New Employment Options

Story by Zeeme on SoFurry

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#2 of Guests at The Tower


Hehe, funny to think that its been five months eh? Time fly's when you have school, a job, and a wolf that pumps out new story's like a madman.

Anyway this is a story that has been looooooong in the works. Ive edited, scrapped, and re-written this bloody thing more times than I would like to admit. But im glad to finally have it done, with great help from my dear wolf Nex_Canis for dealing with me through all my edits and always being there to love and support me <3

Anyway, so here it is! another story from the Tower Resort! This one takes place just after some poor fool was ensnared by the resorts insidious plot and shows his trials as he learns about the inner workings of one of the main hotels...along with grappling his growing feelings towards his co-workers ;)

I hope you will all enjoy this tale from the Tower Resort.


The Tower Resort is a place known for its many facility's. To list only a few, there are high class restaurants, popular night clubs, and even its own theme park built right in the middle of the mountain. But with all the attractions and luxury shopping most pay little attention to those who keep this resort running like a well-oiled machine. During my last visit to the Tower I went out to see just what the guests thought about the Tower employees. Unfortunately after three days of walking around I was only able to get the occasional comment about how helpful or kind that they were. However as I was approaching The Lion's Share Casino one day I happened upon a young gentleman and I asked him how he was enjoying his stay. He was a very polite person, four days into his own vacation from his hometown in Austin Texas. We shared a cup of coffee at one of the local cafés and he told me about where he was staying and what he had planned to do for the rest of his holiday. But when I brought up the subject of the Tower employees he had one thing to say that really stuck out to me.

"The workers here are really nice, always very helpful and willing to go that extra mile to give you the best time here."

"Is there anything else?" I asked him.

He paused for a moment, as if he was trying to recall something when finally he looked at me with a soft smile on his face.

"Yea...sometimes I get this feeling that these guys never want you to leave."

*Bing Bong!*

"Approaching the next stop, Level One, Gomorrah. To those looking to take the train to another NexStay location, please follow the signs to the nearest train station."

Fred Larkson, a twenty-five year old man with a neatly trimmed black beard, looked out the window of the small subway compartment as the train slowly began to descend into the lower portion of the mountain. Down below, the city still looked as bright and vibrant as it had when he had first came to the resort. Bright lights everywhere, casino signs flashing and the giant glass pillar in the middle of the city was filled slightly with a dimly glowing column of magma.

But instead of gawking at the many technological marvels of the city, the man looked down at the city with his emerald green eyes with an almost accusing stare, scanning the streets and the massive hotels while thousands of people walked up and down the strip.

It seemed like it was only yesterday that he had entered this place, just shivering with anticipation about spending his hard earned vacation money on a little RnR and some fun at the clubs and the casinos.

But now here he was, dressed for work in a clean white polo shirt and khaki pants...

"Ten thousand dollars in does someone do that in just one night?" he muttered to himself as the train continued its decent until it came to a slow stop on the ground floor of the resort.

*Bing Bong!*

"Now arriving at Level One. Gomorrah, all passengers please exit the train," said the announcer over the intercom.

Fred sighed as he got up and stepped out of the subway and walked out into the small train station placed in a corner of the city. People and hybrids alike walked about in the area minding their own business but there seemed to be a bit of a growing line to take the train. So Fred quickly made his way off the platform and out into the city.

Following the back alleyway paths of the city, he finally found his way to one of the major strips and began walking down the street towards the very center of the city. He was told that he was going to be working for one of "The Big Three" to pay off his debt. Supposedly they were the three major casinos in the city that surrounded the glass pillar in the center of the city. The name of the one he was supposed to be going to was called "Atlantis" which judging by the name badge he had been given; was going to have some sort of Greek or Roman theme to it.

The walk down to the city center was a bit of a long one, but thankfully he had left early so that he would make it to the casino in time. The streets were littered with people and vendors alike, the city alive with people laughing and shouting all while going about their business. Fred scoffed at the sight of them, wondering how many of them might end up just the way he had been before they were able to check out. He then jammed his hands in his pockets and kept his eyes forward for the rest of his walk until he had finally arrived.

The massive pillar of magma encased in glass loomed over him, casting a soft orange glow over everything in the city and warming the air around it. To his right, was a brightly lit, classic Native American looking casino wrapped around the pillar with the name "The Lions Share" lit up in a bright LCD screen sign. Next to the title was an animated a picture of a handsome looking lion hybrid wearing a Native American feather headdress smiling a toothy grin at everyone who entered. Several other massive lion hybrids dressed in long, decorative loincloths stood guard by the front gate, wearing sunglasses and their manes slicked back into clean cut hairstyles.

Next, directly in front of him sat a smaller glass pillar, except this was filled with an assortment of elevators and tubes that were constantly going up and down. A metal sign with a the words "Skybreach" with a silvery looking dragon gripping onto the "S" in the sign sat in front of the elevators where a small line of people were waiting to take the elevators upwards towards the massive hanging stalactites above.

Finally to his left was what he was looking for. Carved in what looked like white marble was an elegant looking hotel with waterfalls erupting from the sides of the building like the ancient aqueducts of old. The water collected into a massive lit pool filled with even more fountains and statues of mythological creatures placed every few feet from each other. The walls were decorated with mystical looking motifs carved into the pillars and columns showing ancient battles and more "lustful" actions taking place every few feet. Plants and vines also adorned the windows and pillars as well, giving the building a look like it was a temple that had just stepped out of ancient Greece and had been plopped right in the middle of this bustling futuristic city. As Fred walked to the front of the building, he was awed by the massive marble block with a carving of a massive letter 'A' sitting in the middle of a city surrounded by a massive bubble.

"Ritzy...." Fred muttered to himself as he eyed the long line of people leading to the two large bull hybrids guarding the doors next to a velvet rope blocking what appeared to be the only means of entrance.

To the right stood a large bull, his fur a dark chocolate brown and his eyes covered by a pair of black sunglasses. To the left stood a black bull without glasses, but a slight scar ran underneath his eye and his disposition seemed much more serious than the other bull. Both of them were dressed in tightly fitting open vests that showed obvious wear around their thick arms and long loincloths that nearly reached down to their cloven hooves.

Gulping slightly and feeling a shiver go down his spine, Fred slowly walked up the side of the line up to the two minotaurs. As they noticed him approaching the two bouncers did not seem too pleased with his presence as he ignored the line of people waiting to get in and they both took a step towards him, their hooves sending a vibration through the marble staircase.

"Back of the line..." the one with the glasses said to him with a snort as he unfolded his arms from across his chest.

Fred froze for a brief moment, staring up at the large bull with curved horns that had arms nearly the size of a telephone pole.

"I...I've got a shift today...a Mr. Z sent me with this..." Fred stammered as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope stamped with the symbol of the Tower Resort.

The two bulls flinched for a brief moment at the mention of the name and some of the people in line began to whisper softly. When the noise started to build in the line the two bulls immediately regained their composure and shot a serious stare at the line of people, causing them to step back in fear. Fred then handed the bull wearing the sunglasses the envelope who then quickly tore it open and read the paper inside it before returning it to Fred.

"Looks like you're Chuck's replacement. Employee entrance is round back, but I'll let you come in this time," he said as he stepped back and pulled back the velvet rope. "You're looking for the floor manager Arthur when you get in," he continued as the bull with the scar stepped back into his previous position and let out a snort as his ropey tail swished behind him.

Fred nodded and thanked the bull as he quickly made his way to the door. A few of the people began to murmur behind him, but he could hear one of the bulls let out another loud snort which instantly silenced them.

As Fred passed through the threshold of the building he found himself in a long hallway. The corridor was very elegantly decorated, the marble floor was a checkerboard pattern and an assortment of paintings lined the walls leading to a bright red door. Fred reached for the door and placed his hand on the knob. He felt a shiver shoot down his spine. Shaking it off though, he quickly opened the door and was met with a surprising sight.

The interior of the building was just as extravagant as the outside. The floors were littered with different slot machines, poker tables, and other methods of gambling. However its main feature was the massive tanks lining the walls, filled to the brim with fish and aquatic hybrids of all shapes, sizes and species swimming around in a sensual fashion, dressed in highly revealing swimsuits.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time for the Atlantis Casino's afternoon entertainment!"

