Chapter 2

Story by Diamond Celestalis on SoFurry

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#2 of Crystal

Jack Callaghan, a detective, returns to the police station after an unsuccessful arrest which resulted in the death of a Drug Dealer. There he encounters a very unusual situation which may cause him shame and guilt forever.

Chapter Two

"You shot a key suspect!", the police commissioner slammed his large bear fist down onto the table with a frightening crash. His desk was untidy, papers laying about with various reports which had not only covered his desk but also ended up bulging out of the filing cabinets next to the desk.

The office was small, cramped glass room which was connecting to the main office with blinds over the glass for privacy however most of the police department could hear him bellowing as he sat down in his chair and lit a cigar from a lighter under a pile of papers on the table.

Police commissioner Vladimir Orion was the type of person who enjoyed flaunting his authority whenever he got the chance. He was a stocky, large built bear who was almost as large as the wolf that Jack had encountered in the brothel. He had thick brown fur, a chiselled snout and large brown eyes which were now looking down at Jack with an almost murderous intent. How was he going to explain this to the press?

Orion always despised talking to the press about anything, he easily considered them parasites, ready to manipulate the facts, poised to add extra meaning to every word that he said. Nothing on Terra made him madder than having to sit in a room with a few of these vultures, pretending to be friendly and answering question after question, each more intrusive than the rest.

"Jack... JACK!?" he bellowed realising that Jack had been somewhat vacant as he sat in the chair at the opposite side of his desk. Jack had been staring into space the whole time, more interested in the many different awards and medals that Vladimir had won, including a very interested one that looked like it belonged in an athletics museum rather than a police station.

"Sometimes I wonder why the fuck I bother with you..." Vladimir slumped down in his chair, puffing somewhat vigorously on the cigar, allowing the smoke to fill his lungs and then billow back out through his large black nostrils.

"He always finds something to complain about..." thought Jack, recalling an incident where just last week Chief Orion had shot him down in front of the entire police department for leaving the toilet seat up in the staff restroom. "Hopefully this will be over soon and I can get back home with Adrianna... I wonder if she is home from work yet... I told her to take early maternity leave...". These thoughts just seemed wholly more important. He knew that nothing would come of it, it was a legitimate arrest with self-defense thrown in and there was no way that he would get in trouble for this. Chief Orion was just taking another chance to chastise him and wave his dick around.

"Look..." sighed Jack, who retorted as soon as Vladimir made some sort of remark about his competence on the force. "The guy pulled a shotgun on me, Sir... What was I supposed to do. Plus back-up took fifteen minutes to get there. I could have easily been killed!"

Vladimir shuffled uncomfortably in his chair, he got up and walked over to the window, putting one of his colossal paws into the deep pockets of his grey work pants. He watched for a second and looked out to the numerous skyscrapers in the area and then, just on the horizon, the beautiful glittering blue ocean which sparkled in the post storm calm. The pavements were still wet but the sun was now shining brightly and there was not a cloud in the sky. Vladimir watched as several canine works in high visibility jackets worked on setting up a new advertisment sign for Phoenix Grace cooperation down on the street below.

He sighed, as he turned to face Jack, opening the blinds slightly to let some of the sunlight fill the office. "Jack, We are never going to get a break in the Serenity Case if we can't catch a dealer... We need to know exactly where the supply chain is coming from."

Jack understood what the Commissioner was saying, he had been following this case for months and it was always the same deal. No dealers, just plenty of users with their shattered dreams.

"Serenity", as its "street" name was, was actually a new type of narcotic that had been released onto the streets almost six months ago. Jack had first encountered the substance when he was investigating the murder of a prostitute down in Furlong Bay on the east side of the city. A female tigress had been drowned out in the bay and forensics had discovered an incredibly powerful new substance in her system. This drug, dubbed "Serenity" by users due to the calm feelings of euphoria that it generated was actually a powerful hallucinogen of the type that Jack had never even seen before. The drug was some sort of advanced compound that only the lab geeks in the basement could understand but Jack knew that it only took one "hit" of this compound to draw a massive psychological and physiological addiction.

