The Housepet Games: Chapter Three

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Three

King was running through the forest as fast as his tiny legs

would carry him.

Stupid little dog

body, he growled inside his head.  Why couldn't that stupid bird turn me into a

Rottweiler or something?

But he didn't stop. 

Glancing over his shoulder, he could only just make out the cornucopia

in the distance.  His heart began to beat

faster with fear.  Where was

everybody?  They could be anywhere in

this forest.  Ready to jump out and stick

a sword though his...

"Raaaaugh!" someone cried, springing out from behind a tree.

"Aaah!" King screamed, unable to stop himself from barreling

straight into his attacker.  He knocked

them both over, and they rolled across the ground for a few feet before coming

to a rest.

"Oh, King, it's you!" Fox exclaimed.  In his hand, he held a spear that was taller

than he was.

"Fox?" King asked, springing to his feet.  "You're coming after me?!"

"Not intentionally," Fox explained.  "I just heard you coming."

King glanced around, desperately searching for something to

fend the larger dog off with.

"Hmm..." Fox murmured.  "I've

got an idea!  How about you and I work

together to beat the others?"

"What good will that do?" King demanded.  "We'll still have to fight each other


"We can worry about that when we get to it," Fox said.  "For now, all I know is that we'll both be a

lot better off if we work together."

King considered this. 

Fox was right, he realized.  With

his diminutive size, not to mention his lack of a weapon, King was at a great


"All right," he agreed.

"Cool!" Fox exclaimed, clapping his friend on the back.  "Let's go hunt some losers!"

As the two of them walked, Fox continued to talk, "You know,

I'm enjoying this a lot more than I thought I would.  This is exciting!"

"You don't happen to have anything else on you that I can

fight with, do you?" King asked.

"Well, I've got this," Fox pulled out a curved knife.  It was short in the larger dog's hands, but

in King's paws it was the size of a sword.

"Sure, that'll work," King agreed, taking a couple of

practice swings with it.

"Now we're talking!" Fox whooped in exhilaration.  "Let's go win this thing!"

As they continued walking, though, King couldn't stop one

last dark thought creeping through his mind.


there can only be one winner...