Breaking the Barrier Chapter 10

Story by Tarnthelos on SoFurry

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#10 of Breaking the Barrier

Rainbow Dash has a recurring dream where she is given an award. This would be fine, if not for the fact that it becomes all she can think about.

With this dream driving her nuts, Rainbow decides to embark on a path to end the recurring dream once and for all.

Please note: This story will be going on a hiatus for the month of November for National Write a Novel Month.

The next week is absolute pandemonium. Request after request for interviews are thrown at us, but directing the teeming hordes of workers that flood the facility takes every ounce of our patience and attention.

Now though, everypony is settled in. And while this place does feel really full now, I can't help but because giddy when I think about the fact that we now have the full support of Equestrian bureaucracy, there is nothing to stop us from reaching to the stars and beyond.

For now though, while the new workforce gets fully acquainted with our progress so far, Dusk, Fairweight Mercury, Ignition, Sequence, and myself have decided to take a bit of a vacation. We would obviously be ready to drop everything and go back if need be, but I sincerely hope that it will not come to that. I need this vacation.

"Equestria to Rainbow, you in there?" Twilight waves a hoof in front of my nose, breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry Twi, just thinking about the past week."

"You know, you haven't really said much since we came out here," she gestures to the posh Canterlot restaurant around us. "Anything you want to talk about? Your vacation is almost half over."

I sigh before responding. "I don't know, I've just been really stressed lately. I kinda missed just being able to sit down and enjoy a quiet meal. Although it will be nice to see the rest of the gang again. When did you say they get in?"

"There train should be here in just an hour or two." Twilight answers, pulling up a small notebook from somewhere.

Twilight was lucky to be able to come up to see me this early. Apparently, even though the rest of the gang has basically nothing to do with the project , they were still getting bombarded with questions and interviews. So they spent half of this week catching up on all the rest of their work.

I take another look at Twilight, and notice that she has an uneasiness about her, like she has burning questions just waiting to be answered.

"You really want to ask about my work, don't you?" I grin.

"No, I mean, well, yea." She sheepishly takes a sip of water from her glass before continuing. "I have so many questions, but I know what you've been through in the past week, so I was holding my tongue."

I give a nonchalant wave of my hoof. "Nah, its cool Twi. Ask me anything. I know how curious you are, and it's a benign curiosity; which is one that I can cope with and provide answers for.

Twilight looks at me for a moment."You've changed."Her tone suggests no malicious intent with the words, but I can't help but feel a small sting.

"I, uh, I didn't mean it like that." Twilight tries to correct herself. I must have made a face or something.

"It's fine, I know what you meant. And yea, I guess I have changed; at least a little. I've had to change in order to keep up with the rest of the group."

"What it's like, you know, working with them?" That spark of curiosity flashes over Twilight's eyes.

I lean back in my seat and start to recant their personalities. "Well, the leader-type is Fairweight. He's okay; I never really talked with him that much. Seems a bit too eager to push things along if you ask me.

"Sequence and Mercury are pretty close in personality. A bit stuck up, but useful in their own right. Pretty smart too.

"Out of all of them, I think I like Ignition the most. She doesn't take crap from anypony, and she is not afraid to speak up."I smirk as memories come and go.

"Lastly there is Dusk. He's a bit odd, but pretty cool I guess. Works really well with Ignition, they both work on the fuel and engine designs, but will lend hoof in other areas too." Another smirk plays across my face. "And a fine connoisseur of all things heavy metal."

Twilight and I share a laugh at that. I forgot how good this felt, hanging out with friends. I was always kept so busy I never had time to miss them. Now though, emotions run through me at a rapid pace.

The next hour is filled with a smattering of quietness as Twilight and I just sit back and enjoy the food and ambiance. The other amount of time though, is spent with a constant game of 'see how many answers you can squeeze out of Dash'. I honestly don't mind though, the answers come quick and easy, so much better than for those interviews. Before I know it, it's time to go and pick up the rest of the gang at the train station.

We get to the platform just as the train pulls up. The moment the doors open, I am assailed by a pink blur. The numbness around my waist and the pink expanse ahead informs me that I'm on the receiving end of the infamous 'super-duper It's been ages and I missed you so much' hugs from Pinkie.

When I think I hear one of my ribs crack, I tell Pinkie to back off a bit.

"Sorry Dashie," she giggles. "But you haven't written or anything and I just missed you so much!" She tries to dive in for another hug by I leap out of the way.

"Why don't we head back to the restaurant?" Twilight suggests, offering a distraction to Pinkie. "Rainbow and I have already eaten, but I'm sure you girls are hungry." Everypony nods in approval, so we do just that.

I spend pretty much the entire time rehashing what Twilight's and my conversation from earlier. I really don't mind though, as it gives me a chance to spend more time with my friends. Which is something that I've had exactly none of for the past few months.

With lunch now over, we take our leave of the restaurant and spend some time wandering the wide streets of Canterlot. I never would have guessed that I could actually have fun just walking around; but hey, that's what friends do. Sweet Celestia I missed them.

Before I get the chance to thank them for travelling all the way out here, a messenger pony trots over to me.

"Rainbow Dash, I assume?" She asks, digging into his saddlebag for what I presume to be a letter.

"Let me guess, my coat tipped you off." I jest.

The mailmare smirks. "Of course." She grasps a letter in her teeth and passes it to me. "Letter from the Princess. She would have come to you personally, but she is very busy with a matter of importance."

I nod and wave off the mailpony, gnawing open the letter. The wax seal leaves a minty flavor in my mouth.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

It pains me to do so, but I am afraid that I must pull you from your vacation early. There is an issue that requires your attention back at the facility, and you are closer than any of the others.

I haven't been informed of the exact nature of the problem, but from my understanding there was some kind of accident.

My apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Princes Celestia

I read the important bits aloud and hear a sigh of disappointment from my friends.

"But, but, we've only had like, a day!" Pinkie wines.

I sigh, all my good cheer deflating like a balloon."Yea I know, but those ponies need me. So I better get going."

I give a few experimental flaps of my wings, checking all my feathers are smoothed down and in their proper place. But then, an idea strikes me.

"How would you all like to come with me and get first-hoof look of the facility?"

Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 9

After days of carefully looking over every single piece of the rocket that we could find, we finally have something of an idea of what happened. The problem list is long and distinguished. What contributed the most to the disaster was the fact that...

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 8

As it turns out, working with Mercury is neither as good nor as bad as I expected. Sure, from the little bit of small talk that we shared she seemed a little stuck up, but after a few days she loosens up. She kinda reminds me of Twilight. And that...

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Breaking the Barrier: Chapter 7

I thump the side of my head against the wall in frustration. These last two days have been a PR nightmare. For some unexplainable reason, Fairweight deduced that I would be the best one to handle talking with the media. He said something about already...

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