Torture then Death to the Black Wing part 2

Story by wolfgirl01 on SoFurry

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WARNING: Graphic content that some readers will find disturbing

I hate those angel council ass holes, but at least she ends up in the arms of her family where she is safe... and no doubt Terrence will wipe her memory of the terrible events before she gives up on life all together.

This is just a story there is no truth or fact behind it.

"Did you just call me creature of hell?" the hell hound grinned as it began to glow golden, slowly transforming in to a tall beautiful women "Please so old school" Her red lips pulled back into a grin.

Vicky tearfully looked over to the women "Silver..." she murmured painfully, before trying to put it out of the head, her Silver was gone and would never return.

"Ill be damned before I let Ebony's best friend be hurt" She smirked again her eyes glinting dangerously at the angels "AMERTERASU!" she yelled loudly and one of the angels start to burn, he screamed loudly as he was dead in mere seconds.

The others sigh "Very well" said the blue haired man snapping his fingers, the naked black wing vanished from the table and reappeared in Silvers arms.

"Good move but that wont save you" as she began to scream "AMERTERASU!" the angels vanished, safely from harm as the room burst into flame, blood trickled from Silvers fore head and splashed onto Vicky's fore head, she gritted her teeth fighting the temptation to wipe her face clean before vanishing this time with the unconscious angel in her arms.

"Someone order a crimson wing?" her weakened voice announced as she reappeared in the angels bedroom

"That was easy..." said Terrence as he quickly took Vicky from Silvers grasp, he didn't like Silver, it was because of her betrayal that Vicky couldn't stand to live.

Silver collapsed to the floor after Terrence took her.

"SILVER?!" cried Ebony running to her side

"Whats wrong with her?" asked Terrence only interested

"She is having a cold feiver" said Ebony sadly

Terrence sighed "Get her somewhere warm then"

"No need" Said Therio, one of the dragons who was previously training, he began to breath fire on Silver.

The door flew open and Frost ran inside in human form still sweating and shirtless from training Therio "Whats happened to her?! is she ok?!" he ran to Vickys bedside

Terrence looked at her thinking "she doesn't look right" he thought to himself before drawing a knife to frosts alarm

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Frost snarls dangerously at Terrence

"Trust me" said Terrence blankly, grasping her arm

Frosts harsh eyes stared at Terrence "Ok fine, but i swear by Kami, if you kill her there wont be anything left for Katlyn to bury"

Terrence nodded before making a cut in the angels arm, but instead of red blood coming green gunge appeared "i thought so...this is a syntho drone, they fooled Silver"

Frosts rage began to climb "That means...." He began trembling with rage before vanishing in a swirl of wind

He appeared in the angle world and screamed "ANNNNNNNGEEEEEELLLLLLLSSSSS!"

Many began to run away screaming from the huge dragon, and guards rushed over spears facing him.

"OH NO! Terrence you have to stop him!" yelped Ebony

Terrence sighs and nods before vanishing to the angel realm

"WHERES MY RIDER?!" Frost screamed at a guard

"The black wing of Terrence?!" the guard responded angrily

"VICKY!" Frost screamed again


Frost advanced on the guard before surging past and dashing to the council going back to human form again and smashing down the doors to get inside.

Turban was sitting looking board at the head seat of the council.

He sat up fast as Frost stalked into the room "W...Who are you?!" he demanded

Terrence ran in behind frost panting hard "Frost you nut... wait"

Frost ignored him and just growls at Turban "Your worst nightmare if you don't return my rider!"