The rate of recovering addicts was extremely low due to the powerful physiological need for the drug which would cause the body to go into shock. Ex-addicts that had been arrested would usually die within 72 hours if they did not have their next shot. However, the most alarming thing about this drug was not the trail of bodies that it had left in its wake but more how it was taken.

Serenity or just simply "S" could be smoked, dissolved in drink or simply just snorted or taken orally, meaning that anyone could try it. It was a completely new fad that had swept the clubbing world and left nothing but massive destruction and tears of the addicts who could not break the cycle. The drug would literally keep addicts alive only if they could get more.

"You'd have more luck dodging a bullet then getting off S."

"I know Sir, but the problem is that the supply lines are really well camouflaged, we never catch an addict that lives long enough to tell us anything useful. I doubt Cortez would have been much use either... He probably was just like the others, receiving S at some undisclosed location by unknown sources."

"That DOESN'T GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO END HIS LIFE...!" shouted Vladimir, annoyed at Jack's blatant attempt to exhonorate himself.

"Sir!" the door swung open revealing a small lupine secretary with thick blonde curly hair and wearing a professional outfit. "Sir... Ivan Grace in on the line, he wants to go over the security arrangements for the..."

"NOT NOW!" shouted Vladimir, making the petite little secretary jump with shock as she closed the door. She knew better than to argue, considering she had been afraid of his temper for a long time.

"You do know that I am going to have to inform the DCA about these events right?" he continued at Jack, his temper subsiding for just a moment but Jack could easily see that he was very angry. "At the very least, they will want to know why we have not been able to make a break in the case and your conduct for the last few arrests! There is talk about setting up a specialist team to deal with this case."

This information caused Jack to shuffle uncomfortably. The DCA were the independent police complaints commission and they would come in and pry into all of Jack's work on the case and make an evaluation... which would probably result in the loss of his job. The part of his plan that he was so sure about was falling away, they would probably rule different then Vladimir.

Jack had a flash-forward in his head. The DCA would come in and review the evidence from the sting operation last night. They would find that Jack had accidentally shot Cortez in the head when he only meant to disarm him which meant that he could kiss his "self-defense" report goodbye. He felt like he was about to panic but decided that he could not allow the Chief Commissioner see that in his actions. He had to be calm and professional about all of this.

"Do you really want to call the DCA in on this?" he asked finally, hedging his bets and trying to use a little bit of psychology to manipulate Vladimir into keeping quiet about this. "I mean, there is going to be a massive internal investigation, they are going to be poking around, not just looking into my work but yours too.."

Vladimir raised his large paw as he looked down over the case notes from another investigation. "Stop..." he commanded and Jack was instantly silent. He looked up and smiled as he slowly began to engage in a game of verbal chess with Jack Callaghan, the master of the obvious.

"Well Mr Callaghan... I may be able to bury this... but I don't expect anymore screw ups from you. The eyes upstairs are watching this one Callaghan and if you screw it up... the DCA will be the least of your worries."

Jack felt as if a huge weight was being lifted off him but at the same time, he also felt somewhat suspicious of the chiefs intentions. It was simply just not like him to be so charitable.

"Thank you Sir" he said cautiously.

Vladimir gave a short, dark smile as he got up from behind his desk. "Oh but there is a price, for all the extra paperwork and reports that I have to submit to clear you for a self-defense remit." Jack felt a rather large gulp in his throat as Vladimir came to sit on the desk beside him. Looking over him in a way that Jack had never seen before.

"...and what is that price Sir?" frowned Jack, almost forgetting his protocol as the ringing of a telephone outside brought him back down to Terra with a bump. He half expected Vladimir to ask for an extortionate amount of money. He had always senses that Vladimir may have been corrupt by the expensive pieces of artwork he had hung in the police station with his own money. As it turned out, the reality was much, much worse.

