Shadowfox Null 09

Story by Nathan Cowan on SoFurry

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#9 of Shadowfox

Chapter 9

09 Shadowfox -- Null

"Shadowfox is trying to get her shirt on," Silverfox complained. "Jerry, stop her."

Shadowfox had her head through the neck hole and her bra was in place, but Silverfox kept interrupting. Silverfox had her hands on Shadowfox's shoulders and was kissing her on the face. When Shadow tried to push her shirt down, Silver's hand would drop to Shadow's breast and start kneading.

It should have been annoying. Every time Shadowfox tried to muster up a frown and proper verbal slap-down, she met Silverfox's eyes and would start giggling helplessly. That, of course, encouraged Silverfox to be even more intrusive.

Jerry was holding two gun cases and leaning next to the door, grinning. He probably thought it was worth it.

"Oh, look," Shadowfox said finally. "Jerry's waiting for -- roomph." Roomph was the word that came out when one was trying to say "you" and someone else pressed her lips against one's muzzle.

"No rush on my part," he said cheerfully. "Like a camel, I'm storing mental images for future sex droughts."

"Do you anticipate -- down girl! -- future sex droughts with this --" Shadowfox jerked her head in Silver's direction -- "one?"

Shadowfox lowered her shirt over one breast while Silverfox undid Shadow's belt. Shadowfox grabbed for her waistband and Silverfox pushed her shirt back up.

"Hope for the best and plan for the worst," he shrugged.

"A little help, please?" Shadowfox wheedled.

"What's in it for me?" he asked, logically enough.

"I'll think of something." Silverfox had Shadowfox's pants down around her knees. The situation was desperate.

He pretended to consider. "Silverfox! Pistols!" he held the gun cases out and jiggled them to get her attention.

Playing along, Silverfox swiveled her head around. "Guns?" she squeaked. She bounced over to him, tail bobbing. She stopped and turned. "Seriously, do you want to come with us today?"

"Actually, I wanted to go grocery shopping," Without interference, Shadowfox finished dressing. "I saw a store on the way to the range yesterday -- I'd like to walk with you two."

"You can make a list for the concierge," Jerry shrugged.

Shadowfox hesitated. "I want to pick out some of the produce myself. And I usually get ideas from shopping."

"Want help carrying the groceries?" Silverfox asked. She had switched smoothly into another aspect of her personality.

"If it's too much, I'll take a cab, or tell the concierge." Shadowfox picked up her grocery bag. Jerry handed Silverfox her gun, and the three left.

Ball bearings rumbled a short distance away. Firefox and Technofox were in rollerblades fitted for chimera feet, rented helmets and pads, shooting down a concrete path. They were wearing skirts and sports bras, and Firefox was coaxing Technofox to try going faster. Technofox saw them and skated in their direction.

Jerry glanced around to make sure they were alone. "You look lovely this morning," he said to Technofox. He took her hand and brought it to his lips. Firefox was standing behind Tech, and smiled and looked away. Obviously, she approved.

Technofox look startled, and her mouth gaped. It changed into a fleeting smile, as though she wasn't sure she should take it seriously. "Uh. I just wanted to touch base. Bill's laptop had an RGP partition. He was using the same key as Odenberg."

"Oh, business." Jerry let go of her hand and nodded.

They had seen it coming but it was still bad news. Technofox wouldn't say it in front of Jerry, but it meant that key was still in use, and that Technofox's deception was at risk of being revealed. Firefox barely nodded, as though reading Shadowfox's mind and agreeing with her.

"Bill's laptop has contact information for Fischer," the little fox continued. "So he was telling the truth. About that at least."

"An address?" Jerry asked immediately. "Physical?"

Technofox grimaced and shook her head. "Fischer's not that dumb. It's an email."

"If you can get the server logs and the IP of anyone accessing the account--"

"Right," Technofox nodded. "I'm working on that. But there's a problem. Which reminds me -- Shadowfox, we're being paid for our time."

"Ah, good," Shadowfox nodded. Well, it might not be. The problem was that Foxforce was finding evidence which was only useful if used in conjunction with the Odenberg's original key. Could the information be sanitized somehow? Oh, what a tangled web we weave...

"Like I said, we've got Fischer's email, but it would be tricky to use it," Technofox continued. "It would be very easy for him to generate a new email address for each person he talks to. In other words, one slip and he knows Bill's compromised." Technofox looked at Shadowfox steadily.

"Suppose Fischer knew we had copies of the key," Firefox said. "He'd change it and destroy every copy he could find."

There was a moment of silence as the foxes considered the suggestion. Let Fischer destroy the key that might implicate them in a murder. That is a thing of beauty, Shadowfox thought with admiration.

"Think we should do it?" Firefox asked.

Technofox hesitated. "Bill's our best lead."

Firefox glanced at Shadowfox apologetically. "Not anymore."

"Sorry about that," Shadowfox said.

Firefox made a dismissive gesture with her hand. "Not your fault. Stuff goes wrong." She straightened her back. "Besides, I think Fischer knows the key's been leaked."

Shadowfox got it immediately. "Because the quarters are missing from the safe deposit boxes?"

"Assuming he's having them checked," Firefox finished.

"What about Babewatch?" Silverfox asked.

Technofox folded her arms. "It seems to be a legitimate site." She grinned, abashed. "Creepy, but legitimate. I've found references to it from a couple of years ago, there's a lot of material there, with a lot of women. Movie stars, mostly. They've got a picture of you from Atlanta, too."

"Who saw me in Orlando?" All over the world, people were swapping electronic images of her and masturbating in dark rooms lit only by the glow of her image. It was a creepy feeling, even though she had had a lot of time to get used to it. Could that essentially innocent fannish behavior be used by someone who knew Ebony was Shadowfox? Someone like Fischer?

"The handle's 'Vixen Lover.' The same handle subscribes to your website. He might be a fan, but..." Technofox shrugged.

"I see a personal message from Ebony in his future," Shadowfox mused.

Firefox looked at her dubiously and worked it over. "Something where you happen to be in town and want to meet some of your biggest fans? In a public place?"

"In a public place and with a dykey butch bodyguard," Silverfox insisted.

Shadowfox nodded. "Something like that, yeah. I want to give it some thought first."

"I don't know if it's worth doing," Technofox chimed in.

"We want Fischer's network. If Vixen Lover is part of it, we want to know," Firefox decided. "I don't like that Bill's our only lead."

Technofox nodded. "I see now. Yes."

"Okay then," Firefox nodded. "Tech, please prepare a dossier on Vixen Lover and send it to Shadow. Shadowfox, you're not committed to meeting him and you will not go forward on that unless you believe it can be done safely."

Technofox and Shadowfox nodded their agreement.

"Silver, where are you at?" Firefox asked.

"Eighty, ninety percent," Silverfox answered. "More than good enough to handle Vixen Lover and a few friends."

Firefox looked skeptical and Silverfox didn't flinch. The skeptical grimace turned into a proud grin. "Very well. And come back for lunch, because I want to play strip _Monopoly_this afternoon."

"Strip Monopoly?" Jerry asked, baffled, yet intrigued.

Silverfox looked at Jerry and back at Technofox. "He doesn't wear a bra. How do we make up for that?"

"That's your problem. I want a solution in my inbox by 1100 hours. Avanti!" Firefox pushed off a handrail and crouched, putting one hand dramatically forward and the other behind her head, as though she were posing for a statue. Technofox followed in an awkward clatter of ball bearings and legs.

As they walked down the street, Silverfox brought Jerry up to speed on the rules of Strip Monopoly. "We're allowed four articles of clothing. After you roll the dice to move, you can exchange one piece of clothing to move forward one space."

"So if you land on Boardwalk with a hotel, you can trade your shirt and land on Go," Jerry looked thoughtful. "Wow. I can see how that would change the game."

"The problem is that we'll be wearing bras," Shadowfox said.

"I could wear an undershirt," Jerry suggested.

"Is removing an undershirt really the same as removing a bra?" Silverfox asked. "No, I say. It needs to be something you can get arrested for."

