Mak 4

Story by Afril on SoFurry

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Mak and Temir deepen their relationship

Mak 4 - October 13, 2013 M/M, Oral/Anal/Rimming/Teasing, Angst Rabbit/Wolf

Revision 1 - Chaos gives me such good ideas...

Mak stared at the clock, sighing... Would this day never end? The bathroom was a bust - Not even so much as a sheath had peeked through the door since his tryst with the human. Arrrgh! He forced himself to calm down. Just because the report was way too long. Just because it said the same damn thing 3 times over, didn't mean he could crumple it and slam it into the wastebasket - And even if he did, there was always another copy (with revisions) a printer away. The human wasn't available again until next week. His woof was visiting a sick relative, and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. He thought about going down to the bathroom, stripping and dancing in front of the mirrors... But it wasn't as much fun when there wasn't someone else around. Besides, he already did it. Twice... And the full-length mirror in his apartment showed off a lot more of his hot body.

'Winning strategies in trending futures aimed towards operational goals.' He wasn't going to rip the damn thing into shreds and make it rain confetti. He wasn't going to do a war-dance on it, piss on it and stuff it up someone's ass... Actually, that sounded like fun. If you wanted to know what was 'trending', read the damn newspaper! He glanced up again - Wha? The clock was dead. No, he was dead and doomed to spend eternity filing reports and filling out spreadsheets that would never be read...


Grap! He thought of how many ways he could blow the damn building up. What it would be like to rip his clothes off and streak down the hallways - Someone else already had. For a female, she had a cute butt too. He sipped on his soda - If it wasn't for caffeine and cock he would probably have joined a hermitage long ago. Initial here and here and here... Sign that you initialed in the correct places. Toss the whole pile in the out-box. *Sigh* Next, he would be thinking about raping the mail-boy. Somebody should... The poor cheetah barely had an ass to show off. And the way he hugged that mail-cart, you knew he was hiding a semi-permanent erection. Some Junior Exec should grab his spotted tail, yank him into a corner office and give him an 'evaluation.'

Gods - That sounded way too much like a bad porn vid. 'The hot cheetah boy and the oversexed rabbit have an office bromance.' Mak slapped both hands over his muzzle to keep from howling. 'Their illicit love is discovered by a hunky security guard, who blackmails them into a 3-way.' Hells! He was sure he had had rented that vid at least once before... Dammit clock! It was the last day of the work-week. He wanted to get his furry ass home and change so he could go cruising the bar for something male - Unless... First he called a certain shop. Yes, they had that item in stock. Then he called Temir, promising his love-woof he had something special planned for when the male showed up the next evening.

The clock started ticking like normal. His soda wasn't bad, but could use some ice. Now if this damn report wasn't so crappy, he could enjoy the rest of his day.

* * * *

Temir sighed. He was worn out from all the traveling. All he wanted was a warm bath, a beer and a bed. But he had promised Mak he would come by. He shook his head, grinning as he padded up to the rabbit's door. If he asked, the male would give him a massage, followed by a blow-job that would make him forget all about everything! And wake him the same way the next morning. Urf... The wolf went over in his mind what he had told the bunny - He wanted to be more than just a once-a-week/every other week's-end lover. And that he wanted to... Explore their relationship a bit more. He missed the cute male when they weren't together. He liked waking to the feeling of a warm body against his. A hand sliding over his hip, squeezing his rump, the sexy butt wriggling in his crotch, before Mak rolled over and kissed him. He could easily fall in love with the rabbit - If he wasn't so... Enthusiastic. But then he wouldn't be Mak.

The wolf wasn't ready to move in - Yet. And if the rabbit had other males - Gods he hoped so! He wouldn't last a month being Mak's only lover. He was a little curious and more than a little afraid of what lay on the other side of the door, but he rang the bell anyway...

"Come in."

