Chapter 46: You Taste Like Him

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#46 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

You Taste Like Him

Chapter 46

After everything that had happened, Keme didn't think it was possible that he could feel so embarrassed, but he did. Aren pulled back and tenderly rubbed his nose against his, and he felt his face burning so hot his fur was standing. Okomi stepped forward and muttered some laughing words to Aren in the moon wolf tongue. Aren looked at Keme in amazement, then laughed and happily apologized.

"Forgive me," Aren said, his eyes dancing over Keme's face in wonder, "you look so much like someone I used to know, someone very dear to me. For a moment there I thought . . . well, no matter. I am sorry - not for the kiss," he added, and his dark eyes danced with mischief, "but I am sorry that you are embarrassed. Would have been nice if you'd made more of an effort to kiss me back."

"Uh - yeah, no harm . . . done," Keme stammered himself silent and avoided everyone's eye. He glanced at Seleste and couldn't believe the look of smothered laughter on her face. Talisa was on the verge of laughing as well, but that wasn't at all surprising. He felt Honiahaka's big paw squeeze hard on his shoulder, and he glanced up at the older male to find his face tight with anger. Keme stared at Honiahaka in amazement: the sun chief looked as livid as if he might rip Aren's face off!

Catching Honiahaka's stern glare, Aren sank down into a squat and reverently bowed his head.

"We came for our audience with the chieftess," Okomi reminded Aren. Keme saw him glance at Honiahaka in plain amusement, his big paws on his hips.

"Yes," Aren said to the earthen floor. He rose and gave Okomi and Honiahaka a reverent bow, and Keme was suddenly reminded that he was in the presence of royalty: Seleste, Honiahaka, and Okomi were all of a high station in society. With that, Aren went quickly from the room, his tail low, his muscular back flexing.

With Aren gone, the guards loafing about went back to chatting, though Keme saw them eying the newcomers with plain lust. Rather than hide behind her mane, Seleste pushed her mane back and lifted her chin, ignoring their lusty stares - though Keme secretly wondered if she could have done so had she been butt naked as before. Her white attire seemed to give her a new poise she had not known when nude. Watching her, Keme suddenly understood the significance of a female who wore clothing: clothing instilled the wearer with a sense of confidence and security, for females who wore clothing were usually married or of a high status and thus, had no fear of being confronted by a male suitor - or in the case of the moon wolves, taken as a sex slave.

Keme snorted. What a bunch of elitist shit society was!

Talisa ignored the stares of the guards with cool indifference and instead proceeded to groom herself. She brushed the dust of the road from her tail and pushed her curly mane back over her shoulders. One male looked so eager to speak to her, Keme thought he would burst. He made a move as if to approach Talisa, but Okomi firmly shook his head, and he kept his place near the wall.

"So . . . protective of Keme, Honi," Okomi said after some time had passed. "If you're not careful, I'll start to think he's more than a mere friend."

Honiahaka stared in the opposite direction and swallowed hard. He had long since dropped his paw from Keme's shoulder, but he stood between Keme and Seleste as if he was their bodyguard and not Keme. His eyes flitted over the milling crowd of guards, bright with a warning that they should keep their distance.

Keme watched Honiahaka and couldn't believe it. Until that moment, it had not yet hit him how much Honiahaka cared for him - or how possessive he could be of those he cared for.

The guards fell silent and all dropped to a knee as Chieftess Iyira entered, chin high, hips and tail swaying, big breasts bare of garment or shawl. Aren entered in her wake, and after helping her settle on her throne chair, he squatted beside it. His brown eyes found Keme's and he winked.

Keme felt a tug on his tail and glanced down to realize Talisa was kneeling. She watched him irritably and mouthed for him to get down. Keme wanted to protest that Seleste, Honiahaka, and Okomi weren't on the ground! They were simply bowing - and Seleste was doing some weird curtsy thing. Couldn't he just bow --? But Talisa called Keme a bastard under her breath and hissed for him to get down, so Keme dropped to one knee and bowed his head.

When the show of reverence had ended, Keme stood again. He and Talisa hovered behind Seleste, Honiahaka, and Okomi as the three held a conversation with the chieftess in the moon wolf tongue. Keme was surprised to see that even Seleste knew a little moon wolf, though not much. She said some words to the chieftess that were carefully corrected by the older female. Seleste blushed when everyone laughed, but she took the teasing well. Honiahaka fondly stroked her mane as embarrassment brought color to her pale tan fur.