"I think a sling thong under your underpants would be more in keeping with the spirit of the game," Shadowfox suggested. "That way we reveal your butt cheeks first followed by your goodies."

Jerry nodded. "I didn't bring my sling thong."

"Fortunately, there's an adult store across the street from the gun range," Silverfox said. "I'm sure we can find something there. Shadow, that was a good idea. I'll mention you in my report."

"Maybe I'll get a bonus." Shadowfox stopped. They were passing the supermarket. "I'll see you guys for lunch."

The produce section was mostly uninspiring, except for a bumper crop of some of the prettiest corn on the cob Shadowfox had ever seen. Ears of corn roasted on the grille, as a side dish for sausages. Perfect.

She found the store had free delivery to the gated community -- or the delivery was absorbed into the rent, whatever -- so she ordered fixings for buttermilk biscuits for tomorrow's breakfast. Vixen Lover's dossier popped into her inbox, and she skimmed it on the walk back.

Vixen Lover joined her site six months ago. He was not particularly active in the forums, and his profile said he was from Florida. He had submitted pictures to Babewatch three times; the first two sets had been rejected on the grounds they were misidentifications. Despite his name, the other two were humans. All of the pictures had been taken in the Orlando airport, so he either travelled a lot or he worked there.

Shadowfox was a little disappointed. None of that sounded like a criminal or private eye. It was also the sort of background information that was easy to fake.

So, say she did meet with Vixen Lover. Also assume he was working with Fischer. Was he likely to let anything slip in a meeting? Probably not. But it would, at least, prove that Vixen Lover existed, put a face on him.

It was admittedly a long shot, but...

Shadowfox was almost back home. She approached the bungalow from the side. The blinds were down, but the window was slightly open. She heard voices. Angry voices. Were Fire and Tech arguing? The thought scared her. She drew closer and began to make out words.

"Untie me," Firefox hissed. "You bitch, let me go."

"Why would I do that?" Technofox asked incredulously, lazily. Firefox yelped, and Shadowfox wondered where Technofox had bitten her. "Mmm," the little fox purred. "Tasty. And mine for the taking."

Shadowfox stumbled backwards. There was silence from the bungalow.

Shadowfox moved quickly and silently to the other side of the building. From there, she heard the slats of the blinds rustle against one another, and a window sliding shut. They had heard her, but had they identified her?

There was a concrete patio with a chair next to the front door. She put her bags down and sat down, her mind racing. Her face was hot and she wished she could un-hear what she had heard. She didn't want to go in.

How could they do that? Technofox and Firefox had both been in Blue Diamond. They had been tied up for real.

It took a minute or so for her to get over the shock, before her brain started to settle down and grapple with what she had heard.

Why am I feeling like this? Shadowfox had done bondage, both top and bottom. But that wasn't with friends; that was doing a job, false intimacy, so the target would imagine they had shared something. This was real. Technofox was tying up Firefox, and they were still lovers.

She imagined Firefox bound to a bed, cursing Technofox as she forced herself on her. Who would want to see that?

Maybe Technofox liked the feeling of being in control, and Firefox was just indulging her? That made sense. Shadowfox felt herself settle down, as though the intensity of her reaction was a liquid in her brain that was slowly draining. Firefox is indulging Technofox.

It moved what she had seen out of the uncomfortable arena of consensual submission and dominance and into something closer to sex as manipulation. In that case, her duty was clear: she had to take it on herself.

The decision left her mind clear and her emotions still. She felt better now. She wouldn't have any problem letting Technofox tie her up. And maybe it would help the little fox deal with some of her demons.

Her ears twitched and turned to the front door. She could hear movement, and conversation.

"But you took me to Cape Canaveral," Technofox was saying. "It's your turn to choose."

"That was a lot more interesting than I thought it would be," Firefox admitted. "Hey, how'd you like to ride on one of those satellites?"

"Machines can do it, but I don't think anyone made of flesh could survive that," Technofox laughed. "There's radiation, and getting back down without burning up. But it _would_be cool. People write stories about it."

"I think we should go shooting with Silverfox," Firefox answered.

"You're right, but that's not what I meant."

"Okay... you know, I've always wanted to ride an airboat."

"A swamp ride? That sounds like fun."

"If you're with me."

That didn't sound like a conversation they'd be having if Firefox were still tied up. Shadowfox rose to her feet, took her bags gently from the ground, crept a few meters down the path, turned around and walked briskly to the front door.

Technofox opened the door for her, and the little fox smiled up at her. Shadowfox felt an uncomfortable twinge. Would Technofox smile at her the same way when she was tied up?

"Wow, corn on the cob? Roasted on the grill?" Technofox asked with delight.

"That's the plan," Shadowfox answered lightly. Technofox beamed at her and took one of the bags. Shadowfox didn't want to let go, but that would look suspicious, so she let Technofox help her carry the groceries into the kitchen.

"So what do we do with Bill's computer?" Shadowfox asked.

"You mean how do we share it with ICON?" Technofox closed the refrigerator and looked disgusted. "I'm not sure. I should have seen this coming. Back in Atlanta."

Shadowfox's eyes widened. "What do you mean?"

"Odenberg's key," Technofox explained. "Why would you carry a fifteen gigabyte key around to encrypt fifteen gigabytes of data? Why not just carry the data with you?"

Firefox settled down on a kitchen counter. She was in a dressing robe. She looked like she could shatter Technofox with a single blow.

"Safety?" Shadowfox suggested. "In order to incriminate you, the police have to find a computer and the key."

"That's possible," Technofox admitted, "but it's more likely that the key is so you can share information with other people."

"And that means Odenberg was part of Fischer's network all along."

Technofox nodded. "Odenberg was French Foreign Legion, part of the Vichy military. And he worked with Nazi spies. That's not too hard to believe, I think."

"I think it's more likely Odenberg worked for Fischer from time to time," Firefox said. "He was a contractor. Which means we should look over his record with that in mind. There might be a link between some kills and Fischer."

"That's a good thought. But what about Blue?" Shadowfox asked. "Fischer and Blue are obviously closely tied."

"And Odenberg's protégé was a Blue Diamond Tamer," Firefox reminded them.

"I think Lilith was Walton's pet," Shadowfox said. "And he got her involved with Odenberg."

"I'm inclined to agree," Firefox took a pear and bit into it. She tore off a chunk and offered it to Technofox. The little fox grinned shyly and took it from her mouth with hers. "Lilith was a dog. Walton held her leash. But I wonder how he ended up in touch with Odenberg. It just seems weird -- a genetic engineer and a professional killer."

"I think Odenberg met Lilith on his own," Technofox said. "She told Walton about him, and he saw the possibilities."

"That's plausible," Firefox agreed. "But what about Fischer and Blue?"

"That ... I think it's straightforward," Technofox helped herself to a pear. "Fischer trafficked in chimerae. Some he sold to be hunted and some were bought by Blue. I think Fischer started off as a spy, but he got greedy. Or maybe he wasn't getting the money he needed to support his operation. Anyway, he started doing jobs on the side. I'd love to see his performance reviews."

"Heh, yeah," Shadowfox had a mental image of a document with a black eagle graphic in the header talking about diverting funds to finance Fischer's films. "That's something I regret," Shadowfox said. "I did a day of filming with him. I'd really like to know if he was any good on the set. I suppose that sounds silly."

"No, not really. I wonder what memories I lost to 4094 in Blue Diamond," Firefox shrugged. "But I'm sure it's nothing I want."

"What's wrong?" Technofox asked, concerned. She was looking at Shadowfox.

Do you remember a guy leering at you while you were tied up? Did you think of that when you did it with Firefox?

"Nothing ... no, it's just that you make me wonder too."

Technofox nodded and looked away.

"What else is inside us?" Shadowfox asked. "What's 4095?"

Technofox looked at her sideways. "Nothing for our benefit, I'm sure. Did you just get corn on the cob?"

"No, there's some sausages being delivered."