"How's Adrianna?" asked Vladimir, sitting down on the desk with his legs slightly open, a large bulge forming in the centre of his trousers which seemed to throb naturally as his trousers were stretched tight from him sitting down and shuffling.

"Adrianna is... fine?" postered Jack, slightly confused about where this conversation was actually leading. It was not like Vladimir to ask him personal questions either, it was usually a shouting match between the two of him that the whole office behind them could hear.

"You gonna marry her yet? Still reeling from your last marriage?" asked Vladimir, his tone was somewhat gentler than usual and made Jack wonder if he actually cared about all of this.

"No" replied Jack, still ever cautious, his muzzle twitching slightly in suspicion. "We are quite happy the way we are, thanks..."

"Yet you touched that prostitute last night?" asked Vladimir. Jack's heart sank like someone had ripped it out and tossed it into the ocean to sink to the murky depths of the sea. How would Vladimir even known about that...?

Jack decided to not give that a response...

"That prostitute we picked up said that you touched him sexually. You were only supposed to go as far as actually get the location of the drugs. Did you Jack?"

The fox went back into a state of panic, he suddenly had trouble remember the events of the night before. His mind was playing tricks on him. Conjuring fantasy scenarios in his head to why he had even touched the boy.

Was it sexual lust?


He was straight.

Curiosity, maybe?


He was a police officer and was doing his duty.

"Jack, I am waiting for an answer!" commanded Vladimir, his voice rising and an almost ecstatic look of glee in his arms that he had finally caught the legendary Detective Jack Callaghan on something. He had finally proved that Jack was just as infallible as the rest of the population on the planet, with the same urges.

Jack's mouth was dry and his heart was beating, he could not come up with any response except for the obvious one. He had to concede defeat in this game of verbal chess he had always played with his boss.


"I was undercover... I had to play that role until I had the opportunity to arrest..."

Vladimir responded with a large belly laugh which roared through Jack's very sensitive vulpine ears, causing him to wince slightly.

"Bullshit!" Vladimir exclaimed, looking over him with his eyes. "You know, I could easily have your job for this and then your sweet ass girlfriend would have to know why..."

Panic gripped Jack tight at the mention of Adrianna. If she found out. What could he do to prevent that? Killing Vladimir was the most obvious choice. Pushing him out of the window so that he left a bloody pulp out of the pavement below. He would be dead, this information would never see the light of day. Wait! Jack wasn't a killer. He was trained to uphold the law, not break it when it became inconvenient to him. Besides murdering the Police Commissioner was quite a serious crime and he would never, in a million years get away with it. Instead he would opt for a better option... he would confront Vladimir, his tyrannical boss and show no fear.

"What do you want?" Jack asked directly, not even bothering to add the customary "Sir" at the end of the sentence as he looked up coldly into Vladimir's large brown eyes. Yes. Confronting him was the best way, maybe the Chief would buckle under the pressure.

"Fine... You don't want to shit about... fine... Since you like boys it seems. Here."

The small vulpine looked on in horror as the bear undid his trousers, freeing a large, throbbing member from its prison in his pants. Obviously at some point of this conversation and in Jack's panicked thoughts, Vladimir had become fairly aroused and wanted to use this opportunity against him.

Vladimir's penis stood freely, standing proud at the suggestion of sexual contact with Jack. It was massive, about twelve inches long and about five to six inches thick. He sat back on the desk, his hand clasping over it with a large grin on his face. Giving just two words.

"Suck it..."

Jack recoiled slightly at the suggestion but the idea was frankly a bit too thrilling for him. He had never once had homosexual contact before and had never really been interested in it due to being the son of a majorly religious family out in a rural village of Vulpus. But there was something powerfully attractive about the idea and disgusting at the same time.