Keme saw Okomi show the moon chieftess Ahote's scribbled note. She looked at it a moment, then laughed and waved her scepter, chattering on in moon wolf.

Okomi laughed as well and made some joke that everyone laughed at, even Talisa. Keme stood feeling left out: everyone knew the moon wolf tongue except him! He had half a mind to start replying only in pygmy when he was spoken to, but he had a feeling no one would be speaking to him - a lowly "bodyguard"--any time soon.

As the conversation continued, Keme took the opportunity to study Chieftess Iyira unnoticed. She was a lovely female, perhaps fifty summers old. Her blue fur was covered in lovely black zigg-zagging stripes that hugged the shape of her round hips and breasts. Hers was a heavy build and her belly was a small pudge, but her extra weight only seemed to make her all the more desirable. Like most moon wolves, her nose and sex were pink, but her eyes were very dark and burning with quiet hunger. Upon her head was a crown with the horned moon at its center. The crown appeared to be made of silver, and it shifted slightly on her long blue mane when she laughed. The horned moon was also on her scepter, and she passed the scepter to her other paw as she shifted her weight on the throne chair. Her small paw stroked Aren's mane as her dark, slanted eyes slowly turned upon Keme.

Keme froze. He hadn't expected the chieftess to notice him. She blinked quickly when she saw Keme, then pointed her scepter at him and said something sharply in moon wolf.

Honiahaka offered his paws and shook his head, and Keme got the strong feeling he had said something along the lines of, "Him? He is just my bodyguard."

When Chieftess Iyira insisted, Honiahaka turned miserably to Keme. Keme gulped. What was happening here!

Honiahaka drew close, and placing his paw on Keme's shoulder, he said in a low voice, "She just wants to look at you. Just move forward and kneel before her. Whatever she wants, I'll take care of it."

Keme's heart leapt again when Aren's mischievous eyes met his. Whatever the chieftess wanted, he was certain in that moment that Aren wanted it too.

His heart hammering in his chest, Keme stepped forward. He felt Honiahaka's guiding paw touch his back as he knelt before the throne. He waited a tense moment as everyone was silent. Why did this feel so much like being in the throne room back in the sun village? Only there had been no threat of becoming a sex slave there!

The chieftess jabbered something and he felt the scepter knock softly on his chin. He knew what she wanted but pretended he did not. He didn't know why, but he dreaded looking into her face.

"Lift your face, Keme," Honiahaka instructed softly.

Keme heaved a breath and did as he was asked. The chieftess studied his face with one brow lifted, as if she was impressed. Her tongue went over her fang and she made a low growling noise that sent a chill up Keme. She leaned back on her seat again, and placing her small paw on her generous bosom, she just regarded Keme. Aren's bright, hungry eyes did the same.

Keme knelt there frozen, wishing he was anywhere else in that moment. Please, god, don't let her try to keep him as a sex slave!

The chieftess spoke again, and Keme's ears pricked forward as he listened, straining desperately to understand. Honiahaka responded and he sounded irritable and reluctant. The chieftess answered with something that sounded very much like, "Oh, come now!" and Keme suddenly realized that she was asking for him. Not even asking. She was probably demanding to buy him and Honiahaka was refusing to bargain!

Honiahaka and Chieftess Iyira argued back and forth in moon wolf until it seemed the chieftess had gotten what she wanted. Honiahaka said something that sounded very much as if he had relented. Some sort of deal was struck between him and the chieftess, and glancing over his shoulder in horror, Keme could see the miserable look on Seleste's face, as well as the tense look on Talisa's.

A moment later and Okomi was leaving with Seleste and Talisa. Seleste hung back as if she didn't want to leave, and her large frightened eyes were fixed on Keme. She wrung her slender fingers and didn't move until Okomi gently guided her away. Keme wanted to leap up and run after her. Was he being left here with the chieftess? What was happening! He made a sudden move but felt Honiahaka's paw on his shoulder again. The sun chief guided Keme to stand, then led him off to the side while the chieftess was helped down from her throne by Aren.