Firefox came in. "Sounds yummy. Tech, did you send Shadow a dossier on Vixen Lover?"

"Just a preliminary. I have a few more irons in the fire, some search agents on the net. David knew someone with the same handle. Doesn't seem to be the same guy, though. He lives in Texas and ours is probably local. I set up a poll on your site this morning, so users can vote on cities you should visit. He selected Orlando."

"I suppose it's a pretty obvious handle."

"He's got others for other sites as well, but he likes your site's design. He doesn't seem to be obsessed with furs." Technofox smirked and nodded.

"How dangerous do you think this guy is?" Firefox asked.

"I'd rank him at 21.6 milliturners," Technofox replied promptly. "I just came up with that scale. You see, there's a documentary about two fans of this singer --"

When Firefox narrowed her eyes, the little fox stopped and changed course.

"He doesn't think he has a personal relationship with Ebony," Technofox said. "He's mentioned other glamor models that he also likes. He doesn't rail about how other women in the profession are skanks and whores while Ebony is his precious angel, if you know what I mean."

"What, really?" Firefox asked.

"Oh, boy," Shadowfox sighed. "You have no idea."

"He comes across more as a typical fan," Technofox finished.

"That sounds promising," Shadowfox considered. "I want a little time to look over his forum behavior before I make a decision."

"Of course," Firefox nodded. "No big rush."

"Are we going to let Fischer know we have Odenberg's key?" Shadowfox asked. I want to talk to you alone. How was she going to manage that?

"I think we should hold off on that," Technofox said. "The thing I don't understand is why they haven't changed it already. It's at least six months old, and you'd expect them to update it more often than that."

"It's on memory in safe-deposit boxes. It's not easy to update it frequently."

"Most codes get compromised because of user laziness, yes," Technofox agreed. She ran a hand through her hair. "I don't like that Bill's our only link, but I don't think Vixen Lover's involved at all."

"Probably not," Firefox agreed, "but we can't afford to blow off a possible lead. And I agree with you about leaking the key." Firefox hesitated. "It's one thing to sit on information relating to a dead hit man. It's something else to sit on information about an active Nazi spy network."

There was an awkward pause, because the only reason they were sitting on the original key was Shadowfox's unilateral action and Technofox's attempt to cover it up.

"Sorry about that," Technofox said.

Firefox shrugged angrily. "No point in bringing it up again, I think."

"It still needs to be said," Shadowfox's ears lowered. "All right, let's do this."

"We can't single out Vixen Lover," Firefox said. "That would make him suspicious."

"How many subscribers do I have in Orlando?"

"Not many. Four," Technofox answered.

"So let's find a strip club with a decent restaurant and set up a private dinner party." Shadowfox shrugged.

"Why a strip club?" Firefox asked.

"Security. They'll have bouncers if something goes wrong."

"I might even be able to work out a deal with the management," Technofox suggested. "Get a cut on the check if you go sit down at some tables, shake hands, sign autographs."

"That would be great if you can pull it off," Shadowfox nodded to Firefox. "Every little bit helps."

Shadowfox sat down at one of the computers Technofox had scattered about. "We send this to the Orlando group first," she said. "Then, in twelve hours, we make it a general announcement so Vixen Lover doesn't get suspicious."

An Invitation from Ebony

I want to share a Dutch Treat dinner with some of my favorite people in Orlando ...

"Tech," Shadow kept typing, "can you find a venue? Hopefully do this on Friday night?"

"I'll get to work on that."

Shadowfox nodded and looked at Firefox. "We've got some time before Silverfox comes back. Want to go to the beach?"

"Sounds good," Firefox grinned. "We can pretend we're on vacation."

Shadowfox knew she could count on Tech's work ethic. "I'll meet you on the beach," she said vaguely, tapping at her computer. If you told Technofox you needed a blue gasoline-powered scooter delivered to a town in Alaska she would nod and find the only gasoline-powered scooter in North America. Briefly, Shadowfox wondered how the little technician did it.

"Wear a practical one-piece," Firefox said. "I don't want to be upstaged by you in a bikini."

"Yeah, sure," Technofox laughed.

Shadow and Fire left the bungalow, in modest bathing suits and carrying beach towels. They were recent purchases. Now that there was an actual op ongoing, there was no question of playing with "Foxforce 4" logos.

When they came to the gate, Shadowfox brought up the question.

I can't help but ask, because I'm curious. "Were you and Tech doing some roleplaying?"

"I thought I heard someone outside." Firefox blinked, shook her head, and laughed. "I suppose it was going to come out eventually. I'd like you to be discrete about it, though."

They stopped at the fence between the gated community and the beach. Shadowfox leaned against it and looked out at the ocean and sand.

"I'll do that for you." Shadowfox said.

"Do what?" Firefox looked guarded.

Apparently, Firefox didn't get it. "I'll let Technofox tie me up." Firefox frowned, obviously about to say she didn't have to. Shadowfox realized she had made a mistake. She should have feigned an interest -- should have made it a favor Firefox was doing for her, not vice-versa. "I don't mind, really," Shadowfox assured her. "It's nothing I haven't done before, and it would be a lot easier if it were Technofox."

Shadowfox wasn't sure what she was expecting, but she wasn't expecting Firefox to look at her as though she had done something wrong.

Firefox looked at her silently. "Is Technofox someone you 'don't mind?' Is Technofox someone you 'put up with for the good of the team?'"

The accusation shook Shadowfox. "No, of course not. I love her." Shadowfox could lie to Jerry's face, pretend she wanted him, but this... "But I love you too. Fire, what they did to you in Blue Diamond was -- you can't indulge her in this."

Shadowfox realized something was wrong. Firefox was looking at her steadily, without much emotion in her face. But Shadowfox was upset.

"But it's okay if you indulge her," Firefox said carefully.

Shadowfox wasn't sure if she heard Firefox correctly. "Of course. It's what I do, Fire." She frowned. "Is this news to you? Do you think I fucked Bill last night because I wanted to?" Shadowfox spat out. "It was for you. It was for Foxforce."

"Is it something you do with Technofox?" her voice was lower and more angry.

This wasn't going well. I love you and I want the best for you, Shadowfox thought.

Firefox took Shadow by the shoulders. Her claws touched Shadow's flesh, and Shadowfox was suddenly frightened. Her vision blurred and teared up. Firefox loosened her grip.

"Now you're mad at me!" Shadow's tears were flowing.

"Shadow, why is this important?" Firefox suddenly looked worried.

"I'm supposed to keep people from hurting you!"

Firefox's mouth opened slightly. "Tech isn't hurting me."

"I tried to protect you in Blue Diamond but I wasn't good enough! They raped you and Tech and Silver and it's my fault!"

"It is not your fault." Firefox frowned.

"I'm supposed to keep it from happening and -- I'd do anything for you and you're--"

"Listen!" Firefox grabbed her muzzle and forced her to look into her eyes. "Can you hear me?"

Shadowfox gulped air and heaved a few times and nodded because she didn't trust herself to say yes.

"How much did you hear?" Firefox asked quietly.

Shadowfox blinked, confused, and her stomach dropped to the floor when she realized they weren't alone.

"Just a little," Silverfox said in a small, embarrassed voice.

"Starting with 'Now you're mad at me,'" Jerry answered. He was carrying a plastic bag with a new _Monopoly_set protruding from the top.

"We need to be alone," Firefox said.

"No problem," Silverfox agreed.

"I'd like to say something first," Jerry said. He looked directly at Firefox. "With your permission, ma'am."

Firefox thought it over. He had phrased it in a way that made it difficult to say no. She nodded once, reluctantly.

"All right," Jerry's voice was quiet. "Shadow, from where I sit you're sounding like Silverfox would if one of you were shot. She wants to be the first to die, you know."

Silverfox looked at him uncomfortably.

"You want to protect your friends, and that's because you're a good person," Jerry told Shadowfox. "But at the same time, it's something that was designed in here." He touched Shadow's forehead.

