I Love You, Forever (Part 1)

Story by C-PRIME on SoFurry

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Part 1 of 3

This is the story of a male squirrel named Bradley and his love for his twin sister Alicia. On the night before his sister's wedding, Bradley thinks back to all of the times he's shared with his sister, including the time where he got his first sexual experience (which continues into Part 2).

I Love You, forever! (Part 1) Squirrel Couple (Brother/Sister)

On the night before my twin sister's wedding day, I looked at a picture of the two of us together at Six Flags back when we were 10 years old and think about how much I care about my twin sister. Ever since we came into the world, sis and I had always been close to each other and it remained that way well into high school before she finally found her future husband. She was getting married to a brown and white male rabbit, who seemed to have a lot of love for my sister and seemed to care a lot about her, so I felt that she would be in good hands. Although, part of me couldn't help feeling a bit jealous of their relationship as well. You see, my sister and I were a lot closer to each other than most twins ever got. It didn't start out that way when we were young, but we eventually grew into it as we became older. There was one evening in particular that my sister and I discovered our true feelings for each other.

Sis and I were 14 years old when it happened. Mom and Dad were going out together for the evening, leaving my sister and I home alone. It was a Friday night, so we didn't have to worry about going back to school for a couple of days. It was the first time that we had been left alone in the house for the night as our parents expected us to behave ourselves while they were gone. Of course, we didn't have much else to do around the house while they were away, so my sister and I decided to use the money they gave us to order a pizza and watch some movies on the TV.

Things seemed to go normally for the first couple hours as we watched a movie together and had dinner. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary at that time. However, once the first movie ended, I watched my sister get up from the couch and head over to the cabinet where the DVD collection was. "What should we watch next?", I remember her asking as she looked in the cabinet underneath the TV screen. Of course, with her down on her hands and knees, I inadvertently had peeked at her from behind. Even though my sister was wearing a pair of jeans, they were rather revealing on her body, showing that she had a rather cute tush. Her blonde and fluffy tail also caught my attention, moving a little from side-to-side as I watched her sift through the DVD collection.

Even though she was my sister, I couldn't help feeling turned on a bit by what I saw and felt an erection beginning to grow inside my pants. I was at that stage in my life where it was rather easy for me to get turned on sexually and I had masturbated towards the thoughts of other females several times in the past. However, this was a different feeling I had. I felt somewhat weird for thinking of my sister like this and I didn't want her to find out what was happening to me. As a result, I grabbed a nearby pillow and placed it on my crotch while desperately trying to take my mind off of my sister's butt.

I tried to think about what happened the summer before when great-grandma had come to visit us for the weekend. I remember how one evening I had to use the bathroom so bad that I ran inside of it while great-grandma was in the shower, seeing how old and creepy-looking her naked body was to me. In fact, it was so terrifying that I wasn't able to use the main bathroom for days after seeing that. I figured that it would surely kill my erection as I remembered that day where she pulled back the shower curtain and saw me inside the bathroom. However, this time around, I had a different vision. When the shower curtain opened up, I saw my blonde-furred, red-haired sister in the shower...completely naked with her "C"-cup breasts showing and her blue eyes staring at me. That was when I remembered that I had also seen my sister naked before as well...unintentionally.

Needless to say, this thought didn't kill my erection. Instead, it made it grow even stronger as I started to feel a warm spot developing in my pants. My shaft throbbed intensely inside my pants, reacting to the sexy thoughts in my mind as I tried to resist, but felt the pressure to go into the bathroom and get off growing more intense by the second. Then I had another vision, one that was even sexier than the first one. Inside my mind, I thought about what it would be like to be in bed with my sister, actually having sex with her and enjoying her lovely body. This made my cock pulsate very strongly and I felt a spurting sensation come from the tip, soaking into my jeans.

"Oh my god, I can't take this any longer!", I thought to myself as I sprinted from the couch and darted for the main bathroom, locking the door and hopping in the bathtub. I turned the water on, starting to fill the tub with warm water while I placed one of my hands down on my erect cock and began to move it up and down slowly. I felt a bit conflicted at that moment. On one hand, the thoughts of my sister's nudity did turn me on. However, at the same time, I felt that I couldn't possibly do it with her since she was my sister. Even if I admitted to her that she made me feel horny, it was unlikely that she'd want to have sex with me.

While I was in the tub, rubbing my shaft to the thoughts of my sister, I heard her knocking on the bathroom door. "Is everything alright in there? I saw you run off from the living room and thought you might need some help", she asked curiously as I blushed and let go of my penis for a second.

"Everything's alright, Alicia. I'll be out in a few minutes", I told my sister before returning to the task at hand, figuring that if I got off that my sexual thoughts for her might go away. Of course, I never told her that she made me feel horny and that I was masturbating to her, I don't know what she'd have to say about it if she found out about that.

