Chapter 2C - Second Chances

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#2 of Runaway

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Option A: Drop the phone, drop the backpack, and take off running. This is way too scary.

Option B: Start running away with the phone and the backpack, calling Justin for help. There's no way you're going to let these bullies have your stuff, but you can't handle this alone.

Option C: Stay where you are and scream for help. It's late at night, but there must be someone around to hear you.

Option D: Hand over the phone and the backpack, beg them not to hurt you. They wouldn't hurt a cub, right?

Voting has closed!

Option B wins by a landslide with 12 votes.

Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of incest and bestiality. If this sort of thing offends you, don't read this story. If this sort of thing interests you, please enjoy.

Chapter 2C - Second Chances

_ You chose Option C: Decide Justin is a little too suspicious and you'd rather wait for the next car. Tell him you're sorry but you're waiting for someone else._

To cast your vote, please comment in the story with the option you choose. If you have a suggestion that's not in the choices, feel free to say that too! After a few days and I feel there have been enough votes, I'll post the next part of the story. I'm not going to involve extreme violence in this story, but remember that not all choices will have a happy ending!


Toby started to get a nervous feeling in his stomach. He looked back over his shoulder at Barkly and then backed away from the car a bit. "You know Mister I, um, I just remembered that I already asked another friend to come pick me up. He'd probably get worried if I wasn't here." Toby lied, looking down at his footpaws. Justin seemed nice enough, but there was just something a little too suspicious about him that made Toby uneasy.

"Ah, I'm really sorry to hear that Toby." the rat frowned a little and put his paws on his hips. "But I wouldn't want anyone to worry. I'll tell you what, I'm going to be around town for a few more days. Do you have a cell phone?" he asked, reaching into his pocket.

Toby shook his head and wrapped his arms around himself as a chill wind blew by. "No, my mom says I'd only use it for games so my parents won't let me have one." he grumbled, kicking at the dust with his long footpaw.

"Well it's your lucky day Kiddo, I happen to have an extra!" the rat reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a shiny black iPawed phone, holding it out toward the young roo.

"Wow, really?" Toby exclaimed, hopping over and reaching for the iPawed. He saw this one on TV, it was the brand new model with voice controls! How neat! When he reached for the phone Justin gently clasped his paw down around Toby's and held him there. Toby's smile turned to a nervous expression as he looked up at the rat.

Justin leaned forward and spoke softly, "Now Toby, my number is pre-programmed into this phone on speed dial. If you change your mind, or if you get in any kind of trouble, you call me, okay?" Justin got down on one knee and gave a warm smile. "You seem like a good kid, I just want to be sure you're taken care of, okay?" Toby nodded and Justin pulled his paws away, letting go of Toby and the phone. He stood back up and padded back to the driver's side of the car. "The club is a lot of fun, I'm sure you'd have a great time. Remember, call me kiddo!" he smiled and flashed his silver tooth again, ducking into his car and shutting the door.

Toby watched as the red tail lights faded down the highway. He wasn't quite sure what to think of Justin, but he decided that right now the risk just wasn't worth it. Looking down at the phone, he noticed that the background was Super Roo, his favorite action hero! Super Roo always protected the innocent and defeated the bad guys. Justin wasn't a roo, but maybe he knew who Super Roo was? Wow, that'd be someone great to meet! At any rate, it was really cool that Justin liked the same super hero that he did. Toby gave a smile and swept his tail happily, leaning back against it as he started flipping through the phone to see what games there were.

Distracted by the phone, he didn't even notice when a van pulled up and stopped a little ways up on the ramp. He perked his ears when the side door slid open and he saw two figures walking toward him. It was too dark to make out any details, but the one on the left was skinny and lanky. He walked with a peculiar sway in his step and he appeared the be holding something long over his shoulder. The one on the right was a bit shorter but broad shouldered and barrel chested. It looked like he was holding a bottle of something in his paw. Curious, Toby waited to see who they were.

As they walked closer, the moon came out from behind the clouds and Toby could see them a little better. The skinny one was a brown weasel. His hair was messy, even torn out in a few spots, and he was wearing ripped blue jeans and an oil stained white t-shirt. The object over his shoulder looked like a metal baseball bat. The bigger one was a black bear, wearing a pair of overalls that exposed his hairy chest and huge arms. It was hard to tell how much was fat and how much was muscle, but either way he was big. The bottle he was carrying must have been beer or liquor, because he took another swig from it as they approached and then throw it away against the rocks. The bottle shattered and the bear let out a loud burp, which made the weasel chuckle in response.

"Heh heh, hey there little'un, is that one'a them iPawed phones ya got there?" the weasel cackled, his voice was strained and high pitched, like someone was stepping on his tail.

"I think it is Duke, an he's got a backpack too." the bear answered, pointing at the roo. His voice was low and coarse, though he seemed to have a bit of a lisp.

"Don't use my real name Dummy!" the weasel jabbed the bear in the side, who gave an 'Ooph' sound and stumbled a bit. "Come here lil' joey, we just wanna see yer toy there!"

Toby was frozen in his tracks. He was scared and his heart was beating fast, clutching the phone tightly in his paws. The weasel and the bear stepped closer, and the weasel began swinging the bat around back and forth by his legs, dragging it against the ground with a metallic scrape. The two men stepped briefly under a street light and Toby got a good look at their faces. Several of the weasel's teeth were missing, and those that remained were cracked or rotten. There was dried blood in a stream from his nose down to the collar of his shirt where some had collected, and his eyes were dark yellow orbs sunken in to his face. The left one would twitch a bit whenever he sniffed at the air. The bear wasn't much better, his face was pudgy and rough; it didn't look like he ever cleaned his fur. He had more teeth than the weasel, but they were stained dark yellow and brown. His dull brown eyes seemed vacant and they tended to wander a bit as he walked, unable to focus on anything in particular. The pair stopped just a few feet away and the weasel grinned, lifting the bat up to his shoulder.

Where was Super Roo when you needed him?


Option A: Drop the phone, drop the backpack, and take off running. This is way too scary.

Option B: Start running away with the phone and the backpack, calling Justin for help. There's no way you're going to let these bullies have your stuff, but you can't handle this alone.

Option C: Stay where you are and scream for help. It's late at night, but there must be someone around to hear you.

Option D: Hand over the phone and the backpack, beg them not to hurt you. They wouldn't hurt a cub, right?

Chapter 1 - The Escape

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and may contain themes of...

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Just Like the Big Men

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of...

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Just Like the Big Boys

**Disclaimer: All characters appearing in this work are fictitious. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story contains a purely fictional relationship between an adult and a minor and contains themes of...

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