Ever Snow Night

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#8 of Old stories

girls being naughty. sometimes it takes a bad girl, to make a good woman.

Ever Snow Night

Michelle Teague

It was cold, snowing, windy. A blizzard had blown in suddenly, blanketing the college town in a layer of white that seemed to clash horribly with the night sky. The vixen walked home from college, clutching her books to her chest. She only lived a couple blocks from campus. And her roommate let her live rent free, provided she got her own food and did part of the cleaning. That was a dream come true for Daisy.

Daisy was an average vixen. Nothing very outstanding about a 5'9" female with a three foot tail, normal colored fur, C-cup breasts and smooth curves. She wasn't eye catching, and her glasses often threw most guys off so she wasn't exactly on anyfur's list of hotties. As she reached the door of the town home, she fumbled for her keys a moment before dropping them. She bit her lip, and leaned down. Her scarf falling open and rushing cold air over her muzzle.

She gasped and jerked a bit, knocking her glasses off her face. Now blind, and cold, she struggled to hold her books while she found her glasses and keys. Finally she gave up and just reached up to knock. Doing so, she lost her hold on her books. They fell from her gloved paw, dropping in the eight inches of snow.

She sighed, and reached for them before her research notes got blown away, only to get knocked on her butt by a blast of cold air. Now she was upset, and sniffled. She had always been a sensitive girl, and things like this got under her skin. The door swung open, and a rather large female husky stood in the door. Brittney sighed as she leaned down and pulled everything in the door, along with the vixen. Then shut it and helped her put her glasses back on. "Daisy, what am I to do with you?"

As Daisy got her glasses back on, she could see Brittney had been having alone time. The husky was in her panties and a tank top. Both had been haphazardly thrown on. The vixen blushed, turning her gaze away. The husky giggled softly and held out her paw. "Come on. I'll make dinner. You just get cleaned up and in something warm. No, don't worry about your books. I got them."

The vixen nodded as she headed for the bathroom. Taking off her gloves, coat, scarf, and boots. Hanging them on the rack she looked at herself in the mirror. She was lithe, average, and plain. She had nothing really to offer anyfur. Sighing as she stripped her shirt off, she set her glasses aside and then slid from her pants. Then the bra came off, followed by the panties. Nude, she turned on the shower. Leaning over the tub to reach the nobs.

The door creaked open some, making her jump and reach for a towel. Brittney sighed and smiled as she held the door open enough to fit her face through. "Got tomato soup and grilled cheese. Get warm sugar. I'll let you have my bed tonight. Your bed is no where near warm enough in this blizzard if the power goes out."

The vixen nodded softly as the door closed. Brittney had no idea how bad Daisy envied her. The husky had a fluffy coat, the kind you could really get a hold on. She had a bust that matched her personality, big and out there. Her butt had a bounce to it that seemed unnatural, and her hips were wide and curved in just the right way that she always looked like she was teasing someone.

Feeling steam start to rise behind her, Daisy slid the towel off and set it aside. Then she stepped in the shower and began to clean up. The warm water felt great, she had to admit. Scrubbing the cold from her fur, she looked down at herself as best she could. She had nice fur, smooth, thick, silky. Her tail was normal, as was her coloring. She had legs of a teenager, with the hips of a woman of 30. She was portioned nicely, at least she thought so. So why was she having such a hard time finding a guy to date? Hell she would settle for a guy that just wanted nightly booty calls.

As those thoughts crossed her mind, she slid a paw southward. Her fingers drifting over the soft, plush virgin mound. She rubbed her labia softly, teasing herself until the first moan came. She stopped, realizing what she was doing. Retracting her paw, she looked at the shower wall in shame. Finally she reached for the shampoo and began scrubbing her auburn hair. The yellow eyes watching water drip down the curtain. Finally she sighed and just stood there. Letting the hot water blast through her mane of hair and wash away the day.

After a minute she turned off the water and wrung out her hair. Stepping out on the bathmat, she dried her fur off. Then she got the blow dryer out and began getting herself completely dry. As she came to her nether regions, she gasped. The soft rush of warm air over her aroused sex made her tingle and spark. Her body trembled until she passed over to her tail. Blushing in embarrassment, she sighed and continued on to finish drying off. Then she wrapped herself in a towel and put on her glasses.

Heading to her room, she dropped her dirty clothing in the hamper. The woman then began to pick out her clothing for the night. Grabbing a pair of panties from her drawer, she slid them on. Plain tan panties, and then a pair of pajama pants. Finally an over sized tee shirt. Comfortable, now she tried to spray a little perfume to hide the scent of her arousal.

