Camping Trip

Story by Cimmaron on SoFurry

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#10 of Requests

It's a request sort of thingy from Baylith on FA, which was supposed to be a virtual list of every kink I have by the time we stopped talking about it and I started writing. But it evolved to this, perhaps my deepest and most emotional story I've ever written with porn in it.


By CimmaronSpirit

**WARNING: Contains Transformation, gay sex, anal, muscle gut, muscle and cock growth, a deer and a bear. Plus drama. And a crisis, climax, resolution: an actual PLOT for once. What have I become, putting an actual story in porn? OMG!!!..... oh, and a crappy title. Yes, I know it sucks. Just ignore it. Enjoy!*

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The moon shone as bright as possible over the massive boreal forest that stretched as far as the eye could see. The cool, crisp air felt fresher than before, and the slight breeze made the trees sway and rustle to add a soft undertone to the evening. Somewhere in the far distance, a wolf howled, and a few birds chirped as they proceeded with their nocturnal activities.

In a small clearing were two campers sitting around a merrily burning campfire, a large tent erected behind them for when they did finally decide to sleep. The laughed and joked with each other, drinking beer from cans that were only chilled by the night and hotdogs that were almost completely burnt all the way through. Neither minded, as "roughing it" was the name of the game for the week.

It had all been Nick's idea. Tall, tanned, athletic, and always brimming for adventure and a new challenge, he was the one that convinced his best friend to share it with him. A triathlete and marathon runner of the first degree, Nick's boundless energy and ever present grin made it an easy sell. They both needed a break from the hectic city life, and what better way than seven days in the outdoors? But now Dane was regretting actually agreeing to this.

It wasn't like Dane was unfit. Far from it, as he was a strong, burly man, but it was more for power than endurance, or at least it used to be. His weightlifting and wrestling career had been ended with an elbow dislocation that wouldn't quite heal right again while in college, and his doctor told him that one more such injury could have destroyed his entire arm. So Dane reluctantly gave up, and focused on his studies. While he still had the strength, and did go to the gym on a semi-regular basis, several years without so much activity had allowed the fat to creep up on him. The hike to their campsite had been torture from him, and he was sure that the walk back later that week would nearly destroy him. But other than some good natured jabs, Nick held his peace and slowed himself down to allow Dane to keep up and maintain some semblance of pride.

The continued to talk, long after the food that they cooked that evening had been devoured and a few empty beer cans had been stacked to the side. Soon enough, the two ran out of things to discus, and a silence filled the clearing, with only the crackle of the burning wood, the distant calls of wolves and the rustle of the leaves in a slight breeze.

Nick at last stretched, groaned as he reached his arms and legs as far as they could go, which resulted in his shirt riding up a bit, showing off his washboard abs. Dane's eyes migrated to there, and he could feel his dick suddenly stiffen, pushing out a tent in his pants as his gay friend continued stretching.

His eyes were transfixed a moment too long as Nick let his arms down, and Dane realized that he had been staring. His face turned a deep red as he looked away, and tried to hide his erection from his friend. Nick looked over, and blushed as well, sliding one the cold hard ground closer to Dane.

"No one has to know," he whispered to his friend, making Dane look around. The cocky and rambunctious Nick slipped a hand over Dane's thigh, stroking softly. The tips of his fingers would brush against the hardon that was straining the fabric of the jeans Dane was wearing, making the larger man shudder as the electric touches ran through his body.

"Fucking hell!" Dane barked, standing up and knocking Nick over on his rear. "What the fuck are you trying to do?"

Nick gasped, looking up to Dane with his mouth open. "I...I... I thought you..."

Dane growled. "You thought... you thought just because I had a fucking hardon you could get your way? Jesus Christ! I honestly thought you were better than that. Was this entire trip an excuse to try to gay it up with me?"

The normally unflappable Nick cowered, his eyes wide in shock and some terror. Dane was a sight to behold when angry, but never before had he directed it at Nick.

Dane took a step closer to Nick, who hurriedly tried to scurry away, but Dane's mass easily caught up with with surprising ease, he picked the smaller man. "You fucker. It's true, isn't it? Some deep, dark fantasy to make me homo, you sick fuck!" Dane growled, and before he knew what was happening, he unleashed a right hook straight into Nick's face. There was the sickening crunch of bone as Nick's nose dislocated, and he collapsed to the ground, holding his nose as he curled up into the fetal position.

