Erins story - The beginning

Story by Fnyorid on SoFurry

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Chapter 1: The beginning

  1. Erin gets captured

Our story begins on a planet called, Hynnem, an un-inhabited place, with many forests. Here lives a young leopard girl since two years. She has chosen this planet to live on, because she couldn't have a life on a planet full of cities and dirty air, even with no friends. She hardly get a medium sized spaceship, and began searching for a new home. After two months of exploring, and hundreds of hyperspace jumps she found Hynnem, the perfect home world for her. The rule of the spaceship has changed: it served as her new house.

Yesterday he was going on foot into a new part of the planet, but she didn't take any chances, her ion-rifle was going with her. Luckily, nothing dangerous has happened, she was very pleased. At the end of the day, she was moving home, wearily. Then something has happened: she heard a rumbling noise, witch get stronger with every seconds. However, she was expecting contacts with local animals, the last two year was untroubled, and she didn't expected kind if these things. She quickly found cover behind a fallen tree, and activated her weapon. She was searching for any target, but nothing was there, expect the forest, and the noise, getting louder.

-I can't stay here any longer... -She had a remote control of her ship, and used it to call it for help. While the ship was coming to pick her up, the noise was getting very loud, it was now almost painful, but instead of gunning away, and get into the sight of the source of it, she kept herself behind the tree. Then the ship arrived and landed next to her, the door of it opened. She started running as she could. She reached the ship.

-Computer, activate emergency protocol one! -Roger that. Leaving the planet, and returning to the home world.

Meanwhile she was moving to the bridge.

-Scan for enemy vessels, or any anomaly what can cause the noise. -Scanning....the noise is coming from 500 meters, and sensors indicate, the source is following us. -God...can it reach us? -Yes. -Shhh...increase the engine performance to 130%! -Please confirm o... -DO IT!

As the ships speed increasing, she almost fallen to the floor. -Status?

-The anomaly is now slower than we, but soon we have to decrease the engine performance! -Negative! Keep the speed, and enter into hyperspace as soon as we can. -I will try everything to keep the speed. They are now leaving the atmosphere, the stars are in sight. -That's it! Jump now! -Clearing the gravity field in 20 seconds. -...please success....please...oh... -Jumping in 10 seconds. -Come on...please! -Jumping in 5....Alert! Enemy vessel ahead! Beginning evasive maneuvers!

She was stoned...stoned from the fear, then her worst fear come to real:

-Captain! I have detected a hyperspace inhibitor, we cant escape! -I..I...what should we do now?? -I recommend surrender Captain.

She completely lost in her fear, the enemy ship was much bigger then her one, she saw its large docking bay coming near, and near.


The enemy vessel captured her, and they didn't needed much time to berk into her small ship. They grabbed her, and taken to their captain.