Then he thought of his girlfriend, at home. She was rubbing her large pregnant baby bump as she smiled at him. He remembered this memory. It was last Tuesday when they had got home from work and were getting ready to paint the coming babies room. It was a happy place. She was the beautiful orange Vixen, a colour that had excited him for many months and he was the strong soon-to-be father who would look on in pride.

That dream was fading now...

It was becoming replaced with thoughts of sucking his bosses large cock. All to keep that memory and fantasy a reality. So that nothing would change and he could go home today and believe it was a normal day and make her believe it as well. Never speak of this again.

Oh well...

He walked over to his boss and slowly stroked his large, pulsing member which seemed much warmer and stronger than he expected. Vladimir leaned back in pleasure as he stroked his great member, he left out a soft growl as he unbuttoned his shirt, freeing his muscle bound and furry brown torso.

The was a strange sensation that Jack had never actually felt before... well actually once before. When he was stroking that slender little prostitute last night. There was the faintest hint of desire there, the faintest hint of him actually wanting to do this and not being repulsed by it.

He dropped his muzzle down, not quite sure how this was going to work but he had watched his wife perform it on him and he attempted to duplicate his motions. Opening his maw and slowly taking in the massive member into his mouth.

It was a strange sensation, it felt warm and tender but also did not taste half as bad as he thought it would. He duplicated his wifes motions, circling the head of Vladimir's massive shaft with his tongue which caused Vladimir to moan gently, writhing on the only clear section of the desk as he looked down to see the fox which would be straight, suckeling on his large manhood.

"Mmmmmm..." smiled Vladimir as he let his pants fall to the floor and proceeded to get up, standing up and letting the fox kneeled by his feet take more of his pole. "For a "straight" guy... you suck better than most of the girls in here..."

Jack felt humiliated and disgusted with himself but there was still this annoying feeling of longing that seemed to permeate beyond all that. Somehow, although inconceivable... he wanted this.

The next ten minutes were a blur which consisted of Jack, with his knees on the floor, his own penis starting to throb out from its usual position in his sheath as he became more and more entrenched in sucking and enjoying the cock of his boss.

The sounds of the cars on the road below and the telephones in the main office behind them were just a distant memory as a thick sound of slurping filled the room and the emotion of pure lust hit the air. Jack felt disgusting, wrong and dirty but these things just did not seem to both him as he watch Vladimir's large balls swing as he grasped his mountainous cock in one hand and sucked with his muzzle.

It was becoming thicker, bigger with each mouthful from it. Each moment having a sort of nebulous haze added to it. Jack took a few seconds to realise that he was moaning now as he sucked, giving Vladimir a positive confirmation that he was enjoying himself.

He lifted that large member out of his mouth and proceeded to give just that little bit extra and suck Vladimir's large testicular orbs which made his boss moan, leaning his head back at the feeling that he had not had in months since Vladimir's wife had left him and taken the children.

The excitement was almost too much for either of them to bear, both Jack and Vladimir felt that familiar surge of completion, a dull ache which travelled in their groans, causing them both to moan out.

Jack's was the first to hit, a surge inside his pants that had not come from touching himself but from the mere excitement and anticipation. His penis ejecting its powerful milky seed into his pants, much to his embarrassment while Vladimir let out a powerful moan the surged his seed from the tip of his throbbing cock, all the way onto Jack's face.

The euphoria was magical and it took a fair few seconds for both to become aware of their surroundings with Jack finalise realising that he had messed the inside of his pants with his seed. Vladimir took out a cigar and slumped in his chair, his penis still oozing out as he enjoyed the feeling.

He finally turned to Jack, who had not spoken and was now standing there looking slightly lost with himself.

"Go home, I will see you tomorrow... Detective Callaghan" smiled his boss, showing his large, powerful teeth.

Jack suddenly realised what had happened and that the time was now somehow later then he thought. He should have been home an hour ago.

He left the office in a hurry.

"What have I done!?"