Keme saw the glower on Honiahaka's face and felt his mind go into a sudden panic. Oh god. What had Honiahaka agreed to! Was he now to be a sex slave here! Looking at Honiahaka, he just knew the sun chief was going to tell him that he now belonged to Chieftess Iyira - but don't be afraid because they were going to steal him away in the night! Oh god no.

"The chieftess wants you for a night," Honiahaka said darkly.

Keme stared at him. "Wants me?"

"Wants you," Honiahaka repeated. "To play with her slave Aren. Just for one night!" he added quickly when Keme's face darkened. "Then we come collect you in the morning and board a ship for home. Heh. I guess we should be glad her son hadn't laid eyes on you. The prince would really want to keep you. And Iyira never says no to her son. Lucky for us, he will be away for a week."

Keme glanced past Honiahaka. The chieftess had gone, but Aren was standing there watching him. Smiling. Waiting.

"But why?" Keme demanded. "And dammit - don't I have any say?"

Honiahaka smiled sadly. Keme squirmed when the sun chief stroked his mane a moment, then cupped his face. Did he have to do this in front of all these watching wolves! He knew Aren was watching them and wanted to disappear - or tell the slave to look away!

"I've gotten so used to the idea of you being mine, I keep forgetting you aren't," Honiahaka said at length. "You don't have to worry, Keme. They won't harm you. The chieftess just wants to see you have sex with Aren. You remind her of someone."

Keme rubbed his eyes. He seemed to remind everyone of someone.

"I'm gonna head over to Okomi's now," Honiahaka said. "Aren will take you from here. He's nice, he won't harm you. Then we'll be back in the morning."

Honiahaka moved as if to go, but he hesitated. Keme laughed.

"I'll be fine!" Keme assured him. "You said they wouldn't hurt me. And if Aren is half the lover you are, I might just enjoy it."

Keme laughed again when Honiahaka's cheeks flamed the tiniest bit. His pale eyes darted everywhere, as if he was seeking to escape his own embarrassment. Then startling Keme, he kissed him on the mouth and abruptly left.

With Honiahaka gone, Aren came forward. God, he was big. Keme had to peer up at him and suddenly felt dwarfed in his shadow. That thick neck, those bulging pectorals . . .

Aren smiled, and without hesitating, he flipped Keme over his shoulder. Keme lay on Aren's hard shoulder with the wind knocked out of him. This wasn't happening! Was he really being carried like a pup? He wanted to die when Aren did not carry him upstairs but outside, into the bright sunlight. Beautiful blue moon wolves crowded the streets to watch as Keme was borne away, his ass in the air. He felt his face get hot when a few females threw compliments his way. One male shouted, "I'd pay to plow that!" and Aren chuckled heartily.

They came to a small hut that was just behind the chieftess' massive one, and Aren set Keme on his feet. A bath had been carved out in the front room near the fire pit. It looked very much like the bathes in Ahote's underground palace: the same precious stones covered it in a brilliant mosaic, folded towels waited nearby on wicker racks, and small bars of soap sat on intricately painted dishes, waiting.

Aren dropped a small bar of soap into the cold water, then grabbed a pale of water that had been bubbling over the fire and poured it in. The hot water made the soap dissolve until the bath was filled with bubbles.

Bubbles. Keme remembered being forced into a bubble bath back at Ahote's palace. The females had scrubbed and rubbed him so hard, grabbing him by the ear, forcing his legs open, thrusting his tail aside. . . .

Aren's laugh brought Keme back to earth. He blinked in surprise when Aren took him by the paw. Together, they waded into the bath until the water was to their thighs. Aren took a bar of soap and lathered it against Keme's chest. His eyes took Keme in, hungry with desire.

Keme looked beyond Aren and tried to ignore the fact that the slave was hard. It hit him for the first time that Aren had always been hard.

"You look so much like him," Aren said and shook his head. "Turn," he whispered softly.

Keme turned his back to Aren and his eyes opened wide when the bigger male began cleaning under his tail. He rubbed his arm and tried to pretend it wasn't happening. It suddenly seemed to him that any number of wolves that touched that tender and sensitive place in the last two weeks.

"Who do I look like?" Keme wondered.

"A friend," Aren answered as he worked. He smoothed Keme's mane and rubbed it with soap as well, then scooped up water and let it fall down the tight muscles of his back. He paused for a moment, and Keme knew he was just looking at him.