As she walked out of the room, the lights went out. She gasped, stopping and holding completely still until a small light flicked on from the kitchen. It danced a it before moving into the hall. "Hey, you ok?" the husky asked. Daisy nodded her head, "Y.. Yea." The husky waited for the vixen to come close, before hugging her softly and leading her along to the living room. "Yea, gonna get cold as balls tonight." Daisy hesitated a moment at that comment, before continuing on.

As they sat on the sofa, Brittney spoke, "You know you don't have to hide that you are worked up." Daisy about snorted in her soup. "Wha..." She started before Brittney continued, "Oh I can tell. You always try to cover it up with that perfume. I heard you moan. Just once. Always just once. Honey you need to let loose and have a hard orgasm. Throw yourself over the edge and enjoy it. Let everyone in the neighborhood know about it."

Daisy was redder than her soup now. The husky put a paw on her shoulder. "Little nervous hun?" Daisy gently pushed the paw off. Brittney knew she had hit a nerve there. "You know... you could always ask for help if you need it." Daisy snorted, "Nobody likes me enough to give a care." Brittney bit her lip, looking away. Thankful in the darkness her own blush was hidden. "Al.... Alright." she said.

Daisy had never heard Brittney stammer before. She was always so confident. The vixen felt her tail swish and land beside the husky's. Then much to her surprise, Brittney's tail moved to lay over it. "Brittney.... are you.... Crushing on me?" Brittney slowly nodded. Daisy was surprised to say the least. Part of her was uncertain, but part of her was joyous. Someone liked her. Even if they were another female.

After a moment she spoke, "Like... how much of a crush?" Brittney turned her gaze slowly to the vixen. Looking her over, she bit her lip, before settling her own blue eyes on those beautiful yellow eyes. "A lot...." she whispered. Daisy was starting to get an idea. An idea that normally horrified her. She wanted to try something.

After a moment they continued their meal. It was a quiet meal, as neither spoke. But as they rinsed off the dishes in the sink, Daisy spoke. "Do you fantasize about me?" Brittney dropped a plate in the sink. The result shattered the plate and nicked her paw lightly. She yelped, and Daisy rushed in. Looking at the paw in the light of the flashlight, she sighed, "Just a small cut. Come on, I can fix this." She took the husky to the bathroom, having her sit on the toilet while the vixen got the supplies out of the medicine cabinet.

The vixen set out some liquid bandage, alcohol, and gauze. Taking time to get the paw over the sink, she poured some alcohol over it. The husky whined as she bit her lip. Then she sighed as the cold water hit it and soothed the burning sensation. After a moment she felt the sting of the gauze as it wiped away the blood. Then a cool feeling as the liquid bandage was applied. She sat still as it dried.

Finally able to move her paw again, she looked at Daisy. "Th..Thanks sugar." The vixen smiled, before hugging the husky. After a moment they went to Brittney's bedroom. The husky cleaned up some stuff, put away a toy she had had out for play, and then pulled the covers back. "Here we go. Nice and warm. I'll just sleep on the sofa hun. Don't worry about me, I'm fluffy enough it won't bother me too much."

As she turned to leave, her paw was gently gripped. "Um... Brittney..." the woman turned slowly, looking at the vixen over her shoulder. She yearned to touch her. But Daisy was untouched, unspoiled. The husky didn't want to ruin her purity. "Would you... mind showing me how you feel when you... you know?" The husky was uncertain if she heard that right.

But she turned and whispered, "Only if you are certain. I don't want to ruin our friendship." Daisy nodded softly before pulling the husky's paw gently. As the vixen got on the bed, she felt that last minute tinge of nervousness bolt up her spine. But she pushed it away.

The husky slid over the sheets, settling beside her friend. Then she spoke, "Tell me if it feels wrong... I will stop." Daisy nodded, trusting in her friend's words. The husky leaned close, nuzzling the vixen's neck as she moved her into a position to lay down. Then she reached for the waistband of the PJ pants. Sliding them down, she gave a soft coo at those slender legs. So perfect, smooth and soft. Lightly toned but not weak. Laying the pants aside, she reached up again. This time, she took her time sliding those panties off. The scent was incredible. Flooding the room as the husky lowered them.

