2: And then

Story by thewhitetigerX3 on SoFurry

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#2 of Trent

Well this wasn't originally meant to be more than just a single but then I had an idea so Trent and Corey are back with a writer's best friend; drama

I woke up the next morning and Corey was snuggled to my chest purring quietly in his sleep. I sighed, starting to feel guilty. I had cheated on my fiancé. With a man. My sheath twitched as I thought about last night and I forced my thoughts away from there. Do I tell Brianna about this? Or do I keep it secret? I wondered over this for a moment before deciding to keep it a secret. It's not like I was dating him, it was a fluke. A drunken mistake. The cheetah opened his eyes and yawned.

"Oh good morning" he said sleepily. He kissed my cheek lightly. "That was really fun last night"

"About that." I began, not looking at him "it can't happen again. I'm getting married soon. Last night was a mistake, I was drunk."

"You had one drink" he pointed out as he sat up and stretched, his tail curled into a little question mark as he did. Trying to ignore how cute that was, I rolled out of the bed and onto my feet.

"I wouldn't have done that if I hadn't had the drink." I said stubbornly. He scooched over and stroked up my sheath.

"Something tells me you would've." He said smugly. I stepped back and walked around the bed to grab my pants.

"No. I wouldn't have." I said sliding them on. He sighed and slid off the bed, getting some clean jeans out of the closet. When he turned his back I couldn't help but notice the matted fur on his rear where my jizz had leaked and dried. I forced myself to look away. He walked up to me and hugged me, unbeknownst to me; he slipped something in my pocket.

"If you're sure. Then fine, thanks for the great time." he said. He kissed me once again on the cheek and left his room. I grabbed my shirt and left the house, driving home. I sighed before I unlocked and opened the door. Bri was waiting in the living room.

"Where the hell have you been?" she demanding

"I crashed at... a friend's house" I said wearily

"Oh? And how big were HER breasts?" she said sarcastically

"It was a guy friend." I said rolling my eyes and walking to our room. I don't know what came over her after I proposed, but she became paranoid and... well to be frank, just plain bitchy. She still had her moments where she was the woman I fell in love with, but those moments were getting shorter and further in between. She followed me with her arms crossed.

"What was his name then?"

"Corey. He's a Cheetah"

"Why haven't you ever said anything about him before?"

"I haven't known him that long. Now I need to get ready for work babe." I said. She scoffed and stomped off, she had to get to work as well. I sighed and emptied my pockets, I found a folded up slip of paper, and the inside was Corey's number, signed with a little heart on the tail of his 'y'. I nearly threw it away, but instead I stuck in the back pocket of my work pants. If anything I could talk to him. All of my friends were also Bri's friends, which meant I couldn't talk to them about her without them telling her. I headed out to work, I work as a construction worker, and I'm the guy who tells everyone else what to do, although I try not to come across as bossy. I got to building we were working on; it was going to be a convenient store. When I got there I realized it was only a couple of blocks from Corey's house. I didn't think about that again while we worked. It was time for a lunch break, when my phone rang. It was Brianna. And she was pissed.

"So Greg tells me he saw you at a club with some Cheetah last night"

"Yea that was Corey, I told you about him this morning." I said, aggravated.

"He saw you dancing with the whore too." she said, I could tell she was barely paying attention to what I had said.

"He was trying to pick up some girls, I was his wingman." I lied, hoping Greg hadn't seen us kiss. The next part slipped out before I could stop it. "And you should watch you call a whore seeing as last time WE went to the club you flirted with just about everything with a dick." I said it louder than I meant to, my lunch mates stopped eating to look at me surprised

"Excuse me?" she demanded, emphasizing the last part of 'excuse'. I hated when she did that.

"I'm pretty fuckin sure you heard me, you need to stop being pissed off that I have a friend who's not in your pocket, and you definitely need to not insult them or I will tear your 'friends' and I use that word lightly because they are more like informants, to pieces." I hung up, packed my lunch and left. In the car I called Corey

"Yeeees?"He answered

"Hey its Trent, I know I left just this morning, but do you mind if I come over again? Just to talk?"

"Yea of course, what happened?" he said, hearing my unhappy voice.

"I'll tell you when I get there, I'll be at your door in like 5 seconds" I said hanging up. He was waiting at his door when I got there, wearing the same clothes as when I left.

"You ok?" he asked once I was in the house.

"Yea.... No.... I don't know..." I said, he sat me on his sofa and I sunk into it.

"Can I get you something to drink? I just made tea" he said. I nodded and thanked him. He came back a few minutes later with two cups. "So what happened?" I told him about the argument,

"If she's going to do this every time I hang out with someone she doesn't know... then I don't think this is gonna work."

"You called her a whore for calling me a whore?" Corey asked. I nodded

"She had no right."

"Well, I don't have much experience with girls or with marriage, so I can't really help you."

"I just wanted someone to talk to. I don't really have any friends that won't tell her everything I say."

"Well feel free to talk to me anytime. I work from home so I'm always here." He said.

"Thanks Corey... do you mind if I use your shower? I have clothes in my car."

"Yea goes ahead. I'm gonna make some food, any allergies?"

"Nope I said" standing up. As I showered, I could smell his cooking wafting throughout the house. It made my stomach rumble. I got out dried off and dressed. I felt better now. I thought about Corey and Brianna. Corey was so sweet; musch more so than Brianna ever had been. But he was a guy. Would I really leave the woman I loved over a rocky patch for a guy I had known for a few hours?

He had a plate ready for me when I walked into the kitchen. He had made sausage and eggs.

"I haven't eaten breakfast yet" he said grinning.

