Chapter 51: Voyeuristic Unintentions Again

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#51 of The Mating Season 6: The Seduction of Seleste

The Seduction of Seleste

from the world of the mating season

Voyeuristic Unintentions Again

Chapter 51

When Keme awoke again, Seleste had crawled into bed with him. She was snuggled down in his arms, smiling in her sleep, her pale mane a tangled mess in her face. Keme smiled and smoothed the strands of hair back from her eyes. He stiffened when he heard a moan. The room was very dark. It must've been the middle of the night. Outside the round windows, the ocean slapped softly against the sides of the ship. He could hear the sailors up on the deck, their feet as they paced, the soft murmurs of their voices as they conversed. Somewhere down the hall, he could hear Galilahi giggling, and he knew some lucky sailor was massaging her big breasts as he pushed his way inside. But it wasn't Galilahi and her lover that Keme heard moaning.

Keme lay very still as his eyes searched the gloom. He could see the bunk bed opposite him. Talisa had fallen asleep on the bottom, but now there were two bodies there, moving slowly as they wrestled on the sheets. Keme's heart skipped a beat when he realized Honiahaka was on top of Talisa. He closed his eyes and tried to go to sleep as their giggling and whispering continued, but he couldn't resist: Talisa's moans intensified, and Keme opened his eyes again to see Honiahaka burying his face in her big breasts. He massaged one and suckled the other as she arched her back under him. His paw smoothed down her hip, then pulled her leg up. Keme's eyes widened when Talisa's shapely leg went up over Honiahaka's shoulder: he'd no idea she was so limber.

Honiahaka's pink cock was hard with desire. Keme felt his own cock stiffen as he watched the sun chief's shaft slide carefully between the dark, tight pussy lips hidden in Talisa's thighs. Talisa arched her back again to receive him and cried out. He lifted his face from her breasts to shush her, then their lips closed in a frantic kiss, and Keme could see their tongues twisting. He squeezed his eyes shut, but looked again when he heard the straw mattress rustling. Honiahaka was humping now, and Talisa's leg rocked with each thrust as she lay beneath him, gathered close in his embrace.

"Honi --!"

"Shh! Keme is a light sleeper --"

Keme heard Talisa laugh. "You should know. Do it harder --"


Keme smiled to himself as he predicted a sudden hard series of thrusts. He was well aware Honiahaka would have done anything Talisa asked, especially that. Talisa seemed to know it too. She kissed Honiahaka tenderly, and her long lashes fluttered as she whispered, "Please, baby?"

"Oh, Tali . . ." Honiahaka sighed, but Keme wasn't surprised when he started pressing harder, faster, until his silvery mane tumbled in his face.

Keme watched Honiahaka's muscular back flexing and Talisa's curvy body twisting and thought he was going to explode. He could feel his cock throbbing now, and reaching under the sheet, he tried to quiet his excitement as his friends' panting became louder.

"Oh, yes, fuck me just like that," Talisa whispered and her small paws clawed frantically at Honiahaka's back. The sun chief showered her with kisses as her big breasts rode with every thrust. He suddenly leaned back, and taking Talisa's leg down from his shoulder, he pulled her upright in his lap. Keme shuddered with pleasure as he watched them: Honiahaka took Talisa's ass in fistfuls and helped her move up and down on his cock. Her breasts crushed against him until the cleavage rose high. Her breathless cries were smothered when she suddenly kissed him. "Oh, Honi!" she whispered, and without warning, she pinned him to the bed.

Keme stifled a cry: to see Talisa's pussy slamming down on Honiahaka had almost made him come. His own private hell intensified when Seleste's slender body pressed against him. He slipped his paw under her shawl and squeezed her breast as he watched Talisa and Honiahaka. Her nipple got hard in his fingers as he gently fondled.

"Oh, no!" Honiahaka whispered frantically. "Tali, you know what that does to me --!"

"I know," Talisa whispered mischievously.

Keme looked up and throbbed harder. Talisa was lying on top of Honiahaka and her breasts were crushed in his face. Her tail was up, and she was very slowly grinding her hips forward and back on Honiahaka's cock. Keme could see the fluids gushing over his cock every time she moved her pussy on him.

Honiahaka grabbed her buttocks as if he would pry her off. "No, don't let me come inside!" he whispered, as frantic as before.

Talisa giggled softly at Honiahaka's terror. She climbed off his lap, and with her ass in the air, started sucking his cock. And she did more than just suck: she devoured to the base, then paused to flex her tongue against him. Keme even saw her fondling his balls. Honiahaka's big paw touched her head fondly. "Oh, you're too good to me - Ah! I'm going to - Oh, Tali . . .!" Honiahaka lifted his head and choked, and Keme saw Talisa swallow his fluids.

