Theres No Going Back

Story by Demonwulf on SoFurry

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First off before I start I just want to say that this story involves M/M relationships with some heavy descriptions. If you are not 18 or 21 or whatever the legal age for something like this in your area is turn back now.

Second, this is my first story like this and the first thing I am posting for others to read. I worked on it on and off over the last week on my days off from work so my thoughts got a little jumbled as I was writing it. I feel like everything makes sense but if it doesn't please let me know and I will go back and edit it.

Third and final, I am incredibly nervous about doing this and I appreciate any feedback and comments you can give me that would help. Constructive criticism is wonderful and anything that is straight up negativity will be ignored. I really want to get better at this and the only way I can is with support from others.

Thank you and I hope you enjoy the read!


I was lying on my bed, bored out of my mind and staring at the ceiling fan. Another Friday night alone. My roommates were out of town and there was no one else around. I did everything I could think of to entertain myself, but I couldn't stay focused on anything. Video games, books, my guitar, at this point it all seemed like a waste of time.

I got off my ass and stood up, stretching and hearing my body pop from not having moved in about an hour. The hardwood floor was freezing on my foot paws. I padded my way to my desk. Opening my laptop I went straight facebook. There's never anything important on here. A notification once in a while but nothing big. The only thing I use it for at this point is keeping in touch with people from high school.

Maybe someone would want to hang out tonight, get a couple drinks or something. I wasn't much for the bar scene but if it keeps me from going insane in my room I'll do anything. I scanned the list of friends who were online and I could get ahold of easily. It's amazing how careful you have to be with something as simple as getting in touch with friends. It had to be someone I didn't completely shut out for 5 years and it also had to be someone I was relatively close with in school.

And then I saw his name come online. My closest friend from high school, a small white fox named Scott who I had always been in love with. I still kept in touch with him, getting together once every couple months to talk and reconnect. He was always kind of cute, but he wasn't gay so I wouldn't tell him I thought that.

"Hey Scott, you there?"

It took him a few minutes to respond.

"Yeah Shawn, I'm here. What's up, buddy?"

"Not much. Bored as hell. You want to hit up a bar tonight and hang for a while."

"Nah bro, I can't. I have a family thing tonight."

"Oh. Okay. Well, maybe another time then." Fuck...

"I'm free tomorrow if you're up for it."

"Yeah sure. Sounds good."

"Well, I gotta go. Peace bro."

"See you tomorrow, dude."

I slammed a clenched paw onto my desk. FUCK! Well that sucked. At least I had my Saturday night planned out, but I still didn't know what to do with my Friday.

I sat there just staring at my screen for another ten minutes. The ceiling fan blowing cool gusts of air onto the back of my neck was only making me more irritated with the situation. This obviously was not working so I decided to take a chance. I got back on my computer and went to Craigslist. Well, if I couldn't have fun or get wasted on my Friday night, I was at least going to go get laid.

I navigated my way over to the casual encounters page, hoping to find someone in my area who didn't seem completely creepy. I don't like using craigslist to get laid because the whole concept of hooking up with random furs seems really sketchy but at this point I really didn't have much choice. It was either that or remain hopelessly bored for the rest of the night. I began to scan the list of horny males who were searching for the same thing. There were quite a few people looking. A couple middle aged bears that were looking for a submissive young rabbit type. A few furs around my age that lived in my area, but were either looking for bottoms types or seemed as if they were under 18 and just faking it to have sex. I wasn't going to risk getting busted for something like that.

Then there was one titled "Gentlemen's Party". That one peaked my curiosity so I clicked on it. I had no idea what I was getting into. There was a picture of a rather large house that I'm pretty sure I had seen before and then a description for what the fur was looking for. It Read:

"Orgy Tonight! Male only! If interested email me and I will send you an address. Also, everyone is required to bring a few bucks for lube, or just bring your own."

I gave it a few minutes of thought. It could be fun, and I had never been to an orgy before. The guy lived in the area so he couldn't be more than a few miles out. Why the fuck not?

"Hey, just wondering if you were still looking for more furs for tonight. I live in the area and wouldn't mind joining in."

I sent the email without a single moment of hesitation, even though I was starting to become overwhelmingly nervous. Maybe this wasn't such a good idea. As I was lost in my anxious thoughts, I noticed he had already replied.

