Secluded place

Story by Majora on SoFurry

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A Lion gives a Husky a BJ..... There is also angst theme stuff but not serious.

A young Lion crashed through the bushes heading toward a secluded place alone in the day. Some might wonder where he was going, ("A stupid question." The Lion would have retorted. "Anyone can see which direction I'm walking in.") Some might wonder how old he was. ("Another dumb one, and I'm not telling, besides do I look old.") But he was clearly no older than 25. Then some might have wondered what he was doing. To that he would have said. (.......I don't know....) Yes that's exactly what the Lion was doing.

He pushed through the last few strands of wildlife coming out into a clearing. There wasn't anything special about it but the Lion stopped and for a few moments he stared as if it was sacred ground. Before he sat on the ground his tail lashing about behind him. It's obvious from the way he looks around that he's waiting for someone but if you asked he wouldn't answer you. He pulls on the grass in clumps and his eyes moving back and forth aren't really seeing anything but he keeps moving them aimlessly around.

There is almost an air of casual disbelief to his actions a disregard to pain made obvious from the multiple scratches the wildlife has left on his arms as If at any moment he was expecting to wake up, as if every time before now had been a mad delusional dream, some kind of self torture. That there was no one coming. But a brief flash of white and an unmistakable odor signaled the others arrival right before the other fur stepped into the clearing.

He was a Husky, his fur was a pure white and combined with a twinkling colgate smile he looked like sparkled. The Husky was one of those people who was handsome in that dazzling sort of way, or maybe it was the sun reflecting off his teeth.

The Husky stepped out of the bushes his tail doing a brief wag as he said "Someones a bit eager." The Lion won't bother denying. But he hasn't been waiting all day, no, he's been waiting all week. The Lion glances briefly at the shirt he's wearing a plain black t'shirt that he's put on. The Lion prefer's the days when he takes off the shirt and he's standing only in his shorts, that thought gives the Lion a mental image he doesn't bother fighting down. But he only does that when he's drunk, or getting there. And although the Lion's nose wasn't as sensitive as other species he would smell the alcohol if the Husky was drunk.

The Lion pulled himself off the ground and walked toward the Husky. The Lion smiled at the fur and the Husky looks away, they both stand there for a few awkward moments. The Lion want's him to say something, do something, it's obvious from the way he says nothing that today he doesn't want to be the one who starts it. But it's just as obvious from the way the Husky pointedly stares away that he doesn't even want to look at the Lion. There are two options either the Lion gives up and go's to business or refuse to do this with the Husky at all. It isn't really a contest, the Lion gives up and leans forward placing his hands on him.

The Husky liked it that way. Just business.

The Lion hears the Husky's sigh of relief when he reaches out and places his hand on the Husky's warmth palming him through the fabric. No more trying to connect to him, just business. The Lion wont keep his hand there long before he hooks his thumbs into the waist band of the Husky's shorts and pulls them down. And as much as the Lion wants to go fast he takes his time with this, because the Husky doesn't always let him do this. (But you always want the passion want him to cling to you and only you) Normally by now the Husky is telling you to hurry up shifting uncomfortably as you touch him his ears flat, urging the Lion to get on with it, and his eyes darting around as if he expects someone to come bursting out of nowhere, but this time he's just standing there breathing hard as the Lion trails his hands along his legs. The Lion sinks to his knees in front of him and pulls the rest of his shorts around his ankles leaving his erection harshly confined by his boxers, there is a want to take that out slowly too, make him really want it, but he surprises you and pulls them down himself leaving his erection bobbing in midair. The Lion don't know if it's his knot that swells up, but he's always a bit surprised by how big it is, as if his memory never did it proper justice. The Husky doesn't want to spend any extra time, at least not as much as the Lion might want. So far too soon the Lion leans forward taking the tip into his mouth and for a few seconds he waits preparing himself for what comes next. And then he's moving the Lion's breath is muffled but the Husky breath's in time with him and eventually a pattern is set and he won't have to think about it.

The Lion's muscles are doing what he wants them to do by memory now. So instead of thinking of this he thinks about him and how the smell of him and sex is incredible how he's panting above you and his body trembling because he's getting really into it. The Lion wants to reach out to grab him, but he's made that mistake too many times before, the Husky throwing him off because his hands had strayed too far so he forces his hands closed behind his back. And you know that little sound the Husky is making in the back of his throat is because he's biting back on the sounds you know he can make because he doesn't want to get caught, not with his pants down in the open getting a blow job from a guy. Because, yeah that would get around and then... what would his girlfriend think? And how the Lion could feel dizzy with arousal, because he belongs to you in these moments he belongs to you. And you can't help but feel proud, yes he has a girlfriend but does she ever see this? Does she know the way his eyes cloud over when he's getting closer to his edge? Does she know what his half made sounds mean? Because to him there perfectly clear, like he's been given an instruction book on when to start when to stop and when to hover in between, when to pull on his knot to force a grunt out of him, and when he needs to come off completely just for fun. The Husky begins mumbling under his breath in between his bitten back moments and he's saying "Come on" and "I'm so close." He looks down at you and places his hands on your mane trying to pull you closer, but gently as if he doesn't want to hurt the Lion and for a moment everything stops, this is new, normally he never touches. In that moment the Lion felt blissfully happy.