"I only knew him a brief time," went on Aren and started washing Keme's back, "but I . . . I could have loved him, had he stuck around."

"And I look like him?"

"Look like him, smell like him . . ." he leaned close and whispered in Keme's ear, "taste like him."

Keme remembered their kiss and swallowed hard. "But what was so special about him?"

Aren laughed. "He was cute. Just like you. And so sweet, it was addictive. I kissed him once and couldn't get enough."

"So why'd he leave? I mean . . . he wasn't a slave like you?" Keme was starting to get the terrible feeling that his father had once been a slave here. Hadn't Aren called him Kilyan? Oh god.

"Why'd he leave? Had some wives and kids out somewhere. Besides, he hated my kisses. He was straight."

Keme closed his eyes when Aren drew close and his big paw closed firm on his dick. He started to stroke, and when Keme cried out and got hard in his paw, he whispered, "I'm guessing you're not."

Keme bit his lip. God, Aren was good at that. The gentle strokes deepened, then Aren's arm locked around Keme's chest, and the bigger male was burying kisses in his neck as he touched him.

"Mmm," Aren moaned, "guess I should have known. The way the sun chief fought to keep you from my mistress . . . and the way he touched you later . . ."

Keme felt his face getting hot.

"Was obvious you were his sex slave as much as I am hers . . ." So saying, Aren's big fingers sank in Keme's anus and stretched it open. "How many times," he whispered in Keme's ear, "did he come in here, I wonder."

Breathless with arousal, Keme fumbled away. He almost felt ashamed for being turned on so easily. It was as if someone had simply lit a candle. He fumbled to sit on the edge of the bath and pushed his mane back from his eyes, chest heaving, face hot with shame.

Aren's mischievous eyes watched Keme in quiet amusement as he soaped himself. He lifted his big arm and washed underneath, watching Keme as if he was torn between whichever number of sex acts he wanted to perform on him.

Aren's dark eyes were so hungry in their lust, Keme had the strong desire to cover his dick. He looked at himself. Fuck, he was hard. His cock was going past his navel. He bit his lip and looked at Aren, who hadn't stopped watching him. Geez. Was he going to be bartered like a piece of meat everywhere they went?

"Why is your chieftess doing this to me?" Keme moaned. He squirmed where he sat, willing himself to get soft, but Aren was making that very difficult.

"My mistress likes to see two males together. Nothing arouses her more," Aren answered and shrugged. "She knew my friend as well, you see. He wasn't just a slave, he was her slave. He escaped like so many others, but not until after he performed for my mistress with me."

"And what's to keep her from keeping me as a slave?" Keme demanded darkly.

Aren smiled and shook his head. "My mistress honors those of the sun too greatly to betray their trust. She was once great lovers with the father of your sun chief. She would not betray a child of his - though," Aren looked around, as if he feared some unseen wolves were listening outside the curtain, "do not tell Chief Honiahaka, hmm? My mistress wishes to keep the affair a secret."

Keme nodded. So Chieftess Iyira used to fuck Chief Argon? Shocking. . ._ _he thought sarcastically. As if Honiahaka and his brothers hadn't figured it out anyway.

Aren continued to wash himself, and Keme glanced down at his own hard cock again. Why wouldn't it just do him a favor and go down? But he looked up at Aren and suddenly wondered why he was resisting. Wasn't this what he wanted? He spent years with only one wolf as the center of his universe, only to go forth into the world and discover so many wonderful wolves in it . . . and then to hear Honiahaka reminisce about all his sexual exploits, Keme had been so jealous, and he had longed to know what it was like to be with males the way Honiahaka had. Hell, he had longed to be with females the way Honiahaka had.

Keme thought of Seleste and wondered what she would do in his situation. Then he remembered Ahote and how she probably hadn't hesitated to fuck him every night. And after everything that had happened, she was still fucking Talisa! Keme looked at Aren's tight muscular body and suddenly felt determined: if Seleste could have fun, then so could he!

"So, Aren," Keme said and pushed his mane back in an attempt to act casual, "what exactly will we do for the chieftess - I mean . . . will we - uh," Keme stammered himself quiet. What was he going to ask? If they were going to suck each other's dicks in front of her? Suddenly fumbling and embarrassed, he sighed. Why did he suck so much at seducing males? Females suddenly seemed much easier - for whatever insane reason.