"Yeah! One more would be perfect! The address is 625 Walnut Street. And don't worry about the money or lube thing. We had some horse come in here earlier with about 5 bottles. Between that and what I already have stocked up there is plenty. But if you don't mind, could you bring a bottle of booze? Anything is fine. It helps to relieve the tension with some of the more nervous ones."

"Thank you for letting me know and yes, I can bring a bottle of alcohol with me. What time should I be there by?"

I sent my reply only to once again receive one almost instantly. Damn. This guy was good.

"The first few furs show up around 10 but as long as you show up before 11 everything is fine."

Okay... Okay. I guess I'm doing this. I checked the clock. 10:15. I didn't have a lot of time. The room seemed to grow quieter than it already was. As if that was possible. First things first, I needed a shower. I padded into my bathroom turned on the shower and stripped off my clothes. Stepping into the warm water I began to think of how bad of an idea this could be. Maybe I shouldn't do it. As jittery as I was about the whole concept, the more I thought about it the harder my cock became.

Looking down I saw that my cock was almost completely out of its sheath, the knot beginning to swell at the base. The pink member throbbed with every mental image of how the night could go that flew through my mind. I put a paw around it and gently began stroking it. With every passing second I became more aroused. If the orgy thing didn't work out, at least getting off to the idea of it was easy enough. Somehow, the thought of multiple men in the same room all fucking each other turned me on more than anything else imaginable. Either that or it was because I hadn't gotten laid in a really long time. It was probably a combination of the two because it only took a few really good strokes before my wolf cock was shooting a load of spunk against the shower wall.

Much better.

With the nervousness reduced and most of the tension gone I quickly finished showering, being very thorough with my... uh... fun parts. If I was going to be naked with a bunch of dudes and end up fucking them I wanted to be as clean as possible.

I stepped out of the shower and took a look in the mirror; my jet-black fur and red patch on my chest were glistening with water and my red mohawk was drooping slightly.

"Well now that just looks sad." I said to myself, reaching into the nearby cabinet for a bottle of gel. I spiked it just enough so that it was out of the way but not enough to where it would be distracting.

I toweled of the rest of my slender body and walked back to my room, searching for some clean clothes. What do you wear to an orgy? When you get there you remove it all anyway so does it even matter? At the same time you don't want to show up looking like an unorganized ass. With my mohawk I knew I was going to stand out anyway but I like that because it sets me apart from most furs in general. Fuck it. I grabbed the nearest pair of boxers, jeans, and a plaid button up shirt from my closet. Clothing for an orgy shouldn't require much more work than that.

Alright, that's taken care of. I glanced at the clock. 10:35. I had plenty of time still. I went in to the kitchen and looked under the sink for a bottle of, well, anything really. My nerves started to come creeping back and I wasn't too sure that I wouldn't break into any bottle of alcohol that I had right then and there. There was a couple bottles of wine, half a bottle of rum and an unopened bottle of scotch. Scotch sounded really good at the time so I grabbed it and put it in a small paper bag.

Let's do this. C'mon. Pull it together. I stepped out of the door and got in my car, now on my way to something that could be wonderful and fun, or the most hellish and embarrassing moment of my life. I was just hoping for the first option because I did not want to think of everything that could possibly go wrong in a situation like this.

It only took a couple minutes to get there. The clock in my car said 10:45. I was parked across the street, my car was off and I was just staring at the house. The house was two stories high and the shades were drawn on all the windows. It was pitch dark and I was hoping no one had seen me pull up. If I wanted to back out, this was my last chance. No. I could do this. There's no going back now. Grabbing the bottle of scotch off of the passenger side seat, I made my way up the driveway.

I rang the doorbell and stood there for about a minute before a big brown bear wearing a red silk robe opened the door.

"Hey there!" The bear exclaimed as he ushered me in.

The room was a lot bigger than I had expected just from looking at the house. The shades were drawn over the windows for a good reason. There was a naked horse and rabbit sitting on a couch at the other end with a couple beers in their paws. They both just stared at me as I walked in as if I was the weird one here. Well, I guess I was, seeing as I was the only one still fully clothed. The rabbit was about ready to hop on the nearest cock and the horse knew it. I could see them talking and the horse nodded in my direction. Were they talking about me? I don't know what they had planned but I was eager to find out.

