Adventures of Krystal, Return to Sauria

Story by Sirus_Alcat on SoFurry

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Something of a gift for the very talented vixentamer and the art piece that inspired the story. Neither I nor vixentamer own the rights for the character of krystal and blah blah blah.... all rights reserved... yadda yadda yadda... so.... enjoy!

Depending on popularity more on the story might follow.

Adventures of Krystal

Return to Sauria

The Arwing sliced through the upper layers of the atmosphere in a lazy roll drawing long trails behind as it entered the bright green and blue world. The sharp blue and white's of the craft almost blending into the air around it as it descended further. Its occupant gripping the flight yoke in a firm but flexible grip dipped through the clouds plunging lower until at last the craft was zipping past trees. Her turquoise blue eyes darting left and right seeking a proper clearing to land in as she trimmed the tree's beneath. At last she spotted a suitable location close to where her newest adventures began. She started the landing cycle dropping the landing skids and kicking in the thrusters to help her controlled decent. With practiced skill her fingers flew over the controls flipping switches and turning dials before sliding the throttle full back. The Arwing kissed the ground with a gentle thud before the canopy lifted open letting in the thick jungle air. The Humidity was intense and the quiet jungle noises rose rapidly filling the air with an almost familiar feel. A few final checks on systems and a lock down procedure to prevent anyone from taking off with her ship and she unbuckled herself from the craft and leaped the sort distance to the ground. Though comforted by the sounds and feel of the air here the heat and humidity were a bit much, she idly mused to herself as she removed her helmet. Approaching the underbelly of the craft she reached up and pulled a tapered lever pulling free a small compartment that contained her gear. Briefly she glanced around to see if no one was there before she unzipped her long flight suit and removed in from her body. Folding it neatly she placed it in the shelf before pulling on her traditional tribal wear including her staff.

Seeing the staff again brought a flash of emotion from her as she remember seeing fox holding her ancient weapon. A soft growl escaped her as she thought on Fox. Always so timid, so shy why couldn't he just SAY it. She already knew how he felt, knew that he loved her but he thought the words he couldn't say. Put him in an Arwing though and he was bold cocky almost. Two personalities so radically different and none of them would tell her the words she wished to hear. The blue vixen mused while staring at her staff thinking back on it. She wasn't ready to leave this place. Her telepathy made it challenging among others. All the voices she heard and only a small part of them spoken. Of course she didn't actively listen to others thoughts but it was a talent no different the breathing or listening. Even when she wasn't trying she could hear everyone in a background of dull droning that filled her every moment. Even asleep she could still hear them and they effected her dreams. Part of why she came back here was to move away from it all. Her sharp blue eyes moved past the staff to the ancient temple towering overhead in the near distance. Covered in runes and plant-life it stood there silently. She could hear a dull since, whispers in the dark behind her causing her ear to flick lightly before she turned in a combat stance staff ready but the voice had moved back towards the temple. Whisper quiet the voices flicked left and right around her always out of sight and far too quiet to make out. Unnerved but determined Krystal decided to resume what she came here to do.

