School Milk

Story by PristineBeat on SoFurry

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A hastily made potion for Keine has some unexpected consequences~

If anyone's out there reading this I would really appreciate it if someone could critique this a bit and pick out any errors that are still there. I feel like being made aware of them would help me not make them in the future. Thanks!

As always, shoot me a message on here if you want a TF story you want to see written, or shoot me a message on tumblr at I love getting requests from people~

Keine took a seat in a nearby rickety-looking chair. It was about as unstable as it looked, much like the house itself. Massive piles of junk threatened to engulf whoever was unlucky enough to stand under them when they finally gave, and shelves of potions were held up only by a questionably level piece of wood nailed to the wall. It looked like a dump, aside from the hardwood floors, the cupboards and cauldrons in the corner, and a small board over the front door which read "Kirisame Magic Shop".

"You're sure this will work, Marisa?"

Marisa turned to Keine, who flashed a grin, before she quickly went back and dug through her cupboard for ingredients. "'Course it will. And who's the magician here? I'm a bit offended you'd doubt me."

"Hmph." Keine rolled her eyes. "You're a human acting like a magician, at best."

"And you're like a human acting like a Hakutaku at worst. Isn't that why you're even here in the first place? Not that I'm complaining... You're the first customer I've had since, uh... Hm..." Marisa put a hand to her chin in contemplation. "...A while."

Keine blushed a bit as she attempted to readjust her seat but quickly giving up - it seemed too fragile to handle. "Yes, yes. having to take off time from teaching every month is a bit irritating, especially the times when I, er, incorrectly estimate which night will have a full moon. And I understand the kids, especially their parents, aren't too privy about a youkai teaching them, even after all I do for that village. Plus, perhaps I've suffered one cow joke too many." She sighed. "Some way to - at the very least - control it myself, instead of the moon... Ideally I would like to eradicate it completely, if that's even possible."

Marisa only half-listened as she continued to look through her inventory. "Youkai extermination is a shrine maiden thing, I'm just an ordinary magician." She put on a wide smile and grabbed her hat from a nearby rack, plopped it on her head and traced the brim with her fingers. "But!" She threw a couple strange mushrooms into a cauldron across the room, taking a brief moment to congratulate herself on the successful toss. "I'll see what I can do. 'Sides, I'm not about to let a customer walk out on me."

The schoolteacher smiled as she crossed her legs in her chair. "Thanks. I appreciate it."

"Now," Marisa moved across the room expertly, dodging all manner of flotsam and jetsam about. The house was messy, but she could navigate it perfectly nonetheless. "There's a couple things we have to improvise, here..."

"I-Improvise?! I hope you're not taking this lightly...!"

"I don't exactly have all the ingredients I need, especially for working with Youkai as rare as Hakutaku. I know the moon just as well as you do, and the next time it's full is the day after tomorrow. I could talk to Kourin and hopefully get all the stuff I need, but even for him, it'd take a few days. Yukari's an option too, but I'd have to talk to her through Reimu, and we both know she'd never get around to it in time. Cutting a few corners here and there ain't a big deal."

Keine seemed a bit uneasy in her seat. "What's a couple more days when I've dealt with this for years? I'm willing to wait."

"Well, I'm not. Time is money." Marisa threw more miscellaneous ingredients into the bubbling cauldron. "It's just some substitutions anyway, like that fake sugar stuff people sometimes put in their tea."

"I suppose I'm not really in any position to not trust you, am I? You're the magic expert."

"Exactly!" She grabbed a large wooden spoon and began stirring the ingredients, the solution inside becoming viscous and multicolored. "Once this is done, it should give you the power to control your Hakutaku form, it just need's a couple more things.... One of those substitutions I was talking about..." Marisa walked into the other room, her kitchen, and returned with a small glass of white liquid. She hesitated a slight second before pouring it in, muttering to herself, "Yeah, it should be alright..."

Keine sighed, a bit bothered by how casual the magician was. "And just what were you substituting for anyway...? And why was that in your kitchen?"

Marisa continued stirring the cauldron as the contents slowly became a thick, white concoction. "Well, I would need some blood from a real Hakutaku, a cow-beast, not a were one like you. They're pretty rare, y'know. Regular cow blood would've worked too, but I didn't have any of that around either, so I just used some milk."

"Milk?!" Keine gritted her teeth and tensed up. "Milk is an appropriate substitute for this?!"

"Sure it is, any sorta bodily fluid would've done fine. You wanna have some bull sperm in here instead?" She grinned, attempting to hide her sarcasm. "Same thing."

Keine sighed, relaxing a bit. "Alright, alright... I'm sure it'll be fine."

The next 20 minutes passed in silence, as Marisa added a few more strange mushrooms and herbs and stirred them in. She carefully bottled the potion and corked it. While drawing a small star on the top, the magician wiped a bit of sweat from her brow, pleased with herself for a job well done. Keine sat in her chair, looking around at the junk the magician has amassed over who knows how many years, her concentration broken moments later by a smiling magician who handed her a milky white potion. "Courtesy of Kirisame Magic Shop, tell your friends!"