"It's not like that," Shadowfox insisted. She was shaking. He thought that what she was feeling was programmed?

"You love your friends and that's real," Jerry said. "But this ... guilt you're feeling, the intensity, that might not be."

"What do you know about me?" Shadowfox spat out. "Fuck you! I'm not a machine."

It had come out of her, as natural as breathing. And the instant it was said, she wished she could bite off her tongue. That was way over the line, however true it might be.

Firefox looked at Jerry, worried. Silverfox looked away, stonily.

"She's really upset," Silverfox stumbled over the words.

"I didn't mean it that way," Jerry apologized. "I know you're not a robot."

"Thank you. I'm sorry," Shadowfox apologized. "You didn't deserve that."

"I'm not sure if I didn't," he laughed. "It's a little difficult for me. You're a person, but at the same time things were done to you to make you fit a role."

"To you too," Shadowfox answered. "You went to school, you were a Boy Scout."

"Yes," he agreed, "but it was done for my benefit. Your role was decided for you."

"Is that bad?" Shadowfox's eyes narrowed. "Does that make me fake?"

"Of course you're not fake. If you are fake, who am I talking to? Yes it was evil, because by doing that they treated you like a thing and not like a person."

"But at the same time those things are what make us the people we are," Firefox folded her arms. Silverfox nodded.

4094, Shadowfox thought instantly. But that was a piece of code burned into a chip, not part of herself. She had always known that all their training was different, and that it was to make them fit together in a team. But she had never seen anything odd in that.

"You think I was programmed to feel bad if my friends get raped," Shadowfox said dryly.

"That's not what he said--" Silverfox interrupted.

"He said you were programmed to blame yourself if your friends were compromised sexually," Firefox finished. "And for what it's worth, I think he's right. Shadowfox, nobody blames you for what happened in Blue Diamond, except yourself."

That's a lie, the thought came into Shadowfox's head.

"No, of course not," Silverfox said, troubled. "Is that what this is about? Shadowfox blames herself for Blue Diamond? That's nuts."

"Shadow, would you throw that in anyone else's face?" Firefox asked. "I don't believe you would. Why throw it in your own?"

Shadowfox shook her head. "Just for the sake of argument, let's say Jerry's right. How do I tell what was programmed into me from what I really feel?"

"First of all, any conditioning would give you 'real' emotions. Second, listen to your friends," Jerry suggested. "I don't have a background with chimera intelligences, but I know something about machine intelligences and I am an engineer. For a machine intelligence, this sort of ... programmed barrier is something they don't even notice. They can explain exactly why they take action, but at the same time they take it for granted."

"Screw that noise," Silverfox said sternly. "It doesn't matter. You blame yourself for what happened to us in Blue Diamond, and that's bullshit. It doesn't matter if you got that from implanted false memory, or it's part of your design, or you came up with it, or God touched your forehead and put it there. That shit's just crazy."

"Good point," Jerry agreed.

"It is not," Shadowfox insisted. Why couldn't they see it?

"Jerry, thanks," Firefox scratched the back of her head. "It's frightening to think that there's stuff in your head that someone put there. And it's harder to think about what to do about it." She hesitated. "I wonder if -- " she shook her head.

It was an obvious dismissal and Silverfox tugged at his arm and he followed her to the bungalow.

Firefox watched them go. "Shadow, there is nothing you could have done. Nothing. Think about it. What was your plan? To go on strike?"

"I should have bargained better," Shadowfox kicked the ground, sullen.

Firefox folded her arms. "Shadowfox, Blue Diamond sold rape. You had nothing to bargain with. Do you think that by consenting, you would make more than all four of us?"

Firefox was being logical. She was right. But at the same time, something inside Shadowfox was telling her she was wrong. Shadowfox was supposed to go there, to use her body so her friends didn't need to.

Was Jerry right?

"I didn't try hard enough," Shadowfox gulped. "But I was afraid to say no to Tigre."

"We all were."

"But you fought her, and Technofox fought her."

"And you fought her too," Firefox reminded her. "I'm proud of you."

"Then how can you do the same thing with Technofox?"

Anger flitted over Firefox's face, to go away. "Blue Diamond was nothing like what I do with Technofox."

"If there's nothing wrong," Shadowfox asked, "why did you keep it a secret?"

Firefox laughed. "I guess you've got me there. All right. I admit it. I'm a little embarrassed by it. I'm supposed to be in charge all the time, but I like it when Technofox takes control. It's Technofox. I love her. And she doesn't do anything I need 'protecting' from."

"But--" Shadowfox cut herself off.

Firefox patted Shadow's arm and smiled. "I'm consenting. And I'm having fun. It's just a game, love. It's not something I'm doing 'for Technofox.' It's something I enjoy as much as she does."

"But it's... but it's you," Shadowfox protested.

"Yes, it is," Firefox said, bemused.

"And you stood up to _Tigre._You took the worst Blue Diamond had and you never backed down. Do you understand how -- how much I needed that back there?" Shadowfox could feel she was losing control. "Are you just saying this, so I don't feel guilty about not doing it? How can you like pretending something you fought for real?"

"Beats me," Firefox grinned. Shadowfox didn't, so Firefox continued. "Sorry. I trust Technofox. I know she's not going to do anything I don't want her to do."

"I've heard that before," Shadowfox admitted. That was pretty much what every submissive said. "Some of the targets I've been with. But I thought that was just because they were never... they never had it happen to them for real."

Firefox shrugged. "Sex is funny. I hear that there's a lot of wealthy, powerful men and women who like to be tied up and bossed around." Firefox looked at her. "You'd know more about it than I would."

And that rang true. Professional doms vastly outnumbered professional subs -- and that meant that people with money were more likely to be subs. "I suppose." Shadowfox hoped she would change the subject.

She wasn't going to. "But let's suppose I didn't like and wanted you to take over for me. Why would it be all right if it were you?"

Shadowfox looked out at the ocean. "That's what I do."

"Not with us," Firefox's voice was suddenly dangerous.

Shadowfox swallowed.

Firefox lowered herself down to talk into Shadow's ear. "I don't want it to be a favor. I don't want it to be because you think it'll help me relax. When I'm making love to you I want it to be because you want it as bad as I do." She blew lightly into Shadow's ear, making her smile. "Because otherwise, you're in Blue Diamond and I'm putting you there."

Shadowfox nodded.

"And you're not going to do that to me. Promise?"

"I promise," Shadowfox lied.

Firefox would want to play strip _Monopoly_after lunch, and it was essential that both Shadowfox and Jerry participated. Shadowfox had to make sure there wasn't any awkwardness between the two of them before they took off their clothes.

Warming up with Jerry was a game of subtlety, of understatement and barely perceptible body language. Silverfox appealed to him. Silverfox was subdued, and he wasn't all that demonstrative himself.

Shadowfox leaned over him with a platter of sausages in her hands. She leaned against him and smiled. We okay, dude? He grinned and sort of leaned back against her, and she knew it would be the last she would hear of her outburst. From him, anyway.

It didn't particularly matter if he attributed it to insidious programming or the misadventure in Orlando, or if he just wanted to fuck her again. He was willing to let it slide, and that was important.

Monopoly was a game of quick hammer blows. A carefully concocted strategy could be completely undone with one touchdown on Boardwalk with a hotel.

Monopoly was a long game. The strip component of Strip Monopoly slowed the game further, because the worst rolls of fate could be mitigated against by disrobing. It was after sixteen hundred, and there were still four players. Each had a monopoly, and so the game was almost balanced.

Technofox rolled the dice. Five. She moved the shoe to Go to Jail, and then to the opposite corner of the board. "One of the strange things about this game is that being in jail isn't always a bad thing."

The others listened intently and seriously, because she was the only one wearing something above the waist. She had swapped her shirt to clinch her monopoly, the orange group, and anyone leaving jail would probably land on one of her hotels.

Firefox had the group before that, where rents were a bit cheaper and recent jailbirds were likely to bounce right over her. She had been reduced to her panties, and her attempts to distract Technofox by nudging her with her breasts were almost working. She had hotels as well, making the left side of the board a death trap.