For a moment Dane stood there, panting heavily, before the anger, just as quickly as it rose up, left. Dane started shaking as he realized what he had done, and tried to kneel down to Nick.

" no..." Nick whimpered trying to turn away. The muscular macho man was now nothing more than a tear stained, shaking wreck.

Dane took a deep breath, then turned and ran. He crashed through the trees that ringed the clearing, and kept going, trying to put as much distance between him and the friendship that was now a pile of smoldering ashes like the campfire they were sitting around just a few minutes before.

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Nick had no idea how long he laid there, as the fire slowly died away and taking the warmth with it. He really did fuck up this time. This wasn't like the time where he was drunk and he tried to take another guy's boyfriend away at a club, or when the HIV test was a false negative.

No, this was worse. He just destroyed his one childhood friendship, the one that had survived even after he came out in high school, all because he couldn't keep his hands to himself like he was normally able to.

Groaning in pain, Nick at last sat up and felt his nose, wincing as pain rushed through him again. He pulled his hand away, where both dried and fresh blood mingled. Whimpering, Nick dragged himself to his sleeping bag, and tried to climb in. After a few failed tries to get the zipper, he gave up, and flopped on it, curling up again as tears began running down his eyes.

It was an unspoken rule between the two that Nick would never try to hit on Dane. Nick knew that Dane was as straight as they came. But as his friend kept telling the stories of his failed romantic conquests weekend after weekend, and ever mounting pressure at work, Nick suggested this camping trip. Part of the reason was to get Dane out of town, to relax from the stress, to unwind. But there was that part of him, the ever present randy side that wanted to see if he could maybe, just maybe...

But it failed, and perhaps just destroyed that friendship. Nick, for the first time since middle school, began balling as he huddled in his tent. He wanted to make it up to Dane, he didn't want him to think he was just a guy looking to getting his rocks off. He didn't want Dane to think that their friendship was a lie all these years. He didn't want his only true friend to abandon him now.

"I'm such a fucking idiot," he sobbed to himself between the tears and the pain that went through him. "Should have just left it."

But he had a hard on.

So? You can get a stiffee for a lot of things. He may have been thinking about tits or something.

But Dane was looking at him for a moment to long...

No, there had to be something else. But what? Nick couldn't ask him now... possibly never now.

He just wanted this over, and forgotten. He wanted what they already had.

He wanted Dane, but only as a friend. He still wanted to help him out, but his mouth stretched around his cock wasn't the answer, unless Dane really wanted it. Nick was sure Dane would ask if he really wanted to...

He wanted their friendship back. Nothing more. Nothing more...

The next thing Nick knew there was a feeling... a tingling, a flame that began to rise up in his body. Through his closed eyes he could see a blindingly bright light, and he tried to roll over to avoid it. At that moment he realized that his back wasn't touching anything, and he was now floating, hovering over the ground.

Nick at least willed his eyes open, and gasped as several floating white lights hovered in front of him.

"Oh my God, what the fuck is going on?" he screamed, terrified as he flailed around, the sound of bleats and hoof beats galloping.

Then everything went black.

<> <> <>

Dane grunted and panted as he crashed through the darkened forest, with only the moonlight to guide him. He had no idea where he was, or where he was going. He didn't care. He just needed to get as far away as possible from... that.

The massive bulk of flesh and muscle was suddenly flying through the air, his foot caught on a rather large broken tree branch. A collision with another tree knocked the air out of Dane, and he sprawled out, dazed, confused and sore all over.

He tried to focus on something above him, but his vision was spinning, and the pain his nerves and brain was receiving was increasing by the minute. Dane just laid on the floor of the forest, on a bed of old, musty leaves and grass that fought to poke through the rocky ground.

Without any energy to even move, Dane just stayed there. What was the use? His friendship with Nick was in ruins. Dane overreacted back there. He knew it. He was guilty of trying to get into a chick's panties many times, but this was different!


Yes... well, no... He was a guy after all! A homo! Trying to get to his straight cock.

Was it different that he tried to get pussy and Nick was into cock?

Of course! Because Nick knew Dane was straight. Pussy and tits. That was all he wanted, right?