Fred looked around frantically as the lights in the room began to dim, the lights coming from the tanks casting a bluish glow throughout the room before a loud "Click!" rung out as a spotlight shone onto the stage. A centaur dressed in a formal looking vest that tightly clung to his body stood in the middle of the stage with microphone in hand.

"Always a favorite for those of all ages... the temptresses of the deep.... those studs of the sands. Ladies and Gentlemen, the Atlantian Sea Stars!

The centaur then quickly galloped off the stage and revealed a beautiful looking Otter girl, dressed in a white toga and decorative jewellery while wearing a thin veil that only slightly hid her figures.

The room went silent and the tanks behind the otter began to empty. The lower portion of the stage then lit up slightly revealing a full orchestra that quickly prepared their instruments.

The music slowly began to play, building up a slow tempo as the otter girl stepped forward towards the microphone. There was a brief pause a few seconds in before the long frill of a harp began to play. The otter girl then opened her mouth and began to sing a bright and cheerful melody as the tanks behind her began to fill with different species of hybrids, all of them dancing in tune with the girl's song. Fred was enchanted as he watched the hybrids gracefully swim through the water, their flexible bodies swirling and twirling like underwater acrobats. This went on for a few more moments, the music from the orchestra building the tempo with every lyric, the speed of the song building up faster and faster as it shifted from a slow and relaxing song to a more upbeat modern song.

Bright lights began to flash from behind the dancers in the tanks and soon more hybrids joined in, dressed in decorative swimsuits that seemed to be made of a strange glowing fabric.

"Wow...." Fred muttered to himself as he watched the show unfold before suddenly he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, you don't seem like one of our regular customers. How did you get in?" said a voice from behind him.

Fred quickly turned to find himself facing a slim looking fox hybrid with golden fur and white tips on her hands and feet. She was dressed in traditional Grecian garb with her tail covered in different types of jewellery.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I have a shift here today, the guys outside told me I was going to be looking for Arthur but I got distracted by the show" Fred said stammered nervously.

The fox woman tilted her head slightly before she nodded softly.

"You do know that there is an employee entrance right?" she stated calmly.

"Ye...yea..." Fred said, suddenly finding himself flustered by the beautiful fox in front of him.

"I'm just surprised Ben or Chuck let you matter, head down that hallway and find the employee door to the backstage. Arthur is the big centaur, you can't miss him." She continued as she rose her hand and pointed off into a nearby hallway, her dress slipping slightly with her movements and causing Fred to stare.

Fred found himself at a loss for words for a brief moment, before a soft chuckle from the fox woman snapped him out of his daze as she pulled up the piece of fabric had slipped down.

"Better hurry along, wouldn't want you to be late for your first day." She said with a playful wink before she turned around and began to walk away with a slight sway in her hips and a flick of her tail.

Fred found himself staring again before a sudden loud crash of cymbals from the orchestra knocked some sense into him and he quickly turned away, focused on the hallway before some other distraction arose.


When Fred got backstage, everything was in chaos and a slight air of panic hung overhead. Hybrids and humans ran around frantically hoisting buckets and other strange looking props while a booming voice shouted orders from the back of the stage. Fred decided it was best for him to stand back for a bit, watching the stagehands run around and occasionally helping one of them lift an overly heavy object. Finally though after about another ten minutes a loud shout of applause came from outside and suddenly all of the stagehands began to relax, some of them finally noticing his presence.

Before they started asking questions, Fred brushed past the crowd until he came up to the large centaur he had seen earlier, his vest looking even tighter than before and a streak of sweat on his brow that marred his masculine features.

"Um...Excuse me sir?" Fred asked politely

The centaur was very well built, his hair a medium length caramel brown color and his skin showing a slight tan. His eyes were a soft blue that were covered slightly by a pair of glasses. From what Fred could see from underneath the vest the centaur was fairly bulky but not built nearly as big as the two bulls he had seen outside. As Fred glanced down he was intrigued at the lower portion of his body, which was that of a horse with a similarly brown coat of fur covering his body and thick hooves.

Fred knew that such things were possible given today's genetic modifications, but stuff like this was a very rare sight.

"Sir?" Fred asked again, realizing the centaur hadn't heard him

The centaur glanced down at Fred for a brief moment before raised a single finger and grabbed a nearby water bottle and took a big gulp. Letting out a satisfied sigh the centaur wiped his forehead and looked down at Fred with a smile.

"Sorry about that, things get a bit crazy here. Hi! Are you the new person I'm expecting for security today?" he asked with a friendly tone.

"Yes sir, I was offered a job by Mr Z." Fred responded.

"Ha! Got to meet with the big boss then eh? Good on you! Anyway there is no need to look so uptight here...although I suppose given where you will be working an air of seriousness is best. Really scares the crap out of any troublemakers." The Centaur said with a grin.

Fred found himself relaxing slightly as the centaur placed a large hand on his shoulder.

"Yea...I suppose. Still a little shaken after what happened the other day...But don't worry, I'm sure it won't affect the quality of my work." Fred said in a slightly more relaxed tone.

"Ahh think they would warn guest about the whole "slow gradual transformations when using Bio-Cards" thing" He said almost dismissively as he smiled down at the smaller human.

"Well...Mine wasn't all that slow. After what they told me was a wild night at the bar I found myself back in my room with this card on the table next to me. When I touched it I blacked out and when I woke up I was...well...a bear." Fred stated with a slight blush in his cheeks.

"Ouch! You must have really gone buck wild...What did you do? Set the bar on fire?" the centaur asked as he adjusted his glasses.

"I wish I knew...when I woke up I had a massive hangover and a smeared number written on my arm. Next I knew I was being hauled off to the owner who tells me I destroyed about ten grand in booze." Fred stated with a huff.

The centaur let out a hearty laugh before giving Fred a pat on the shoulder.

" Ahh...Don't worry, we were all there at some point or another, how do you think I ended up like this?" said the Centaur with a slight chuckle as he slapped his lower body and lifted up a hoof and stamped it on the ground.

Fred was silent for a moment.

"Wait, so you were a guest here once?" he asked with obvious curiosity as he examined the centaurs large body before he caught a glimpse at the large sheathe and balls hanging underneath his rear legs.

The centaur chuckled as Fred gaze lingered which snapped him back to attention.

"A lot of us here were, but after our debts were paid, most of us took on more permanent positions. Which I gotta say in my case has been a really good decision, the "perks" are well worth it if nothing else," said the Centaur with a grin as he turned around and swished his long ropey tail, revealing his bare equine asshole to Fred, causing the human to flinch.

The centaur began to walk down the stage, beckoning Fred to follow him.

"Anyway, we have a lot to do and little time to do it, so, what's your name? I'm Arthur if you haven't already been told." He said before he stopped for a brief moment as a stage hand approached him. Arthur then leaned down as a small fox hybrid whispered something into his ear. He nodded slightly and gave the stage hand a pat on the back before they rushed off.

"Oh, and before you ask no I'm not the owner of this place. I just run the day-to-day stuff and keep the stage together during the shows." He continued as they began to head towards a large doorway covered in tile.

"My name's Fred, and after what happened here I plan on spending as little time in this crazy place as possible."

"Twenty-three..." Arthur muttered to himself.

"Excuse me?" Asked Fred.

"Oh? I'm sorry it's just something I like to do. You see, when you have people that want to work off their debt as quickly as possible they always come here. Get a lot of new people that say those exact same words, I just like to keep track of how many times I hear them every month. It's just a little game of mine." He said with a slight chuckle as they entered the doorway and rounded the corner into what seemed to be a very large locker room that shared the same style as the hotel.

"Really? You must get a lot of people coming in and out of here then huh? How do you make sure nothing gets stolen?" Asked Fred as he looked around at the Grecian style baths with lockers that looked as if they were made of stone.

"Forty-Nine and Fifty-Seven...And Trust me, if there is something we have here other than rigged slots and weighted dice, its security." Answered Arthur with a chuckle as he turned around to face Fred.

"Then why do you need me?" Fred asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

Arthur chuckled at the remark and leaned down slightly.

