Study Break

Story by NocturneGreyhound on SoFurry

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My first submission. I might even get around to drawing a cover or something. Or a profile pic. Yeah, a profile pick would be good....

Anyway. My fantasies as I sit in a dorm two hours from my boyfriend, so this is written with our fursonas in mind, but with different names because something tells me he wouldn't appreciate his fursona being randomly associated with this...

Anyhoo, enjoy! Please leave a comment or critique, both are appreciated! :3

"Ugh! I cant look at this any longer!" Kiana scooted her chair back from the table. Her psych exam was coming up, but she could only study so much.

The black wolf looked up- short, and with a bit of extra padding, she was the curvy-and-adorable type of attractive. Her head fur dangled in front of her face, free of her barrette, with the move. She blew it to one side.

Across the room, Tyler lounged on the couch reading an assigned Jane Austen book. The couch was an ugly thing from a yard sale, but all they could afford, being two broke college students.

Indulging a whim, she stood from the table and went over to the couch. He didn't even look up. The leopard was looking intently at the book, trying not to be distracted for the bajillionth time. His left ear- a patch of solid black on his golden coat of rosettes- twitched, giving away his internal struggle.

Kiana grinned. As far as she was concerned, that was an invitation. She climbed onto the couch by his feet and crawled her way up his body until she lay completely on top of him. He readjusted- holding the book above her shoulders and continuing to read, as if the warm furry blanket was nothing new.

She relaxed on him. She could feel his heart beating through the pads of her paw, and the steady rhythm of his breath. Her eyes traced his rosettes and black patches, revisiting what she knew so well. With a releasing sigh, she closed her eyes and let herself hear only his body and smell only his scent.

He had barely turned the page when he stifled in surprise- Kiana s paws had started to wander. One caressed his chest, the other traced his side- down to his butt, where she squeezed the curve of one cheek, feeling him tense in pleasure. He grew hard beneath her.

Both were wearing only shorts- in their own appartment, who needed to wear full clothes? Besides, fur is warming enough in itself. But she was planning on changing that.

She slipped a finger under the elastic of his boxers, tracing the softer fur that lay beneath this protected area. His penis twitched, which sparked her own arousal.

She looked up. He was still desperately trying to read, though his eyes were no longer reading the page. Her entire paw slipped under his pantline. His penis pressed into her harder as she brushed over his length, and gently caressed his balls. His jaw gritted to keep from moaning in pleasure. Her hand slipped farther back, tracing his crack all the way to his tailhole and back, causing his hips to involuntarily shift. Her fingers found a grip around his penis, slightly barbed as it was, and began to squeeze, stroking down and up and down. He dribbled pre and lost to his pleasure, setting Jane Austen gingerly on the floor, he began caressing her back, feeling every muscle and curve, squeezing at the soft handles on her hips before tracing back up to her chest. His fingers lightly traced her breasts, outside, in, ending at the nipples, where he rubbed fast but tender before tweaking them like she taught him. Her hands worked steady down below. He rounded his paws and traced from her breast to her shoulders and gently pushed her down lower. She complied, kissing his stomach as she went, then freeing her paws to remove his boxers. He lifted his hips and they slid to his knees, where she helped free them from his long legs. Beautiful legs, which she traced back to her target area, watching him twitch in the most earnest of ways.

Her paws found their places- one at the sheath and the other caressing his smooth sack. She bent over, leaving her rear up in the air, and started tasting him. He tensed, his face contorted with pleasure, feeling her moist mouth gently suck and pull at his length, tongue flicking in the most stimulating way. Her other paw gently tugged each ball, the pressure creating an exhilarating pleasure.

His muzzle relaxed, Austen now completely forgotten. Her curved rear stood tall above her curved back. He looked down at her, focused on him, eyes reading his face for a response to every action. He fluttered his eyelids as a compliment and she went down, swallowing his length to the back of her throat, the entirety of it fitting in her long wolven muzzle as her tongue continued to stroke and press him. She started sucking up and down like that, and he looked past her in ecstasy, now realizing that her rear was visible in the mirror that hung from the wall.

She switched to her hands and swiveled her tongue up and down, enjoying his texture, his taste, his scent. His manliness.

Suddenly he leaned forward and yanked down her shorts, exposing her curvaceous buttocks to the air. She freed her tail, now realizing what he was looking at. She raised her tail, swaying it in a well-practiced imitation of the feline swish, and spread her legs so she was fully visible from behind. She focused back on him, reaching her paw from his balls to the sensitive place under them, where she swirled before continuing backwards.

He watched in a trance of pleasure as her legs dampened with arousal. Arousal from him. Just the thought made him spurt more pre.

She brushed past his tail hole, then settled on it, tracing it in circular movements. He pulsed backwards, bracing and forcing himself to relax as a finger, soaked in a mixture of pre and saliva, probed his entrance. It slid farther in, slow now, and he felt himself tensing and relaxing around her. She twisted her paw, and the texture turning in him was wonderful. She slid her finger in to the hilt, and then took his length in her muzzle all the way down. She sucked up as her finger slid farther out, down and it went in. Faster, faster and harder. He moaned and gave a grunt, unconsciously placing a paw on her head to keep her from moving. She could feel him pulse- hot, sticky semen flowed in bursts and streams. The tart flavor only he could have rained down her throat, coating her mouth with seed.

She swallowed mouthful after mouthful until he was expended and started to go soft. She slowly released him and crawled up his chest. He looked at her in a state of tired pleasure, as the rush of ejaculation slowly ebbed. She nuzzled his muzzle before kissing him and resting her head on his shoulder, his arms instinctively wrapping around her.

She smiled contentedly, placing her paw on his chest, "Gotcha~" she whispered.