Pushing through the dense jungle was tiresome work and more then a few times she made small woodland creatures scatter causing them both a mild scare but here she stood at the base of the enormous temple that had been her prison for so long. Again a voice called out though louder now as she looked up her ears flicked forward and she could almost make out the ancient words. She had been called here, some part of her had known but to what end she couldn't know. Climbing the steps she made her way to the top of the pyramid. The shattered remains of the crystal that held her still there though dulled somewhat and covered in a slime from the thick jungle air. Unable to control herself Krystal reached a hand gently towards the crystal that had been her prison for so long. Upon touching the gem her senses reached out pulsing forth like a ripple in the water reflecting and bouncing off everything they touched. Though her feelings didn't cease with the temple grounds they extended farther. She could feel the minds of the animals scurrying for food and it made her giggle. She could feel the minds of the birds overhead looking for their next meal and even further though her thoughts momentarily fixated on a sharp claw camp. Their minds were different, more carnal, more primitive. It caused her to shudder and release the crystal abruptly severing the connection. She had forgotten about them. She looked around lightly wondering if they had seen her landing and were coming to investigate. She looked to her Arwing in the clearing. She could see it though not as clearly as she would have liked in that instance as she moved to the edge. With her attention on the Arwing the voice returned louder this time causing her to nearly fall from the ancient building as she jumped in surprise. She turned to see something she hadn't before. A glyph glowed on a wall. Pale blue and spinning slowly she moved towards it almost mesmerized as she reached out for it. She almost dropped her staff it slipped and she dragged in along in a loose grasp as she moved to the odd glowing glyph. Several Runes along the outside spun counter to the inner circle of the magical symbol. The Symbols on the inside though were not of any written language of that she was sure they were something else. Gently she Pressed her clawed paw to the center surprised to see that the shapes fit her digits perfectly as if they had been molded to accept her paw print. Gently she spun her paw in the opposite way turning her paw upright curious of the glyph would move as well. A soft click and the glyph flickered out of existence. The dull gray-green stone facing all that remained as it slowly sunk a portion into the floor. A door with stairs that spiraled down. Poking her head into the small space she was surprised to note a soft green light allowed her to see though because of the narrow space and the spiral of the stairway she couldn't tell anything beyond a few feet below her. For now the worry of the sharpclaws were replaced with the fascination of the find and her feet carried her down the steps descending deep into the ground. She descended the stairs for what felt like hours the same dull green now the only illumination was coming from a fungus that grew on the walls of the stone structure. Even the loud noises of the jungle were gone before she entered a large cave. The stairwell emptied into a narrow corridor with a round top for only a moment before dumping her into the largest cave she had ever seen.

At first Krystal thought that it was dark in this cavern because the fungus didn't grow on this rock but as she looked back at the wall nearest her she saw it was growing all up the wall but that the cavern was so big she couldn't see the dim light beyond it. Above her was pitch black a soft green illuminated in front of her casting odd shapes about as she carefully stepped out walking along the path still laid before her. She clutched her staff to her close her tail down in as she walked almost looking like a frightened child in awe of a great wonder. Her ears flicked left and right as she moved on passing the building after build marveling each with a mix of fear and awe. The buildings here, homes she guessed, were carved straight from the stones. The Roof of the homes clearly used to be thatching but had long ago dissolved into dirt. A soft dripping sensation caught her ears causing her head to snap back to the path she was walking. She looked in time to see a drop of water land in a great pool lining the path before her. The soft ripple reflected a light she didn't see, bight blue and clear like crystal for a few moments before fading into a black nothingness and settling still. She walked down the path in the middle of the great lake noting not to fall but to stick to the soft glowing path beneath her feet. She walked until she could no longer see the village of homes behind her her curiosity burning within her and guided by the soft playful voice she heard as if it were guiding her to some great treasure. Part of her mind was yelling at her foolishness in this and telling her to march right back to the Arwing this instance and leave this place but she was guided by something she didn't understand. That part of her mind was gaining ground encouraging more and more to leave as she was lost in this great cave, however; before she could turn back her eyes flicked in the low light as she saw a soft green light ahead. Looking back to it she couldn't make it out now that she was concentrating but as she turned her head she could see it there flitting at the edge of her gaze and drove her steps faster. Large Stone pillars stood silent watch over the expanding walkway. Stone benches in a semi circle and large semi circular slabs of rock held by the pillars overhead and she could hear running water. As she approached she saw a small fountain in the center. Here She saw odd trees that grew between the pillars and cast a soft glow of their own making this area more lit then others she had seen. She paused at the fountain deciding to take a drink and sit resting her foot-paws. She set her staff on the bench beside her massaging her feet tenderly looking around. She noted that this must have been a rest point made to do exactly what she was doing as the path continued on around Fountain and the only place the pillar's didn't touch creating two semi-circles of the ancient architecture with the fountain in the middle and the path carving through all but the fountain. She was about to turn back not wishing to see how far this path went when she noticed something in the fountain. It was a several tiered fountain but only one was giving water. Gently she climbed up the first tier looking to the others wondering if they had simple broken with age but noted that they had not. Climbing gently to the top she recognized instantly What stood before her.