Gradually, I let the tub fill up to where it was over my body and kept rubbing my squirrel cock until I felt the self-pleasure grow to the point where it made my seed spurt into the warm water around me, leaving a cloud of it there. Once I had released my sperm, I felt better. The throbbing in my cock eased and it was starting to soften already as all thoughts about Alicia seemed to return to normal. "Mmm...that's better", I moaned happily after getting off, stepping out of the tub to dry off before returning to the living room where Alicia was waiting for me.

"So, who's the girl?", she commented to me in a playful tone when I came back into the living room, making me blush a little bit.

"Girl, what girl? I don't know what you're talking about!", I answered sheepishly but it seemed as if Alicia knew what I was doing in the bathroom.

"Come on now, there's no need to be shy about it. It's not like I know what you do in bed sometimes at night, I've heard you moaning with pleasure from my room on several occasions", she added. "You can tell me the truth, Bradley. I promise I'll just keep it between the two of us", she continued as I sat back down and shook my head. There was no way I could tell Alicia that I was thinking about her when I let my seed fly just a few moments ago, what would she say or do to me if she knew the truth?

I simply decided to play shy and covered my face with my tan-colored tail. "It's alright Bradley...if you're too shy to tell me, you don't have to do it right now", she answered softly while placing an arm around me from behind. "Anyway, while you were in the shower, I picked out another DVD for us to watch. I hope you don't mind that I chose it without you", she added as I shook my head and tried to get my mind back on movies, watching as Alicia started the next movie. What I saw next took me by complete surprise.

I watched the TV screen as Alicia appeared on it, dressed in only her purple and white spotted bikini. Apparently, she must've borrowed mom and dad's video camera and made a DVD of her own. "Hi Bradley...if you're watching this DVD, it means that either you found it by accident or I finally decided to tell you how I really feel about you. Either way, I think it's about time you found out anyway", Alicia told me on-screen as I felt her tail suddenly wrap around me from behind.

"You see, ever since we were little, you've always been my favorite brother. Of course, you're also my only brother, but that's beside the point. I've always loved you deep down and you've always been my favorite playmate when we were little kids. However, now that we're older, I come to realize how attractive you are to me and that in combination with the way I've felt about you all these years has made me feel...well...interested in you in other ways", Alicia told me on the TV screen as my eyes lit up and my mouth opened wide.

"I don't know if you feel the same way about me as I do about you, so I want you to decide for yourself. I know how horny you can get sometimes at night and I've often heard you masturbating, even when you've thought that no one could see or hear you. Well, as surprising as it might sound, I do it too...but when I do it, my thoughts have all been about you. So, I'm going to put on a show for my favorite brother to let you see just how much I truly love you. Feel free to watch it anytime you feel a sexual urge in your body if you wish. Of course, if you're watching this while I'm here with you, feel free to tell me what you feel about me. I'll give you a few moments to think it over", the on-screen version of my sister explained before fading to black as Alicia paused the movie.

All of a sudden, her tail and arm hugged me tight, bringing me towards her body as Alicia's nuzzle touched the side of mine. "So...what do you think Bradley?", she asked in a soft tone, brushing her soft nuzzle against my own as I blushed intensely and felt my shaft stiffen. I couldn't believe Alicia would feel this way for me, I always figured that our relationship (while close) was only that of a typical brother/sister pairing. Nevertheless, because she admitted that she was interested in me and that I had just masturbated to her, I felt a bit curious.

"Did you mean what you said about me, sis? Do you really think I'm attractive?", I asked her curiously as she nuzzled against me softly and reached down to touch my pants.

"I did...I've felt attracted to you sexually for a few years now. I've been curious about what you've been hiding underneath these pants of yours and have felt the urge to play with my twin brother in a different way", Alicia explained as I felt her reach into my pants and touch my growing erection on the inside. "By the way, you were masturbating to me in the bathtub a little bit ago, weren't you?", she asked in a soft tone as I began to blush vividly and stammer. But then I felt her kiss my cheek and rub her nose against it. "It's alright Bradley, it's perfectly natural to feel sexually attracted to a girl you like...even if she happens to be your sister. Honestly, I'm glad to know that you find me attractive, that means there's hope that we can express our feelings in another way", she mentioned.

"Which way would that be?", I asked curiously as Alicia smiled and suddenly climbed onto my lap, touching her nose against my own and looking into my blue eyes with hers.

"By having sex, of course. Think about it...you feel attracted to me and I feel attracted to you. Wouldn't it be natural for the two of us to get together and feel the touch of our warm bodies as we do it?", she asked in a playful manner as the erection in my pants became very stiff and I began to sweat. Her proposal definitely interested me, but there was still one thing that bothered me.