"You must be the last minute guy who sent me that email. Glad you decided to come. My name's Brian."

"Hi. I'm Shawn."

"Nice to meet you Shawn." He closed the door behind me and proceeded to remove his robe and hang it on a hook by the door. His muscular physique and firm round ass were now in clear view for me to gaze upon. I wanted to mount his ass right then and there and felt my cock rising for the second time that night. He turned to face me and I saw a massive cock and perfect balls dangling between his legs. I am not normally a bottom, but DAMN! For him I would gladly make an exception. "You can leave your clothes in the room over there."

"Thanks. And I also brought this." I handed him the bag with the scotch inside.

"Perfect. I'll put it in the kitchen with the rest. Feel free to mingle with everyone else and help yourself to whatever drinks you want. There's plenty."

I went into the other room and saw what looked like eight or nine sets of clothes from other furs. I was still pretty anxious about the whole thing, but somehow seeing that incredibly hot bear naked and how seemingly normal he was made it all a bit less nerve-wracking.

I began to strip off my clothes and had a bit of a revelation as I did. With each article of clothing that I removed I felt a little bit more relieved. Nobody knew me here. I was just going to have a couple drinks and share some orgasms with complete strangers. Nothing wrong with that. Right?

I walked back out into the living room to find that the horse and the rabbit were no longer there. They probably went off to "play" somewhere else. I can't blame them. That rabbit wanted it bad.

"Over here." Brian was standing in a nearby doorway. "Come into the kitchen. I'll introduce you to some of the others."


I followed him into the kitchen to see five other furs gathered around a counter top covered in bottles of various alcohols. Someone had already opened the scotch I brought. Good. Now I knew I wouldn't be the only one drinking it.

"The turnout is usually a bit better but we should still be able to have some fun. The tiger over there is Mason. The lion in the corner is Luke." They each gave me a nod as Brian said their names.

He walked over to the group and put a hand on a fox's shoulder.

"This is another newcomer. His name is..."


He turned to face me. When he saw who I was a look that was a combination of shock, shame, and embarrassment washed over his face. His ears pressed flat against his skull and his big blue eyes were as wide as the glass he was holding. The large smile that only moments ago filled his muzzle was now distorted into a look of fear.

"Sh - Shawn." He stammered nervously, afraid to look me in the eye.

"Oh, so you two know each other already. Well this is perfect." Brian smiled and gave Scott a pat on the shoulder. "He can finish introducing you." The large bear walked into the corner and began to chat it up with Luke.

Scott and I stood there in awkward silence for about a minute. What was he doing here? What was HE doing here? Of all the furs out there. He wasn't gay. He is now I guess. How come he never told me?

"So... uh..." His terrified look had faded but the awkwardness was still in the air. "How have you been?"

How have I been? HOW HAVE I BEEN? I was bored as fuck on a Friday night. No one was available to even talk to. I tried to get my straight best friend who I had always thought was really hot to hang out at a bar with me but after telling me he had family plans I find him naked at a gay orgy I found on the internet. I was doing pretty well.

"I'm doing okay. What about you."

"Same shit, different day. Ya know."

"You go to an orgy every day?" I teased.

"You know what I mean." He said taking a sip from his glass. "Come on. Let's go sit down."

"I'll be there in a second." I needed a drink. This was a lot to take in at one time.

I grabbed a glass and my bottle of scotch.

"You want some ice for that?" Mason asked walking over to the fridge.

"Uhh... Yeah. Sure."

Mason bent over and opened the freezer, giving me a perfect view of his butt. His long tiger tail whipped back and forth in a seductive fashion.

"Like what you see?"

I nodded slowly.

"You're not so bad yourself." He walked back over and put one paw on my rump while he put a pawful of ice in my glass. "We'll talk more later." He gave me a wink and turned away.

I poured my scotch and went to find Scott. He was sitting at the table and was waving me over to him. I pulled up a chair next to him and sat down; my bare ass froze at the touch of the wooden seat.

"Hitting it off with Mason?"

"You watched that?"

"You're damn right I did. It was impossible not to notice. I don't remember the last time I saw your tail move that much."