"So you said you haven't had much experience with girls, when did you know you were gay?" I asked taking my plate, we were eating leaning against the kitchen counter

"Middle school, in the changing room.... there was this one guy who had the locker next to mine." He shook his head. "His scent drove me crazy. That's when I had my suspicions. But when I started getting hard ons from thinking about guys in 8thgrade, that's when I knew for sure."

"Wow" I said surprised.

"Yep. What about you, was that your first time with a guy?"

"Yea. I did ok I hope?"

"You did perfect" he said smirking. I blushed a little. Now I was thinking about it. I looked at the time. There was still a while before I needed to be back at the construction site.

"What do you work as?" I asked

"Tax consultant" he said. "I have a website."

"I'm a construction worker." I said.

"Sexy" he said winking. We both chuckled a little before falling into a silence. I finished my food before he did. I washed my plate off in the sink, my back to him. He snuck up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist, kissing my neck. "You got some time?" he asked. I turned around.

"A little, why do you ask?" I said grinning. I really had meant to come over and only talk. But that Cheetah just made feel so relaxed and at home. He made forget that I had Brianna. He nuzzled my chest

"Because I wanted to have a little fun before you left."

"There's always time for fun. But I think we may have to keep our clothes on this time. Mostly" I said and kissed him. He pulled me towards the sofa and plopped down on it, lying down. I laid down on top of him and kissed him again, he parted his lips and a wrestling match started between our tongues. Somewhere in all this our shirts got lost. I ground my bulge against his and he undid both of our pants. My meat was resting on his. He took both of our lengths in his hand and pumped us together, pressing them against each other. His cock was smearing pre onto mine, but my pre just dripped onto his belly. He worked our dicks together, his hand barely fit around the both of them. I wished I had more time. I wanted to pack him full again. That's what got me wondering how it felt on his end.

"Hey Corey, next time we do this, would you do me?" I asked blushing a little

"Me top? Uhm no." he giggled "but I can call my foster brother." He said

"ok." I said and kissed him again. What had I gotten myself into? I could feel his shaft throbbing against mine as he began to get close to his peak. When he did finish, he spilled his seed on to my shaft, painting the underside of my member with his spunk. It didn't take me much longer to cum after him, covering his belly. He let go of our cocks smiling.

"So what about Brianna?" he asked

"I don't know." I said. "I really just need to think about things." He nodded

"I can understand that." I dressed and kissed him before heading back to the construction site. I was a little late, but no one said anything. They had all witnessed the argument, and thought it best to cut me some slack. What was up with Brianna? Why was she so paranoid? I do still lover her but this paranoia was too much. She always thinks I'm cheating and lying. Of course now I am, but only because Corey is starting to be more affectionate than she is. Hell he acts like he likes me more often than she does. And I've only known him for a day. I shook my head. There was something wrong with that. I was lost in thought for the rest of the day. I went home, still thinking, Brianna was again waiting in the living room.

"Hey Trent. I want to apologize." she said

"What?" I said, dumbfounded. This was new.

"You're right. I talked with Tina; she said every guy wants another guy to talk to without worrying about his wife finding out. So if cedric is that friend, then I'm fine with it."

"His name is Corey. And why this sudden change of heart?"

"I don't want to lose you. I'm willing to let up a little and try to be more trusting." She said "in fact, I want you to invite Corey over for dinner tomorrow." That's when it made sense. She didn't want to meet him, she wanted to convert him. I felt bad for thinking that and decided to give her the benefit of the doubt, she seemed sincere.

"Ok, I will." I said. I did really want to say to no but there was really no reason for me to. My fiancé and my.... Boyfriend..... In the same room. "Let me go call him now." I said walking off and dialing his number

"Hey Trent miss me already?" he said cheerfully

"Brianna has invited you over for dinner tomorrow." I said

"Oh. Why? Is she planning to kill me or something?"

"She be try to turn you into another informant on me. Either that or she legitimately feels bad. Either way, you gonna come?"

"Yea I guess. Just text me your address. Oh and my brother said he wouldn't mind giving you a taste of the receiving end. He's off work this Saturday come over when ever."

"Ok. See you later then."

The next day was spent cleaning the house; I and Brianna didn't speak much. Around 5 o clock she went to the kitchen to cook. I just cleaned. At six, I went to change into some nice jeans and a tee shirt. Brianna had already changed into a black dress, it went down to her knees and hugged her curves; there was slit going halfway up one of her thighs. Then Corey arrived, he rang the doorbell and Brianna stopped in the middle of setting the table

"Go answer that please, love? I'll finish this up" she said. I opened the door; Corey was wearing jeans and a black button down shirt with long sleeves. There was a fedora perched on his head, slightly off kilter; leaning to the left. He smiled


"How's it going?" I asked letting him in.

"Good, finding your house was a pain in the ass." He said. That was about as relaxed as the night got. While we ate, we talked about a lot of nothings, at one point Brianna asked me to go check on dessert. I knew what was happening in my absence. She was trying to turn Corey against me. I was struck by the fact that it was very possible she could succeed. If he told her what he and I had done she would likely leave me. That thought didn't bother me as much as it should have. I went back in the room carrying the tray of brownies. Bri looked irritated and I knew she had lost.

"Oohh those smell delicious. Did you make them Brianna?" Corey asked

"yes." She said shortly. The rest of the dinner was in awkward silence, until Corey left. "Well that was fun" she said sidling up to me. "How about we make a night of it?" she slid a hand up my chest and kissed me. I would've said no, but she didn't really give me a choice. The whole time I was thinking about how much better Corey was. How much better he felt. How much more passion he showed during... I came thinking of Corey, I ignored Brianna. I think she probably knew I wasn't in it, and I almost felt bad. She fell asleep first. I stayed up. What am I gonna do about this? The situation only got worse the next day when Corey called me at work.