovingly over her slit again, his fingers tenderly sliding over the soft folds. He lowered his head a bit, before he continued, "I didn't want you thinking about those noises, but this was the only thing I could think of to take your mind off of it..." As he looked back to her, lifting his head, he hoped she would understand his reasoning. He had no idea that the thought of his idea had aroused him again; the tip of his dragonhood was poking out of his genital slit.

"Well Flame," she spoke, smiling warmly to him, as she slid a hand down his body, feeling his member with it, "It kind of did actually take my mind off of that. And I can see that you got aroused when you touched my nether area." She rubbed him softly, hearing him moan softly, before a thought crossed her mind, making her stop each other; though not removing their hands though. "But... what if Arakabaki is still watching us?" she asked him, "I don't want to let him watch our private moments together."

"I know, Rizna... I wish so too," he spoke; he wanted their moments not to be ruined by the one who nearly prevented such moments from possibly happening. As he did so, and closed his eyes, the wish he had for this, grew in his heart, bigger and bigger with its dersire, that without warning, a sudden flash of light surrounded their campsite, forcing them to shut their eyes.

Rizna gasped, as she slowly opened her eyes, and quickly looked around the campsite. "What... what is going on? What was that?" she asked Flame, looking to him.

Flame slowly opened his eyes and looked around himself. "I... don't know," he replied. As he looked, he spotted something strange on the ground around the campsite. As the light disappeared, it had left behind markings on the ground. Each seemed written in the same language as the stone he had seen before. "Rizna... I think..." he suddenly had a thought of what might have happened, "I think... another of my powers has shown itself!!"

"Outstanding, Flame!!!" Rizna replied, smiling in delight, although slightly confused, "But can you understand what it can do?"

The dragon thought for a moment, before he answered. "It was weird," he began to explain, "I was wishing that we would be protected, and... well... I thought I heard a voice say that it would be so, and then this happened." He looked to the markings, which seemed to circle the campsite like a border. "I think... I think I formed a barrier for us," he added to his explanation, "...to protect us both."

"That is a good thing, Flame. I really believe we are safe for this night now, thanks to your new power," she spoke, smiling to him, and kissing him lovingly. But just as she was finished, a yawn escaped her lips, making her realize how tired she was. "I'm feeling really tired, but Flame... are you not tired?" she asked him, before another yawn escaped her lips.

Flame smiled, kissing her back, before he answered. "I guess I wasn't... until now," he replied, yawning himself. "Although..." He noted that his fingers were still over her nether-lips, still touching her soft folds. "I hope... I haven't left you aroused, though," he spoke to her gently. His own arousal hadn't exactly died down as such; the tip of his member was still poking out and still being touched by her fingers. He figured, however, that he could calm it down, as both of them pulled their hands gently away from each other.

"You have made me a little aroused but..." she smiled, and kissed her gently, "...we can make more love again tomorrow, my love. Mmmm... I'm looking forward to that, but for now, sleep will be best for us both right now." She slowly began to lie down upon the bedding, moving closer to Flame to feel more comfy and make the moment more romantic.

Flame smiled and nodded in agreement, as another yawn escaped his lips. "I will, my love," he smiled, and kissed her lovingly, before settling himself close to her, and sighing softly. "I want to enjoy our love more and more like this..."

Soon his eyelids felt heavy, and both he and Rizna slowly drifted to sleep, while the fire crackled and burned throughout the night near to them. As they slept peacefully in their makeshift bed, Knight watched them from a nearby tree.

"There are more trials, ahead for you... young dovah..." he remarked quietly to himself, before leaving the pair to enjoy their sleep, while he made his way back to the castle. His word rang true, indeed...

There would be more trials ahead for Flame...

End of chapter 3 ........................