The moment doesn't last, he finishes and you spit it out wiping your hand on your mouth. He hasn't moved yet still recovering from the after effects his tongue hanging out of his mouth and a dazed blissful smile on his muzzle that he always get's at the end. The Lion wants to kiss that face he's always wanted to kiss that face but you know from experience that he wont let you, he's not comfortable with that so he wont bother. Instead he leans back in the dirt and try's to ignore the tightness in his pants. When he recovers he's quick about getting his clothes in order, straightening his shirt and pulling scented wipes from his pocket to try and cover the smell. That simple act makes the moment better let's you know he was thinking about this before he came, that he wanted it as much as you. Eventually he finishes and even you have trouble telling that he just had a blowjob and your the guy that gave it to him. The Husky grins shifting a little awkwardly under the Lion's blank gaze, he opens his mouth once and then shakes his head before the Husky turns and leaves the Lion alone. In that moment the Lion thinks that maybe there was something the Husky wanted him to know, something he couldn't bring himself to say... But that's probably wishful thinking.

You know you have to deal with yourself before you can follow unless you want the obvious smell of 'incredibly horny' hanging around you all day. And the Lion does have work. So in the clearing all alone he pull's his own pants down wrapping his hand around his own aching need until he's done, it doesn't take long it never does with that scent and sex hanging all around you. The scent is heavy now and for a moment the Lion wonders how it is he's never noticed the smell lingering before, it's always gone by the time he returns. The Lion pull's up his shorts and cleans up as best he can with only his hands.

If you'd asked him why he hadn't thought ahead to bring something with him to clean up, he would have shrugged you off. I think he wanted something to keep with him, even if it was only a faint scent no one recognized. Even if the other furs at his job think he's dating another gay fur from out of town (Because he's clearly the towns only gay guy) he keeps the smell.

He hopes one day he can keep something else. Something that will last. But that's not very likely. What he can hope is that one day they can graduate from dirt floor (which had ruined so many good pants) to bed. He'd probably accept a hotel bed if he could. Though what he'd really like was some equal service for himself. (Honest) But the Husky doesn't like that, he's not comfortable with that. He just lets the Lion do it and he only lets it happen when there here, except for the first time that first time they had both been drunk and it happened on a bed.


The Lion thought he was Hot and Straight. Very straight if the pretty Marten girlfriend was too be believed (And why not?) but the beer made him gutsy (And dumb) and he spent the night flirting with him, nothing obvious.

A few months ago at the party. The Husky dropping his phone and the Lion quickly picks it up. It's hard to hear him speak over the noise, but the Husky's voice is distinct "Thanks man." The Husky said. Then the Lion see's that smile for the first time, "Don't worry about it I'm very flexible." The Lion purred if there was any doubt left in the Husky's mind about whether or not the Lion had been flirting with him all night it disappeared at that moment. The Husky frowned at him probably trying to sort his drunk mind to decide what to say to that. The Lion patiently waits, "Your a dude." The fur finally settles on swaying slightly from the force of speaking. "Yes I am." Simple answer but the Husky seemed surprised. The Lion rather likes that look.


They ended up on a bed grinding into each other and honestly that was supposed to be it. But it wasn't. Because then there was more. And the more was supposed to be just sex the straight guy got a blow job and the gay guy got to give one. Not a perfect system but the Lion thought the Husky was cute, he easily agreed.

That first few times was the only time the Lion could honestly tell you it was just sex. But one time when the Huskey had been so shy about asking his ears flicking around after he cornered the Lion on the street. Something in him broke, he knew it was a bad idea. It still was.

The Lion walked out of the clearing, and started the short walk to where he put his car. He keeps clenching and unclenching his hands as he walks, it gives him something to do other than hit something. When he gets to his car he doesn't get in it, he just stares at it body tense and head down. The guilt was starting to creep in. As much as he hated being forced to come out to nowhere as much as he hated the way the Husky's eyes always glazed past him like he was nothing in public, he liked the secret, because if it wasn't a secret. What would his Boyfriend say? If you asked him what he was doing, standing alone staring at his car. He would have stopped and stared at you for a long time until finally saying. "Fuck off."