He was right. My tail was out of control. I was surprised I didn't knock any glasses off the counter. I chuckled slightly and put a paw on the back of my head, now thoroughly embarrassed. I took a sip of my drink to try and cover it up.

"Don't feel bad about it. He's pretty damn hot."

It was so surprising to hear him speak that way that I ended up taking a huge gulp. I felt it burn its way down my throat and started to choke and cough, eyes watering all the while.

"You idiot. You don't DRINK scotch."

"I know. *Cough* I know. It's just... it's strange to hear you talk that way."

Scott became quiet after that, putting his head down to look at the floor... or his cock. He was naked and sitting down, it was hard to tell. I would be trying to take a peek but he was hiding it from me with that big bushy tail of his.

"So..." I said. "Family thing, huh?"

"Yeah... I lied."

"Really? You don't say." I teased, my voice riddled with sarcasm. "Do you do this often?"

"What? Go to an internet orgy"

"Heheh. Yeah."

"No. This is my first time. I've never even been with another guy. I thought it would be best if my first time was with someone I didn't know and when I saw this ad I thought it was perfect. I didn't know anyone here until you showed up."

"So no one know you're gay yet?"

"Outside of this house, no."

The more I got him to talk, the more he seemed to relax. He removed his tail from his lap and leaned back in his chair to stretch giving me a great view of his entire body. His muscles were more defined than they had used to be. Had he been working out? He had always been kind of a health nut, but it was mostly about being a cardio freak over a muscle head.

I scanned his entire body up and down and saw what he was hiding with his tail. There between his legs was a full hard on just begging for release. The only time I had ever seen him naked in the past were in the locker rooms at school. I had never seen him fully hard before. He must have been sporting at least a good seven inches.

I wanted to get him to loosen up completely. I wanted to make him mine and let him know how I felt about him. I leaned in close to him, placing a paw on his leg near his throbbing fox member. I put my muzzle close to his and said softly "You know I love you, right?" and then gave him a quick lick on his nose.

Too much, too fast.

Scott's eyes went wide again and he tipped back in his chair, flailing in the air has he fell to the floor. I could feel every eye on the room was now on us. I looked up to see that it wasn't as bad as I thought. The only furs still left in the room were Brian and Luke. Mason must have gone with the others for some fun.

"You... Love me?"

I reached out a paw and pulled him back to his feet. I grabbed his head and pulled him into a deep, passionate kiss that seemed to last a lifetime. It was perfect. The taste of him mixed with Coke and... Scotch? I guess I know who opened my bottle first.

I pulled away from him, my thumb pads massaging his muzzle.

"Does that answer your question?"

He nodded and pulled me in for another kiss.

"If you two would like a room that's a little more private" Brian chimed in. "I have a spare bedroom upstairs that isn't normally used for nights like this."

"That would be perfect" I replied, turning to follow the brawny bear out of the room.

He led Scott and me up the stairs and down to the end of a hallway. We passed a few open doors along the way where the other furs I had seen throughout the night were getting it on.

The first door held the rabbit and horse from the couch as well as a panther that was not introduced in the kitchen. They were going to town, skewering the rabbit from both ends. The room smelled of sweat and pure male muskiness. I stood in the doorway and just stared at them for a few seconds. The horse felt me watching and looked up from the bunny mouth he was humping to see me. A big ass grin shot across his long face. He loved putting on a show. The horse began thrusting harder and faster shoving his large equine cock into the rabbit's maw and causing bunny boy to gag and choke on it. "AAAAGGHHHH!!!" The horse gave one forceful thrust and I could tell he just climaxed. He pulled out of the rabbit and shot long strings of sticky horse cum across his face, the rabbit trying desperately to catch whatever he could in his mouth.

"Damn." Scott and I both said in unison.

"C'mon. This way." Brian chuckled as he continued to lead us down the hallway.

The next room held Mason and a bull that I couldn't remember seeing at all that night. The bull was lying on the bed as Mason worked his cock with his kitty muzzle. We could hear the slurping and suckling sounds from across the room as the tiger went to town on that perfect piece of bovine meat.

"Excuse me." Luke said as he brushed past Scott and me and knelt down behind Mason firmly grabbing the tiger's fine toned rump. Was he following us the whole time? I hadn't even noticed him.