"This place is air tight, but we aren't perfect, people are always trying to sneak in this and that to try and turn the odds in their favor. We have cameras and scanners filling the walls in this place, but the occasional rat sometimes manages to get offense to any rat hybrids you may know." Arthur said while raising his hands slightly and standing back up.

Fred nodded and let out a soft sigh.

"It's alright, and I suppose I learned that the hard way...So...where do I start here? I only took about two weeks off in vacation for my real job, so I want to get this done as quickly as I can." Said Fred dismissively as he looked around the room.

Arthur smiled as he reached into the pocket of his suit and slowly pulled out a strange yellow card that was covered in dancing lights.

Fred flinched at the sight of the card, it may have been a different color from the one he had seen before, but he knew exactly what it was.

"I see you remember this little thing. This here is your personal Bio Card, it can also be used as an ID badge and a security pass. It also keeps track of any expenses you incur and shows the current balance of your debt. This one has been specially made for this casino however, so it lets you get into employee specific areas. It also lets us change you depending on what we need for the day." Arthur stated calmly as he began to hand the card to Fred.

Fred took a step back from the card in fear, nearly tripping over a bench in the process.

"Wa...wait...your telling me I have to change back into a bear again? You can't give me a job that doesn't require I have to turn into an animal?!" Fred stammered.

Arthur grunted slightly at the last comment and scowled slightly.

"It's part of the job, if we need more humans, then you will stay as you are. But if we need a bit more muscle or speed for a certain job, you will have to change." Said Arthur as he offered the card to Fred again.

Fred paused as he looked at the card in the centaur's hand, glowing a soft yellow hue and the lights speeding across its length like droplets of water across a windshield.

"So...I might not have to change?" Fred asked quietly.

"Maybe, maybe not, it's not for me to decide. You're going to need to pay off your debt one way or another and I don't think you would like the alternative." Arthur stated, his cheerful demeanor gone and replaced by a stern seriousness.

Fred paused for a moment, looking at the card one more time, his mind racing with possibility's, disasters, and countless fears. He knew that they had changed him back before, but he could still feel something deep inside him while he was changed into that massive bear. There was a sort of powerful yearning he couldn't really describe. If after two weeks at this job would he still be the man he was?

"No..." he muttered to himself.

"Five hundred and fifty-two" said Arthur with a slight bit of disappointment as he began to reach back to place the card back in his pocket.

"Wait!" shouted Fred.

Arthur paused, his smile returning slightly as he held out the card once more.

"Will I still be me after all this?" asked Fred with some hesitancy in his voice.

Arthur shrugged.

"I've seen some people forget whomever they were before they came to this place, I've also seen those who come back every year just to do it all again. Really it's all about willpower and a bit of luck. I'm sure you can hold on to yourself if it's only for a few days but I can't give you any definite answers." Stated Arthur with a soft smile.

"So tell me Fred...are you feeling lucky?" he continued with an almost sinister looking grin.



Suddenly the card had disappeared from the centaur's hand and Fred held it tightly in his grip.

"Time to find out..." he stated.





Fred looked at the card curiously, expecting the same shock he had received before but nothing happened.

"Looks like you may have won on this bet buddy." Arthur stated with a smile as he placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned down closer to his ear.

"But just remember this little piece of advice...The house always wins."


The card in Fred's hand lit up with a bright flash of light and the lights across the card began to stream radically across the surface. The outlined shape of a human male began to rapidly form on the surface of the card along with a few numbers and the symbols of the Tower Resort and the Atlantis Casino. A display showing a rapidly increasing set of numbers began to take shape and the outline began to fill slowly.

Fred let out a gasp and clutched onto his chest, his body felt warm, VERY WARM! Like a building pressure was growing in his chest and he just had to let it out!

Thankfully the feeling wasn't painful like it had been before, but the heat was becoming unbearable as he began to sweat through his clothes. He let his card drop to the floor as he felt his body heaved and his clothes began to tighten around his form.

Arthur stepped back slightly after the card had flashed. As he looked down at the card he was able to catch a glimpse of the slowly filling outline and the slight distortions in the human shape. The centaur then quickly began his work as he reached underneath the changing humans' shirt and pulled it over his head just as a dark crest of black fur blossomed between his swelling pectorals. He then began to unbutton Fred's pants but was finding it hard with his larger fingers to unfasten the main buttons. However he was able to pull them down slightly, revealing Fred's already tenting underwear that stood out proudly in front of him. With one more pull he was able to get them the rest of the way down before they met the resistance of Fred's shoes. on his pants for a brief moment before he was able to tug them down.

Fred let out a gasp as his jeans fell to the floor and he felt a small amount of relief. He then looked down at his bright red underwear and saw how long his manhood was beginning to swell. He then felt Arthur begin to reach towards his shoes, but he pushed the large centaur away as he kicked off his own shoes franticly and watched as his changed unfolded. This was unlike what he got to experience before, last time the change was so sudden and powerful that he blacked out and just woke up in his new form. Now he could feel every muscle swelling and watch as a black pelt of fur began to cover his body. Fred let out he let out a loud bellowing moan as his chest was completely coated and his nipples swelled slightly along with his growing chest.

A wave of pins-and-needles then washed over him, making him gasp for breath as his breathing began to grow deeper and louder, his pectoral muscles swelling in size with every breath as the fur quickly overtook the rest of his torso, coating it in a dark, thick hide.

"Nnnngh ahhhh!!!' Fred cried out.

His body then began to twitch erratically, his arms ballooning out at a rapid pace while the fur spread across his biceps and grew down towards his hands. A loud popping sound echoed through the locker room as his knuckles cracked and his fingers began to swell. Looking down at his changing hand Fred saw as his slim fingers grew large and meaty while the tips of his fingers grew darker and more solid.

Fred let out a groan as stomach began to change, his slight abdominal muscles cracking and swelling outwards with strength and power as the faint outline of his abs shaped into a proud six pack through his pelt even as his stomach swelled slightly giving him a slight muscle gut.

As the fur began to crawl down his legs, the tent in his underwear began to grow larger and larger, a clear stain of precum beginning to form at the front pouch until finally.


His underwear tore completely in half from behind and from the tear revealed a long ropey tail with a tuft of black fur at the tip. The torn remains of the cloth quickly fell down his legs and revealed his rapidly swelling groin. His one pink human shaft turning darker as an envelope of skin was beginning to form, attaching his rod to his body as the black fur coated his cock and balls. The rest of Fred's body began to follow suite, his legs warping slightly into a more digitigrade stance as his ass swelling into a tight bubble butt.

A strange popping noise then began to echo throughout the locker room as Fred's feet began to merge together while still trapped inside of his socks. Suddenly then a dark substance slowly began to pour down from where his ankle once was and Fred's socks began to balloon outward, the fabric ripping and tearing until a pair of thick, cloven hooves burst from within.

"Ahhh...Ahhh...ngghhhoooo..." Bellowed Fred.

The fur then began to spread up his neck at a rapid pace, the veins on his neck popping out as it grew thicker and longer. Fred then let out another moan as he involuntarily thrust his hips forward, causing his changed cock to slip out of its sheathe. However as more and more of it began to emerge, it became clear that while within its new home, his cock had transformed from a human length into a thick, powerful bovine cock. As the changes reached their climax Fred's face finally then began to crack and re-shape, his face lengthening out into a broad muzzle while two points began to poke from underneath his scalp.

Arthur stood back and watched with a slight smile on his face, his own equine length beginning to peak out from its own sheathe as he watched the human finish the last final bits of his transformation.

With a few final snaps and twists, the last of Fred's facial bones had reshaped and the fur had covered up what was left of his pink human skin. The once human let out one final gasp as his horns finished curving forwards and his balls twitched one final time before swelling to the size of oranges. Panting and gasping for breath, his larger flared nostrils huffed out excess air as the bull man exhaled and his ropey tail swished behind him.

"I have to say, you make a rather fine bull. Now then...let's get you dressed and ready for the evening rush. We need you standing guard against all those who would enter without permission" Arthur stated casually as Fred opened his eyes and looked down at the hoof tipped fingers he now possessed along with his new bovine body.

"This...this is what I have to be?" Fred stated, pausing in mid-sentence and remarking in how low his new voice sounded.