He opened his muzzle to say something... And left it hanging as he came into a room lit only by candles. Standing in the flickering light was a dream - A brown male rabbit, dressed in what could best be described as a harem outfit - Silk veils that hid nothing, yet accentuated everything. The sexy hips, the flat chest with it's pink nipples. The low-slung balls and short sheath. The so achingly hot long legs, one of them bent towards him, painted toe-nails glimmering. Warm, brown eyes stared at him over yet another veil as the male swayed up to him.

"Thirsty, Master?"

One hand pressed a cold bottle into his numb hand, the other swept his tail out of the way, shutting the door - Not that it mattered. Mak knew the neighbors would have their ears pressed against the wall, trying to hear what the bunny was doing to his lover This time. The 'looks' he got when he went out to get the morning paper, the cut-short whispers when he walked into the laundry room. He always complimented the ladies on whatever they were wearing, and they *blushed*, and *giggled*... And of course chatted on who was doing who - For now anyway. Most of them changed partners more than he did! Making sure the wolf had a firm hold of the beer, he pulled the male in by his necktie, managing to rub himself against the gasping wolf very erotically.

Temir took a quick gulp of his beer, then he had to exchange hands as his coat was lifted off, and taken away. The rabbit returned, sans the face-veil and pulling him down, kissed him deeply, hungrily, all the while a silk-clad thigh rubbed his erection. Gods! The tie was loosened enough to be pulled over his head, and tossed someplace in the direction of the couch. One by one his shirt buttons came undone, the male sliding it open enough to expose the gray-furred chest. The wolf moaned as a pink tongue slid across one of his nipples, fingers teasing the other. He somehow shrugged off the shirt, letting it fall behind him. The brown muzzle moved lower, kissing his heaving belly, fingers trailing fire across his sides, to rest on his hips. He hadn't done much 'role-playing', so when the male rubbed that sexy face across his crotch, he whined...

"Mak... If you keep that up, I am going to cum in my pants..."

Brown eyes stared up at him, as fingers deftly undid the snap, pulling the zipper down. "Cum doesn't belong in Master's pants..."

A quick tug slid the cloth down to puddle around his feet.

"Cum belongs inside Master's bunny."

Hands grabbed his ass, squeezing the furry mounds, fingers massaging the wolf as the male dipped his head, engulfing half of the straining dog-cock in a single gulp.

If Temir could have screamed he would have - But he was too busy trying to breathe. One hand held the beer bottle in a death-grip. The other held the back of the rabbit's head, as stars exploded in the dark room. Semen blasted into the hungry male's muzzle, a soft tongue cradling the throbbing shaft, teasing it every now and again so it jetted another ropy wad for the male to enjoy. The wolf rode the waves of orgasm until the only thing holding him up were the hands on his butt. Somehow, he slid back into his body, gulping the rest of the brew, belching.

"Sorry..." he panted, moaning as the bunny giggled, licking on his knot, keeping his dick erect and dripping. First the shirt made of air slid slowly off the male. Then the pants, going with a cute butt-wriggle that made Temir's muzzle go dry. A deep kiss got him panting again while slow, teasing caresses on his throbbing dog-meat made him whine... With a wicked gleam in his eye, Mak turned around, sliding one long leg against the shuddering wolf's, rubbing a cheek along the dripping head.

"Gods, Mak... Don't do that... I am going to cum all over you."

The rabbit looked over his shoulder at his lover.

"I have been such a naughty bunny..." he wriggled his butt against the wolf's crotch, who was gasping and panting like an overworked steam-engine. "Maybe I should be..." he stepped away, putting one of the shaking hands on his naked rear, pressing it in firmly, making the fingers grip his cheek in reflex.

"... Spanked?"

Temir moaned loud enough to make the windows shake, squeezing the so hot rabbit-ass... In his mind he could see the bunny lying on the bed, butt pushed up, waiting the next slap of his hand against the firm, furred mounds. And each rough smack wold bring a moan, a grunt... A gasp. And when he caressed the warmed buns, Mak would beg for just one more swat. It was a good thing the bottle was empty because Temir dropped it, as the male teased his erection, slipping it between the firm cheeks. The long legs moved up and down, working the trapped meat-stick, making it spit pre into the furry valley.