But the last few times was... uninspired. He did it when he was young for the fun of it, but now, as he got older, what was he doing it for? Fun was the best answer, but most of the time it wasn't fun. It had just become a simple fuck. Raw emotions that could only be sated by sticking his dick in something... but while it was nice, it wasn't what he needed. He needed something to feel for, and a random chick he would pick up at the bar couldn't provide that.

He needed a friend... Nick? Was Nick what he was looking for? No, because he wasn't gay!

But Dane was hard after seeing the finely toned body, with just the right amount of muscle tone... the friendly, every cheerful and energetic personality that helped him through the rough spots in his own life even if he had no reason to. How did he repay that? I punch to the face.

God damnit! Dane growled to himself. He was straight. But he was fantasizing over another guy! He wasn't gay, not even bi-curious. Right?

Dane at last tried to sit up, and after a few tries, he did. His head still throbbed, but the rest of his body didn't ache so much. He looked around, and couldn't see anything but tress, leaves, the moon and stars. The presence of being along in a forest that stretched across the entire country suddenly dawned on him. Dane could be here forever now, trapped in a vast wilderness. Would he die of starvation or from some predator first? A bear or wolf would find him easy to get if weak...

For the first time in a long time, Dane felt really vulnerable. He was an office worker now, who spent most of his day behind a desk, stressing about problems. Nick was always there for him, listening to the problems Dane had, with work, love and life. If only Nick was here now, or he didn't run away. Nick knew how to survive in the woods, how to help him. He could help...

No, why would he? Dane punched him in the face and broke his nose. Because Nick was trying to be gay with Dane. His friend tried to betray his trust. Right?

But why would Nick try to move on him now, when he knew that Dane was straight? Was there something else to this? Was there something he missed?

Or... maybe...

Dane clutched his head and growled again.

"To many fucking questions!" he screamed, falling back onto the ground, closing his eyes and holding his throbbing head. "I need to figure this out... I need to talk to Nick. I need answers. I'm not going to let this friendship go now... not yet..."

A tingly warm feeling rushed through Dane, making him shudder as the sudden change from cold to warm flooded his body. A bright light, bright enough to be seen through his eyelids forced Dane to see what it was...

All he saw was some white lights, hovering over the ground above him. He gasped, and tried to sit up and get away, but at that moment he realized that his body wasn't touching the ground, and was floating.

"Fuck!" he cried, and tried to hide from the light, which roared and growled. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck!"

Everything went black.

<> <> <>

Nick and Dane woke up at almost the same moment with a start, right across from each other. The sun shone, and the green leaves and grass rustled in the small breeze, and nearby there was a steady trickle of fresh water into a pond.

"What the fuck happened?" Dane moaned, rubbing his head.

Nick blinked his eyes, and looked at Dane. "I have no idea... I was in the tent, and suddenly these lights... I was floating..."

Dane's eyes went wide. "Fuck, that happened to me too!"

The two stared at each other in disbelief. "So I wasn't thinking things," Nick replied, reaching up to rub his eyes. He touched his nose, which didn't send any pain through his body. "Okay, something must be wrong now..."

Dane looked over, and then down. "Nick... I... I..."

"I'm sorry I tried to get into your pants. I just wanted to help you with the stress you were having, so this camping trip, and then when I saw your hardon, I thought I could help with that to and I should have known better and..."

Nick was interrupted with Dane's mouth clamping onto his, hands reaching around to the back of his head and pulling him closer into the kiss, playing with the thick hair. Nick gasped and tried to protest, but Dane's tongue found its way into his mouth and stifled all his thoughts. Nick relaxed, reaching up to run his hand through Dane's hair.

They pulled apart, Dane's face a bright red. "I... I'm sorry for last night. I overreacted."

Nick shook his head. "I was too forward."

They looked at each other, then smiled.

"I think I love you Nick," the larger man whispered.

Nick looked over in shock. "What? But your..."

"Straight? Yeah, I might like pussy more than cock... but you are more important to me than any number of broads I could pick up in a bar. You care for me. You listen to me vent and rant. You help me. You complete me."

