Sexual Conquest: Unsatisfying Interrogation

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Another chapter of the tumblr project. Ferret scouts captured by the avians and interrogated in their special way. Will they be able to last? Tumblr link.

Unsatisfying Interrogation (Requested by myrkin-pl)

"Please...not again...I can't take anymore..." Natte gasped, groaning as the feathers stroked him once more. "I...I need it...stop!"

The ferret's begging had no more effect in the light of day than it had by the light of the moon as soft, feathered fingers dragged their way up and down his shaft. His wrists hurt and his legs burned from his constant struggles since they tied him down. Staked out under a tent by his eagle captors before being stripped of his loincloth, the lean, small ferret had been at the mercy of the avian alliance for more than eight hours by now.

As soon as the tent had been put up, they'd called in the phoenixes. Two of them, one male, one female. They squatted at his sides, remaining where they'd settled for hours. Neither wore clothes, and both were as aroused as him, teasing themselves while they teased his body. Both of them dripped juices on the cleared earth below, and after hours of it, there was a small puddle of pussy juice and pre-cum running under his back. His fur was soaked with the smell of sex, and it was all that Natte could think about.

"Why were you sneaking around the borders of our camp?"

He wasn't even sure which one asked the question anymore. His eyes were clenched shut, and he could barely hear anything past the roaring in his ears. His heart pounded in his chest and his cock beat out the rhythm, lifting and falling against his stomach as it strained for the orgasm the phoenixes denied him. Balls aching from the hours of teasing strokes, it was all he could do to keep his attention focused on his own denial, his own refusal to answer their questions.

"How many of you were there?"

The question ended with a tight squeeze at the base of his cock, and the ferret moaned loudly. Arching his back from the ground, he almost felt like he would reach his climax. The feathery fist was soaking wet with his pre, and he bucked forward a few times, sliding in and out -

-Only for the phoenix to pull away at the last second. Whimpers of need slipped past his lips, the ferret bucking against air desperately for pleasure as he was denied again. It hurt him so much, but still felt so good. It would only get better if he could just cross that edge, feel what they were denying him.

"How many of you were sneaking around our camp?"

"F-" He bit his lip, shaking his head. He couldn't answer. If the other scouts were captured too, then that was one thing, but he wouldn't give up anything that might make it easier for the avians to make war. The valley was their home, and the plains were Ferret land. They didn't...they didn't have the right to just come in and claim pieces of it. And he wouldn't make it...make it...

Oh god, those fingers were so soft along his shaft. They stroked so teasingly slowly, dragging themselves from his balls to his tip and back again. Their touch was so light that the streams of pre running down his cock were tight and heavy by comparison, the very feeling of his pre actually turning him on when he usually couldn't feel it. Soft growls of lust slipped past his lips, and he felt his hips buck against the fingers again before he could stop them.

They pulled back again, and he felt the pain in his balls come back. Without the pleasure teasing him again, the pain from his balls being so full from the denial was torture. He groaned, his hands pulling at the ropes at his wrists, his tail pulling up before it was pinned again, anything to try and touch himself to finish it off. Orgasm...he needed the feeling of a real orgasm, not all these teases.

All he needed to do was answer their questions, and it was getting harder and harder to hold back. If any of the other scouts were being treated like this, he wasn't sure if any of them would be able to hold out past a few days, at most...

"How...many...scouts?" they asked again.

"F-...mmmmph....five..." His lips betrayed him. Reward and punishment came in the form of a lick to the tip of his cock. Just a quick one, a little tease, a promise of more...but not enough to take him over the edge. He moaned hard, bucking up, but they were too good to let him go over the edge.

"Who sent you?"

This time he held his mouth shut, but he had no idea how much longer he could last.

The eagle commander walked past the four hastily set up tents, pausing at each one to hear the progress reports from the phoenixes, and getting a small show out of each session.

One ferret was forced to kneel, his face buried in the crotch of one of the females in the camp. The phoenix questioned him repeatedly, teasing him with her foot as she made him eat her out. Her juices had been running down her drenched thighs when she reported back, little snippets of information. Her scout had been wandering to the south of the camp, and - according to her - had been working on counting how many of their troops were in the encampment. She had a grin on her face as she went back to her task, flicking the ferret's eager shaft with her soaked toes.

Another was tied to a chair, forced to watch as a petite male phoenix used his feathered rump to tease his shaft. Drenched feathered cheeks ground against the ferret's cock, sliding up, sliding down, but never giving the mammal the release that he needed. The limber interrogator didn't stop his teasing while he reported his findings, that the ferrets had one of their three encampments less than a day's walk south, and that was where this one at least had come from. The eagle gave the phoenix permission to take the ferret's cock into his hole for a brief reward before continuing.

The third was a female, and she was moaning louder than any of the others. Tied down to a bed and teased by the two males assigned to her, she had been eaten out and ground against for as long as the males had their cocks rubbed. Her screams to be filled had echoed through the camp for the last hour and a half, pleading, begging for something filling rather than the constant teasing. The phoenix that came out to meet him said that she had stopped holding back, and asked for permission to give her what she wanted in order to encourage more answers. The eagle considered it, and gave his consent.

The fourth...the fourth gave perhaps the most interesting information. They had missed one scout, but he'd been the one that the pursuit squadron had seen fall in the river. More than likely, he was dead.

There was nothing to worry about.

All groups were given the order to continue, and the moans continued to fill the camp as the disciplined eagles set to work for the day's goals.