Big Blind

Story by Duneflower on SoFurry

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#1 of High Stakes

A teen with little to lose summons a demon with an agenda that he fits into all too well.

This story was originally concocted for the contest a couple years back, but I couldn't get it finished in time, so I shelved it until I could get it finished at the appropriate time of year. Also, I was REALLY tired by the time I finished it, so forgive me if the quality suffers near the end.

Treth Silverclaw (c) Treth Farrel, used with permission.

It was the witching hour. Nothing so crude as midnight, of course - anyone can be a witch at midnight, with the full Moon at its zenith - no, here it was past 3am, and he'd been awoken by a hand on his shoulder, shaking him urgently. His eyes opened to an unfamiliar ceiling; he quickly brushed aside the usual concerns of "Who am I?", "Where am I?", and "Am I clothed?" as a finger pressed against his lips. A barely-audible voice, seeming as one from a distant memory just out of a sleep-addled brain's reach, whispered words into his ear:

"I want to tell you a secret."

His eyes focussed on the muzzle next to his - jet-black fur would catch anyone's eyes when married to the refined bone-structure of a vixen such as this, especially with the claws looking even larger and sharper than those of your typical cat, but what truly caught his attention were the eyes: Dangerous-looking, almost catlike themselves, glowing faintly with a slight reddish tint...He liked those eyes, felt he could look at them every day. He grinned almost evilly.

"I like secrets. What's yours?"

The near eye winked at him as its owner straightened up onto her knees, one hand gently petting down his forearm until it reached his own, which it grasped strongly to help him into a similar position while the adolescent cougar took stock of his current situation: The unfamiliar ceiling was that of the abandoned warehouse he'd chosen for his activities tonight, he in fact wasn't clothed (as had been the case since he started), and the being before him was seated...wait, half-in and half-out of the becandled circle intended to contain her?

Distressed, he covered his eyes with his right hand. "Crap. I summoned a demon too badass for me to keep a hold on, didn't I?" He removed the hand to look at her again, with the only thought in his mind being I am so screwed...

To his surprise, she just chuckled and flicked her tailtip. "Technically, yes - but the one you called wasn't the one you got. As things stand, you chose the right kinda time and got - " A scowl briefly crossed her muzzle before her seemingly-perpetual smirk reasserted itself. " - lucky, so you have just barely enough power to keep hold of the one you ended up actually summoning. This is as far outside as I can go."

Mildly confused, he looked over the succubus he had - by her assertion, erroneously - summoned, sitting there on her knees with hands resting casually on thighs. One thing he certainly wasn't expecting was to hear a voice sounding more like a teenager than the mature young woman before him: Moderately-broad shoulders (definitely moreso than your typical female) and hips, slender waist, and probably the biggest rack he'd ever seen on vixen! Her fur did look a little different from the literature he'd read on the succubus he'd attempted to summon, and she might be a bit bigger, but he hadn't figured writings that old would be exactly right anyway..."So, you're saying you're not Lataina?"

She stood up, posing just a little to give him a better view, lacing hands behind her head - she wasn't black all over as it turned out; where your typical red fox would have white fur, hers was a vivid crimson, though the texture was about what one would expect - for which his appreciation was shown by the tip of his maleness just beginning to poke out of its sheath, eliciting a small lick of the vixen's lips. "Nope - I'm La_tei_a. Lataina's my mom; I basically look like her 'cept a lot taller and in reverse."

"Ha! I'll be damned, those old papers were actually accurate about details like that?" He shook his head in bemusement, then stood up himself and took a half-step in toward her. "So what's this secret of yours, hrm?"

The finger crossed his lips again, accompanied by a shake of the head. "Before you get that, I wanna know a few things - Why did you summon me? What d'you intend for me to do? That sorta thing. I mean, I'm guessing you're what, about...fourteen?" He nodded confirmation of her guess, which made her chuckle softly. "Little young to be dabbling in the dark arts nowadays..."