"Yes, you will now serve as one of the guardians for this fine establishment"



The bed creaked underneath his increased weight as Fred laid down after a long day at work. After he had been given the general tour and had received basic training about who to let in and what to look out for; he was mostly given odd jobs for the rest of the day that involved heavy lifting backstage.

Fred reached over and rubbed his arms, he had always taken care of himself, keeping a bit of muscle tone from the occasional work out and proper eating, but he had never been this big before. The other attachments where new as well, but after the initial shock of the transformation had worn off he began to grow curious of his new bigger body. The way his legs bent and how his hooves hit the floor felt just as natural to him as walking was before, but he could feel the underlying strength and power as well. He knew one stomp from these huge hooves could very well break a hole in the floor without really even trying. In fact, one of the major things he spent time on while he was being trained was how to walk with his new legs without cracking the marble...something which he really didn't want to have added to his already mountainous debt.

Looking down at himself, he regarded how his chest rose and fell with each deep breath he made, the vest he had been given from work barely hiding his massive frame to a point that he had been forced to unbutton the front of it to keep the buttons from flying off. Thankfully though the management didn't seem to mind, although given the fact that he was wearing a loincloth for most of the day probably was a big hint that clothing wasn't something they worried too much about here.

Reaching down to scratch an itch he felt, his large hands idly touched the sheath where his manhood was now stored. Although it may as well be considered his "bull hood" given his current state. The size alone, while it was soft, dwarfed his old cock and his balls were nearly the size of tennis balls. Feeling curious, he reached down and cupped his balls in his hands, feeling how round and full they felt and wondering if things this size would have ever been able to fit in his old hands.

Fred let out a soft grunt as he continued to explore his new anatomy, tracing his large fingers around his fuzzy sheathe and playing with the skin that kept it attached to his stomach. A warmth then began to stir up from inside of him as it began to radiate from his groin. The front of his loincloth began to tent slightly as his cock began to peak out from within its sheath and slowly began to grow. Moaning slightly he felt his cock begin to grow and lengthen underneath the thin fabric, he felt his body tense up slightly as the veins on his arms began to grow more pronounced and he let out a snort of pleasure as his hand slowly began to rub down the length of his shaft...


Suddenly torn from his thoughts, he pulled his hand away from his groin and grabbed a nearby pillow to cover his growing arousal as the floor shook with the sound of heavy hooves on the ground.

"Ahhh...that was some good stuff, I mean man I can't believe it's already been a month for you man. What are you going to do when you're off the hook tomorrow?" said one brown bull as he came into the room wearing nothing other than a loincloth around his waist.

"I was going to see if they wanted to keep me on..." stated a gruff voice as the large bull Fred had seen earlier with the scar underneath his eye came in.

"You know that they aren't hiring anymore here buddy...and frankly I wouldn't try to push your luck after what you did to get in here in the first place."

Fred's ears perked as he watched the other guard bull he had seen walk in, his sunglasses still on and wearing only a loincloth that seemed a size or two small on him.

"You would know that wouldn't you..." muttered the bull with the scar as he passed by Frank, looking down at him with a scowl before he let out a snort and moved to the bed on the other side of the room.

"Hey, you cheat and you pay, you knew that before even coming in." said the sunglass wearing bull as he passed by Fred before coming to a sudden stop.

Tipping his glasses up slightly, Fred saw the brown bulls striking blue eyes for the very first time.

"'re the new guy aren't you? The guy we let in through the door this morning?" he asked.

"Ye...yea..." Fred stated nervously, still clutching the pillow over his groin.

"Ah! Well then we were never introduced. Names Ben! Over there is Chuck but tomorrow is his last day."

Fred heard a loud snort from across the room and Ben rolled his eyes in response.

"Anyway...over there is Chris, he works security as well, but mostly he guards the daily take and does some odd jobs here and there."

The other bull from across the room waved in response before he started to fidget with the straps of his loincloth.

"Everyone else is on shift or taking a holiday right now. And you are?" Ben asked with a curious gaze before he lifted his sunglasses back up.

"I'm Fred...pleased to meet you." Fred stated nervously as he tried to lift himself sit up, all while covering his groin with his pillow.

Ben watched as the bull awkwardly tried to pull himself up and smiled softly.

"Still getting used to everything eh? Quite the difference isn't it?" said Ben as he offered his hand to Fred.

"You could say that yes..." Fred stated as he finally managed to sit up, wincing slightly as he accidentally sat on his own tail.

"Yeaaa...I remember when I first went bull. Gotta be careful where you step, how strong you grip stuff...its practically like learning how to walk again!" Said Ben with a chuckle before he stared down at Fred's crotch with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"In fact...I remember the first time I tried to jerk it as a bull."

The sudden comment caught Fred off guard and that was all the other bull needed. Quickly reaching down he swiped the pillow from Fred's grip, exposing the large tent he was sporting from his loincloth.

"Ohhhh! Looks like we got a big one here!" Ben said with a grin as Fred gasped and attempted to cover himself with his hands.

"Ahhhh! I'm sorry I'm sorry! I didn't mean to..." Fred stammered as he looked around for something else to cover himself with.

Fred's panic was then instantly stifled as the big bull put a large hand on his head.

"Relax, we are all guys here and we all get boners. This isn't middle school ya know. Besides...all of us went through it when we first started. Hell, it was a rare moment when you didn't find me spanking it when I first got the job."

Fred felt himself calming down slightly as the bull looked down at him with a soft smile.

"...Although it was always more fun when me and the guys helped each other out as well..."

....and then the panic set in again.

Fred looked down at his groin dejectedly as Ben let out a loud laugh which was joined by the other bull across the way who had already discarded his own loincloth and was casually lounging on his bed with a slight boner of his own.

"Hahahahaha!!! Sorry Sorry...couldn't resist. We get every new guy with that joke every time." Ben said between gasps of breath as he continued to laugh.

Fred looked up at Ben with an annoyed scowl as the larger bull backed away and began undoing his own loincloth straps.

"Ha..haha...whew....well anyway in all seriousness, you're going to get hard...a lot...these bull balls ramp up your sex drive quite a bit and until you get used to them you're going to be sporting wood quite a bit. The best way to get used to it though is to accept it, have a good jerk off, and get some sleep." Said Ben just as he undid the final fastenings of his loincloth, causing it to the fall to the ground. Fred flinched slightly as he saw that underneath the cloth the bull was sporting his own wood as well through a bulging jockstrap.

"But sometimes a little help is good now and then." Ben stated as he slipped off his jockstrap and his full bull hood bounced free.

Fred found himself at a loss for words as he stared at Ben's large member. It had to be at least over a foot long and his balls were absolutely massive. A strange craving then began to well up inside of Fred...feelings he had never had before or even thought about began to surface and his cock began to leak in response.

"See something you like newbie?" said Ben with a smirk.

Fred suddenly shook his head and blinked his eyes several times.

"Wa? No! No! I'm not into that! I've got a girlfriend and everything!" Fred stammered as he covered up his groin again.

Ben chuckled again as he turned around and swished his long ropey tail as he walked to his bed next to Chris who had already begun to slowly stroke his own erect cock.

"Hey, we aren't gonna judge you on what you were on the outside. But if that's what you want then that's alright too. Although just as one more's pretty damn hard to go to bed when you're sporting this." Ben stated as he pointed down at his own erect cock before he sat down on his own bed.

"But I'll let you figure that out for your own...nighty night" said Ben with a mischievous grin as he reached over and pressed a button next to his bed which turned off all the lights at once and left the room in complete darkness.

Fred stared out into the darkness, eyes wide and looking around the room. There was very little light except for the alarm clocks on the bedside tables and the dim light coming from the door that lead out into the hall. The sound of snorting, grunting and moaning soon filled the room and Fred could already begin to smell the heavy musk emanating from the other bulls.

But he was straight, he had never even considered being with another guy before. He had even had a girlfriend who he was coming up onto their six month anniversary with.

However...the smell...and the thought of all those bulls in their beds just lying there exposed to the world as they pleasured themselves was some sort of strange turn on that stirred up something primal from within him.