Nick sat in silence, before he started to cry, and leaned forward to Dane, who took him into his thick, meaty arms. "You... you mean so much to me too... you're the only friend... that stayed with me... when I told you. I was so scared... when I figured it out... that I was homo... I had to tell someone... but my parents, my other friends... They all left... they shunned me... you were the... only one..."

Nick kept crying, and Dane held him close, until soon Nick began taking deep breathes and sat up. Dane smiled and helped Nick to sit up.

"Alright. We will be alright," Dane replied, hugging his friend close, Nick leaning up against the slabs of muscle that was Dane's chest. They just sat there, together.

Dane frowned after a moment, when he felt twin jabs into his chest. "Uhh, Nick... what are you doing?"

Nick looked up in puzzlement, before pulling away. "What are you talking about?" He then began rubbing his head. "Though I do have a headache..."

Dane gasped, eyes wide as he saw two bony protrusions pushed up through the black mess that was Nick's hair. Nick was now more confused, and reached up, and his fingers touched the twin points.

"Holy shit! What is that?" he cried out, before suddenly the tingly warm feeling rushed through him.

Dane reached forward to try to calm him down, but as he did he noticed his arms, which usually only had a thin dusting of hair, was now growing darker and thicker, more hair pushing up through his skin, as his finger nails grew black, longer and sharper. The same feeling he had last night rippled through his body, a tingling heat.

Dane gasped as he felt the heat focus on his muscles, the years of desk work and the fat that built up on his body being washed away in moments, to be replaced with even bigger muscles. He could feel his t-shirt straining, the first rips as seams failed to contain the mass growing inside it.

There was a loud rip and Nick's shirt gave way first. The muscles he'd built up over the years were still there, but now on a larger frame. His six pack elongated to a well-defined eight, as his pecs and biceps pushed out, seeking more space. The bones on his head continued to push out, branching off into different directions, as if two small white trees were growing on his head.

Dane growled, and reached up and ripped off his struggling shirt with his sharp claws, shredding the cotton fabric. The thick gut he had was still there, but was now more muscle than fat. His arms ballooned bigger, veins popping out of his skin to fuel their growth. The thick pelt of black fur that was growing over his arms now reached up over his massive shoulders and over his chest and down his back.

The thinner man groaned as his perfectly hairless body suddenly burst out in light brown fur over his arms, with a contrasting soft creamy white starting on his abdomen and torso. Nick's fingernails grew larger, eclipsing the entire tip of his fingers into miniature hooves. As he brought up his new hands into focus, he could feel his calves and thighs struggle to find room in his jeans, the denim resisting the efforts to flex or give any room. And with that, the rush of blood to his groin stirred his cock, and he could feel that stiffening and trying to find room.

Nick grunted and tried to reach for the zipper of his crotch, but his hoofed fingers couldn't get a hold of the tiny zipper. He grunted in desperation before a paw of razor sharp claws reached forward.

"Let me help you with that," the larger, stronger man-turning-bear grinned, and delicately cut away at the constraining jeans. The first cuts ripping further, showing off the massive legs of the soon to be deer man, and the erect, pulsing cock of the deer, which had already nearly gained double the size of the former human. A brown colored furry covering had also grown that matched his newly furry balls, for his cock to retreat back into. Later.

"Thanks," Nick smiled, as he looked over to see Dane having already removed his pants, and he was now standing nearly nude, the shreds of his clothing scattered everywhere. The center of attention though was the throbbing cock and furry, low hanging balls that graced Dane's lower half, each much larger than before, with a thick furry sheathe at the base. Nick grinned, licking his lips as he reached forward to start licking the tip, elicting moans from above him.

"Mmmm... I have no idea why I stopped you before," Dane grunted as his body continued to shift and change while his cock was toyed with.

Nick then tried to take the length into his mouth, but it was growing longer and thicker with each second, the ballsac stretching larger as the cum factories inside began to churn out it's load. Nick kept trying to get the thickening member into his mouth, but he was surprised to find that after a moment, he was. That moment of delight was replaced by pain as his entire skull cracked and began to elongate, his nose and mouth pushing out into a muzzle. His nostrils split and widened and turned into a black tip as Nick's teeth blunted, becoming more used for grass and foraging in a forest than a human's diet. His ears grew longer, and shifted up on his head by the now large antlers, a perfectly symmetrical pair of six points on each side.