The cougar's ears folded back slightly and with a mildly-disgruntled flick of his own tailtip, he looked a bit toward the floor - which basically resulted in his eyes alighting on her bustline. "Would 'Who are you?' be another of those things you wanna know?" Recieving a simple nod as response, he nodded back and took a big breath. "Good, 'cause that's kind-of important to why I summoned you...'kay. Basically, I summoned you 'cause I didn't feel like I had much to lose - my first year of highschool is sucking in just about every possible way, my family's only one step above 'surviving' on my mom's paychecks, I've had a hard time finding a lover so far, and on top of it all...I'm fucking bored!" He looked up, back into those enticing eyes, which curiously made him smile a little just by doing so. "As for what I'd do with you...well, I was hoping you'd have some ideas there."

A cheeky grin, and one as dangerous as the eyes above, suddenly appeared on the vixen's muzzle, which the puma couldn't help but mirror - man, she was getting under his skin fast! "Well...I can change that last one easy." She cupped his chin with a thumb and forefinger, then leaned into him and pulled his muzzle slightly toward hers for a fierce and passionate kiss, if not a terribly-long one - though it was plenty long enough to make his shaft surge a couple inches further out into the open air between them! Somewhere in the middle of it, a small wind picked up near the floor and blew the candles out, allowing her to step fully out of the chalked circle; this caused a surge of eye-widening alarm as their lips parted, his eyes darting back and forth between it and her face. She grinned again, resting a hand on his shoulder and leaning slightly on him with a word of explanation. "Little-known fact about summoned succubi: A willing kiss acts as a temporary bond, making summoning circles totally un-necessary as long as they last. See, I like someone willing to gamble a little on me - it makes me willing to gamble a little myself." Another of her playful winks accompanied the last comment. "Fair trade, I figure."

She sauntered around behind him to wrap her arms about his waist and rest her muzzle on his shoulder, pressing her breasts into his back, which elicited both its intended effects of a comfortable purr and further excitement. "Now, about that secret I mentioned...lemme give you a little background first. See, Mom's always been one of those people who's popular more for looks and personality than deeds, and I'm pretty-much the same way, so shi's never exactly been what you'd call 'it-crowd' material downstairs - " His left ear flicked a little at the strange pronoun, but he wrote it off as a quirk of dialect as she lightly stamped a foot on the cement floor to indicate what she meant by "downstairs", eyes darkening both literally and figuratively. " - which is to say, the hidebound asshole devils and their ass-kissing demonic toadies. See, we both love being Lusts, but the 'demon' part gives us a little trouble, 'cause we've never been real fond of hurting people. We don't mind if it's part of the fallout of whatever we're doing, or if it's necessary to get things done; but hurting someone just for the sake of hurting someone never quite jibed with us, so Mom has a habit of leaving assignments half-finished. Finally they decided shi'd disobeyed one order too many, and..." She shrugged, then made an upward motion with her hands, palms out. "...walled hir up. Imprisoned hir, that is. That's why you ended up with me instead."

He nodded almost blankly, his mind buzzing as it tried - successfully, for the most part - to assimilate all he was being told. The vulpine succubus nosed at his cheek, the gesture surprisingly familiar and friendly to his mind, as she continued: "Now, here's my secret: My father was a Pride. Know what that means?"

His lips pursed as he tried to come up with a decent answer; finally he shook his muzzle a bit. "T'be honest, not really, other than it's some other race of demon. I mean, I know pride and lust are both so-called Deadly Sins, so I figure that's gotta have some meaning, but I could only guess what." She chuckles and noses his cheek again, this time more firmly, encouraging him to do exactly that. "Mm? Alright, let's Pride is always sure they're doing what needs to be done, and doesn't do anything until they are sure?"

"Good start." Her tail brushed against his side as she swished it in amusement. "A Pride also wants to be recognized, to be a name - to be important, if that's what it takes. We also can't stand getting punished when we haven't done anything wrong, whether the authorities think it's wrong or not. See where I'm going with this?"

