Welcome Aboard!

Story by Minsc9 on SoFurry

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Diving right into the more steamy stuff! In this part, we see a newcomer amongst the crew, who quickly comes across the captain and his advisor in a rather compromising position. wriggles eyebrows Enjoy!

"Gah! Why today of all days?! I'll smash that stupid alarm clock to pieces if it costs me another job!" the goblin cursed as he darted through the neutral town of Ratchet, running towards the dock as fast as his legs would carry him, a pained look of exasperation across his rugged features. He'd been preparing for this interview for weeks after the advertisement for a new swabee was pinned on the command board, and he was intent on getting there first for a good impression. Unfortunately for him, he was running half an hour late, and was afraid the Bouldershots would have raised anchor by now.

Thankfully the immense vessel, The Stacked Coffer, was still parked at the largest dock of the goblin settlement, a wave of relief washing over the shaman as he hurried down toward the gangplank, going a bit too quickly though and unable to stop himself when he noticed the dashing night-elven captain standing at the bottom of it, the much smaller man careening into him.


The blonde-haired male ran right into one of the elf's huge legs, soon collapsing back onto the wooden pier as stars danced around his field of vision, the odd hawkstrider joining them.

"Hah, in a hurry little guy?" the deep, crisp voice of the massive hunk jogged him out of his dizziness, the man shaking his head and hopping to his feet, having to crane his neck upwards to get a good look at the captain and blushing mildly as he did. From his much shorter height, not only would the night elf's goliath bulge be looming above him, but that mammoth chest of his was completely blocking out his face.

"Ahem, the name's Zixxle Zapscrew, I'm 'ere about the swabee position ya got available," he brushed his smart, blonde hair back to look all the more presentable, as if it would cause the pirate to forget about his 'crash'.

"That right? Well, you're a little late, I've actually just finished interviewing all the prospective crewmen," the stud shrugged his impossibly-broad shoulders apologetically.

Zixxle just stared at him for a moment, before a severe tightness filled his chest, despair slowly creeping to every fibre of his being, and all he could say was, "Oh...".

A sly grin soon crossed Baelek's lips though, "Luckily for you none of 'em looked any good, and this may be a bit early to say, but you look like you'd fit right at home aboard my ship, so if you want the job, it's yours," he reached out a huge hand to the goblin, whose mouth was just opening and closing, the despair from earlier being quickly overcome with excitement as he grabbed the elf's hand (Well, two of his thick fingers), and shook them enthusiastically.

"Hahah! You wont regret this Mr Mooncrest, you've just hired yerself the most capable swabee on the seven seas!" he flashed a charming smile, Baelek snickering slightly.

"Please, just call me Baelek," he glanced down at what the goblin was wearing, a sleeveless, burgundy robe and sandals, the mighty kaldorei shaking his head, "First things first though, you'll need to change out of that," he headed up the gangplank and belowdecks, the goblin quickly following.

Not far from the stairs down from the deck, was a large set of double doors that led into an impressively-ornate room, a huge, gilded, mahogany desk and chair standing in the centre, with all sorts of ornaments sitting on the various shelves and tables that filled most of the rest of the room: vases, statuettes, gemstones, even some small piles of gold! The captain headed over to a large chest in the corner, rummaging through it, "I had these specially made with a goblin in mind, knew it was only a matter of time 'till I had one aboard," he pulled out a uniform that near-matched his own, a low-cut white swashbuckler's shirt, a pair of red-brown pants and some large black boots. He handed them to Zixxle and headed to the door, "You change into them and have a look around the ship, most of the men are out getting supplies and stretching their legs, so get a good feel for the place before they get back," he gave a nod before disappearing back out into the hall and shutting the double doors behind him.

Zixxle glanced around the captain's office, before looking at the uniform in his hands, this was it, he was really a member of the Bouldershot Buccaneers, and more importantly, he had a job! He hurriedly slipped out of his robe and sandals before getting into his new uniform, folding his robe and up placing it and his old footwear neatly to the side, before exiting the room himself and getting a better look at his surroundings.

