Chapter 9 - Get Stuffed Dorthy

Story by Sil_wd on SoFurry

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#9 of Lawrence's Lament Rewrite.

Chapter 9 - Get Stuffed Dorthy

I manage to stand up and rub my eyes, turning away from everyone as I try to pull myself together. I hate being this weak now. My emotions keep running over and I just lose the plot. Gods, I just want so badly to curl up against someone's arms but no one makes me feel safe anymore. Not in this world anyway. Alex, my good friend. I knew that things had changed between us, but I really needed to get home again now. I can't deal with this and I really can't handle standing by and watching him have this happy life where as I'm so miserable. Not without my jealousy boiling over and shoving a spanner in the works.

"I'm glad you two sorted that little spat out." says Wyrmripper dryly.

Alex coughs and pulls himself up off the floor. I'm currently looking for an outlet for my anger, but I'm not stupid enough to turn it on him. I like being able to breathe, I have things to do. Though the smell of that coffee that Wyrmripper is drinking is seriously making my mouth water.

"Sorry to impose, but could I have a coffee or something please?" I ask.

"Help yourself." and Wyrmripper motions to the kettle with tea and coffee.

I head on over to the units and look around. There's some empty mugs, a kettle, couple of jars of coffee and some UHT milk. Luckily I'm not too tired that I can't make myself a coffee.

How the hell am I going to get home though? Originally it seemed like fun to hang around with these guys, but with the jealousy crawling out of me at inopportune moments and on top that the sodding hallucinations. I'm not sure being around here is the best of ideas for too long.

Just as I'm finishing stirring up my coffee I tune back into the conversation that seems to have been taking place in the room. I turn around and raise the coffee to my lips, sipping the hot liquid gently as I lean against the side.

"I've read through this file twice in case I've missed something but there's nothing here that explains why they're putting so many resources into finding him. There's just some vague reference to something I don't understand." says Riyada.

"What's that?" I ask.

"It says that Rin is 'Skin number five'?"

My heart stops again as that hits my ears and the memory of what Samuel said to me flares up. It takes the skins of five shifters to transform a kinfolk into one of the Skin Dancers.

My mind races, it can't be, not here, they shouldn't exist here should they? Samuel needed vampire blood to keep himself alive after finding the ritual. Though where the ritual came from, I'm not sure. Since there was no vampires in this world, Samuel couldn't exist, could he?

"S..S... Skin number five? Are you sure?" I stammer out. Fuck, my stammer is back again. This is all I need. My hand is shaking, hell, my entire body is shaking gently. Crap, I dropped the cup. Now I can feel it's hot contents soaking into the legs of my jeans.

"Yes, it says so right here." Riyada turns the file over to show me.

I step forward and look at the paperwork, scanning through it and Riyada was right, it was skin number five, part of project 5.

Wait. Project 5. That was in my file!

I dash over to where I'd left the bag and file, grabbing it out and quickly searching through the papers. It doesn't take me long to find the project near the back, but what I'm reading makes my blood run cold again. There's records of an item being used in conjunction with the collected skins in order to create a different kind of shifter. Shit! It must be the ritual Oh god, if this gets into this world, if the wrong people get hold of it. Not here...

"No.. Not here too..." slides from my mouth.

"Lawrence, please, stop pissing around and tell us!" growls Alex from behind me. I turn to look at him.

"According to the files here, skins have been gathered from changing breeds. Five from each breed they can find."

"So? Someone has a fucking awful hobby, it's hardly the worst we've seen." says Wyrmripper.

I shake my head and look at him, almost pleading with him to understand how bad this actually was, but of course, they haven't had the same key players in this world.

"You don't understand, which is good and bad. Good because it means this hasn't happened in your world on a grander scale than ours, bad because you don't know what's actually happening."

"Then could you please can the bullshit lead up and tell us already?" Alex snaps at me.

I cringe back, not used to having Alex talk to me like that.

"A kinfolk of the particular breed can partake in a ritual to become a shifter, however it's forbidden as it not the right kind of shifter. What's worse is that to do the ritual, you require the skins of five shifter's, taken from their bodies whilst they are still alive."