"Mak... Gods!"

The long ears caressed his face, as the other hand joined it's partner on his butt, squeezing gently.

"Mmmmmm... Would Master like his rabbit collared, and kneeling at his feet, licking his big ball-sack?"

The sexy male ground his rump into the panting wolf's crotch, feeling the knobs press against his skin. Just a few more caresses and the woof would be cumming all over the place.

"Or would Master prefer his bunny be lying on the bed with his ass in the air for Master's pleasure?"

Rub, rub, *squeeze*. Rub, rub, *squeeze*.

"Maybe Master will shove his rabbit onto the kitchen table, toss these long legs over his shoulders and take him roughly before we have to trot off to work, your muzzle on mine to keep the neighbors from hearing my screams, as you make me walk funny all morning."

Temir let out a half-strangled howl, the sight of Mak in that harem outfit burned into his memory... At least until the lights went out. He half-fell over the startled male, sliding bonelessly to the floor, out-cold.

Mak shook his head as he stared at the woof. "No spankies? Awww...."

He lifting his lover up, tossing the pants off to one side with a foot, managing to drag the mostly limp body down the hall and into the bed. He stroked the only thing that wasn't limp on the canine, kissing the dripping tip, as it slid back into it's furry holder. That was ok - It would come out to play tomorrow. He giggled and got up, making sure the candles were out, snagging Temir's clothing as well as his own - What there was of it. The bottle got tossed into the recycle bin, another following as the rabbit downed a cold one. He returned to the bed, looking at his sexy woof. He leaned over, caressing the full nut-sack, kissing it. Then he slid beside the male, smiling as arms tugged him closer, a kiss getting a soft sigh from the wolf.

He shook his head. About 2am, the mutt would crawl over him, and head for the bathroom, returning a few minutes later with a hard-on. Which he would have to carefully work on so the idiot didn't get knot-bound. Then he would slide down, shoving his butt in the wolf's face while he kept the throbbing length wet in his muzzle. The male would grunt and growl and chew on his rump while he sucked softly on his lover. And they would stay that way until it got soft enough to slip back into it's holder.

"Maybe I should spank You, hmmmm?" got a whine and a tail-thump as he patted the cute wolf-butt.

* * * *

They stood in the hallway. The cute leaf-shaped tail wagged against his over-heated flesh, a hand slipping the dripping head down so it kissed the puckered hole. Mak stood, pressing the strong back into his chest and belly, a long sexy leg twining across his, toes playing with the top of his foot. The other hand combed his butt-fur, squeezing him, pushing him forward... As the ring of muscle parted, allowing his straining wolf-cock to slip inside the too-hot male's tight back-passage, the poor woof moaned loudly, hugging the sexy male tightly, his hips bucking as he pounded his cock into the tight-assed rabbit. His nostrils filled with the scent of rut, his hands somehow unclenched long enough to grip the throbbing maleness that jutted so nicely between his lover's legs. He was a little rough in his strokes, but the bunny didn't seem to mind.

Pants and grunts and moans filled the room, a possessive growl being followed by the *pop* of a knot being forcefully shoved into a tight tail-hole. They slowly fell onto the carpet, cum splattering the rug as they moved to lie on their sides. Temir nibbled on the long ears, making the rabbit giggle and moan and pump a few more jets of seed into his fur, while his butt squeezed the throbbing cock deep inside him.

"That was a good one, Love..."

The bunny turned his head and Stared at the wolf.

"Lover! I meant Lover...."

With a sad smile, the male slowly vanished, leaving Temir standing in the middle of nothing, alone. He fell to his knees, crying for his lost love.

* * * *

The rabbit awoke to find a pair of hands gripping his ass firmly. Mmmmm - Now that was more like... It? The male clung to him, shuddering as he caressed the wolf's face.

"It's ok, Lover... I am here."

The tremors subsided and the male seemed to relax. The amber eyes opened, and the woof *blushed*, then murred as Mak kissed the male. He grinned and pushed his rump back against the male's fingers.