Without thinking she sunk the base of her staff into the slot here designed for it and spun it till it locked. The Staff erupted in fire spewing its telekinetic energies meant for defense into the air suddenly casting light to the entire cavern. She could now see the village in the far distance and the palace in the opposite direction. This was the Karazoa Palace there in the distance. Her staff had caused the fungus to glow red now with enough intensity to see the details of this place. The Slabs were covered in runes like most of the other things she had seen but also pictures carved into the relief with intricate care and design. Local animals most but some were of other things, Hydra's and other animals of myth carved into the relief with such detail they seemed almost alive. Krystal removed her staff expecting light to fade as she did but the fungus never changed adopting this new brighter tone casting new scarlet shadows on everything and instantly increasing her mood and lessening the fear.

Hopping down from the fountain she continued on down the path walking with long rapid strides a smile on her face as she approached the ever growing palace. She had never seen it before only heard tales of it from the boasting warriors of the Sharpclaw General, General Scales. Still she knew this was the true palace and doubted that that pathetic scaled dunce could have found the actual palace. But she had, it stood here in all its glorious wonder standing at least as tall as the temple she had been imprisoned in but clearly with more detail. Each stone relief was carved with runes and pictures as the stone before had been though the walls were set back and the relief's were held by great carved pillars. The many tiers of it allowed every level of royalty to walk the grand walkways and see everything from their many levels. Two massive metal doors adorned with the same markings she's seen before stood close before her. She looked up at them as they towered over her. At least 25 feet tall she was sure she couldn't push them open but saw no way to make them move. She pushed hard to see if she could make them budge and to her amazement they glided almost silently parting enough for her to squeeze past. And here she stood in what could only be a grand audience chamber. Up a flight of stairs sat a stone throne, pillar seat boxes sat all around a carved entry way of polished marble. Blue fire burned from some unknown sources on the pillars around. There were at least three levels of pillar seats in the semi-circle. She could see two doors on either right and left tucked in the back hidden and out of the way for entry to other parts of the palace but this was clearly designed to entertain the people that journey here.

"So you've come at last" Krystal's attention snapped to the throne in the center of the room her ears alert and the staff at the ready. At first she saw nothing but blinking she saw a ghostly figure sitting on the throne. He spoke softly but his voice echoed through the chamber clearly audible as it once must have been. "Tell me young princess, do you know why you have been summoned?"

Krystal was about to object both about being a princess and about being summoned but could find no words that didn't strike her as untrue and shook her head gently

"...To save my people" the ghostly image smiled softly as he slowly glided in the air as if getting up from the chair. He hovered over the stairs descending them touching them. His shimmering blue form captivating the vixen below as he approached her silently. She stood frozen in place questions flashing in her mind but her dazzled failed to construct the words for her to phrase.

"How..." she started trying to fumble her way through the question but before she got too far ancient runes flared into existence around the room as the Krazoa spirit stood before her only a moment. He smiled warmly as she looked to the runes fascinated.

"yes you are strong, to be able to see the bonding runes"

She was looking around fascinated and amazed but something caught her attention and her ears perked lightly looking sharply at the spirit but too late "Wait... wha?!"