He was in a rather narrow corridor, on his right the hall looped around back to the stairs that led onto the deck, so he headed left, turning a corner and heading down some more stairs into a large, open kitchen area. The goblin peered over the simple stove and counters, all covered in pots, pans and plates that he would likely be tasked with cleaning. The air was still heavy with the scent of spices, but he shook his head and carried onward through to a dining area, tables and benches lined across the room. There appeared to be maps and parchments left on the larger central table, this place was probably also the main meeting point of the crew. The were two ways to head down now, a ladder with a sign beside it that simply said "The Hold" next to it, and another set of stairs that Zixxle decided to hop down.

Now the swabee found himself at the beginning of a long corridor with doors on both sides, and another set of double doors at the end. He peeked behind one of the doors, finding a large hammock and a trunk, clothes discarded on the floor. He guessed this was the area of the ship that housed the crew's cabins, looking into a few more and finding a similar sort of room behind each, some with more decoration, some more tidied up, even one with a large cauldron and shelves full of various reagents. As he reached the end of the hall, nearing the larger double-doors, he heard some deep voices. Noticing the doors were slightly ajar, he decided to take a peek inside.

"But are you certain we can trust him? Those goblins are well-known to betray at the drop of a hat, or at least at the drop of some coin," Zixxle scowled and looked about for who was badmouthing his kin, his eyes shooting open wide as he found him; a tauren, as tremendously-built and intimidatingly-tall as their kind usually was, but gifted with a pair of truly monumental melons, both jugs pushing out at least two feet from his body. He wore only a dark-green kilt, most of his expansive bosom on full display, besides his massive nipples which were only barely covered in what seemed to be large metallic caps.

"I wouldn't worry, he seemed a kind enough sort from what I could gather, not to mention a good deal more attractive than those other guys that popped by earlier," Baelek grinned widely as he said this, the spying shaman reddening a little in the face. "You know I value you as my advisor, Khyed, heck, I'd probably be dead at the bottom of the ocean if I didn't have you and your wisdom, but I'm telling you there's nothing to worry about," the night elf sauntered up to the bull, smirking lewdly as he took in the druid's immense, furred form. "You're too uptight, you're as bad as Taerik if anything," he reached forward and placed a large hand on one of Khyed's giant breasts, stroking over the warm, furry globe slowly, causing the other hunk to murr lowly.


"Shhhh, don't worry, the rest of the crew's all out, it's just you and me...," he said in a seductive, husky voice, before slipping his other hand down to rip the druid's kilt clean off, nearly giving the goblin outside a heart-attack at what he saw.

Between the tauren's thick, muscular legs, where he'd expected to see an enormous cock and huge balls, was instead a massive slit, already dribbling thick, slick juices. Zixxle had never seen anything like it! Such a big, masculine male (If one with great, walloping tits), but with a huge, tight vagina between his legs! Despite how...unusual the sight before him was, the moment he saw Baelek trailing a big, thick finger over the glistening folds, and hearing such a deep, submissive moan coming from the bull, he was rock hard and unable to move.

"Mmmh, see? You love it," the night elf continued to pass the large digit up and down over that quivering entrance as he nuzzled the side of one of the bull's colossal mountains, Khyed's hulking body shuddering in excitement. "Now, let's get that cap off, hmm?" Baelek grinned as he leant his head around, biting down on the oversized metallic cap and tugging it back strongly, enough to cause it to pop right off, exposing the huge, thick, dark-brown nipple, the druid roaring out as it was uncovered. The studly elf spat the cap out onto the floor, marvelling in just how big the larger male's teat was, "Mmmh, there we go, now let your cap'n get a taste," he immediately moved in and opened his mouth as wide as he could, just about managing to latch onto that massive pad of flesh, biting down on the firm nub which only made the bull erupt in louder moans, especially coupled with what else Baelek was doing...

Zixxle peered lower, and saw that now instead of simply caressing the bull's oversized slit, he was slowly pushing his finger inside of it, the druid groaning as his tight, sensitive man-pussy was invaded, being forced open around the other man's large digit.

Baelek was happily suckling on that fat nipple, and was greeted rather quickly with a heavy load of milk being blasted out of it, pouring down his throat. The pirate captain eagerly guzzled down the rich, creamy dairy, only sucking harder to coax more out, and subtly slipping in a second finger, though this hardly went unnoticed as a bellowing roar left the elf's advisor.