Shadowfox was naked, and she had the Connecticut Avenue properties; cheap, all hotels, and yielding maybe half the rent Fire was getting for Virginia Avenue and Tech was getting for New York Avenue. Shadowfox had failed to knock anyone out of the game and now she faced an uphill battle.

Jerry still had his sling briefs. He had the Marvin Gardens monopoly, the most expensive being developed. But the price of houses put him way behind the others; he only had two houses on each property. If he were allowed to build up, he might still win.

Silverfox was out of the game, bankrupted by Technofox and a hotel on New York Avenue. She was sitting in the hot tub.

"And how you don't need to pay rent on a mortgaged property," Jerry added. "That's the bit that baffles me."

"Yeah, you should have to pay rent to the bank," Firefox agreed.

"I don't like how people get knocked out of the game before it's over," Silverfox called out from the hot tub.

"It would be better if bankrupt players had something to do," Technofox agreed.

Silverfox's ears twitched and she turned around to face them, standing to lift out of the water. Her can opener was on a chain around her neck, between her breasts. "How about this?" she suggested. "On my turn, I get to lick something that's exposed." She looked over at Firefox's breasts and her tongue flickered out of her mouth.

Firefox smiled a crooked smile. She lifted one of her breasts ostentatiously and released it. Silverfox's eyes tracked every bounce. "It seems to me that's a reward for going bankrupt. There needs to be a penalty."

"Fine," Silverfox nodded. "On my turn, I have to lick something that's exposed."

"Yes, that would be better," Firefox nodded.

"I don't like the 'have to,'" Jerry said immediately. "Suppose you were playing with a straight woman and you said you wanted to kiss her?"

"I think a certain amount of implied consent can be taken for granted between us," Firefox said dryly. "But you're right. She should be able to opt out."

"But who gets licked?" Jerry asked. "Does she choose or do we bid for her services?"

"When a player goes bankrupt, her piece stays on the board," Technofox instantly answered. "When she lands on an owned property, she does what the property owner says until her next turn. But yeah, she shouldn't have to do it..."Tech's brow furrowed.

"Suppose the other players malinger through their turns?" Shadowfox asked.

"The other players set the pace," Technofox answered. "If they're okay watching, then there's no problem." She pushed her glasses back into position, to look stern. "But otherwise, nobody else touches anyone."

There was an outcry, and Firefox squeezed Shadowfox's hand in protest. Technofox raised a Finger of Admonishment.

"Games are about frustrating desires," she intoned. "Dropping a ball into a hole is easy. Golf is not."

"I wonder if it might be better if she had a sort of a spoiler role," Jerry suggested. "Say she gets the rent of any property she lands on as her fee."

"And then I can opt out by declining the money," Silverfox chimed in.

"And the odds of that are?" Firefox asked.

"Besides the point," Jerry said stubbornly.

"When there's two players bankrupt," Technofox answered, "there would be too much money leaving the game."

"Okay, then, up to one hundred dollars," Jerry said.

"A call girl can earn as much as sixteen hundred dollars," Shadowfox pointed out.

"In real money, sure. But two hundred dollars will buy you a house anywhere on the board," Technofox considered Jerry's suggestion, and nodded. "Rent, or one hundred dollars, whichever is lower."

"So let me get this straight," Silverfox said seriously. "I'm sort of a travelling prostitute?"

"That would seem to be the case," Shadowfox said dubiously.

"Awesome!" Silverfox hopped out of the bath and resumed her seat, careful not to drip on anything. She put her battleship on New York Avenue and rolled. "Six," she chortled and looked at Technofox. "That's two hundred rent, so give me one hundred, you rail magnate you."

Technofox passed a C-note over to Silverfox. Silver lay the bill on her chunk of the table. "There's really nothing I can do with it," she said thoughtfully.

"It would be nice if she could re-enter the game," Firefox said. She frowned. "But there's nothing left for her to buy."

"We'll worry about that later," Silverfox said. She posed. "I wanna be a whore. Let's see how much this ass can earn."

Silverfox padded over to Technofox, put a foot on the arm of her chair, leaned over the little fox and smiled. "Your orders, ma'am?"

Technofox shifted nervously, even though she had come up with the rules. "You have to do what I want."

Silverfox nodded, smiling.

"Considering where you landed, I think it would be fitting if I made you pull a train," Technofox said thoughtfully.

Silverfox blinked. "Eh?"

"But no," Technofox smiled. "I don't want to share."

Technofox reached up and hooked Silverfox's chain necklace with one finger. Her other hand went between Silver's legs. She pulled Silverfox's muzzle within easy reach of her own, kissing the grey fox while her finger slid gently into her and then up. Silverfox gasped with surprise as Technofox touched her clitoris.

"You have to stay on your feet when you come," Technofox ordered.

"I don't think I can," Silverfox said.

Technofox kept her finger working. "Now give me your breast."

Silverfox lowered her shoulders. Technofox took one of her breasts in hand and took her nipple into her mouth.

"Hurry up," Silverfox pleaded, looking over at Firefox.

Firefox held the dice in her hand, and rattled them thoughtfully. She didn't roll them. "Do you want me to?"

Silverfox frowned. "No, of course not."

Technofox stopped sucking at Silver's breast and took one of her butt cheeks in each hand. She lowered her head and brought her muzzle between Silverfox's legs.

"Oh, God," Silverfox sighed.

Technofox leaned back in her chair and put a finger into Silverfox. She worked quietly, while Silver's breath quickened, stopping only when she gasped and stumbled, rescuing herself with a hand on a drinks table.

"Thanks, Tech," Silverfox shook her head.

"Thanks for sharing Jerry," Technofox said.

Silverfox grinned and nodded.

"I uh..." Technofox hesitated a moment, and then looked away. "I was a little frightened and having you all with me helped."

Shadowfox swallowed. She would have been happier with that news if it had been intentional on her part.

Silverfox ducked and kissed Technofox on the head. Firefox rolled her dice and landed on Park Place, which she owned. Jerry landed on Shadowfox's Connecticut Avenue. Shadowfox smiled -- she needed the money.

"Even with a hotel that's only six hundred," Jerry said thoughtfully.

"I've always been cheap," Shadowfox smiled wider.

Jerry frowned and shook his head, tutting.

"No, that's me," Silverfox disagreed. "You're classy. You sit in Boardwalk with a beautician brushing your tail in preparation for the master of the house. I'm more Baltic Avenue, caulking the windows all day and going to bed with the super."

Jerry looked over his property. He had two houses on each of the yellow properties, and rent didn't really start to bite until there were at least three houses.

"I'm going to advance one space," he said. He got up and unhooked the thong Silverfox had picked out. He then passed it to Shadowfox. "I think you've won this. I'm buying a set of houses -- that's four hundred fifty." Technofox passed him three houses, which he placed on the yellow properties. He now had three houses on his monopoly. It was a gamble, but it might pay off if someone landed on his property before his turn came around.

Shadowfox took the thong, sniffed it, and looked up at him.

She wondered what might have happened between them if she had never pressured the others into sharing him. Maybe they might have been friends, instead of sexual agent and target.

The others seemed comfortable with Jerry. She envied them that. She would never be herself with him.

"You could use some suntan lotion on that," Firefox noted, squirting some into her hand. "Mind if I apply it?"

"I'd be very grateful," Jerry answered.

"Hey," Technofox objected. "You're not allowed to touch another player."

Firefox turned her torso to make her breasts sway as she stepped over and knelt in front of him. "This is only for medicinal reasons," Firefox assured her. "You're covered with fur, but sunburn can be very painful. Dangerous, even." She smirked. "And then he couldn't put it into your tight little love muffin."

Technofox squirmed, as though she had a question she didn't dare ask. "Uhm," she glanced at Jerry and looked away. "Do I have a tight little love muffin?" She grinned, as though trying to pass it off as a joke.

