The Drifter Chapter Three: The Bounty

Story by Moa on SoFurry

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#3 of The Drifter

Following his sexual desires, the Drifter foolishly heads off to kill a local gang leader. Little did he know that he would have his work cut out for him in this small little town. Action, excitement, and more await in this chapter of The Drifter

The Drifter Chapter Three: The Bounty

So there I was, overlooking the quarry outside of town. I could only wonder what had got me into this fucking mess. Then I remembered it was a woman. To think, Sergei was willing to fuck without sending me on some suicide mission into a hole into the earth in the middle of this godforsaken desert. I had nothing in terms of body armor. I was still wearing the white tank top that I wore under my orange prisoners jacket. I had the jacket tied around my waist, and I still had my orange prison pants, and the brown work boots. I hadn't thought to get a change of clothes or anything. The other problem was the pistol I lifted from the dead guy back in the bar. It was an old one, a revolver, which as I'd heard in the past weren't so common nowadays. Apparently the revolver designs, while still used in private gun sales, the military, and private armies used automatic weapons, so it was strange to find any revolver based weapons on Artemis. It being a revolver wasn't a problem though, it was the fact that I only had five bullets. That wouldn't do, because as far as I could tell, there were way more than five guys in this gang. Fuck.

I had been hiding behind a rock for an hour, trying my hardest to come up with a plan of attack. The stub of my tail began to itch, and I reached back to scratch it when I heard an engine. It was louder than my bike, and was getting louder. I ducked out of site and watched as a truck with a huge gun mounted on the back approached. I assumed it was one of those technicals that I had over heard guards talk about in the past. Whatever the case, I didn't want to be seen. As the technical came closer, I saw it start to brake right in front of my rock. Fuck. Thinking I had been seen I readied my gun. Best case scenario: I kill the three guys from the truck, take their guns, and fight my way down and kill everyone in sight. Worst case scenario: The guy on the big gun tears me to pieces and I die after four days of freedom. I waited for them to move to my position, but only one of them got out. I heard his foot steps in the dirt as he came near me. He stopped walking, and just as I was about to jump out in front of him, I hear him undoing his belt. Next thing I know, the tip of his dick is only a few inches from my face. He starts pissing, right in front of me, and I can feel some splattering me. As his flow finally finishes, I hear his pants go back up, the belt get re-fastened, and him turning around. Now was my chance. Stepping from cover, I took aim at the gunner, fired, and hit him right in the head. Following that the other two thugs began to turn toward me in shock. I pivoted on my left foot, lined up a shot with the driver of the technical, fired, and hit him in the head as well, then I adjusted my aim to the guy that pissed in front of me, and fired and hit him in the spine. After he hit the ground I went over to him to see if he was alive; after confirming his being alive, I fired off another shot into the back of his head, then grabbed his rifle. I ran to the other bodies, and grabbed their weapons as well, then threw the corpse of the driver out of the truck and climbed behind the wheel.

The truck started instantly, and I got it going down the road into the quarry. After a couple turns, I was nearing the bottom. I gained speed for the last few turns toward the bottom, and as the road smoothed out into the quarry floor, I did a sharp turn while braking, putting the side of the technical towards the gang. Before it came to a stop, the technical hit one of the thugs, and I heard him go under the wheels. Before the rest of the gang could react, I opened the passenger door, and jumped out. I heard them open fire, and heard the sound of the bullets hitting the sides of the truck. One of the wheels had been hit as well, and heard the hiss of air escaping it. I released the safety on the stolen rifle, and leaned around the side of the truck, and fired on the nearest thug. I saw him go down right before another hail of bullets came. Again, I leaned around and fired at another thug, and saw him go down. After I had killed four of the thugs, their gunfire stopped. I checked my ammo, and found I only had five bullets left; I guess five isn't my lucky number. I put the cartridge back into the rifle and moved toward the front of the truck. I was about to try something risky, and my aim would be the only factor determining my survival. Gathering all my courage, I made a leap over the hood of the car, aiming down the sights of the rifle, I released the first bullet, and took down a thug, I released the second and watched another drop, the third bullet found its target, as did the fourth, finally the fifth found the last thugs eye, and he died as well. I checked each body for ammo before continuing to the small building in the center of the area, which I assumed was Five-claw's place.

I kicked the door down, and found myself facing a stair case leading to another door. I walked down the stairs, and kicked that door open, only to reveal a hallway with another door. It was a wonder that this guy didn't hear the gunfire. I could hear muffled music, and a woman screaming in pleasure. So as it turns out, while I slaughtered all of Five-claw's men, he was down here boning some slut. I readied my gun, and kicked down the last door and was greeted with a woman's scream and Five-claw yelling "What the fuck!". I aimed at Five-claw, and the woman, jumped off of his dick in a second, and moved to cover her tits. Five-claw laid there with his still erect cock in the air, and looked unfazed by the gun aimed at his face. At that moment, the woman ran past me, and hit my arm, which knocked my aim off. Then I felt Five-claw tackle me to the ground, and kick the gun away.

"So, someone else come to kill me", he said "Well what is it this time, Epsilon, Bounty Hunter, or another gang?". "Bounty Hunter", I said back to him. I looked up to see his cock, and what a fine cock it was too. It was about six-inches long, and it was dripping with precum. I felt myself get sprung, and given that my pants were quite baggy, Five-claw noticed it too. "Ha, does this turn the bounty hunter on?", he asked while firmly grabbing his dick with his left hand. "Come have a taste", he said. He then grabbed my had and began bringing it to his cock. I didn't want to resist, but I had too. I was about to kill this motherfucker, not pleasure him. With my hands, I felt around for something to use. That's when I looked up again and saw a knife on his waist. I made it seem as if I was grabbing for his cock, then when he wasn't fully aware, I grabbed the knife from its sheath, and stabbed him right in the gut with it. He reeled back, and as he did I went for the gun on the other side of the room. I grabbed it, switched the safety off, and fired once into his chest. Once he hit the ground, I grabbed his tail, and started dragging his body back to the truck. With all my strength, I lifted him over my shoulder, and threw him in the back on the truck. I got in the drivers side, and headed back into the town to the bar.

I walked inside and asked about the bartender from last night. The daytime bartender told me that her shift wasn't till a bit later, then asked me why I needed to see her. I explained about the bounty, and asked if there was any other way to turn it in. He then explained that since the town was small, it didn't have a mayor, lawman, or bounty office. Since those luxuries weren't there, it was handled in the bar. Seemed fair to me. I told the guy I'd be right back, and returned a second later with the dead Five-claw. I put him in a corner, and took up one of the benches on near the corner. I laid back, and felt sleep take over. Before I was out I looked at the bartender again, a fox, he was average height, looked strong, and he had piercing blue eyes. He was kind of cute. I wonder what he went for. I then drifted off to sleep, and waited for that other bartender to arrive.

End of Chapter Three

The Drifter