"I want to...but we're brother and sister. Wouldn't that be a little...odd?", I asked in response to Alicia's comment.

She rubbed her nose against mine and held me tight. "What's so odd about a sister showing how much she loves her twin brother? Besides, it wouldn't be the first time I've done it with a family member. Dad showed me what having sex felt like a few years ago when I was curious to learn about it. However, that was just out of curiousity...my feelings for you are pure and real", Alicia softly commented before she did something else that stunned me. She kissed me on my lips.

It was the first time in my life that a girl has ever kissed me on the lips, and it felt surprisingly good to me. Maybe Alicia had a point about what she told me. Maybe it was OK to have the same kind of love for her as I had hoped to find in the future with another female. "So, how 'bout it Bradley...do you want to give it a try?", she asked after the kiss, stimulating my curiousity a little more. "I have a small box of condoms in my bedroom that I've been saving for you, just in case you and I got to this point", she added as I felt my length pulsate very strongly inside my pants and fresh precum leak out of it.

"Well, I suppose we could give it a try", I answered curiously as Alicia smiled and then got up from my lap, walking over to turn the TV screen off. Afterwards, she turned back around towards me and looked at my body with her blue eyes.

"Go ahead and take your pants off for me. Let me see what you've got underneath them", she commented playfully as I did as my sister asked and lowered my pants past my knees. Then, I removed my boxers, letting my erection spring upward for Alicia to see. I was already sexually mature at 14 years old, having an 8" long penis that was thicker than average and had a golfball-sized tip. "Wow...you really are interested in me!", Alicia commented eagerly right before I saw her remove her shirt, exposing her white bra underneath. "Why don't you rub it a little bit for me to keep it hard while I get ready for you", she suggested as I followed her advice and started to gently rub it, trying hard not to go into full masturbation mode while I saw Alicia slip out of her pants, revealing her panties underneath. They looked a bit moist down there, possibly because she was thinking about me this entire time and it seemed to have a noticeable and arousing scent that I could detect from the couch.

I could feel my length twitching and throbbing to Alicia, watching her remove her bra first, revealing her "C"-cup breasts to me once again. This time though, her nipples were puffed out considerably and they looked like something I'd like to play with. The precum started to drip from my tip at a faster pace as I felt my arousal growing by the minute. I wanted to get off to my sister, but I knew that better things would come if I held it in. Finally, the moment came where I saw her slip off her white panties, pulling them down past her knees as I saw a little bit of her feminine goo drip out between her pink vaginal lips when she did so. This was without a doubt the most sexually arousing thing I had seen in my life up to that point and it made my shaft crave my sister's warmth even more.

Eventually, she took the panties off completely, leaving them on the floor near her bra and made her way back over to the couch, sitting on my lap with my penis sitting just outside her warm vaginal lips as they touched it and rubbed slowly against it. "So, how do I look Bradley? Do you feel turned on for me?", she asked in a playful manner, placing both of her hands on my cheeks as I looked at her with a dazed appearance and felt my cock throb strongly underneath her warmth.

"Ohhh sis...you're so beautiful...and warm", I moaned happily in response, feeling my arousal growing for her even more as she moved in close to me and placed a kiss on my lips.

"Just think that pretty soon you'll get to see just how warm I really am on the inside", she commented in a playful tone before climbing off my lap. "However, not quite yet...I want to play with you a little bit before you have your turn with me", she added as I looked at her, feeling a bit confused.

"What do you mean?", I asked Alicia curiously...right before I felt those warm and squishy "C"-cup breasts sandwich my cock as precum started to spurt upward towards her face.

"Does this answer your question, Bradley?", she asked in a playful manner before touching her tongue tip against the tip of my penis for a brief second, causing a strand of my precum to connect between my penis and her tongue. "I did this with Daddy to and I found out that squirrel cum has a nice, nutty flavor to it. I want you to give me a taste of yours!", she added cheerfully before going back to the tip of my cock and licking it slowly in a circular manner for a few seconds before stopping again. "Don't worry about holding it back for later, Bradley. I know that you'll reload quickly for me when it comes time to let you inside", she continued as I felt the licking of her tongue on my tip and started to moan with sexual pleasure.

Alicia squished her warm boobs against the sides of my horny cock, moving them up and down a bit while her tongue caressed the tip and slowly began to work along the sides. The feeling was very warm, ticklish, and pleasurable, making my tip continue to spit precum upward for my beautiful sister. Her tail started to move from side-to-side a bit while she was licking me, obviously enjoying what she was doing as I kept looking down at Alicia and saw her blue eyes look straight at me. I was certain that if she weren't a squirrel and didn't have the trademark buck teeth that we all had, she'd probably take my shaft in her mouth and suck on it. However, her tongue brought me enough pleasure by itself.