"Yes, you do," Jerry answered seriously. "I mean, even leaving aside the fact I like you, you're a very attractive woman, And to be blunt --" his voice dropped slightly, as though he were sharing a secret -- "I couldn't believe how good it felt to be inside you. Firefox is very lucky to be your girlfriend."

"If somewhat unable to appreciate that particular feature," Firefox said.

Technofox fidgeted a little, but it was obvious she liked what she was hearing. She wasn't quite confident enough to take teasing well, so he was being serious. Shadowfox wondered suddenly if she could treat him like a friend without losing her leverage over him.

"Thanks," Tech said finally.

"And you wouldn't want this suntan lotion to go to waste, would you?" Firefox smiled at Tech. She shifted to give Technofox a good look. The big fox applied the lotion to him, looking into his eyes as she did so. "I didn't know suntan lotion caused erections," she said finally.

"Or someone does." He touched her hair and stroked the side of her face, prompting a smile. She continued rubbing him.

Shadowfox watched, intently. Firefox was a little rough, a little too fast, but Jerry didn't seem uncomfortable. Fire's direct approach was part of her appeal, even if most professionals would advise her to be more subtle. Of course, Jerry wasn't much of a flirt either.

Firefox hesitated a moment, looking at what she had in her hands, and continued. "And I need to be careful to get the tip," she said to nobody in particular. "It's so much bigger than when I started."

"Maybe there's someplace dark I could hide it," Jerry suggested. "You know, out of the sun."

"After the game. Promise." Firefox got up abruptly and returned to her seat.

Two turns later, Shadowfox was the next to be forced into a life of shame and dishonor. First she landed on Firefox's four houses and then was driven into bankruptcy by Technofox's hotel. It wasn't surprising: her gray monopoly was the cheapest of the developed properties.

"Gee, I'm sorry," Technofox said with a morose expression on her face and a tail wagging joyously. And well she should be joyous, for this gave Technofox the gray properties, and Baltic Avenue, which would give the little fox three monopolies on top of all the railroads.

Now Tech owned everything on the bottom of the board. Anyone rounding Go would be handing their salary to the little fox, unless they skipped from Chance to Community Chest. She now owned over half the developed properties. The game was probably over.

"I think the only way to take her down at this point is for you to go bankrupt on my property, so I get all your stuff," Firefox said to Jerry.

He lifted his eyebrows. "Or you to me. I could build your property back up faster. One hundred per house against one-fifty."

Technofox's eyes bounced back between the two, worried.

"So what say we make a deal," Firefox suggested. "If you land on my monopoly, declare bankruptcy. I'll do the same if you land on mine."

Technofox gasped audibly. The kingmaker ploy was a deadly threat.

"Hmm. Tempting, but I don't think that would be fair," he said. Technofox sighed in relief. "Besides, if I take a dive, I won't be able to buy your services."

"Don't you look forward to me buying yours?" She grinned at him.

"That would be a close second," Jerry agreed.

Shadowfox could practically see the wheels going around in Firefox's head. Jerry had just more or less declared he wanted to give Firefox orders. And the thought wasn't entirely unappealing to the big fox.

"Let's make a bet," Firefox said, slowly. "If I win, you declare bankruptcy next time you land on one of my properties. If you win, I'll do anything you tell me to." She patted his thigh.

She smiled, confidently. Shadowfox wondered if Firefox was certain she would win, or if it was win-win for her.

"I'm pretty sure you could get that by asking her politely," Technofox snorted.

"I think that completely misses the point," Silverfox said, fascinated.

"I'm not sure..." Jerry began, dubiously.

"Take her up on it!" Silverfox poked him. "There's a grocery store with pudding less than a kilometer from here."

"I'll be yours," Firefox said in low tones. "Don't even think about pleasing me. It's going to be all about you. Payback for a week as your guest on this beautiful beach, all in one hour."

Jerry was tempted, but it was obvious something was bothering him.

Silverfox was flabbergasted. "Take her up on this or you will never see me naked again," Silverfox ordered him. "And don't hold me to that."

"The stakes sound good. What's the game?" Jerry asked Firefox.

"Pretty simple," Firefox told him. "You have to keep your eyes on my face for three minutes. You can blink, but you can't look away."

Jerry rolled the dare over in his head. "You're on."

"I'm going to win," Firefox assured him. She came to her feet. "Tech, set the timer. Ready? Now."

Firefox walked closer to Jerry, and she put her hands under her breasts. She lifted them, and lowered them.

"I want to be on my knees in front of you," she said. "And I want to wrap these around your member." She lifted her breasts again, pinched her nipples. She exhaled slowly, letting the pleasure show in her face. "Can you imagine it nestled in the fur, soft and warm, sliding your whole length? And maybe I taste the tip..." she grinned. "I win," she announced.

"She didn't," Silverfox insisted.

"Yes, she did," Jerry admitted.

"That's any of my properties," Firefox stood and returned to her seat.

But Jerry skipped past Firefox's string of hotels and landed on the first of Technofox's hotels. He mortgaged everything and paid the rent. The next turn he rolled a four, landed on her third hotel, and went bust.

Technofox now had four monopolies against Firefox's one. Shadowfox gave Technofox a lap dance on her next turn, and Firefox crashed and burned afterwards.

"My only consolation is that I got to keep my panties," Firefox said sadly.

"Briefly," Jerry walked up behind her and embraced her. He kissed her neck and shoulder, and then moved a hand under one of her heavy breasts. She didn't resist, so he slipped his other hand down the front of her panties. She gasped as he slipped a finger into her.

"That felt good," she said.

"You're so excited," he said. He kissed her again and pinched her nipple.

"Can you blame me?" She turned around and lay her hands on his chest. "Lie down."

He glanced at a chaise lounge, and apparently decided it was a bit rickety. So he spread a blanket on the hot concrete and lay gingerly on it.

Firefox straddled him, sitting up facing him. Jerry put his hands under her breasts, lifted them, squeezed them roughly. She leaned down, bringing her large breast to his mouth. She suckled him, changing nipples once, then slid down and reached urgently to move his tip into position.

"Wait!" Technofox cried, raising a hand, her eyes anxious. Her pose was so melodramatic that Silverfox started laughing and Shadowfox had to hold her breath to keep from it.

"That thing could go off at any moment!" Silverfox mimicked her.

Technofox glowered at the gray fox. Was she getting jealous?

Firefox looked over at her, nonplussed. "Does the winner get dibs? I didn't agree to that."

"I don't know what this suntan lotion might do to you," Technofox said. "The label said something about being careful about getting it in your eyes."

Firefox froze. "Damn, you're right." She looked around, glancing apologetically at Jerry. "What do you guys think?"

"You know, I don't think I've ever had vaginal sex with a man using suntan lotion," Silverfox said.

"I did that once and didn't have any problems," Shadowfox said. "But that was a different brand."

"It says you don't need to reapply it after swimming," Silverfox held the tube and read it, troubled. "We can't wash it off."

"This is the worst thing ever," Silverfox complained. "'Will our heroines be faced with twelve hours of penis starvation? Stay tuned to--'"

"There should be condoms in the master bathroom," Jerry interrupted.

"Fire, I'll get them for you, if I can put it on him," Silverfox suggested.

"Sounds good." Firefox reached down and patted Jerry's face, half apologetically.

After Silverfox went off, Firefox raised another subject. "Shadow? Tech and I were going to go on an airboat ride tomorrow. Want to come along?"

Shadowfox considered. It did sound like fun, and it would give her some quality time with the two of them. "If I'm not going to be a third wheel," she said.

"Actually, I'd prefer it," Technofox said. "We got looks going out together. Three of us would just be three chimera girls out having fun, I think."

Shadowfox nodded. There was some truth to that.

After the airboat ride, Tech and Fire decided to push on to more adventures in Orlando; Shadowfox was feeling sleepy and decided to return to the bungalow, getting there around mid-afternoon.

Shadowfox was basking. Not sunbathing; her fur blocked almost all the UV the sun could dish out. But her fur absorbed the heat and the warmth sank pleasantly into her muscles and she felt she could lay there forever on the lounge chair in the atrium.