"C-Captain please, I...nnnngh," Khyed's protests disappeared back into moans as his superior began to slide both fingers in and out rather quickly, fingering the bull fervently, his job made much easier by the liberal amount of juices he was leaking, a small puddle having formed on the floor beneath him with how aroused the tauren had become.

After having gulped down a nice helping of milk, and having pushed in a third finger, the hunky rogue revelling in how warm and wet Khyed had become, he pulled back to get some air, getting a large shot of milk to the face as he did so, "You're pretty big downstairs, aren't ya Khyed? I think you'll need a bit more to fill you up properly...," he winked slyly at the bull and forced in a forth finger -and- a thumb, wriggling every digit around inside of him and enjoying the long, loud grunts and groans he was rewarded with. After a particularly strained grunt, the other metallic cap burst right off as the bull's other nipple began to gush with more ample amounts of cream, both milk-geysers not only splattering over him and his captain, but flooding over the nearby floorboards. "Hah, you really are sensitive down here aren't you? Well, you'll certainly enjoy what I have planned," the kaldorei got down onto his knees so he was face-height with the bull's crotch, his fingers and thumb still inside him as he grunted, pushing in his entire fist, having to use quite some strength to force the bull's folds to open wider, even the vast reservoir of his arousal blasting out around his hand didn't help things much.

"C-Captain! That's...nnngh, that's so much!" Khyed bellowed as he was entered even more, and Baelek didn't stop there, he began to push his now-clenched fist in deeper and deeper, slowly reaching the tauren's even more sensitive areas, his walls throbbing wildly around the invading limb, but the night elf not deterred in the slightest, infact he leant his head in, and slowly licked over the bull's thick lips as they were forced open wider and wider, Baelek's muscular forearm disappearing inside him. He lapped up some of the slick juices that were still leaking out, savouring the unusual taste, musky, but with a slight sweetness to it. "I...I don't know how much longer I can h-hold on captain".

"You can hang in there a little longer Khyed, you've still got the best bit coming up," knowing his advisor was getting close though, the rippling stud worked faster, soon his elbow pushing inside him before he stretched the bull open even more widely around his enormous bicep, Khyed roaring out in pleasure as he used every ounce of willpower to hold his climax back, but what Baelek did next would break that with ease.

"Hnngh!" The captain grunted as he flexed his colossal arm, his bicep ballooning in size as it bulged even bigger, the cannonball-sized muscle doubling in size in an instant, and stretching not only the bull's entrance, but a good amount of his extra-sensitive areas inside, open far, -far- more than he'd ever experienced!

"Gaaaaaah!" Khyed let out an almost savage cry as he was thrown into orgasm, his nipples erupting with even more ridiculous amounts of cream, and his huge man-pussy gushing out with a tidalwave of his juices, Baelek braving the deluge though and keeping his arm deep inside the tauren, his face being pelted with large droplets of bull juice though as he scrambled with trying to catch as much in his mouth as possible. As the bull unloaded, the elf's large fingers were hard at work at prodding, flicking and caressing the slick, trembling walls as deeply as he could reach, keeping Khyed pouring for quite sometime.

Finally though, after at least five minutes of this, the tauren's waters would recede, and he'd regain his senses once more, grunting as Baelek pulled his arm free from his depths. "Th-That was...incredibly enjoyable...eeh...," Khyed wasn't used to expressing himself sexually around anyone, and thus didn't really know how to go about things now they had finished.

Thankfully for him though, the captain just chuckled softly, drying himself off with a large cloth and patting his friend on the shoulder, "Anytime, now, I've got some work to do," he reached down and picked the tauren's golden nipple-caps up from the floor, holding them out to him, "You should probably introduce yourself to Zixxle actually, and see that's he's really not the bad-guy you seem to think he is," Baelek gave him a warm smile, though the hint of a smirk was still obvious.

Khyed just nodded as he accepted them, fitting them back on with a bit of difficulty and turning to leave, Zixxle finally springing back to life after having watched the whole show and having shot in his new pants three times during it. He darted back down the corridor and up the stairs to the dining area as silently as he could, making it up there just in time before Khyed stepped out of the captain's quarters, leaving a very happy Baelek to deal with the gigantic erection in his pants.