A feline tail flicked in intrigue, eyebrows rising and eyes widening slightly as he reached what seemed to be the inevitable conclusion: "...You're pissed. You mom's basically jailed for a stupid reason and yer not gonna take it any longer than you have to. What can you do about it, though?"

The sigh he immediately got in response wasn't exactly encouraging. "Yeah, that was the tricky part." One word in that sentence immediately pricked his ears up: "Was"? "I'm not a Wrath, so I can't just rage my way there and bust hir out. I'm not a Gluttony or an Avarice, so I can't get hir freed by making hir my concubine or something - which I would totally do, too; the thought of having someone like that all to myself just makes me...rrrrrrr..." He heard her hips shift behind him as her breath quickened a little against his back and her tongue flicked out over her lips again, eyes lidding partway. Apparently the thought excited her as much as she did him - and from the old pictures and the similarity between the two, he could hardly blame her. Nor could he complain about the way she was rubbing his chest and stomach.

Curiosity got the better of him, though, so he nudged her with an elbow a couple of times to get her mind back on track. "Rrng? Oops, I eh...kinda got a little distracted there, didn't I? Eheheh. Sorry, my mom's way hot. But you probably knew that already. Anyway, you know what's unique about Prides?" A small, interrogative growl prompted her to answer her own question, tapping her temple with a forefinger. "We're the smart ones. The greatest Prides put together plots that can take years, decades, or even centuries to come together."

" you have a plan." He blinked, distracted himself for a moment as she shifted toward him a little and he felt something prodding at his lower back. Huh? That doesn't make sense. He turned around to see just what it was he was feeling...and what met his eyes nearly made his jaw drop: the vixen had a penis. An impressive one.

As he stared at it in near-disbelief, Lateia chuckled, running hands down his front again. "Yep. I've actually been just waiting for someone like you to try and summon either me or Mom..." Hir eyes tracked down to his own maleness, which had actually surged up to full arousal upon seeing hir own. "...and with a bored teenager whose life sucks, it looks like I hit the jackpot," shi enthused, wrapping a long, slender hand around that length and squeezing gently.

"Nnnnnf!" His eyes closed briefly in pleasure, claws in his fingers and toes extending as the squeeze make him involuntarily curl them. "So um...just to make an' yer mom are...both?" Shi made a small but drawn-out sound of confirmation, releasing his erection to pet along his front again. "Damn...that's gotta be the hottest thing I've ever heard of."

A surprisingly-girlish giggle trilled out of the succubus' throat as shi pressed hir nose to his. "Glad you like it, 'cause it's a big part of my plan. Which reminds me of the other reason I'm not real well-liked down there: See, pure Prides can concoct some epic plots, but they tend just to be aimed at pulling down other demons. Hybrid Prides, while they're usually not quite as good at it, weave plots with actual direction provided by the other half - the kind that can pull down not just a rival or two, but an entire power-structure. You see how dangerous that makes us in other demons' eyes?" His eyes widened, clearly showing understanding. "Mmmhmmm. And you know what the big currency is in an entire community of demons?"

Tawny eyes rolled upward in thought. "...Power?"

"You're thinking a little too narrowly - try influence; power's just one form of it. Now, how d'you suppose a Pride would free someone who was imprisoned in complete accordance with the rules?"

"Change the rules, of course. But how would you do that when they won't even listen to you?" His eyes widened again as he reached the answer before shi could respond: "...Change the rul_ers_, and the rules change with them!"

That split the black-furred vulpine muzzle into a fangy grin. "Bingo. Making a big-enough impact on the mortal world can do that, and I've got just the plan to do it if I bring it off big enough. But bringing off a plan that big requires a little..." Shi licked his nose. "...local help. At least for me. You're a raw but promising witch. I'm a mid-tier demon. Alone, neither of us is likely to make much of a splash; but if we pool our powers?" Hir grin expanded, eyes flashing. "We could rival a demon-lord."

He then grinned himself, hands darting forward to take hold of the fronts of hir breasts and knead them gently, eliciting a loud moan. "I like it. But how do we do this 'pooling our powers' thing? And just what is the plan?"