Unlike Shadow, Jerry and Silverfox were dressed -- at least for the moment. They spoke in low tones, and Shadowfox couldn't make it out, so she never knew Silverfox was trying to persuade Jerry to wake her up with a bucket of water, and that Jerry was refusing. Shadowfox was blithe in her innocence, never knowing how close she had come to staining her hands and soul with the blood of friends.

Two thoughts struggled in Shadow's head. One was I had better start dinner before Tech and Fire come back and the other was I could lay here forever. The second was winning.

Her ear twitched and pointed towards the front door. She heard the bolt slide, and it opened. The footsteps of Fire and Tech. I had better start dinner before Tech and Fire come back woke her with a violent See, I told you. It would be a spaghetti night.

The two came into the atrium. Firefox looked at her and whistled. Shadowfox smiled and reached for her robe. Technofox was proudly carrying a Disney's Wild Kingdom bag. Chimerae liked the smells of zoos, even if they weren't particularly fond of animals.

"Guys," Technofox grinned. "You have got to check this out." She rummaged in her bag. Firefox looked down at her fondly. Silverfox sat in Jerry's lap and he put his arms around her middle.

Technofox removed a brick-red cap that matched her fur. She folded her ears and put it on. On the forehead of the cap were two enormous cartoon eyes. On the crown were two false ears, triangular and perky. Technofox struck a pose and turned her head, so they could see the bushy fox tail that dangled from the back of the cap.

"Well? Is this not awesome?" Technofox waited for the complements to flow.

"That ... is indeed a hat," Shadowfox bobbed her head. "It's sort of Japanese."

The cartoon eyes seemed to stare into her soul. I know you stole David from Technofox, they seemed to whisper. I'm telling!

"I think it's cute," Firefox said in tones which suggested they would be well advised to agree.

"It's weird and disturbing," Silverfox insisted.

"It can be both," Jerry suggested.

"I already said that," Shadowfox reminded them. The cartoon eyes seemed to bore into her soul. It was absurd, but now that she saw it, she couldn't un-see it. The hat knew everything about her, and it was going to push the information into Technofox's brain somehow.

"It's cute," Jerry said, "but it is not cuter."

Technofox smiled and looked away.

"He's good," Shadowfox said, trying to force the thought out of her head. And if Technofox knew... they'd be angry with her.

The thought had never struck her before. The accusing eyes of Technofox's hat and her own half-awake mental state had pushed her brain in a direction never before taken. She had felt bad about what she did before, but she hadn't made the connection.

Kuchi'Inu wouldn't like someone who did what Shadowfox did.

"C'mon guys," Silverfox shook her head. "She looks like the Bi-Beast."

"I am a bi beast." Technofox smirked.

"It's like..." Silverfox tried to think. "It's like she killed her lover and turned him into a hat."

"Really?" Technofox asked. "Awesome!"

"I don't like it," Shadowfox said in tones that were a little too harsh -- enough that Silverfox looked at her curiously and Firefox gave her a frown. Shadowfox put her hand on her head and on her mouth.

I'm dizzy and tired. "Uh -- I'm going to be sick!"

Shadowfox bolted for the bathroom. She slammed the door behind her and knelt in front of the toilet. Without hesitating, she pushed her thumb down her throat and vomited.

It was long and violent and painful. She was glad of that. She deserved to suffer.

She had deliberately gone for David to keep him from hooking up with Technofox. Technofox and Firefox strengthened the team; Technofox and David would weaken it.

Silver and Jerry weakened the team; Jerry and everyone balanced things out.

She had antagonized Janet, knowing Silver would take Shadow's part and so drove a wedge between the two of them.

She had introduced Jeff to Cassie so he'd have someone to see when Firefox was out of town, long and unpredictably.

She had strengthened the team and hurt her friends. Why? She could follow every step of every delicate bit of anti-romantic surgery she had carried out, and could see nothing wrong. And yet it was wrong. How had she ended up in such a preposterous position --

"But at the same time, it's something that was designed in here." Jerry touched Shadow's forehead.

No. No.

She flushed and opened the door. She knew she stank of vomit. Technofox was there, without her hat. Please forgive me. Shadowfox's eyes were teary. I made it so you and Firefox -- no, that was true, but it wasn't why she had done it.

"Let's get you to bed," Firefox put a hand on Shadow's shoulder, eyes filled with compassion and concern.

"Do you think it might be her head?" Silverfox asked, worried.

Shadowfox burst into tears, ashamed in front of them.

Shadowfox awoke the next day when she heard Silverfox outside the second bedroom.

"It's like this," the grey fox said. "She was sick and about 95% on the barf meter. The hat's maybe worth six percent, tops. So the hat didn't make her throw up. It just contributed to it."

"Thanks, Silver. Did you hear her move?"

"I'm awake," Shadowfox called out.

Technofox poked her head in. "Fire wants to know if you want to cancel tomorrow night."

"No. I'm feeling a lot better now, honest. I think it was just a twenty-four hour thing. My stomach, definitely. I'm ready to get up, I think."

"Fire wants you to rest today." Technofox wasn't going to take any argument.

"I get to be nurse," Silverfox forced Technofox into the room. "Can I get you some peppermint tea?"

"Please," Shadowfox said, because it would get rid of her. "And the hat was maybe three percent. No more."

And then it was Friday and time to go back to work.

"Well, of course it can be a turn-on," Ebony stirred her Coke with a swizzle stick, and then licked it. "It's acting for the camera, and I'm a method actor -- I really try to think of things that get me hot so that comes through. Even if the sex is simulated."

There was a plate of fettuccini Alfredo in front of her, and she wished she could turn off Ebony and focus on it. They had picked this place to be cheap, but by pure luck they made a fantastic pasta. She could identify every herb in the sauce, and she was sure it hadn't been plopped out of a can. Shadowfox was tired of meals consisting almost entirely of animal protein, and she knew she'd try to replicate this, even though every brain cell was supposed to be focused on her guests.

They nodded as though she had said something worth remembering, more significant than the meals in front of them.

Private party for ten; nine paying and Ebony's meal on the house, with the understanding she'd keep her clothes on and wind things down by 2300. Management wanted Ebony's guests to go straight from the table to the show floor.

This club had a good restaurant and private rooms. Foxforce decided against visible security, so the other three were right outside, monitoring through Shadowfox's open cell phone. Three chimera girls sharing a table in a strip club; Shadowfox wondered how many people were making passes at them.

Ebony was in her red cheongsam, with flashy jewelry. She was careful to interact with all of her very special guests. The guests used their handles; everyone knew one another that way.

She had brought some hardcopies of her portfolio; they sold well even though most of the guests had brought something for her to sign.

Most impressively, a quiet, delicately built young man with the handle BrightBoy brought a nude sketch of her. It was in a sketchbook filled with flattering portraits of strippers. She didn't recognize the pose from her portfolio so it wasn't just a trace. She asked to take a picture of it and he seemed flattered.

Despite the distractions, the clean-shaven man to her immediate right who used a bit too much cologne tonight got the biggest share of her attention.

"What do you do, Vixen Lover?" she asked. She let her smile reach her eyes. I am really interested in getting to know you.

There wasn't a man on the planet who didn't like to talk about himself. Vixen Lover answered immediately. "I work airport security."

This was a subject Shadowfox knew more about than Ebony did, so she had to tread lightly. If she revealed too much he'd get suspicious.

"That sounds interesting." It wouldn't ring any alarm bells. It was the sort of thing someone would say just to be polite. "Do you patrol or are you on monitor duty?" Did that sound too knowledgeable? She didn't think so.

"Oh, I sit in the monitor room," he said. He suddenly looked uncomfortable, as though he had given something away. "Miss Ebony, are you planning on doing a sequel to Foxy Vixen?"

Miss Ebony? Shadowfox decided she liked that. "I'm certainly open to it," Ebony said. "The first sold well, but I really don't know if we can get a script together." Foxy Vixen was an interactive video, with simple decision points and branching. "It's almost like designing a game -- it's very complicated and I'm not sure if we can top the first one."