"I think somebody liked the costume I wore last night... Or did you prefer me naked and kneeling at your feet?"


Temir's canine cock exploded out of it's holder, his knobs popping out and swelling as a leg teased it into full hardness. "Breakfast then sex? Sex, then breakfast? Or would you like to fuck me in the shower and then I can feed you while you are tied to me..."

The wolf moaned. "Could we just... Snuggle?"

Mak nodded, kissing the male's cheek, making it turn crimson. "If that is what you want, Lover."

The woof sighed, relaxing... Then stiffened as a hand trailed down his back to play with his butt. A hot fleshy pole rubbed against his, smearing sticky pre on them both. Toe-claws combed his calf-fur, as a wriggly nose touched his, making him laugh softly.

"You... You called me 'Lover'."

The rabbit grinned and kissed the wolf again. "That is what we are..."

Echoes of his dream still haunting him, Temir clung to the furry male. He tried to stifle a chuckle as a snippet of 'I don't know how to love him', played in his head. Then he moaned as a naughty finger played with his tail-base, making it plume up. A thought made him blush.

"Mak... Could you... Possibly... Someday... Maybe... Put your dick in my butt?"

Brown eyes stared into his amber ones. "Only if you want me to."

The finger teased the pink ring of muscle hiding under the wolf's tail. Touching, caressing, tapping it so it flexed against the intruder. Then the rabbit vanished for a moment...

Temir dug his fingers into the bed as the finger was replaced by a soft tongue that wriggled and wormed into his back-passage.

"How about tonight? That way we can go slowly and do it more than once if you like it... And you can have all day tomorrow to rest up."

Hot lips teased his anus, followed by a tongue slipping wetly inside, driving the poor male insane. Of course they could do it tonight. Of course he would like to do it more than once - Hells, right now he would say yes to dressing up like a chicken and sitting on the bunny's 'eggs' if that is what Mak wanted!

He glanced at the clock - Damn! They barely had enough time to fool around in the shower before devouring a quick breakfast and catching the bus... Not that it mattered - Mak could get him off in less than a minute with that so wonderful tongue of his.

"Love, we really have to get ready for work..."

He winced at the slip. Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

The rabbit slid over him, and whispered in his ear, "Love?"

Fingers teased his nipples, while a hot, slightly pointed cock-head nudged against his anus, leaking pre all over it, some dribbling inside as it pushed it's way in just enough for the wolf to feel it. Oh Creator Gods! There was pain, but it was washed away by the waves of need, of sheer desire that made him shudder. Call in sick! Tell them... He had an ass full of rabbit-cock and would be too sore to come in today?

Laughter exploded out of the wolf as he gripped the sheets, waiting for the push. The feeling of the maleness breaching his defenses, sliding deep inside him. He whined when the penis withdrew, before he was gently turned over. Firm hands gripped his head, the warm brown eyes looking into his.

"Love..." the bunny repeated, kissing him with such lust that his eyes rolled up and for the second time since he came into the apartment, Temir fainted.

Mak chuckled and squatted over the wolf, rubbing the hard dog-meat against his ass.

"Love, huh..." he mused as he touched the dark nose with a finger. Mak loved the woof's big cock. He loved the firm chest he caressed, the warm belly his balls rubbed against. He turned, impaling himself on the hard maleness, grunting as it slid all the way in to the knobs. He wriggled his hips, getting a soft moan from the wolf, arms coming up to grip him. Sure he could love the male - At least until Temir found someone else. They always did. But then again, so did Mak. Falling in love was easy. Staying in love was next to impossible. He squeezed the throbbing monster inside him, feeling it dribble pre, warming his insides.

"You forgot it's a holiday. And I have three whole days to seduce you in every way I can - Love."

The arms tightened around him as the male whined softly, legs coming up to wrap around his, trapping the rabbit against the wolf. He wriggled his hips again, pushing down until with a yelp and a *pop*, the knot pushed it's way in. Mustn't let it get dry... Pre spurted into Mak as he squeezed the cock, caressing the silly woof's face. Mmmmm - Now this was the way to wake up!

The End