The vixen's grin faded into a grimace, tail swishing and quirking in slight agitation. "Yeah, that's the one thing...this is gonna sound like a tangent, but bear with me. Did you know that most succubi actually stay virgins for a long time?" He quirked one eyebrow, his expression one of extreme skepticism, which made hir chuckle. "Well...depending on how you count it; more accurately, most go a long time before taking a cock. The reason? Getting nailed binds them to whoever nails them, like with a kiss - but permanently. That's what's required to be able to pool our powers, and I wish we could actually get to know each-other before basically becoming mates..."

"So that's your gamble, huh?" The cat smirked, tailtip flicking in amusement. "Bind yourself to me, a mortal you barely know, in the hopes that I'll help you bring your plan off?" After a brief moment to recover from the surprise of his interruption, hir dangerous grin returned with a nod. "Heh...a guy who has nothing to lose but his family, and a demoness trying to get part of hers - er, 'hirs', was it? - back."

Another nod at the question, bringing another matching feline grin - except that the vixen's had faded again, hir eyes darkening as they looked down slightly. "Nearly all of hirs - when they realized who my father was, they tracked him down and executed him." A smirk now plays across hir lips, a shadow of the grin from before. "With a lot of effort. Luckily, me an' my little sister had already figured out how to keep ourselves hidden in Mom's summoning ritual. Speaking of which..." A hint more of the grin returned, hir eyes flashing. "...When we get the chance, we should summon hir. Shi's not real powerful yet, but every little bit helps, especially if someone-else in your family has some talent for witchcraft."

"Three of us, two of you? Love it. A full house is almost-always a winning hand." He leaned toward hir a bit, squeezing hir breasts again. "So, shall we get started on our grand scheme?"

"MrrRRrr!" Lateia pushed back a little, remaining upright, still with that small grin. "Lemme outline it for you first: Basically, I think it's time to start obliterating the line that keeps the two halves of the population from understanding each-other."

Head tilting to one side, he considered what this might mean for a moment before taking an educated guess: "You mean...turn as many people as we you?"

Shi stretched a finger out to beep his nose playfully. "Got it in one. And you know, in bonding myself to you, we both gain any special properties the other has - but in order for you to use mine, you'll have to be the first one converted..."

The male blinked. "Converted? As in, like, I'd be the first 'victim' of our plan?" He paused a bit for thought after hir nod of confirmation, then grinned again. "If it'll make things easier, might as well go all-in! Being part-girl will prob'ly take a lotta getting used to, but I suspect I'll manage."

The vulpine grin widened, the glow in hir eyes intensified. "Outstanding. Brace yourself." A similar glow briefly flared up around hir hand before seeping into his body; a few moments later his head snapped back and his back from the indescribable sensations associated with the changed being wrought to his body: hips reconfiguring, maleness shifting a couple of inches up the torso, facial structure softening and refining a tad, chest ballooning outward. Lateia's eyebrows crept upward as shi reached out to palm and fondle those new breasts, decidedly impressed - they were at least a match for hir own, and hir companion was barely a teenager!

With a loud moan, feline hips arched upward, scooting closer to the vixen. "Hell...I'm in heat, ain't I?" he - or, now, shi - panted, noting how hir voice had changed in both pitch and character, mildly surprised that the change in pitch wasn't greater.

"Yep. Hope you don't mind gettin' knocked up your first time," the succubus confirmed, leaning backward onto hir back and gently pulling the puma down atop hir. "If it'll make you feel better, I'll let you do the same to me..."

Now it was the cat's turn for a carnivorous lick of the lips. "That sounds amazing," shi replied, already finding the vixen's lower lips with the tip of hir shaft - which, shi realized, had grown slightly in the transformation. Not all that much, only an inch longer at most and a shade thicker in proportion, but enough to notice.

Arms wrapped around hir new lover's torso and pressing those prodigious breasts into hir own, one further thought occurred to the demoness: "You'll probably need a new name, huh? Maybe a demonic and feminine twist on the one you already have - which is what, by the way? I never did ask, damn that's rude of me..."