The cotton fabric peeled away from the vixen's precious snatch. The fur was matted in arousal, the sweet juices making a sticky mess of the fur and fabric. The labia puffed in arousal, the tiny clit poking up, throbbing in need to be caressed. Brittney wanted to dive right in and devour that virgin flower. But this wasn't about what she wanted. It was about Daisy.

The husky lay the panties aside, gently parting her friend's legs and whispering. "See, every woman likes to be touched differently. I like to go fast, and hard. For you, I am going to start slow, and let you see if you want to go faster."

Daisy nodded, and Brittney brought her fingers to that trembling honey pot. As her fingers touched the warm snatch, Daisy gasped. The husky hesitated, until her friend became accustomed to someone touching there. Then she began to rub slowly back and forth. Gently caressing the precious place and coating her fingers in the juices. After a moment the fingers found that throbbing clit. Daisy was moaning softly, trembling and telling herself this was wrong. Then her thoughts derailed as Brittney brushed over her clit.

The vixen bucked, crying out joyously. Brittney was startled, but smiled as her friend had a small climax. Just a little one, but enough that Daisy was addicted now. She whispered, "Wha.... Please do that again." Brittney gladly obliged her best friend. Rolling that button between two fingers, she relished in the quivering feel of the vixen's pussy. So tender, so new. The husky watched as her friend writhed, moaning and calling out her bliss. Then she barked, signaling she was about to release again. Brittney added an extra pinch, helping her friend crash over the edge. This time more than the last. Her pussy clenching and a thin squirt of her honey coating the husky's fingers.

Brittney took a moment to let her friend calm, as she licked at the juices on her finger. Daisy watched through lidded eyes in the darkness. She could see, at least with her glasses on at the moment. Seeing her friend lick her ejaculate off those silken fingers sent a shiver of excitement and lust through the vulpine.

"B... Brittney. Brittney, can I?" She asked. Brittney had assumed that her friend meant taste her own stuff. Which was not unheard of for lovers to clean each other. As she held her fingers out, the vixen leaned in, passing them and coming right up to the husky. Her paw groped blindly for a bit, before finding the hem of the husky's own panties. And then it dove inside, setting to work. Daisy was unskilled, and had no idea what she was really doing. But Brittney gasped as those fingers found their mark.

Brittney had a bigger clit than Daisy. And her snatch was still damp from before, now matting her own fur. Daisy's trembling fingers were well lubricated as they worked that thick button. Easily pushing Brittney along. But not over the edge. Finally the husky gripped the vixen's wrist softly. "W...wait... wait. Let me... Lay back." She managed to get her head on a pillow before the vixen dove right back in with her fingers. Brittney gasped, bucking her hips and crying as as she gripped her own breasts. Kneading them heavily as she called out for more.

Then the woman peeked. Her nectar squirting hard into Daisy's paw. The result was to thoroughly soak those panties through, and make Daisy gasp at the force of Brittney's orgasm. The woman was quivering under her paw, as Daisy pulled it back. Then she brought it to her lips and slowly gave a sniff. It was potent, that was for sure. Brittney was in season, and being in heat made a female horny for someone to please her.

Then Daisy licked her fingers. At first she was revolted, but as she rolled it over her tongue more, she found it was something she liked. Her eyes lidded as the heavy scent filled her nose. Making her blush with a renewed arousal and lust. The vixen leaned over to lay beside Brittney, quivering softly as her own body recovered. It was then Brittney leaned in, pulling the vixen against her ample bust and whispered in her ear. "Daisy.....thank you." The vixen smiled, "Thank you." Then the husky leaned in closer, pressing her lips against the vixen's own softly.

She could taste her own stuff on the vulpine's lips. It didn't bother her, though it was different. Then much to her surprise, Daisy leaned into the kiss. Seeming to crave more from her friend. The husky rolled over her friend, laying over her and kissing her more deeply. Sliding her tongue forward and into Daisy's maw. The vixen moaned, and melted into the kiss. Reaching up and taking off her glasses, laying them on the nightstand as they trembled together.

For an hour, they kissed passionately. Nibbling each others lips and tongues. Finally Brittney broke the kiss, and whispered to her lover, "Daisy, I wanted this for so long. I wanted to hold you, and make love to you." Daisy shivered softly as she was held by the husky. She finally whispered, "Then show me..." she whispered softly.

