The Morning After

Story by suchipup on SoFurry

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I woke up in a daze, Groggy with a sledgehammer pounding in my head. What happened last night? The last thing I remember is playing beer pong with a small group of friends. I must have played a few to many games. Slowly opening my eyes I gaze over to see the Husky lying next to me. Looking down the curves of his perfectly sculpted body. Starting with the perfect curve of his neck following the line down his back to his perfectly round butt to the tip of his tale relaxed in his sleep. Kendi The pup I had been in love with for many years. Up until last night with some help from liquid courage I had always been to afraid to tell him how I truly felt. I had known him for quite some time, and loved him from the moment we met. Kendi started to stir, afraid of his reaction while sober I closed my eyes and pretended to be still passed out in a drunken haze. Was he looking at me? Was he mad about last night? Was it all due to the booze? He had said he felt the same way about me the whole time, but it could just have been the booze. Kendi sighed and slivered out of the bed. I heard the bathroom door shut then a few moments later a flush. Then I felt him crawling back into the bed next to me, laying his head gently on my bare chest. Hugging me close to him he said "I know your awake, I know you well enough to tell when you are faking." "Don't worry everything I said last night is still true today" Opening my eyes just a sliver I gazed into his ice blue ones. "You really care for me that way?" softly Kendi replied "Yes, Suchi, I truly do." "That makes me the happiest pup in the world." I replied softly while stroking the silky fur on his spine. "Me too" Kendi replied pulling me into a long kiss. Being here with him felt so right. This was where I truly belonged right by his side, holding him close. This was MY husky at last. "Time for round two" Kendi whispered in my ear breaking my thoughts. Grabbing my shaft, that was already hard without me being aware, and stroking it slowly, making me moan ever so slightly."Oh Kendi" I moaned out softly. "Is that all the noise you're going to make for me?" he replied the sound of lust heavy in his voice. Kendi started slowly kissing down my body, sending tingles of pleasure everywhere, before hovering his face right near the tip of my member. "I want to hear you beg for it" his dominant side coming out. "Please Kendi, Please, I need you now" I practically scream out in excitement "That's more like it" he said before licking the tip of my shaft. I whimpered out in sexual frustration. "Moan for me Suchi"He said before shoving my throbbing wolf cock down his throat to the base. "Oh god!" I yelled out in pleasure from the warmth and softness of his husky mouth. "That's enough of that I want it inside my tight husky hole" He said before straddling me. "Beg for it. Beg for my tight hole to devour your big wolf cock" He commanded. "Please I need to feel you! You are driving me crazy!" I yelled out in frustration. "good boy" He responded before thrusting my member inside of himself. Everything went blurry and I got dizzy for a second at the shear shock of pleasure coursing through my system at that moment. "I can't take it anymore. It's my turn to command this" I said before flipping him on his back and thrusting deep inside of him, forcing him to make that face I loved so much last night. The face he gets when he is completely focused on my thrusting, making his hole my own. I kept thrusting no matter how much he begged me to slow down so he could recuperate. I wanted to make him feel every inch of me. I wanted to fuck the hot husky cum out of him. "Please Suchi slow down I'm going to Cu-" He yelped out before shooting his hot spunk all over himself and I. "That's it cum for me my husky" I growled, before shooting my own load deep inside him. Making his hole mine and mine alone. "I love you pup" I said before collapsing on top of Kendi. We lied like that for a while before returning to him on my chest as we drifted off to sleep once more wrapped up in each others arm consumed in our happiness.