"Treth," came the reply as felid thickness gradually sank into hir hitherto-untouched depths.

"Treth, huh?" shi echoed amid small moans, already enjoying to the fullest hir first mating as a female. " about...Trialathi? Mrrrm...Witch-queen Trialathi, Vanguard of the Enlightened Sex..."

A light chuckle sounded from the chest above hirs as its owner finished burying hir length inside the vixen's channel. "Oooh...I like the sound. What would that make you? Demon-queen Lateia...Bringer of the Carnal Dawn?"

Lateia couldn't help but giggle at that, wrapping hir legs around the kitten's hips as the maleness between them began pulling out from inside hir. "Maaaaaaybe." Then hir muzzle ran out of space for words, too fully occupied with moans and needful whines as those hips began rocking in earnest, filling and unfilling the tight space between hir walls at a quick and ever-increasing pace.

Then the newly-rechristened Trialathi slightly shifted hir angle of approach, pressing hir length against places that hir vulpine partner thought might never be reached, sending hir up toward hir peak at a speed shi had only hoped to achieve "someday". Shi responded by rippling the surrounding walls in certain patterns, hir nature as the closest thing to an incarnation of sex affording hir intimate knowledge of ways to please a lover despite lacking experience.

Shi would later remind hirself of this moment when pondering cats's status as the true wonders of the carnal world, as the one inside hir realigned again while pressing their lips together, covering yet more areas of indescribable pleasure. Then a third time as barbs began flaring to life around the cat's girth. It would almost embarass hir to recall how quickly Trialathi had brought hir to ecstasy, considering it a point of pride how well shi could normally control hirself, even in heat.

Almost before shi knew what was happening, hir interior muscles clamped down around the invading member as it pulsed inside hir, disgorging the cargo that would spark new life even in a demon as said demon's thin foxhowl joined a loud yowl of felid pleasure in filling the cavernous space around them. Then, without so much as a word a few moments later, the succubus flipped hir new mate onto hir back and pulled off of hir, resuming the dance of tongues they'd been locked in almost the entire time as shi delved between the cougar's newly-made folds.

Lateia had mated teenagers before - even the occasional teenage vixen - so hir profound maleness was no stranger to tight spaces, but this one evoked nearly a whole new suite of feelings in hir; shi could only guess that the difference came from having given hirself to the cat mere moments before, and many of them recurring in the same circumstances later on would seem to prove that guess right. Having already climaxed on the female side, shi knew this wouldn't take very long either, already feeling the base of hir shaft beginning to expand bare moment into the mating.

As expected, hir maleness was soon locked by that knot inside Trialathi's passage, and what seemed like only a heartbeat later, the same harmonizing pair of vocalizations rebounded off the bare walls around them. Similar to many of hir other times with teens, the tightness around hir proved sufficiently stimulating to bring hir female side a second peak - and the wetness shi suddenly felt on the undersides of hir breasts proved that the same applied to hir partner as well.

Making a few more abortive attempts at thrusts before settling down amid a cacophany of pants, happy rumblings, and small moans, Lateia nosed and nipped playfully at hir mate's cheek. "Well...I'm all yours now."

The cougar beneath hir could only nod for the first few moments afterward before regaining breath. "Rrrrm...say. How does it work when we actually wanna convert someone?"

A grin resurfaced on the vixen's face, accompanied by an emphatic wag of the tail. "That's the fun part: Basically, if they're female, we knock'm up. Y'know what the male equivalent of a succubus is?"

Coming up with the answer required a bit of thought. "Aaaannn...incubus, right?"

"Mmmhmm." A nod accompanied the affirmative. "And me counting as an incubus is real handy in such a situation, because incubi have a few tricks to make impregnating someone a whole lot easier."

Trialathi had probably never grinned such a carnivorous grin, even as a pure-male. "Sounds like a blast. Where do we start?"

The question drew out the sort of smirk that one could only find on the face of a fox. " said you had family, right?"