"I'll join you in a few." Brian told him as he motioned for us to follow him the rest of the way. He opened a door to reveal a wide room with a queen sized be at one end. Not much else other than a night stand on either side of the bed and a tall dresser in the corner. "Here we are. You can find lube in the drawer under the night stand. You two have fun now." He gave us a wink and a nod before he backed out of the room."

Now it was just Scott and me. I looked at him in the dimly lit room. Thick white fur covered his entire body except for a blue patch on his chest that was similar to the red one on mine. The only difference was that his ran all the way down to his crotch, which was still fully erect. His muscles were tensed and shone through his fur. This fox wasn't going to be any kind of body builder but I'm sure he could hold his own in a fight.

I placed a paw on his shoulder. "You sure you're ready to do this?"

He nodded. "Yes."

I wrapped him in my arms and began to peck at his neck. It was a little weird at first because he wasn't used to doing stuff like this but I was. I did my best to guide him through it, moving him towards the bed and pushing him under me. I moved slowly for him, making sure that he felt as comfortable as possible.

I couldn't keep my paws off him anymore. My paws moved all over his body as I continued to kiss at him. I moved up and down his chest running my fingers through his soft blue fur, stopping for a moment to feel his pecs. Yeah. He had definitely been working out. I looked up into Scott's blue eyes and his worried nervous look had faded to a much more serious one. The fox grabbed my face and pulled me in for a deep kiss, this one lasting much longer than the one in the kitchen. I had one paw feeling up his chest fur and playing with one of his nipples while my other was tracing his spine causing him to arch his back into me. He put a paw on my butt and squeezed causing me to arch into him.

Scott wrapped his legs and tail around me and suddenly I was on the bottom. I wrapped my muscular arms around his neck and pulled him back so I was on top again. We continued like this for a while, our rock hard cocks bobbed between our bodies and rubbed up against each other as we rolled around on that bed. The entire time our kiss never broke once.

It was time.

I broke the kiss and slowly moved down his body again. I began to bite at and tease one of his nipples as my paw still had control of the other. My other paw worked its way down to his butt. He tried to cover it up with his tail.

"It's okay. I'll be gentle." I assured him.

He removed his tail and I poked and prodded at his virgin hole. I teased the tight ring and I felt his chest rumble with pleasure. I decided to take it one step further. I used one paw to separate his cheeks as my other placed a finger just inside that ring of muscle. Scott gasped so loud that I'm surprised none of the other furs in the house came to check on us. I stuck my finger in further and moved it in and out slowly. Scott's entire body shivered every time.

I moved down the front of him until I was face to crotch. I licked the side of Scott's cock, the salty taste unlike any male I had been with before. I lapped at the tip of his cock and he started to whimper and pant. With each lap of my tongue his cock twitched and pulsed just begging for me to put it in my muzzle. I moved one paw away from his rump and cupped his balls that were dangling free between his legs. I rolled the furry white orbs between my fingers eliciting a moan of pleasure from the fox above.

I moved my other paw away from his ass and grabbed his cock at the base. I licked the seven inch member from base to tip before shoving it into my muzzle. Scott let out a startled gasp, unfamiliar with this feeling of warm wetness on such a sensitive part of his body. I took as much of it as I could in one go making sure not to gag myself on it.

I bobbed my muzzle up and down his length, tasting every inch of that salty sweet fox shaft. Scott began to hump his hips upwards into my mouth allowing me to take in more than I would on my own. With every hump I got a face full of his blue pubic fur. He had a sweet musky smell that filled my nose every time. I sucked harder and harder as I went. His balls tensed up close to his body. I moved a paw back behind him and stuck my finger back in his tail hole. I moved in and out a couple times before taking a second finger and shoving it up there too. His hole clamped down tight on both of them.

"Oh god Shawn! I'm... I'm gonna... aaaaAAAAAAGGGHHHH!"

With a loud yiff my mouth filled with the salty sweet fox cum. I swallowed the first wave no problem, letting it slide down my throat and tasting every bit of it. The second wave came faster than I was prepared for and it caused me to choke a little bit but I was still able to swallow it. I removed my muzzle from his dick only to get shot in the face by the last wave of seed.

I stood up and looked at Scott. He was lying on the bed, arms and legs spread out over the entire thing. He was panting and breathing heavy, the smell of his sweat filled the room and mixed with his natural musk. I climbed on top of him and pulled him in for a kiss so that he could taste what I did.