One of the other guests came up on her left. She lifted a finger for Vixen Lover and turned. It was Matt, who went by the handle "Firestorm." She did a smile a nod. "Do you want this signed to Matt or Firestorm?"

"Actually, it's for my brother Mark." It was a picture of herself on her back, nude and fingering herself. She didn't work with that photographer again, and her dislike for him extended to the pictures he had taken of her.

"Okay," she took her pen. "What would you prefer? 'Sorry you couldn't make it,' or maybe 'Hope you don't mind my getting started without you, Mark'?'"

He laughed. "Either would be great, thanks."

She signed it and handed it back to him, shaking his hand. "Hope he likes it."

"I'm sure he will. Thanks."

"Airports," Ebony said slowly, looking as though she was trying to think. She brightened. I have the most amusing story about airports! "I finally got on Babewatch. Someone took a picture of me in Orlando Airport. Do you know the site?"

He looked uncertain. "Yes," he said finally.

She waited for him to tell her he had taken the picture, but he didn't. Maybe he thought she'd figure he was lying.

"I noticed you were on it," he said, "and I was wondering if you had anything planned for Orlando."

"Or Tampa," someone else said. "There's a lot of titty bars in Tampa."

Vixen Lover tossed him a dour look for saying "titty" in front of a lady.

"It's a possibility," Ebony nodded. "I have some irons in the fire."

Half an hour before midnight, and Firefox was driving.

"So," Firefox didn't take her eyes from the road. "Anything jump out at you?"

"I don't know," Shadowfox leaned her head on her hand. "He seemed a little, well... furtive? I brought up Babewatch like it was an honor to be there but he didn't take credit."

"Like he's covering something up?" Firefox asked.

"Or some part of his brain is capable of feeling shame," Silverfox suggested. "I mean, is that the sort of thing you'd admit in front of a pretty girl?"

Shadowfox folded her arms and tried to think. There was something obvious, but ... of course.

"I think Vixen Lover gets the images from security cameras," she said finally.

"We should nail him," Firefox suggested. "That's got to be a firing offense."

"Sure but..." Shadowfox trailed off. "I don't want to go there."

"Why not?" Silverfox asked.

Because he helped keep a lid on it, Shadowfox thought. Why shouldn't I tell them? "Because he wasn't a jerk." Maybe the memory of the fettuccini Alfredo was making her soft by association...

Silverfox _tut-hah'_ed in the back seat. Firefox glanced at Shadowfox. "That's good enough for me. If you don't want him to get in trouble, we won't get him in trouble. I'm not happy about this whole Babewatch thing, though."

"We can go through ICON," Shadowfox suggested. "Send him a warning or something."

"Okay, as long as your pictures aren't the trigger," Firefox nodded. "On another note, I'd like to do something nice for Jerry and I'm open for suggestions."

"I thought we _were_being nice to Jerry," Silverfox observed.

"I thought we were having fun with him," Firefox snapped back. "I'm not doing that as a favor to anybody."

"Sorry, geeze," Silverfox muttered.

"Let's take him to a steakhouse," Technofox suggested brightly.

Shadowfox was in the middle of remembering fettuccini wrapped around a fork and how it felt sliding into her mouth. The suggestion of grilled muscle tissue jarred against it.

"No, not a steakhouse," Shadow complained. "We're chimerae. We should be adventurous gourmets, exploring all aspects of cuisine with our superhuman taste and smell. Let's find something better!"

There was an awkward pause.

"Better than..." Technofox started, hesitantly.

"...A steakhouse," Silverfox finished, slowly, uncertain she had heard correctly.

There was another pause, and Shadowfox knew they were waiting for her to say something else equally wacko.

"Oh!" Technofox said brightly. "She means a Brazilian steakhouse!"

"One of those places where they come to your table with different cuts of meat?" Silverfox answered. "And you can have all you want?"

"And it's not just steak," Technofox agreed, "I remember a place where they had chicken wrapped in bacon."

"Oo, chicken in bacon. Yum yum."

Shadowfox facepalmed. It was the first time in her life that she had made the gesture unironically. Deflated, Shadowfox lowered her muzzle to her chest and prepared to concede defeat.

"No, that's not what Shadowfox meant," Firefox announced from the driver's seat.

Shadowfox looked over at her morosely. This ought to be good.

"She meant we should do something Jerry wants to do, not something we want to do." Firefox glanced at Shadowfox. "Right?"

Shadowfox's ears twitched. "...No, but I actually like that idea more."

The clock in Shadowfox's head clicked over to Saturday morning. They would be flying back to Boston on Sunday, in the middle of the afternoon. Two more sleeps, and they would have to put the mattresses back in the bedrooms--

Silverfox's phone rang. She muttered a curse as she tapped her earpiece to take the call. "Hello?" she said. "Which Felicia am I talking to?... It's Little Felicia." She paused. "Yes, I know it's Saturday morning."

The Felicias had a landline phone in their apartment, a holdover from the human who left Tall Felicia the condo.

"Uhm, hold on a second." With a beep Silverfox muted her headset. "Guys, I'm going to put this on speaker. I don't think she's making any sense."

Little Felicia wasn't known for not making sense. Little Felicia could make sense with a blood alcohol content of 0.25. Firefox frowned, probably thinking the same thing. Shadowfox felt a chill and sinking sensation of premonition. She had bad news.

"--Is she?" Little Felicia demanded, the undertones of anger coming through despite the tiny speaker.

"Where is who?" Silverfox asked.

"How many girls did you invite, damnit?" Little Felicia burst out.

"Invite? There's nobody here but us foxes."

"Don't bullshit me. Where's Felicia?"

"Is she drunk?" Technofox asked, sotto voce.

"Tall Felicia?" Silverfox guessed, more worried than angry. "Is this about Tall Felicia?"

"Yes, of course. God damnit, don't jerk me--"

"I'm not. I swear. Felicia, I have no idea what you're talking about. Do you want to talk to one of the others?"

Little Felicia hesitated. Silverfox's obvious confusion was starting to erode the cat's certainty. But not quite.

"Fine," Felicia snapped. "You sent her this voicemail. Don't deny it."

There was a click and a recording started to play. It was muffled and a bit distorted, but Silverfox's raspy growl was unmistakable.

"It's me. I've been thinking, and... I love you. I want you with me. G'bye."

Shadowfox recognized it.

"And then you sent her tickets to Orlando," Felicia finished. "Damn it, what sort of sick game are you--"

"Oh, God, no," Silverfox whispered.

Little Felicia fell silent. Shadowfox could feel the cat's hostility drain away, thousands of kilometers off, as she slowly understood.

"Give me the mike," Firefox ordered, putting her hand back. She knocked her own earpiece off, let it drop to the floor of the car as she put on Silver's. She pressed her foot against the accelerator and the rental car crept up to speed limit and slightly beyond.

"Felicia?" Her voice was low and calm. "This is Firefox. That sound clip you played was taken from a ... film they forced Silverfox to do. Tech, take the phone and get started. Shadow, call Jerry and tell him the vacation's over. Silver, see if you can find my headset."

Shadowfox Null 10

10 Shadowfox -- Null "Felicia's address book is on the cloud." Technofox's glasses glowed in the reflection of the screen; her voice was detached. "I'm looking at it now." "Is that legal?" Firefox stepped around behind her. "No. Any objections?"...

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Shadowfox Null 08

08 Shadowfox -- Null The title screen of the first movie came up. "He _kills_ on a _dare!_" Silverfox shouted. Chuckles spread. Technofox glared at Silver resentfully. Doubtless she would have said the same thing if her mouth weren't full of...

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Shadowfox Null 07

07 Shadowfox -- Null "This isn't just erased," Technofox said. "The partition's actually unreadable." She looked up at Shadowfox apologetically. "It looks _just_like a malfunction. Sorry. Thought you might have mishandled it." "They've read implant...

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