I watch everyone's faces in the room change to a mixture of horror and revulsion of the idea. It doesn't exactly give me any pleasure to drop this bombshell on them, but they need to know what is truly going on behind the scenes. I don't have all the information myself and I'm basing a lot on comparisons to what is happening in my world.

"Wait, you're saying this has happened on our world Lawrence?" says Alex.

I nod and take a breath, I needed to fill Alex in on all the details, just in case.

"Yes, a kinfolk was apparently not happy with what he was and wanted more. I don't know the full story but I know that he gained the powers of a mage as well as the abilities of garou. I know that he became a garou by taking the skins of live garou and doing the ritual. He's formed an entire pack of them and they're strong. VERY strong. "

"But I don't understand, how come he's not in this world and he is in ours?" Asked Alex.

"Because of the key difference. The man I speak of in our world is searching for immortality. You and I both know of a way that a mortal can live for a very long time in our world but not here." I reply.

"Oh fuck. He's a ghoul!"

I nod. "Exactly."

"Erm, what's a ghoul?" asks Wyrmripper.

"Someone who drinks the blood from a vampire. They gain several advantages like living as long as they have a fresh supply." Says Alex.

"Creepy. So what happens if a werewolf drinks vampire blood?" asks Wyrmripper.

I can't keep the look of distain off my face as an image flashes through my mind of the last Abomination I was unfortunate enough to witness. The clutz didn't realise that he'd just gotten lucky and drained a garou. I could only guess it was the blood high that made him decide to bring the guy back, it rose like a demon and destroyed everyone within a mile radius until someone got the balls to set it on fire. I've never been so thankful at my innate ability to run like a shit off a shovel as I was that day.

"Horrible things." says Alex.

Oh just sugar coat it why don't you? I can't believe this guy, he's just telling them the bare minimum. They're werewolves, they face things that make your skin crawl 'literally'!

"Horrible is one way to call it, but since you're not telling them it all, I will." I growl.

"A werewolf who ingests vampire blood will vomit it back up or suffer tremendous agony. A new vampire is created when a vampire drains a mortal of its blood and replace it with a little of our own. Would you like to hear what happens when a vampire does that to a werewolf?"

I have everyone's attention now. They're all looking at me with the same look of horror on their faces as when I explained the revelations that were known as Skin Dancers.

"I am told that werewolves are given the chance to die if they are given vampire blood. They can draw on their connection to gaia to save them from what may happen. If they do not." I inhale and pause for a moment to make sure they're listening

"The werewolf returns to life as what we like to call an Abomination. These creatures have the powers of a vampire at their disposal but also are as twisted and destroyed as possible as their very connection to gaia has been ripped from their very soul. They can draw only on the very darkest of powers and we all know who teaches them. For their very short and violent life they seek only their own destruction and often will tear down everything along with them."

I finish, looking around the room at the horror and revulsion I've just caused and I can't help but feel horrified that I'd just done that myself. Although they did need to know all of this, I guess I could have done it in a nicer way. I try to find something to say to take the weight from my words.

"Trust me, you may have seen it bad, but you haven't seen shit when it comes to what the vampires can do. Little Alias here, sorry, Alex. He had been dead for a few years and seen only the tip of the iceberg. I can tell you tales of things that the un-dead have done that would make your skin crawl. There is nothing good that can come of being a vampire, nothing."

"That's enough Lawrence, please. I'm so sorry you've suffered my friend, I truly am. But you don't need to take it out on these friends here." says Alex.

I meet his eyes then I take a deep breath. He's right, I'm using the logic of the reasoning to lash out at them all, my jealousy of not being able to be part of a happy family getting to me again. On top of that, I knew that I'd not exactly been an innocent guy or vampire, but the stuff that the other me had done and more importantly was capable of. It made my stomach turn just thinking how I could ever be that malevolent.

"You're quite right, I'm sorry. I've gotten this bastard's body now and seeing that file makes me sick that he could do some of these things. Even when I was a vampire, some of that shit I would run screaming from. I need to see if I can set some of it right." I say.

Alex walks over to me, I watch him move over and gently lay a hand on my shoulder.

"I'd have thought rescuing Riyada was a bloody good start. Now we know what they're trying to do, we have a fighting chance." he says.

I smile at him, I appreciated the gesture. Right now, I was just so worn out that all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep right after I'd finished my....