The husky nodded, leaning up and removing her own shirt. Then she reached down and gently tugged the vixen's shirt off. Tossing both aside, she leaned back in, pressing her large breasts against the smaller woman. Kissing her deeply as she slowly parted the woman's legs. Then, she slid down, kissing as she went. Murring at the silky fur, she came to the quivering snatch. Daisy's flower was in full bloom, open and inviting. Brittney leaned in, and kissed it softly. Daisy moaned and cupped one of her own breasts in one paw, the other straying down to scratch one of her lover's ears.

The tenderness of it all made the vixen shiver and crave more. As her hips rolled up and down slowly, her eyes rolled in her head. The husky's tongue slowly worked up and down, gently lapping that vulpine snatch tenderly. Tasting every inch of it softly before the husky slowly leaned in and went deeper. It wasn't long before she was gently touching Daisy's barrier. The vixen whimpered a moment before looking down. "Do.. do it." She whispered. Brittney nodded softly and leaned in as close as she could. Then she replaced her tongue with a finger, as she moved her lips to that tender clit. Licking over it as she slowly pushed her fingers in deeply.

Then she shoved her finger in all the way. Deflowering the vixen, she held to her. Daisy yelped loudly. Her body shaking, as she clenched her toes. It hurt, in a way she thought it was not possible to hurt. But slowly that passed and all that was left was an amazing feeling. The electric feel of that tongue, those gentle fingers pressing against her G-spot, rubbing deeply at it.

Daisy couldn't hold. So inexperienced, she crashed over the edge into an orgasm. Her body bucking as she yelled. Brittney smiled softly as she pulled back slowly. Licking her finger and lips clean, she lay beside the panting vixen. It was as she was laying there that the vixen cuddled to her. "Brittney..... Thank you." Brittney was a bit confused, but cradled the vixen against her body none the less and smiled, "You're welcome."

As she held the vixen, the husky reached down for the covers. Pulling them up, she made sure Daisy was covered fully before reaching down and removing her own panties. Tossing them aside, she snuggled the woman against her and murred happily. Even if it was only for the night, this was a dream the husky would cherish for the rest of her life.

As the window began to brighten, Brittney opened her eyes. She was wondering if the night before was a dream. Daisy wasn't in the bed with her. The power was still out, and as the husky sat up she felt the chill of the air. It was a nasty cold. The kind you knew would make even an arctic fur shiver. Taking a moment to rub her face, she sniffed the air. Sex, the air was heavy with it. Maybe the night before hadn't been a dream.

Then she heard the soft voice of Daisy. The vixen was in the bathroom. Moving quietly to the door, the husky knocked gently. The door opened some. "Daisy?" The vixen sighed softly, "Yes love?" Brittney's heart jumped into her throat. "Are you alright?" The vixen giggled, "Yea, just sore." She opened the door, smiling softly. Then she leaned up and kissed Brittney on the lips. The husky was surprised, but pleased. She hugged the vixen in the kiss, smiling into the kiss.

Six weeks later ~~~~

Daisy stood in the GAP at the mall. She was looking at herself in the mirror. Brittney stood to the side, looking over the clothing the vixen had tried on. Tight jean shorts, a tighter tank top, and knee high boots with low heels. The husky had been steadily helping her lover be more comfortable in revealing clothing. Showing off that body and letting the world know they would never get a piece of it.

The vixen had switched to contacts, gotten her ears pierced, and even gone so far as to get a tongue stud. The husky was very pleased the vixen had become adventurous. More so when the vixen decided to phone her parents and tell them. The news had been a shock, for certain. However, they were accepting and wanted to know if Daisy was going to bring her love to the house when summer break came along.

Daisy made a face in the mirror, and growled softly. The sound snapped Brittney from her thoughts and made her look. "I don't like the top. Its tight as hell and I can't breathe in it." The husky reached into the small cart and held up a bikini top. "How about this?" The vixen eyed it, "Do I look like Daisy Duke?" The husky murred softly, which made the vixen giggle.

Taking the top she went to the change room, pausing along the way to pick up a flannel shirt. After a bit she came out, the flannel shirt on but open with the sleeves rolled up. The husky woofed as her lover came back to the mirror. "Hmmmm much better." The husky popped the vixen's ass softly, grinning at her. Daisy woofed and leaned on her lover. "Come on, let's go pay for this stuff. The crowd of boys gathering out there is going to be fun to watch."

The pair paid for their purchases, and strolled out the door paw in paw. The mountain of male attention made them both laugh, as they knew none of the boys even stood a chance. They were content, they were happy, and flaunting it in the faces of all those that had ever dared look down on them was all the entertainment they would ever need.