Shaking his head and trying to find some way of distracting himself from all these thoughts, he reached down into the small satchel he had attached to his own loin cloth he had been given as part of his uniform and undid the fastenings to pull out his Bio Card. He regarded the advanced piece of hardware curiously, looking at the display showing a partially filled outline of a large bull on the very front of the card. A few number displays showing things like his current debt balance and his daily food allowance where on the card as well, along with a few buttons on the display with the symbols for the Tower Resort and the Atlantis Casino. He pressed the one for the Atlantis Casino out of curiosity and then the screen suddenly cleared before a screen listing off his personal details where shown.

"It's like some kind of smart phone..." he muttered to himself as he placed the card back into his bag and tied the strings shut.


"Oh yea...."


The sounds in the room were only growing louder as time went on and the smell was growing even stronger. He could even hear the other bull Chuck had even joined in with the others. There was an occasional moan echoed through the room, followed by a few soft words that Fred could barely hear.

Sighing as he folded his arms across his chest, he stared up at the ceiling of the group employee housing into the darkness, trying to keep his mind off what all the other bulls where doing as he thought about what he needed to do.

All day he had been wondering just how long it would take for him to pay off his debt. There was an opportunity to call his work and family to let them know he might be a few days late before he left, but he didn't want them to worry or risk loosening his job. Instead He took the time limit as a sort of challenge, hopefully powering through all of this madness before he needed to leave and putting this entire mess behind him.

Sighing slightly he rolled over onto his side, feeling his own cock begin to rub again in its confined prison as the moans from the others grew louder and more frantic. Fred tried to tune them out as best as he could, but it was beginning to become overwhelming. He was trying to think about anything other than sex, but even after thinking of every boring avenue he could imagine the feeling of his hard, throbbing cock was beginning to overwhelm any of his other thoughts.

Shifting onto his back again, he heard one of the bulls let out a guttural moan that sounded almost like a moo which was followed by some heavy gasps for breath. Another gasping moan followed soon after followed by what sounded like some wet sucking noises...Fred could only begin to imagine what the bulls were doing at this point and soon it became apparent he couldn't ignore it for much longer.

He felt a wet trickle leak down his cock and he reached down to rub at the source. From what he could feel he was leaking precum like a faucet and at the rate it was going it would soon soak into his fur. Realizing there wasn't much else for him to do, Fred let out a sigh of defeat as he clumsily undid his own loincloths fastenings and slipped it down his legs.

The bed creaked slightly as he stretched out and made himself more comfortable as he took his large cock into his hands.

"This thing better not break..." he muttered to himself as he began to slowly rub his hand up and down his shaft.


After a few days guarding the front entrance, he and Ben were rotated to working inside the club as part of the inner security. Fred found that he had quite the knack for catching peoples tells, he had personally caught about fifteen other people trying to cheat, one of them even going so far as trying to bribe the two bulls with a blowjob if they let him go free. Fred was phased slightly by the comment, but Ben only laughed and told him how "you could never take me" before hauling him off to the holding cell.

After each day though, Fred found out that most of the employees liked to visit the bar on the higher level of the club that had an area specially made for the employees. It was supposed to even have a pool and hot tubs for everyone to relax in at the end of the day. Ben had been particularly persistent in asking Fred to go and have a drink with him, but given his previous experience with alcohol at the resort he always turned him down. However though one day after they had both played a part in stopping what could have been a major heist that involved a strange looking raccoon hybrid with a hook tipped cane he finally caved and accepted Ben's offer...although he couldn't be more nervous.

"Nothing's going to happen...nothing's going to happen..." repeated Fred as he fidgeted with his vest, his hooves clopping on the ground below and his tail swishing behind him wildly, betraying his nervousness.

Now off shift, he found himself again falling into baser instincts. Thankfully he had decided to take Ben's advice and get a jockstrap. But he still felt as If he was walking with the biggest tent in the world in front of him and he would just be one drink away from him bending over and begging Ben to fuck him on the bar counter.

Fred shook the head from his thought and gasped. He had never had any homosexual thoughts before he had been changed, but he had begun to notice how he had begun to notice the physiques of his they bludged through their vest and how thick and veiny their arms where...

"GAHHH!!!!!" Fred shouted, gripping onto his horns and letting out a bellowing cry.


"First Floor" came a voice from over the intercom.

"It's just one more week...just one more week..." Fred repeated to himself as he stepped into the elevator and pressed the button for the 7th floor.

"I'm just going to have a go to bed...that's all that I'm going to do and that's all that's going to happen." Fred said to himself, taking a deep breath and mustering all his courage and the primal force of the bull within him just as the door opened to reveal the glowing pillar of magma looming directly in front of him.

The upper portions of the hotel appeared to have more open aired levels, some set off as suites for the higher paying customers and others for banquets and celebrations. This floor however had been converted into a large open bar, where most of the workers were dressed in roman togas polishing glasses behind a stone bar where a wall of alcohol stood.

Some guests where milling about in the area, dressed in swimsuits and relaxed gear as some walked about near the pool that was set not too far away from the bar. A stone door could also be seen where the sounds of laughter could be heard and a heavy mist of steam seemed to be rising from behind. Fred glanced around the area for a moment, trying to see if Ben was somewhere nearby before he shrugged and went towards the door. A sign "Employees Only" hung over the door and as he reached to turn the knob, a strange blue light from above the door shined upon him, scanning his entire frame. Fred could feel a strange warmth coming from the bag he had tied from the side of his loincloth and as he glanced down he could see the yellow glow of his Bio-Card from within.

A confirming beep was heard, and the click of the lock was heard. Fred nodded slightly as he pulled the door open and stepped inside to see a very strange sight.

The entire area was thick with a layer of steam, numerous baths shaped like massive hot tubs were cut into the stone where they were constantly being filled by flowing water from nearby stone fountains. Fred swore he could see a bar from the far end of the pools to the one he had seen before, but a small crowd of hybrids where gathered around it.

"Hey! Fred over here!" someone shouted from a nearby pool.

Fred glanced over and saw Ben sitting in one of the largest tubs, flanked by Chris and another large bull he had never met before. Even Arthur was sitting at the very end, with only his upper body exposed and his chest bare and absent of glasses, smiling with his eyes closed and looking very relaxed.

Fred waved back and walked up to the pool, passing a few other people he had met recently and saying hello to them as well before he reached the big pool.

"Glad you could make it man, but what's with the uniform? You know what they say man, when in Rome!" said Ben as he confidently got up from the baths and struck a masculine pose, revealing that he was stark naked, his bovine cock already sticking out slightly from its sheathe.

Fred flinched slightly at the sight and his tail twitched behind him, a sight which Ben noticed and chuckled at the sight.

"I thought we were just going for a drink..." Fred asked shyly.

"In a bit, but come on in! The water's great and I bet you need to unwind after a long day!" said Ben happily as he slowly lowered himself back into the baths and let out a satisfied grunt.

Fred looked around in the area, trying to find some sort of changing area, but he found that most pools had piles of clothing surrounding them. Sighing slightly and swallowing nervously, Fred pulled off his tightly fitting vest and let out a relieved sigh. The other bulls and a few other people in the nearby pools let out whoops of encouragement as he fiddled with the straps of his loincloth, causing the bull to blush underneath his pelt.

After pulling off the straps of his jockstrap, he placed his clothes on top of each other before sliding them aside. Standing there in all his naked glory, Fred felt strangely inadequate even though he was one of the biggest guys there. Ben however didn't seem to mind as he licked his lips slightly and lightly splashed the water over the seat right next to him.

Fred shivered slightly, feeling his hormones begin to take over again as he slowly lowered himself into the pool, flinching at the initial touch of hot water before he fully lowered himself in.

As he sat down, Fred felt a strange feeling of relaxation washing over him that stifled his growing arousal. The water had some sort of strange massaging effect that seemed to wash his worry's away.

"Nice isn't it? Some sort of crazy Nexcorp technology makes the water the way it does. But it also adjusts as well so you don't end up boiling yourself like a potato when you sit in it for too long." Said Ben with a smile as he gave Fred a pat on the shoulder.

"It's definitely really nice..." stated Fred with a sigh as he leaned back against the wall of the tub, letting his legs float upwards slightly as he watched the foaming bubbles of the jets surround his body.

"You could always enjoy this if you take on a more permanent position..." suddenly stated Arthur, his eyes still closed but smiling a soft grin.

Fred grunted slightly and looked over towards the centaur.