Aren's brown eyes crinkled up with laughter. "You're cute," he said and waded toward Keme. The water flowed smoothly around his hips and rippling belly. He was so large and strong . . . His hard cock rose up from the water, reaching just past his navel. Keme felt his face getting hot as he watched the pink head of it bobbing on the surface.

When he was close, Aren cupped Keme's face and whispered, "We'll do things like this . . ." Keme went very still when Aren glanced down at his lips. The bigger male leaned in, then kissed Keme, thrusting his tongue inside. Keme timidly put his arms around his neck and softly kissed back. But the longer Aren kissed him, the stronger Keme's desire, until he pulled him close with a sudden hunger and kissed him hard.

Aren moaned his approval and his big paws began to search Keme, smoothing up the tight muscles of his body, up his back, in his mane. He pulled Keme's thighs wider and suddenly jerked his hips down into the water. Still kissing Aren, Keme frowned with pleasure as he felt Aren's big cock slide up and in. He trembled and held on tight as Aren's hips moved under the water, pressing his thick cock up so far that Keme's head fell back and he cried out.

Paralyzed with the pleasure, Keme could hear himself moaning, choking, calling out Aren's name as the big male showered his neck and chest with kisses. The steady rhythm of his thrusts seemed to go on forever, and Keme knew this was indeed an older and more experienced male, a male who knew how to pull an all-nighter should his mistress command it.

Keme, however, did not think he would make it through the first hour. He lifted his head and winced as his cock - painfully hard now - flinched and twitched as if it would release. He was glad when Aren, breathless with his thrusts, gave him a few sloppy kisses on the mouth and started stroking him.

"Oh, fuck yes," Keme whispered and Aren laughed softly.

Keme held on tight and hid his face in Aren's neck as it happened: he felt himself release and he cried out as his fluids washed over Aren's paw. As gentle and slow as ever, Aren took Keme by the buttocks and slid carefully inside, thrusting until he too had come.

When it was over, Keme sat in a happy daze in the bath as Aren sat behind him, washing his back. Keme closed his eyes. The press of Aren's hard thighs around him was suddenly the most wonderful thing in the world. He could feel Aren's hard sex against his back: the big male had made himself hard again when it was over because his mistress had charged him to be constantly erect. Keme couldn't believe it: a constant hard-on was a form of suffering he did not want to know. But he didn't argue either: there was something disappointing about seeing Aren's dick soft.

Keme's mane flowed over his chest and his head was bowed as Aren bathed him. He closed his eyes as he imagined life with Seleste and a male lover. He would hold Seleste and the male lover would hold him - the sheer pleasure of sliding into a wet pussy while a hard cock slid into him was enough to complete his day. And when it was over, he would bathe Seleste and their male lover would bathe him. . . . and this male lover would serve as their bodyguard and protect them as they slept, perhaps later even protect their children. And because he was a lover, his bond for them would be so strong that he would die for them without thinking, and they for him.

Yes. For the first time ever, Keme understood his grandfather's strong bond with his spouses. Until that moment, he could only think of the bickering and the arguing that surely happened among them every now and then. But there was love too. Keme stared sadly at the dwindling sunlight that streamed through the curtain. What he wouldn't give to love Seleste like that.

"Keme? What are you thinking?"

"Hmm?" Keme answered sadly and stared at the water.

"You've been quiet a long time. At first I was sure it was because of the long and satisfying few hours we just spent," Aren said with a laugh, "but now . . ." his voice took on an anxious note, "seems like it's because of something else."

Keme heaved a sigh. He could see Aren's worried reflection in the water and suddenly got the feeling he was someone he could talk to.

Aren leaned forward and kissed Keme's cheek. "Please, tell me?" he wheedled playfully. Keme smiled when the big male took his mane and started plaiting it in a long braid. "It's been so long since I've had someone I can really talk to. My mistress doesn't talk much. She is one who tends to keep her own counsel. Even with me."

The last words sounded a little forlorn, and Keme gazed at Aren's reflection sympathetically.

"The chieftess isn't much of a companion, is she?" Keme said.

Keme saw Aren's reflection give a half-smile. "She loves me. She cares for me. But because I am her slave, there's a wall I will never get behind. Ever. And for this reason, no. She doesn't provide companionship."