Reaching out towards the night stand I opened the drawer and pulled out the bottle of lube. "Are you ready?" I asked, feeling him tense up when I grabbed the bottle.

"Uh... I don't know. I mean, you're so... big."

He was right. I probably had a couple more inches then he did and my knot being there didn't make it any better.

"Don't worry. I'll take it slow."

I opened up the bottle of lube and squirted the slick liquid into my paw. This was it. The thing I had been fantasizing about for years was finally about to happen. I was about to mate my best friend and make him mine.

"Turn over."

Scott flipped over on to his stomach and lifted his rump into the air. He moved his tail to the side and gave me a clear view of the hole I was about to penetrate. He looked so hot with his ass up in the air like that. I knelt down behind him and rubbed the lube in both paws. I took one paw and smeared the substance over my cock while the other worked its way over the fox's hole. I stuck two slick fingers into his tight ring much easier than I had done before and I felt his ring spasm over them completely as I pushed them in deeper and deeper.

I removed my fingers and prepared my cock for what was about to happen. I rubbed my cock up and down between his furry cheeks and teased him, letting him know what I was going to do. "Whenever you're ready." He said. I pointed my tip directly at Scott's hole and slowly let the first couple centimeters slip into the well lubed cavity.

Scott winced and his ears fell back against his head and he buried his head in a pillow. I held his hips to try and comfort him as I slid more of my cock in, inch by inch. I wanted to go slow so he could get used to the feeling of being filled like this. I pulled back until just the tip was in once more. I pushed in again this time a little further. I repeated this process until everything but my knot was inside. I thrust knot deep into him again and again hearing his pleasured moans and grunts that were muffled by the pillow.

He was so tight and warm it was unbelievable. I had never fucked a virgin before and those muscles of his that gripped and tugged at my cock made this an unforgettable experience. I laid myself over his body and wrapped my arms around his chest. I humped into him harder and faster, feeling my balls slap against his with every movement.

This wasn't just one of my one night stands. This wasn't just about sex. This was about passion for the one I was with, making sure that they were having just as good a time as I was. I wanted him to know that. I wanted him to feel like I felt. I leaned into his ears and whispered "I will always be here for you." He turned his head to face mine and planted a deep kiss on my muzzle. "Ummmff... I know." He grunted.

I knew my climax was coming. His hole was so tight that it would be impossible to last much longer. I opened my mouth and gently bit down on his shoulder as my thrusts became more aggressive. My humping rhythm became slow and hard rather than rapid thrusts. My knot popped inside of him and Scott clenched the bed sheets as his tight hole clamped around me. I humped him like that with my knot inside getting faster and faster until I was ready to burst. With a loud howl that made the room shake I released my seed into his tight virgin ass. I could feel the wolf spunk leak out between my cock and his hole. It dripped down my balls and on to the bed below.

I lay on top of him like that for a few minutes. I was breathing heavy into the back of his neck. The entire room now smelled of sweat and a mixture of wolf and fox cum. The heat coming from our bodies made it feel like a sauna. He let out a huff of air and I could feel the heartbeat in his chest. I grabbed his paw in mine and collapsed to his side.

We both just lay there in silence breathing deep. He rolled over to his side so that his back was facing me. What did this mean for us now? It didn't matter. I was with the one I had loved for years and now he knew it. He put his arm and tail around my waist and pulled me closer to him. I put my arm around him and wrapped him in a hug. I just wanted to touch him, hold him, feel him. All night. Always.

"Are you... Okay?" I whispered in his ear.

His ear twitched as my warm breath washed over them. "Mmhmm. Never better."

He took his other paw and cupped it over mine. "Shawn?"

"Yeah bud?"

"I should have said this earlier and I'm sorry that I didn't. Instead I almost passed out but... I guess... I... Love you too."

"It's all good Scott. I jumped the gun. I shouldn't have said that. It was too much pressure."

"It's fine now. I just didn't know what or how to say it before." "Like this was just fine."

There was a long pause before one last thought hit me.

"So... You still up for the bar tomorrow?"


That's it! I hope you enjoyed it. If enough people like this I may continue it otherwise I will try again with something else.