"No thanks...I'm just going to get my work done and get out. I've got a life outside this place that doesn't require me to be a bull." Stated Fred gruffly as he went back to relaxing.

"Aww...but don't tell me you don't like it? I saw you when you first came in and you were practically a pipsqueak compared to what you are now!" responded Ben as he reached over and gripped onto Fred's arm.

"I mean look at these! Bet you could break rocks with these arms!" He continued before reaching down and groping Fred's chest.

"And check out these pecs! That's some solid muscle right there."

Fred squirmed slightly underneath Ben's touch as he reached down and gave him a pat on the stomach, stating what a solid and strong core he had and how most guys would kill to have abs like him. Fred however didn't pay much attention to whatever Ben was saying as he rubbed and groped different parts of his body until he suddenly felt Bens hand grip onto his semi-hard bull hood.

"...and I bet this is much bigger than it was before..." whispered Ben as he gave the shaft a playful grope.

Fred flinched and pushed Ben away, trying to make it look as playful as possible without hurting the big bull. Ben laughed in response and a few of the other bulls chuckled as well

"Heh...yea yea I suppose it's got its perks, but I've got a good job, a girlfriend and a car. I just can't give up that kind of life to work security in some casino!" stated Fred nervously, trying to hide the fact that he had enjoyed all of the attention.

Arthur scoffed from across the pool and he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Just some casino? Really! We are one of the big three...the BIG THREE! That's something you can really put on a resume!" he stated in an overly exaggerated tone.

Fred recoiled slightly from the remark and his ears drooped slightly.

"Err...I'm sorry...I mean this place is great and all, but it's just not for me in the long run."

Arthur smiled softly before taking a step forward.

"I'm honestly surprised; You know how much you're getting paid for just two weeks of security right? How long did it take you at your old job just to save up the money and time just for the one week you planned on spending here?"


The gears inside Fred's head where beginning to spin at that last comment. He had spent over two years saving for this holiday. Two years of overtime, long hours, monotonous work and in-efficient co-workers just for a one week stay at a moderate hotel and about five hundred dollars in spending money.

"Two years...but I dunno...still..." stammered Fred.

"You tacked on at least 10k in damages when you came here as well, also from what I found out from management, that was nearly five times as much as you originally spent for this whole holiday." Continued Arthur as he reached towards the rim of the pool and began to pull himself up, revealing that he was actually a human from the waist down and just as naked as the other bulls...although he looked much more well-endowed than most men.

Fred found himself at a loss for words as he watched Arthur get out of the pool and he took in everything he said. Essentially he right, this job paid him nearly three times as much as his old job, for what felt like half the effort. Here he found he was challenging himself, looking for tells and new techniques for how people would sneak in or how they would try to cheat the system. His mind had never been as sharp as it had been when he was sitting at a desk, looking at a computer screen inside a small cubicle in an office building. Sure the transformation and his strange changing preferences where always a bit of an offset...but still.

"I'm sorry if I'm coming off as pushy, but I'm not one to let someone miss out on an opportunity when it's staring them in the face. I've seen your work sense you have gotten here and you have more than proven your loyalty to this place by stopping that break in. My boss even speaks highly of you and with a permanent position you could really move up in the ranks around here. Just keep that in mind." Arthur stated as he reached over and grabbed a nearby towel and began drying himself off.

"Change is good sometimes, even if it's something we never expected." He finished, reaching over to a nearby table and putting on his glasses and picking up his vest. Fred and the bulls then watched as their boss reached into the pocket of his vest and pulled out a green Bio-Card. Arthur seemed to press a few buttons on the interface before a loud confirming "beep" could be heard even over the chatter of the crowd.

Arthur then suddenly began rubbing his lower abdominals as two large lumps suddenly began to form, yet he seemed strangely unphased by their sudden appearance. Soon those lumps lengthen out further and further, growing with bone and sinew as they became fully fledged legs. The two protrusions then set themselves on the ground and a slight popping noise suddenly began to come from Arthur. What now where his rear legs, began to stretch backwards, lengthening his body and adding more mass onto the man as his caramel colored pelt began to re-grow.

As more and more mass was added onto the budding centaur, Arthur let out a soft gasp of pleasure as his body tightened up and his feet began to merge together into solid hooves. His once human cock that was placed between his rear legs began to lengthen and grow as a leathery sheathe surrounded his cock as it became more and more equine. Finally with one final sigh his tail erupted from his backside and began to swish around wildly as Arthur lifted up a hoof and stomped it onto the floor before he began to walk away, his body still very exposed and his large equine cock swinging slightly out of its sheathe.

Fred's mouth was left agape after what he had seen and what he had heard. But after a few moments, Ben gave him a pat on the back and snapped him out of his stupor.

"Well now...Arthur sure does like his deep moments..." Ben stated next to him before leaning back on the wall.

"H...How did he just do that? I mean he was a human a second ago...and now a centaur again? I mean" Stammered Fred.

Ben laughed loudly which sent the other bulls laughing along with him.

"What, you expect to see that horse's ass fit in a tub this size? He's just changed back to his regular self for a bit so he could relax with us that's all." Ben stated calmly and with a smile.

"Wait...Does that mean I could have changed back whenever I was not on the clock? Why didn't anyone tell me that?" Fred exclaimed, feeling as if he had been left out of a major detail.

"Ehhhh...well ya see that's the thing." Ben stated as he reached up and scratched behind one of his ears.

"Come shift time, the cards will change you into whatever your supposed to be that day. The company had a lot of people who claimed they had property damage when their clothes ripped off them. So only people who have been here a while can change back and forth if they want to or need to. Sometimes I've even heard story's that some of the higher up's can even change themselves into whatever they want, or even change anyone who has a Bio Card." Ben explained

"But anyway, that's enough talk about work! Hey, I said I would buy you that drink now didn't I?" Ben said with a grin as he began to pull himself out of the pool, his pelt soaked and his tail hanging limply behind him.

Fred nodded and got up as well, briefly forgetting that he was completely naked for a moment before he shyly covered himself up with his hands.

" know your cute when you do that." Said Ben with a smile

Fred chuckled nervously and reached over to a nearby towel and wrapped it around his waist. Ben however held no such modesty and walked up to the bar, exposed to the world and with a spring in his step.


Fred was beginning to feel somewhat emasculated after watching Ben come up to the bar, naked as can be and order like there was nothing wrong with his lack of clothing. He had even winked at a couple of people as he passed by and posed for a group of some of the dancers who were relaxing in one of the larger pools, much to their enjoyment. Finally though as they made it back to the pool, Fred began to notice that the area seemed to be thinning out and a lot of the workers were beginning to leave, save for a few small groups scattered across the area. The other bulls that were in the tub were surprisingly missing as well, leaving the tub vacant except for the two of them.

"Ahhhh...yea...these things do wonders..." moaned Ben as he lowered himself back into the tub with his drink in his hand.

Fred nodded as he took his beer and went back into the pool as well, letting out a soft moan as he felt the familiar tingle of the water begin to wash over his skin.

"Plus these glasses somehow keep our drinks cold no matter what...those Nexcorp guys think of everything!" said Ben with a chuckle as he took a sip of his drink before he set it right outside of the pool.

"Really?" Fred asked curiously as he looked over at Ben's glass, which didn't seem different than any other cup he had seen before.

"You're a seven foot tall bull man and you're questioning a cup?" said Ben with a smirk as he began to slowly move closer to Fred.

"Point taken..." said Fred as he took a sip of his own beer. He had never been one for beer in general but Ben had recommended it to him. Supposedly it was actually made on another NexStay resort and it had a nice nutty taste to it that wasn't overpowered by the taste of alcohol.

The two of them then spent the rest of their time in the spa talking with each other and enjoying the occasional drink. Ben eventually brought up the subject of how he had gotten this job and how he had apparently been a down on his luck bum before he was able to turn his life around through steady work at the resort. He had also been part of the company for quite some time, allowing him to work at nearly every NexStay resort and do quite a bit of traveling in-between. Fred even more inadequate in comparison while Ben told him stories of far off country's and different places he had visited...along with some of the more "local" cuisine he had sampled. Soon the subject started to get a little more "hot" as Ben started sharing a few story's about some of the people he had spent some time with in the past. It wasn't very long after Ben had told him a particularly interesting story about a Fennec Fox he had met in England when the bar shut down and the water from the pools stopped flowing. Ben groaned loudly at the sudden interruption but they had both decided that they had had enough anyway. Stepping out, Ben reached for his towel, showing no shame in his rather prominent erection, which was probably caused by all of the reminiscing about previous lovers. However Fred found himself in a similar situation with his own bull hood as he sat in the water and watched Ben dry himself off.