A silence filled the room afterward, broken only by Honiahaka's panting. The sun chief lay on his back, happily tired, as his big cock flopped limp against his thigh. Talisa sat on the edge of the bed and started primping calmly. Keme bit his lip as she wiped the cum from her big breasts and smoothed down her curly mane. Honiahaka came up behind her and pulled her between his hard thighs. She smiled as he hugged her tight and kissed her neck. His big paws squeezed her breasts, then one traveled down, and after nudging her thighs apart, he slipped his fingers inside her.

"My favorite place in the world," Honiahaka whispered, and Talisa laughed.

"Don't say such things in front them!" Talisa scolded.

"Keme and Seleste?" Honiahaka said between kisses. "Mm - they're asleep. Though I don't know how after that."

Talisa smirked, and when her wise brown eyes went to him, Keme stiffened. "Keme and Seleste have both been awake the last five minutes," she said.

Honiahaka looked over at Keme, startled.

Keme sat up guiltily, but he was surprised when Seleste sat up as well. Talisa laughed when Seleste blushed crimson and fiddled sheepishly with her fingers. Her shawl was open where Keme had touched her, and she closed it quickly.

"Seleste!" Keme cried. He could see the fluids plastering her skirt. She squeezed her thighs tight as if to hide from his staring.

"But your fingers felt so good . . ." Seleste said in a small voice.

Honiahaka laughed. "You can't blame her, Keme. They do."

Talisa broke from Honiahaka's arms and stood. She was smiling as she came to Seleste, her hips swaying, her tail flowing, her tiny waist flexing with toned abs. As if she had caught herself lusting, Seleste's lashes fluttered and she looked down as Talisa stood over her.

Talisa and her round hips, her big high breasts . . . Keme realized he was still hard and wished someone would sit on his lap. Fuck.

Talisa pulled Seleste to her feet and started undressing her without a word. Seleste's long lashes fluttered now more than ever. She held herself as her large gray eyes watched Talisa's quick fingers untie her skirt. Her skirt fell away around her feet and she blushed even brighter.

"Talisa, what are you doing!" Seleste squeaked.

Keme knew what she was doing. When Seleste bent to gather her skirt, he grabbed her hips and pulled them to his face. Seleste's small breasts jiggled as she was pulled backward toward Keme. She shouted his name in confusion, then stammered and blinked when Keme's tongue touched her. Keme lapped her juices when they slid down the back of her thigh. He pulled her down on his cock and sighed as that hot pussy closed over him. She sat in his lap and bit her lip but wouldn't stop covering her breasts. Keme held her tight and moved her carefully in his lap. She hesitated, but started to ride him. Keme closed his eyes a moment as her hot pussy flexed tight against him. He looked beyond her mane to see Honiahaka still sitting on the bed opposite. The sun chief was hard as a rock and touched himself as he watched Seleste move in Keme's lap.

"Keme read my mind," Talisa said in amusement. She knelt between Keme's thighs and started removing Seleste's shawl. "Come here, Honi," she said without turning.

Keme saw Honiahaka rise from the bed. He came to Talisa and stood behind her, his big pink cock so hard it was past his navel. Talisa reached behind and guided Honiahaka to the bed by his paw. Honiahaka sat on the bed beside Keme. He helped Talisa get Seleste's shawl off, and when it had fallen away, Keme massaged her breasts a moment, then offered them to Talisa and Honiahaka.

Seleste's head fell back as her friends closed around her, touching her, massaging her, suckling her breasts. She looked so weak with ecstasy, Keme thought she might faint. As their joined sexes flexed against each other, Keme reached down and massaged her clit. Seleste twisted and her small breasts heaved. Talisa and Honiahaka licked her nipples, then Honiahaka's tongue lapped hard up Seleste's neck until she shivered.

Honiahaka licked Seleste again, pushing her and Keme down to the bed as he did so. Keme could feel Talisa's slender fingers massaging Seleste's pussy lips, pulling them wider, until Honiahaka's cock had crammed inside against Keme's. Seleste's small body shuddered. Honiahaka paused and asked in a whisper if it hurt, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. He smiled.

Lying under Seleste, Keme could feel their cocks touching as Honiahaka pressed his way in. The friction made their flesh hotter each time it happened, and with each deep thrust, Seleste's pussy lengthened and gushed. Honiahaka was gentle and slow, licking her breasts, kissing her neck as he moved inside. And as he made love to Seleste, Keme realized he was making love to him as well: not only were their cocks touching, but Honiahaka's big paw reached past Seleste to stroke Keme's mane, and each time he kissed Seleste, he kissed Keme as well.

As Honiahaka's wet lips left his, Keme could feel Talisa's busy fingers and tongue. The auburn warrior had never paused in her advances. Her mouth found their joined sexes and her hot tongue slathered over them as they twisted against each other. She sucked Keme's balls and massaged his thighs, and when Seleste cried out, Keme knew Talisa's fingers had found her clit.

They made love the night through, the four of them. And when the sun came up the next morning, they were snuggled in tight, dick to thigh to ass. Keme awoke in the middle of them all: Seleste and Talisa were snuggled against him either side while Honiahaka's big arm fell across them all.

Keme smiled and went back to sleep.

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