Keine stood up from her chair, smiled and gave Marisa a decent amount of pay for her services. She thanked her before she left the shop and took her trip back to her home in the human village. She was reserved, yet excited. Her pace quickened the closer she got to the village, and by the time she arrived, she was in a full run, dodging other residents as she ran into her house as night began to fall. She stood in her candlelit room and looked up at the waxing moon from her window as she uncorked the potion and swished it around a bit, recognizing the smell of the milk, as well as various other mushrooms she saw Marisa toss in. She took a deep breath and took a few sips, surprised at how unexpectedly tasty it was, and quickly gulped down the rest. She felt it slide down her throat, and it sent shivers down her spine. Her eyes went wide as she looked up at the moon, and she felt a faint tingle across her entire body.

She gulped as she felt... something. Something she couldn't quite pinpoint, but she knew it felt wrong. She looked down at her hand. The texture seemed much different in the dim light, and as she moved closer the the candle, she gave a sharp gasp. Her entire arm became... bristly. Short hairs sprouted, some white, some light green. They spread from her arm to her shoulder, and she felt it go down her back. Again, she gulped as she felt a familiar pressure at the base of her spine. Just like every full moon, a tail began to snake its way out of her dress, a skinny, rope-like growth with a tuft of light green fur on the end. She groaned as she felt the other familiar sensation, the growth of horns on top of her head. Her breathing became heavy as more fur grew over her body. She felt a surge as the fur started to grow around her chest, and her dress slowly became tighter and tighter. Keine looked down and watched as her breasts grew outwards, her normal modest B-cup soon expanded into C, then D, and even larger. Eventually, she could no longer see her feet while she stood up, and her breasts quickly became larger than her head. She groaned as her nipples received the same treatment, puffing out, becoming thicker and longer. Wet blotches started to appear on the front of her strained dress, and she had no choice but to tear it off, her growing breasts threatened to do it for her anyway.

Milk dribbled out of her nipples as it ran down her furred chest (now with an obvious cow pattern) and dripped onto the ground. Her breasts were massive and heavy and they forced her to lean on her desk nearby to stop from collapsing on the ground. While one hand supported her, the other decided to experiment. Her arm moved to a nipple and lightly touched it, her hand instantly recoiling when she did so. It was extremely sensitive! She tried again, this time bracing herself beforehand, and instead shivered, almost falling to her knees. The slightest touch sent milk spurting out, and it formed puddles on the floor. Her breathing was shallow and erratic as she tensed herself and gave a short yelp as she tugged at one of her nipples, sending out a jet of milk splashing on the floor. Curious, she cupped her palm under her breast and collected a small handful of milk and slowly moved it up to her mouth. She slurped up the milk in her hand, and she couldn't help but to repeat the motion. Again and again, a handful of warm, fresh milk slid down her throat. As she drank, the changes persisted. Her nose started to broaden, slowly stretching out. A wet splat was heard as her lengthening tongue barrelled out of her mouth. Drool accumulated between her breasts, making them even slicker, the fur completely matted down with milk and saliva. Her face began to stretch to accommodate her longer tongue, and soon, her muzzle was complete. Fur began to work its way up her neck, and covered her new face and forced her ears up on the sides of her head. They stretched and fanned out soon taking a more obvious cow-like shape. Her breathing still quick, she lapped up another handful of milk, a long, deep moo escaping her mouth.

Still supported by her desk, she took a heavy breast in her hand and lifted it up, while at the same time craning her muzzle down. Her breasts were big enough, and her muzzle long enough, that she clasped her lips around a nipple, and began to suck as much warm milk out as she could. Slightly above her crotch, a more blob-like growth began to form, and as she drank more milk, more was produced, pooling in a growing udder between her legs. She was completely covered with fur now, the only bare parts of her body being her toes, which slowly began to meld into a single mass, and soon formed a hard hoof on each foot. Her udder still continued to grow, the teats quickly reaching to more than a few inches in length. The heavy mass almost touched the floor, sagged with gallons of milk. Soon, her belly was distended with her own product, and she released her nipple from her lips. Still breathing heavy, she no longer had the energy to keep herself propped up on her desk, and she slinked to the floor. Her udder was sore and begged for release, but with no one to help her do so, it leaked a constant stream of milk, along with her massive breasts. It pooled on the floor around her and enveloped her in a warm layer of liquid. Exhausted, she fell asleep, licking her lips and mooing quietly. One hand massaged a breast, the other pat her massive udder.

The next morning, she woke up, fur across her entire body matted by milk, and her belly still distended from the previous night. She struggled to get up, and she used the now familiar corner of her desk as leverage, and even then, walking was its own challenge. She wasn't yet used to heaving so many extra pounds in her front. Eventually, she made it downstairs, and then out the door, ready to teach her class, same as ever. She was forced to stand as upright as possible, else her udder would start to drag on the ground, the sensation leaving a slight wet trail wherever she went. The rest of the human village either gaped as she walked by, or ran away, thinking she was some new, dangerous youkai.

As she entered the classroom, many of the children had the same reaction, but as she spoke, they recognized her voice, forcing them from a state of shock or terror into one of just confusion. She grabbed her normal piece of chalk and began writing on the board. Having to stand back slightly to prevent her breasts from bumping into the chalkboard, her class got the odd view of their teacher whipping her tail back and forth, an udder between her legs slowly swaying as she wrote.

'It's a bit odd', Keine thought, 'but at least they're paying attention now!'