"You getting out anytime soon buddy? Or do you need help getting rid of that little problem of yours?" Ben stated with a smirk as he continued to dry himself, his erection bobbing slightly with every movement.

Fred flinched...but he decided there was no real escaping it. Slowly pulling himself out from the water, he let out a sigh as his own erection bobbed in front of him.

"My my...I thought you were big but damn...that's what it looks like when it's ready for business." Said Ben with a smirk.

Fred blushed under his fur as he grabbed his towel and began to dry himself off while Ben eyed him hungrily. Drying himself only took a few moments, but he suddenly found himself with a rather "big" problem. With his cock fully hard, he couldn't seem to wrap his loin cloth around his waist without it tenting obscenely. His jockstrap was of little help as well and only forced his cock upwards onto his stomach.

"Gah...shit..." muttered Fred as he fumbled with the straps of his loincloth and adjusted his package through the jockstrap, which only served to arouse him further.

"Need some help there?" asked Ben, fully dressed although with a rather large tent in front of his loincloth.

"It's just too big...I can't seem to get it to fit right..." stammered Fred as he continued to struggle.

"Here...let me help." Stated Ben as he began approaching.

However Fred quickly backed away at that sudden remark, raising his hands up in defense which allowed for his loin cloth to fall to the ground.

"Woah woah woah! I don't need that kind of help!" stammered Fred.

Ben only sighed as he brushed Fred's hands aside as he reached down and undid his own loincloth. Fred felt slightly confused as Ben reached down and grabbed his cloth and he began tying them both together.

"I may be a bit of a perv, but I won't do anything you don't want. Here, this should work a bit better until we get back to the room and you can "take care" of that". Ben said with a smirk as he stood back, standing there in all his naked glory.

"But what about you? Do you want me to go and grab you one and come back?" asked Fred as he began tying the straps around his waist, finding it much easier to cover his large junk.

Fred only waved his hand and smiled.

"Nah it's alright, you can get away with walking around in the buff around here at this hour. I'll be fine." Said Ben with a smile as he began to walk towards the door, with a slight swing in his hips that displayed his firm, muscular rump perfectly.

Fred once again found himself at a loss...he felt as though he should just go, head back to his room, get some sleep, and work out the rest of his debt before he went back to his old life.

His old life...

Where he had a crappy job, a used car that barely ran, and a girlfriend that he had been fighting with for the past month.

But he had a chance for a fresh start, a new perspective and some new chances to better himself.

Fred then undid the straps on his loincloth, letting them drop to the floor as he pulled off his jockstrap. Ben watched the whole display with a bit of confusion as Fred picked up his stuff and began walking towards him.

"I think I'll join you..." he said with a smile


As the two bulls began to make their way back to the employee rooms, they began to get a bit more..."adventurous". Down the hall Ben had snuck in a few grabs onto Fred's ass, and Fred found himself constantly rubbing against Ben's arms and shoulders. It was then when they both went into the elevator and pressed the button that their hormones finally exploded.

Fred leaped over, grabbed Ben, and pulled him into a kiss. The larger bull was surprised for a brief moment, but soon melted into the embrace as the two of them passionately made out in the elevator. As the number dialed down, the bulls began humping and grinding into one another, the air filling with their musk as their two large cocks began actively drooling precum onto the floor.


" Fourth Floor, Employee Rooms " came the voice from over the intercom.

The door then slowly opened, the two bulls locked in the throes of passion when suddenly a cough pulled them out of it.

"Ahem...this is your stop isn't it?" said a small otter, dressed in a bright green speedo.

The two bulls broke from their kiss and stared dumbly at the otter for a brief moment before they shuffled out of the door in embarrassment as the otter watched with a smile on his face.

"You two have fun now!" said the otter as he groped his package through his speedo as the elevator door closed.

The two bulls then quickly made their way to their rooms, each of them eying each other with lusty stares. As they entered the room however, they found Chris laying on his bed, already hard at work with his own cock. As he watched the two come in through his expression instantly brightened.

"Oh ho! Looks like It won't be just me tonight after all..." said Chris as he continued to play with himself.

Fred felt his confidence waver briefly, but that was soon stifled as Ben pulled him in for another kiss as he pulled the two of them onto his bed. Fred could feel his cock throbbing angrily as it was sandwiched alongside Ben's and he suddenly found his desire for privacy being stifled by his need to get off.

As Ben broke from the kiss, he reached down and began tweaking Fred's nipples, which excited a soft moan that ended with a moo as shivers began shooting down his spine. Using his free hand, Ben reached back and began groping Fred's firm rump in his hands, feeling the muscular slab of beef twitch in his grasp. Fred was overcome by the sudden sensation of having someone touch him in his new form and he began to realize just how sensitive to touch he was. That point was further proven when Ben pulled him up slightly and he began playfully sucking and teasing his nipples, sending a whole new wave of pleasure down his spine.

Fred's cock was now laying right in-between Ben's pectorals, and with all the stimulation the other bull was giving him, he found himself lightly humping the larger bulls chest. Ben appeared to enjoy the feeling as well, as Fred began to feel the other bulls large cock begin to prod at his asshole.

"Oh need you to put it in me..." Fred moaned before he suddenly regained his senses. But the damage was done, and Ben quickly lifted the smaller bull up and placed him on his bed.

"Wa...wait! I'm not ready! I'm not!"

But then Fred was suddenly silenced as Ben slipped a finger into his muzzle, lubricating it slightly before he began to rub it along the edge of his ass.

Fred let out another loud, bellowing moan as his cock throbbed and let loose another spurt of precum into the sheets.

"I won't do this if you don't want me to..." Ben stated softly into Fred's ears as he continued to rub his finger slowly along the rim of his ass.

Fred moaned again, squirming against the sheets as he writhed in sexual pleasure.

"Ju...Just do it...before I change my mind." Fred finally choked out before he let out a satisfied "moo"

Ben smiled as he spat into his hand and rubbed it along the length of his cock. The other bull had been leaking rather profusely as well and he didn't need much lubricant before he was ready. Slowly positioning himself, he poked his cock right at the rim of Fred's ass. Fred quivered underneath him, but Ben began whispering soothing words into his ears as he slowly began to push himself in.

Fred let out a gasp as he was initially penetrated. The feeling was so foreign to him, yet at the same time he could feel an insurmountable amount of warmth emanating from within. As Ben pushed himself deeper and deeper, that warmth only grew as he felt the throbbing, thick contours of the other bulls cock fill him. Finally, just as Ben had gotten only half of his meat into the other bull, Fred felt Ben's cock poke against something that sent a wave of pleasure down his spine, nearly making him loose it right there.

"Ah...and there's the sweet spot..." whispered Ben as he slowly began to pull out.

Fred moaned as he felt the same feeling of all of Ben's thick throbbing flesh as he began to pull himself out. Strangely enough he began to miss the slightly feeling of fullness, but that was soon changed as the larger bull pushed himself back in, poking Fred's prostate once again and exciting a moan out of the smaller bull.

"Ohh fuck me..." muttered Fred through the throes of ecstasy.

"With pleasure..." replied Ben as he began to pull himself out once again.

Ben began to build up a steady rhythm after that, each thrust starting out slow, sending shivers down the smaller bulls spine before it ended in a shock of pleasure. But soon Ben began to speed up, his thrusts becoming more powerful and filling. After some time, Ben flipped Fred over into a missionary position and he gripped onto Fred's massive cock and began jerking him off while he fucked the other bull. Not wanting to leave him out of the fun, Fred reached up and began playing with Ben's nipples, exciting a moan out of the larger bull as he began thrusting harder and harder into Fred.

From the corner of his eye, as he was being filled by Ben, he could see Chris furiously jacking off as he watched the two of him. Fred strangely felt turned on by the fact that someone was watching and he gave the other bull a sly wink before he turned his attention back to Ben. The large bull was beginning to really build up in speed, his arms full and pumped and the veins on his neck sticking out. His pectorals were looking particularly plump as well and Fred snuck in a full handed grope, exciting a moan out of Ben as he began to thrust even harder.