While Alicia was licking and massaging my length, I could feel my young and potent balls churning strongly for my sister, making lots of sperm for her. This was the first time in my life I had ever gotten sexual pleasure from a female and it seemed like my body wanted to make the most of it. Gradually, I felt my nuts start to swell a bit as they filled up, also causing my penis to thicken in between Alicia's breasts. More precum also shot upward from my tip, starting to get into her hair a little as she stopped licking me and released her breasts from my shaft.

"Mmm...looks like someone's getting really excited", she commented in a sweet tone before placing a loving kiss on my tip. "How 'bout I do a little something to make it feel even better?", she asked sweetly as I nodded, wanting to see what my twin sister had in store for me now.

Within a matter of moments, I felt one of her hands grab onto my cock and began to rub it up and down slowly while her other hand reached down to my balls, massaging them gently with her fingers. My eyes opened widely for a brief second but then closed as I thought about my sister while feeling her touch me intimately. "That's it Bradley, enjoy the massage I'm giving you as much as you'd like. I want to make you happy!", she commented sweetly before I felt her licking my tip with her tongue again, circling around it slowly while her hands kept touching my body's most sensitive parts.

While they were in her hands, I could feel my testicles continue to grow larger, reacting in ways I had only read about in books up to this point. I was certain that Alicia was doing this to me on purpose, knowing that my body would make a lot more sperm once it received sexual stimulation from a female.

Thanks to her licking and rubbing, I soon felt my cock become highly sensitive to touch as the flow of fresh precum stopped and the tip of my penis became dark and swollen as I opened my eyes. She kissed my tip again, stroking my length a bit faster while looking to me with her blue eyes. "Are you almost ready to cum for your sister?", she asked sweetly, still looking at me while her tail swished from side-to-side in an excited manner.

The rubbing of her hand and the cuteness of her face made my shaft tremble strongly for Alicia as I felt the pressure inside my body growing quite rapidly. I wanted to tell my sister how I felt, but I was unable to speak at that moment. She was making me feel so good that all I could do was moan in sexual pleasure. However, I did see her smile to me. "That's alright Bradley, I can see it and feel it inside you. Go ahead and let it out for me. I want to feel you shoot that sticky cum into my mouth and all over my face", she coaxed sweetly, going back down to kiss the tip of my maleness one last time.

That last kiss was all the stimulation it needed to make my loins spasm from the inside as I let out a long and very loud moan, letting my seed rush from my balls to the tip of my penis and splatter all over Alicia's lips. The first shot of my cum coated her lips before she opened her mouth to accept the next two shots all over her throat, tongue and the roof of her mouth. Then, she closed it up, keeping my seed in her mouth for the moment before I felt her release my shaft with her hand and place her breasts back around it, allowing the rest of my semen to splatter on her nuzzle, cheeks, and neck, with a little of it dripping back down onto her warm bosom.

My climax only lasted about 15 seconds or so, but it felt much better than it did whenever I masturbated. When it was done, I looked down at my sister and saw her facial fur mottled with a bit of my semen, her breasts having cum spots on them and a smiling face as I watched Alicia lick her lips and swallow the load that was in her mouth. "Mmm...yours tastes even better than Dad's. I could get used to doing this to you", she commented lovingly to me, kissing my tip again. "Anyway, how did that feel Bradley? Did you enjoy having me play with you?", she asked sweetly as I looked down at my sister and smiled.

"Oh yes, Alicia...this is the best 'game' we've ever played together", I answered happily, making her giggle in response before I saw her lick my semi-erect penis from root to tip.

"Of course you know we're not done yet though. I got what I wanted most from you, so now I think it's my turn to give you what you want most from me", she answered before standing up. "Wait right here and I'll be right back", she added before walking into her bedroom for a minute as I sat on the couch and waited patiently. Meanwhile, my shaft had softened for the moment, but my testicles were still swollen. It wouldn't be too long before it was in the mood again and I could only begin to imagine what Alicia had in mind for me next.

A minute or so later, Alicia came back out of her bedroom, tossing a box of condoms to me. "There you are Bradley. I know it'll take you a few minutes to get ready again, so while I wait I'm going to go wash up a bit in the shower", she commented to me before using her tail to softly tickle my nose, letting me smell the sweet scent that was on it. "If you get it up again before I'm done in the shower, make sure you either put one of those on or bring the box with you and come join me", she added playfully before walking towards the main bathroom and closing the door without locking it.

The oral sex I received from my sister felt really good to me and it made me feel happy to know that my sister was willing to help me with my horniness. However, the best part of that evening was yet to come.

To be continued...