Aren sounded so miserable that Keme frowned and asked, "If you don't like it here, why don't you leave? I could help you . . . ." The words died on Keme's lips when he saw Aren's reflection: the big slave was shaking his head sorrowfully.

"You sound like him, bless you," Aren said in amusement, though he sounded as sad as he looked.

Keme lifted his eyebrows. "Him?"

"The one you remind my mistress and I of. He wanted to help me get away too. Couldn't believe it when I told him I wanted to stay."

"You do?" Keme asked in amazement. He looked at Aren's reflection and saw the big male had closed his eyes miserably. After a pause, he opened them again and continued plaiting Keme's mane. He braided it to the end, then smoothed his paw down it, letting it tumble loose again. Keme closed his eyes under this stroking. Aren's careful fingers felt unbelievably good in his mane.

"I could have left anytime," Aren said at length. "They don't care to fight slaves. If you don't want to be here, you are expected to run away. If you are of little worth, they let you. If you are of great value, they punish or kill you. I was valuable enough that running away might have meant my death. But after a while, Iyira came to care for me. She even offered me my freedom."

Keme's lips parted in surprise. "I don't understand," he said and shook his head. "Why would you want to stay here?"

Aren sighed. "Because there's nothing for me out there, Keme."

"But how do you know until you go out there!" Keme protested.

Aren smiled, and Keme's heart leapt when the big male hugged him from behind. His happy brown eyes peered over Keme's shoulder and he smiled at him through their embraced reflections.

"Your concern is very sweet," Aren said. "Keep going in this vein, and I'll have my way with you again." He chuckled when Keme's cheeks grew hot enough that the fur stood, then he released him and went back to bathing his back and shoulders.

"I'm not from the moon village, Keme," Aren said after a pause. "I was captured and brought here. Before my life here, I loved someone. It's been so long . . . he's either moved on or he's dead by now. There's no reason for me to leave this place. What would I do without him?"

"Him?" Keme asked quietly. "The one I remind you of?"

Aren shook his head. "Oh, no. This one I speak of now . . . I knew him since I was a child. And I loved him. Desperately. Took forever to make him notice me," he said with a laugh. "And the day he finally noticed, well . . . we were caught together. They chased me from the village with stones. He tried to shield me and they nearly killed him. His father tried to stop the whole thing once he got hurt - his father was the chief. But they chased me away.

"My brother came here and tried to rescue me. I told him to go home. To where would we run if he did such a thing? He had wives and children. Helping me escape the moon village would make him a fugitive of our tribe as well. So I sent him away and I stayed here. There is nothing else for me. But why are we dwelling so on me? I asked you what was the matter, Keme." He shook Keme's shoulders playfully as he cried, "Now tell me!"

Keme closed his eyes and laughed. After listening to such a wretched story, he wasn't sure he wanted to talk about Seleste anymore. But he knew trying to convince Aren that he could have a better life was pointless. So he swallowed the urge to protest and said, "Alright, alright! I . . . love this girl."

"Ah," said Aren and smiled, "so your desires can go both ways. You are lucky. My desire is only for males. The chieftess knows this. It is the one way I fail to please her."

Keme lifted his eyebrows. "She prefers you bi?"

Aren grinned. "The best sex slaves are! But we were talking about you. And tell me quick - the sun is going down. Mistress wanted you after supper."

"Oh . . . uh, alright. I love this girl. But I know I can't be with her. And I was thinking how . . . how I wish I could. After what I just did with you, I'd love to feel that way with her and another male."

"I bet you would," Aren teased, but said seriously, "Why can't you be with her?"

"I'm . . . scared," Keme admitted in a low voice.

"Scared?" Aren fell still. "Of what?"

"I think . . . I think she's going to die having my pup."

"But, Keme, any female can die having a pup. Every husband in the world might as well swear off pussy in terror!" laughed Aren.

"No!" Keme cried earnestly, and Aren just stared at him anxiously. "I have a good reason to think she'll die if I'm with her."

There was a long pause, then Aren massaged Keme's shoulders and said quietly, "Then, Keme, you have to decide what is more important: loving Seleste for the short time you'll have her or never getting to love her at all."

Keme twisted around. "How did you --?"

Aren smiled. "I could kinda tell."