"Shit, my coffee!" I curse.

Grabbing a cloth from the sink nearby I start cleaning up the puddle of liquid that I'd spilled in my shock. What a muppet, I hope I haven't just smashed someone's favourite mug.

"Sorry Wyrmripper, I'm not usually this clumsy." I mutter.

"It's ok, with news like that." Wyrmripper replies.

"If you don't mind, could someone show me to Rin. I really need to see him now." says Riyada.

He's led from the room by the big guy on the couch. Wow, what a body. Shows how tired I am, I didn't even notice the granite beefcake who just led Riyada out of the room. I really must get a better look at him later.

Picking up the last few pieces of the shattered mug, I dump them into a nearby bin and silently curse myself for being so clumsy. Here's hoping that Wyrmripper isn't going to be pissed about me imposing on him again.

"May I grab another? I'm sorry again, I wasn't expecting that news. The shit that this nuwisha Lawrence has done is starting to look worse and worse each moment."

"Go for it. So, are any more of your old friends going to be dropping in unannounced?" says Wyrmripper to Alex I'm assuming.

Since Alex doesn't actually know about the situation that's arisen with the mages on our world, all he knew is that he was sent to this world for a reason, I'd better fill him and them in.

"It's a possibility but unlikely. We're currently having a problem in our world with the technological mages of your world. Something happened on this side that accidently pulled us through over two weeks ago, ever since then the walls between our realities are allowing travel. The reason Alex, myself and Kyron came through was accidental and I know that the mages on our side are working to close the connection." I interrupt.

Wyrmripper nods "So how long till they get it sorted?"

"I don't know. The mage's are working on it, but it's slow going as other people keep interfering, we're fending off the vampires and other random people keep sticking their nose in just to piss in our pond." I sigh.

"Sounds like things are busy for you over there. Shouldn't you be trying to get back?" asks Alex.

That draws a wince from me, but I nod. He's right, I really do want to get back, but at the same time, I honestly have no clue where to start. Plus there's a chance that Tarquin is actually keeping an eye on me and might just drag me back at some point anyway. Not that that's a given with him, I'd given up trying to understand him. I knew he was loads smarter than me, I'd just never say it to his face.

"I am, but since I don't have the first clue where to start, staying with you guys is my best option. Plus I'm kind of torn because although it's not my business, the dickhead me of this world has given nuwisha an even 'worse' name. I can't really stand by and not attempt to fix it."

"Now that sounds like something Tyr would say. You've really changed Lawrence." says Alex with a shadow of a smile on his face.

That stops me and I frown at him. Why would he say something like that? I mean, yeah, had I have come here as a vampire again, I wouldn't have given two shits about the other version of me running around causing hell. I might have stuck my nose in if I'd found out that the tiger was in trouble, but even then, I wouldn't have risked my neck too much. Though if Tyr would have been around, I wouldn't have hesitated to be by his side going through this stuff.

I miss him badly. I would have so loved to have done all this beside him. Though that being said, Colt was a pretty natural leader and someone who seemed to actually give a little bit of a fuck about my well being. Given that I used to be something he totally hated, now he actually begrudgingly gives me the time of day and tried to trust me. Even though the times he did, bigger players got involved than I could handle.

It could have gone a lot worse, I know that. I could be dead with no chance of being able to retrieve Tyr. Even now it will prove something beyond the limits of werewolves. Then when he gets back, there's going to be more to worry about. Like what will honestly happen between us both, which I knew even now, would be nothing. It could not be between us as he had to breed in order to keep the Khan's alive. No matter how much I cared for him.

Yet, even if I fixed this and he returned, then left. Would my heart break? No. I can honestly say that my heart already hurts because I miss him and if he left me, then I can see what I should have started to see earlier. I belonged to a pack. They had my back and I would return the favour with every fibre of my being. I don't want any of them to get hurt because of my mistakes. Maybe something more could be there that I felt, but I doubt it. Colt would have to make the first move there, I dare not risk anything. But what I have right now? It's pretty good.

"I'm glad. Now I'm actually getting a chance to be happy for real. Even if it isn't with the man I fell in love with." I say with a smile.

