The Drifter Chapter Two: Desert Junction

Story by Moa on SoFurry

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#2 of The Drifter

The next part of The Drifter. After gaining his freedom, The Drifter arrives in a small town called Desert Junction where a thug named Five-claw has been causing trouble, and gained himself a large bounty. The Drifter aims to get not only the bounty, but also into the pants of a sultry bartender that he met. Will he have success in his goals? Find out next week!

The Drifter Chapter Two: Desert Junction

Well I had my freedom now, something that most people on Artemis didn't have. I was alone though, with no one to talk to or to at least feel their presence out here in the lonesome desert. I had been riding for about three days, sleeping on the side of the road when I was tired, and riding most of the time, trying to put distance between myself and that mine, and that camp. On the fourth day at least eight trucks past me on the road. Each one carrying the spoils of the labor that I had left behind me. On the fifth day, I saw a sign, it listed a town called Desert Junction as being thirty miles ahead of me. It would be a welcome break from the endless desert, and since I imagine that I must need fuel for my bike soon. It may be a time of space travel, but we still need to power everything on land, and gas was still the easiest. Not many people would be willing to drive a car with a fusion reactor in the front.

By the time I came into the town, the sun was almost set. I rode up to a small bar right off the road, parked my bike, and went inside. Immediately, I could hear the drone of some loud music being played on the speakers, but it was almost blocked out by the sounds of a fight between a drunk bear and some lion who looked like he was in charge around here. I didn't want to intervene, so I went up to the bar. The bartender was a woman, a young, thin ocelot. Her shirt was cut low, and it seemed as if her tits would fall out at any moment. She didn't say anything, and just continued to watch the fight at the other end of the bar. Realizing I wouldn't get a drink any time soon, I turned my attention to the fight as well. The drunk bear was clearly loosing, the lion was in a better state for the fight, that was for sure. Eventually the bear went down, and the lion spoke to him. "Beg for your life you pathetic drunk", the lion said. "I'm sorry sir, please don't kill me", the bear replied. The lion simply laughed, drew his magnum, and aimed right between the bears eyes. The bear was clearly in a state of terror, and was about to beg again when the lion shot him. The high caliber shot almost obliterated the bears head, and a lot of his blood and brains had been splattered all over the bar. The lion holstered his gun, and headed out the front door followed by his crew. When it was all over I finally got the bartender's attention. "Who were those guys?", I asked. "Well the dead bear was last nights screw, he was called Randall or something like that, the lion who killed him is Five-claw, a local thug", She replied, "He and his gang have been hitting Desert Junction for awhile, or at least since he came into power, he has one of the biggest bounties on his head around here". "How much?", I asked. "It was five-thousand credits, which is high for this area", she answered, "Why you thinking of going after it?". "Well I could use the cash", I replied. "No chance kid, that's way the hell out of your league, excuse me for a second", she said before she left to the back. I looked at the corpse on the ground, and noticed a pistol tucked into his pants. When no one was looking, I grabbed the gun and tucked it in my own pants.

The bartender returned, and I resumed speaking to her. "So what's you're name?", I asked. "Veronica", she replied. "So Veronica, are you an easy lay or something, because that guy can't be the best in town", I said. "Watch your tongue kid, I might have to kick you outta here with a mouth like that, besides, I bet you aren't that great yourself", she said. "Well why don't we take this somewhere a little more secluded and find out?", I asked. "Tell you what kid, you bring back proof that Five-claw is dead, and you'll get the bounty, and I'll let you fuck me", she said. "Alright, I'll be back by tomorrow night, carrying the body of Five-claw, so you better be ready for me", I said. "Well rumor has it that he and his gang are out in the old quarry, good luck kid, you'll need it", she said as she walked away from me. I got up out of my seat, went out to my bike, and got on and headed out to find where this old quarry might be. Realizing how late it was, I parked outside of a local mechanics shop, and slept next to my bike. In the morning I'd ask the mechanic where the quarry was, and if he'd repair my bike.I fell asleep thinking of that bartender, and of that money.

End of Chapter Two

The Drifter