His form suddenly surged forth filling her body for a moment his consciousness asserting a control over her but her strong will didn't break easily and she struggled to resist An odd pleasure filled her as she resisted. Her fur stood on end as the runes flared and moved closer blazing into her body. They felt as though they were burning into her flesh but she could smell no burnt fur and see no smoke. She grit her teeth as the pain changed slowly to pleasure wracking her body. Falling to her knees she panted claws gripping the smooth marble ground as she shivered. She felt a swelling sensation between her legs. A paw reached beneath her loin cloth trying to find the source of the sensation surprised to find a small but growing shaft. The slight touch made her cry in new sensations and she panted stroking the growing cock. Part of her was reveling in the sensations and wanting to encourage the growth. Her fingers played over the shaft slowly from base to tip memorizing every inch of the tapered length. She stroked faster as vision's of lined females lined at her feet. All different races clamoring for a taste of her length and a filling of her seed. She panted stroking her shaft harder and faster panting as her visions changed to that of filling the eager pussies of the woman pumping that hard shaft in and out over and over claiming those tight spaces for her own. She panted hard feeling her knot starting to swell of her now full throbbing shaft. Pre leaked from the tip causing her strokes to glide faster and bring more pleasure to her. She twitched feeling the new sensation of a welling in her growing balls as a sheath formed for her cock and her fuzzy balls grew larger. Her thoughts turned suddenly to something that put her over the edge causing her to moan like a bitch in heat. The image of fox's bound form gagged with her lovely new appendage pumping deep into his tight ass claiming him as he never had the courage to claim her. She gasped throwing her head back as she cried out in pleasure. Her new appendage firing hot streams of seed onto the polished floors in spurts twitching and pulsing in he grasp as she rocked from explosive pleasure. Even her untouched pussy got into the act and shot fluids over her legs. She collapsed her paw moving on its own will stroking her cock as her other moved between her legs but her will was gone. She lost consciousness there on the polished stones stroking herself as every female she ever met filled her mind. Some begging for her with please and looks others screaming at her in fury and rage as she envisioned them being rapped by her in a violent need to satisfy her calling.

Her dreams were filled with lust, her paws continued to work at her shaft stroking slowly even though unconscious. Images of woman and men alike filled her passionate dreams but she was always tortured by the growing pleasure with no release in sight. Lust and passion radiated from her but when it was reflected back at her from outside her mind reacted. It had been slow at first, small lust as she had tried to release what was pent up. Flashes of another existence within her mind then changing to another mind outside whose curiosity and lust were growing as were aggravation levels. Unconsciously she could feel it but it wasn't until there were more - many more - that the mind realized this was real. She felt a rough surface on her now very sensitive shaft. Her paws were restrained over her head and she was lying on cold hard stone. A few experimental tugs of her shaft had pre dribbling from the tip despite the rough treatment. Her eyes shot open, focusing slowly on the green scaly creature above her as he grunted. He didn't say anything as he stroked her shaft experimentally no words need be exchanged. He could see the haze behind her eyes her tongue lulling out panting and arching in the air as she tried to buck her hips in time with his grip. Lust was heavy and his large knobby shaft was already exposed hanging out before her folds beneath. She could feel it and somewhere in her mind it might have registered that this was an enemy and she was his captive. She should struggle, resist, he meant to rape her and it was something she had not wanted but in this moment with the conflicting worlds being brought together and the lust radiating from the sharpclaw here and the others that were just coming into the tent now each with their loincloths already discarded she wanted nothing more then to be ravished by them all. This the sharpclaw saw and understood in a moments glance as her eyes fixed on him, glossed then looked into the distance. Her head fell to the ground with a far-away expression of pleasure in her eyes that the sharpclaw knew was her submission to his will. Part of him had wished she would have fought as he forced his long hard shaft into her violently. He scowled at the frail creature below him feeling blood from her body causing him to shove harder as if he were cleaving a skull in two. He could feel her shaft starting to twitch as he pounded at her tight folds growling in lust, a lust he meant to satisfy. Aiming the head up so the sticky ropes of her release would rain on her face and open mouth he stroked her violently as he was the first to break in their knew toy. All the while the blue vixen panted and moaned in ecstasy as finally a word broke through the grunts and the moans.
