Words Hurt

Story by Drailsin on SoFurry


#2 of Poems

( This is something I wrote yesterday instead of a story I had planned, do to incredibly unfortunate circumstances... tis was a terrible day for me and my poetry tends to reflect how I feel. )

There is a phrase, a very common phrase

That had good meaning till one special day

Sticks and stones may break my bones,

But words will never hurt me....

It is a lie you see

Words are power in this world

They hold a lot of weight

Be it politicians, the president

Or the leader of a rebellion.

Words gave them power

Now back to the phrase,

A very simple phrase

A lie that we tell ourselves each day

Words do hurt,

They hurt worse than any stick or stone

A fox once proved this once,

A trusty good friend,

Then with a few words here and there...

Tore me to pieces.

So don't tell me this phrase,

This lie of a phrase

Words do hurt.

Quite a bit, you'll see