The New World ( Chapter 2 )

Story by ColesonFox on SoFurry

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#3 of The New World

Sorry for the long delay, family drama and finals coming up so I've been doing a lot of studying. The next chapter is a third done and is going to be a lot longer then these other ones. Hope you enjoy this newest chapter. Also inform me if I should add or remove any tags


Daniel had gotten significantly quieter once we started driving again. The scared worried look he gave Coleson worried him. We drove past the trees that seemed to completely surround us and was doing a good job at hiding whatever horror we had survived. Coleson bit his lip and fiddled with his tail nervously unable to keep still.

"Daniel? Are we almost back to town?" He asked hoping to see whatever happened to his home. Daniel looked back at me and just nodded, no words, only a single nod and that was all. Coleson took that as another bad sign and sunk back into his seat. It wasn't till then that Coleson notice he was only in his boxers. "Daniel. why am I only in my underwear?"

Daniel slowed the car again and stopped next to the entering city limits sign to look back at me. "When you transformed your size must have changed slightly. I'm surprised you didn't notice but your pants were extremely tight and was cutting your blood circulation off. That's why you passed out."

"Oh" Coleson mumbled. That made sense, at least it wasn't for some creepier reason. "Thanks then, guess you saved me twice huh?"

"What do you mean twice?" Daniel asked furrowing his brow and looking at him in confusion.

Sitting up straighter Coleson motioned towards the city sign "With the way you keep looking at the sign and the way you talk about what happened, no matter how vague it is, I can tell something really bad happened. You picking me up probably saved me from something."

Daniel sighed. Looking at the sign again he unlocked the car doors. When Coleson left to leave the car he was stopped by a paw on his shoulder. Staring at Daniel in confusion it scared him how worried Daniel looked. His ears were wilted and his shoulder were slouched.

"Coleson, the only thing I can say is that your not going to be ready for what your about to see. If it gets too much just run back in the car okay?"

Coleson nodded and nervously got out the car. They were parked on a hill so he would be able to see most of the town when he went up the hill a little higher. As the hill was nearing its end he stopped to take a deep shaky breath before taking his last steps up the hill. His initial reaction to what he saw was to run back to the car immediately. He ran back to see Daniel waiting for him and jumped into his arms crying uncontrollably into his shoulder.

"It's going to be okay Coleson, we survived it. I'm sure someone down there made it to."

Daniel stroked the the fox's back trying to soothe him. It had been a few hours since the fox boy had walked up the hill looking full of confidence. It had pained him to see him crumble upon the sight of what was likely his home.There were numerous fires spread out through the small city. Many cars could be seen destroyed and crashed against buildings and other cars. The remains of a plane scattered over some of the larger crumbled buildings, but the worst part were the corpses. Even from up here the body of dozens of half transformed and dead corpse of both human and human hybrids scattered the city. The amount of bodies in the small city had to be in the thousands.

"I'm sorry Cole. You had to see that, and I know it wasn't easy."

Cole raised his small head and sniffed loudly. His paw came up to rub some of the remaining tears away. "There were so many b-bodies." He mumbled, his voice shaking at the end.

Nuzzling his head Daniel brought the Fox into his lap and rocked his small frame slowly.back and forth. It wasn't long before Coleson fell asleep and was murring in his sleep. Daniel smiled and enjoyed the soft rumbling noise coming from the sleeping fox. Standing up carefully he placed Coleson into the back seat to lye down more comfortably. He covered the fox with the brown blanket and sat on the edge of the seat with the door open so the cool air could get in.

"Don't worry Coleson, every things going to be alright." Daniel whispered starring at the sign.

Welcome to Pinetop Arizona.

Enjoy Your Stay!

Daniel shivered against the cold wind. His fur coat didn't do much to help the cold mountain wind. He looked at the warm blanket almost wishing he would use it. Shaking his head he was fine with Coleson using it, he needed it more anyways. Daniel wondered if he could share it, shaking his head he shook the idea away. The blanket was too small. The only way they would both fit was if the fox was in his lap.

He smiled at the thought. It felt wonderful holding him closely, he never felt so protective before and enjoyed the warm feeling he got when he held him. Suddenly a particularly cold wind seemed to slip right threw his fur and straight to the skin causing him to shiver and shake for a moment.


Looking towards Coleson he was surprised to see him still awake. "He must not be as tired as I thought" he mumbled quietly "Yes Cole?"

The fox looked nervous "I-its really cold and I know you must be freezing. We umm.... we would be warmer if we shared the blanket. F-for body heat."

Taking note on the fox's nervousness Daniel put it aside for later "How do you suppose we both fit?"

Under the fox's gray cheeks a red blush could be seen making Daniel smile to himself.

"We umm... I could s-sit in your lap." Quickly he stuttered out "T-that that is if you want to."

"Sounds good." Daniel stepped into the car shutting the door behind him and siting in the far right seat. Coleson sat on his lap resting his head on Daniel's chest before he draped the blanket over the both of them.

Coleson seemed to murr softly whenever he petted his head so Daniel continued his petting and nuzzled the top of his head.

"This was a good idea."

"Yeah." Coleson mumbled tiredly.

Daniel stared at the sign again and shivered, but not from the cold, instead from the worry and from the memory of Coleson's reaction to the city. Pulling Coleson closer Daniel hugged him close. Whatever was going on wasn't going to be easy to handle, but as long as he had this fox with him he felt he could handle it. Starring at the rising chest of the silver fox he thought to himself a terrible thought.

What if Coleson couldn't handle this new world?

The New World ( chapter 1 )

"Your almost there, your almost there, your almost there!" Breathing erratically Coleson's feet blasted through the forest breaking twigs, branches and running straight through any bushes or leaves not stopping for a moment. He was scared. The...

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The New World

No one knows exactly what it was that caused it. The only thing we know, at least as far as were told, is that something exploded outside our atmosphere. The effects had been nearly instantaneous. Anything you were near by merged into the human body...

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