"Oh man...I'm getting close..." stated Ben with a hint of desperation in his voice.

Fred could feel Ben's cock throbbing angrily inside him. The heat was building and he could feel his own end approaching as well. Acting purely off instinct, he clenched his anal muscles slightly, sending a shiver down the larger bulls spine.

"Ohhhhhh cumming...I'm cum...nnghhhgoooo!!!" Bellowed Ben as his cock throbbed inside of Fred.

Fred then felt the warm wave of the other bulls seed began to fill him and that sent him over the edge as well. His massive cock flexed as it sent out wave after wave of pent up seed all over his chest, coating him in a thick layer of his own cum as Ben continued to fill him.

Finally, after some time the two bulls had finished. Basking in the afterglow Fred thought at some point during the sounds of their fucking and grunting, Fred could have sworn he heard the other bull bellow as well. Smirking at the thought of giving someone else a show, he reached up and grabbed Ben and pulled him in for a hug, coating him in a layer of his own cum and giving him a deep, tongue diving kiss.

Ben returned the favor as he returned the kiss as well, although his strength began to waver as he struggled to keep his eyes open. Smiling softly at watching such a big bull pass out so easily, Fred reluctantly pulled himself from Ben's cock and got up to clean himself up. By the time he had gotten back Ben was already out, his cock still coated in cum and slipping back into his sheathe while his chest was matted with Fred's cum. Fred smiled as he grabbed a blanket from an empty bed and began to drape it over the large bull. But just before he could walk away, he felt a hand grip onto his tail, pulling him back as two large hands wrapped around his torso and pulled him into bed. Ben let out a loud, almost possessive snort as he smiled and wrapped his arms around Fred. Fred squirmed and tried to get himself free, but after a while he found himself enjoying the other bulls warmth and began drifting off to sleep as well.


"Well now, it seems that you have paid your account in full. Rather diligently might I add. Have you considered our offer?"

Mr Z sat behind his large desk, idly spinning a pencil in his hand as he looked over the now human Fred.

"Yes sir, and I have decided to accept. Thank you very much for this opportunity." Fred stated calmly and professionally.

Mr Z grinned as he placed his pencil down and pressed a button on his desk, the strange man then began to appear to type away at what appeared to be an invisible keyboard before he reached up and appeared to be grabbing something. With a flick of his wrist, a holographic display suddenly appeared and floated towards Fred and a small pen suddenly emerged from a compartment in front of Fred.

"You get the basic employment package, two weeks holiday to start with, medical, dental, and health care. We also need you to sign this form giving us permission to use any footage and likeness of you while you are on NexStay property." Mr Z explained calmly.

"Wait, so you're going to be filming me?" Fred asked hesitantly.

Mr Z smiled and raised his hand dismissively.

"Oh don't worry, it won't be all the time...just for training and security purposes...and for whenever you partake in more "interesting" activity's." Mr Z stated with a grin.

" did you...?"

"Hey, this resort business is all well and good, but you would be surprised how lucrative the porn industry is! Copies of "Bull Bouncers" are practically flying off the shelves!" Mr Z said dramatically as he picked his pencil back up and began to twirl it in his hand.

"So, do we have a deal?"

Fred sighed softly before he reached up and signed the holographic display.

"It's not like its anything I haven't done before." Said Fred with a slight smirk.

Mr Z chuckled slightly as the display hovered back towards him before it spun around and disappeared.

"Oh don't worry, we will let you know if we are ever filming or not. We may be evil, but we have some decency." He said with a smile as he pressed another button on his desk.

"Now then if you will excuse me, I have a call that I need to make. My assistant will set you up with your new Bio Card and Arthur will begin training you in your new position. Oh, and welcome aboard!" said Mr Z with a smile as he waved Fred out the door.

Fred smiled as he got up, and thanked the man before exiting. Letting out a relieved sigh Mr Z turned around and looked out the window of his office that faced towards the massive pillar of magma in the city of Gomorrah before the entire window was blacked out and a shadowy figure suddenly appeared.

"Sorry it's been so long before I've given you an update on this place. I didn't think our little group projects would have distracted me so much."

The figure chuckled slightly as it came into the light, a black wolf dressed in business attire suddenly came into view while smiling a toothy grin.

"I'm sure you have quite the story to tell though." The Director said.

"Boy do I..." said Mr Z with a smile.

Several Weeks Later

Today was Saturday, and during his morning briefing he had been warned by the other guards and by Arthur himself that the crowds usually got a lot craftier on weekends. Their words proved true when not even two minutes onto his shift and he had already had to throw out a puma who tried to sneak in his own deck of cards and a horse who had some advanced odds predictor hidden in his "lucky horseshoe".

"Man...just started and two of these yahoos try to fleece the place." Ben stated with a slight groan as he adjusted his glasses before keeping a watch on a nearby roulette table.

"It never really changes though does it?" Asked Fred, who adjusted his vest slightly although to him it only seemed to hug his massive frame even tighter.

Ben nodded before he gestured Fred to follow him to the table he had been watching.

"I suppose I shouldn't be surprised after working here for so long. I mean you name it, I've seen it." Stated Ben as he approached a roulette table where a rabbit hybrid seemed to be raking in quite a bit of money.

The rabbit was laughing loudly as he pulled in a pile of chips after his most recent bet, the other surrounding patrons staring daggers at him and scowling as he gloated. As the two bouncers approached however, their dual horned shadows were cast over the table where the rabbit sat. The area around them suddenly grew quiet and the small hybrid flinched slightly and began to shiver in his seat.

" there anything I can do to help you gentlemen?" stated the rabbit as he slowly began to turn around with a nervous grin showing off his square buck teeth.

"You seem to be rather lucky tonight sir." Stated Ben calmly and professionally as he scanned the rabbit up and down.

"G...guess it's my night then eh?" he stated.

The two bulls just stared down at him looking unconvinced.

The rabbit shivered slightly and there was an obvious twitching of his big feet.

"Look, how about you two just take one of these here and buy yourself a nice drink...on me?" said the rabbit as he reached down and grabbed one of the largest chips he had on the table.

Fred flinched slightly when he suddenly saw a flash of metal on the rabbits wrist as he lifted his arm up. He then quickly seized the rabbits arm and pulled back the sleeve of his long sleeved shirt, much to his dismay.

On the rabbits wrist looked like a simple watch, but the display was lit up with a flurry of changing and shifting numbers along with a small control dial and a small antenna poking out from the corner.

"Remote controlled..." Fred muttered as he reached across the table, making everyone sitting at the table gasp as he snatched the ball from the roulette spinner and placed it between his fingers. Adding only the slightest bit of pressure, the ball was crushed in his grasp, a small spark erupting from the ball followed by a small puff of smoke.

"Crafty...I'll remember to tell Arthur to add radio jammers to each table." Stated Ben as he seized the rabbits other arm, who was frantically spouting excuses and pleas for mercy as the hybrid running the table let out a huff as they pulled back all of the rabbits ill-gotten chips.

The two of them lead the shouting rabbit to a nearby doorway where a small cell stood holding a few other attempted cheaters. Fred quickly opened the cell and Ben followed suit by throwing the rabbit inside on top of the other cheaters.

"You're all going to pay for what you have done..." said Ben menacingly as he slammed the gate shut and locked the door.

Fred responded with a heavy grunt that sent those still standing cowering back in fear before the two bulls exited from the holding cell.

"Now that that's over, care to join me for a drink after this shift?" asked Ben with a much friendlier tone than he had given to the prisoners.

Fred flinched as he looked at Ben, the large bull pulling down his sunglasses slightly and eying Fred with his bright blue eyes.

"You're not going to take advantage of me like last time are you?" said Fred with a hint of hesitation as he tried to hide his blushing and the whipping of his tail from his partner.

Ben laughed and quickly came up to Fred and gave him a hearty pat on the back.

"I'll keep an eye out for you don't worry." said Ben with a smile before he leaned in and whispered something into his ear.

"We might be able to have some fun afterwards as well..." he said softly before pulling back and smiling at Fred.