"This lovey-dovey shit is all well and good, but do you two have any idea where to start with any of the problems? Like Lawrence getting home or the matter of Rin and Riyada? Not to mention you need to start your training Alex." says Wyrmripper.

"No, I guess I don't." Alex replies.

I have a few ideas on what I need to do, but right now I need to see about getting some cash and getting some rest!

"I do, but I'm gonna need to acquire some cash from this world. Whilst I'm doing that I'll keep my eyes open for a way home. You might as well get started with your training Alex. Trust me, you're gonna need to learn fast if you wanna survive." I say.

The door opens and a teen guy comes running in. Short black hair and wearing blue jeans with a black top. He doesn't pause as he dashes across the room and jumps right into Alex who hugs him tight. I smile gently, that has to be Rain. Cute kid. Right behind him is another teen who at first sight I think must be a guy, but there's something not right. Besides him is Riyada. So this must be the Rin they were talking about.

Ah, yes, now I see it. Like the photo's I saw in the police station, she's cropped her hair short to a more boyish style and died it an awful set of blue and white. Urgh. Well, who am I to comment? I've ended up in more dresses on stage than I'd care to think about. Not to mention that debacle where some idiot thought it would work well to have character's expressed by their hair pieces. Mine looked like something you'd get out of an ice-cream parlour's dumpster. Shakespeare it was not.

Whilst the pair have their reunion behind me, I help myself to another coffee. I wasn't about to drop this bugger. It was all I could do not to lick the other one off the floor. Sheesh.

"Yeah, I'm sorry for worrying you. As you can see, thanks to Lawrence, we got Riyada back." says Alex.

I turn around and sip my coffee, giving the kid hugging Alex a nod and smile.

"Thanks for bringing my dad back Alex, and you too Lawrence." says the one who I'm guessing is Rin.

"You're welcome m'dear. Can you two try to take good care of yourselves though? I don't want to have to tell your uncle something bad happened. He has quite the temper." I joke.

"So uncle Tyr is in your world now?" she asks.

I'm going to need to let Tyr know his niece is alright at the moment with some garou, well, as safe as you get in this kind of world. Though I still need to take care of the fucking ritual to make sure that she's not about to end up as a necktie. Though it does bring to mind that Tyr appeared right after mine vanished and so did Alex's double, Alan. He's a pretty big snow leopard changer. Another of the bastet or feline changing breeds.

"He appeared in our world yes, I believe the worlds seem to have a 'natural' balancing for when stuff happens involving people being removed. For example when you left Alex, a guy looking remarkably like you called Alan turned up. Pretty fast with his fists too if you wind him up."

"When is uncle Tyr coming back then?" asks Rin.


I really wish she hadn't asked me that.

"I....I don't think he can little one. The state of the Khan's in my world is dire, there's less than thirty of them remaining. Tyr feels obligated in helping my world's population in recovering. a duty which I too need to return to, as well."

Rin bites her lower lip, trying not to look upset. Brave kid I have to admit, she's taking this better than I thought she would. Suddenly she elbows Rain in the side.

"Right, you've still got to teach me how to look into the umbra! You promised you would, now come on!" she grabs Rain by the arm and drags him out the room.

I chuckle softly. She certainly has the spark to be something impressive. I hope we can set the pair of them up for something good to happen. Though I do wonder if Rain has a clue about Rin being a girl. My train of thought is promptly de-railed by a huge yawn though.

"Goddammit, I've done it again." I curse.

"S'up?" asks Alex

"I'm still not used to this sleeping stuff, I keep forgetting I need it and running myself right down." I reply, yawning again and rubbing my eyes.

I drain the rest of my cup and rinse it out. Turning around I see Wyrmripper motion for me to follow him and I do so gladly. He's got a pretty nice rear view I have to admit. Though his face doesn't exactly win him any favours, still, personality counts. At least that's what Alex used to tell me.

Trailing after him down the corridor he leads me to a room near the end and motions me in. Wandering in the room it seems to be a rather nice room that you'd see in a hotel. It's well maintained too. Much better than what we had back at the reserve. But then again, my hut at the reserve did have my personal touch to it.

"You can crash in here for now. But first I have a few questions."

Erk. I guess I should have expected this, well, here's hoping he doesn't kick my ass at least.