The Housepet Games: Chapter Five

Story by ThisAdamGuy on SoFurry

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Chapter Five

Peanut came to a stop after running for nearly five whole

minutes.  He leaned against a nearby tree

to catch his breath, but he couldn't stop grinning.  This was so AWESOME!


The cannon went off in the distance, and Peanut looked up to

see his girlfriend's face hovering in the sky. 

He creased his eyebrows in concern. 

She'd already been beaten?  He had

been expecting her to win, what with her super-future-vision, and whatnot.  But then his grin returned.  Of course, it would have been impossible for

her to win, because HE was going to win! 

She probably just let herself lose to be fair, anyway.

"Did you happen to grab any food?" someone asked in the distance.  "I'm getting kinda hungry."

Peanut froze.  Somebody

was there!  What did he do now?  A full frontal assault?  An ambush?

"No, I didn't manage to get anything out of the cornucopia,"

another voice answered.  "I just ran away

as fast as I could."

"Bummer," the first one said as he crested a nearby hill.

It was Fox, Peanut realized! 

And King was there with him, too. 

That was weird, weren't they supposed to be killing each other?  Oh well, it didn't matter, the pup decided as

he raised his battle axe over his head and charged at the pair with a screaming

war cry.

"What the?" Fox exclaimed as Peanut came running at

him.  Peanut swung his axe down, but the

gray dog raised his spear and blocked the attack at the last moment.  He thrust out, pushing Peanut away from him.

"It's Peanut!" King shouted, holding his knife out in fear.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of him!" Fox promised, an

excited gleam coming into his eyes.

"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Peanut screamed again, and swung his axe a

second time, which Fox nimbly dodged.

"Is that supposed to be scary?" Fox asked.  "You sound like Grape when the vet gives her

a shot!"

Peanut paused, his eyes growing wide with disbelief, "You

take that back!" he shouted at last, taking another wild swing at his opponent.  Fox blocked the attack with his spear once

again.  Twirling the weapon skillfully,

he pulled Peanut's axe right out of his hands.

"Hey, no fair!" Peanut shouted.  "Give that back!"

"Doesn't matter either way," Fox replied.  "You obviously have no idea how to use that


With that, he struck out, using the butt of the spear to

knock Peanut's feet out from under him. 

Peanut hit the ground hard with an "oof!"  Above him, Fox raised the spear to end the


"It's nothing personal, Peanut," he said, though his

expression betrayed how little remorse he felt for this.  "I just really want to win!"

Peanut's hands scrambled madly in the dirt, searching for

something to use against his opponent. 

His fist closed around a rock.  It

was the size of his hand, and moderately heavy.

"Yeah?" Peanut asked. 

"Well, me too!"

Before Fox could react, Peanut threw the rock at him as hard

as he could.  His aim was true, and the

stone struck Fox directly in the noggin with a cartoonish "BONK!"  Fox dropped the spear and staggered

backwards, a dazed expression on his face.

"Yes, Granny, I would LOVE another rainbow bubble sandwich!"

he babbled to himself before collapsing to the ground and vanishing in a puff

of smoke.  BOOM, went the cannon, and Fox's

face appeared in the sky.

Giggling with excitement, Peanut picked himself up from the

ground and dusted himself off before remembering that King was still

there.  The little corgi was staring at the

bigger dog in horror, his knife held loosely at his side.  A sly grin crept across Peanut's face.

"Boo!" he yelled, taking a dramatic step towards him.

With a yelp of fright, King turned and retreated

into the forest.