Dane growled, feeling his own head shift, growing larger and rounder as a short muzzle pushed out of his skull, taking his nose and mouth with it. Whereas his friend's teeth became more suited for a deer, his own teeth grew sharper and more pointed, fit for a carnivorous predator.

They both groaned as another protrusion pushed out from their tailbones. Dane got a small black stub, while Nick's was a broad and flat, the underside a bright white. The last change was their feet. Their shoes having lasted so long through the transformation at last shredded: the deer gaining a pair of black cloven hooves, and the bear a pair of massive clawed paws.

The tingling at last subsided, but the two barely noticed as Nick continued to suckle on the bear meaty manhood, but Dane pulled away from the deer muzzle.

"Turn around," he growled, baring his teeth in a grin. Nick, as if sensing he was now in the presence of a superior, lowered his ears and turned around, hiking his tail to show off his tight asshole. Dane growled in approval, and leaned down, and began licking the open and inviting puckered flesh. Nick gasped as the long, rough tongue of the bear slipped over his sensitive flesh, and nearly cried out as the tongue forced its way in to his tight passage.

"Oh God!" Nick cried out as Dane pulled out his tongue and continued rimming the tight, muscular bubble butt. Nick shivered every time as the rough tongue flicked over.

But as before, Dane stopped again. The deer looked back to see the bear, grinning, line up his thick meat.

"I've never taken anything like that before," Nick whimpered.

"You weren't a sexy ass deer before either," the muscle gut bear replied, lining up his pre-drooling cock with the hole he had just prepared. Before Nick could protest again, the bear shoved his cock in.

The deer cried out, more a bleat than any sound a human could make. But he enjoyed it. He wanted it! He so wanted it! As Dane began inching more and more of the girth through his passage, Nick tried to push back. Sure, his anus pleaded to stop, but the pleasure center in his brain demanded it. He was going to listen to that.

The bear growled in approval. "So my deer wants my thick cock, huh? Well," he continued, grabbing hold of the antlers in front of him like handles, "let's give it to him!"

Pulling back on the deer and pushing forward, most of the huge log of man meat the bear possessed being shoved deep, and causing another bleat of bliss from the deer.

"Oh fuck! Fuck!" Nick cried out as Dane began to pull out, before yanking Nick's antlers and thrusting in again, now nearly to the hilt. Dane gritted his teeth, the tight flesh around his cock almost too much. But he wasn't going to stop yet. No, not until he showed his friend... his lover how he really felt for him. Dane pulled his length out part way, before ramming hard, this time his hips collided with Nick's ass, a sensual slap of furry flesh on furry flesh. Nick bleated again, his hoofed hands digging into the ground, and his body stiffening.

"Shit you're tight," Dane grunted, pulling out and shoving back home, getting another bleat. But by now Nick's body was more used to the intrusion, but the pleasure was still there. It always would be, he knew, every time he was mated.

The bear began pistoning his dick into the deer, grunts and moans, the sounds of rutting, filling the clearing.

"I'm close," Dane growled, his speed picking up until he was barely thinking, his brain washed with only one thought.

"Fuck me then! Fill me!" Nick whined, his entire body quivering. He could feel himself close, his hard cock leaking pre while his mate's heavy balls slapped up against his own, exciting them to produce their own load.

"God... I'm... gonna... GGGGGGAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!" the bear roared, as he felt his pole spasm, and begin shooting his massive load of bear cum deep into the bowels of Nick, his friend, and lover.

"Fuck!" Nick cried out, feeling the hot seed rush into his body, and his own cock jerked, launching huge shots of semen that flung out way past his body, covering the ground below with thick white cream.

Dane kept pumping load after load, humping the deer's hind end, until his balls felt drained. He panted heavily, releasing his grip on the deer's antlers, and slowly pulled his cock out of Nick. The deer moaned, feeling the thick meat pulling out, a back wash of seed dribbling out after. Dane sighed, and planted himself down on the ground, and Nick, now free, shuffled over and curled up by the bear.

"We're still friends right?" Nick asked.

"Oh, more than that," Dane replied, lifting the deer's head and giving a sloppy kiss, who eagerly returned it. After a long moment, they pulled back, and nuzzled with each other, and drifted off to sleep in their new home.